. Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Eight - A new master takes control


Looking back on our marriage there is no doubt in my mind that we have been 'living the life' and loving every minute. Jacqui (or is it Heidi?) has indulged herself in every suggestion that has been made that involves her being fucked and used in the best ways possible and she has done it with my encouragement. Ever since the diagnosis of her being 'afflicted' with erotica extremis and our decision not to have any treatment that would relieve her of the condition it has been a roller-coaster ride of gaining one sexual satisfaction after another. Once it was confirmed that she was unable to have children then it seemed that all bets were off and with the impossibility of her being impregnated there was no need to take precautions beyond ensuring that the guy who would be riding her bareback was clean and healthy. A tough call but we took our chances!

As our sex side of life progressed so did the other aspects of living take an agreeable boost. Jacqui who had started our married life as a trainee teacher had made a career change and was now a business consultant and dealt with many clients remotely from her home-based consultancy. The flexibility of this arrangement gave her the freedom to indulge in satisfying her non-business requirements.

For myself, a Navy veteran, an ex-Seabee, I was now employed under the grand title of Environmental Engineer and dealing with issues such as water reclamation facilities; air pollution control systems; operations that convert waste to energy, that kind of stuff and in these life and times found myself much in demand.

Both our career paths gave us much satisfaction and a fair income but increasingly mine would take me away from home to deal with projects across the country (and occasionally around the world), circumstances which would often result in Jacqui being left home-alone. Being tough people, we dealt with the state of affairs very well and indeed we incorporated the situation into our way of life.

Along the way we had become much involved with a bunch of friends who met under the guise of being members of a group called the 'Erotic Society of America'. The group was led by a larger than life character, Martin, a professional photographer who drew us into ESOA after he had 'employed' Jacqui as a model. He claimed after her first photo session that Jacqui was henceforth to be regarded as his favourite model and whilst he didn't outwardly favour her with special privileges it was her availability and willingness to submit his suggestions that ensured we were always invited to the ESOA meetings where all manner of fun was to be had. The get-togethers would be either a simple drinks party; a meal at a restaurant or sometimes there would be a more elaborate party organised which had a 'theme' which we all had to contribute as players in one way or another. Martin had a great imagination and our new group of friends who, unlike us, hailed from the world of fashion and the arts were all eager participants and as time went by and our exposure to these folks became more frequent we soon became of an equal frame of mind.

A particularly successful episode occurred when Jacqui after having expressed an 'interest' to Martin and our new 'best friends', MG and Deke, had submitted to the invitation to become a sex-slave or, as we liked to recognise it, a 'slave to sex'. (I have already related this in detail so will not repeat myself here). As ever with Martin a scenario was set up whereby Jacqui, now in total 'Heidi-mode', was auctioned off as a slave and the winning bidder took her away for a weekend to be used along with a group of friends as they saw fit. The 'fit' meant that for two days she was fucked, sucked and filled with cum from black guys who we had never previously met and that she was not allowed to make any protest at their demands. She returned to me (who had been told to go home after the auction and wait for her) totally sated and satisfied.

She was still in love with me but, more importantly, it had given us a taste and we were looking for more.

We didn't have to wait long before a set of circumstances came together that set us off on a course to a whole new lifestyle, one which I am still living today.

As part of her 'research' of becoming a 'slave to sex' Jacqui had been told by MG and Deke about an acquaintance, 'Master Robert', who lived in New Orleans had a reputation for taking normal women and developing them into being submissive to his demands. Their conversation ended when Jacqui asked if an introduction could be arranged to this fellow as she really wanted to find out more about the whole subject. MG wasn't fooled, she knew that Jacqui's interest was more than just academic and a couple of days later she sent a contact number. Jacqui made the call and introduced herself to Master Robert.

The call didn't go well when Robert dashed her hopes when he said that he usually dealt with women who were far younger than she was given that they were easier to 'train' but then something must have changed his mind (possibly reports of her weekend of the auction had got back to him) for a few days later he called her back and said that that he was willing to take her as one of his 'pupils'. However, he said there were conditions attached of which we both had to be aware and that we would need to sign a contract that would bind us to her being accepted.

Heidi (for it was clear that Jacqui was in that kind of mood) was thrilled beyond measure at the suggestion although I don't think she was thinking beyond the promise of being used and having sex in such controlling circumstances. For myself I was a little uneasy for I wasn't entirely sure what we might be letting ourselves in for and certainly the thought that whatever it was that we would be bound by contract was a scary thing to get my mind around. However, she was so keen on the idea that who was I to deny her the experience so despite my reservations we agreed that we would be very interested for him to take my wife and train her to be a submissive slave for as long as it was deemed necessary for her to become 'qualified'.

Robert said that he was making a trip to meet with Martin, MG and Deke the following weekend and that he would schedule a time for us to get together so that he could explain what would be involved before we made a solid commitment (indeed, it would be a solid commitment with no backing out) and he would come with the contract which would lay down very precisely the terms and conditions of the agreement. If we agreed with the legally-binding covenant then, and only then, for we would be given no second chance, he would take 'Heidi' back with him to New Orleans. In the meantime he promised to send an eMail which would provide details of the treatment to which she would be subjected. It was all said so matter-of-factly, as if he was conducting a business deal. I was nervous; she was excited.

The eMail pinged into the in-box the following day and I had to read it through a few times to get to grips with what I was reading. It said:

Your training will commence from the moment you sign the contract.

You will be employed as my Maid and for the first few weeks I will break you down by verbally telling you how worthless you are except as a whore and slut. I will never give you any praise for anything. I shall make you feel as though you are worthless except to me as my slut whore and you will be eager to please me, your Master.

There is a dress code which will be rigorously enforced. You will be naked or wear slut dresses AT LEAST 90% of the time and slut dresses will be worn MOST of the time when out in public. The dresses will be cut low at the top, be of thin, almost see-through, material and your nipples will show. The hemline will be just low enough to cover your cunt, some of the dresses will have slits up the side too but it will be your job to stay legal. I want for every man to be wanting to fuck you and for every woman to hate you.

You will wear a collar when we are out in public for all to see which can be humiliating for a woman .. and you will be humiliated.

You will disciplined like a dog as part of your training but I will not hurt you but will get your attention with perhaps a sound spanking and sometimes you may cry. I will never leave any permanent marks on you during your training.

The first few weeks in training YOU will be deprived of sex but I will use your mouth as my cum dumpster whenever I feel the need. You will swallow some and let the rest drip out of your mouth; I like to see that. Usually I won't make you go out in public with cum on your face but occasionally I will have you go into places or go up to men and ask for something with some cum on your face or in your hair like you missed wiping it off. I enjoy watching peoples' reaction to such things. You will do this at least once a week .

You must realize that I do work for a living and cannot play and fuck all the time. You will be allowed to masturbate and I will enjoy watching.

When I am satisfied that you are ready I will arrange for you to service gangbangs of 5 or more men. There will be times when it is only one or two invited guests but they will be all races, all ages, and usually these will last all day. I prefer we go through a weekend so that you are WELL USED... and you WILL perform well. .....

I wasn't sure of Jacqui's reaction when she read this (well, actually I was sure!) but my own once I had absorbed what Robert had dictated was that I had the biggest hard-on as I envisaged the conditions under which she would be subjected. I didn't need to say a word, I just nodded my approval when I saw her write her reply that said we were looking forward to seeing him the following weekend.

Once we had agreed that Jacqui would be transferred to Robert as his sex slave, we also agreed that we would pick him up at the airport and drive him back to our house. I wasn't sure what kind of guy I was about to meet. We hadn't met him before, he had only ever been referred to in conversations with our friends; we'd never seen any pictures of him to give us any sense of his appearance or demeanour; we had hardly any point of reference to what to expect so it was a little surreal when we met him coming through the gate and for us to connect right away.

I figured him to be a little older than me as we shook hands and then without any further introduction Jacqui gave him a big hug and sister-like kiss. He responded by complimenting Jacqui on how cute she was and with no further word gave her a playful swat on her derriere as if he had known her all his life. So far, so good, so normal.

After picking up his luggage, we were on our way back to our house and along the way we had a minimal, minor conversation about his trip and other mundane things. He did add he was very happy to be here finally after all these months of waiting and negotiating for Jacqui and was very much looking forward to working with this 'delightful looking creature'.

We stopped by to have dinner at a nice restaurant and continued with the general conversation with hardly a mention being made as to the purpose of his visit although a funny thing happened when at one point and just as the waitress was serving our food Jacqui was speaking and saying '... me as a sex slave ...' it got totally quiet. The look on the waitress' face was priceless as she overheard what Jacqui had just said. I wondered if she was going to relate that when she got back to the kitchen!

So, here we were, finally fulfilling a long time fantasy both of us had had about Jacqui being taken as a sex slave. We had talked about this for months and the idea was further fuelled by our past experiences. I think it is also safe to say that we were both looking for something a little more rigorous than we had experienced up to this point. Jacqui especially had expressed some needs which neither I nor anyone we played with could fulfil for her. We had done quite some research on the idea of a sex slave and had discussed it with a few close friends when a mutual friend put Robert and us in contact with each other. We both had a pretty good idea of what she could expect and had spent several months working out details with Robert and now the moment was at hand.

When we got home, we finally got down to business and Robert got out the agreement giving us each a copy. It was all very business-like and once again he made it very clear that what we were entering into was legally-binding and there would be no backing out once we had signed up. He continued to be quite emotionless as if he was conducting a business deal; Jacqui and I tried to appear the same but there was no doubting that inside we were both in turmoil. we picked up our copies of the document and read:


Contract for Jacqui Jane XXXXX of Bethlehem, PA to be acquired and Trained As A Submissive Slut/Sex Slave By Robert XXXX of New Orleans, LA

This contract is between Dale R KXXXX, herein referred to as the Husband, and Jacqui Jane KXXXX, herein referred to as the Submissive (Sub), both of Bethlehem, PA, and Robert XXXX, herein referred to as the Master, of New Orleans, LA. Whereas Husband desires for Sub to be thoroughly trained and owned as a Submissive Slut and Sex Slave and Master has consented to accepting said Sub for continued training, the purpose of this contract is for the Master to acquire Ownership of the Sub and to then train Sub to be even more of a submissive slut/sex slave.


All ownership rights in Sub are hereby transferred to Master, effective as noted in Term of Submission, and continue until such time as he is ready to relinquish such rights. It is understood and agreed that such rights may be continued indefinitely by Master. Master, solely, at his discretion possesses the power to determine whether servitude will continue or be extended after contract period. Ownership rights include sexual rights. In this particular arrangement, Master will also be the sole determiner of when Husband has access to Sub and to what extent their relationship may be, if any. To signify the finality of this ownership transfer, Husband and Sub shall turn over their wedding rings and Sub her engagement ring to Master as testament that Ownership of Sub has indeed transferred to Master. Rings to be returned at a time determined by Master or at the end of initial contract period. Sub will be collared and renamed in a private ceremony. Sub will be available at all times to Master and his invitees for any and all sexual and social activities. Further with regard to Master's ownership of Sub, Master may transfer, sell or trade Sub at any time.

Terms of Submission:

The term of Sub's Submission will be a minimum of 12 months. It is noted and agreed by all parties that this term may be shortened or extended at the sole discretion of Master, regardless of whether Sub has satisfactorily completed her Sex Slave training, or not. Term of Submission shall begin and concurrent Ownership transfer to Master shall occur immediately at such time as this Agreement is signed by all parties. Wedding and engagement rings shall be shipped, via UPS, to Master immediately following the signing of this contract by Husband and Sub. Any insurance for package to be paid for and verified by Husband.

Sub will immediately, emotionally and physically, submit to Master's custody and refrain from any further sex or show of affection for Husband. Husband explicitly and unconditionally accepts such transfer. Husband's initials accepting these terms______.

Communication Between Sub and Husband:

Sub shall have no communication with Husband nor shall Husband contact Sub without the express permission of Master. It is explicitly agreed that Sub shall not inform, relate, confide in or otherwise communicate Husband about any activities in which Sub will participate for Master (Husband's initials accepting these terms___; Sub's initials accepting these terms_____)

Pain and Markings:

Master agrees that neither drugs, nor permanent markings will be inflicted on Sub. As to pain, limited activities such as, but not limited to, vigorous spankings are allowed, but such pain shall not be excessive as to cause injury or harm. It is also understood and agreed that a 'safeword' will be in effect at all times. The Sub may utter the safe word and any and all activities shall immediately cease and desist. If Sub, after fair warning(s) and discussion chooses to avoid reasonable training by the excessive use of the safeword, Master reserves the right to terminate this contract and have Sub returned to Husband.

It is understood and agreed that Master will push the limits of the Sub to further her education of submission. It is also understood that humiliation, degradation and deprivation will be part of her training both with Master and those he may invite to participate.

Water Sports:

Water sports as they are commonly known are expressly forbidden.

Anal Penetration:

Master will not encourage anal penetration of Sub but Sub will accept anal penetration if so ordered my Master or invitees (Sub's initials accepting these terms_____). Sub is exempted from the practice commonly known as 'rimming'.

Sub's Responsibilities:

Sub hereby explicitly and unconditionally agrees that she will submit to Ownership and all training and be used in all such types of sexual activity as Master instructs her. This includes sex with both Master and as many other partners, male and female, as Master designates and at such times and places as Master will direct. Sub hereby further explicitly and unconditionally agrees to accept all sexual activity with Master and those persons as designated by him by direct penetration, commonly called going 'bareback', i.e., penetration to Sub in any opening shall be free of any condoms.


Master may take all and any such photographs and video of Sub, in any state of dress or nudity or sexual activity, without exception, as he desires. All such photographs will be the exclusive property of the Master to use as he wishes, including posting on the internet, publishing, sharing with others and using in advertisements for Sub. Further, he may allow any sexual partners or invitees to photograph Sub, to which she shall not object, neither to location, nor pose, not activity. A signed Model's Release form will testify to Sub's explicit agreement of such. A copy of such form will be forwarded to Husband for his acknowledgement.

All previous photographs or artwork immediately become the property of Master upon signing of this contract.

Husband shall have unrestricted personal use of any photographic and video materials as provided by Master but only after they have been modified from the original.

Dress and Clothing:

It is anticipated that Sub will spend all or a great deal of her time in the Nude. When not in the Nude, Sub will wear very sexy, slut-like outfits. In no event will she ever wear bra or panties.

Sub's Pubic Hair:

Upon signing of this contract, Sub will cease from shaving or trimming her pubic hair.

Sub will not be allowed to shave or trim pubic hair during the length of this contract or any extension thereof. Any shaving of Sub's pubic hair shall be done at the sole discretion of the Master.


Master will come to Bethlehem to acquire Sub. Sub shall have personal contact only with those designated by Master. Sub to be given an alias upon her arrival and will be known as such her entire time she is in training. Master and Sub will devise a reasonable explanation for her appearance and she will recite this explanation upon demand. Assuming Sub brings her laptop computer, it is understood and agreed that all out-going personal e-mail to be monitored and approved before sending and, as previously stated, she shall have no communication whatsoever with Husband except as allowed by Master

Signature: ____________________________ Date:___________________________

Jacqui J. K.....

Signature: ____________________________ Date:___________________________

Dale R. K......

Signature: ____________________________ Date:___________________________

Robert M. ...

So there it was in Black and White, ink on paper, a clear statement of what we were letting ourselves in for on the journey of satisfying our desires and fantasies. My heart was racing as I took in the implications of what I had read and I could see Jacqui's hand trembling as she held the paper.

This was, I will say, a most unique situation we found ourselves in. Both Jacqui and I have extensive experience in contract negotiations, but nothing had prepared us for this discussion. I'd like to say that outwardly I wasn't too apprehensive about this but inside I had a bout of nervous energy as it was really very exciting for me to think of what Robert would do with Jacqui. I really didn't want Jacqui to know how much I was looking forward to having her trained but I could tell that Jacqui was experiencing some of the same sexual tension as myself for I could see her give off little shivers and occasionally her voice trailed off into a whisper. (Much later she confided to me that she too was very much looking forward to this but didn't want me to know how badly she wanted to do it!)

During this final review of the agreement, it was pretty obvious to me that Robert had done this before and knew exactly what he wanted from Jacqui and what he expected of her. He took the lead as he read and reviewed each line in the agreement. He emphasized certain of the points such as to the unquestioning obedience he expected from her with regard to sex, photographs, clothes to be worn, etc and at each point he asked both of us, especially Jacqui, if we understood that there would be no questions afterward that we didn't understand something.

I think the only thing Jacqui had a question about was going 'bareback' with everyone. Robert made it quite clear this wasn't negotiable as he would check everyone out first and that telling a guy he had to put a condom on in the heat of the moment was just plain not acceptable for a sex slave.

Robert looked at us as we went over each point one final time to make sure every item was thoroughly understood by each of us. We both nodded. The copies of the agreement were now ready for our signatures and as stipulated in the contract, total and complete ownership of Jacqui would transfer from me to Robert as soon as we signed the contract.

I reached for a pen thinking we had reached that point in the process but Robert stopped me and surprised me by saying that my signature could wait until the morning. "Until then," he said, ".. you can enjoy one last night with your wife before she becomes mine. Why don't we just enjoy a relaxing evening; Jacqui, you can give me that show that you promised ... !"

In messages unseen by myself she had agreed that on his visit regardless of whether we signed up or not that she would 'model' appropriate dresses and outfits for him. She proceeded with a 'fashion show' as had been previously requested by Robert and had already taken the initiative and pre-emptied the requirement of being prohibited from wearing panties or bras so Robert got his first in person view of Jacqui naked. He did not get particularly excited or show any sexual arousal; he simply complimented Jacqui on what an attractive Nude she was and that she was far more appealing in person than the email photos showed.

She proceeded to model a number of both pleasingly short but more modest skirts and dresses as well as micro-mini dresses, which he called 'slut' dresses, which barely covered her ass and cunt. The idea behind the show was that Robert wanted to choose her clothes for the trip to New Orleans.

I took a few last photos of her as she was modelling but as I clicked away he said sharply, "remember, after we sign the agreement, all pix of Jacqui are taken only with my permission and are my property unless I say otherwise".

When Jacqui had finished her modelling, we were both surprised when he chose a very modest looking outfit of skirt and blouse for her to wear for the trip; all very confusing. I was even more confused when after some more small talk, Jacqui offered to sleep with him but he said, "No, you should spend one last night together" and so we all headed for bed, with Jacqui spending her last night with me, for what would turn out to be over a year.

Robert took our guest room and said he was looking forward to signing the agreement and making a very early start with Jacqui the next day.

Jacqui and I made the most of a rather sleepless night with a good round of 'farewell' and 'have a great time' and 'I'll miss you' sex. After an extended period of kissing and fondling each other Jacqui asked me to please eat her one last time before she left. I think my tongue had barely hit her clitoris when she let loose with a nice orgasm. I barely got to lick her when she asked, "please fuck me" which I was happy to do.

After I was done we tried to sleep but what seemed like only a little while later Jacqui was busy sucking my cock. She said that Robert had told her to give me one last blow job and to tell me, "My new Master says thanks and to tell you, you are a great guy". Needless to say, we didn't sleep much that night until exhaustion grasped us.

Next morning we were all up early as Robert and Jacqui wanted to get an early start for the 1100 mile trip ahead of them. Jacqui was wearing her designated skirt and blouse, no panties or bra. Robert had already packed Jacqui's car which they would drive back to New Orleans with what little Jacqui was allowed to take.

We ate breakfast. The agreement was laying on the table and everyone had one last chance to comment on it.

There were no further comments, we proceeded to sign it; two copies, one for me and one for Robert.

I signed first, and handed over my wedding ring to Robert as per the agreement.

Jacqui signed second and handed Robert her wedding and engagement rings.

Robert signed last and pocketed the rings.

As soon as the agreements were signed, Robert said, " OK, Jacqui is now mine and we are on our way."

Jacqui wanted to give me a sort of lingering kiss, but instantly his persona changed and Robert would have none of it and told her, "That's enough...you had time enough for that last night...let's go!"

So, no time wasted in him taking charge of Jacqui!

Now, what follows is pieced together based on information provided by Robert with corroboration and filling in of some details by Jacqui.

Robert and Jacqui weren't even out of the driveway when Robert asked Jacqui, "Where's the nearest gas station with a decent restroom."

Jacqui asked, "Why don't you just go back in the house?"

Robert flared; his anger apparent. "Listen Slut, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. Your training has started as of right now! You answer my questions and don't ask questions; You speak only when spoken to and if you do want to talk to me you ask permission of Your Master to speak. And you will always address me as Master, unless I tell you otherwise; Understood?"

Jacqui just sort of sat there with no response. Robert reached over, pulled up her skirt, grabbed her thigh and asked again, "UNDERSTOOD?"

Jacqui nodded, "Yes."

Robert rather sternly said, "I can't hear you."

Jacqui replied in her very quiet voice, "Yes."

"Yes WHAT!"


"Much better. Now, where's that gas station?"

"There is a fairly large convenience store/gas station about a mile up the road," Jacqui said.

Pulling into the parking lot, Robert parked in a far corner where there were no cars and told Jacqui to unbutton her blouse and to turn toward him. Jacqui's reaction started with, "... but some...."

To which Robert replied, "Shut up slut. Didn't I already tell you once your training has started ... how many times am I going to have to tell you. Now open your blouse so I can put this on you".

As he said this he pulled out a nipple chain and asked if she'd ever worn one before. Upon which Jacqui replied, "Worn one? I don't even know what it is!"

"And....?" Robert questioned.

"Master," Jacqui continued.

"Good girl," Robert complimented her. "It's something new for you already. It's a nipple chain; you will look even prettier wearing this," he said.

With this Jacqui opened her blouse and turned toward Robert but kept looking around to see if anyone was watching. According to Robert, he told her to look straight toward him but with her eyes down so she could see him attach the nipple chain to her nipples. She was told to hold her tits while he affixed the chain to her nipples. As he tightened the screws, she sucked in a breath and commented, "That hurts a bit."

To which Robert replied, "Well, consider that a little punishment for your errors today and now another turn or two and it will be just right for your first time in nipple clips."

As soon as he had the nipple chain on her, he reached in the back seat and handed Jacqui the cute blue slut dress she had modelled the evening before. Then told her to go into the rest room and change into her slut dress.

Jacqui responded with, according to Robert, a bit of panic in her voice, "I can't wear this here, someone I know might see me!"

Robert sighed with a note of exasperation, "Do as you are told, Slut. You are just asking for more discipline tonight the longer you stall and talk back to me. As a matter of fact, with all this backtalk, now, after you change, I want you to buy me a cup of coffee.......and you will now not only change but you will leave those other clothes in the women's room ... and don't think about cheating, I'll be watching to see if you changed before you buy the coffee."

Jacqui did as she was told but she really hurried with the coffee and after she was back in the car Robert said he had seen a guy talk to her, he asked, "Do you know him; what did he say?"

Jacqui told him it was someone she knew and she told him she was going to spend the day swimming and sunbathing at a nearby lake recreation area and decided at the last minute to get a coffee.

Robert complimented her saying, "Well, you looked good in there and I saw as you came out, he was checking you out like the little Slut you are. So, how'd you like it in there?"

Jacqui responded, "I was terrified."

With that Robert questioned her saying, "Really? Let's check you out, spread your legs," and watched as she did as told. He reached between her thighs, felt her cunt and found her to be quite moist and, as he had licked his fingers, "... tasty."

"Hmm, so terrified that you had an orgasm. Very good you little whore...but don't you ever lie to me again. You really enjoyed it didn't you...everyone looking at you. Your friend checking you out; You liked it didn't you?"

"Yes," Jacqui responded.

"Yes, what!"

"Yes, Master," Jacqui added.

"You really did like them looking at your legs and trying to see your ass and cunt, didn't you slut?"

"Yes, Master." she replied.

At this point Robert told her "One other thing, when you reply, besides 'Yes Master', you will repeat back to me everything I said to you, so let's try this again.

Robert restated, "You liked them looking at your legs and trying to see your ass and cunt, didn't you slut?"

"Yes Master, Jacqui replied. "I liked everyone looking at my legs and trying to see my ass and cunt."

"Very good, you little whore. Now, let's get going."


The car left and I was left to contemplate what the next 12 months would bring and how I would cope being on my own. Robert had given me my 'orders', I wasn't allowed to make communicate with Jacqui unless we were given permission by him; I was not supposed to make contact in any way.

However, whilst there was no mention in the contract which would have forbidden me from having 'relations' with others during this period it was something that I would not have contemplated for I had too much respect for my wife to do such a thing behind her back, especially when she was making such a personal sacrifice for our mutual pleasures.

I watched the car recede into the distance ******* that in a few months' time there would be another female who would be forcing my hand and that in defiance of the contract I would indeed be making a move that would be bringing us closer together.

Her name was Katrina and it was she that would be sending me to New Orleans.
