Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Fifteen - The Popular Girl


The following day, about the same time as Jacqui was reflecting on her success in having entertained her first client in the Cougar Springs brothel, Dale was making his arrangements to take some time away from work in order to travel down to Las Vegas.

Jacqui was luxuriating in the after-morning glow of being satisfied by her client's charm and fat cock; Dale was feeling embarrassed about telling Karen, his new PA, that he was taking another leave of absence so soon after the vacation from which he and Jacqui had just returned. He had no real reason to feel embarrassed, after all it was pretty much his own company and he shouldn't need to justify his working arrangements to anyone, but he was conscious that his reasons for going did seem a little spurious.

What the heck, a quick scan of the trade newspapers had given him a valid reason for there was a notice highlighting an environmental conference being held in 'Sin City' and Dale, the environmental engineer, had all the credentials to apply for a ticket.

Karen, who had not been with the company for very long, smiled to herself when Dale advised her of the seminar timings and asked her to make the travel arrangements. She had only been in the job a couple of months and already she had learned that her boss's domestic affairs were 'interesting' and also she was not fooled by his sudden interest in a pseudo convention which was of little value.


Jacqui lingered over breakfast and with 'house mother' Sharon's, encouragement, got to meet with a few of the other working girls who were presently under contract at the ranch. They made for an incongruous sight as they sat around the tables, sipping orange juice and coffee, nibbling toast and all of them dressed in their working 'uniform' of lingerie, bustiers, corsetry, lacy bras and the like, which accentuated their considerable charms. Woman-to-woman she really didn't take much notice but as they chatted she learned of a few more of the unwritten rules which were really not rules at all, just common sense which working girls should observe.

'Do not comment on a lacklustre performance …'

'Do make sure the security camera light is winking so that the front desk is aware that you are entertaining …'

'Do not be seen taking any extra payments for 'services rendered'. They were all in this together and 'tips' had to be shared …'

‘Do not even think about letting your boyfriends or husband (if you are married) know where you are working ....’

'Do not develop any personal relationship with a client or go out on dates. The business hadn't been set up to be providing any 'freebies' ….'

There were other things spoken about but it was this last one that caused Jacqui to ponder for although it had been little over a day since her arrival and that Mark had been her only ‘client’ she had already felt him to be a kindred spirit and was looking forward to him making good on his parting promise that he would be returning to pick up where they left off!

However, she soon had to put such thoughts aside as the first of many 'day' visitors to Cougar Springs began to arrive in reception and for the remainder of the daylight hours Jacqui immersed herself in her Heidi-persona and provided the services for which she was employed … but all the while observing those 'rules', making sure that she didn't comment on small dicks and that the camera light continued to wink at her throughout the paid-for session.

It was late in the afternoon shortly after Heidi had given satisfaction to one particular energetic customer that Sharon took her aside and advised her that Mark had called to say that the following day he would be was picking her to take her out for dinner and maybe a show in Las Vegas. Her first thought on hearing this was to suspect that this might be some kind of test to check whether she understood the rules of the house, that is, 'that the girls of Cougar Springs must not go out on dates', or the lead in to some charade that Robert had devised; she wouldn't put it past him to have her tested in this fashion.

Sharon smiled when she heard the hesitation in Heidi's voice and congratulated her on cautioning against the invitation but assured her that, "no dear, this isn't a trick to check if you understand the rules. There are some of our guests who are very special to Cougar Springs and you are lucky that Mark is one of them. You are fine to go to dinner with him as well as whatever else he would like to do with you."

Heidi was still uncertain whether she should accept for Robert had made it very clear that she was not to leave the ranch for the duration of her contracted stay but it had been obvious from Mark's behaviour and demeanour that he was indeed 'something special'. Sharon's reassurances combined with her sense of adventure and intriguing prospect of being wined and dined by this sophisticated man overcame her doubts, "OK, did he say what time?"

"He says that he will come by at 5 o’clock. I will ensure that you will not be having any clients after midday, Mark said that he wants to have you 'pre-heated'", Sharon said with a smile and a wink.

Hearing that she would be denied an afternoon's work caused Heidi's doubts to resurface for Robert had also been very clear that she should be fully employed in order for him to get a good return on his 'investment'!

Sharon reassured her that there was no cause for concern, Mark had already confirmed that he would be compensating her for her 'lost wages' and, in any case, Robert had no need to find out, " … I won't be telling Robert and there was no need for you to tell him either, is there?!"

She went to bed and, unlike the night before when she had slept so soundly, this night was a restless one, filled with waking hours when she wondered just what sort of entertainment was this man looking for; why was it necessary for him to take her away from the ranch; what kind of 'show' would he be taking her to?

The next day pretty well dragged by for her. Sharon had only directed one client her way in the morning and after lunch she had all afternoon to get ready. Not that she needed all that time for 'getting ready' consisted of taking a shower, trimming stray hairs and selecting a dress to wear. All the while she mused on the 'pre-heated' remark and how she had felt years earlier when she had embarked on her modelling career, and had that first posing session with Martin. The thrills she felt then at the prospect of doing something different had the result as she stripped out of her clothes of feeling wet and pre-heated and it was, she recalled, a good feeling. As she adjusted her thigh-highs she made up her my mind that she was going to be quite the sophisticated lady and this was going to be the best date he ever had!

She gave a final check in one of the mirrors which were strategically placed around the bedroom walls, liked what she saw and, satisfied, went down to the lobby and waited.

Mark arrived on time and in some style. After sharing light kisses on the cheek he held open the door and escorted her out to his car. Her mask of sophistication slipped when she saw the gleaming vintage open top Rolls Royce. She did a double take and asked, "Wow, is this really yours?"

He laughed to see her delight and, " … Well, yes it really is." He explained he had a small collection of classic antique cars, but he drove them only on special occasions, like, “… when I have a very special date.”

She retrieved her composure and commented, “… with a car like this, you must have many special dates.”

He replied, "Well, I haven’t had one of my cars out of my garage in nearly 2 years, so you figure it out."

He held open the door and Heidi as she slid on to the plush velour seat, resumed her role of sophisticated courtesan and deliberately parted her legs to give him a leg show. He made no attempt to pretend he was not watching and said, "Very nice, regardless of whether you aim to please or tease, I know what’s at the end of those lovely legs"

Heidi smiled at that; she may have even blushed a little.

He drove with the respect due to a vintage car and the ride into Las Vegas took an hour which was filled with small talk and Mark, who was obviously very familiar with the landscape, pointed out scenic highlights, local history as well as some of the locations of artists who worked in the area. He picked up on the common interests they had discussed a few days earlier and being aware of her love of music confirmed that the show they was about to see would more than satisfy her interest. He didn't say who would be the main attraction but teased for her to make a guess. She teased back and said that she just 'adored opera'.

He laughed and observed there wasn’t much opera to be found in ‘Vegas’ but, if that was what pleased her, then he’d check what was playing in Los Angeles and maybe they could work one in on a later date.

She looked at him to gauge whether he was joking but he appeared to be deadly serious and she thought, "Boy, he sure is sure of himself, I could really fall for this one!"

Their route took them along the length of 'the strip' and to many curious and admiring glances from the hard-nosed Vegas inhabitants and jaded tourists they pulled off the main road, parked under the canopy in front of a grand hotel. Heidi didn't catch the name (to her it made no difference, they were all 'grand'!), she only had eyes for Mark who handed over the keys to the valet waiting deferentially, holding open the door for Heidi to step out. She chose not to give him a repetition of the leg show.

Mark took her arm and entering the expansive lobby she realised that this was the same hotel where she had taken part in the nude review. She recognised the door to the private Salon where she had performed but Mark steered her in the opposite direction and soon they were ushered into a very upscale restaurant. It soon became obvious to Heidi that he must be a regular there as almost every one of the uniformed staff they encountered on their way to their table knew him. She couldn’t help herself but say, “well, for someone who had no special dates in almost 2 years, I'm guessing you must dine here by yourself?’

He laughed and said, "It's my restaurant of choice and I often dine here but not alone, I have lots of business meetings here. Why would I go anywhere else; I own it!"

Heidi gave no answer to that question but, making a mental tick against his 'list of assets', she scanned the menu before saying, "Well, I guess since you must know the chef here as well as you know 'my chef' back at the ranch, do you want to order for me again?’

His response, "I’d love to!"

He turned to waiter and without referring to the menu which he knew so well he gave their order.

Dinner conversation continued along the lines of their previous dinner back at the ranch. The talk covered both mutual interests and the mundane chit-chat about their favourite things and pastimes; it allowed Heidi to add more mental ticks to Mark's asset list and made him even more desirable and attractive.

Between dinner and dessert, he asked if she liked to dance. Before she had the chance to answer he added, " … other than dancing in that all-nude review."

She felt her cheeks warm with a furious blush as she recalled her previous visit to Las Vegas and the 'show' that Robert had made her perform. It had been a particularly raunchy experience and had degenerated into something quite at odds with being just a gentle stroll along a catwalk. She looked at Mark as he sat with a huge smile on his face and eventually found her tongue, "how do you know about that?"

"I was there, I saw you and I thought you were great for an amateur but what really attracted me was your fantastic smile. It was that night that I knew I had to get to know you better … and here we are, I now know you are a the complete package, cute; brains; great personality; lovely sense of humour; a great sex partner all topped up by a killer smile. Did I miss anything?"

He continued, "…. I wanted to meet you the day I caught the show but I had meetings to get to and by the time I was able to get back a few days later, you were gone but I made it my mission to see you again and I have to admit to making a few enquiries. Maybe your Robert picked up on that and that maybe is one reason why you find yourself back in Vegas. He's a canny fellow and knowing him the way I do, I'm not surprised he came up with this 'working girl' thing."

Heidi's sophisticated persona dipped slightly when she recalled that evening and just what Mark would have witnessed but looking across the table she couldn't detect any signs of him having been disgusted. Indeed, he elaborated a little more on how much he had been paying attention to her and his recollections from that evening.

"I couldn’t help but notice there was a little more of you the other night compared to when you were in the review."

"What are you talking about?"

He just grinned and said, "Do you remember when I traced your pussy with my fingers the other evening?"

She cut him off and whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "Mark, please stop…. I'm dying from embarrassment, I want to die!"

He laughed, "No way, I'm not stopping, I’m enjoying this immensely… anyway, that cute triangle of hair you've got wasn’t there when I saw you on stage at the review. Much as I like a neatly trimmed bush I'm thinking that you look cuter when you're shaven."

Heidi looked around to see if anyone else was picking up on the conversation; it didn't appear so.

He reached over, took her hand and said, "Don't worry, nobody is listening and you really are beautiful when you blush!"

Not strictly true, the waiter who had been hovering waiting to pour the wine had caught most of the conversation so far.

"Now, my finding you at the Ranch was no accident. When I finally got back to the review and found you were gone, I asked about you with the guy, a friend of mine, who had organised the show. He gave me a quick rundown on Robert's involvement and why you were there and he’d heard you were going to be at the ranch for a short time. I checked with my business partner, a great guy, Jorge, who owns the ranch and he confirmed it ....

“ ... you’ll be getting to meet him; you’ll like him.

“Anyway, I left instructions that when you started to make sure I was your first client."

Heidi was stunned to learn that all this had been happening in the background and that maybe it hadn't been just happenstance that had placed her at Cougar Springs. She wondered if her involvement in this world of rich and powerful men was actually just part of a greater plan for her destiny.

Her suspicions were further roused when Mark asked, "Now tell me how you wound up with Robert and what does your husband think of all this."

Clearly, Mark knew a lot more about her than she realised but far from being offended she found herself warming even more toward him. After all, with all the trappings of wealth and obvious influence he had over others, he certainly knew how to charm and turn a girl's head. She figured that he most probably knew more about her than he had so far admitted so, what the hell, 'I might as well tell him the rest!'

Having made that decision, she gave him a very brief history of her background, including the sex counsellor's diagnosis of erotomania extremis. She further told him that it seemed, rather than being satisfied with an explanation for both having more sex as well as more varied sex, that the more sex she had, the more it drove her need for taking sex to a higher level. It occurred to her later that she made have said too much but at the time she found he was so easy to talk to that she had lost any restraint.

He had listened with great interest and when she paused for reflection and breath he made the comment that, " … it seems you're so like a drug addict who gets hooked, only in your case, the drug is sex. Don't be concerned; I understand ….

"… Now, what about your husband? Tell me about him. What does he think of all this?"

Despite herself and her avowed determination when she was 'working' to keep thoughts about Dale to the back of her mind, the gentle probing by this understanding, charismatic man caused her to let her guard slip. Her pledge to herself was forgotten and she said, "Dale is the love of my life; he understands my needs and is very supportive and not at all judgmental about me." She told him that their adopted lifestyle was all about satisfying her needs that stemmed from her 'condition' and that 'love is love' and 'great sex is great sex' and they don’t necessarily have to be provided by the same person.

Mark nodded and added, "I think I understand and it sounds as if your Dale is indeed a very special man. I’d like to talk more about this with you, if you are OK with that but, hey, look at the time, we really ought to get over to the show."

The waiter appeared as if by magic from the shadows to hold back her chair and as she stood up he gave her a knowing smile that suggested her confessions to Mark had not been as discrete as she might have wished.

As they walked from the restaurant Heidi was still ignorant as to what show they were to be seeing. The talk at the table and the reminder of her previous visit to Vegas when she had 'starred' in the nude review caused her to excitedly think that maybe Mark had planned a repeat performance and that her rising desires stimulated by the table talk were soon to be satisfied. It was almost a disappointment to her when instead of heading toward the Salon of her previous performance that they followed the signs advertising 'A Night out with the Rat Pack' and rode an elevator to an auditorium.

Her disappointment was quickly forgotten, they had prime seats (which were no great surprise in retrospect) and for the next few hours they enjoyed a great show of music performed by masters of the art.

As the stars of the show left the stage to the applause of the appreciative audience her thoughts returned to what she hoped was going to be the concluding act(s) of the evening. Mark was obviously having the same thoughts, he said, "Time to get you home for a nightcap to help you sleep."

She immediately recognised the tone in his voice, " … is a nightcap all you have in mind?"

He responded, "Well, we may just have to see what else comes up, won’t we?"

The valet had been alerted to their departure and the Rolls Royce was waiting, purring at the kerbside.

The drive down the strip found the road to take them away from the town and once the traffic had cleared Mark stretched his arm out across the top of the seat and Heidi, recognizing an invitation when she saw one, slid over and sat closer to him. They didn’t talk much on the way back, but Heidi didn't mind, she felt full of love just as if she was on a first date, and just enjoyed snuggling as they drove through the cool dessert air.

Back at the Ranch they used a private entrance and went right to her room. As soon as the door closed she turned her back to him and said, “About your comment as to what else might come up; have you any thoughts about what might come down? You were so expert at helping me the other night with my bustier, do you think you can handle a zipper?’

Suffice it to say, in a few moments her dress was on the floor and he was more than pleased to see that was all she was wearing, except for thigh-high stockings.

As soon as the dress hit the floor she felt his hands cupping her breasts.

Heidi said in her 'little girl voice', "Oh Sir, I thought we were just going to have a nightcap.”

Mark played along, " …. and if you recall I also said we may just have to see what else comes up, won’t we? Well, something else has definitely just come up in the past few minutes!" and with that he began 'tweaking' her nipples between his fingers. She momentarily forgot the little girl voice and moaned, “Mmmm, that feels so good”.

Mark laughed to hear it, "I was right, you're no little girl, these are your pre-heat buttons!"

"Well, you aren't just going leave me on pre-heat alone are you?"

"Not a chance." He dropped his trousers and in seconds was just as naked as her.

She had seen how he had acted favourably to her playacting and she decided to keep the charade going. She went into what Dale calls her 'little Miss Naughty mode'.

She squirmed out of Mark’s embrace as he tried to kiss her and at the same time backed away to say in her sweetest voice said, “Oh, no Sir. Aren’t you aware of the rules we girls must follow?”

She backed away from him, leaving him confused as to how quickly her persona had changed.

“Did you register at the reception desk, Sir? We may have to go down there and see you are properly registered ....” she said, looking wide-eyed and innocent.

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘what the heck’ but caught on in a just a few seconds that this was her playing games (something Heidi was very good at doing!) and broke into a big grin and shook his head.

“ .... Oh but then you must be registered to be in my room; my apology Sir, they should have told you that, then they would have given you a menu.”

She took his hand, “Never mind, I think I have a copy. Please Sir; let me show you the sex menu so you can make your selections.”

She backed him into a chair, sat in his lap and asked him, “Did someone tell me you were interested in a nightcap? Is there anything you see on the menu that you might like to drink?”

By this time he was in the spirit of the little charade and acting his part looked her up and down and said, “I see oral sex for the lady on the menu. Is that a very good vintage year; does it have a tender, slightly salty taste?”

“Oh, yes Sir. It is a very good year and very tasty, but …” she paused.


“Well, this is a very expensive year; do you think you can afford it? I heard that we may be all out of that vintage.”

Mark grinned, “Money is no problem, I think I can afford it but I’ll check the wine cellar myself if you don’t mind.”

He didn’t wait for her response but lifted her off his lap, stood and sat her in the chair then dropped to his knees in front of her and lifted her legs up over the arms of the chair.

“Now let’s check just how rare this vintage is you’re talking about!”

He dipped his head and kissed her gaping pussy. Heidi was so fired up (and pre-heated) that the touch of his tongue flicked on her labia resulted in another orgasm right in front of him. He smiled and said, “Looks like you were wrong, seems to me the wine cellar is overflowing and needs to be tapped.”

He went down to have another taste and to her delight he sucked, licked and lapped for what seemed like forever and she couldn’t help herself as several small orgasms washed over her, each one increasing in intensity and for her to squirm and sigh in response.

She climaxed once more and was in an orgasmic daze when Mark lifted his head and said, “I think we’d better save some of that for a final tasting and, besides, I’ve got something for you to sample!”

He picked her up, carried her over to the bed and after setting her down lay on his back alongside her. His rigid cock needed no introduction but in case she was in any doubt he said, “Your turn”.

She went to work on his cock (only she didn’t consider it work, it was pure pleasure) and after what seemed like a few minutes, it was his turn to squirm and he pulled out and said, “Geez, I have never had a sucking like that. You are good but you keep that up and there won’t be anything else to do tonight!”

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gave him an innocent look and sweetly asked, “Is there anything else to do tonight? I thought the night cap would be it.”

Still playing his part in the pretence he jumped up and rolled off the bed and said, “You really are a naughty little girl but I’m not certain whether to punish you or if you deserve a treat.”

She giggled, “Oh sir that would be so generous of you, what punishment or treat do you have in mind?”

His answer was to pull her up into all fours and said, “It’s going to be a doggie treat. Can you ‘speak’ if you want your doggie treat?”

“Woof, Woof!”

In what seemed like only a second he was penetrating her cunt from behind saying,” Good girl, here’s your treat” and, oh yes, to Heidi it was the treat she had been anticipating all evening. She gasped as she felt his cock slide inside and tried to yelp like a dog but all she could manage was a groan that sounded like, “ ... but Sir …” before gasping and moaning in phase with each thrust. As Mark steadily fucked her she felt like she had feelings never had with anyone before (or, in retrospect, since) who seemed to know how to explore every crevice and nerve of her vagina with a cock like he did. She felt she was in pure nirvana and she appreciated his consideration in trying to time his climax with her orgasm. He knew exactly when she was about to have the ‘big O’ and he succeeded admirably as they both came at the same time and he flooded her cunt with his sperm.

He gently pulled out and no longer having his ‘support’ she collapsed face down on the bed. He crawled on and lay by her side.

Both exhausted and not even bothering to wash up afterward, they roused themselves and wiped each other off using a few tissues that were handily placed on the nightstand before she curled up in his arms and in a few minutes were both asleep.

The next thing Heidi was aware of was hearing the shower running. She called out to him and popped his head around the doorway and said, “Good morning lazy bones; about time you got up. I need to shower and we both have work to get to!”

She peered at the clock and saw it was past 9 am. And then her gaze fell on the breakfast tray, “Oh, you’ve had breakfast.”

“Yep, I didn’t want to wake you up. You had a lot of exercise last night and I figured you needed your rest, but I have to get back to town for meetings. I ordered a few things for you to restore your energy; help yourself.”

She got up and sipped orange juice and nibbled at a muffin till he was out of the shower and dressed. She lay back on the bed and made herself look appealing. He looked at her, still naked, and said, “Sorry no time for any of that right now but I have a surprise planned for you for our next date.”

With that he pulled her up, looked her over, turned her around, and said, “Can’t make up my mind if you look better before sex or after!” Before she could reply he gave her a long hard good-bye kiss and was gone.

She heard the sound of the Rolls Royce purr its way toward the exit road from the ranch and wondered just when the next time she would see this exciting man.

She felt that she had connected almost immediately with him on all levels, from discovering common interests in things like music and art all the way through attitudes toward sex. By the time of her present situation she had long since lost count of the number of cocks that had fucked her and it went without saying that she had had much experience. But with Mark, he was different, he had proven himself to be an extremely considerate lover both emotionally and physically and she was very appreciative of his understanding of her sexual needs.

She thought that in this respect he came a close second to sharing the qualities she so admired and appreciated in her husband.

With her thoughts returning to her husband, her darling Dale, and it occurred to her the evening had been, in many ways, similar to her first big date with Dale in New York City years earlier, but with 2 notable differences.

One: She didn’t accept a marriage proposal, and

Two: She didn’t faint in an elevator!

She smiled and mused whether this whole thing of being a ‘Sex Slave’ under contract to Robert might be turning into a big mistake. Up until this moment it had all been such fun but now with the introduction of this emotional element and the reality that feelings of affection toward another man might be looked on as her 'cheating' on her husband ... !

She put such scary thoughts aside but they left her having the urge to see Dale, to be with him again, and to be reassured that all was well in their world.

She gathered her composure and prepared herself for another day of working at the ranch; she had no idea that her wishes were about to come true.

Neither did she have any inkling that the mention of Jorge the previous day would have such significance.
