Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Fourteen - Working in Nevada


Jacqui had only a few days at home in Philadelphia being 'Wife Jacqui' to her husband Dale before she was obliged to return to New Orleans where she lived with her master, Robert, as 'Slave Heidi'.

Their marriage was a curious arrangement which had begun a few years ago with innocent swopping of partners with neighbours who, in turn, had introduced them to other friends who, in turn, had initiated them into an exclusive society of aesthetes who pursued all manner of sexual activities amongst themselves.

The society called itself 'The Erotic Society of America', ESOA, and became a natural home-from-home for the imaginative Jacqui and Dale as it allowed and encouraged fantasies to be played out for real amongst like-minded people.

Jacqui, who held many fantasies resulting from a childhood of growing up in free-thinking communities, thought nothing untoward at being naked in the company of strangers and took to her ESOA membership with great enthusiasm.

Dale, being a supportive husband who held many fantasies of his own, was equally enthusiastic about being involved with these imaginative people and, as a couple, they had thrown themselves into all manner of situations and game-plays which was much appreciated by the other members.

ESOA was the brainchild and led by Robert, a wealthy entrepreneur, who had made a fortune doing … erm, nobody knew exactly what it was that Robert did .. but neither did they care for Robert's wealth one way or another funded the most elaborate scenarios and fantasy situations that members could concoct.

However, this generosity came with the additional cost of having to accept Robert's domineering and controlling nature … which explained why Jacqui was packing her bags to return to Louisiana without complaint.

Jacqui and Dale were in the midst of a year-long contract that was the basis of the playing out of their greatest fantasy, that of Jacqui being a sex-slave to a domineering master. (Jacqui would have preferred to have been called a 'Slave to Sex' for in truth, due to her medical condition of 'Eroticus extremis', that's how she felt). The fantasy required that Jacqui was handed over to the care and control of an 'owner' and that during the time of the contract (and, indeed, there was a contract; Robert had insisted on that!) she would be trained to be a compliant submissive chattel who would do exactly what she was told by her master and that she would have no connection with her former life for the duration.

However, contrary to the stringent conditions of the contract Robert that had drawn up forbidding any communication between man and wife for the period, there had been a few fleeting contacts which reassured Dale that Jacqui was being treated well and enjoying herself.

Then, against all expectations, Robert had given his slave Heidi a free pass to return home for a fortnight. Dale was under no illusions that Robert was having second thoughts about being so strict with his protégé, more likely he had some shady dealings going on that Jacqui's presence would compromise. Whatever, the reason for her release, Dale decided to take full advantage of having his wife temporarily returned and to use the time wisely. They used the period to go on a Caribbean cruise to properly 'reconnect'.

But that was then and now the cruise was over, the post-holiday laundry was done and it was time to return to the status quo of Jacqui being Heidi.

Robert had arranged the slave's travel arrangements and all that was required of Dale was for him to take his wife to the United Airlines desk at Philadelphia International airport at an appointed time and share her name with the check-in clerk. The assumption was that there would be a ticket waiting for her to fly to back to New Orleans; they were surprised when against all expectations Jacqui was given a boarding pass for the next flight out to McCarran, Las Vegas.

The check-in clerk assured them both that there was no mistake. She told them, "The instructions that came with the ticket were very clear. Have a good flight."


It was not Jacqui's first time in Las Vegas, there had been a weekend when, unknown to Dale, Robert had taken her to perform in a kind of 'All Nude Review' at a private function he had arranged under the banner of ESOA at a club called Palominos which had a runway leading to a central stage where the patrons could view the 'parade' of girls from all sides. The function he had devised was a kind of pseudo 'Slave Auction' and Robert had made her play the part of being sold and for her to spend time being fucked by the group of black men who had clubbed together to 'buy' her. She thought that the whole experience had been fantastic with her only complaint to Robert being that a weekend was not long enough.

Such were her thoughts as she settled into her flight. She mused that maybe Robert had taken the hint and arranged for her to repeat the performance.

She emerged from the arrivals terminal to be confronted by the usual barricade of chauffeurs holding aloft placards with passengers names and was amused to see one that proclaimed 'Jacqui/Heidi/Cumquat'. She caught his eye and said, "I'm here."

He introduced himself as being her driver and said, "Where are the others?"

She replied, "No, there are no others. They're all me!"

He took her bag and led her to the car, a stretched limo, parked at the kerbside. He held the door open for her to climb in and seated inside was Robert who looked up from the documents he was reading. He coolly greeted her with the announcement that they were about to take a short ride out of town to a place where she would be staying for the next few weeks.

"You commented about not having enough time in Vegas when we were last here. That complaint was quite uncalled for coming from a slave but, putting your show of disobedience to one side, I decided to address your objection, we're going to Cougar Springs, a business venture owned by an acquaintance of mine. It's a working ranch …," he said enigmatically before returning his attention back to the papers he was holding.


The car passed through a gateway off the main road and drove down a dusty track and approached what appeared to be the main building of a spread of lo-rise cabins and lodges. To Heidi's eye it all seemed to be discrete and very well maintained but it certainly didn't meet her concept of what a ranch should looked like and certainly no animals, cattle or such, were evident. On the way they passed by a short airstrip which was clearly in use for as they parked up outside the main building there were two small business jets already occupying places close by. Already Heidi gained the impression that whatever the 'ranch' offered, it involved money; as it was Robert bringing her here, that it must be big money.

"Get out and follow me," said Robert rather unnecessarily (what else was she expected to do?!) but, nevertheless, she did as commanded and they approached the steps to the entrance of the main lodge where stood a middle-age blonde lady.

Their arrival was obviously expected as she warmly greeted Robert with a hug and a kiss and said, "Hello Robert, so nice to see you again ..," and turning her attention to Heidi said, " .. and this must be the girl who is going to be working here for a few weeks, yes?"

Robert nodded and completed the introductions with, "… this is the one I told you about and she comes highly recommended. She already understands that she is to obey your instructions and she has been told that she is expected to be an asset to the business for the duration of her stay."

Heidi listened to this formal exchange with bemusement but it did make clear some of the confusions made from the little that Robert had told her as they drove from the airport. He had said that he was taking her to a place where she was going to be using the skills that she had learned since becoming his slave.

Heidi suspected that this meant there would be fucking involving strangers.

Heidi felt a warm glow inside at the thought.

She stepped forward and offered her hand, bowed her head and said politely, "Hello, I'm Heidi, pleased to meet you."

"Hello dear, I'm the manager here. You can call me Sharon and you pay him no mind with all his talk of instructions and business and such, you are going to have a lovely time here. I'll make sure of that!"

Robert was not pleased by her attitude, it ran counter to his way of thinking, ".. never mind 'lovely time'. She's here to work and I want to hear when I collect her in three weeks time that she has turned in a profit!"

With his usual flair for drama he looked at his watch and said, "Time for us all to go to work. I'll see you in a few weeks," and with that he turned and left.

Sharon was neither surprised nor offended by his attitude, she'd dealt with Robert before and knew him to have this odd way of dealing with associates but, she concluded, he was good for business and as long as he continued to introduce willing working girls to the ranch then who was she to criticise.

They watched him and the car leave in a cloud of dust and the tension that was in the air whenever Robert was involved dissipated with it.

"Come on, my dear, let's get you settled in and meet the other girls. You must have had a long day so we'll not expect for you to have to get straight to work, must we?" she said protectively as she led her inside the lodge.

Heidi warmed to this lady straightaway, she had never been to a brothel before but she had an inkling of how such an establishment 'worked' and was run. She didn't give much mind to how transactions were conducted but, whatever the process, she was under the impression that it would be run under the stern eye of a dominating Madam.

Sharon did not fit that description, in the short while she had been in her company she had shown herself to be kind and gentle and seemed to be more like the 'house mother' of a girls boarding school whose first order of business was to take her to her room, her home-from-home, where she would be introduced to her 'school uniform' and have the rules explained to her as part of her initiation.

Heidi was led down a corridor, more of a covered walkway, that took her to one of the chalets that she had spotted on the drive in. Sharon opened the door, stood aside to let Heidi enter alone and said, "this will be your home for the duration of your stay. I'll leave you to get changed and when you're ready you can come back to the main building and you can meet the other girls; your 'workmates'."

She gestured to the travelling bag, "you've no need to bother with your own things, we will provide everything for you. You can start with the uniform what's laid out on the bed. OK?"

The door closed and Heidi looked around the room and was impressed, it certainly didn't fit her conception of a whore's boudoir. It was lovely, well-appointed luxury and to add to the surprise was a large bouquet of flowers set in an elaborate display which had a welcome card attached signed by, she assumed, the other girls who already worked there. The messages of support inside left no doubt they were looking forward to meeting and working with her and gave reassurance that she was in a safe place.

On the bed was 'the uniform', a bustier, garter belt and stockings. Without hesitation she stripped off, went into the en-suite and showered and 'powdered her nose' before emerging from her room 10 minutes later clad in her uniform.

The sun was going down as she retraced her path back to the main building and Heidi felt not the slightest bit self-conscious, especially when she caught sight of two other girls dressed just the same. They saw her approach and greeted her just like a long-lost friend and, once names had been exchanged, in an instant she felt just like she was 'at home'. They led her through the main reception area and through an archway that opened out into a dining room which had intimate booths around the sides. It was quickly explained that it was here that she could, if that's what she wanted to do, host her clients for lunch or dinner.

"There's an excellent chef who will cook anything you might wish to order," said one.

The other girl nodded, "Hmm, just so you know, he will also do breakfast orders!"

They settled themselves into one of the booths and the 'excellent chef' came and introduced himself and took their order for dinner. The wine list wasn't offered as, the girls explained, Sharon didn't approve of her girls drinking. That was not a problem for teetotal Heidi and she enjoyed her meal with just the accompaniment of a glass of Perrier. It was French after all.

During the meal other girls passed through the dining room, all dressed in the same uniform, and all keen to get a look at the new girl. It was all very amicable and with the help of lively conversation Heidi was made to feel very special. There seemed to be some kind of competition going on as to who would have the privilege of showing her the rest of the facilities and it amused her highly that she was accorded such respect. Eventually the meal was done and with the dispute over who would be her guide settled she was led by another beauty on an extensive tour of her new home.

The 'beauty' introduced herself as 'Candi' which to Heidi's ears sounded to be false and her suspicions were proven correct when Candi explained that all the girls' true identities were kept secret from the clients and had been given nicknames by which they were known when they were working, ".. to protect our reputations!" she said with a giggle. "I guess they chose Candi because I'm sweet," said Candi with a giggle, " .. what name have you been given?"

"Oh, my master knows me as Cumquat so I guess I'll be using that."

"Cumquat? That's a helluva of a name. What does that even mean?"

Heidi laughed, "It means I am a luscious fruit ripe for plucking … or something like that."

"Well, you're sure as hell going to get plucked here by some horny pluckers. So good luck with that and, if you want my advice, I'd be getting to bed and grabbing some sleep. Tomorrow you'll be starting work and believe me, once it's known there's a new girl in town there won't be much time for sleeping!"

Heidi thanked her for the advice and returned to her room but far from being calmed by what everyone had told her during her welcoming tour she was still nervous about her situation and from what she'd seen and what she had been told by the other girls only added to the anxieties she already held and sleep was hard to come by.

She wasn't particular fearful of being in such luxurious surroundings; how could she be having seen what was provided as her working environment. No, her greatest fear was knowing that she had been bought to what was essentially a high-class brothel for the purpose of providing a 'good time' to wealthy men and as she was going to be paid whether she was going to be up to the task and capable of providing 'value for money'!


After a restless night (that not even masturbation had managed to calm) Heidi arose at the instructed time, dressed herself in her uniform and went to try and calm the butterflies in her stomach by having breakfast. Candi was already seated with another girl and together they recognised that the 'new girl' was nervous and both tried to assure her that everything was going to be fine and that she should just lay back, relax and 'think of home'. That advice didn't help when she let her thoughts stray back to what had become her home in New Orleans and the things that Robert had her doing.

Breakfast over, the trio went to the reception area which was tastefully furnished with sofas and soft furnishings and, incongruously, a small grand piano. To Heidi's eyes it looked like some kind of expensive waiting room which, of course it was for there were already some of the girls that she had seen the previous evening doing just that, waiting.

Sharon seated behind her desk noted their arrival and motioned them to one of the unoccupied sofas where they settled themselves down and did what was required of them, waiting.

Heidi looked around and assessed that the surreal situation of being sat on a sofa with two girls just dressed as she was in revealing underwear was doing nothing to lessen her sense of expectation; knowing what she was there for and whether she was going to be 'good enough'. The other girls were paragons of calm as they idly flicked through the fashion and gossip magazines that were provided; she was quite the opposite, a bundle of nervous energy and anticipation.

The morning passed and from time to time Sharon would call out the name of one of the girls present in the room who would in response go and be introduced to a newly arrived 'client'. Heidi's sense of expectation began to turn to one of dismay when time-after-time the entrance door would open to allow a man to enter and after a few words of introduction she would consult her ledger and then call out a name but, never Cumquat. By the end of the morning (during which Candi and the other girl had each been summonsed twice) dismay had turned to despair that she wasn't considered good enough for their money.

Then everything went right in her world.

The door swung open once more and held by a uniformed chauffeur a distinguished looking man entered. He was dressed in what was clearly an expensive suit and with a neatly knotted tie on his button-down shirt he looked all the world like he was about to attend a business meeting. He had a leather satchel slung over his shoulder similar to the one always toted around by Robert, which she assumed held business papers.

He was clearly well know to Sharon for she arose from behind her desk, came around and gave him a big hug and a kiss. Heidi looked on with amusement at the show of affection but she deferrently lowered her eyes (as a good slave should) when after a few minutes of conversation their attention turned to her and she tried to give an impression that she hadn't really been looking their way.

The charade was quickly dispelled when Sharon called her name and invited her to come to the desk.

"Cumquat, this is Mr. Mark, a special guest of Cougar Springs. He specifically asked to meet you after seeing your picture in the Gallery. I assured him that you had been waiting for him to be your very first caller .. just as he requested. Please be very attentive to his needs, he is a good friend of ours."

Cumquat was bemused but, automatically held out her hand in greeting (just like a good slave should) . He ignored it and instead put his arm around her waist and said, "It's not Mr. Mark; forget the formalities, just call me Mark. Sorry that I was delayed getting here but I'm very pleased to meet you."

She warmed to him straightaway as she realised the reason why she had been kept waiting the whole morning long. Mark was clearly a man of substance and, from his demeanour, someone of importance, and he had been browsing the on-line catalogue (which she didn't know about) and had chosen her. She later learned that he had been thrilled at the idea of her being a 'newbie' and had called ahead for her to be reserved, just for him … and she also later learned that the reason he had been granted the privilege was that he was part-owner!

Sharon looked on approvingly at Cumquat's deferent manner as the small talk continued for a few moments and then she made the suggestion that, " … perhaps it was time for you to take Mark to your room where I'm sure you'll make him very comfortable."

Mark smiled at her in agreement and with his arm still around her waist and the prior knowledge of where the bedrooms were located propelled her toward the doorway that led to the chalets.

Whatever Heidi's expectation of how a customer should act, this wasn't it. Whilst waiting and wiling the morning away she had plenty of opportunities to observe how other men had entered the premises and to see the brash, somewhat rude, fashion of how them 'claiming' their girl. It hadn't always been a pleasant sight. Mark, however, was quite different, it seemed to her that he was almost acting out as if this was a first date and that it was he that was trying to impress her.

They walked arm in arm down the corridor and were soon at her door. She led him inside and, as instructed by Sharon, surreptitiously clicked the timer button on the small clock set in the wall. Once inside the compliments began, "I love what your wearing, the colour goes so well with your complexion and your figure .. good choice .. you look terrific in it .. but, pardon me for saying, it looks uncomfortable, may I help you take it off? …. "

She smiled to hear this weak excuse to get her out of her clothes and answered him by turning around so that he could fumble with the tiny hooks that ran down her back.

" .. there that must feel better .. I never have understood why you women wear these things …"

She kept her thought to herself, " … because you chumps love to see us trussed up like this!" but as the bustier slipped down she had to agree it felt a lot more comfy to be standing there in just her thigh highs and heels. Feeling totally relaxed, she turned around to gauge his reaction and whether he might concur and asked, "Would you like me to help you undress?"

He answered by taking off his jacket, slipping the knot of his tie and carefully folding them to join the satchel that he had already placed on a chair. Leaving her standing, he went to the couch and sat down. He looked at her and said, "There's no hurry … let's get to know each other a little better first .."

Heidi was a little flummoxed. This wasn't what she expected. The 'process' had been clearly explained to her on her arrival the night before; each client was allowed to have an hour as dictate by the timer and once the allocated time was up that she was to encourage her customer to spend more money on things like having photographs taken or other mementoes of their visit. It wasn't supposed to be like this at all; here was her first customer acting like he had all the time in the world.

He sensed her confusion, "Oh don't worry looking at that silly ol' clock; I've booked you for the day. We've got plenty time. Now let me take a good look at you …."

Despite her experiences of being in the Nudes Competition, Martin’s photo sessions and many other nude 'events' over the past few years, the lessons learned about men seemed to have fled her and she felt and looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights as she wondered what to do next. She looked at him sitting there and involuntarily her hands moved to cover her pussy as if she was trying preserved her modesty. As her hands moved against neatly trimmed pubic hair she could feel her nipples getting taut as her feelings of self-consciousness increased. Mark continued to sit and watch with a slight smile on his face; she defiantly stared back and despite her feelings she also knew that her pussy was getting increasingly moist.

After what seemed like an eternity she broke the silence and asked, "What would you like to do … do you want to look at the sex menu?"

He chuckled, "Thank you for asking but although it's been a while since I was last here I have a pretty good memory and I can assure you that I am well aware of what the menu has to offer … but you ask a good question; you can move your hands, you're obstructing my view."

Heidi, feeling foolish at asking such a dumb question, dropped her hands to her side.

"That's better. Now the more important question is, what do YOU want to do?"

She stammered, "Uh, well I do like to play a while before we do anything more serious, umm, if you know what I mean?"

He nodded his head, "Hmm, OK, we can do that. How about you turn around and let me see from the back."

She complied and once she was facing away she slightly bent her waist so that her hair-fringed pussy was revealed between the cheeks of her bum. She wondered if he could see the moist lips of her cunt.

He told her to turn around again and, thinking it would be a sexy move, she attempted to do a little pirouette but her performance was spoilt when her heel caught in the carpet and she fell toward him. He jumped up and caught her by the elbow as she tumbled. "I think that's enough showing- off, come and sit down."

She made to move to sit alongside him.

"No, not there. Come sit on my lap."

After her embarrassment, she melted. She loved the whole idea of sitting on a lap, it took her back to her childhood and Mark knew just what she must be feeling as he increased her sense of contentment by stroking her hair and telling her how lovely she looked and telling her things like how nice it was to see her stiff nipples gracing her lovely breasts. (She listened and purred inside at his smooth talk thinking it confirmed he was a man of refinement that he had referred to her 'breasts' and not 'tits'!) Given he was still fully clothed, and that there was nothing specific she could make a comparison to, she reciprocated by telling him how distinguished he looked.

The mutual admiration conversation came to an end when he asked her to stand up so that, " .. I can take a longer look at you." She complied and allowed him to study her again for what seemed like another eternity.

"You have a lovely figure .. and, has anyone ever told you, you have a very attractive smile and your lips look very kissable."

Heidi had the good grace to blush as his smooth talk continued to add to her arousal.

"Come back here, I want to kiss your lips."

She took a step back toward the couch so that he was in touching distance and he obliged, he reached out and traced a finger all around her pubic hair before slipping it very lightly up and down between the labia lips. He leaned forward and ever so gently replaced his finger with his tongue. Heidi felt the change and let out an involuntary shiver as a small orgasm exploded somewhere deep inside and she fell off the sexual edge she'd been perched on all day.

He smiled to see her reaction to his kiss 'on her lips' (not the lips that she had been expecting him to kiss) and asked, " you’re not nervous are you?"

She gave an unconvincing, “no” which fooled neither of them.

"Do you always come pre-heated? I'll have to remember this if it turns you on so much!"

She didn't answer but waited to hear where his conversation was going.

"I like you. There is something very different about you. You are not an artificial doll like so many women in your profession. One thing about the girls here, they are much more natural about themselves but there is still a certain artificially as to who they really are. Don’t get me wrong. They are all good people, quite good at what they do and quite pleasant, but still that’s all appears a bit shallow to me.

"I can tell you are quite different. I sensed it when I looked at your gallery photos and when I met you; now even more so. You have already shown me who you really are and are here because you really want to do this. I have already made up my mind that you would make an excellent courtesan and I will treat you as such."

Heidi felt a little foolish standing there in front of him, knowing that the evidence of her climax was coating the inside of her thighs, and wondering where this conversation was going. Her confusion was made complete when rather than telling her to 'come here, let's fuck' or something in that vein, he said, "Now, what say we have dinner? Are you hungry? I’m famished from looking at you so much!"

Again, it was not what she expected at all. She blurted out, “I thought I was supposed to be dinner? “

He laughed, "Lots of time for that later, let’s have a bite. Have you sampled any of Marcon’s work yet? He used to make a terrific Beef Wellington. Now let’s get you dressed for dinner. May I see your negligees?"

He went to the closet where he knew from experience that she would have her 'uniforms'. He selected one that, “suits your personality” and once she had pulled it over her head he gave her a look of approval and they left the room to return to the main building and find the intimate dining room.

Heidi was impressed by his manner; she was amused by his confidence, how he acted as if he owned the place (which she was later to discover that he did); she was charmed by his eloquent conversation therefore she was a little taken aback when, as they walked down the hall, without missing a beat, he turned and asked, "Oh, do you like to be spanked?"

Clearly, she concluded this was a man with a wide range of tastes.

They were led by a server to a table set out for two with fine china and crystal glassware and a flower display as a centrepiece. 'So classy', she thought. The spell was broken a little when the server discretely handed her a small towel to spread on her chair, " … for hygienic reasons," he whispered. She took it, (remembering her childhood when her aunt had instructed her to do the same on their summer visits to nudist camps).

If Mark had noticed the gift of a towel, he certainly made no comment, rather he picked up the menu and after a few moments contemplation said, “May I order for you?”

Heidi played her part of being the submissive and said, "you seem to know what is good on the menu, so, yes please".

He looked her right in the eyes and said, “yes, I certainly do know what's good for you”.

She gave another little nervous shiver, not because she was afraid of him but rather that she afraid she might not live up to his expectations.

As it turned out they had a wonderful dinner and as they chatted amiably between bites of delicious food Heidi almost forgot she was sitting all but naked having dinner with a man she had only just met.

They found out they had a lot of common interests; they both loved art, English literature and classical music. On the music he asked if she played any instrument. She told him that she played both the violin and piano. He nodded toward the Grand Piano and commented, "I would love to hear you play someday, perhaps on my next visit. Now, do you play the skin flute too?"

And suddenly she was taken back to reality! She knew exactly what he was asking, she couldn't help herself, she blushed and said, more emphatically than intended, “yes I do and I am quite good at it!’

Quite calmly he said, ‘That is good to know. You can give me a recital later". He put down his fork and placed it on the empty plate, "Well that was a wonderful meal! Shall we consummate it with mutual dessert back in your room?"

She didn’t have to guess at what, or possibly more correctly, who, he meant for dessert! The server suddenly appeared and held back her seat to allow Mark to come around, just like the perfect gentleman he was, to her side of the table to take her arm. As they departed the table the waiter picked up the towel, discretely held it to his face and inhaled her aroma.

Holding her arm through his, Mark walked her back up the corridor. By this time Heidi was 'on fire' and she wondered if he was sharing her thought that, " … this torment of no sex has to stop; we need to get to it!"

She didn't need to ask, by the time they got to her room they were both so 'hot' that as soon as the door was shut, she turned, embraced him and planted a very hard kiss on him. They parted lips just long enough for him to lift the negligee over her head and for him to say, "you are ready, aren’t you?"

She answered by kissing him once more. He pushed her away, picked her up and carried her over to the bed. No foreplay was needed now; she lay back, opened her legs and watched as he slowly, tantalisingly, undressed before revealing what looked to her eyes, a rather sizeable cock, She wasn't sure if comment was necessary but remembering her role, reacted just like a good whore should, she told him, " … I am very impressed with your manhood."

To which his answer was, "you’ll be even more impressed with it in a few minutes. Now, about that recital ... would you like to play a few notes on this flute to start."

She laughed and scrambled to kneel in front of him and took in hand what she estimated to be an 8-inch cock with a nicely shaped large uncut head. She took the head in her mouth and tried to do her best suck, just as she had done under Robert's instruction. He gave a moan of appreciation and stopped her long enough to allow him to sit on the bed. She kneeled beside him and took his cock back inside her mouth once more and, just as Robert had taught her, started her butterfly flick technique.

Mark approved as he felt her hot breath and the light touches of her tongue on the fat knob but after just a few minutes of this treatment he pulled her head away and groaned, " … stop that, you're really good but if you don’t stop now we won’t get to the consummation!"

He pushed her back and quickly rolled over so that he was kneeling between her spread thighs, his now very rigid and hard cock pointing at her open wet pussy. Despite the heat of the moment both had enough sense to remember the mandatory condom requirement and she asked him , " can I help you slip it on a now?"

They were both like two kids doing it for the first time; so much fumbling around, tearing the foil and trying to get that thing on. Once it had been successfully rolled down his stiff shaft, again, there was no foreplay. She spread her legs and in a moment he was rubbing the latex-covered knob up and down her wet slit.

He was a thoughtful lover. He didn’t force his way in, he took his time to gently enter her; he didn’t just pound away and shoot off in just a few minutes; he took his time and settled into a rhythm, fast strokes, slow strokes and back to fast. He told her he wanted her to match her responses to his; he asked what she wanted and what was 'good for her'. All the while he told her how good she was; made very flattering comments about how she gripped his cock with her vaginal muscles before they settled into a long session of love making.

He was very good and she had several orgasms before he finally came and filled the condom with his hot spunk. As she fell into a deep sleep of sated satisfaction she felt as if she was falling in love all over again.

"Good morning, sleepy head.”

Heidi awoke with a start, "Morning?”

"Gotcha! you’ve only been sleeping about 20 minutes. Time to wake up, I booked you for the entire evening and I don't want to waste time just watching you sleep. For sure, it has been nice having you snuggled up to me and watching you, the movement of your breasts was very erotic as you were breathing in and out and you really did snuggle up to me. How was it for you, did you enjoy the consummation of our getting to know each other?"

Heidi looked at him with amusement and answered, "Oh, yes!"

"Good answer, now, how about we take a shower together? You were quite energetic in your love-making and I need a shower and I think you do too. You were the best sex I had in a long time. I especially liked how you wrapped your legs around me and pulled me in tighter with each stroke. Very nice, Thank you."

She warmed to him even more hearing all this loving post-coital chit-chat and without giving it a thought responded by telling him he was also the best. (For no reason, her thought then strayed to her husband, presumably sitting at home in Philly while she was having fun, and felt a little guilty at making that remark. She silently apologised to Dale and modified 'the best' to being 'Mr. Mark really was very, very good'!)

She hastily told him, "That was the best I've had for some time and I hastened to add, I’m not just saying that because you are a client! You really were the best I’ve had for a long time"

He got the message and said, " Thank you, kind of you to say so, and from your responsiveness to me, I do believe you are very sincere".

The suggestion of a relaxing shower sounded good to Heidi and she pulled of the remains of the negligee which had wrapped itself around her body, pulled off the stained thigh high stockings and followed him to the en-suite bathroom. No words were spoken during the long shower during which they bathed each other, him washing her and then her washing him, taking especially care of each other’s 'special parts'. It was all unspoken and Heidi felt very relaxed at having her 'erotica extremis' condition being served so well. Her contentment continued with the same unspoken communication they towelled and dried each other off.

It was while he was drying her hands that the first words were spoken when he commented, "at dinner I noticed the ring you are wearing. Is that a wedding ring? Are you married?"

Her thoughts went straight back to Dale, she felt a pang and said, "Yes".

He smiled, "Well then, that adds an even more special thrill to having sex with you".

She had no time to respond or explain her marital status when there was a knock on the door and her instant thought was that something was wrong and security was checking up.

Mark stopped his towelling and said, "I’ll get it" and wrapped the towel around his waist. She heard a few words being exchanged which added to her anxieties but the sound of the door being closed was followed by Mark's return and he was carrying a tray with wine, fruit and dessert. He saw her worried look and said, "I ordered it at dinner. I figured that by this time we might need a little something to restore our energy for the rest of the evening".

He put the tray on the table and at the same time the loosely-tied towel dropped to the floor ******** to her again his impressive cock. He smiled at seeing the relief on her face. Ambiguously he said, "Do you want to come and have a bite?"

Energy restored Mark suggested that another 'flute recital' might be appropriate. Heidi said she would be honoured to 'play' for him and that she had a particular piece of 'music' in mind that she would like for him to hear.

He laughed at her response and said, "before you do that I would like to give you an offering of my own". With that, Mark took the plate from her hand, led her to the bed and sat her down and gently spread her legs. She suspected that she would know the 'piece of music' that he was about to play and looked forward to what was coming and his interpretation, but he surprised her further by asking, in an oblique fashion, her permission, ".. do you mind if I look closer at your music? I'm not as good as you, I need to look at the notes!”

Heidi laughed at his banter but as he dipped his head between her thighs and started to lap at her wet pussy she thought, "oh my God, as much as he complimented me on my oral skills, this is a sheer delight".

It became quite clear to her that he was used to pleasuring a woman with his mouth and tongue and she quickly felt an orgasm begin to overtake her. She squealed with excitement and that caused him to suck and lick even harder and faster. His tongue seemed to find every crevice in her vagina, and he went to work sucking, nibbling and licking at her clitoris, Heidi went crazy and had a massive climax.

He lifted his head and she looked down to see that his face was coated and shiny from her emissions. He smiled back and asked unnecessarily, "Do you like how I play; did you like that piece?"

She admitted that his performance was exemplary but didn't like to tell him that she was exhausted from the release. However, she knew she had to 'play his flute' again as he seemed so pleased with her earlier 'piece of music' and was wanting a reprise. He came and lay on the bed alongside her and she rolled over and really went to work on his cock determined to give one of her best performances ever.

She sucked using all her skills and as time went by and she felt his cock throbbing in her mouth she thought how much longer lasting he was than any 'normal' man she had previously applied her techniques. She sucked harder to encourage him to cum when he held her head and commanded, "Stop, I’ll take over now!" Still holding her head he began fucking her mouth, first with short tentative strokes and then, seeing how easily she was taking him he said, “You’ve done this before. Good girl.”

He started stroking faster and deeper into her throat and she began to gag but her training kicked in and she relaxed, suppressed the reaction. He felt his cock going deeper and grunted his approval saying, " … look up at my face. I want to see your eyes while doing this .. I want to see you enjoying me in your mouth!"

She did as he commanded and within a moment she felt the hot spunk flooding her throat and mouth. He pulled out and startled her when he said sharply, "Don't swallow, I want to see your mouth full of my cum."

She showed him, "Good girl, now you can swallow!"

She complied and fell back on the bed, exhausted, hoping that she had given him satisfaction and perhaps he would allowed her to rest. No chance.

"You didn't answer me when I asked if you liked to be spanked."

She looked at him wearily wondering how she should respond.

"You know, you have been a very naughty girl. A nice girl like you, working here and doing such naughty things. I don't want to punish you, oh no, but I think you need some encouragement to keep it up!"

He motioned her to a chair and reached into the satchel he had brought with him, the satchel she thought contained his business papers. He brought out a velvet covered whip which looked all the world like a riding crop and proceeded to give his open palm a few very solid smacks.

"I've been admiring your ass … perfect spanking material … bend over the chair, my Dear”.

Much as she hated the word 'Ass', she did as she was told and wondered how he knew that spanking was something that was guaranteed to turn her on!

She closed her eyes and listened for the swish of the whip. She didn't have to wait long and since she was so well primed already it took but a few lashes across her upturned butt before she felt another strong orgasm flood over her again. She also felt a hot splash of cum and turning her head she looked to see that Mark had the whip in one hand and his stiff cock in the other and had also bought himself to that delicious peak of ecstasy. The man was insatiable.

Mark was very pleased with himself that he had bought her so effectively to a 'happy ending' and he put the whip to one side, helped her to her feet and once again entwined her in passionate kissing and cuddling and telling her, "… what a good girl you have been. Thank you so much …" He looked at his watch, " … we've got just enough time left for one last thing ... Time for photos!"

He picked up the phone and she heard him ask for, "…. the photographer to come to my room".

She looked at him quizzically as he said 'Photographer' and said with mock admonishment, "Isn't that my job. I've been told that I'm supposed to entice you to have pictures taken to remind you of our times together?"

He laughed and took her off the proverbial hook by saying, "Don't worry about it, I know the rules and what you are supposed to do. Have no fear, I already requested a photographer to standby for us".

On cue, there was a tap at the door and Mark, still clad in just a towel, let him in.

Heidi needed no instructions on how to pose, her past experience when she had modelled for Martin served her well; Mark was not so well-versed and after telling what he required ("Mostly shots of Kissing and Cuddling," he said) the photographer directed him through a number of scenes he wanted to capture.

The towel was discarded and, based on the going price of $50 for each photo, Mark had no hesitation after the session in signing a credit slip for well over $500 worth of photos showing Heidi cuddling and paying homage to his still stiff penis.

The photographer left and Mark said, with regret, he also had to leave for he had some major meetings the next day. He dressed, picked up the whip and replaced it in the satchel and Heidi was pleased to observe as he opened the bag that there were indeed business documents to be seen inside!

As he left, he held her and they parted with a prolonged goodbye kiss. He told her that he had not visited this establishment for quite some time but that she had made for a very delightful evening, " … good food, good wine, and fantastic sex. I shall be recommending you to my friends and, don't worry, I know you are only here for a short while but I intend to have you many more times before you disappear!”

And good to his word, he came back several times becoming what was known amongst the community of Cougar Springs girls as a 'Grand Slam member'. Sharon was very pleased at the recommendation that Mark left behind and even more pleased by the amount of money that Heidi had earned in what was, according to Sharon, a record time. (Sharon didn't reveal at the time that Mark, as part owner of the business, actually hadn't paid anything.)

Heidi was likewise pleased with herself and wondered if her next 'client' would be as thoughtful and considerate as the rampant Mark had been.


Dale finished work for the day and returned to the apartment that in 'normal times' he and Jacqui, his wife, shared. However, the life they led over the past few years had been anything but normal, he reflected, not least of which his wife, who he adored, had adopted quite a different persona to the girl he had married and with her increasing demands for passionate and imaginative sex had also adopted the pseudonym of 'Heidi' whenever she was 'in the zone', which, due to her medical condition of eroticus extremis , was constantly!

Their involvement with friend Robert's club, the grandly titled Erotic Society of America, had gone a long way to satisfying Heidi's needs but she was always seeking more and that was why they were now in the situation of him willingly giving his wife away to someone else and now he had only the slightest notion of exactly where she was and what she was getting up to.

The past 6 months for Dale had been a particular crazy time and everything that had occurred had happened with his consent for he had signed a contract that was very specific of how his wife was to treated. In short, she was to become a Sex Slave to Robert for 12 months and during this time there was to be no contact between man and wife.

In reality, it hadn't been quite that brutal for after a few months of her being employed in her new role Dale, due to circumstances to do with his job as an Environmental Engineer, had found himself in New Orleans, the city where Robert had taken her. Robert, when he knew of Dale's presence, relented and invited him to an event where Heidi would be performing centre stage and he saw for himself the results of Robert's training when she had been literally gang-banged by every other male who had been in attendance.

Robert hadn't allowed Dale to join in the fuck-fest or time to have any meaningful conversation with his wife but he did instruct Heidi to give 'her husband' a relieving Blowjob for which he was truly thankful.

Despite the order for 'no talking' between them, Heidi, when asked, 'how are you doing; what's happening?' managed to whisper as she wiped her mouth, "… he's taking me to Cougar Springs."

Heidi was led away by Robert before she could whisper anything further and even though Dale had just spent a fortnight on a cruise with his wife (another Robert concession) he had not managed to learn anything further as she was none the wiser as to what 'Cougar Springs' referred.

Yes, for sure, these were far from normal times and now all Dale had to go on as far as his wife's location was concerned was that whispered comment and that his wife had been summoned and had left home once more to join Robert in Las Vegas.

As exciting as it was to be playing out the fantasies that he and Jacqui both shared, Dale missed her terribly. It wasn't even that he minded the fact that she would be frequently fucking other men and, possibly, being abused in some way or another at the same time, for this was what this, their latest fantasy was all about. No, she could do exactly as she pleased, that was the agreement. What was really hurting was not knowing where she was doing it. He did what any responsible and concerned husband would do … he turned to the internet and Google.

He typed in 'Cougar Springs' and top of the hit list was:

'Willamette National Forest - Terwilliger (Cougar) Hot Springs

https://www.fs.usda.gov › recarea › willamette › recarea

Terwilliger Hot Springs is accessible through Forest Service Road (FSR) 500 on the east side of Cougar Reservoir by entering from FSR 19 and turning left at...'

Clearly not what he was looking for given this was a Cougar Springs located in Oregon. He looked at the next search result:

'Cougar Springs, Nevada - expanse of desert North of the city of Las Vegas. So named by the Shoshone native American tribes after the sightings of Mountain Lions (Cougars) who came to the (now) arid river bed to drink.'

Interesting but not relevant.

He scanned further down the screen, the results were all much of the same information until …

'Cougar Springs - Legal brothel situated in Clark County, Nevada. Located north of the city of Las Vegas and known for catering to wealthy clients and …..'

It was like a light had switched on in his brain. "So that's it, Robert has got her working as a prostitute in a brothel ... well I never, you cunning old dog Robert, that possibility never entered my mind. Oh my God, my wife is working as a hooker …"

His mind went into overtime. "Contract or no contract, I've gotta see this for myself."

He typed into the Search Bar 'Flights to Las Vegas from Philadelphia'
