Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Thirteen - Cruise Break


Dale watched Jacqui, his wife, being shepherded away by Robert with the assistance of MG and not for the first time he pondered on the strangeness of their situation. He had just witnessed the 'marriage' of Jacqui to 'Deke's Cock' and now she was leaving.

It had been another fleeting meeting that he had been allowed to have in the company of his wife albeit, as per 'the contract', he hadn't been allowed to have any meaningful conversation with her. He watched as MG handed her a cloth so that she might clean off some of the cum that decorated her half-naked body; he saw Robert find her discarded coat so that she, Slave Cumquat (his 'slave to sex'), might cover herself before they left the room; he wrestled with interpreting her parting comment after she had given him a blowjob and had whispered to him, 'Cougar Springs', when Las Vegas had been mentioned.

The whole evening had been very bizarre and it had all been 'very Robert'.

As he drove home he reflected, as he so often did, on the past year and how the agreement for Jacqui to become the property of their friend, the egotistical, domineering, imaginative Robert. It was Robert who claimed to have a successful track record of turning women into sex slaves that had made the suggestion that Jacqui might like to avail herself of his tuition. The proposal held some attraction for Jacqui and Dale as they were quite enamoured with everything that they had shared with Robert over the past few years and the concept appealed to their adventurous nature given that they were both addicted to exploring their sexuality and membership of Robert's clique of acolytes had given them much pleasure. The idea that Jacqui should become exclusively Robert's for a 12-month seemed deliciously exciting and so the agreement was made that she would be taken to Robert's home in New Orleans.

And it was an agreement, for Robert being 'Robert', had insisted that a contract be drawn up that would deny Dale any access to his wife unless Robert 'decided otherwise'. Robert was insistent that such a clause be part of the agreement and that contact between husband and wife would only be made through him and/or with his approval and so it proved. Occasionally, Dale would receive an email from Robert telling of 'Slave Cumquat's' progress and well-being but other than that Dale had seen nothing of her for months … until Dale himself had to travel to New Orleans on a work-related matter and Robert when he learned that Dale was in the vicinity had kindly arranged a couple of meetings to be made …. with strict conditions attached, of course!

Dale watched her retreating form with the knowledge that the contract still had months to run and he was left not knowing when the next contact with his wife would be. However, there had been that mention by Robert of her being taken to Las Vegas in the few weeks for business reasons unknown and then there had been that whispered mention by Jacqui (sorry, Cumquat,) of 'Cougar Springs'. All very intriguing and as he drove home he wondered if Las Vegas might present him with a business opportunity of his own that would result in him seeing wife again before the contract expired.

By the time he reached home he was already mentally sketching out plans. He had vacation due, if he could find out what dates Robert had in mind, why not take a little trip to Nevada of his own, was his thinking.


In the event Dale should have known better than to trust in any dealings with Robert. The man, as Dale knew, was full of his own self and had his own ideas of how business should be conducted and as far as the contract was concerned it was a document that could be observed, or not, according to Robert's whim. So it was that a couple of days following the wedding that Robert called Dale to inform him that he was sufficiently pleased with the progress of Jacqui's (or 'Slave Cumquat' as he referred to her as) that he was giving her a 'release pass' and allowing her to come home for a week or two. Robert didn't give any reasons for his change of mind about the conditions of the contract but did say that it would give an opportunity to see for himself how well she had adapted to her new role as 'a Slave to Sex'. He was also adamant that she would be required to return to 'his ownership' after her furlough.

Dale was both confused and bemused. On the surface, it was shown that Robert couldn't be trusted to keep his word as he had previously been quite inflexible when other suggestions of breaking the conditions of the contract were concerned; deeper down, he was delighted. No matter what the reason was to cause Robert to waver, he was going to be getting his wife back (albeit for a limited period).

This was an opportunity to good to miss, he resolved to celebrate the temporary resumption of his marriage in style. He had already booked vacation time in anticipation of the dates he suspected of Robert going to Las Vegas, now Las Vegas could wait for another time, he decided that with 'the master's' permission he would take Jacqui on cruise instead.

Robert approved the idea of them going away as man and wife and confirmed the period and the dates he was 'allowing' Slave Cumquat to be loaned which gave Dale all the information he required in order to make a booking. Robert reminded him that even though she would be out of his sight that she was still owned by him and that he was still very much her 'master'. He added that the loan would be subject to strict conditions and that Cumquat must be treated in his absence as if she was still a slave under his control and that 'the Slave' would be returned to his ownership once the voyage had been completed.

Dale was not surprised when he listened to Robert droning on with his micro-details, heaven forbid that any arrangement involved with Robert could be simple, but he also recognised that this was merely an extension to 'the game' that they were playing so he told him he would agree to any reasonable addition to the rules.

The cruise that Dale chose only had to tick a couple of boxes to meet his requirements. First, it had to be 'Adults Only' (he knew that there was a potential for 'friends' to be made and he didn't need kids around to complicate matters!). Second, being an ex-Seabee with an interest in all things related to maritime engineering, the boat had to pass through the Panama Canal so he could see how they locked up a lock. So it was that tickets were purchased for a Caribbean cruise which passed through the Panama Canal on a voyage which would dock in Los Angeles 16 days later.

Plenty of time, despite Robert's rules, to reconnect with his wife and others, he thought.


In the event, the rules were very simple. Robert met up with Dale as arranged at the port in Fort Lauderdale, handed over 'Slave Cumquat' with the instruction to her that she should take every opportunity to demonstrate to Dale how thorough to date her training had been and, secondly, she was reminded under oath not to reveal any future plans of what she would be doing once she had been returned to his ownership once the cruise was done.

The first rule amused all of them at the thought of the scope that that would cover. The second rule was a little more difficult to comprehend as Cumquat had not the slightest idea what Robert had planned for the future and therefore was in no position to reveal anything of interest but, rules were rules, and with the handover complete Robert left her and her small suitcase to Dale's care.

The boat sailed and once out to sea Dale felt euphoric. He had his wife back in his sole company; he was on vacation away from his demanding job with no opportunity or intention of being in contact with his employers and, almost best of all, he was back in his element of being on board a ship on the high seas. God, how he missed his Navy days.

Jacqui shared his joy, not necessarily for the same reasons, but, yes, it was refreshing to be away from her Master's dominating regime albeit she did admit to Dale that she enjoyed the life she had had over the past few months of being strictly under Robert's care.

So it was that the first couple of days as they sailed toward Jamaica were spent in getting know each other again, exploring the ship (assessing the other passengers for their 'potential' in becoming closer friends), lounging on sun-beds in quiet corners of the ship where Jacqui could dispense with her bikini top and, on return to their cabin, for Dale to be given demonstrations of what she had learned in her time away from him.

Jacqui wasn't too sure what might come under that heading but she thought that an example might be what Robert had encouraged her to do, to improve her oral skills. She told, no, rather like an obedient slave, she requested Dale to lay naked on the bed. Once there in anticipation of what was to come, his cock was already at half-mast and it took but a few moments of her gentle stroking before it had become the stiff member that she remembered from the time before she was given away.

Dale was unsure what was supposed to be different about her giving him a blowjob as so far his recollection was that nothing much had changed from her previous technique as her head bobbed up and down. Then he felt the cool air conditioning on his wet and slimy cock as she lifted off before being surprised to feel his balls being sucked one at a time into her warm mouth. She'd never done that before!

She gently sucked and licked at the soft sacs and resumed her stroking of his throbbing cock with her hands. The slickness of her saliva on her stroking hand reminded him of the soft feel of her pussy and with those thoughts in mind it took just a few moments of her sucking his balls for the dribbling pre-cum that was streaming from his shiny knob to be suddenly replaced by an explosion of cum as his first orgasm of the cruise overtook him.

Wow, lesson one; what else had she learned?!

The first stop on the cruise was Ocho Rios in Jamaica where the passengers were given the day to spend their money in the duty-free outlets; do an island sight-seeing tour or, if so inclined, go to one of the many resort hotels or local beaches and just chill out. Dale and Jacqui elected to do the latter and they stepped off the boat and sought the advice of a taxi-driver who having assessed what they were looking for took them to a 'clothes optional' beach.

Jacqui was wearing just a bikini under a wrap and it took no time at all to enter into the spirit of the beach by discarding the wrap, her sandals and then the bikini bottoms. Dale was bemused that she retained her bikini top but she explained that the sunbathing on the boat had caused her tits and especially her nipples to catch too much sun and she wanted to give them a bit of a rest in the hope that they would' calm down' a bit. Dale didn't mind for he, like the many other guys who were around, were treated to the sight of her neatly trimmed hairy pussy and all showed their appreciation as only a guy can by letting her see their stiffening cocks. She appreciated the gestures, especially from the local men who if they didn't already have a female companion appeared to her to be on the prowl looking for one.

Another thing she noticed was that there were other couples from the boat who had declined taking the cultural sight-seeing tour but had, like them, preferred to come to the nude beach where they could ****** themselves to the sun (or, rather, sons, she thought). That was when they made the proper acquaintance of a couple who had only previously been acknowledged by friendly smiles and greetings when they had chanced to pass in the corridors and other areas on the ship.

It was shortly after they had settled down on their beach towels that their 'new friends' from the ship pitched up and took a spot on the sand close by. The attractive lady quickly followed the trend and was soon laying on her own towel, topless and they took an immediate interest in their neighbours and introduced themselves as Rick and Eunice. After exchanging the usual pleasantries that of new introductions they cut to the chase and told Jacqui that they particularly loved the fact that she was bottomless and that they appreciated 'the look'.

Jacqui's reaction was more in her Cumquat persona and she said with a giggle, "Thank you Sir, thank you Madam,, I appreciate the compliment. I usually show more." She went on to explain that she had over-indulged in sunbathing on the ship which had made her tits sore and that normally she would be quite happy to be letting everything be on display. "Maybe when the sun has gone down, you'll get a chance to see the rest," she teased.

That kind of broke the ice as far as confidences were concerned and the conversation quickly went along the route of what they did for entertainment when they weren't 'sunbathing'. Rick jokingly asked, did they by chance 'like to play'.

Slave Cumquat and Dale recognised they were in the company of kindred spirits and although she initially acted coy and the coquette they both quickly admitted that they did 'like to play' and that Dale especially was fine with her 'nude interests'. And so the next couple of hours were spent bantering back and forth with the conversation heavy with sexual innuendo as they watched the parade of black cocks and naked white women on the beach around them. Both Dale and Rick showed their own signs of approval at what they were seeing; Cumquat and Eunice, equally so but not in such an obvious way.

They stayed until the deadline for the time for the ship to set sail but before they left the beach cabin numbers were exchanged and an agreement made that they would get together on the ship for some special shipboard activities that weren’t on cruise director’s list!

They returned to their own cabin and Dale commented that he recognised that the cabin number Rick supplied was on a deck a few levels above their own modest accommodation which indicated that their new friends must have a suite or at least quarters more substantial than their own. Jacqui suggested they ought go and check out if his assumption was correct and, at the same time she said, "I can give Rick and Eunice a special treat"

She took off her bathing suit and then once again tied her wrap around her before they both headed up to find their newly-found friends’ suite. When they got there, Jacqui checked to see that no one else was coming down the passageway, untied the knot of her cover-up and knocked on their door.

Eunice heard the knock and made an apology to someone she was talking to on the phone and called out, "Just coming!" before she answered the door. It blew her mind when she saw Jacqui (nee Cumquat) standing there in the passageway all but naked with the wrap held open so that she could enjoy the sight of all of Cumquat's charms.

Eunice invited them in and stepping into the cabin Cumquat let the wrap fall to the floor as she made her way over to an armchair. From the direction of the bedroom they could hear the sound of the shower running in the en-suite, Eunice called out, "Rick, we've got visitors, you need to come out and see what we've got here!"

Rick emerged from the bedroom with a towel held around his waist and was confronted by the sight of a smiling Cumquat sat with her legs spread over the arms of the chair so that her cunt was very nicely on display. He let go of the towel.

While Rick took in the view, Eunice picked up the phone she had placed on the nightstand and resumed talking to another couple travelling with them, friends who had been spoken about when they had been sharing gossip on the beach. Rick had confided that these friends had similar interests and were travelling with them for some 'special' fun and by the time the taxi had come to take them back to the boat Dale had expressed an interest in meeting up with them. He hadn't realised that Cumquat's display would bring about the meeting so quickly!

He heard Eunice say they should get over right away with the comment , “… the couple we told you about is here, the wife is naked and you should see how she spreads her legs to show off!”

The friends were tapping at the door within minutes and Rick hurried to let them in and their smiles widened when they saw Jacqui (in full Cumquat-mode) with her legs spread. She lifted her hand and was introduced to Phil and Pat who both said in their own way, "Pleased to meet you." Phil was wearing loose cargo shorts which as he shook her hand rapidly showed how appreciative he was to meet her; Pat had on a short sun dress and as she shook Cumquat's hand had the hem been lifted it would have been evident from the cum that slicked her pantie-less pussy that the phone call had disturbed Phil's orgasm as they had been enjoying their regular pre-dinner fuck.

And so began a series of pleasant adventures with all these folks as Pat and Phil followed Jacqui's lead and began to take off the few clothes they were wearing.

Pat set the scene by commenting that she 'had heard' that Jacqui enjoyed playing games, "I know that Eunice does. She told me that you seemed like a 'game girl' but you best understand if you play with us that we are quite competitive."

Jacqui smiled at the suggestion and said, "Yeah, I like playing but I don't like to lose that's for sure. What games have you got in mind?"

Eunice joined in the banter, "Good, I love a challenge." The men said nothing, they looked on amusedly, a trio of stiffening cocks knowing that whatever was going to be decided that they would soon be enjoying on-board activities that wasn't in the Entertainment Director's play book.

Eunice suggested they play a favourite of theirs, maybe even have a prize for the 'winners'. Jacqui asked what the mystery prize was, Eunice told her, "It wouldn't be much of a mystery prize if you knew what it was, but something you will love, something money just can't buy."

"Love?" asked Jacqui.

Eunice laughed, "Wait and see, but you have to win the game first …. let the contest begin.

"OK girls, our first game and the rules are simple. We have to pick a guy who is not our regular partner and the first one who can make him cum is the winner. The thing is though, he has to have his hands cuffed behind his back so that he cannot touch his dick! The winning guy, on the other hand, is the one who can hold off and who cums last!"

To Jacqui and Dale's bemusement handcuffs were produced and Pat and Eunice quickly fastened the hands of the three guys behind their backs while Eunice once again explained the rules which basically stated the handcuffs were so the guys couldn't cheat by wanking themselves.

Jacqui stood up from the chair and chose Phil. She dropped to her knees, pulled his shorts down, grabbed his cock and started sucking it. It was a lovely cock, long, thick and firming up nicely. Soon she had him rock hard as she sucked for all she was worth. She wished she didn't have to rush but it was a competition and she intended to win.

Eunice took her time, first she undid Dale's shorts pulling them down and then ordered him to step out of them. (Dale loved being ordered about by a stronger woman as his time with Madame Germania had so often proved). She told him to stand still in the centre of the room and she gyrated slowly as she stripped herself till she was naked, telling him all he had to do was watch. She laid down on the couch and told him to come closer and opening her legs she started to play with herself, massaging her breasts, stroking her clit and occasionally finger fucking herself while he looked on. Her performance had the desired effect, Dale's cock rose and began pulsing and if he had not been handcuffed there would have been no doubt that he would be joining her in mutual masturbation and would have cum along with Eunice as she bought herself to a shattering orgasm.

Jacqui realised her mistake in picking Phil, he was a real stud and was taking ages to cum. Her competitive spirit was urging her to win so she turned her back to him, spread her legs and bending over double with her legs nice and straight, she grabbed hold of her own ankles. Phil couldn't help himself, she looked amazing, so sexy, her long legs, narrow waist and shapely ass was more than enough to have his cock which was now slick with her saliva throb with lust. She invited him to fuck her from behind and as he approached she put her hands through her legs and took hold of his cock and guided him inside her. He thrust his marvellous stiff fat cock deep into her and started thrusting. She heard Eunice making herself cum, it sounded so sexy, and then she was soon lost in her own climax as Phil lost control and pumped his cum deep inside her. First win to Jacqui.

Eunice heard Phil's grunt as he orgasmed and realising that she had lost the first round of their games she decided to be a worthy runner-up and she pulled Dale over so that she could suck on his bobbing cock. It took but a few seconds of her sucking and fondling his balls before he shot his load to the sight and sound on the other side of the cabin of Jacqui's screaming orgasm.

Rick meantime had been pushed onto the bed and was laying on his back with Pat straddled over him. It was a little uncomfortable to have his hands so firmly secured beneath him and indeed the metal was cutting into his butt but he was quite content, now having heard the two other guys cum, to be regarded as the winning male as he was being leisurely fucked by the familiar wet pussy of his friend Pat.

Jacqui came down from her high and smiled triumphantly toward Eunice hoping to hear congratulations at winning the contest. She called out, "Still having fun I see … no rush …. finish what you're doing but what's the prize?"

Eunice was too preoccupied to answer as she was wiping away Dale's cum which had obscured her vision and Pat certainly was in no position to respond to the question as she was totally concentrating on the building sensations in her pussy as Rick's cock began pumping spurt after spurt of hot sperm inside her.

Jacqui waited until everyone had calmed down and once again reminded anyone who cared to listen that she had won, "So, what's my prize then?" she demanded.

Eunice, still in a post orgasmic glow, smiled back, "Um, oh yeah, a prize .. erm, how about you choose what restaurant we go for dinner tonight? Yeah, you get to choose and hurry making up your mind, I'm famished!"

If Jacqui was disappointed at not having been given an actual prize, then she didn't show it. Indeed, she joined in the general banter and the 'joke', content with knowing that it had been her who had caused Phil to shoot his load before the others had got into their stride.

She cast a look at Dale if she was seeking his approval before saying, "I choose the Bistro!"

Dale stared back at her and mindful of the instructions that Robert had given him when he had handed over Cumquat that she should be treated like some kind of servant, he said, "Yeah, good choice, Bistro sounds good. You can make the reservation. Now, get back to the cabin and get yourself ready."

His tone of voice was not lost on the others as they exited the suite and called over his shoulder, "We'll see you there .."

Jacqui did not take any panties or bras with her on the trip, as per her standing orders from Robert, and wore only a dress or skirt and blouse to dinner every evening. She had been told that dresses and skirts were to be appropriately short, but not so much as to be blatant.

Pat and Phil had already made dinner arrangements of their own and were not present to hear from Dale about the unique nature of his marriage to Jacqui and how they were playing out a much more complicated game of their own. The food on the table was mostly ignored as Eunice and Rick were fascinated to hear the details of the arrangement with Robert and how Jacqui, with her split personality and medical condition (erotomania extremis), made for being the perfect Sex Slave and that this cruise was just an extension of her being treated in that manner, albeit in more exotic circumstances. Dale's explanation certainly cleared up any confusion they had over the way he spoke to his wife and why he often referred to her as 'Cumquat' rather than her proper name.

The fact that Jacqui (now Cumquat) wore neither panties nor bras was quickly taken advantage by the over-sexed Eunice and Rick. The intimate Bistro provided them with the perfect opportunity (relatively dark, candles, piano player, very few people there) to indulge in playing more games than had they chosen to eat in the main dining room.

At this first dinner they took together Cumquat wore one of her shorter dresses and sat down between their new friends. Having heard of her circumstances and how it was expected for her to be treated it was no surprise when she felt a hand caressing her thigh.

That was Rick.

In response, as she was trained to do by Robert in such a situation, she opened her legs wider to give him better access, of which he took advantage. A few minutes later she felt another hand caressing her other thigh.

This was Eunice.

Eventually their hands met at her pussy. If the waiter wondered why they were all sitting so close to each other he certainly didn't make a mention but Dale, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, had no doubts as to what was happening and he marvelled at what they were doing with his wife, because, seemingly, there was nothing obvious going on under the table. That is until their hands met at her pussy and they really went to work on her. Rick worked his way into her cunt with his fingers while Eunice caressed Cumquat's thigh and clitoris. They masturbated Cumquat to the point where she was breathing heavily but not yet into the moaning stage, at which point they stopped, only to give her a very brief respite before starting again.

Cumquat's fork clattered onto the plate and how they all laughed when the waiter alerted by the noise and then seen the changing expression on her face enquired if the meal was 'satisfactory'. She picked up the fork and once more struggled to eat her meal with one hand while her other hand beneath the table top was encouraging and guiding other hands to feed her other 'mouth'. She breathlessly assured him everything was 'delightful' and that the service was perfect and that she would definitely be coming back for more later in the cruise.

As the waiter departed Dale said, "Good answer .." Cumquat said nothing but just moaned as she felt another climax rising in her pussy.

Eunice and Rick smiled and whispered across to Dale that they had done this many times before, particularly with their friend Pat, and it was one of their favourite games to see how far they could go before a woman gave in to their playing with her. Cumquat, they said, was reacting very well but suggested that, "… maybe we'll skip the menu dessert and have her as the real dessert back in our suite".

Dale thought that to be a most excellent suggestion.


Rick was fascinated by the idea that Dale had such a compliant wife who was acting out this fantasy of her being a sex slave 'loaned out' as the whim of whoever her 'master' at the time might decide. It gave him much pleasure to witness and her presence was an added bonus to the attractions of the cruise especially when he saw how much she enjoyed being 'disciplined' whenever it was deemed she had failed to carry out instructions correctly or whenever she was criticised over something she was perceived by Dale to have done incorrectly.

He thought it to be a really cute move in their game that whenever Dale admonished her she would take off the belt of his pants or shorts, hand it to him, and tell him that she deserved to be spanked. He didn't say anything to Dale the first time he witnessed this happening but he thought that she could be better punished if she had a more appropriate belt. He knew of just the place where once the ship had passed through the canal such a belt could be purchased.

The ship entered the canal and 10 hours later emerged into the Pacific Ocean. Despite Dale's interest in marine engineering he managed to miss most of the manoeuvrings through the locks given it was dark and in any case Eunice was proving to be a far more interesting attraction.

The ship docked at the next point on the schedule, Huatulco, Mexico, and they all elected to go to the beach which was right alongside the pier. Given the close proximity both ladies said they would wear just their bikinis; Rick advised that perhaps Cumquat might also take a cover-up wrap. She didn't question the reason why but in her 'slave persona' made show of being flattered when he told her that he loved the way she looked in it.

They found some vacant sun loungers and as they spread their towels Rick surprised the others by saying that he was taking Cumquat off to purchase a gift as a reward for being so compliant. Dale recognised that this was a gambit in their on-going game and made no objection when Rick took her hand and led her off the beach to find a taxi.

The cab rank was rapidly emptying as passengers streamed off the nearby boat but Rick had no trouble in catching the attention of a driver who leered when he saw the flimsily clad female he had in tow. Rick, who had previously visited this resort and knew Spanish well enough, told the cab driver they wanted to go to a particular leather shop to ' consigue algo especial para la senora', to 'get something special for the Senora'. He accompanied his instruction by patting Cumquat's butt with the flat of his hand. The taxi driver understood perfectly what he was referring to.

The short drive took them to a shop off the beaten tourist track and down a side street where Rick told the taxi to wait. The shop appeared from the outside to be just the typical Mexican store with racks on the pavement holding the usual items that would be expected to be seen, bags, purses, belts and footwear, but it was when they went inside and looked around it became a lot more interesting as the leather goods on show at the back of the store most definitely were not for public display.

The lurid packaging on some of the goods gave no doubt that the items were a variety of possible 'instruments of pleasure' and Cumquat's eyes opened wide in anticipation as she handled the merchandise and the thoughts of how they could be applied. She was particularly taken by the display of belts and Rick joined her in discussion about which one she might like. She chose one and handed it to him and suggested he might like to 'try it for size'.

To his obvious amusement, the shop owner looked over from behind the counter and saw Rick doing a kind of 'test' by flicking it across her ass and he came over and suggested that he had some other goods that might be more to the Senora’s liking. Indeed, he was so blatant in making the suggestion that even though there was no doubt about what was being recommended that she still had the good grace to blush modestly. With no comment or objections being made from either of them the owner parted the bead curtain and took them into another room where arrayed around the walls he had quite the selection of everything leather for sex games, boots, paddles, manacles, etc.

Having seen the short performance of her willing being slapped by Rick with the belt and guessing that Cumquat might be partial to being spanked, the owner made another suggestion that perhaps the Senora would like to try some paddles out before buying one or more. She interpreted the suggestion as being a command and before anything further was said she got on all fours and awaited further orders.

Rick and the shop owner both stepped back to admire the way she presented her ass quite nicely; it had nice loft and she helpfully pointed up in the air so that it was a great looking target that was presented to him. Rick moved in and she play-acted a protest when he proceeded to pull off her bottoms. He ignored her 'objections' and in the spirit of the game they were playing told her, "You forgot to say 'thank you', now what should you have said?"

Cumquat stifled a giggle and said, "Thank you Sir, now will please will you take off my top too!"

The shop owner caught the drift of the conversation and 'intervened' and suggested that before they went any further that they might like to take advantage of another specially equipped room. Rick's Spanish was good enough to understand what the owner was referring to and he pulled Cumquat to her feet and they willingly followed him through a passage into his living quarters where he proudly showed them his built-in restraint system of a bench which had various straps and manacles strategically positioned around. He told Rick he too liked to have a willing Senora and without asking her opinion they quickly had Cumquat secured on the bench. She looked 'quite the picture', naked, straddled face down and secured to the bench and Rick realising that this might indeed be a 'Kodak Moment' set his camera up so that the vacation memory might be captured for later viewing.

The shop owner had made an offer to leave them alone but that it was obvious he would prefer to stay, so Rick told him so, adding he would welcome his judgement in making a selection of the most appropriate paddle or strap. The owner was more than happy to oblige and sensing that Rick might appreciate further assistance offered to demonstrate his own spanking techniques.

Cumquat whose grasp of Spanish was minimal had no trouble in following the conversation and as she lay there on the bench with only her sandals on her feet she could feel her pussy getting wetter in anticipation of what was to come.

The owner handed Rick a wide black leather paddle and he proceeded to give Cumquat a few test whacks on her rounded butt to see how she would respond. Both he and the owner were pleasantly surprised when she asked him to spank her harder and faster. Rick was only too happy to accommodate her and each whack caused her groin to push and shove against the hard surface of the bench and for her clit to scrape against the strategically positioned ridge. It took only several more such whacks before she exploded with an overwhelming orgasm, which startled him and the owner because she came so quickly and so massively.

The owner who had been watching intently emphasised his interest by having his stiff cock in his hand which he had been wanking during Rick's trial run. Rick appreciated his involvement and as a 'thank you' for him being so helpful he handed over the selected paddle to let the shop owner have a few whacks of his own on Cumquat's ass. He released his cock, gratefully accepted the paddle and with Cumquat squealing with pleasure he spanked her reddened butt cheeks until without any further stimulation from his hand his cock began spurting his cum over the concrete floor.

Needless to say, several purchases were made and everyone was quite pleased with this special shopping expedition. The owner told them he was very pleased to have been of service and told them he quite enjoyed their visit and hoped Rick and the senora would return again soon.

They left the store and because her derriere was rather tender from Rick and the shop owner's attentions she felt more comfortable by wearing just her bikini top, discarding f the bottoms and leaving her wrap to cover her modesty. The taxi was waiting as expected and because she was so sore she was unable to sit down and had to kneel on the seat for the return drive back to the ship. The taxi driver made no objection as it gave him a very nice view in his mirror as they made their erratic way back to the beach. It wasn't lost on Rick that the taxi driver was taking more interest in looking at Cumquat's pussy than the road ahead.

The cabbie asked Rick if the shop had provided what he was looking for and Rick said, "Thank you, very much so" and told him that he was so grateful for the service the cab had provided that he would like to give him a special tip and advised that he might like to pull over. The driver got his drift and pulled up short of the official drop-off point and once again Rick thanked and then 'paid' the cabbie.

He told Cumquat to remain kneeling and to turn around so her ass was pointing out of the opened door. He stood aside and the Cabbie took his place, pulled out his already erect cock and without a word he quickly fucked her doggie style, ending by shooting his hot load over her blushing upturned ass. The driver then thanked Rick for his generosity before taking them onward to the drop-off point by the beach.

They retraced their path back to the beach to discover that Eunice and Dale had already returned to the ship which, as far as Cumquat was concerned, was a smart move for she felt a little bit '*******' wearing just her see-through wrap over her bottom-less bikini with the added decoration of the cabbie's cum stain on her back. They passed a few people as they progressed through the passageways back to the cabin and indeed they overheard one women comment to the another something to the effect of 'don’t you think she’s a bit old to be wearing a dress that short?' Cumquat was amused to hear the other woman say, “Maybe, but she really looks great in it!”

At Rick's suite they disturbed Eunice and Dale who were having an intimate moment of their own and in accordance with the complex rules of 'the game' that they devised over the past week Cumquat became the recipient of several more paddling 'rewards' for being such a 'naughty slave' by not knocking at the door before she entered.

The purchases made at the leather store became very useful in awarding the rewards and both Rick and Cumquat were fascinated at the resourcefulness of Rick and Eunice in solving any problems of securing Cumquat in place with the manacles and straps that had been purchased.

And so the final couple of days of the cruise played out as the boat left Huatulco and turned Northward toward its final berth in Los Angeles.

The end of the vacation seemed to come in an unseemly rush and everyone was a little disappointed that they hadn't had the opportunity to further some of the ideas that Rick and Eunice had suggested that they might do with the compliant slave, Cumquat. However, as they parted company in the terminal everyone agreed that the whole cruising experience had been most enjoyable and addresses were exchanged and promises made for them to 'do it all again sometime'.

A taxi was hailed and Jacqui, who by now had relinquished her Cumquat persona, had a pleasant flashback to the last time she had been in a cab. She put the thought aside and with her husband Dale at her side they made their way to LAX to catch the flight home to Philadelphia. It all seemed to be a bit of an anti-climax to the frantic sexual shenanigans of the previous two weeks but, in truth, Jacqui was a little relieved to be able to get some undisturbed sleep on the 5 hour flight although she would not have been surprised if Dale had made a suggestion of joining the mile-high club at some point!

On reaching home Jacqui made no mention of the state of the house that had not had the advantage of her housekeeping skills due to her absence of the past year but it was not her place to say so and, in any case, the somewhat untidiness (to her eyes) of the house was all a consequence of the agreement of which she willingly entered into, therefore, it was not her problem.

What was a problem was the answer machine bleeping to announce that there were messages. Dale clicked 'play' and they heard Robert's voice demanding to be called as soon as they returned home. They looked at each other and silently recognised that the holiday away from 'the master' was truly over.

He dialled his number and when Robert eventually answered he at least had the good grace to ask if they had had a 'good time', whatever that meant, and Dale assured him that they had but then had no chance to provide further details as Robert cut him short and in his usual curt manner said, "Good. OK, vacations over I need you to get your wife back to me as soon as possible. I want her for a task I have arranged in Las Vegas."

"Ah, yes, Las Vegas. Thanks for the reminder Robert. What exactly is it you've got arranged?"

"Never you mind, nothing to do with you. remember the contract, just get to me as soon as possible!"
