Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Twelve - Marriage and Work in Nevada


Since the surprise visit of Robert and Heidi to his office, Dale had heard nothing more from either of them. He wasn't unduly concerned for he was very much aware of Robert's tendency of being a control-freak and the lack of contact just another example of 'her master' demonstrating the influence that he now held over his wife. Indeed, he was more surprised that he had been allowed to see Jacqui/Heidi/'Slave Cumquat' at all (not once but twice) during his time in New Orleans as the contract that he had signed with Robert clearly stated there was to be no contact with his wife for the duration of her being with her slave master. The only exception to the rules was from time-to-time Robert committed to let him know via eMail or some such service that his wife was well.

So it was that Dale returned home after completing his work of helping to repair New Orleans after Storm Katrina's visit that a message from Robert pinged into his in-box. The message was brief, didn't really say one way or another how his wife was doing but did indicate that she was fine. He read, "Cumquat is soon to be returned to Philadelphia to participate in a special ceremony … and you are formally invited to attend."

Dale's first reaction was to recognise that this was another of Robert's games in the offing. His second was to ping back an acceptance and say he was looking forward to seeing them. He heard nothing more (typical Robert!) other than to advise him of the venue, a favourite restaurant, to keep the date free and to dress formally because he would be attending a wedding.

It was a few weeks later equipped with just those scant details that Dale arrived at the restaurant and was directed to a private hospitality suite. It was a venue that was familiar to him as often in the past the group, the Erotic Society of America, which he and Jacqui belonged to held meetings here; it was membership of the society that had led them to be in this present situation.

Robert greeted him at the door and holding him lightly by the arm led him through the main restaurant to a private function room at the rear of the complex. Dale recognised it as one of the places they had been to before for 'functions'. The room had been prepared with rows of chairs facing the small low-rise stage at one end. There was a cloth-covered buffet laid out at the opposite end and already there were guests standing around drinks in hand chatting amongst themselves. Dale felt instantly at ease, albeit under the strangest of circumstances, and with Robert still holding Dale's arm they toured the room. There was Madam Germania (MG) in the company of Madam Noel, both dominatrix, who looked up and smiled when they saw him, smiles which suggested they knew something he didn't. Madam Noel was wearing a wrap-around silk dressing gown which Dale thought to be an odd choice for such a formal occasion; MG's husband Deke, looking very distinguished in a white tuxedo which contrasted with his black skin, gave him a wave. Others, some he recognised, some he didn't, all greeted him as if he was some kind of special guest which, but didn't know it, he was. He looked around for Jacqui, his wife, but there was no sign.

Dale knew better than to ask directly of Robert where she might be, that would have violated the contract between them but he did enquire if promises had been kept and if the slave training was progressing well. Robert answered that, yes, training had gone to plan and indeed that was what this gathering, this event, was all a part of; they were here to fulfil a promise that he had made to Deke, which was if Cumquat successfully achieved her 'milestones' that he, Robert, would provide a special gift to the black man.

They finished the tour of the room and Robert finally let go of Dale and called out for quiet and, with a touch of Robert's sense of theatre, he tapped his wrist watch and called out, "People, time's moving on, we've only got the room for a couple of hours, let's get started; take your seats please …." turning to Dale he added, ".. and you're seated at the front, this way please."

He sat down on the front row on the seat indicated and Robert left him to join Deke who was already standing on the stage alongside some other guy who he didn't recognise. Guests filled the remaining chairs and when Robert had satisfied himself that all were seated he gave a nod and a thumbs-up sign toward someone unseen. It was a signal for Mendelssohn's 'Wedding March' to begin playing over the sound system.

"Ah, so that's it, we really are at a wedding .." thought Dale ".. anyone I know?"

The door behind them opened and Dale's question was answered, he turned his head and there in the doorway stood Jacqui (or was it Heidi or Cumquat) wearing a white headpiece with a veil that covered her face, white garter belt, stockings and heels which contrasted wonderfully with her lovely bush of black pubic hair. Around her neck was a white leather collar attached to a thin white leather leash being held by Madam Noel who had now discarded the wrap dressing gown to reveal that she was dressed in her 'working clothes' of black bustier, black thigh-high boots. They looked absolutely stunning and no bets were being taken that every man in the room didn't get an instant erection at the sight.

Madam Noel gave everyone a few moments to take in the view before leading Cumquat (Dale decided by now that it surely must be Cumquat) into the room and toward the stage. Cumquat lifted her head slightly as she passed by Dale and shot a glance of recognition toward him but no words were spoken, to do so would have definitely been contrary to Robert's rules of their contract. However her expression, coupled to the fact that her nipples were very erect, told him that she was enjoying her role and that 'the bride looked radiant'.

The two erotically clad females reached the stage and Madam Noel handed over the leash to Robert who gave a tug that caused Cumquat to almost stumble to take her place alongside Deke. She found her feet and lowered her head decorously in an act of submission which was an expression that Dale missed for as he looked at her back his focus was entirely on the white veil that came down to her luscious bum cheeks which from his angle he could see the fringe of her dark pubic hair between her stocking covered legs.

The wedding ceremony was short and sweet and confusing with Robert continuing with his introduction and explained to the bemused watchers in his conflated and pompous fashion that Cumquat had been previously been bought to him by Deke and that she had proven to be such a successful pupil that he needed to express his gratitude to Deke in a special way.

Still holding the leash, Robert began to intone, "People, we are gathered here today for a solemn ceremony of marriage and of thanksgiving and … (pause for effect) …… the joining together of Cumquat to Deke's cock!"

He turned to Deke, "Will you promise to satisfy your urges and desires and fuck Cumquat whenever you so desire?"

Deke cleared his throat, "I do".

He turned to Jacqui/Heidi/Cumquat, "Cumquat, do you promise to honour and obey Deke's cock at all times and places and faithfully suck and fuck it whenever the cock so desires you to do so?"

She gave a quiet whisper, "I do".

Robert gave a sharp tug on the leash, "Louder, we can't hear!"

"I do," she repeated loud enough so that everyone could hear.

With that Robert handed the leash to Deke saying, "I now pronounce you … cock and wife!" and then instead of saying 'you may now kiss the bride' he said pointedly to Cumquat, ".. you may kiss 'your' cock."

She dropped to her knees and Madam Noel came and lifted her veil which gave everyone a better view of the blushing bride. With practised ease Cumquat unzipped Deke's pants which fell to his ankles and took his already half-erect penis in her hands. (Both hands because she knew from past experience just how big and heavy was his magnificent dick.) She dipped her head forward and everyone sighed when they saw her plant a kiss on the bulbous knob. The sighs turned to sounds of approval when she then opened her mouth and slipped the stiffening cock and gave him a very long and loving suck with us all watching.

Robert allowed her a few moments to enjoy having the fat black cock in her mouth before giving a light tap on her shoulder to indicate it was time to move on to the next and final part of the ceremony. She pulled away and Deke's cock bobbed up all covered in her saliva. Robert looked on approvingly and then added his congratulations to the loving couple before turning his attention back to the seated audience and invited them to stay for a small reception …. and also to watch or join in the consummation of the 'marriage' but with the condition that the groom and then he, the best man and Master, went first.

So it was that Dale was part of the crowd that watched Cumquat being pushed by Deke onto the table that had served as an altar and for him to fuck her as she lay spread-legged on her back. The' best man' (who had taken no part in the ceremony other than just looking the part) stood behind them unbuckling his pants in readiness to take his turn just as soon as Deke had finished consummating. The other males in the congregation were either readying themselves or being 'readied' by their female companions.

Dale considered it to have been a thoroughly pleasant evening and as closing time approached at the end after two hours of eating munchies, drinking wine, chatting with the other guests while watching Cumquat giving blow jobs or being fucked by other male guests, Dale sought out Robert to thank him for hosting such a pleasant event. Once again, he told Robert, he had excelled himself with his imagination and that in addition he was pleased to have been given the opportunity to witness that his wife was being treated properly and was clearly enjoying her time with him as his sex slave.

Robert was delighted to hear Dale's glowing endorsement (but would never have admitted such a thing, that would have been a sign of weakness in his mind) but he replied in an off-hand manner that with the evening drawing a close that maybe Dale would like to be the last to enjoy the fruits of Cumquat's training before the event was declared over. He did concede however that Jacqui had proven herself to be a perfect student and had excelled in her duties; been most subservient and diligent in her duties and that he had found her some 'employment' whereby she could prove herself even further and at the same time, help earn her keep.

"What employment, do you mean she has a job?"

Robert smiled, "I have some business to do in Las Vegas which will keep me there for a few months. I have made arrangements for Cumquat to be suitably employed during that time. Now if you will excuse me I need to find MG and have a few minutes with her so that we can begin to make arrangements for the 'next event'."

He looked around and saw MG standing by and watching Cumquat who was just lifting herself off another satisfied cock. He beckoned for the two of them to come over.

Dale's breathless wife followed MG and at Robert's direction knelt at Dale's feet. He glanced at his watch and directed a comment to Cumquat, "Don't be long. We haven't got much time before we must leave" which indicated that Cumquat might just have enough time to provide satisfaction. Robert looked at the pair of them and having confirmed that she had adopted the correct position he took another look at his watch and then without another word turned and slowly wandered off to have his discussion with MG.

Dale didn't admit to Robert was that he was happy for him to take as long as he needed to have his talk with MG for he was more interested in having an extended conversation of his own with Jacqui, his wife. He hoped his host's attention would be otherwise engaged although to do so would have been to admit that he was about to violate the contract of having no verbal contact with his wife. So, keeping a close eye on Robert's back and under the pretence of her giving him 'his turn' and supposedly a blow job, he asked her if she was really 'OK'.

She had already unzipped his pants and in between mouthfuls of his cock she said, "Uh uh, I'm having a great time. How are you doing?"

She didn't wait for his answer before saying, "Isn't this a crazy party? I was blown away when Robert told me what he had planned …." She paused to lick away the drop of pre-cum that was oozing out of his cock. "… Robert had often mentioned how much he owed to MG and Deke for recommending me for Robert to be my Master and that he wanted to do something special for Deke. He knew that MG would approve." Another pause as she once again took a few moments to suck in the bulbous knob of his cock.

"When he told me about the wedding idea, it really floored me. He had Madam Noel take me to a bridal shop for my trousseau and that was embarrassing when Madam Noel told the owner all I would need for my wedding would be a veil, garter belt and stockings. The shop owner just looked me up and down and smirked a bit but didn't say anything."

She grasped his stiff shaft all slimy wet with her spit and softly stroked him, " Hmmm, it's lovely to have your cock to myself again …"

He replied, "And it's lovely to feel you doing that again but carry on, what happened then?"

"Well, as we left the store, Madam Noel told me that I had been a good slave and that I'd had blushed a lovely shade of red when the lady shop assistant had looked at me. She said that, 'I'll see to it that you are properly rewarded when we get you home'. I'm not going to say what the 'reward' was Dear, you'll just have to guess!"

Dale let his imagination loose but figured that the reward must have involved Madam Noel's favourite strap-on.

"When today and the wedding arrived I believe I was as nervous as when you and I really were married many years ago … but this time I was prepared for it and I have to say that I thought I looked very cute in my trousseau, didn't you?"

Dale was still thinking about the strap-on when she asked.

"When the music started and I stepped out to start down the aisle, my exhibitionist streak kicked in and it gave me a tremendous rush to know everyone was looking at me and I like to think they were all admiring how good I looked ..." She giggled, " … OK, so much for my modest and fragile ego!"

She paused again for a few moments to take him once again into her mouth and to fondle and caress his balls whilst she sucked. He felt the familiar stirrings in the pit of his stomach and then, thankfully, she stopped and pulled away to take a sly glance toward Robert's back. She confirmed he wasn't looking their way and in between taking mouthfuls of her real husband's throbbing cock she continued.

"I had my orders from my Master and I was not about to disappoint him … or you … because … you see, I really do know why you want me to be with Master Robert …. and besides I very much wanted to do it for Deke too."

She took another glance toward Robert who was still engaged in his discussion with MG and satisfied that he hadn't noticed that she was having the forbidden conversation of her own with her husband then she concentrated again on the cock she was holding. She gave it a lingering lick along the base up towards the knob which slick and slimy with the evidence of her attention then once again he was taken him into her warm, wet mouth. As she gently sucked and swirled her tongue around she dropped one hand to caress his balls and then slid beyond to probe and tickle his ass with her hooked finger.

It was all too much for Dale, he abandoned both his self-control (and the visions of Madam Noel's strap-on) to let loose a blast of cum that even took Cumquat by surprise. She gagged as she tried to contain the spurts but now being the trained and faithful slave she held on and let him finish ejaculating in servile silence.

Not so Dale, her providing the perfect ending to a perfect blow-job caused him to involuntarily let out a grunt of pure pleasure, loud enough that it caused both Robert and MG to stop talking and to turn around and look at them with amused expressions.

Robert made a point of tapping his watch and Cumquat recognising the gesture, clambered to her feet. As she gained her balance she gave a loving pat to Dale's wilting cock and whispered, "Thank you."

She turned to leave and he responded equally quiet, ".. and thank you and, Hey, before you go, Vegas, what's that all about?"

Under the cover of wiping his cum from around her mouth she whispered once more, "Cougar Springs …"

Dale was left to ponder as he watched Robert lead Cumquat out of the room. His pondering led him to decide to take that vacation he was owed. Vegas seemed as good as any place to go and spend a week.
