Hung Coon: Part 3

A Shame the Gunslinger story

Copyright 2005 by Stormbringer

"One hour until your funeral, coon."

Shame put his hands on his six shooters and spun around. He grinned as the cowboy took off running. "It's nice to be appreciated," yelled Shame at the retreating figure. Other cowboys were gathering around the buildings in town. Groups were leaning against the railings on the saloon and general store. They were smoking or chewing tobacco, talking little, mostly just waiting. They were coming out to watch a gunfight. The regular townspeople were smarter. Closed signs were appearing in windows and there still was almost an hour until the noon train arrived with Jesse Adams on board.

Becca Adams peered through the bars on her cell's window. She wished it would be the black man's funeral and she would probably get her wish, but not immediately. She'd watched Shame shoot her brother Jeb on the street. While one gun was blowing a hole in Jeb's chest, Shames other gun was out of it's holster and pointing at her other brother Jesse, before Jeb had even hit the ground. She'd never seen a man so fast and Becca was pretty fast herself. Jesse was coming back to town on the noon train with six men. Shame would die, but Becca knew he would take out her brother first.

Shame winked at her as he strode past her window. He didn't look the least bit worried he was about to die. Becca turned as he entered the jail. Kane the old man was sitting back in his chair with a shotgun across his lap. Kane wasn't too fond of the Adamses. Jeb had gotten Kane's granddaughter pregnant and had beaten her when he found out. Shame tried to put a stop to it and had shot Jeb once through the chest when he resisted.

"How many men?" asked Kane as Shame came in.

"Just us, old timer." Shame walked over to the cell just as Becca spit on him. He calmly wiped the saliva off his cheek. "The men I thought would help me urged me to get out of town."

"That would be the smart thing to do," said Becca. She'd attacked Shame an hour ago, but the black sheriff had gotten the drop on her.

"Yeah it would, Sheriff," agreed Kane. He'd gone white as a ghost. Two men against seven weren't the best of odds.

"You can leave if you want, Kane," said Shame still staring at Becca.

"Naw, sheriff. I'll stand bys ya."

"Much appreciated. I thought about leaving, but I have a hankoring to kill me another Adams."

"Bastard!" Becca tried to claw the big black man through the cage, but his massive chest was just out of reach. "I'll fucking kill you."

"Such ugly language from such a beautiful woman." Shame was right. Becca Adams was a magnificent looking woman and a free spirit. She was dressed like a cowboy, but was clearly all woman beneath the trousers and shirt. The shirt buttons were open low enough to see the swell of her large breasts and the lower buttons were undone. Her belly button peeked out through the gap. Her fiery temper matched the hair on her head. Long strawberry blonde hair fell about her shoulders. She had bright green eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips. "But, you might be right Miss Adams. I should leave town."

"That's right. You should go. Get out while the gettins good, coon. Hit the trail. Adios amigo."

"I just might. Or I could stay and be a man. Tough call."

"You can't win, Sheriff. I'd rather see ya dead after what ya did to my brother, but I don't want anything to happen to Jesse neither. He's the only ****** I got left."

"If I go down, Jesse will be going with me."

"That's why ya should leave, coon."

"Then that's what I'll do. Masai is saddled and this town is ungrateful. Most of them want to see this uppity exslave go down. I'm leaving."

"Sheriff!" Up until then Kane had been sitting idle.

Shame turned and winked at the old man. "We can't win, Kane." The big black man turned back on Becca. "I'll leave provided it's worth my while."

"What do you mean?" Becca didn't like the way the black man was staring at her.

"What's in it for me?

"Ah... you get to keep your life."

"Nope." Shame paused waiting for her to continue. He turned and snatched the shotgun out of Kane's hand. "I'm gonna shoot a wad at your brother or I can shoot a wad in you." Shame handed the gun back to the old man. Kane's mouth was hanging open in shock.

"Jesus H Christ, Sheriff," gasped Becca in horror. The black coon who had murdered her brother was asking her to prostitute herself to save her other brother.

"That's my offer, Miss Adams. Take it or leave it."

"Sheriff, ya cants do that," pleaded Kane standing up from his chair.

"Yes I can, Kane. Wouldn't you like to stick it to one of the Adamses?"

"Heh heh, now that you mention it, yes I would like to stick it to one of the Adamses," grinned Kane. The old man leered at the young woman. "Just like they stuck it to my grandkid."

"I'll leave town, but I need me some incentive, Becca. Ya gotta fuck me and Kane here."

"Monster!" Becca was crying now. "I you leave," she sobbed, "I'll fucks you. I'll fucks you both."

"Deal. You can start by stripping." Shame watched as Becca turned around and started to undo her top. "No," he barked. "Strip facing us."

Becca turned back to face the two men through the bars. The expression on her face was one of pure hatred. Both men were very impressed as she began removing her top. Her only undergarmet was a band of cloth tied tightly around her bosom to hold her breasts together. Becca untied it and her large breasts sprang free. She truly was a free spirit. Her torso was as tanned as her face from her belly to her rose colored nipples. Indeed, her entire body was well tanned, the watching men noticed as she pulled her trousers off. Her bush was as fiery colored as her hair.

"Well, why don't you start sucking old Kane, here? And remember, Miss Adams, ya gots less then an hour. So ya better hurry. If we aint done with ya by the time the train comes, we just might stay and see this thing out. Step up to the cell, Kane."

"Thanks, Sheriff," said Kane. He dropped his trousers and stepped up to the cell bars. Shame wasn't being generous, he was waiting to see if she'd bite the old man. Kane's small white penis had trouble extending through the bars. Becca took the soft, pale penis in her hand. She looked disgusted as she tugged on it. When it hardened all the way, she was able to take just the head between her lips. Kane looked delighted. "Mmm, doggies, aint had my pipe polished in years," he cackled.

Shame started to strip as Becca appeared to be properly submissive. Shame pulled his trousers off and was pleased to see his cock rising to the occasion. He was about to fuck his third woman in as many hours and he'd cum multiple times with each woman. "Better hurry, Becca."

Becca stopped furiously licking the head of Kane's penis. "I'm trying, but it isn't easy sucking this thing through the bars."

"Go on inside the cell then, Kane. You can juice mine up while you're waiting, Becca."

"Oh my god!" Becca reared her head back as Shame's huge black cock pushed through the bars. "That can't be real." Becca had never seen anything like the black man's cock before. At a foot long, it doubled the size of any of the three men she'd been with.

"Start sucking, bitch," growled Shame. Seeing her hesitation he added, "Times a wasting."

"Holy shit, sheriff," added Kane noticing Shame's cock just as Becca put her lips on the fat head of it. "They sure grow big on you colored fellas."

"That they do, old timer." Becca had taken his enitre cockhead in her mouth. "Suck that black cock, Becca. If ya gets me off with your mouth, I won't fucks you with it."

Becca attacked his cock with enthusiasm as the thought of having her pussy impaled by that monster filled her mind. Not only would the huge black cock rip her in two, but this was the time her momma had always warned her about sleeping around. Becca sure didn't want to give birth to a black baby. Especially the child of the man who'd killed her brother. She forced several inches of cock meat down her throat in an effort to make Shame cum.

"Not bad," said Shame stepping back away from the bars. Becca found her mouth following the retreating cock. "Finish up the old timer there."

Resigned to her fate, Becca turned around and found Kane's penis dangling before her mouth. It easily fit in her mouth and got some steel back in it. She couldn't help looking down at the little thing. Compared to Shame, Kane was a Derringer versus Shame's long rifle. Were all white men little?

Shame meanwhile had retrieved some shackles from a closet. "They were leg restraints used for chain gangs with fairly long links of chain. "Stand up, MIss Adams and back up to the bars." Becca did as she was told, much to Kane's disappointment.

"Hey what are you doing?" she asked as one cuff clamped down over her wrist. The black man didn't answer as he clamped the corresponding cuff to the cross bar on the top of the cell. Shame took another shackle and did the same to her other wrist. Becca's arms were now spread eagle above her head, but there was enough slack in the chain for her to bend at the waist.

"Finish the old timer off," ordered Shame eyeing the tanned round globe of Becca's ass now thrust against the bars. Her stance widened as she bent down to take Kane's penis into her mouth again. Shame reached through and grabbed Becca's waist, lining her pussy up with a gap between the bars. He aimed his cock up with her pussy. A pussy, he noticed, that was glistening with lubrication.

"Yech!" annouced Becca just as Kane groaned. The taste of Kane's semen was on her tongue as the "yech" turned into an "aargh". Shame's cock forced it's way deep into her pussy with little mercy.

Becca was so shocked by the huge cock, she forgot the taste of the old man's semen on her tongue. With one powerful thrust, Shame had penetrated deeper then any man had been before. Furthermore, it was going deeper with each thrust. He had a tight grip on her waist as her bucked his hips against the jail cell bars. Worse then anything, once her body had gotten over the initial shock of penetration, the huge cock in her pussy was starting to feel good, real good. "No. Please no," she moaned, talking to herself. "Don't make me cum," she pleaded hating her body for reacting so. Becca couldn't fight it. Indeed, she was pressing her ass back against the bars to meet his thrusts. The orgasm was huge and overwhelming. She would of fallen to the ground but for the shackles pulling her arms behind her back.

Further adding to her humiliation, the orgasm was the first of many. Becca seemed to be cumming with each thrust of the massive black cock. "Fuck me, you black bastard," she screamed, but Shame suddenly stopped. "No, not yet," she moaned as Shame withdrew his cock.

Shame entered the cell, passing a grinning Kane. The old man shook his head in awe as Shame's rampant black cock passed him.

"Kiss it," ordered Shame. Becca was still gasping for breath and bent at the waist. She obeyed Shame without thinking. Her lips lovingly kissed the bulging head of his black cock. She let her tongue drift over the crown, tasting herself on the slick head. "Enough. Stand up straight."

Becca stood up relieving the pressure on her arms. Her eyes lined up right with his massive black skinned chest. Shame reached down and lifted her up from under her knees. He gently lowered her back over his cock. Both black man and white woman sighed as he penetrated her again. "You love it, don't you slut?"

"I hate you," she growled. Becca looked as if she were about to spit on him again, but she thought better of it. Her eyes were slitted and she was contentedly moaning. "I love fucking you, but I hate you."

"Fair enough." Shame pushed her ass back against the bars as her legs wrapped around his waist. Soon she was cumming again.

Old man Kane hadn't seen anything like this before. He was surprised to see his eighty year old dick hardening up again. He had always looked down on blacks, but couldn't help realizing how inferior his prick was to Shame's. Shame's foot long black cock was enslaving a hated enemy right before the old man's eyes. "Hey, Sheriff," said Kane, pointing towards his hard prick.

Shame took the hint. He bent his knees as he fucked Becca. Her ass slid down the bars until her rectum was nearly even with the old man's dick. "Ow!" she cried, her eyes going wide. The pain didn't last long and was dwarfed by the pleasure in her pussy. Only the small head of Kane's penis penetrated the bars enough to enter her ass. Still, the old man was in heaven as he bucked his hips.

"Oh god yes," moaned Becca Adams. "I can't stop cumming." Shame's giant cock gave a sudden jerk and Becca had the biggest orgasm yet as her womb was flooded with semen. Shame's big cock plugged his cum in her pussy until he softened and his penis slid out trailed by a torrent of sperm. Kane's penis also popped out leaving a few drops of sperm around her asshole.

"Well dangnabbit, if that wasn't the best time I had me in years. Slut plumb wore me out." Kane fell back into a chair and used his hat to fan his wrinkled face.

"Unlock her shackles, old timer," said Shame as he left the cell.

"Wait! Shame, take me with you."

Shame had just finished dressing when a train whistle blew in the distance. He belted his guns around his waist. "Guard the prisoner, Kane." Shame walked out the door.

Five years later....

The black men spread out taking up the entire road. Their six horses galloped side by side as they dominated the main road through San Madingo. The six were never sure how they would be received and all were accomplished gunfighters who kept their eyes open for trouble.

Their leader strolled first into the local saloon.

"What do you want?" yelled the bartender rudely. Cowboys looked over at the intruders.

"Whiskey, six of them."

"We don't serve your kind."

"We most certainly do," interupted a strong female voice.

The black men looked over at a table as a beautiful Mexican woman was rising to her feet. The bartender poured six shots of whiskey for the black men.. The leader strolled over to the Mexican woman. Two other beautiful women were seated at the table. They were staring wide eyed at the new arrivals. "Thanks for the hospitality, maam."

"You can call me Inez. I'm the owner and the drinks are on the house. Let me intoduce you to Becca Adams and Kelly Grace."

"Brenner," said the black man. He looked down at the three lovely women. Seated between each was a child of about four or five year of age. Two were boys and one a girl. He was surprised to see that each had dark skin. The other black men had also gathered around and were staring at the children. "We'd also like some rooms, Inez."

"Unfortunately, we're full with the cattle drive this week. But, two of you can have my room. Come let me show you the way." Inez took Brenner's arm and the arm of another black man. "You gentlemen can have baths also if you'd like." Inez Martinez was beaming as she led the men over towards the motel.

"And I'll put two of you up in my home," annouced Kelly, gathering up her son. "It'll be nice to have some men around the house. "I've been so lonely since my husband died. Real lonely.

"Well, it looks like you two are coming with me." Becca stood up and the two remaining black men were pleasantly surprised to see her dressed like a cowboy. A sexy cowboy. "I own a ranch just outside town. It's just a short ride."

The six black men never knew what hit them. They just knew they wouldn't be in a hurry to ride out of this town.

The women hadn't been this excited since the day Shame rode out of town.


Shame's rifle was slung over his shoulder as he strolled down the main street. Few were surprised to see him enter the stable and ride out on his black stallion, Masai. "I told ya he was running," yelled a townsperson.

"Coward," shouted another. "Shit!" cursed one who had bet Shame would fight.

Someone rang the school house bell as all the clocks in town struck noon. The train whistle blew again as the engine pulled it's way towards the station.

Shame rode Masai into the center of the street. Men surrounded him. He purposely galloped his horse around in a circle. His trail aimed out of town one moment. The next he was pointed at the train station. Becca's knuckles were white as she gripped the bars on her window. Shame tipped his hat to her. "Ma'am," he said acknowledging Inez as he passed her. He also nodded at Kelly.

The train screeched to a halt in the station just as Shame wheeled his horse and galloped towards the noon train.

"All bets are on," yelled a cowboy. "The coon to go down after killing two men," yelled another. "Fifty dollars he kills three before dying."

Kelly pointed at Shame. "There goes a real hero. The only real man in this town. You should all be ashamed of yourselves."

Inez Martinez ran out into the street. "Shame, come back, Shame. I love you. Come back to me."

A cry of anguish escaped Becca's lips. Shame was going to kill her brother just after he had possessed her body and soul.

Shame quickly crossed the railroad tracks in front of the train and was soon out of sight. The townspeople waited. There were no shouts. There were no gunshots. The train whistle blew as the engine picked up steam. Soon the train pulled out of the station. Black man and black stallion were gone. No Jesse Adams and his gang. Some townspeople closest to the train swore afterwards they saw Shame sitting at a window with his hat pulled over his face as if sleeping, without a care in the world.

Judge Grace came out of hiding once the train had gone. "What's going on?" he asked, but the townsfolk were dumbfounded. "Tex, where are you? You sure that telly-graph said noon today?"

Tex appeared out of the crowd. "Sure it does. I gots it right here, Judge."

"Let me see it," growled Judge Grace.

"Here," said Tex handing it over. He noticd his assistant was waving at him. "Another telegraph coming in now." He left to go retrieve it.

"Tex ya dang fool." Judge Grace held up the paper. "This aint even from El Paso. It's from Eastwood."

"They relay them sometimes," yelled Tex back. He started decoding the new message.

Judge Grace frowned. "Wasn't the Sheriff in Eastwood earlier?"

Someone yelled from the crowd. "Why would he fake a telegraph?"

Three women listening went white as ghosts. They knew why.

"Wanted to make us look like cowards, I reckon," said a voice in the crowd.

Tex returned from his office looking confused.

"Well?" asked the judge.

"Says here." Tex held up the new telegram. "As per his sentence, Jesse Adams was hanged from the neck until dead at precisely noon."

Becca Adams collapsed in her cell.

The End