It makes me smile whenever I see people holding up their Mobile Phones or smart pads, snapping pictures of whatever catches their fancy and knowing that 99% of what is taken is unlikely to be seen or shared by anyone else. Leastways, other than their pictures being posted to some social media platform where it will be fleetingly viewed and swiftly forgotten.

It's amusing to me because that's not how it was in my day. There was no instant gratification after the shutter was pressed and if a picture was taken it was because a permanent record was the objective; an actual photograph that could be handled, stuck in an album passed around the ****** to be admired .. or otherwise.

Mind you, I have to concede that it was a little frustrating waiting for whoever to develop the roll of film though, in my case, the process was made a little shorter because as an amateur photographer I used to do my own developing and printing.

My wife, who was never slow to find fault or criticise me, didn't share my view but, then again, that was her way and my passion for my hobby was something else that was added to her list of my 'inadequacies'.

Do I miss those days? Hmm, maybe not but the memory of being in the darkroom waiting for a print to eventually reveal itself in a tray full of developer is a fond one. The bottles of chemicals, the flasks, tanks and all the other paraphernalia that went into making my black and white prints, it was great fun even though I was never confident enough to move onto the world of colour.

My speciality, subject of choice, was portraiture. My wife, who used to deride my artistic efforts, sometimes sat to be my reluctant model and I will admit that maybe I wasn't the greatest photographer but I did produce some fairly decent shots over the years. I used to joke with her that she would make a great Glamour Model (if she would let me) but she always found some excuse not to so I was unable to expand my portfolio and could only dream. She knew I was disappointed but there was no persuading her to do otherwise.

What I hadn't realised at the time was that she had ideas about 'glamour pictures' and denying me and her keeping her clothes on was part of a little scheme of her own.

All was revealed when on the morning of my birthday she awoke me with a surprise cup of tea in bed and a, “Happy Birthday, Darling”. She sat on the bed and handed me a present.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and gave the appropriate response, “Thanks, Honey, whatever have you got me here?”

“Open it and see, Silly. I hope you’ll like it.”

I tore and ripped a corner of the wrapping paper and could see a beautiful oak frame. I removed more of the paper I could see that it contained a colour photograph of my wife. She was on her hands and knees in a seductive pose, wearing only a black bra, small black panties and dark stockings held up by a suspender belt. I held it for a minute and enjoyed the stirring in my loins. I looked at the photo and at her and then the photo again and finally said, “Wow, this is a nice present. Thank you.”

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“Do I like it? Wow, it's lovely, of course I do. You look wonderful ...”

I couldn’t believe what she had done for me, it was so out of character, so I asked the inevitable question, ".. but I thought you said that you didn't want to, you know, do this kind of stuff."

I had often told her that she was beautiful but she would always dismiss my compliments as if I was joking with her. I never imagined she would get such a seductive photo done.

“I thought you might like it. I know how you were always on at me to do something like this with you but I didn't want you to make me look a fool and, anyway, it wouldn't have been the same. Also, I was aware of you thinking about one day moving on to making colour pictures so I thought this gift might be give you some inspiration to give it a try."

I listened to her words but I heard the unspoken ones that said that she didn't think my 'artistic efforts' were good enough.

"Where did you get this done?"

"I went to the Yellow pages and found an ad for a photographer who claimed to do glamour photography so I went down to his studio last week.”

“His studio,” I said a little surprised.

“Yes,” she answered a matter-of-factly. “I told him over the phone what I wanted, what you wanted, and he made a few suggestions as to what I should wear. He said he had quite a wardrobe of props, as he called them, so I was welcome to pick out a few items I thought might appeal to you and put them on. Do you mind?”

“No, of course not. I'm just a little surprised that's all.”

“I know and that is something I have to discuss with you.”

She had my attention now. The thought of another man taking seductive pictures of my wife was turning me on and now from my wife’s demeanour, I could tell that there was more to the story.

“Anyway, Greg soon knew what I was after … .”

“Greg,” I repeated.

“Yes, Greg, the photographer. Now don’t interrupt or I won’t tell you the rest and I won’t give you your second birthday present.”

“Second present?” I closed my mouth and listened.

“He was very nice on the phone. He explained that he has been a professional photographer for just a few years but that he had done a large number of boudoir photo shoots for women. He said that some of his portrait work had been published, unlike yours …," she added as an unnecessary aside, " … and that he would be happy to show me his portfolios so I made an appointment with him.”

“His studio is over on the industrial estate so I went and knew I had found the right place when I walked through the door and saw the framed pictures on the walls of the lobby. I also discovered that Greg works alone for there was no receptionist behind the counter. I waited a few minutes and called out ‘hello’ before walking toward a door into the back. The first thing I heard when I pushed the door open was some soft music playing which was one reason why maybe he hadn't heard me. When my eyes accustomed themselves to the bright lights inside I could see that Greg was in the middle of a shoot and I guess that another reason he couldn’t hear me was that he was busy talking to the woman he was photographing.

She was young, very beautiful and very naked. She was posing on a large bed and he was telling her how to arch her back and how to touch herself. I stood there spellbound for a few minutes and I have to admit that looking at her doing what he was telling her to do was making me feel quite giddy. I don't know what I was expecting but Greg wasn’t like some ordinary photographer, he really had a way with words and he was telling his model to ‘make love to the camera’. He seemed very sincere and flattering.

“I looked on as he took a few more shots, each time he would go and touch her to show her what he wanted her to do with her hands, before returning to the camera. This went on for a few minutes then he stopped what he was doing, looked at his watch and turning around realized that I was standing behind him. It was really funny, he was kind of flustered and apologized for running late with his previous appointment and then, as if it was nothing, introduced me to his naked model. I don't think she was at all embarrassed about being watched by a stranger but it turned out that she was having photos done for her husband too.

“She gathered up her clothes and Greg took me back out into the lobby and then into a small office. His work was all over the walls. The shoots in the lobby were very conservative portraits, the ones in his office were semi-nudes and nudes and there were some that could be called soft-core porn.

“He apologized again about running late and I apologized about walking in on him with his model. He said not to worry that he knew Jane hadn’t minded. He also promised to lock the door when we did my shoot so no one would disturb us. He then suggested that I look at some more of his work and get an idea of what kind of photograph I would like.”

“Jane had gotten dressed and just as I was beginning to look at one of his books she knocked on the office door. I apologized to her for intruding and she said that it was ok. She told me that Greg was the ‘best’ and told me to have fun. She then gave Greg a big kiss and said goodbye.

“I sat in his office and looked at picture after picture. Many were of average women in lingerie or underwear. Some were in bathing suits and many were at least partially nude. Greg sat quietly and watched me as I turned the pages. I felt his eyes on me and between that and the photos and the memory of what I had seen in the studio, I have to admit, I was getting turned on. I commented on how beautiful the women looked and told him that he was good at his job. He responded with something like, ‘all woman are beautiful and I feel so privileged that they allow me to bring that out’. It was a corny line but it sent a shiver through me.

“After I had gone through two books, he mentioned that he catered for all tastes and that, as far as he was concerned, nothing was off-limits. We could be as 'inventive' as I might like. To emphasise what he was referring to, he then gave me another book which he said was his less conservative work. I opened it and the first picture showed a woman reclining on a couch. She had no panties, only a suspender belt with black lace stockings and ridiculously high stiletto heel shoes. Her head was tilted so you couldn’t properly see her face but she had long red hair which almost covered her bare tits. She was propped up on one arm and she was using her other hand to spread her pussy wide with her fingers and was obviously rubbing her clit.

“I looked up from this photo, a little bit embarrassed and a lot turned on. Greg was still watching me and smiling. He said something about maybe that wasn’t what I had in mind but I told him it was a great shot but I couldn’t imagine myself posing for a picture like that … I also couldn’t stop myself from looking.!

"I continued to look through the album, photo after photo were all very hot, and I was getting wet and I could feel my panties becoming damp. I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs because it felt so good. Greg sat up a little and looked across his desk at the photos I was reviewing. He began to tell me about what this woman wanted and what she liked. He assured me that he never revealed names and that he only showed the photographs if his models gave him permission.

“’I got to the last page and handed the book back. He exchanged it for another and said, 'This next book is 'couples and more’ and handed me another portfolio.

"The first picture was a pair of women locked in an embrace. They were both nude and each had a hand to the other’s pussy. Another photo showed a woman on her knees with a man’s cock in her mouth. She was blindfolded and her hands were tied behind her back with leather straps. Greg told me that they were a couple into 'kinky stuff' and that he has taken a lot of photos in their home dungeon. I got to the last page and the final photo I looked at was of a woman sitting on top of a man. They were on a bed and she obviously had his cock in her. Standing next to her, on each side of the bed were two men with huge erections. She had each cock in her tight grip. The woman and the two standing men were smiling at the camera. Greg told me that the guy lying down was her husband and the two guys were her lovers.”

My cup of tea had gone cold by the time she got this part of her story and all I was capable of saying was, “Wow!” It was incredible to hear her talking like this, she'd never ever given a hint that she had any interest in anything other than 'vanilla sex' and here she was telling a story that covered a lot of the fantasies that I held. I lay there with an erection that wouldn’t quit and my wife knew it. I said, "That sounds amazing, so that's when you had your picture taken."

“OK. OK. Don’t get ahead of my story,” she chided, "let me tell it my way.

“I closed the book and, feeling a bit embarrassed at what I'd been looking at, passed it back to him. He asked if I saw anything I liked and I blushed and could only give him a nod."

He recognised that maybe I didn't want anything quite as extreme and said, “Maybe you want to go with something more conservative.”

“I told him that it might be best and so we talked about what I should wear and maybe should not wear. He told me that I should bring several outfits and plan to spend a few hours at his studio. He mentioned that he had a hairdresser who also did make-up who could help me get ready and so we set up an appointment for the next day. I walked out on shaky legs and drove home.

“You probably remember that day because when you got home I begged you to fuck me … and you wasn't to know but that was after I had already masturbated three or four times."

She looked at my cup on the bedside table, "Your tea has gone cold. Seeing it's your birthday I'll go and make you a fresh cup. Don't go away .."

She picked up the cup and disappeared to go downstairs leaving me to recall the events of those few days ago after she had been, it was now revealed, to a photographer and his studio. How could I not have remembered that day!

I smiled at the memory, I had barely walked in the door that evening when my wife dropped to her knees and pulled my cock out and opened her mouth and licked her lips. Strange behaviour as she was never one to initiate oral, I usually had to beg to get her to do anything like that. She had brought me almost to climax when she stopped, ran upstairs and into the bedroom. I followed and pulled off my clothes as I went. She was already laying nude and spread eagled on the bed when I got there.

“Come here and eat me,” she had commanded, which was a little out of character, but I wasn't going to argue and I clambered onto the bed and she forced my head into her crotch. With my face to her pussy and my tongue to her clit it was only a few minutes when she bucked hard against my face and climaxed; boy, did she ever! I climbed on top of her and my stiff cock easily slipped into her warm pussy. She rode me back as I thrust into her and it didn’t take long before I enjoyed my own orgasm.

I lay there for a minute before pulling out my softening dick. I looked down and was impressed to see how much spunk I must have shot, it was already seeping out of her wet pussy but I didn't have long to admire my efforts before I heard her say, “Make me cum again.”

She must have seen the panicked look on my face for we both knew that I was only ever good for one shot so she clarified her demand, "Clean me up, you know what to do."

Wow, this was something new, she'd never got me to do that before but I didn't question her motives and gladly went down on her and enjoyed the taste of our mingled juices. I was just getting used to this new experience when I felt her hands on the back of my head pushing me harder against her and then, within seconds she had another orgasm. I thought that this might have led to more sex for me but, no, she curled up and fell asleep.

I lay next to her wondering what had caused a change in her, this was so unlike her, sex between us had tapered off over the years, mainly due, she said, 'because I wasn't very good at it', that, 'nowadays I didn't turn her on so much'. I must confess that these remarks did sting a little but over time I had gotten used to being denied and in these pre-internet days used to take comfort with my 'other pictures' in the sanctuary of my darkroom where the locked door with the red light outside made sure that I wouldn't be disturbed.

Yes, this was all very confusing but I wasn’t complaining and later that night it became even more bizarre when I was awaken by a gentle motion of the bed. I pretended to be asleep but there was no doubt about it, my wife was masturbating. I never let on that I was awake and that with my back turned toward her that listening to her muffled moans had given me a raging hard-on. I softly wanked my cock and unbeknown to her we both came at the same time and I went back to sleep with a smile on my face.

I picked up my gift of the framed photo of my wife posed like some sultry temptress and was still staring at it as I heard her coming back up the stairs with the expected tea. She placed the cup on the nightstand before sitting back on the bed, saw I was looking at picture, and said with a smile, "Now, where was I? Oh yes, so I went for my photo shoot the next day.

“I took some of my nicer dresses along and tried to think about how I wanted the photo to look. I wasn't sure about what underwear to take as I don't really have anything that might be thought of as lingerie but Greg had already told me not to worry about that as he had plenty of 'props' that could be worn.

"It was all very relaxed when Greg met me with coffee and doughnuts and we sat in his office and discussed the sort of shots I was thinking of. I gave him my ideas which he said that he would have no problem in shooting and then we went into the studio which had a small dressing room on one side. Greg asked me to get changed and put on a few things he had laid out. I pulled off my dress and soon his assistant joined us to help me do my hair and makeup. I really didn't think anything to it, that it was weird to be in my underwear in front of the two of them at first but after a while and with all the friendly chat, I felt as if this was the most natural thing.

I pictured the scene and interrupted, “Was his assistant a man or a woman?"

“A woman, you Perv,” she answered with a smirk. “… but don’t be getting any ideas about this leading up to be taking girl-on-girl pictures. I know what you get up to in that darkroom of yours and the sort of pictures you like looking at!"

That kind of took me by surprise, I never thought that she had any interest in my darkroom activities but I confirmed her suspicions by saying, “Oh God, I’d have loved to see that!”

“I know you would .. ” was her reply, “ … now let me finish or I won't have time to give you your second present!"

Second present, I couldn't wait!

“That picture you're holding was one of the first batch we took. I started in the little black dress that buttons down the front, the one you say you like so much. He had me pose on a plain background so that my ‘natural beauty wouldn’t be obscured' he said. That sounds like a bit of a cliché but he has a wonderful way of making you feel relaxed and beautiful.

"Then he took some photos with my dress unbuttoned and just showing the lacy top of my bra before he got me to take the dress half off so you could see the rest of my underwear. Next shot was of me standing with my dress tastefully draped around my ankles. Then we did the pose that you have in your hands now before he asked me if he could take some without my bra. It took Greg awhile to get me to go that far but he seemed to be such a professional, constantly complimenting you and making you feel wonderful that I thought, why not, where's the harm?"

My groin began to stir again as I pictured the scene and I began to feel a combination of jealousy that this man had managed to get my wife to do something that she had refused to do for me and arousal as I thought of my wife being in this compromising position with this other man.

“.. so began my 'new career' as a topless model, a 'Page 3 girl, it was weird and exciting, I never felt more alive!" she said with a giggle.

"He had me hold my breasts while he took a few more shots and when I thought of where these pictures might be seen … like you looking at some dirty magazine in your darkroom … I found myself getting quite aroused. Like I said, weird."

"When he suggested in that sexy voice that some shots of me naked would be fun to add to the portfolio, I didn't hesitate. I took off my panties and told him I was willing to pose any which way he wanted. I really don't know why I did it, it was so strange to be ******** myself to another man but somehow it felt right and the way he spoke made me feel so beautiful …. and so horny.

"Greg reminded me of the albums he had shown me and had me pose on the bed the same way I had seen his other model. I knew what pictures he was referring to so I willing spread my legs wide for him and while he shot away I played with my pussy and fingered myself to an orgasm. It was incredible.”

She paused for a minute to let that image sink in and said, “…. that’s when he suggested taking some special photographs and I … I agreed.”

“Special photographs?”

"Yes, sweetie …" She produced another wrapped gift the same size as the one I was still holding so I guessed that this too must be a photograph.

“I hope you like this one too,” she said. “Just remember that this is something you have told me you wanted for a long time. I’d like to say that I did it for you but I enjoyed it too much for that to be completely honest."

Her hand trembled a little as she handed me this second present, I could tell that she was nervous and I suspecting what I was about to see I had butterflies in my stomach. I wasn’t sure if what I imagined could be in the photo was there or not. I wasn’t sure how I would feel if it were.

I tore off the ribbon and paper and although the framed photo was upside down, the first thing I saw was a man’s face. It was a young good-looking man and he was obviously topless. He wasn’t looking toward the camera but was looking down in front of himself with a look of ecstasy on his face.

I stopped for a minute and asked, “is this Greg?”

“Yes,” was her quiet reply.

I quickly pulled off the rest of the paper and turned it around, the right way up and tried to comprehend the image in my hands. Greg was looking down at my naked wife lying on a bed. (I assumed it was my wife as the camera had taken the photograph from the top of her head toward her feet but there was no doubt that it was her!) Her hair was spread out around her and she had a look of joy on her face. Her body was pointing toward Greg and her legs were spread wide to him. One of her hands was squeezing the nipple on her left breast and the other hand was near her crotch. She looked as if she had a finger on her clit but that was difficult to ascertain because Greg was standing nude between her legs with his huge cock half buried inside her.

My heart skipped a beat and I was almost lost for words, all I could muster in a whisper was, "He’s big, isn’t he?"

“Yes,” was my wife’s only reply.

I starred at the photograph. Here was a picture of my wife fucking another man. Proof of her infidelity right before me. She looked so beautiful though. He looked so happy. I knew how he felt. I hoped that she looked just as happy when I was inside her but I sensed that she was feeling something different when this picture was taken. Her pussy was spread so wide and I could only hazard a guess how big he was as it looked like only half was inside her and had another four inches to go!

I found a few more words and stammered, “I don’t know what to say …”

“A 'Thank you' would be nice; do you like it; do you hate it? You always said you wanted to watch me with another man. I figured this would make the perfect gift for you. Maybe you can put it on the wall in your darkroom. That way you would have your hands free!" she said with a giggle.

She was being so flippant about having cheated on me that I was totally confused. I needed to know more so I gathered my thoughts and said trying to keep the cynicism from my voice , “Of course I don’t hate it, I love it, it is such a precious gift that I will treasure. Yeah, I have said that I wanted to see you with another man but that was just a bedroom fantasy. I never thought that you would actually do it. Just tell me what happened.”

“Well, I was nude and on the bed. We were shooting pictures and Greg kept telling me how beautiful I was. He asked about you and I did say that you were into your photography and he said that you were a lucky man to have such a beautiful woman as a model.. I didn't tell him that you were a bit of a disappoint in the bedroom … (Ouch, that hurt) … but all his talk made me feel so comfortable around him and so horny. He is a beautiful man and so professional.

"Anyway, he finished taking the nude photographs and told me that the session was over, that I could relax and get dressed. I told him that I already felt very relaxed and didn't get up but just flopped back on the bed. He laughed and carried on working, taking the film out of the camera and making notes and such before coming over and sitting down on the bed beside me. We started talking about his work and somehow the conversation drifted into our lives. He told me he had one great love when he was at college but they had broken up just after graduation and since then that he has trouble finding nice woman.

“I told him that I found that hard to believe and said that after my first visit to the studio I went away convinced that he must be fucking everyone of his models. It was crazy conversation for remember that I was laying there nude talking to him but it just seemed to be the right thing to do.

"He said that, no, not every one of his models but in fact that he led quite a lonely life. I reached out to hold his hand. He turned and looked in my eyes and I knew that I wanted to help him feel less lonely. He looked at me a bit sideways and said 'but I thought you were married'. I told him not to worry about that, that you had often said that wanted me to do it with someone else and, just for laughs, I said why don't you take a picture of us doing it so that I can prove to my husband that I was only doing what he asked me to do!

"He couldn’t believe it and he kept asking me if I was sure. I told him yes. Besides, by then just thinking about it, I was so wet between the legs I really needed a cock to fill the longing.

“He started to kiss me and run his hands all over my body. He played with my nipples for the longest time and kissed my face. He pushed me so I was laying on my back and began to kiss down my body until he got to where I wanted him, licking and tonguing my pussy. I came almost immediately but he didn’t stop, he just kept licking until I came again. It was so intense but I needed more so I begged him to let me have his cock. He pulled off his pants and, oh my god, so big, much bigger than yours .. I had never seen one so large.

"He knelt between my outstretched legs and just put the thing against my pussy lips and asked me if I was sure I wanted to do it. He didn't need to ask, it must have been obvious, I was so wet and loose. It hurt as he pushed in and I made him go slowly and it seemed an age before I felt his balls pressed against me. We took a moment for me to get used to being filled so completely but then he began slowly to slide in and out and it felt so good to be so stuffed and stretched. I don’t know how long he fucked me and or how many times I came before I heard him say he was going to cum. He asked if he should pull out; I answered him by grabbing his butt and holding him inside me in reply. Next thing I remember is hearing him groan and feeling his warm sperm flooding me.”

I was still under the bedcovers and all the while she had been telling me this tale I realized that I had been rubbing my cock and I was as hard as I ever get and could have cum easily. She had me wrapped up so much in her story that the fact that she was confessing to having sex with another man didn’t even register. All I was hearing was that he was young and hung and that made the confession sound so much better. I didn't make any comment, I just asked, "Then what happened?"

“We laid on the bed for a little while and I looked at him and couldn't believe what I, what we, had just done. He asked how I felt and how you would feel if you found out. He was a bit surprised when I told him that I was going to tell you. He said that 'in his experience' that might not be a good idea, that he was sure you would be angry. I told him not to worry and tried to explain how we had talked about this happening, that this was a fantasy of yours and about how you wanted to see me being fucked by another man." She gestured to the framed picture I was holding, "I said that my true intention of coming to his studio was to have pictures taken so I could give you a present to prove it had happened."

"Greg wasn’t sure at first how he could do that but then he figured that if he set up the camera on a tripod and connected a remote shutter release that he might be able to take pictures at the same time as he was fucking me.”

It took me a moment to figure out what she saying, "Hang on, you mean this photo was taken after you had already screwed once,” I asked.

“Yes, dear, he is young and, unlike you, he was ready to go again in a short time. Anyway, he set up the camera and then had us pose in a number of ways. I sucked on his cock in some shots which was fun because I could taste his cum and my pussy juices together and, as I sucked, out the corner of my eye I could see him pressing the button on the cable release thingie and could hear the camera clicking away so clearly his scheme was working.

"We changed positions and he took me from behind; he had me sit on his cock; we did a 69 pose; we jumped around like we were making porno pictures just like the ones you have in your dirty magazines …. which I guess we were.

"The picture you have there is a shot toward the end of our second fuck. Greg is just about to cum and I have already cum twice. The photo he took just after this one shows him coming all over my belly. I don't know how he managed to remember to press the button as he pulled out and shot it all over me. I couldn’t believe how much cum he spurted this second time, some even hit my face!" She had a wistful look on her face when she added, "It’s a good thing I am on the pill or I’d be pregnant for sure.”

I looked at the picture again and all I could say was, “Wow!” My wife had given me the best present ever, she had clearly fulfilled my biggest fantasy. I had told her how much I wanted her to do other guys but it had only ever been 'pillow talk' and while the idea had always turned us both on, I had never dreamed for one moment it would happen.

She looked at me to gauge my reaction to her explanation, “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Honestly, I am jealous and horny at the same time.”

“Are you angry?”

“Only that I didn’t get to watch.”

She smiled and hugged me and then laid a kiss on me that wouldn’t quit. She rubbed my erection through the bedclothes and then took my hand and said with a twinkle in her eye, “let’s talk about you watching the next time. Greg and I have made a few plans for another photo session. We won't need to rely on a cable release if you are there, will we?”

Now that's what I call an interesting development

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