There are times when I wish I wasn’t quite as honest with myself but that's the way I had been bought up; my mother was always telling me if I didn't tell the truth then a lie would eventually catch me out and she was correct.

I should have remembered her advice after I got married for a number of reasons, least of which my husband revealed himself to have 'issues' about his size and, it seemed to me, to need reassurance that he was loved and he was doing things right. I can't recall the exact circumstances when the topic was bought up but this came to light when he casually asked about my previous sex partners and how did he compare.

The truth is that my loving, attentive and loyal husband is emotionally, romantically, the best lover I’ve known with no close second but when it comes to 'performance', um, not the best sexual partner I’ve had. The truth is that he just doesn’t have the 'package' to compare to some of the men I had but I never could summons the courage to tell him that his little cock was a disappointment. I didn't tell him size doesn’t matter. I told him instead that it’s him I so truly love and will do so forever.

I am a military wife and part-time school teacher and we are presently on an overseas tour, living in Germany. He is an aircraft engineer on a squadron which is often deployed to other places when the need arises. We have kids and in between doing our jobs we do our best to look good for each other, which includes keeping our bodies fit and as trim as can be.

However, what with coping with our jobs, preserving freedom, having a lovely home that the military has provided, keeping up with the kids after-school activities (our son is big into soccer and ******** is equally crazy about dance) and such, our sex life has become more nurturing than exciting. Sure, we make love whenever the time is right and the kids are not around or awake to disturb our fun but it has to said that it seems we get most enjoyment whenever hubby is away on a detachment and we are able to indulge in having telephone sex (thank god for mobile phones!) and we both encourage each other to masturbate. He knows that I use my vibrator (which was comparable in size to him) but I think that he just uses his right hand. However, what he didn’t know until three months ago was that I bought on-line a solid latex dildo that is 4 inches longer and twice as thick as he is when fully hard.

When we are speaking I use the one he knows about but right after we end our telephone sex and say our good nights, I put 'him' aside, get my purchase out from its hiding place at the back of my undies drawer, bite on a towel so that my moans and groans do not wake the children as I work my 'secret friend' in and out of my pussy until I have the kind of powerful orgasms I’ve never had with him.

We live in a base way out in the country which can be a disappointment when it comes to shopping for the latest fashions or new gadgets and such, so, with our wedding anniversary in mind, my husband on yet another detachment found himself close to a big city and he did some gift shopping at an upscale lingerie shop. Him, being an old romantic planned to surprise me by placing the sexy, lacy things he bought in my undies drawer and let me just discover them. It didn't work out as he planned and the surprise was on him when he discovered my 'secret friend'.

That night in bed on our Wedding Anniversary he asked me about it, where I had got it from; why I felt that I had to hide it from him why I needed it. He said he felt somewhat humiliated, a little 'threatened', was it because he 'wasn't good enough'.

Remembering what my mother had told me I decided I should be more honest with him about 'size', I tried to justify my purchase by saying for me had more to do with girth than length. I tried to convince him that I didn’t really 'need' it as such, that it was merely a play-thing to enjoy when he was away.

He held 'my friend' in his hands and examined it, lifted it to his nose and smelt it and, Mother was right, my honesty had paid off and I was delighted to see him get turned on. To my surprise he said that he wanted me to show him how such a big thing would fit into my tight pussy.

I took it back from him and lay back on the bed, spread my legs and stroked the fat dildo up and down my wet slit. I couldn't believe I was acting out the fantasy I had often had of someone watching me being fucked and 'my friend' slipped in with no trouble at all. The look on his face as he sat on his heels between my legs watching it stretch and fill my pussy was lovely to see. He was already naked and he pulled on his stiff cock and started to stroke himself. He got so incredibly excited hearing my moans and seeing my facial expressions that he shot his load the minute my body bucked and trembled to the powerful orgasm I gave myself.

I'd never seen him spurt as much spunk as he did that night and said that he must have enjoyed seeing me like that. He answered that it was an incredible sight but that he accepted and appreciated the fact that I hid my friend from him only because I was afraid of hurting his feelings. It was a nice moment and from that point on we renewed our vows to not keep secrets from each other.

That was a watershed as far as our sex-life was concerned and over the next three months or so we added new twists to our time in bed that added so much needed energy and passion to our love life. He was quite inventive with his ideas and I would lie over him with his little cock in my mouth (which was easy to do) as he stroked 'our' friend, the huge dildo, in and out of me while at the same time licking my engorged clitty. This 69 was his very favourite position and it didn't take long before we had simultaneous, really powerful orgasms. I would try to swallow as much as I could, which wasn't always successful, and I know that I must have drenched him but it didn’t matter, for we would always then snuggled in each other’s arms, with our heads on the same pillow and savour the afterglow.

I asked him why he got so aroused and he said that it excited him to fantasize that he was watching another man’s cock go in and out of my pussy. He said that the seed of this idea was planted the first time he saw me use a vibrator on myself and now this fantasy had really taken root watching this big boy pleasure me. It steadily got so that I had 'our friend' in me much more often than his cock and this seed grew and grew as he took to using it on me, and especially when he began to lick me at the same time.

Strangely, when he told me this, it was my time to feel threatened. He asked me if I fantasized about having sex with other men. I could hear my mother's words and decided to be honest, I said not with 'other men' … just the one man, our son’s German soccer coach. I told him that I saw him every time I dropped our son off for practice or when I went to watch a game.

I said that I knew the coach was married for his wife was often present at the games but I liked the way he looked at her, it was obvious they were attracted to each other, but I assured my hubby that to date I had only had the occasional flirty words with him. I tried to dampen my evident enthusiasm for this guy by saying he wasn’t at all handsome but he looked fit and athletic. I then kind of let myself down by saying that I definitely found the bulge in his soccer shorts interesting and admitted that I sometimes fantasized about him while working my dildo but reassured him that fantasy was fantasy, and would remained such. I had my man and loved him to pieces, and that was that.

It was just three days later when we went to another game and I was bemused to see my husband paying more attention to the coach as he did to the game. That alone intrigued me. When the game ended he followed the boys into the changing room to help our son get changed (or so he said) but it was revealed later that his intention was the hope that when the boys and the coach took a shower that he might catch a glimpse of what the coach might be packing beneath his soccer shorts.

When he told me what he had seen it made me realise that my husband was making moves that might actually lead to him watching me have sex with the guy? To be honest that thought both threatened and excited me.

It was confirmed later that same night. My husband said that he did had been online and discovered that sharing a wife with other men was not the great taboo that we thought, that many happily married couples had sex with others. Sometimes it was called swinging, other times in slightly different circumstances it was called cuckolding, and for others it was just called good old 'wife sharing'. He was quite excited as he shared the results from his research and described the difference between the three. He said for himself he wasn’t at all interested in having another woman but, now having seen his cock, the thought of watching me have a go with the soccer coach excited him. From that night on, that became our mutual fantasy and I would be quite vocal as I pretended to be having sex with the coach as my husband licked my pussy while stretching and filling it with the dildo. It was great! REALLY great!

Since then, we have talked about this a lot from just about every angle. While my husband has convinced me that he truly wants this to happen, he did not pressure me. He said that this would be something we would do as a team, the both of us. He emphasised, 'us'.

We agreed to some loose parameters, what we both could and could not handle. I began by saying that there is no way I could have sex with another man with him standing right there watching. I said I would be much too inhibited for that and if ever I could allow myself to have another man fuck me, and that was a big IF, it would be to try it one time and then decide where to go from there. That would be my decision and he would have to fully and sincerely accept it.

I have not yet decided if I want to go through with it. As far as I am concerned, I have transitioned from 'no way' to 'maybe'. However, my husband has taken it as a definite 'Yes, it's gonna happen' and has already planned out how we are going about it.

So, we are at the planning stage with him thinking I am leaning toward to make this wife-sharing/cuckold/swinging thing happen (IF I decide to do it).

Our Married Quarter is typical German-style house with a large basement where we have turned one of the rooms into a guest bedroom. My husband also has his workshop in the adjacent room and in another he has created a small gym with exercise equipment.

Hubby has a great imagination and his plan is that I need to ask the coach to stop by so I can discuss something about the soccer games schedule and also ask his advice on something about using our gym equipment. (Sounds pretty lame way of getting him into our house and down into the basement but, hey, whatever).

I am to send all the right signals to the coach and follow up on the flirty remarks I have been making over the past few months and make him very aware that my husband is away on detachment and that the kids are in school which will give us a couple hours alone … to do whatever we wanted. Hubby says he will get the message.

Hubby, of course, will not be on detachment; he will be in his precious workshop with the door locked and he will be looking through the one-way mirror that is mounted on the guest bedroom wall. The mirror is another thing that he bought when he was on one of his trips and from the bedroom side it looks like a quirky ornamental beer poster.

Given he has gone to so much trouble setting this whole thing up, it would be dishonest of me to say that I am not in favour of doing this thing. I mean, what is there not to like? We have both read many letters in forums and such submitted by husbands who share their wives, as well as letters written by wives who have been shared and they are mostly positive.

He has described in graphic terms the size of the coach's cock and he says he knows that I will get the same amount of enjoyment from him as we have had with our special friend. He said that the only thing that will be different, this time, is that he will not be there to lick my clit while I am being fucked but he did add that perhaps if this goes well that maybe we can expand the horizons on the coach's 'next visit'. Clearly, he is thinking this will be more than just a one-night stand!

He says that I am not to give any thoughts of him on the other side of the mirror but that he will be getting his own satisfaction just as he does when we have telephone sex. It didn't take too much imagination to know what that meant.

So much of me begs to have an uninhibited go with the coach and yet there is still something I just cannot put my finger on that holds me back.

Everything is ready, my husband loves and respects me, we are married forever but it's times like this that I wish my mother was still around to give me her advice.

She, no doubt, would tell me to do the right thing and be honest with myself.

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