Holly and I were school sweet hearts since we were in first grade. It never failed. We went all the way through school in love and never looked back, well through high school. Then well college hit. In high school I was a very average kid. Holly was the opposite. She was the top of our class and head cheer leader. Her grades and cheer camps helped her to get a scholarship to the University of Alabama. She was a typical high school cheer leader with her blonde hair, blue eyes, c cup breast and just barely 100lbs. She was perfect. The only bad part of her going to college was how far away it was going to be. We were from Miami so it was going to be tough, but we vowed to stay together. The only way for her to go to school was on the scholarship since both her parents died in a car wreck her 11th grade year. Mine died the following year and that meant no school for me. I was going to move to Tuscaloosa to live with her but she had to say in a dorm. So I decided to stay in Miami and get a job. I was going to send what I could to her and live off the rest. We wanted to get married before she left for school but her aunt wouldn't let her since she couldn't sign for anything herself so we were screwed. Aunt Mary was against us even dating and made that really clear. She was a former Bama belle and had gotten Holly the scholarship through her connections. She was a former homecoming queen and had a lot of pull. The other thing we waited on was sex. Not my choice, but Holly didn't want to have sex before we got married. We had orally pleased each other but that was it. I was the only guy she had even seen naked. I was glad about that. I knew I was small at just under four inches hard. A week after graduation, we packed Holly's stuff up. She had a ****** party for her leaving. He Aunt was telling her all about the school. She was on cloud nine and ready to get there. They had a long talk before we left too. The drive up took 14 hours and I could tell something was bothering Holly. About half way there I finally got her to talk. ?Aunt Mary and I had a long talk last night.? What about? ?She thinks that I'm going to miss out on college.? How are you going to do that? You are going there. ?No its not that. She thinks that it is going to be hard with me dealing with you back home and not living the college life.? What do you think? ?I mean I see her point but I don't want to lose you. You know that right.? Yes I know that but not sure how this is going to work if you feel like that. ?I don't know. I have been thinking about it a lot. I know it sounds stupid, but I kind of want both. Not that I'm wanting someone else, just not sure about us being able to make it work and me not experiencing school life.? (I thought for a while then finally spoke when she asked me to say something.) What if you could have both? ?What do you mean?? What if you could date other guys and live the college life, but still have me. ?So you would be good with me dating other guys if I had the chance?? Well first off, you will have the chance. You are way to pretty not too. I mean I guess I would be. I know this is not going to work if you don't have the chance. I don't want you to look back when we get married and go I never had a chance to experience college. ?So I just get to date others. I guess you will too. Is that what this is all about?? No not at all. I'm not going to date others. All I'm saying is if you want to date others I would understand. But you would have to be open and honest with me about everything. ?I don't know if I could do that.? Don't you want to be together and get to see the college life? ?Yes, kind of? Ok so can you be open about things. ?Yes, my biggest thing is I can't do it and still be your girlfriend. It just wouldn't be right for me. That is why I don't think I can do it.? What if we were just friends? We can be more when you come home of course, but now we are just friends. ?You want to break up.? It's not like that. It's just that well. I want you to be happy. If that means seeing other guys then I guess I'm ok with that. ?Are you sure?? Yes. ?What if I kiss a guy?? I figured you would. ?You are ok with that.? Well if we aren't dating I guess so. But you would still have to be open with me if you want this to be there later on. ?So you want to hear about things like that.? Yes I guess so. ?What if things went further? Im going to be here for a few years you know.? I would want to know I guess. ?So if a guy went down on me you would want to know.? Yes ?What if we had sex?? Yes very shyly. ?Even though we haven't?? Yes I would. ?Really? So you would be ok with another guy screwing me while you sat at home waiting for me to finish school and come home to you.? (I could see the tears in her eyes. I knew I had to do something.) I love you. If it means waiting and you going ahead, then yes. I want you to know I love you. ?You know I love you right? And if we did this, you have to promise never to make me feel guilty about any of this anytime.? I would never do that. I just want you to be happy. ?are you sure you can handle this baby?? Yes ?I think this is what I want then. If, you are sure?? I am. We sat there the rest of the way not saying much. We got all her stuff unloaded and then met her roommate. Jen was cute. Blonde like Holly. She was a little taller and had a sweet southern accent. She was a sophomore and already knew the campus. She said she would make sure to show her where all the frat houses were. She then looked and said you aren't her boyfriend are you. Before I could say anything she said no. He is my best friend. We talk about everything. That was the first time it all hit me. Jen said that was good since there were a ton of hot guys here. We finished unpacking and it was about time for me to leave. I got a shower in the dorm facility. It was a coed dorm. I had to walk down the hall with only a towel on. A couple of the girls checked me out. I was getting a little turned on. I got in the room and looked for Holly. She was still in the shower. I dropped the towel and I was hard as ever. I was getting stuff out of bag and turned to the mirror to see Jen in her towel. She dropped it in shock and I just looked. She looked at me and then covered her mouth. Oh sorry she said. She had a grin and grabbed her towel. I put on my underwear when she came back out. She said it was cool not to worry about it. I finished and Holly came in. She didn't know it but the front of her towel was caught in her pubic hair and showing. Jen giggled and helped her. She told her it would need to go. She pulled her back to the bathroom and she came back freshly shaven. I didn't get to see it then, but she told me it felt weird. They started to get ready and I was pointing out that Holly's top didn't match her skirt. Jen thought it was funny and made a comment that it was cool that she had a gay friend. Holly just looked at me and laughed. Jen then gave her a skirt that matched. It was an Abercrombie skirt and was really short. She could barely bend over without everything showing. She put on a thong with no bra. She looked amazing and a little bit loose. It was the first time I had seen her like that. It was also weird that Jen got naked and dressed right in front of us. I had huge eyes and Holly noticed. She was pretty pissed. That led to an odd conversation before we were going to leave to eat. Jen ? So Holly have you ever kissed Matt (me). Holly ? Ya a few times she said with a grin in my direction. Jen ? So did you ever kiss him after he came out of the closet? Holly ? She gave me another look and I knew she was going to run with it. Ya like girlfriends do. I like to see if he is interested ever. Jen ? laughing she said so has it worked? Holly ? No he is all about guys. (Laughing even harder now.) Jen ? So were you ever together while yall were dating? Holly ? No we are both virgins. I guess he never really wanted too. Jen ? Well no doubt he is gay then. You are hot in that outfit. We should go dancing tonight. You would see that a lot of guys are interested in being with you. We might even find someone for you Matt. Holly ? Ya I would love to see Matt find someone. Jen ? Well he can be my date for now and we will find you someone at the club. If we see any guys he likes, then he can go with them. How about that? Holly ? Ya I'm sure he would love that. We then headed out. The girls looked amazing in their tight tops. Neither of them needed bras and it made it even harder for me not to look. We ate and then went to club Star. It was a huge club and was just starting to pick up. The girls had guys sending them drinks. I got a couple sips of theirs. Then around midnight we hit another club called Blue Moon. When we walked it we stood out somewhat. We were one of about 10 white people there. I was the only white guy. Holly and I aren't racist, but it was a big shock. Jen said she loves to come here. All the football players hang out there. They started getting drinks and were getting tipsy. They went to the rest room and were struggling in the heels they had on. On their way back Jen ran into a guy she knew. Holly came back to the table and told me she was having a good time. I asked if she liked hanging out with her Gay friend. She said gay with the way you are looking at Jen's boobs. I doubt it. I could tell she was pissed. The alcohol just made it worse. Jen then came back to the table with three guys. They all played on the football team and were all black and big. One was named Dee. He stood out from the group. He was 6?5 and 240lbs. He was huge and one of the stars on the team. They sat down with us and Jen quickly told them I was Holly's gay friend from back home. They just ignored me and kept hitting on them and buying more drinks. Around one they were on the dance floor with Holly. Jen pulled me out wanting to see my moves. I had none but she was having fun playing with me. Then in a drunken haze she laid a kiss on me. I was shocked and got hard right away. She said she had that effect on gay guys. When I turned I saw Holly and our eyes locked. She was pissed. After that her attention went to Dee and him only. The other guys finally bailed. We finally were all at the table and Dee was holding Holly close to him. She was pissed at me and let him do what he wanted. At one point she shot me a look of disgust. Then she caught me coming out of the restroom and asked how things with Jen were going. I tried to say something, but Jen pulled her in the bathroom before I could. When they got back to the table Jen poked me in the side and said here take these. I opened my hand and she dropped her thong in my hand. I put it in my pocket hoping no one could see. I asked why she did it and she explained it was het telling me I could have her tonight. When I turned I saw Holly pissed. She then went to the bathroom. When she came back, she made it obvious Dee got her panties. He gave her a big kiss and put his hand between her legs. It took her breath I could tell. She bit her bottom lip and crossed her legs with his hand locked in between. He was the only other guy to touch her there. I felt like I was going to throw up. I went to the bathroom and then came back to find them on the dance floor. She was all over him. They came back to the table and I could tell she was *****. She took another shot and down it with Jen. Jen then called it a night at three. We went back to the dorm in a college shuttle. When the girls got in we could see everything. Holly was so wet. I had never seen her like that. You could even smell it. I just saw Dee smile. We got back to the room and went in. Jen cut the lights out and pulled me to the bed. Dee just pulled Holly down on him. There was enough light coming through the window for me to see them. Their bed was against the window and ours was just at the foot of theirs. So I could see up the bed and see them completely. Jen asked me to rub her back. I did and she slipped her clothes off. Holly saw it and followed suit. It hit me again that Dee was the only other guy to see her naked. Jen straddled me and pulled off my shirt. She pulled my hands to her chest and asked me how they felt. I couldn't really speak. She just laughed and spun around. She told me to rub her back. From the other bed it had to look like she was screwing me reverse cow girl, but I had my boxers on. I never got hard. It was tough because I was watching Dee kiss all over Holly. I saw her look our way a couple times then she stopped looking. She thought we were having sex and that was all she needed. Then after about a minute of rubbing and Jen moving on me, I came. She felt the wetness beneath my boxers. She looked back and giggled. She could tell I was looking at them in the other bed. She laid down and asked if I was thinking about Dee. I wondered why she asked me then I realized. I didn't say anything. She said it was cool. She then told me that I was pretty small and most girls wouldn't like it. But, if it was in a guy's ass it might be different. I was blown away. She passed out shortly after that leaving me watching my love in the other bed with a really big black guy about to screw her. Dee finally took off his shirt. He was cut like a statue. I was amazed and so was Holly. Her hands were all over him rubbing. He then laid down and She kissed all over his chest and stomach. Her butt and pussy were about a foot from my face at the end of her bed. She thought I was asleep since I kept my eyes barely open. Part of me wanted to run, but part of me just couldn't. Holly then scooted down the bed with her ass just inches from my face as she pulled off his pants. I could see he had a big bulge in his boxers. I wondered how much bigger than me he would be. A few seconds later I found out. He was just shy of 10 inches and was as thick as her wrist. Holly was shaking and told him there was no way she could suck or fuck that. Dee told her he would take it easy. Her pussy was flowing at this point. She was so wet and getting wetter. Then Holly lowered her head and licked Dee's huge cock. It seemed like he was getting bigger and she noticed. She was only able to get the head in and stroked him hard. She did that for ten minutes. By the time she finished she had juices flowing down her legs to her knees and was pooling. It looked almost like a slow trickle. He noticed when he stuck his middle finger in her. She jumped and he asked her how that felt. She said good. He asked her if she wanted bigger. She wasn't sure and told him that her last boyfriend was only that big. I knew she was talking about me. He told her when they got through she would have to tell him which she preferred. She looked back at me, but my eyes were closed. He pulled her up the bed and started licking her pussy. He told her she was ready and made a quick move to get between her legs. She quickly asked him about a condom and he said no. She said she couldn't without one. He told her he would just do it for a little bit and be very careful. He promised to pull out whenever she wanted him too. As she was listening and thinking it over, he was rubbing his mammoth head up and down her slimy slit. She had covered it in her cum. It was like it was in slow motion as she lifted her hips and legs. When she finished it was clear she was his for the taking. He asked her if she was ready. She just nodded her head to confirm. He took the head and rubbed it some more. Then told her to take it and put it where she wanted it. Her little fingers with French tip nails reached down in the ultimate contrast as she took the huge head and put it at the entrance of her pussy. She was shaking so hard. Even her feet were shaking. She grabbed the sheets to calm herself and prepare for his size. He pushed the head in just a little and she jumped and shook. He had a huge grin as he pushed a little more in. It took him a couple minutes to get the head in. When it finally did go in she came hard. He waited for her to stop shaking and open her eyes. She was so embarrassed and told him she had never cum like that before. I had to agree she hadn't any time with me licking or fingering her. He just told her she hadn't seen anything yet. She shyly nodded for him to show her and he did. He started with a couple small motions then a plunge. The plunge knocked the breath out of Holly as it ripped her hymen taking the virginity I had cherished for so long. As he drew back I could see the blood and proof it was gone. He asked if she was ok and she said yes just don't stop. That was all the encouragement he needed as he worked it in and out for almost ten minutes just a couple feet from my face. I could see her inner folds pull out each time he did. Then with a big push forward that put Holly's head into the headboard, she came. She just melted into him wrapping her arms and legs around him. They shared a very deep kiss then Holly realized that her head was all shoved to the side with no room to move. They shared a laugh then Dee pulled her down the bed. This put her pussy that was filled with Dee's massive cock just over a foot from the end of the bed and my face. Her butt was just off the bed as her ankles were resting on his shoulders. She gave him the nod to go again and he plunged in sending some of her juices and virginal blood shooting out and splattering my face. The smell was musky and I could smell the blood too. After the first big shot, I got a few small ones for the next few minutes. Then when Holly was on the edge of cumming again, Dee told her he was going to cum. She was so into it she told him not to stop and pulled him down on her as hard as she could. He asked her if she was sure and she said yes looking him in the eyes with a lust I had never seen before. That pushed him over the edge as he pounded in her even harder over and over still splattering me. As she started to cum he did too. She said I can feel it in between the moans of her biggest orgasm yet. I could see his cock twitch as it shot and then I felt the extra fluids hit me in the face. I knew it was both of their cum. I also knew the most of it was in her swimming toward their goal. It was very possible that she had just conceived right in front of me. They collapsed on each other. Holly kept her legs around Dee with her little feet all balled up from her orgasm. He stayed in her for about twenty minutes keeping all his little guys in there. He asked her if she was going to let him up. She finally said no. She didn't want to stop. That was all he needed. He flipped her over and left her straddling him. She looked down at the monster that was in her. She felt her stomach seeing if she could feel it. She pointed to her belly button and said it was right there. He told her she still had about three inches to go. She told him there was no way it would fit. She started slow moves and pushed down hard on him from time to time. She got the first inch after a couple minutes, but she was struggling. Then she picked up the pace and slammed down. Dee moved his hands to her waist and on the last time she went down and came he pushed her hips down. She went into a powerful orgasm as he sank all the way in and came. Holly lost her breath as she came. It was also clear by Dee's sounds that he was cumming too. I could see his seed move through his cock as Holly happily took it. As she collapsed on his chest, I knew things would never be the same. He had hit spots I could never come close to and I feared she had felt things I could never show her. And, then came the morning. Please send all comments to Scottneedsadvice@yahoo.com. I look forward to reading them.
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