Dan was a regular 24-year-old white boy living in the modern world of 2025. Much has changed in recent years. Society was much different than it was a few years before. There was much more racial diversity which affected the population as it grew. White birth rates had plummeted and black/interracial birth rates were up. Yet stats showed that fewer people were getting married and there were more single mothers than ever before.

Dan never really questioned these stats but he did often wonder why. The small town that he grew up in was predominantly white despite the amount of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East into the country. He was born and raised in this small town and had no intention of leaving.

Dan was 5’5, slim with brown hair and blue eyes. He always dressed smartly and went to the gym every day. He was trying to gain muscle but he was having a hard time mostly he was there to attempt to court a young and beautiful white girl called Emma.

Emma was a blond, blue-eyed goddess in Dan’s eyes. She was a gym bunny and she went every day at the same time Dan happened to go. Emma had a peach of an arse and firm tits, she could easily be a model with her perfect facial features and toned fit body. Emma wore tight gym shorts that hugged every contour of her arse and a small tight crop top that pushed her tits up. Dan and every other male who saw her was driven wild with lust when they saw her.

Dan entered the gym at conveniently the same time as Emma. He had at some point been able to pluck up the courage to talk to her and they had become gym buddies nothing more. They walked into the gym together and asked about each other’s day before they split ways, Dan to the right into the male locker room and Emma to the left into the female locker room to change into their gym clothes.

The gym was usually quiet at this time except for one or two other people. One such other was Trajan a tall and muscled black male with a body like a Greek god. Dan often joked in his head that he probably had a tiny cock like the statues but truthfully he knew otherwise. Trajan would also change in the locker room. Trajan was not embarrassed and made no effort to hide when others were around. Dan knew perfectly well that this African Hercules was carrying some serious weight. On the other hand, Dan would shy away and try to change under a towel with his back to others; the other white males weren’t much different. Similar size cocks and shy when Trajan was in the room which was every day. Dan wasn’t ashamed of his manhood he had an average of four inches when erect, a number that seemed to get smaller over time but Trajan was an exception that made all the men self-conscious.

Trajan was also friendly with Emma to Dan’s annoyance as he was flirtatious, forward, and made Emma giggle. There were rumors that she was his secret side chick, Trajan seemed to have a lot of side chicks in these rumors so Dan knew it was probably a lie being spread around by someone jealous.

Dan walked into the gym to see Trajan talking with Emma discreetly as he slowly stepped away toward the weights. Emma giggled heavily and continued her squats as Dan stepped onto the treadmill near her and kept one eye on the machine and one eye on Emma’s arse.

Today was a special day Dan planned to ask Emma on a date he had already planned. So when the hour-long gym session was over he planned to corner her before she disappeared to get changed. Unfortunately, she was already in deep conversation with Trajan so he went to get changed and decided to wait for her in the lobby.

Dan sat on the bench tying his shoelaces when he heard footsteps enter the locker room. Trajan entered the locker room and dropped his shorts. He was a few feet away from Dan so Dan had an eye-level view of his huge black cock, it was darker than the rest of his skin. The head was hiding under a foreskin and was so big it was peeping out. His balls were like a pair of apples and the shaft wrapped over them and hung and swung as he moved.

Dan waited outside the female locker room and called Emma over as she exited the lockers, "Hey Dan, what’s up?”

“Oh, I was wondering what you had planned for this weekend?”

Emma not entirely ******* he was attempting to ask her on a date said "I don’t know yet, I might hit the town with some girlfriends, who knows.”

“Um yeah cool, well if you weren’t too busy at some point I wondered if you... you know wanted to... do something like... um... I don’t know maybe if you had time during the day, wanted to... go and...” Dan was too slow Trajan had burst through the door that was almost too small for him and interrupted Dan.

“Hey peachy bum,” he said with confidence referring to Emma, “You ready to go, Daddy has an itch that needs scratching,” he said, firmly smacking her on the arse cheek filling the room with a loud clap.

Emma squealed and instantaneously forgot all about Dan, “Sure thing Daddy, let’s go,” she said back as she brushed past Dan, “See you tomorrow Dan,” she said as she left with Trajan.
Dan followed them out and watched her get into his BMW and then as he walked he heard tires screeching as he sped off. He was still staring in that direction even when they screeched around the corner out of sight causing him to walk straight into a post to the amusement of a couple of kids nearby.

Dan couldn’t get the image of that huge black cock impaling Emma, his crush, on the bonnet of that BMW. The more he thought about it the more he got aroused. Imagining what it must feel like to be swallowed by her pussy in a passionate, lust-fueled fuck frenzy Dan was now super horny and opened his laptop the second he got home and began searching for porn to wank off to.

In recent years porn had changed. Simple supply and demand was the only explanation. Most porn was interracial, mostly black males on white females. Dan had little choice but to select the videos that reminded him of his crush getting pounded hard by Trajan. With his trousers around his ankles and his 4-inch cock in his hand Dan clicked on a random video and began to wank his cock while skipping through the boring bits to the cum shot scenes. It took about a minute and a half to get there but when he did he splurged his sperm onto the floor as the blonde slut took a huge cum load from a massive black cock as he imagined Emma taking one from Trajan.

The next day Dan arrived at the gym at the same time as Emma. They walked in together and had the usual small talk. To his surprise, the gym was quiet, no Trajan, no other gym goers just him and Emma, 'Perfect' he thought. Dan tried to ignore the radiant glow Emma had about her, he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity. He gave her a brief overview of his day as he built up his courage, it took him a while but he got there, “Hey Emma, I wondered if you... you know wanted to do something like... um... I don’t know maybe if you had time on Saturday and wanted to... get a coffee and some lunch or hang out for the day... with me, just us... like a date of sorts?”

Emma stopped and looked at him, “You want to take me on a date,” Dan nodded sheepishly, “I had no idea you felt that way. Um sure why not but one date and see where it goes.”

Dan exhaled somewhat aggressively in excitement and thanked her for some reason. He thought he might steal her from Trajan if he played it right. The next few days went slow, Trajan only came to the gym once that week. He was ******* that Emma was going on a date with him that weekend when he slapped her arse again. Emma didn’t protest and Dan decided he wouldn't say anything after all he didn’t know. Yes, that was why he didn’t step in when Trajan slapped Emma’s arse, it would be unfair to start a commotion over something Trajan knew nothing about so Dan let it be.

Saturday came and Dan and Emma met in the town. They went for coffee, talked, and then walked through the market that once sold fruit, veg, and other goods, now it was mostly Middle Eastern men selling watches, cooked food, and clothes. They walked through the old arcade stopping to play some of the games, Dan won Emma a giant teddy bear, 'If that isn’t the route to a woman’s heart then I don’t know what is,' Dan thought.

Their date went on longer than planned because they went to the movie. It was dark when it ended and Emma decided it was time to go home, “Do you need me to call you an Uber?”

Emma who was immersed in her phone and ignoring Dan replied, “No it's ok, Trajan is picking me up, he’s almost here."

Dan was speechless, she went on a date with him and now she was off to go and get fucked by a hung black man, he couldn’t win. At every turn he was being humiliated by a black Hercules-looking stud from the gym right in front of his crush even when he wasn’t there he was with her, 'Maybe there is something to this blacks are superior thing after all,' Dan thought, 'It seems that no matter what white women chose them over white boys.'

Trajan pulled up aggressively in his BMW. Emma got all giddy as she kissed Dan on the cheek, “We should do this again sometime, I had fun,” then she skipped to the car opened the door, and fell in, before the door shut Dan heard her say, “Hey Daddy,” and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. The car sped off as Dan watched it disappear around the corner he once again walked into a lamppost to the amusement of a few girls in slutty dresses nearby.

Dan walked home with an erection and as is his usual routine he wanked off the second he got home spewing his sperm onto the floor before the video got past the opening scene. He had Emma getting fucked by Trajan in his mind the whole time. He leaned back in his chair and said aloud “It’s no fucking wonder white birth rates are down,” Dan played video games that night as his mind wandered back to the birth rate stats he realized most of his friends online as far as he knew were white boys. Yet five minutes away the town was full of black men and white girls dressed up desperate for a good hard fuck. He knew this because some had laughed at him when he walked into the post, these thoughts made Dan wank off again and again.

The following Monday evening Dan met Emma at the gym. They walked in together and to Dan’s surprise, Emma asked him out on a second date, she wanted to climb a hill nearby and take photos, and Dan agreed happily. The rest of the week went by as usual Dan and Emma worked out together and got closer. Trajan came in a couple of times and worked out with them giving Dan a few tips.

Dan and Emma met at the huge hill put on their hiking boots and began the climb. Emma wore her usual gym wear, which attracted the attention of some other hikers but it seemed as though Emma was used to it or didn’t mind. Dan walked behind her as they talked and after a few hours they reached the top, arriving at the top Emma excitedly threw herself on Dan in celebration and kissed him on the cheek, “Ok, now we need some good photos, here take this,” Emma said handing over her phone, “I promised Trajan I’d get a good photo and send it to him!”

Emma posed sexily, sticking her arse out and pushing her chest up. Dan took the photos and handed the phone back. He had noticed the background picture on her phone was of her in bed with Trajan with only the covers covering her tits she looked ruffled, makeup smeared, and smiling proudly next to Trajan’s smug and chiseled face. Dan felt his cock grow not that anyone would notice.

They took more photos and selfies before heading down as it started to rain. The climb down got slippy, and unfortunately for Dan, he slipped near the bottom and slid down a slope straight into a muddy ditch to Emma’s amusement. Emma then followed suit as she lost her balance laughing. Both were now covered in mud and after they laughed off their misfortune and had funny comments and looks from other hikers they reached Emma’s car, “Oh crap! My car is going to get filthy."

"Do you have any towels or something we can sit on?”

“No, I don't have anything... ah screw it take off your trousers, it’s only a few miles,” she said. Dan stood there unsure of whether she was serious, “Well come on, don’t leave me hanging. What, you never seen a girl in her underwear before,” she smirked and put her thumbs down the sides of her leggings. Dan realized that he hadn’t, at least not in person, only in porn videos that were often followed by a white girl getting stretched open by a big black cock.

Emma removed her leggings and quickly got into the car, Dan did the same to avoid anyone seeing his now fully erect and throbbing penis partially concealed as he sat in the car his penis was small enough that when he sat down it rescinded into his thighs. On the drive home, Dan kept glancing at Emma’s legs and she was wearing the smallest thong possible. He felt his cock pulse as he tried to control himself, Emma however was unfazed.

Emma pulled into the underground car park of her apartment building and got out, “Wait, what if someone sees you,” Dan asked concerned.

“Meh don’t worry about it, the block is practically empty. I haven’t seen anyone in a week!”

Dan got out and followed Emma carrying the bag with their clothes watching Emma’s arse in her thong walk in front of him. His 4-inch cock which was now visible was throbbing for anyone to see and he had no way of hiding it. He was worried if Emma were to turn around she might scream and call him a pervert but when they got to the elevator and she turned to get in she saw Dan’s 4-inch penis poking into his y-front underwear. Dan stopped with a fearful look on his face as Emma’s eyes met his mini tent, “Emma, I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he pleaded.

Emma smiled, “Don’t be weird about it, it’s just a dicklet, besides we’re on a date right, I’d be concerned if you weren’t,” she smirked.

Dan smiled and uncomfortably stepped into the elevator. They had an awkward ride up and walk through the halls, Emma wasn’t fazed that someone could come out at any moment she walked confidently through the halls to her apartment with Dan following her.

Inside she pointed to the washing machine as she walked past headed for the shower, “Throw them all in the washing machine, I’m getting a shower and you can go after,” she said disappearing around the corner. Dan walked into the fridge as he stared at her arse.

Emma returned 20 minutes later wearing only a towel, “Ok, the shower is all yours, and no wanking in my shower, I’ll know,” she laughed.

Dan laughed it off but was secretly gutted because he wanted to get rid of his erection. He entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. As he was about to step in he noticed the laundry basket next to the sink with Emma’s thong on top begging to be inspected. Dan couldn’t resist, he had never smelled pussy before and he had to know. picking them up he took a deep breath almost fainting from the scent. He dropped them back in the basket and tried to stop himself from spewing his sperm on the floor. He managed to stop himself and got into the shower. It didn’t help his erection go away so once the mud was cleaned off he wrapped a towel around himself and went into the living room where Emma was still in her towel deeply immersed in her phone barely noticing him enter. She looked up in time to see him still erect and trying to hide it, “Damn, you’re still hard?”

“Err, yeah, sorry, I’m not trying to be a perv or anything it won’t go away!”

Emma giggled, “Don’t worry about it, maybe I can help you out,” she said playfully. Emma stood up and walked seductively towards Dan.

“Wait, I thought you were with Trajan?”

Emma stopped in her tracks, “I’m not with Trajan. I mean, I’ve been with him, like a lot, but nothing serious. I would like to find a nice boy to settle down with one day. Trajan is great but he isn’t hubby material, you know,” she said looking at Dan sweetly.

Dan smiled, “You think I’m hubby material?”

“You’re sweet, kind, caring, and kind of a gentleman, yeah, I’d say you’re hubby material,” she replied. The two smiled at each other This was the moment that a hero was needed to make the next move and Emma stepped up, “C’mon, let’s see what we can do about that stiffy,” Emma took Dan’s hand and led him to the bedroom dropping her towel as she entered, Dan was in awe she was clean shaven and had a queen of spade tattoo in her pubic area. Dan stared so long that Emma had to pull his towel off him, her body was perfect. Dan wanted to ask about the tattoo but couldn’t get the words out, Emma laid back on her bed and spread her legs, “C’mon, come taste my pussy,” she beckoned.

Dan knelt and began to ravage her pussy with his tongue. He had no idea what he was doing but it was working Emma threw her head back and her legs squirmed as she moaned, “You can fuck me but you need a condom.”

“I don’t have any.”

“That’s okay, I keep some for Trajan in the drawer there, but he never used them. They might be a little big for you.”

Dan reached into the drawer and fumbled trying to grab a condom that had XXL on the front, it was the Durex, BBC edition. Dan ripped open the packet and attempted to put it on his penis and balls were swallowed by the condom with room to spare. He looked up at Emma for approval but she was giggling, “Try it, but it needs to stay on.”

Dan climbed on top of Emma, she was lying back with her legs spread. He had to hold the condom in place as he attempted to enter her. He fumbled a few times until Emma grew impatient and took hold of his penis and guided him inside her. He felt her pussy close in around his penis head barely having anything else to offer however it was enough to send him over the edge with the mental image of Trajan’s huge black cock inside her, imaging the scene and feeling the warmth of Emma’s pussy he felt his balls and muscles around them tighten up and he felt his sperm spew into the enormous condom after what was barely a thrust, “What already?”

“UURRGGHH,” was all Dan could say as the BBC edition condom was filled with the biggest load of sperm ever. It fell off as he rolled over onto his back and his 4-inch penis began to shrink back to its normal 2-inch flaccid state.

Emma still lying there with her legs spread looked over at Dan and muttered, “Yep, hubby material alright!”


“Oh, nothing,” she replied heartily. She picked up the enormous condom and handed it to the out of breath, Dan, “Here go put that in the bin.”

“I’m sorry it was so quick, it’s my first time,” Dan told her.

“I know, and it’s okay, I’m sure you will make up for it with your tongue in a minute,” Emma said cheekily. Dan got up and disposed of the condom that was closer to a bin bag than a condom into the waste bin. He returned and finished Emma off with his tongue, it turns out he was quite talented with his tongue.

A few days later, Dan was changing out of his gym clothes to go home as he tried to ignore the huge black cock dangling a few feet away that he couldn’t help but glance at, the one that fit that huge condom. Trajan moved across from him and sat on the bench opposite him his huge black cock hanging off the bench. Dan felt uncomfortable as Trajan stared at him, “Emma tells me you two took the next step in your relationship the other day.”

Dan didn’t know what to say and wondered how he knew.

Trajan answered the questions in his head, “I know what you’re thinking, how does he know, Well, Emma came to my apartment after she dropped you off at home. She told me everything and said she needed a good fuck to make up for it, I obliged.”

Emma had cheated on him within an hour of them being intimate. Dan tried to process this telling himself it made sense, with a cock like that how could Dan compete?

“Oh, I didn’t use no white boy trash bag like you, I filled her up to the brim, it’s a pity you weren’t there to witness it, it would have been glorious for you and you could have put that talented tongue of yours to work after,” Trajan stood up after that and continued to get dressed.

Dan left the changing room lost and confused to find Emma waiting for him outside the locker room, “What’s up,” she asked sensing something was off.

“Trajan told me you went to his place after you dropped me off the other day, is that true?”

Emma paused, “Yeah, It’s true,” gauging his reaction, “How do you feel about it?”

“Honestly, I should be upset but I saw your tattoo and know what it means it’s common these days so I am not surprised, to be honest. It seems clear that we aren’t compatible sexually so that means maybe we won’t work out?”

Emma paused a little longer this time, “I have an alternative suggestion,” waiting for Dan’s curiosity to peak. When he looked up with desperation and hope she continued, “Trajan is an alpha male, he won’t allow any competition to rise against him for me he will crush you if he has to so what if you eliminate yourself from the competition willingly?”

Dan looked confused, “How do you mean?”

“Well, how many white boys these days have girlfriends? What if you were to be my boyfriend outside the bedroom then Trajan can keep me in his harem? It would mean you will continue to be pussy free but we can still go out on dates and do all the other things a couple would do without the sex because I’m owned by Daddy Trajan what do you think?”

Dan contemplated it for a while, she was right, almost no white boys these days could say they have a girlfriend, especially not one as hot as Emma. He would watch interracial porn while his girlfriend was getting the real thing.

“I suppose I could try it.”

Emma smiled, “I’m sure Trajan would allow you to watch if you wanted.”