I heard the key in the door and hurried to it like my wife, Stacey expected. It was almost 9 am Saturday and I hadn’t seen her since she walked out the door the previous night when Jake came to pick her up. She entered the house in all of her beauty, a beauty that never fails to awe me. I could see she had woken up not long ago and dressed in a hurry to come home after a long night with Jake. Her hair was disheveled, and her tight blue dress was wrinkled. She had her shoes in her hand, stockings and panties hanging out the side of her purse, “Hello Princess, I’ve missed you,” I said, almost gushing.

Before she could answer the door swung open behind her and Jake jumped inside playfully, his big frame making a huge thump as he landed, “MELVIN!! MY MAN," he was in a good mood this morning. His actions were somewhat demeaning but was meant more as a joke with me as the butt of it. First, acting as if he were a friend who was happy to see me. It was a hell of a joke with him acting as if I were a friend that he even respected, it was a joke alright. He was rubbing it in my face, He knows how unconfident I am around him, how awkward I feel. God, the guy is like 6 foot 4 and chiseled swimming in self-confidence with great looks. Everything I am not a fact that my wife has loved to rub in my face at every opportunity since she met him a few months back. Anyway, I know better than to complain about things like this as my wife has made it clear that I am to treat him with utter respect at all times, (God, forbid we disrespect King Jake).

So I did as I always do I hung my head sadly and mumbled a polite, “Hello Sir,” with that, his giant hand smashed down on my scrawny shoulder. It was not intended as an act of aggression in any way, it was more of a friendly smack on the back done overly hard to make a point. I cringed as his paw smashed down against my tiny frame and I let out a grunt, another joke at my expense.

“What’s the matter Melvin, why so sad? You act as if another man is fucken your wife or something? There was silence for a moment as my wife and Jake looked at each other then they both cracked up laughing at his joke. Jake messed my hair playfully but with a rough demeanor making my head tilt from side to side, as his hand rubbed across my head, which looked like a bobble-head, “Aaah, don’t feel bad Melvin, my boy, I’m just fucken with ya, hahaha.”

My wife suddenly broke in, “Melvin, did you get Jake’s laundry done last night?”

“Yes, Princess,”

“Well, what are you waiting for, FETCH!”

As always I scurried to obey, mumbling, “Yes Princess, right away Dear.”

“Make it fast worm-dick, I gotta get to my softball game,” Jake added.

“Yes, Sir, “ as I ran to do their bidding. By the time I returned carrying Jake’s laundry folded neatly in a basket, he and my wife were playfully kissing goodbye him leaning against the wall just inside the front door my wife up on her toes as they whispered in tender baby-talk between kisses. Now any cuck will tell you that watching his wife flirt, and kiss playfully with another man, especially one like Jake is as painful as watching her fuck one is a betrayal, not only of their marriage vows, but of emotions. Giving the tenderness that was once meant for you, to another man to a better Man. Knowing, recalling how you have to beg for even a fragment of her attention while she throws herself at this man who doesn’t fawn over her the way you do and any 'humiliation-cuck' like me who gets off on the humiliation of all of this will tell you that we can’t for the life of us figure out why this gets us off. The knowledge that it does makes it even more humiliating. We are pathetic freaks, we know we are and the fact that treatment like this gets us off makes us even more pathetic.

OK, why I said all of that I don’t know. It seemed to be relevant at this point in my story. Anyway, watching them kiss and fondle at the door was as always sheer hell. I knew I couldn’t leave the basket there and walk away, that wouldn’t fly and heaven forbid I interrupt my wife’s time with her precious Jake. So what could I do but stand there feeling like a total loser watching my wife make out with what she calls a guy who is twice the man I’ll ever be while holding his laundry? (Could I sink any lower in life?) Soon their playful kissing turned a bit more erotic as my wife swirled her tongue around in his mouth. I could hear their breathing getting heavier as she rubbed her body against his shamelessly. Jake pulled his head back, “Come on babe, I told ya I have a game this morning and you’re gonna make me late.”

“Babe, do you have to go? You’ve got me so hot,” With that, she began kissing his neck, snuggling her face seductively under his chin, and began sucking on his neck.

Jake's hand moved instinctively from her waist to her perfect ass, his giant hand caressed her ass over her dress with long strokes. He was groaning a bit as he talked, “ummff…I told ya, babe, It’s the playoffs, they need me.”

As he spoke she unbuttoned the top two buttons of Jake’s Jersey and began to kiss his chest. I’ve never seen her act like this before, she was hungering for him. She spoke sensuously as she closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his chest adoringly, “Please hon, just a quickie. I so need that big cock of yours, I need it badly,” with that she took her hand and rested it against Jake’s cock and began to manipulate it through his pants as she lifted her head from his chest to kiss him erotically.

“Dam babe, I fucked you twice last night and you’re still horny! Goddam, you’re like a bitch in heat," his words were lost on my loving wife as she continued to seduce his body. What amazed me was her total sense of desperation she was worshipping his body and pleading with him to take hers as if she were a peasant girl begging one of the gods to take her virginity.

“Please lover, I need it again, I'm so wet," she punctuated that sentence by removing her hand from his cock and using both hands to rub his chest passionately.

Jake looked over at me grinning, “Dam, Melvin does your wife act like such a slut with you?”

What could I do but lower my head shamefully, “No Sir.”

“Well, with your little pin-dick, I can see why, haha.”

“Yes Sir," with that, she lunged at him and began grinding her pussy on his leg while at the same time, her hand made its way down his pants and she began fondling his manhood, again. She raised herself on her toes to kiss him, they made out furiously groaning and breathing heavily. I could see Jake’s determination wavering as his hand now made its way beneath my wife’s dress lifting it as he caressed her pear-shaped ass. God was I envious, I adore my Wife’s ass and would do anything and I mean anything to be able to touch it that way and it seems he thought as much of it as I do because his hand couldn’t squeeze and caress it enough as they ground against each other locked in their passionate embrace all the while I watched helplessly. Then suddenly out of nowhere he brought his muscular arms up and grabbed Princess from under her shoulders. He lifted her and Turned quickly with her in the air pinning her against the wall they went at it like animals. Princess made a motion to bend down but Jake stopped her and brought her upright again.

“No babe, come on you’re gonna make me late.”

'Is this guy nuts, blowing off sex with the most beautiful woman in the world for a fucking softball game? Hell, I would cancel front-row tickets to see God speak if she agreed to fuck me.' But I guess that’s the confidence of a real Man. Confident enough to know that when he is good and ready, she will be there to fuck him,' I thought.

“Ooh please babe, I need it. Just a quickie, please,” she took his hand and placed it on her tit while still ground against his leg in desperation.

"God you little tramp, you just won’t take no for an answer, will ya,” he said somewhat amused.

"Please, let me at least suck your cock for a little while,” with that, she put her hand back down his pants and began to stroke his manhood again.

You could hear the resignation in Jake’s voice as he spoke, “Fine But just for a little while," she began to pull her hand out to unbutton his pants when he stopped her, “What the fuck, Don’t stop teasing,” he turned to me, “Melvin, put down the basket and pull down my pants so your loving wife here can suck me off wimp, NOW!”

His voice made me jump, “Oh yes, Sir,” I dropped the basket and approached quickly but nervously. I felt so embarrassed doing a “reach-around” to a guy but had no choice as they seemed to have no intention of releasing their embrace. With my Wife refusing to move her hand I struggled a bit with his buckle and buttons as they fondled each other making out the whole time. Finally, everything was loose and I pulled his pants down another small humiliation that was not lost on me.

I always have to pull the elastic out on my underwear when I am hard to get them down otherwise my tiny cock will get caught on it, his was so big that it stuck in the elastic and these weren’t tighty-whities they were regular boxers. I was amazed at his size. His pants barely hit the floor before my wife pushed him back a few inches and fell to her knees. She gazed hungrily at his big cock, as I stepped back out of the way for fear of being scolded. She smiled and then engulfed his giant cock, you could see the hungry look on her face as she gobbled it down like a two-dollar whore. My prudish wife who barely ever looked at mine back when we were a normal couple and I could barely get her to have sex with me was sucking his cock furiously and a blow-job was out of the question. She said it was gross to have a man’s cock in her mouth. Funny she didn’t seem to be gagging now, scratch that, she gagged all right, he jammed it so far down her throat that she looked like she was gagging for her life not that it slowed her down, it seemed to egg her on.

Jake, in the meantime, was loving it, I watched him fuck her face, groaning and grunting. At one point he turned to me with a cocky smirk on his face, “Goddam, Melvin, did I ever tell you that your wife sucks one hell of a cock?” I stood silent, too ashamed to reply. Jake pulled my wife effortlessly to her feet, “Well, babe looks like you won. You got me hornier than a bull on the farm. You want a quickie, well that’s exactly what you’re gonna get.” My wife squealed with delight as Jake turned her to head upstairs then gave her ass a playful, but hard swat, “I wanna see this little ass of yours wiggling for me, got it?”

My wife giggled as she glowed with joy, standing on her toes to kiss him again, “Anything you say, lover.”

Jake swooped her off Her feet flung her over his shoulder cave-man style, then turned to me, “Melvin pull my pants up so I can fuck this horny little bitch of yours”

“Yes Sir, right away, Sir.”

My wife giggled, then teased me in a mocking wimp voice, “Yes sir, right away sir, hahaha. God Melvin, you’re a fucking wimp.” I bent down trying to ignore my wife’s jibe and lifted Jake's pants to his waist. I began to buckle the buckle but he stopped me, “No time for that now follow me upstairs holding them up and they had better not fall,” he started his ascent, and I felt like such a loser.

It was awkward trying to keep Jake’s pants up as he carried her, but I somehow managed. He stopped in front of our couch, slapped her ass playfully. My wife let out a giggle as Jake put her down, “Lose that,” he demanded pointing to her dress. In one motion Princess pulled the dress up over her head and flung it to the floor. Having never put her underwear on from the night before, she stood before her giant lover in all her nakedness. From my crouched position behind Jake still holding his pants up, I could see her. She had a coy grin on her face and looked sexy standing there naked before him waiting for him to do as he wished with her. I’d never seen her look so submissive her body was his at that moment to do as he wished I was envious. Jake lifted her flinging her naked body on the couch. She landed on her back and bounced, giggling. Her tits looked so sexy bouncing back and forth Jake set her down so that her legs were dangling over the arm of the couch, standing between them. Before I knew it he reached back and smacked me, “Move, twerp!” I twitched at the slap then nervously let go of his pants allowing them to drop to his knees and stepped back as Jake pulled them down the rest of the way. He pointed at a spot next to the couch, “Kneel your sorry ass over there and keep your mouth shut, wimp.”

“Yes Sir,” I scurried over to kneel next to the couch.

Jake had his hands on my wife’s thighs and effortlessly pulled her closer to him so that her ass was now lying on the arm of the couch with her legs still dangling. Her back was still on the cushions but there was space between her back and the cushions causing noticeable discomfort, “Melvin, get a pillow to put under my back, hurry up!”

“Yes, Princess,” I babbled as I urgently fumbled to do her bidding. I put a pillow under her back to support her for her royal fucking by her real man/boyfriend.

Jake manipulated her so her wet pussy was where he needed it to be to fuck her properly. He was now standing at the arm of the couch between my wife’s legs his massive cock rubbing on top of her pussy causing both of them to moan. It was obvious that there would be no foreplay today. What I was about to witness was the true definition of “A quickie.” I had heard about it but never experienced it for myself. Before my wife and I had begun living this lifestyle sex was never something she was eager for when I was allowed to fuck her it was something she had to mentally prepare for. She never got worked up enough by me to yearn for a quickie. Watching her pine for her lover, begging him to defile her was in itself a humiliation that of course turned me on. But that was for me to think about at a later time because before I knew it, Jake had worked his cock into her wet pussy and then thrust it in and held it there. My wife groaned in ecstasy as her eyes rolled back into her head. A second later Jake had both of his hands tucked under my wife’s ass and was drilling her deep. I watched his torso undulating back and forth as he pounded my wife for all she was worth.

She was like an animal, moaning and groaning. Her eyes shut and her head reeled back and forth as the waves of ecstasy shot through her body. When she opened her eyes, she leered hungrily at her lover and licked her lips, “squeeze my tits, please,” She begged. Then without looking away from him, her tone changed as she spoke to me, “Melvin, get behind my back and lift me so Jake can have access to my tits, HURRY THE FUCK UP!” He must have thrust hard after that because she moaned loudly.

I wasted no time doing her bidding, I crawled behind her and sat up on the couch gently lifting her and pushing her forward so that her titties were now in arm’s reach of Jake. He used his hands to manipulate her again, moving her a bit forward then removing them and began defiling her tits, kneading and twisting her nipples, “Ummm, yes, hurt me, twist them, you brute,” my wife said passionately in between moans.

Jake didn’t need much encouragement as he twisted her nipples a bit more violently filling her with pain and ecstasy and causing my wife to shriek, “OH yes, God Yes it hurts but I love it," the tone in her voice was higher and it was apparent that she was going to cum soon. My suspicion was more or less confirmed when her arm reached back grabbing my hair violently yanking me to move me as she wanted to lie back. I remained in that position and gently let her lie back then returned to my kneeling position next to the couch. She never let go though, Jake had her in such a state of ecstasy that she was so lost in passion that her eyes were shut and she was moaning her hand still gripping my hair in the same manner that a woman about to cum grips the sheets of the bed. It hurt like hell but I didn’t want to ruin her mood by screaming out so I grunted as Princess’s arm flailed about wildly pulling my head back and forth like a ragdoll, “OH GOD! I’m cumming! I’m CUMMING!” she screamed. Her body tensed and her hand fell low causing me to be hunched over as she now twisted with her grip on my hair. She screamed and moaned for what felt like forever as I knelt with my face inches from the floor in pain.

Finally, as her grunts subsided she loosened her grip and eventually let go allowing me to sit upright. I saw Jake still pounding away at her as she smiled at him still coming down from her high, “Ya like that babe?”

“God, yes, but now you have to finish."

“Don’t worry I’m about to,” he said winking at her. “Melvin, I want you to lie your ugly face down on your wife’s belly and hurry up!”

“Yes Sir,” I responded meekly wondering what new humiliation he had in store for me.

Still kneeling I did as told and laid my head on my wife’s belly below her well-used tits. A second later I felt Jake meanly smack me, “Facing me you idiot,” Without responding I turned my head, I now had a birds-eye view of his cock sliding in and out of her. Soon he was moaning a deep-toned moan indicating he was about to cum. What he did next was massively humiliating. He pulled his cock from my wife’s well-fucked pussy and rested it on top of it so the head was staring right at me, I now knew what he was going to do. I stared at his cock as if I were staring down the barrel of a gun. A big fat gun was about to be fired directly into my face to my dismay I heard Jake groan loudly and the gun fired hard.

I could feel my wife rise onto her arms to see the action. I knew she couldn’t see my face from that angle but then she only wanted to watch her lover cum and then gobble his thick gooey cum began to spew out of his cock. The first splatted across my cheek and before it could drip another caught me right on my nostril and splatted across the side of my lips. I shut my eyes tightly and cringed as wave after wave of his cum splatted across my face. My cheeks my eyes, everywhere. I was so humiliated as his cum continued to splatter across my face that I heard my wife laughing, “Oh God!"

Jake’s moaning eventually slowed and the spewing of cum from his large cock became little more than a dribble. As he breathed heavily he leaned his body forward and wiped what remained on his cock across the small dry spot on my cheek, "There, that should do,” then he stepped back and lifted his pants. As he buckled them he asked my wife again if she enjoyed it. She of course crooned about how much she did. As he zipped up his fly he said, “Well I gotta jet babe, I’m already late,” he turned to me, “Keep that cum on your face, wimp. It’s my little thank you gift to you for doing my laundry, hehe.”

My wife laughed with him, “Do you need Melvin to carry your laundry to the car, hon?"

“Nah, no time, but Melvin, you need to clear some time tomorrow. I volunteered you to wash the team's Jerseys. Plus all the equipment is dirty and dusty. You’re gonna need to wipe that all down and have it all done for Monday night’s practice, got that?”

'Great, another chore for Jake Almighty,' I thought as the cum continued to drip from my face.

“Yes Sir,”

Jake meanwhile was walking towards the door with his laundry, “Are we still on for tonight, babe?”

“Fuck yeah, I’ll pick ya up at nine,”

“KK, she said. Have fun,” and with that, he was gone. When the door shut my wife let out a sigh. “GOD, is he a fucking stud or what, Melvin? Ummff, now that's a man!”

“Yes Princess,” I responded with my head still lying on her belly.

Stacey sat up on her elbows, “Face me, Melvin.”

I shamefully lifted my head and turned to face her. Upon seeing me, she snorted as if trying to hold in her laughter. It was a derisive sound I knew because she had no problem busting out with laughter, “Hahahaha, OH my God! Look at you, Melvin. Goodness, how you let us treat you this way I’ll never know. Hahahaha, you look like someone just dumped a jar of mayonnaise over your head, Hahahaha.” I fought back the tears of shame that began to well up in my eyes as she went on, "Well. I guess that’s you being you, cucky, pathetic. Anyway, I need a bath, go set that up for Me."

“Yes Princess,” I said and scurried away to do Her bidding.