Part Two - Shelley's Tale (or is that tail?)

As an adolescent, I was different than the other girls. When I read romantic novels or watched movies, I always found myself enamored with the villain, rather than the fair haired, straight and narrow protagonist. Invariably, the villain was mysterious, dark and powerful. Most of all he was wicked.

When I began to discover my sexuality, I would masturbate to visions of a strong, dark and powerful man whose wicked ways would leave me hypnotized. Under his spell, I could be free from conventional conduct. I was a wanton slut who submitted completely to my lover's nastiness. These orgasms left me drained.

Of course, as is so often the case, in real life I was the picture of conformity. I eschewed the bad boys at school and remained chaste until my wedding night. My husband, Bob, is also the antithesis of my dream lover. He is gentle, kind and non-threatening. He is everything a 90's kind of woman could hope for. Bob is handsome with blond hair and fine facial features. Granted, Bob's physique leaves something to be desired, but as a virgin, he was just what the doctor ordered: loving, soft and physically unimposing... if you catch my drift.

Like Bob, I am blessed with good looks, but my auburn hair and pretty face frequently take second place to my figure. At five feet eight inches, 120 pounds, my trim waist separates pert 35B breasts from a butt that other women would kill for. Mind you, what nature has given me requires constant care and maintenance. I am a fitness fanatic and take aerobics at least three times a week. After four years of married life, I was beginning to feel lackadaisical. Sex with Bob was comfortable, but he could never replace my mastubatory lover. I cannot climax just from intercourse with Bob. Thank God Bob has a gifted tongue!

When Bob came home and told me that he had a job interview with a company in the Silicon Valley, I was elated. I saw an opportunity to escape the rut we were in. More importantly, Bob was obsessed with the prospect of working for this fast growing firm. I was committed to doing everything possible to help Bob in his quest. Flying up to Palo Alto for the interview was quite exciting. I was surprised that both the applicant and spouse were brought in. Obviously, they were going to evaluate both Bob and me. I was determined not to let Bob down. To that end, I went all out for the interview dinner with the President, a fellow named Dave. I did my hair just right with carefully applied, but understated makeup. Since Bob told me that Dave was unmarried, I decided to wear a low-cut, backless, black cocktail dress that would accentuate my figure. Naturally, if he was married, I would have done the opposite so as not to threaten his wife.

Dinner was at a very swank restaurant. Meeting Dave was a shock. Rather than an older, silver haired executive with a paunch, I was surprised to find a handsome, brown haired man in his late thirties. He was tanned and appeared to keep himself in good shape. Yet, while he was pleasant, there was something disconcerting about him. I think it had to do with his brown eyes. He had a Rasputin-like gaze that seemed to look right into my subconscious.

Despite my uneasiness, I did my best to act enthralled. As the dinner conversation progressed, it was clear to me that Dave was a braggart. He skillfully controlled the conversation and left Bob engrossed. I could see that Bob was in awe. However, Dave constantly caught my glance with his piercing stare.

While Bob went to the restroom, Dave continued to converse with me and put his hand on my knee. Just when I was going to ask him to remove it, he took it away. Through the remainder of the meal, he would touch me arm or place his hand back on my leg. As we walked out of the restaurant, Dave positioned himself between Bob and me, and put his arms around us both as we walked. I don't know what he was doing with Bob, but I was damn sure he was feeling my breast as we strolled out. When we got back to the hotel, Bob was effusive. He wanted the job very badly. Even when I told him about Dave's wandering hands, Bob just dismissed it as Dave's demonstrative nature. I let it drop.

The wine from dinner must have made me horny, because I initiated sex with Bob, something I don't normally do. Bob mounted me in a missionary fashion and began thrusting, but it just wasn't right. So, I stopped him and pushed him between my legs. As Bob's tongue darted around my clitoris, I forgot about him completely. Instead, the mysterious man from my adolescent fantasies took charge of me. For some reason, he seemed more real that night. I came harder than ever before. Although exhausted by my violent climax, I stroked Bob's cock with my hand until it spurted its juices all over Bob's stomach.

The next day, Dave invited us to his club. Bob assured me that my contact with Dave would be limited. I could sit out by the pool while the "boys" had a macho battle on the racquetball court. As I changed into my swimsuit, I instinctively reached for my one-piece. For some unknown reason, I hesitated and, instead, slipped on my skimpiest white bikini.

When Bob and Dave joined me after their match, I felt uncomfortably overexposed. Dave's piercing gaze did not help. While Dave recounted his rout of my husband, my nipples became erect and very noticeable. To hide my embarrassment, I excused myself and went to change. As I walked away, I sensed that I was being examined. I turned around to find Dave's stare fixed upon my rear-end. Coyly, I wrapped a towel around my waist and completed my exit.

Bob's spirits were high as we flew home. Dave had arranged for us to be upgraded into first class, and Bob perceived this gesture as a harbinger of good things to come. We took full advantage of first class, drinking freely. Four drinks into the return flight, both of us were getting giddy when Bob told me about seeing Dave's huge cock while showering. Uninhibited, I demanded details. According to Bob, it was a mammoth work of art. Although flaccid, it hung prominently between his thighs, eight inches from tip to base and a proportionate girth. As Bob described Dave's ripe-looking scrotum framed with dark brown pubic hair, a dampness formed in my panties.

For the remainder of the trip, I was oblivious to the conversation. My mind was preoccupied with visualizing Dave's manhood. Having never seen any man's genitals other than Bob's, my imagination ran wild. I was still tipsy, when we got home. The visions of an imposing and erect penis continued to linger, leaving my pussy steaming and in desperate need of relief. Bob was not particularly game, but I was not going to be denied. Uncharacteristically, I straddled Bob's head and, facing the foot of the bed, I lowered myself onto his mouth. I closed my eyes and joined my imaginary lover. I ground my crotch unmercifully onto Bob's face, squirming as I pictured Dave's dick on my fantasy lover's groin, pounding away at my vagina. My orgasm was measurable on the Richter scale.

I did not want to leave this nirvana, but Bob's erection pointed skyward and his tongue had performed admirably. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to lessen the intensity of the experience by screwing Bob. So, instead, I fondled and stroked his dick until it spewed forth. Despite the alcohol and climax, I slept fitfully. My subconscious fixated on thoughts of thick dicks. I masturbated twice until finally exhaustion overtook me.

Bob was ecstatic when he called with word of the job offer. His answer was a forgone conclusion. Before I knew it, we had packed and moved to Palo Alto. I, too, was excited. I sensed that a new chapter was beginning.

Not surprisingly, Bob totally immersed himself in work. Dave treated him like a protege', and often spent time with Bob after work. These after work conversations invariably lead to discussions of Dave's sexual escapades. Bob relished his role as gossip when reporting these stories to me. Although somewhat titillating, everything Bob related confirmed my low opinion of Dave; he was base, gruff and arrogant. I did not look forward to the obligatory "having the boss over for dinner," but the inevitable was scheduled for Saturday night.

On the preceding Wednesday, I was eagerly anticipating spending some time with Bob. He had been so busy lately that we specially reserved Wednesday night for an evening out together. Mid-afternoon, I answered the doorbell and found myself face to face with Dave.

"Sorry to drop by unannounced," Dave said, "but I need to leave a little project for Bob."

Flustered, I awkwardly invited him in. Expecting him to hand me some papers, I stood uneasily in the living room. But, Dave didn't have anything in his hands, and instead began surveying the house. "Can I offer you something to drink?" I relied upon knee-jerk manners to calm an uncomfortable situation.

Dave turned and locked my eyes with his stare. After a pregnant pause, he replied, "Water would be just fine."

I busied myself at the kitchen sink cleaning and filling a glass with ice and water. My back began to tingle and I spun around. Dave was standing no more than a few inches from me. Placing his hands on the counter on either side of me, he corralled me.

I smelled his musky cologne as he leaned toward me and said, "Bob is a loyal company man. I think he'll do anything for the good of the order. " He lifted his right hand to my cheek and brushed lightly while whispering, "What about you, Shelley?"

I froze in shock as Dave pressed his lips to mine. His tongue breached my lips and forcefully darted around my mouth. I tried to remain stoic and unresponsive, but his tongue was relentless. My resistance gave way and my tongue reacted instinctively. When he withdrew, I was perspiring.

"Just as I thought, a team player." Dave smugly observed. Firmly grasping my chin, he kissed me again. Passively, I accepted him willingly into my mouth. As his warm tongue controlled me completely, the imaginary lover from my adolescence appeared in my mind's eye. This time, I not only saw his turgid genitals in detail, but also his face. It was Dave's face! My brain was overwhelmed with competing and contradictory messages. My thoughts were a jumble, my self-restraint fleeting.

As Dave's strong hands massaged my breasts and tormented my nipples, I fervently returned his kisses. Adeptly, he unbuttoned my blouse and unsnapped my bra. Next, my belt was unfastened and my skirt dropped to the kitchen floor, leaving me naked but for my panties.

In my mind, I was no longer in my kitchen; I was in my imaginary lover's harem, administering to his sensual needs. Before I realized it, Dave had also disrobed. He broke our kiss and guided me to a kneeling position. The heat radiating from Dave's groin was amazing. I felt as if I was in a tanning salon. There, an inch from my face, dreams became reality. His cock was massive. Its slick skin was drawn tight, erect and poised for action. His balls strained in support of this thick member.

Without thinking, I kissed it. My tongue circled the bulbous head, probing the ridges and crevices. I grew bolder and desperately tried to draw it into my mouth. Strain as I might, only the tip could be accommodated. Even then, my lips felt as if they would split, my jaw as if it would spasm. Dave pulled it out and lifted me to my feet. As he did, the chimes on our grandfather's clock rang signalling 4 o'clock. The sound broke my trance. Reality seized hold and I regained my composure. I was standing in my panties, in my kitchen, in front of my husband's naked boss. While Bob toiled dutifully, he intended to fuck me with his gargantuan cock, right in our own home. I was indignant! I tried to slip by him, but he grabbed my shoulders. Glaring into my eyes, he reached down and tore the side of my panties. Then, he scooped me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

His strength sapped my will to resist. As he laid me on the bed, I let my legs spread helplessly apart. I closed my eyes as I felt Dave press his cockhead against the opening to my vagina. There was no way that this behemoth could fit inside my tight pussy. The pressure continued steadily until something incredible happened. My vagina yielded to the assault and gave way to the intrusion. As it did, I felt nerve endings that I never knew I had. Electricity shot through my membranes and a fullness consumed me. Dave's heavy-ladened scrotum brushed my asshole and came to rest between my asscheeks.

I peeked through my eye-lids to find Dave's cock gone, its base stretching my pussy-lips beyond comprehension. I was impaled! The mere sight alone caused my breathing to grow shallow and rapid. Before he even pumped me once, my abdomen convulsed in orgasm. The sheer mass of muscle inside of me, held me in place.

Dave started slowly manipulating my innermost depths with his dick. Each exploratory thrust triggered unknown sensations. His pace was still deliberate as I climaxed again, this time raising my hips as if to engulf the entirety of his erection. I grit my teeth, but could not muffle my whimpers of ecstasy.

I was startled when Dave removed his cock. I felt vacant, wholly empty. He flipped me over and brought me up to all fours. I felt his firm grip on my hips as I waited, anxiously, for his manhood to reenter me to my very core. When he did, his rhythm increased. His thrusts probed even deeper and jostled my internal organs. I flew into wild abandon! As his strokes intensified, he almost completely withdrew his cock before slamming back into my dripping pussy. In harmony, I pushed my hips back to meet his invading piston. My vaginal muscles clamped tightly around his prick creating an inescapable vacuum lock. Frantically, we fucked until I shuddered in my most intense orgasm ever. As I lapsed into unconsciousness, I felt Dave's cock inflate even thicker until his hot load of semen exploded deep inside my belly. Regaining my senses, I inventoried the aftermath. My nipples remained rock hard. Inside my vagina, I felt the ebb and flow of what seemed to be a bucket-full of come. The sticky, white fluid oozed from my orifice, down into my ass crack forming an ever growing wet spot on the sheets. Every nerve-ending on my skin sensually vibrated. It was intoxicating. The smell of Dave's juices and the slippery warmth between my legs left me inebriated. The last orgasm released the nasty little slut that I had kept hidden deep inside my psyche. I grinned mischievously at Dave, purposefully displaying the puffy folds of my labia. Dave smirked confidently as he dressed.

"You seem to be full of yourself." Dave commented.

"No, I'm full of you." I retorted. To emphasize my point, I rubbed my index finger over my slimy clitoris.

Fully dressed, Dave leaned over me. Hovering just an inch above, Dave spoke forcefully. "I'm leaving now. I want you relive our encounter while you masturbate. Think only of me and my cock. In a little while, Bob will come through that door. When he does, you will feel my cock pounding your pussy to the hilt. You'll climax uncontrollably."

Dave's commands were hypnotic. "Entreat his tongue into your pussy; he'll be in heaven. Savoring each detail, tell him about our coupling. Let him come only after he fully appreciates what has conquered your inner-sanctum."

Obediently, I did as Dave ordered. Perhaps, the constant stimulation of my clitoris kept Shelley, the wife, at bay. Bob's stunned look detonated the intense orgasm that Dave had predicted. Wickedly, I primed Bob by smearing Dave's semen on his lips. Nasty satisfaction overcame me as Bob licked my sticky mound like a madman. For the first time, I was in control of our lovemaking as I shared the filthy specifics of Dave's conquest. Carefully orchestrating the movement of my pelvis, I didn't allow Bob sexual release until the saga was complete.

In the shower, I once again subjugated the whorish side of my personality. The restrained and conservative Shelley re-emerged. As she did, I experienced guilt and uncertainty. I knew that Bob and I had just crossed an ill-defined border in our relationship.

We avoided eye contact. Our once comfortable interaction was replaced by apprehension and distrust. I tried to allay Bob's fears. "Look Bob, I didn't want this to happen. He's your boss of choice after all. Now that he's had his conquest, I doubt that he'll have any interest in me." Halfheartedly, I reassured Bob. "I certainly don't want this to happen again."

Despite all of my efforts, I couldn't erase the memories of Dave. I masturbated repeatedly to the images and sensations ingrained in my brain.

As Saturday night dinner approached, I was torn between conflicting emotions of anticipation and dread. I convinced myself that Wednesday afternoon's events were nothing more than a wet dream. I dutifully prepared for dinner with the boss, fixing the meal and cleaning the house. Dressing was more difficult, nothing was quite right. Ever outfit seemed too provocative and I finally settled on my a green dress that complimented me, but wasn't too revealing.

The doorbell sounded Dave's arrival. He was more charming than normal, although he clearly had not left his ego at home. No mention was made of the preceding Wednesday's happenings, as we downed the exquisite Chardonnay that Dave had brought. Everyone loved the glazed duck that I labored over. Conversation flowed as freely as the mixed drinks, and I consumed more than my two drink limit.

My inhibitions lessened by the effect of the alcohol, I caught myself trying to capture a whiff of Dave's cologne. Mentally, I undressed Dave, visualizing his broad shoulders and muscular buttocks. My erogenous zones reacted instinctively. Fortunately, it was time to clear the table and I stopped working myself into a frenzy.

I lingered at the kitchen sink - the scene of the crime - rinsing the dishes. Dave reached around me, handing me dirty plates when his crotch brushed against my ass. I jutted my butt backwards to signal my lust. But, Dave disengaged and left me alone, rebuffed. I was humiliated, I guess I was right when I predicted that Dave was only interested in the conquest.

Subdued by the rejection, I joined Bob and Dave in the living room. Dave motioned for me to sit next to him on the love seat. He handed me a wrapped present. Peeking under the lid, I spied a shear lace bra and tiny matching string bikini panty. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. Dave still wanted my pussy! Dave handed me more gifts and suggested that I go try them on. In fact, it was more like a command. I glanced over at Bob, who was oblivious to the nature of Dave's generosity. Instantly, I weighed the risks and benefits of the proposition and followed the lead of my twitching clitoris.

I unwrapped the boxes in the bedroom. Dave had purchased a complete bridal ensemble sans gown. I donned the bra, panties and garter belt. The white silk stockings caressed my legs. I carefully reapplied my makeup and fixed my hair before slipping on the long, elbow-length gloves and positioning the veiled headpiece. Stepping into the white lace brocade high heels, I inspected my reflection in the full-length mirror. It was a striking vision. The sexuality of my perky nipples and dark triangle, visible through the transparent material, was tempered by the virginal aura of the nuptial garments.

Desperately, I wanted to entice Dave's erection. Swallowing hard, I considered Bob's possible reaction. Shelley the slut took control. "Bob can stop this anytime he wants to. All he has to do is stand up to Dave and reclaim his wife." I rationalized the dilemma.

From the facial expressions of Bob and Dave, I knew that my appearance was having the desired effect. I paraded across the living room floor, displaying myself for my audience. Dave handed Bob a videotape and asked me to guide him to the bathroom. As we were about to pass our bedroom, Dave stopped me and diverted us inside.

With his sexy brown eyes penetrating me, Dave asked if I was willing to commit to his cock. "Yes," I replied, unequivocally. We kissed passionately. Dave unsnapped my bra and nibbled on my nipples, teasing them unmercifully. Moving down my torso, he untied the sides of the string bikini panties. The wet crotch adhered to my labia and Dave had to peel the thin material off. With one long and deliberate lick, Dave drew his warm tongue along my slit. Smacking his lips, he could tell that I was ready for the main event.

Doggy-style, I impatiently awaited his dick. Dave ignored my urgency and slowly eased his tool deep into my expanding vagina. His strong hands gripped my hips as he probed my depths with precise thrusts. Time stood still as I reveled in the sensations of being stuffed full. My breasts swayed with our fucking motions. I had come twice and was building to a third climax when I noticed Bob at the door.

Dave beckoned Bob in without missing a stroke. His bulbous cockhead pushed even deeper inside my womb. The combination of this feeling and Bob's helpless gaze sent me into a gut-wrenching orgasm. By the time my convulsions subsided, I looked up to see Dave and Bob standing before me, their respective erections fully exposed. Poor Bob's dick was dwarfed by Dave's massive manhood. Dave asked me to choose my favorite penis. Wickedness prompted me to tease Bob. I moved my open lips to just a razor's edge's distance from Bob's stiff dick. Then, looking up at his pitiful expression, I turned and slurped Dave's cock into my mouth.

Dave taunted Bob about my virgin-like pussy as I sucked away. Dave then announced that he wanted to fuck my truly virgin ass. I couldn't believe myself when I urged him on. I was a possessed slut in heat. Like a eunuch, Bob lubricated my anus and stretched my tight hole with his slender fingers. He even reluctantly smeared the jell all over Dave's pulsating erection.

I held my breath as Dave aimed his cock at my asshole. Again, Dave was gentle as he expertly gauged the pressure of his penetration. Miraculously, my sphincter relaxed and accepted Dave's oversized dick into my rectum. A mixture of pain and pleasure engulfed me. Thankfully, before pumping, Dave reached around and rubbed my clitoris. Indecently, I moaned as Dave reamed my butt. In mid-fuck, Dave proclaimed: "With this dick I thee bed." He proceeded to paraphrase marriage vows and I willingly promised to love, honor and obey his cock.

His manipulation of my clitoris quickened as I felt Dave begin to ejaculate. The warm, rushing fluid was all I needed to come again. Dave extracted his shrinking dick with a loud plop. Semen followed like a waterfall down my crotch.

Dave dressed as I trembled in the aftermath of my fourth orgasm of the night. He thanked Bob and me for our hospitality and let himself out. Bob kneeled on the bed, autistic but for his rigid penis, I knew that the next moments were critical to the survival of our marriage. The sinful Shelley was still in control. I rolled Bob onto his back and lowered my dripping and gaping pussy onto his cock. I could barely feel him inside, but his moans exposed his pleasure as I wiggled and bucked. Bob exploded into the vagina that had just been well fucked by his boss. I had succeeded. Our marriage was intact for the moment. I celebrated by masturbating to the recent memories of my first ass fucking.

The remainder of our weekend was a blur. Bob and I screwed endlessly. Of course, I could only come under the ministrations of Bob's tongue. When Bob was exhausted, I pleasured myself. All the while, images of Dave's genitals fueled my insatiable lust.

The next Friday, I was surprised when Bob called me from the office to ask if I would mind being Dave's dinner companion for an important business client. I suppressed my elation and replied "well, if it will help the company, sure."

I was acting like a giddy teenager on a first date as I got ready. But, my I didn't ponder whether or not I would be kissed. I had a very definite goal in mind.

Bob naively prepped me with information about the client, Bradley Techno... something or other. His efforts went for naught. I focussed on my appearance. All of my life, I have had a dynamite figure and, God knows, I've spent innumerable hours sweating to keep it that way. Yet, I have never really had the chance to use my physical attributes. Tonight, I was damn sure going to find out what it's like.

I bathed luxuriously and powdered my firm physique. I chose my most seductive perfume and applied it strategically to my erogenous zones. This evening called for a killer dress. My low-cut, backless black cocktail dress fit the bill. Dave had enjoyed it during the interview dinner. Also, I would have to do without a bra. No matter, my pert breasts could hold their own. Underneath, I wore a sexy, black V-kini panty that emphasized my flat stomach and thigh-high stockings. I certainly didn't want to be hampered by pantyhose or a clumsy garter belt.

Before I slipped on my dress, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked hot. Confident that my body could make pricks harden, I pulled the dress over my head.

Then, I noticed Bob looking like an unwanted puppy. "You're going to fuck him tonight, aren't you?" Bob stated the obvious.

"Jesus," I thought, "life is complicated."

Honesty was the best approach. "Please don't make me feel guilty, Bob. I love you, but Dave's cock does something for me that I can't explain or resist."

Dejected, Bob retreated to the living room. I didn't want to fight with Bob, so I waited until I heard the horn of Dave's Mercedes, before I left the bedroom. However, Bob blocked my way out the front door.

"Shelley, I'm sorry. You're right. I'm being selfish. If it makes you feel good, you should do it. All that I ask is that you tell me all about it when you come home."

I couldn't believe my ears. Bob was giving me permission to fuck his boss's big dick! A heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders. I smiled devilishly at Bob. "It's a deal. I thought you might enjoy hearing the filthy details." I pecked him on the cheek and hurried out.

Dave and I made small talk as we drove to the hotel to pick up his British clients. I could tell that Dave approved of my appearance, but he seemed preoccupied. I was surprised to discover that I was the only woman in the dinner party. I had assumed that everyone would have a female companion. Dave introduced me to Nigel, Michael and William. Nigel was a distinguished, silver haired man in his mid-fifties, clearly the senior member of the group. Michael was tall, dark and about forty. William was the youngest, thirty by my guess. Obviously, William was athletic; he was also black.

The dynamics made me feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Defensively, I drank three gin and tonics as soon as we got to the restaurant. The men from Bradley Technologies were delightfully witty and engaging. In a very English manner, pleasantries and serious business negotiations were skillfully intertwined. At a critical moment, Dave suggested that I dance with Nigel.

Nigel was very smooth and seemed to devour me with his eyes. In turn, I danced with each of the Brits. I was only allowed to pause long enough to down another drink. With each dance, the Bradley men grew bolder, grinding their bulges against my belly and caressing my behind. As Michael was slipping his hand into the back of my panties, I looked back to the table and saw Dave and Nigel shaking hands. We left almost immediately.

When the valet brought Dave's car around, Dave asked me to sit in the back seat. "Your legs are shorter." Dave explained. Nigel climbed in on my right, and Michael on my left.

As we drove, both Nigel and Michael had their arms around me. Dave adjusted the rearview mirror so he could see me, and I, him. Nigel's hand reached into my dress and groped my left breast. I started to recoil when Dave's stern gaze rebuked me. He pursed his lips as if to kiss. I understood his meaning. I leaned over and deeply kissed Nigel. Michael's hand probed between my legs. I slammed my knees together. In the mirror, I could see Dave's disapproval. He held up his index and middle fingers, and spread them apart. The message was clear, I spread my legs and gave access to the marauding digits.

At the hotel, Dave parked the car and we all got out. The three Englishmen walked ahead. "Well done, Shelley!" Dave praised me. "They've agreed to a seven-figure deal, and you were the deal closer."

Dave spun me around and stared into my eyes. "You're the signing bonus. You'll have to fuck each one of them or the deal is off."

I was speechless. I submissively nodded my acceptance.

Upon entering Nigel's suite, we found that each of the executives had presumptuously stripped to their boxer shorts. My spine tingled as I felt Shelley the whore take control of my body. Dave stepped behind me, caused me to raise my arms and slipped my dress over my head. I stood, fully exposed, in my V-kini and stockings. Dave announced, "Gentlemen, I offer you Shelley, just the first of the many benefits of our contractual relationship."

Unbridled lust was evident in the six eyes that drank in every curve and crevice of my body. My nipples stood at attention in response to the appreciative glares and growing bulges. Yet, I was nervous. It had only been ten days since I experienced the second dick of my life, and now I was at the verge of more than doubling that number. To ease myself into this unexplored territory, I turned to Dave and reached for his fly. Dave grasped my wrist before I could release his turgid rod. "Not tonight," he whispered definitively. "It's strictly business. If you do well, I'll fuck you to more orgasms than you've ever imagined."

Dave successfully blackmailed me. I turned back to the Bradley men. Nigel stepped forward, no doubt based on seniority. I dropped to my knees and tugged down his undershorts. Pleasantly, I discovered a handsome cock springing forth. It was not as monumental as Dave's, but noticeably longer and thicker than Bob's. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft, giving special attention to encircling the smooth head. Slurping the entire length into my mouth and throat, Nigel groaned his approval. After fondling his scrotum for a few minutes, Nigel blasted his load, pulling out of my mouth so his spurts landed on my face. I repeated this performance for Michael and William. Michael's cock was the same size as Nigel's, although perhaps a tad more plump. Following Nigel's lead, he doused my face with his semen. I was curious about William's penis since I had heard all of the myths about the endowment of black men. His erection was as large as Dave's, but in a shiny ebony hue. I struggled to suck William's member. Fortunately, he came quickly before my jaw grew numb, splashing his come on my breasts. Throughout this spectacle, my juices had saturated the crotch of my panties. As I finished with William, I noticed that Nigel had a second wind. He removed my sopping V-kini and laid me on the bed. His years of experience were manifested in his masterful style of fucking. He brought me to multiple climaxes before ejaculating deep in my pussy. Michael then took his turn. I was well primed for William's big tool by the time he penetrated my steamy folds. William's thrusts were uncontrolled compared to Dave, but his sheer size allowed me to orgasm, yet again. I felt totally debauched. If Dave's cock was addictive, having three at once was an overdose. These cultured Europeans had manipulated me into every position imaginable, as they screwed and defiled my wanton pussy.

I was so engrossed by the fucking I was getting, that I lost all track of Dave. Sometime during the midst of it all, Dave started taking photographs. Hedonistically, he began to direct the activities, and encouraged me to try to blow all three of them at once. When I wasn't sucking a dick, I was stroking it with a free hand. Amazingly, I brought them off simultaneously. My face was drenched with the combination of sticky, opaque fluids and Dave's camera clicked away.

For a finale, I coaxed William's cock back to life and mounted him. I was oblivious as I rode his stallion. Then, I felt Michael's fingers probing my asshole. Expertly, he shoved his dick up my anus. The sensation was indescribable! They syncronized their stokes perfectly as they crammed into every available cavity between my legs. Next, Nigel's replenished organ was parting my lips...I was being triple-fucked! I couldn't comprehend how so much meat was penetrating me all at the same time. There was a seemingly continuous volley of orgasms. It was impossible to tell who came when, but come dripped down my chin and flowed out my pussy and asshole.

Dave helped me back into my dress as I endeavored to stand on my wobbly legs. Proudly, Nigel dangled my panties from his index finger and remarked, "I'll think we'll just keep these knickers as a momento of our jolly good time."

On the drive home, my pussy and ass throbbed from over-exertion. I felt like a sticky mess. Dave sat smugly, then he spoke. "You were magnificent. I expect that these photos will come in handy when its time to renew the Bradley Technologies contract. Maybe Bob would like to see them, too?"

"No way, Dave! I don't think Bob could handle it. I don't even know what I'm going to tell him when I get home."

"Shelley, why not try the truth." Dave's tone turned compassionate. "I know men like Bob. They thrive on being cuckolded by their wives' promiscuity."

Deep down, I sensed that Dave was right. "But, after I describe my indulgences, Bob will need some sexual relief and I don't think my poor pussy can take anymore."

Dave was sympathetic to my lamentations. "Sensitive guys' like Bob love to feel something hard up their butts. Try blowing him while you pump his ass with your finger. You'll have him shooting off in no time. "

I did like Dave suggested. I told Bob everything while he cleaned my crotch with his tongue. Well, I told him almost everything. I didn't tell him that William was black. I'll save that tidbit for another time. Dave was right about Bob, he loved my finger in his asshole and spurted gobs almost instantly.

In the five months since Dave first seduced me, he's visited on average twice a week. Sometimes Bob is home and tenders to our needs while Dave and I copulate on our marital bed. Other times, I greet Bob with splayed legs, oozing Dave's semen. Bob is at his cunnilingual best when he tongues my sloppy pussy as I recount the nasty details. My definition of normalcy has certainly changed since Bob took the position with Dave's company. I still love Bob thoroughly. He is caring, supportive and nurturing. In contrast, Dave's personality outside of a sexual context is distasteful. Yet, I need much more from sex than Bob can offer. Dave's cock satisfies me and leaves me longing for more. This inures to Bob's benefit because we now have sex twice as often. Of course, only images of Dave's dick dance in my head as we screw. Apparently, this arrangement is working out well for Bob at the office. He is now a full Vice President. Dave has asked that I accompany him on a European business trip. Bob doesn't object so long as I fax him the sordid details of my trysts. He always rationalizes by mumbling something about it all being for the good of the order. I don't know about that. All I know is that Shelley the slut is a very happy woman.