Girls Night Out 3 An E&I Enterprises Story copyright 2001 by Stormbringer

Part 3: Kerry

"Come on Alisa, we're getting out of here," said Kerry still reeling from seeing her two closest friends debasing themselves with black men. "Why, whatz wong?" asked Alisa. She never drank and the wite russians had gone straight to her head.

"Those two sluts are in there fucking them jungle bunnies, negroes, Jesus, they're fucking black men."

"Even Sherie, sheesh married?"

"Even Sherie." Kerry didn't want anything to do with Debbie and Sherie again. She was angry with them, but even angrier with herself for being so turned on. She had never been this horny, even when ovulating, while trying to have a baby. She couldn't deny feeling a flutter in her stomach each time she saw one of the strippers' huge black cocks waving under her nose.

"What's your hurry? I fixed you some more drinks." It was the bartender holding two drinks out for them. He had removed his clothes and stood naked. His eleven inch cock bobbed under a beer gut, that appeared to be all muscle with no fat on it. "I thought we was gonna have some fun?"

"Nice to meet you," said Alisa grabbing and shaking the bartenders cock like she was shaking a hand. She had done the same thing with Leon and giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Come on Alisa, lets get out of here."

The bartender looked frustrated as they left. He hadn't been able to put any Xcite into the bride-to-be's mixed drinks until now. He had really been looking forward to seeing what Alisa was hiding under her bulky clothes. Win some, lose some, at least there were two more sluts. He turned and headed for the private booths.

Kerry looked back into the room as they walked out into the rain only to see the bartender, the other stripper, and Leon, all naked, all converging on where a fourth black man and her two friends waited for them.

"How we getting home?" asked Alisa, surppressing a burp.

"Shit! Those two sluts have the car keys. I don't want anything to do with them after tonight."

"But Debbie's my maid of honor and she's not married."

"You don't get it, they're black men. They're sub-human, less intelligent, less evolved, ape men and our friends are fucking them. We'll call a cab." Kerry looked around for a pay phone, but didn't see any. The interracial couple making out in the parking lot had left, leaving them alone. She remembered the two black bouncers outside the companion club and decided to go see if there was a phone there she could use.

Luckily, the bouncers were still standing there despite the club's closing hours ago. "Excuse me," said Kerry walking around the corner. "Is there a phone inside I can use?" These men were big, very big and Kerry felt that flutter in her stomach again. She couldn't help glancing down at their bulges. Instinct told her these men were every bit as big as the others she had seen and their bulges proved her instincts right.

"Sure, go on inside," said one bouncer. He had a shaved head, a goatee, and big muscular arms.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," said Kerry to Alisa. They were protected from the rain by an awning where the bouncers waited.

"Wha are yous two doing working thiz late?" Alisa asked of the two bouncers.

"A little ***** are we?" said one.

"We have to stay in case any husbands show up looking for their wives," said the other.


"You saw the male dancers next door. Lots of married women wander in here looking for black men to fuck."

Alisa couldn't imagine so many married women willing to sin that the bar needed to keep bouncers on so late. Then again, Sherie was apparently getting fucked right this moment, as was Debbie, but Debbie wasn't married. She found what Sherie was doing immoral and doubted if they would stay friends.


Kerry had never been in a nudie bar, but this one resembled the ones she had seen in movies. There were several stages, each had a shiny gold pole and mirrored walls. This room was a lot larger then next door and odviously meant they got a larger crowd. Tables surrounded the stages and one had a large black man slumped over it passed out. The only other man in the room was another black man cleaning off the bar. He was as muscular as all the black men she had seen today which she found odd, but then being black they were probably all ex-cons and cons didn't have much to do, but lift weights.

"Can I help you Miss?" asked the bartender.

"Yes, I was wondering if I could use your phone?"

"It's broke."

Kerry jumped as a huge hand came down on her shoulder and spun her around. The passed out black man now towered over her. He was the ugliest man she had ever seen. His skin was black-black, his forehead jutted out, he had sideburns, big flat lips, an even broader nose, and his arms appeared too long giving him a apeish appearance. He resembled the racist caricatures of blacks she had seen in her granddaddy's KKK newsletters.

"One mo dance," growled the black.


"The nights not over. I wants one mo dance."

"I'm not a dancer. I just came to use the phone."

"One more dance slut. Now!"

This was one scary looking black guy. Kerry looked at the bartender for help. He just shrugged and said, "Better do what he says lady. That's Mustafa and he's a mean son of a bitch, and a meaner *****."

"Help me." Kerry shuddered when she realized he had said the phone wasn't working and couldn't call the cops.

"I can't stop him." The bartender was big, huge even, but he looked a dwarf next to Mustafa.

"Get the bouncers then," she pleaded.

"Dance slut." Mustafa's voice boomed out.

The bartender set a shot in front of Kerry. "Here drink this, it'll loosen ya up. "I'll try to stop the bouncers, but they've probably already left."

Kerry tilted her head back and downed the shot, just before Mustafa picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She pounded her fists on his back, but it was like hitting a brick wall.

Mustafa winked at the bartender who then hit the stereo and rap started blaring forth. They had played this game before. An "enhanced" male had to drink a shitload of booze to get ***** as their higher metabolism burnt off the effects of the alcohol faster then normal men. Mustafa had ***** a lot, enough to pass out, but was rapidly sobering up. He used his appearance to cower his women into submission. He was way to ugly to get a woman without help. Along with the pheromones and the large dose of Xcite in her shot, she didn't stand a chance.

Jerome, the bartender watched her ass jiggle as Mustafa carried her to the stage. Her whole body had that exciting jiggle and he couldn't wait to see those huge breasts.

Jerome walked out to where the bouncers stood with an attractive, but overly dressed woman was chatting with them. "Your friend decided to stay," he said.

"But she's trying to get us a ride home."

"Marcus and Darren can drive you home. It's part of their jobs."

"Gladly," said Darren.

Jerome returned inside, intending to watch for awhile before joining in.

Mustafa had set Kerry on the stage and she just stood there looking down at him as he sat at the stage. "Dance!" He slammed his fist down hard on the stage.

Kerry started swaying her hips. She enjoyed dancing, but had never done a strip tease, not even for her husband. She relaxed hoping the bartender would be back with the bouncers to save her soon. For now, just give the gorilla man what he wanted and try to stall. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. Kerry hated rap, but the beat was conducive to erotic dancing. Her body started moving to the rhythm of the music. Kerry had been horny all night, though she tried to deny it. As she danced, she was aware that the horniness was inceasing until getting her pussy stuffed was all she could think of. She tried to picture her husband, but the only image that flashed in her mind was Lamar's and Leon's black dicks.

"Take that shirt off."

The bartender had to be back soon. She opened her eyes, but she and Mustafa were the only ones in the room. She'd just have to take it slow. Kerry slowly untucked her shirt from her jeans and pulled it off over her head. Her large breasts bounced out one after the other. They were held up by a lacy blue bra. There were wet spots around her nipples from where she was lactating. Her nipples looked like little missles they were so hard.

"Now the pants."

It was hard to dance and remove tight jeans, but Kerry did, almost falling as she pulled it off her legs. She immediately felt cold air on her bare ass, she had worn a thong.

"You're one sexy bitch."

Kerry was not fat, but the birth of her ******** a year ago had added extra flesh to her formerly skinny body and swelled her breasts up to double D's. She was probably going to keep gaining weight, but for now she had a sexy, voluptuous body. Her husband went crazy over her new boobs and ass. He insisted she wear sexy underwear and bought her several sets from sexy to sleazy. She wore a lacy, blue bra and panties so sheer you cold see her nipples and pubic hair through them The thong left her ass bare. The blue material contrasted nicely with her dark black hair and pale skin. The lingerie had been an anniversery gift from her husband.

"Let's see some titties," yelled Mustafa for the first time holding up a bill.

Kerry looked around, but there was still no sign of help. She figured, why the hell not make something for this humiliating experience. She danced over to Mustafa and knelt while he stuck the bill in the band of her panties. His touch sent both a shudder of disgust and a jolt of sexual excitement up her spine. God she was horny. It couldn't possibly be from dancing half naked before a black man could it?

Mustafa had paid to see her breasts. She stood up and reached around to unhook her bra. Her breasts fell three inches as she released them. She tossed the bra to the floor. She had never seen her nipples so swollen and hard, not even when she was nursing.

Mustafa stood up and adjusted what looked like another enormous cock underneath his sweat pants. His sweats were very loose fitting and she could still see a pair of huge testicles pushing out the material. Why did subhuman black men all apear to be so gifted in the crotch department? He sat back down with what had to be a very uncomfortable erection pushing out his sweats.

"Now the panties," he said pulling out another bill.

Kerry decided, why not? She was already naked for all intense purposes. For some reason, she enjoyed knowing that she had caused his erection. Also, a fresh wave of lubrication had coated her pussy when she saw his bulge and her panties were getting uncomfortably sticky. She walked over to him and turned around stooping so that he could add this bill to the last. He carressed her ass before she stood back up. Kerry gulped and pulled out the waistband of her lacy thong. She bent down keeping her legs straght and pulled the panties down. She watched the two bills he had tipped her fall to the floor, knowing he was watching her ass and pussy. Mustafa was getting a better view of her then even her husband had ever had.

God, she needed a cock, especially a nice big one. If Mustafa was white she probably go fuck the shit out of him right now, husband be damned. She danced naked for awhile before saying, "I'm sorry, I gotta get going."

"No, I want a lap dance first," said Mustafa pulling out two twenties and tossing them on stage.

"What do I do?"

"Stupid slut. You just come dance 'tween my legs for awhile."

"If I give you a lap dance, can I go?"

"Whenever you want."

Kerry nodded and walked off the stage, Mustafa never took his eyes off her bouncing tits and ass. She walked over to him and began dancing as she approached. It was unnatural for a nude white woman to be dancing for a black man's pleasure, but what she was doing felt perfectly natural. There was something primal about dancing before a man such as Mustafa.

He parted his legs, immediately drawing her eyes to the tent in his sweat pants. She danced closer, approaching his huge cock as she swayed her hips and held her long black hair up with her hands. He was a perfect gentleman and kept his hands on his knees. "Turn around so I can see that ass, he ordered.

Kerry danced out from between his legs and turned around. "Fuck, that's a nice ass. You sure you don't have some black blood in you?" Kerry felt a thrill go up her spine knowing he was pleased with her appearance, but was insulted to be compared with a black woman.

"Baby got back. Bring that ass closer."

Kerry danced backwards and straight onto Mustafa's cock. Luckily, it didn't penetrate her, it just slid between her legs along her labia, growing slick with her juices. It slid so far between her legs she saw an obscene cock-head the size of a small apple emerge between her legs as she stared down between her breasts. The head disappeared and she felt it sliding toward the entrance to her pussy. Just from the slight contact and sight of it caused her to shudder from a small orgasm.

The temporary release her orgasm gave her, brought her to her senses enough to jump up off his cock before it could penetrate her. She spun around and stared at the monstrosity. It was the most hideous thing she had ever seen, though it also attracted her. He had pulled his sweats down around his knees revealing his penis and balls. Mustafa's cock was around thirteen inches long and as thick as her wrist. It had a strong leftward curve, in fact his entire crotch had a leftward slant. His left ball was deformed, the size of a grapefruit, while the right was as big as a large orange. The head was leaking out so much precum, for a minute she thought he had orgasmed. "I said I wanted a lap dance. Now sit on my lap. Mustafa grabbed her waist and pulled her forward. Ths time he pushed his knees between her legs until she parted them and straddled his tree trunk-sized thighs. His hands grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her forwards. The huge cock slid between her legs again, this time starting with the base. The first hadn't been enough to satisfy the craving between her legs, she needed to cum again. Just one more cum, then she could jump up and run out of here.

Mustafa was not only pulling her up, along his cock. His hands were effortlessly lifting her up. Her pussy lips slid along his shaft until she felt them open up and part around the head. The head entered her, stretching her the widest she'd been since giving birth. She came again as he slowly raised and lowered her over over just a few inches of his cock. It was a strong orgasm, but it only increased her horniness. "More," she begged. Mustafa let go.

Pain and pleasure radiated out from her crotch as she was impaled by more then twice the amount of cock she had ever experienced before. Her pussy stretched out and reformed itself around the thirteen inch invader. Thank god, her unusual state of arousal had her pussy wet enough to coat such a monster. He felt so big, it felt like his cock-head should be emerging from her throat. Instead the only things emerging from her throat were increasing cries of pleasure. Mustafa began raising and lowering her along the length of his cock. Her pussy clamped down over his shaft, squeezing every square inch and spasming in orgasm around it. "Ah ah ah ah ohhh," she cried.

"You need to be more vocal," he said.

"What do you mean," she had to suck in her lip to keep from cryng out in pleasure.

"Tell me how much you're enjoying it. What am I doing to you?"

"You're fucking meeee." Kerry shuddered in orgasm.

"And now?" He raised her up until his cock almost popped out of her pussy.

"Put it in me," she begged. "God damn it, don't stop. Please don't stop."

Mustafa slowly lowered her down his shaft this time. "Tell me that you like it."

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Mustafa removed his hands from her ass. She hugged him tight and began riding his cock, bouncing and thrashing around in his lap. "I love it. I love havng your cock in me. I've never been fucked like this. Fuck me with your big black cock."

Mustafa grabbed her back and leaned forward so that he could take one of her nipples into his mouth. H opened his eyes in surprise when his mouth filled with liquid.

"Pull her up so I can fuck her ass," said Jerome. Mustafa looked up at him and Jerome continued, "What the fuck's that white stuff on your lips?"

"It's a milk mustache bro," Mustafa responded pulling Kerry back up into his lap. "Bitch gives off more milk then a cow." Kerry looked over her shoulder, while Mustafa pulled her ass cheeks open. The bartender was standing behind her nude. He had an impressive ten inch cock which would have awed her yesterday, but looked small next to Mustafa, Lamar, and Leon's cocks.

"You ever had your ass fucked, slut," asked the bartender.

"No, but you can fuck it." Kerry was wild eyed and looked crazy with lust.

Jerome spit in his hand and coated the tip of his cock with it. Mustafa was spreading her plump ass cheeks wide apart for him. Jerome brought the tip of his cock up to her sphincter and pushed.

"Ow, shit that's big," she cried. "It hurt's. Your cock is ripping my ass in two." Her ass stretched out to accomodate it and the pain started to fade once the big round head had entered her. Never once, slid she consider asking him to stop.

Kerry could feel the bartender's cock pushing deep into her ass, rubbing against Mustafa's cock sperated by just a thin piece of skin. She began bouncing again, fucking both their cocks, and cumming constantly as the double penetration satisfied her like never before.

Mustafa came first, becoming only the second man to fill her unprotected pussy with sperm. The size and force of his ejaculate was amazing. Huge wads of cum assaulted her womb and then it seemed as if someone had turned a hose on inside her pussy. She could feel his big balls expanding and contracting under her thighs. His orgasm gave her an absolutely mind blowing orgams that caused her to collapse on his chest.

When she recovered, Jerome had taken over fucking her ass and was pounding her lke a jack hammer. She was still mounted on Mustafa's cock. It didn't feel any smaller, though it wasn't as hard. Jerome bellowed and emptied the contents of his balls into her ass. Kerrry shuddered as another orgasm overwhelmed her.

Jerome's sperm rose to the surface, spilling down her ass as he removed his cock. Mustafa lifted her up, slowly removing his cock. "More," she begged. "Fuck me more."

"Shit Jerome, this is one horny bitch," said Mustafa. "How much did you give her?"

"Half the shotglass," said the bartender.

No telling how much Xcite the girl had ***** at the other bar. "Shit, she's gonna be like this for a month."

"Will you two jungle bunnies shut up and fuck me some more."

"This bitch needs an attitude adjustment," growled Mustafa.

"I'll make some calls." Jerome headed over to the bar.

Kerry was about to remind the bartender that his phone wasn't working when Mustafa picked her up and set her on the stage. He climbed up behind her.

Mustafa began tugging on his cock. It never shrank always remaining thirteen inches long. It just fattened and hardened when he got an erection. "You want some more of this?"


"Why do you crave it?"

"It's incredible. It satisfies me like no other cock ever has. I've never had this many orgasms."

"It's superior."

"Superior? Yes, I guess it is."

"Superior to anything you ever had from a white guy?"

"Yes, it's superior to my husband's or my old boyfriends."

"It's not my cock thats superior." Kerry had crawled to him now and he was slapping her face with his cock.

"It isn't?" she asked trying to kiss it.

"No, it's black men that are superior. Beg for it."

"Please let me have some more of your cock. I've never been this horny and it's the only thing that can satisfy me."

"Call me master, you whore and I'll see that you get all the superior black cock you can handle."

"Thank you master." Mustafa quit moving it around and allowed her to take the head in her mouth she tasted his sperm and her juices on his cock.

"What's your name?" Mustafa pulled his cock out of her mouth.


"Shut the fuck up. It's now slut. You answer to slut now. Understand?"

"Yes master."

"Now suck my cock, slut."

Kerry licked around the head of his cock. He yanked it out again and held it up, thrusting his grossly deformed balls in her face. Kerry licked both the large one and the small one before he let her have the shaft again. Kerry eagerly took it in her mouth, afraid he would pull it back again. She craved his huge cock in her pussy, but she also wanted him in her mouth. Luckily, the problem solved itself. Half of Mustafa's cock was shoved down her throat as Jerome returned, thrusting his cock into her pussy.

Kerry's huge, pendulous breasts swung as Jerome slammed his cock in and out of her pussy. Each thrust pushed more of Mustafa's cock down her throat. She couldn't show Mustafa's penis the respect it deserved with Jerome pounding her pussy, so she just waited for Jerome to cum.

Eventually Jerome did cum, filling her pussy with another load of sperm and triggering another orgasm. When she had come down from her orgasmic high, Kerry started worshiping the big cock shoved down her throat.

Mustafa kept his big hand on her head controlling the speed of her downward thrusts. When he felt the sperm churning in his balls, he removed his hand and with both hands reached under her and grabbed her nipples. Mustafa squeezed her nipples between his fingers and he began stroking them. Milk squirted out, hitting the stage. "Look Jerome, I'm milking her, just like she's miking my caaahock," screamed Mustafa pumping her mouth full of sperm. The amount caught Kerry off guard and she reared her head catching the second wad full in the face. It wasn't a strand or a few drops, it was as if a shotglass full of cum was tossed on her face. She regained control and clamped her lips over the tip catching and swallowing the subsequent wads.

"I gotta try some of that," said Jerome crawling on his back under her and taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Soon he was sucking on it with more gusto then her ******** had shown. Jerome took his mouth off and milk sprayed out covering the black man's chest. Drips ran along the muscle ridges on his chest.

"More," begged Kerry stroking the last drop of sperm from Mustafa's cock.

"You want more, you got it Slut," said Mustafa.

Kerry heard applause and looked up. Four black men as muscular as Jerome were watching the show. They started stripping as she watched.

More car doors were slamming outside as the black men climbed on the stage.

It took about a dozen black men to quench the fires burning in her pussy. At one point, Kerry had a cock in ass, pussy, mouth and one in each hand. Her thighs and crotch were red and sore, but thankfully her pussy continued to produce lubricant and became so full of sperm, she had no trouble taking them all. She fucked every one of them, had half fuck her ass, and the other half filled her belly with so much cum, she thought she might throw-up.

Some of the blacks were skinny, some fat, some had cocks so small she didn't even feel them after Mustafa and Jerome. Obvioulsly, it wasn't true that all black men were well hung, but when they were big they were really big.

Near dawn, Kerry felt herself being carried out of the building, and opened her eyes to see Debbie and Sherie supporting her. Where Kerry was sore and exhausted, the other two girls looked radiant. Kerry had been laying in a pool of sperm and felt bad for getting Deb's car dirty, but her friends were almost as covered as she was. Sherie returned to the bar to retrieve Kerry's clothes and then they drove off to Deb's apartment in New York to clean up. Amazingly, Kerry was horny again before they even reached the city. She briefly wondered what had happened to Alisa.

See Part 4 Alisa