Girls Night Out: 2 An E&I Enterprises Story

Part 2: Sherie

"Where we headed?" asked Alisa.

"His club is just outside New York City, in Jersey," said Debbie not taking her eyes off Lamar's truck in the distance.

"New York! That's two hours away." exclaimed Kerry.

"Relax, you can all crash at my place." Debbie lived in New York City.

"Todd will be worried," said Alisa thinking about her fiance. It was her bachelorette party.

"He's probably bombed out of his mind and looking at his own stripper."

"Not my Toddy." Alisa had lucked out and found someone just like herself, conservative, moral, and not much of a drinker. He had money too and they were looking to start a ****** almost immediately.

Eventually, the car carrying the four women arrived at the strip club pulling up behind Lamar. Debbie didn't wait for the other girls to exit the car, she just hopped out and ran straight to Lamar. She seemed infatuated with the black stripper with the blonde hair and huge cock. Sherie felt a strong desire for the stripper too after seeing him wave that giant black snake under her nose.

Sherie got out of the car followed by Alisa and Kerry. The place had closed up about an hour ago and the parking lot was near deserted. It had started raining about a half hour ago. The only people she could see was a white woman with a black man. The woman was sitting on a car hood with her legs wrapped around the back of a muscular black man. They were kissing passionately ignoring the rain.

A big neon sign read Zebra Club and it appeared to be two clubs in one. Two massive black men stood outside one door. Lamar led them to the other door on the other side of the building.

"This better be worth it Lamar," shouted a deep voice when the blonde-haired black man entered the club. "I turned down two dates and a hundred bucks to wait for you."

"It will be," said Lamar. Sherie folowed Debbie into the bar. Two black men sat around some empty tables near the stage. A giant of a black man with a gut was putting the bar stools up.

Lamar said to the bartender, "pour these girls something special. Alisa here's getting married in three days."

The bartender grinned and walked behind the bar. None of the girls saw him press a button on the beer tap that mixed X-cite in with the drinks. He set them before the women.

Alisa felt bad because Lamar had promised them free drinks and she didn't like beer. "Could I have a mixed drink instead? I know they cost extra. I can pay you."

"What would ya like?"

"I don't know, any mix drink?"

The bartender mixed her a drink keenly aware that she was watching his every move and he couldn't drug it.

"Wow, that's good," said Alisa tasting it after he set it in front of her. "What is it?"

"It's called a white russian."

"I like it. Why the funny name?"

"It's cause white men are always russian through sex."

Alisa just frowned at the huge black man. She found him slightly obnoxious, and he was staring at her bulky clothes like he was trying to see what she was hiding under them, but he did mix a good drink. "What do I owe you?"

"Nuthin. It's after last call, can't charge you."

"Thanks." She could barely taste the alcohol and half was gone before she joined the other girls.

Sherie took the seat beside Debbie and Lamar around the stage. Alisa sat beside Kerry in a table away from the stage.

The bartender started some music and the curtains opened. The black man who had complained about losing two dates stood on the stage dressed as an African warrior. He wore a fake lion skin headress and cape, a grass skirt, and white tooth necklace. His chest was even broader and more muscular then Lamar's. Sherie found herself holding her breath as he started to dance.

"That's Leon," said Lamar. "He's one of our best dancers." Lamar danced around doing some kind of tribal routine, waving his arms and thrusting his hips. Sweat soon coated his chest making him glisten under the lights.

Sherie reached in her purse and pulled out a five dollar bill. Leon danced over to her and kneeled down. He had a band around his leg and she shoved the bill into it. Leon's big white teeth grinned at her from his dark black face. He reached behind him and fiddled with something. When he stood up again, the grass skirt remained at his feet. He was wearing a tiger stripped loin cloth under the skirt. Sherie glimpsed a tremendous penis stuffed into tight underwear before the loincloth covered it. Sherie glanced over at Debbie to see if she had seen it, but Debbie was running her hand under Lamar's shirt along his chest and not paying attention.

"What are those rooms?" asked Debbie looking around the bar.

"They're for private dances," responded Lamar.

"What goes on?"

"You get one on one interaction with the dancer. Some touching is aloud."

"Can we do it?"

"Sure, it costs fifty bucks."

"Let's go."

Sherie watched Lamar lead Debbie off into the other room. Alisa and Kerry were watching them leave with frowns on their faces.

Being the only one sitting at the stage, Sherie found herself the center of Leon's attention. Several times he made to take off his loincloth, but retreated. Sherie got the hint, dug into her purse and pulled out another five.

Leon kneeled before her. The stage was built so that her face was staring directly at his crotch. She reached out, her hand coming dangerously close to the bulge under his loincloth as she stuck the bill beside the other on his thigh. Leon stood up and untied the loincloth.

Sherie felt her heart flutter as he stood. The height of the stage gave the impression that she was lying at his feet looking up at some kind of black god. He was dancing for her pleasure, but instead she felt like the subservient one. She was being rewarded for her behaviour by seeing more of Leon's body after each tip. She couldn't imagine what this place would be like crowded with dozens of women competing for Leon's attention.

The loincloth fell to the floor and Leon discarded the lion skin cape. He was now nude except for the necklace and briefs so thin and tiny they looked about to burst. The front was just a pouch designed to hold privates much smaller then Leon's. She could see the outline of his balls, the material so tight she could make out the crease between them. His cock seemed coiled around itself, but a large mushroom shaped lump indicated a cock-head the size of a golf ball. He danced away briefly and she could see just a string traveling between his ass cheeks, leaving his muscular ass bare.

"Wanna see more?" he asked kneeling before her again.

"Are you allowed to show more?"

"Not when we're open, but this is a private party. I can show you whatever you want."

Sherie dug in her purse. She was out of small bills. She pulled out a twenty. Seeing that monster was worth a twenty. She reached out with the bill and stuck it beside the others. Leon stood and yanked his underwear down. It seemed to roll out of his undewear, falling halfway to his knees. Leon's cock was thick and tremendous, looking like a fat black banana swaying between his legs. She heard the other girls gasp behind her at the sight, she had forgotten they were there. Sherie's eyes followed the swinging black sausage, so different from her husband's penis. Her husband was probably six inches long when erect and Leon's cock was longer and thicker soft. As she stared, it swelled up even bigger and grew an inch. Leon stepped out of his underwear and pulled off the necklace. He was now completely nude. Leon squatted before her face, his cock so long, the tip brushed the stage. "Go ahead and touch it."

Sherie reached out and wrapped her fingers around the second black cock in as many hours. Both Lamar and Leon far outclassed her husband or any white man she had ever seen. Of course, they were strippers and probably gifted beyond normal men.

Sherie squeezed it until his cock expanded, growing in her hand. It's power was such that it lifted her hand up as it rose into the sky. It was now harder then any penis she had ever seen, both unbendable and unyeilding as it stopped growing at just over a foot long.

"Impressed?" he asked.

"God yes." she said stroking her hand along it. She had a strong desire to take him in her mouth. Fortunately, lest she give in to her impure thoughts, Leon stood and left the stage before she got carried away. A big bald stripper replaced him with every bit as much promise in the crotch areas as Leon and Lamar.

Sherie glanced at the private booth. She could glimpse a naked Lamar standing between Debbie's legs and, Jesus, but it looked like she was licking the head of his cock. Sherie envied Debbie's unmarried status at that moment.

"Tip me and I'll let you touch it," said Leon.

Sherie turned. A naked Leon-cock still hard- was standing beside the other two women making his rounds. "No thanks," said Kerry looking disgusted, but not taking her eyes off Leon's cock.

"I'll do it," said Alisa taking a bill from her purse. The bride-to-be stuck the bill beside the others and grabbed Leon's cock. "Nice to meet you," she said shaking it like she was giving a hand shake and giggling drunkenly.

That wasn't like Alisa at all. Sherie could see three empty glasses of white russian's beside her friend. Alisa could be a lot of fun when she loosened up.

Leon headed over to Sherie and she found her heart rate increasing. His big cock preceded him by over a foot. Damn, she never remembered being this horny before. "And did you enjoy the show little lady?" he asked.

"I'm Sherie and yes I did very much." It was hard not to stare at the baseball bat between his legs. He moved so that his tipping band was beside her. Sherie took the hint and reached in her purse. Her hand came out holding a fifty. She glanced over at the private rooms, then back at the fifty, then up at Leon. "Can I get a private dance?"

"Sure baby," said Leon grabbing the fifty out of her hand. "Lets go."

Sherie stood up and followed Leon. Behind her Alisa said, "Come on Kerry lets move up to the stage."

Leon moved the curtain asside and Sherie saw an amazing site. Lamar was sitting on the bench stroking his cock while Debbie danced for him. She had stripped down to a sexy pair of lacy bra and panties. "I didn't know you could dance," said Sherie watching Debbie sway her hips. Debbie had the body of a stripper where Sherie's was more like a model's with smaller, firmer breasts.

Debbie looked like she was upset at being disturbed," but said, "It's just coming natural."

"It is natural for a woman to dance to please a man," said Lamar.

Sherie found that sexist, but didn't respond and was kind of shocked when Debbie nodded her head agreeeing with Lamar. Debbie was very free spirited and usually didn't take crap from men. She was acting like a love sick puppy ever since she had first seen Lamar's cock.

Leon spun her around and sat her down on the bench beside Lamar. The seats put her at face level with Leon's erect banana bobbing as he began to dance. For something called a privacy booth there wasn't much privacy. She glanced at Lamar and could see his huge cock glistening from where Debbie had been sucking on it. Debbie was now topless and Lamar was kneeding her big breasts, tugging on her nipples, and every now and then leaning forward to kiss them.

Leon grabbed her head and turned it towards his cock as he began moving it before her eyes. It had a hypnotic affect on her and she couldn't take her eyes off it. His voice broke her trance. "How long you been married?"

Sherie rubbed her thumb along her ring finger without taking her eyes of Leon's cock. "Five years."

"How nice. Does your husband have a cock like this?"

"Ha. No, not even close."

"Oh thats too bad. I bet you haven't had a good fuck in years then."

'How rude,' she thought, but he wasn't wrong. It had been over a year since she had an orgasm. Sherie did the math in her head. No, it had been a couple years. She and Dan were just too busy teaching, that sex felt more like a duty then fun. Every nerve in her body was telling her that the delicious smelling cock he was swaying under her nose wouldn't have trouble giving her orgasms. "DEAR GOD THATS GOOD"

That was Debbie. Sherie glanced over at her friend and was shocked to see she was nude and had lowered herself over Lamar's dick. Sherie could see her friends engorged clit and pussy lips spread wide around the huge intruder and she had only taken a couple inches.


Sherie watched as a steady stream of clear fluid slid down Lamar's cock helping to coat it and Debbie slid down it a couple more inches. The hot sex show next to her, the sexual smell filling the confined room, and her unusual state of arousal all contributed to what Sherie did next. Her tongue licked out and along the tip of Leon's cock. He immediately stopped moving it and held it before her mouth as her tongue licked all around the head.

Sherie just had to suck him off, just had to. A blow job wasn't really cheating anyway. She wasn't about to go any further.

Sherie was out of practice. She hadn't done this for her husband in years and that had been like swallowing a straw compared to Leon's black pvc pipe. With Dan, she sucked just to lubricate him before sex and she never swallowed. With Leon, her purpose was to show her respect for his masculinity.

Sherie stretched her jaw wide around his cock head and took him into her mouth. She pushed forwards and felt herself gagging as the head entered her throat.

Leon stepped back and pulled her to her feet, switching places with her. He pushed her back down and sat beside Lamar. Sherie was now kneeling on the dirty floor. She glanced at Debbie. Her friend had impaled herself on Lamar's cock and was sitting still while she grew accustomed to having her pussy stuffed so full. Sherie could clearly see the steady stream of her friend's cum dripping over Lamar's balls. Leon smacked his cock across her face and she took the hint, taking him into her mouth once again.

This position was easier on her throat and she pushed down taking several inches into her throat this time. It felt natural and primal to be kneeling between his legs like this. Sherie found herself letting go, attacking his cock with more gusto then she had ever shown her husband.

Leon pulled his cock out of her mouth when she had bobbed her head up to the tip. He pulled it back to his stomach and said, "lick my balls." Sherie obeyed, licking all around his hairy nutsack amazed at how big and full they were. He released his cock and it smacked her in the face. She quickly returned his shaft to her mouth.

Eventually, Leon's cock swelled even bigger and began twitching. She wanted him to cum more then anything, but she also wanted this to last forever. The head of his cock grew so big, she feared it would wedge in her throat, so she backed off just sucking on the tip. His cock spasmed, filling her mouth with so much sperm her cheeks bulged out. She swallowed it, only to have her mouth fill with sperm again and again. She had never swallowed Dan's cum before, but then her husband hadn't cum this much in five years of marriage.

Leon stood and she kept the tip in her mouth making sure she had sucked it dry. "Keep sucking, it'll stay hard," he said switching places with her again. His cock never left her mouth as he lifted her up onto the bench. Sherie glanced at Debbie. Milky white sperm now coated Lamar's shaft as Debbie slowly rode him. Her eyes had rolled up in her head and she looked like she was in heaven.

Leon pulled her to her feet again and began unbuttoning her blouse. She looked at his still hard cock glistening with her saliva as he opened her shirt. "No Leon, we can't go any further. I'm married. I don't know why I did that."

"Relax baby," he said. "I just wanna see you. It's only fair. You've seen me naked."

Sherie didn't fight him as he removed her blouse and his skilled hands unsnapped her bra. "But your a stripper. I'm supposed to see you naked in exchange for tipping you. Ahhhh..." Sherie moaned as Leon began pinching her nipples. Her breasts weren't large and her nipples were only as big as dimes, but they were the hardest she's ever seen them.

"Let me see you naked and I'll tip you," said Leon already undoing her jeans.

Sherie had already spent over a hundred bucks on the two strippers and wondered how much of it she'd get back if Leon tipped her. She held still and let him pull her jeans down over her hips. She quickly yanked her panties down embarrassed by their drabness compared to Deb's sexy ones.b"Well, am I worth tipping?" she asked quivering with fear he'd reject her. Sherie knew she was attractive and had a great figure, but she always felt plain next to Deb.

"Your beautiful Sherie. I think you deserve a big tip." Sherie flushed with pleasure at his compliment. He continued, "but first I want to see you. Sit down." Sherie obeyed. She was a little embarrassed by her hairy bush. She hadn't needed to shave off any of the reddish-brown hair. "Open your legs up for me. I wanna see your insides."

Sherie hesitated a fraction of a second. She hadn't even given Dan the view Leon was asking to see. His look suggested he wouldn't take no for an answer and she found her knees slowly opening.

"Not good enough," said Leon. He bent down and grabbed her ankles spreading her legs wide. Sherie gasped as her pussy opened up for him to see. "Damn bitch, yo pussy always this wet?"

'Not that I can remember."

"One last thing before I tip you," said Leon moving forward between her legs and bending down. "I want to kiss those pretty red lips."

"I s-shouldn't," she stuttered, his body looming over her. His hands still gripped her ankles spreading them wide.

"Just a kiss and then your tip." Sherie parted her lips as the large black man brought his lips down against hers. She planned on just a quick peck, but his tongue pushed into her mouth. She pushed back trying to force it out of her mouth, but instead they just slid around each other. "Here's your tip," he said breaking contact with her lips.

Sherie's pussy lips parted as Leon's bulbous cock-head entered her. She was so wet and spread so open, it easily slid inside. "Oh god," she moaned. "What are you doing?"

"It's just the tip," he said kissing her again. "It's what you wanted isn't it? Want me to take the tip back?"

"No," she cried ashamed of herself. "Want a bigger tip?"


Leon pushed some more in and pulled back. He began thrusing his hips, letting her juices coat his cock and pushing more in with each thrust.

"Oh god Dan, why don't you feel this good inside me," she cried feeling guilty for betraying her husband and guiltier for enjoying it so much.

"It's cause he's white, bitch. Dan will never feel good inside you ever again after this." With one powerful thrust Leon slammed his entire foot long cock inside her.

Sherie felt her pussy balloon up around his cock and then her muscles squeezed down against it as if not wanting to let it out. Her pussy spasmed around it and a wave of pleasure traveled up her body as her first orgasm in years burst from her womb. Correction, her first ever orgasm, none of the others even came close to the one Leon's fat cock had given her.

And that was just the first of many. Leon leaned forward and braced himself on the bench. Sherie threw her legs over his shoulders and held on as Leon began to move. He started slow, keeping his cock buried in her and just moving it a little. His thrusts turned deeper, more powerful, until Leon was fucking her with the entire length of his cock. His powerful piston-like thrusts drew orgasm after orgasm out of her and she had never been multi orgasmic. She no longer felt guilty for cheating on Dan. She felt angry now that she knew there were men, real men, out there that knew how to fuck like Leon and apparently Lamar also. Real men, that know how to treat a woman, black men. "Fuck me," she growled at him, raising her hips up into his thrusting cock. "Fuck me with your big black cock."

Leon buried his cock in her and it spasmed as he impaled her. Sherie screamed and writhed around his cock as she had her biggest orgasm yet. Jet after jet of his hot cum sprayed places no man had ever gone before and she thrashed around in total ecstacy. Leon pulled out. "I gotta piss. I'll be back." Sherie could see Kerry, the bigot of the group standing by the curtains peeping in as leon left. Her friend looked aghast at what she saw. Then the curtains fell closed again.

Sherie sat on the bench with her legs spread wide and Leon's cum dripping out of her pussy. His sperm pooled on the floor and as she watched it, she noticed the stains of countless pools of cum on the floor, the walls, even the bench. The stains were faint as if someone attempted to clean them up, but it was in vain.

Debbie was sitting beside her now, sucking on Lamar's cock as he stood between her legs. Black men seemed to have an amazing recovery rate. "I hope I get another belly full," said Debbie as she teased the tip of Lamar's cock with her tongue. It was swollen and glistening as he approached orgasm again.

"So you want to swallow more of my cum?" Lamar pulled his cock out of Deb's mouth and was looking down at Sherie as he said it. He stepped back, squatted down before Sherie's spread legs, quickly pushing his cock into her.

"Another hot, white pussy satisfied by black cock," he said. Lamar had been close with Debbie's blow job and didn't last long. "I'm gonna fill that white pussy with some cum bitch."

"No Lamar, I wanted it," said Debbie.

Lamar's back was arched as he shot Sherie's cum-soaked pussy full of his sperm. "You want it. There it is. Go get it. He pulled Debbie up and pushed her between Sherie's legs.

Debbie stared at Sherie's sperm saturated pussy for a moment and then leaned forward. Sherie arched her back as a wave of pleasure shot up her spine. Debbie's tongue sounded like a dog lapping up water as it licked over her labia and up to her engorged clit. Debbie was running her tongue around trying to get all the sperm she could. She was completely unconcerned with Sherie's pleasure, but she still triggered an orgasm and Sherie writhed in pleasure grinding her pussy into Debbie's mouth.

Suddenly, Debbie's tongue shot deep into her pussy farther then Dan's prick had ever been and Debbie muffled a scream. Sherie opened her eyes to see the bartender had entered the room and shoved his giant cock into... "My god, he's fucking your ass."

"You're next little lady," said Leon returning from the bathroom, his cock rising as he spoke. The big bald stripper was following Leon. Yet another huge cock swung between his legs, but it was rapidly rising as he stared at the two girls.

Sherie just nodded. She was willing to do anything to please these men. Another orgasm shot up her spine as Debbie's tongue was repeatedly forced into her pussy from the ass fucking she was getting. Sherie had know idea how she'd take Leon's big cock up her ass, but tonight she was willing to try anything.

See Part 3: Kerry