Girls Night Out An E&I Enterprises Story copyright 2001 by Stormbringer

Part 1: Debbie

"I don't think that's wise. I'm not used to drinking. Besides, who's driving?"

"Loosen up Alisa and have another margarita," said Sherie. "It's your party for god's sake and we're calling a taxi."

Debbie got up and followed Sherie into the kitchen where they started mixing up some more frozen margaritas. The four best freinds were celebrating Alisa's bacheolorette party. They had known each other since high school and kept in close contact ever since.

The four young women were in Sherie's house in Northeastern Pennsylvainia. Alisa and Kerry lived relatively close in New Jersey and New York respectively while Debbie lived in New York City. It was three days before Alisa's wedding.

"I don't think Alisa appreciated your gift," said Sherie. Debbie had given the traditional gag gift of a dildo to the conservative young woman.

"I know," said Deb. "I looked all over the city for a realistic white one, but all the sex shops seem to carry anymore are oversized black ones and they're all ten to fourteen inches long. Besides, that's not the only thing I got her."

"Alright," whispered Sherie keeping her voice down so that Alisa and Kerry couldn't hear. "What have you got planned?"

"Who me?" asked Debbie innocently. "What makes you think I've got something planned?"

"Because you've always got something up your sleeve and because if you didn't have something planned you would have drug us all out to a bar by now."

"Guilty," confessed Debbie. She was the wild one of the bunch. Debbie had the kind of thin waist and big breasts that attracted a lot of male attention. The sexy blonde discovered sex early in high school and hadn't looked back. She liked her men so much she was the only one who wasn't married except for Alisa. All four were twenty-five, except Alisa who was four years younger, and Debbie thought the twenties should be spent having fun, not settling down. "I've got a stripper coming."

"I knew it," said Sherie. "How'd you find one?"

"Yellow pages. Some place called the Zebra Club in Jersey. I requested a muscular blonde guy. I like the surfer type. I hope he has a good tan."

"I hope he has a nice package," said Sherie.

"Sherie! I must be rubbing off on you."

Sherie blushed. "I've been married five years now and it gets dull seeing the same guy every night. I love Dan and would never do anything to hurt him, but it might be fun to look at another guy once in awhile." Sherie had reddish-brown hair, white freckled skin, and a firm, fit body. Her figure was so nice she could have been a bikini model where Debbie looked more like a stripper.

"I get the impression the fire is dying."

"Yeah, we only make love about once a month now. We're just so tired from teaching by the end of the day. Not that I would change anything about my life, but I miss the newness of when we first started dating."

Debbie patted her friend on the shoulder, grabbed two margaritas and carried them out to the living room.

The women were reminicing about old times when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," said Sherie, Debbie following her to the door. Sherie opened the door and found herself staring into a broad, muscular, uniformed chest with a badge on it. She looked up to find a light skinned black man grinning at her, wearing a motorcycle helmet, his eyes covered by reflective sun glasses. "Is there a problem officer?"

"You ordered a stripper?" asked the cop.

Debbie giggled. "I asked for a big blonde guy."

The black man took off his helmet to reveal dyed blonde hair. "You got it."

"But I wasn't expecting a bl..."

"You got a problem with black people," interupted the stripper.

"N-no not at all," said Debbie. She had nothing against blacks. Kerry on the other hand hated them with a passion.

"Well, it's me or no one," said the black man. "My name's Lamar."

"Alright Lamar, let's do it," said Debbie.

Lamar handed Sherie a boom box and told her to hit play when he pointed at her. "Which one's the bride-to-be?"

"She's sitting in the recliner," said Sherie. "Go easy on her, she's shy."

Lamar pushed past the two women and entered the living room. The two other women looked up at him in surprise. "Ladies, theres been a complaint about the noise coming from this house."

"I'm sorry officer," said Alisa sitting up in her chair. "I wasn't aware we were that loud."

"You weren't and that's the problem. Lets make some noise," said Lamar pointing at Sherie. She hit play on the boom box and fast paced rap started pounding out of it. Lamar ripped his shirt open right in front of the startled young woman. Alisa blushed as she stared at a hard, muscled chest the likes of which she had never seen on a man before. He wasn't built lke a dancer, more like a boxer, but his movements were graceful. Kerry looked disgusted, but she stared at the man's chest also. Debbe and Sherie, sat, and started urging him on.

Lamar danced around the room bringing his chest close to each girl and thrusting his hips suggestively. He tossed his glasses asside and then the helmet came off. Soon, he was only wearing trousers as he kicked his shoes off.

"Damn, that would look so sexy on a white guy," said Debbie staring at the man's chest. He was dancing before a very uncomfortabe Kerry. The look on her face was one of such disgust that Debbie thought Lamar would be offended. Kerry had once mentioned that her grandfather was in the KKK, some of his beliefs had been passed down to her parents and then on to her. Kerry had raven-dark hair and pale skin. She was the only mother in the group. Before her ******** was born, she had a nice figure. She had not been able to lose the extra weight she had put on during her pregnancy. Her breasts were now large udders and her body jiggled in places once smooth and firm. For now, she had the kind of voluptous body that drove men crazy, but promised to become fat by the time she was thirty.

"I think he's sexy, even if he is black," said Sherie clapping her hands in delight when he came back over to dance for her. "I wish my husband had a chest half this nice."

"You can touch it if you want," said Lamar. Sherie ran her hand down Lamar's chest to his rock hard abs. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his body, everywhere was hard muscles.

"Me too," said Debbie jumping up and running her hand across Lamar's torso. "I've never felt a chest this hard."

"Any of you ladies want to feel a cop or cop a feel?" he asked Alisa and Kerry. Alisa's face was bright red as she shook her head no. Kerry shook her head also.

Debbie sat back down as Lamar moved on. The man had been sweating and her hands were slick from rubbing his chest. She could smell him on her hands. In fact the whole room was filling with the man's scent. It was not an offensive odor. It was a very masculine smell that she found attractive. If the other girls hadn't been watching, she would have brought her hand up to her nose to take a deeper whiff. Debbie's nipples hardened under her bra and her thighs grew clammy with moisture. She had never entertained sexual thoughts about a black man before, but then she had never seen a man like Lamar. She glanced over at Sherie and saw her nipples were also poking out of her blouse. Her friend was as turned on as she was.

Debbie's mind flashed back to when she was gift hunting in New York's sex shops. Interracial magazines and movies had taken up half the floor space in every store she had entered. All featured muscular black men with large boobed white women on the covers. The floor space devoted to such stuff obvioulsy indicated a growing trend towards interracial sex. She had been surprised to find that all the dildoes in every store also reflected the trend. Every one had been black and unrealistically large. Debbie looked over at the ten inch black dildo standing erect on the nightstand besides Alisa, then she turned her attention back on the black man. "Hey Lamar, lets see what you've got under those pants," yelled Debbie.

"Pay if you want to see it," said Lamar looking down at Kerry. She shook her head no and was trying not to stare at Lamar's chest. Debbie noticed the outlines of her nipples showing too. Even her bigoted friend was turned on, though she was trying to hide it and odviously ashamed of her reaction. There was even a wet spot by one nipple from where she was lactating.

Sherie waved a twenty and Lamar danced over to her. She shoved the money into his trousers. Lamar slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled it out. His fake gun and handcuffs fell to the floor.

Debbie quickly pulled out a twenty and Lamar danced over to her. She shoved the twenty in his pocket and looked up at him. "Unbutton my pants," he said. Debbie was surprised to find her hands shaking as she reached up and unbuttoned his pants. "Now pull the zipper down," he ordered. Debbie did, staring as tiger print briefs slowly revealed themselves before he danced out of her reach and over towards Alisa. Debbie suddenly felt jealous of her friend, she wanted to finish removing Lamar's pants.

"How about you?" asked Lamar. Alisa was still bright red and she shook her head, but her eyes were wide as she stared at his open trousers. Alisa had long brown hair, always pulled back. She never wore makeup and always wore long skirts and bulky blouses to hide her body. The way her clothes bulged out suggested a figure to rival Debbie's but no one had seen it, not even her fiance. She had broken down and had sex with him, but only in the dark, and she had worn a nightgown, lifting it up as he entered her. She would have been the best looking girl in the group if she put some effort into it.

"Come on Alisa," shouted Sherie.

"Yeah do it," yelled Debbie. "Have some fun."

Alisa reached into her purse and pulled out a ten. "Is this ok?" she asked.

"Yeah honey. Put it in my pants." Alisa reached out and stuffed the bill away. "Now pull my pants down over my hips."

Debbie was really jealous now as she watched Lamar's ass appear. It wasn't briefs he was wearing it was more like a loin cloth and it left his ass cheeks bare. They were as hard as his chest. Alisa was staring cross-eyed at his crotch.

Lamar turned back around to Kerry. Even she was looking flushed now. Debbie could see that the loin cloth looked longer then normal and it was a little tented up about half way to Lamar's knees. She got a better view when Lamar came back over to Sherie. "How far you aloud to go?" asked Debbie.

"Depends how much you tip," said Lamar.

"Is it worth it?" asked Sherie pushing a twenty into the string on his waist.

"Compared to me, that dildo over there is a cute little toy.

"Bull shit," said Debbie.

"Tell you what. If you agree to tip me ten bucks an inch, I'll take it all off."

"Do it," said Debbie. "I gotta see that monster." Lamar untied his loin cloth and it fell to the floor. "Jesus," said both Debbie and Sherie.

"Let me see," pleaded Alisa shocking herself. The margaritas making her less uptight.

Lamar walked around the room naked. Alisa furrowed her brows in disbelief. Kerry's jaw fell open. Lamar's cock dangled down about eight inches, bigger then any man they had ever seen and he wasn't even hard. It was slightly plump and angled out bending towards the floor. Even his balls were huge.

"How big is it hard?" asked Debbie.

"Touch it to find out," said Lamar returning to her. Debbie hesitated and then reached up, grabbing his dick. "Just give it a few tugs," he said.

Debbie tugged feeling her grip open as it swelled up. The thick black cock lengthened and rose until it was now angled upward. "How big?" asked Debbie.

"Twelve inches," said Lamar proudly. "That's $120 dollars you owe me."

"May I touch it? asked Sherie.

Debbie was reluctant to release it, but Lamar tugged it out of her grasp and let Sherie run her hands all over it. "It's so hard," said Sherie. "I've never seen or felt anything like it." It was so big, it seemed to defy gravity. Lamar was uncircumsized, just the tip of a huge, bulbous cock-head peeking out of his foreskin. Sherie pulled down on his shaft, so that his cock-head emerged, every bit as big and hard as the rest of him.

Lamar pulled it out of her grip too and walked over to Kerry, but she recoiled from it so he moved on to Alisa. "Wanna touch it?" he asked waving it under her nose.

Alisa sniffed the air around it and then breathed deeply as if inhaling his scent and then, even shy, conservative Alisa reached out and squeezed the head. "It's so much bigger then my fiance," she said.

"I'm sure he's not black," said Lamar dancing back over to Debbie. "Anything else you wanna see before I put it away?"

"Don't put it away," said Debbie thinking how it was a crime to cover up a penis that beautiful.

"You like my cock?"

"It's incredible."

"Why don't you give the head a kiss then."

Her hand had automatically rose up to stroke it. Debbie didn't hesitate, she forgot about the other girls and leaned forward kissing the purplish-black, plum-sized head of Lamar's cock. Kerry gasped, stood up, and left the room. Debbie didn't even care anymore what her friends thought. She gave the tip a little lick, tasting his pre-cum. She was prepared to do more just as the music stopped and Lamar backed away. The girls were silent as he dressed. Debbie couldn't look at them.

"Well I hope you ladies enjoyed the show." He stood at the door once again in his fake cop uniform. The three women nodded, Kerry still hadn't returned to the room. "There is the little matter of my payment and you stil owe me $120 dollars," he said looking at Debbie.

"I'm responsible for both then," said Debbie.

"Follow me out to my truck," said Lamar. Debbie rose up off the couch and followed him.

"How much do I owe you?" asked Debbie as they stood by his truck.

"$200 to come out here, plus $120 for the bet."

"I don't have that much on me. I mean I covered the fee, but I hadn't planned on your penis being that big."

"Little white boys have penises. You mean you didn't expect my black cock to be this big." As Lamar spoke he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his still rock-hard cock out. "Tell you what, this mutha ain't gonna go down until it cums. If you finish what you started, I'll let you slide on the bet."

"You don't mean..."

"I want you to suck my cock."

"I can't," she blurted out automatically, though the thought excited her. Debbie wanted to suck him off. Usually, a blow job was something she did so that a guy would return the favor, but with Lamar, she wanted to please him. It made her feel honored to have the privilage of making that huge black cock cum. The only thing stopping her was her friends.

"It's that or fork over the money. I'm doing you a big favor here."

"You are. Thank you," said Debbie. He was being kind, letting her slide on the bet. She found herself falling to her knees before his cock. She took Lamar's cock-head in her mouth and started running her tongue all around it. She stretched her jaw wide and pushed her lips towards his crotch. She wanted to make this the best blow job ever, but she had never encountered one this large. She felt herself choking as it pushed into her throat. She relaxed her jaw, vowing to try harder.


"What's taking Deb so long," said Alisa as Kerry returned to the room.

Sherie got up and peeked out the window. "I can see his head sticking up above a truck, but I can't see Debbie. His body must be blocking her."

"Can you believe the size of that thing?" asked Alisa still amazed.

"I tell you they're subhuman," said Kerry. "I can't believe she put her lips on a filthy negroe's dick."

Sherie's nod of agreement was halfhearted. Lamar's foot long cock was something she would never forget. She strongly suspected she would have kissed it to, if he had asked her.


"Do you like sucking my cock?"

Debbie nodded her head moving her lips along several inches of Lamar's shaft. She had managed to swallow seven inches, but was having trouble with the rest. She ended up sucking on the first five inches while jacking the rest off with both her hands. His cock was swelling and it seemed to throb as he approached orgasm.

"Do you swallow?"

Debbie shook her head no without removing his cock from her mouth.

"Your going to swallow mine."

Debbie hessitated, then nodded agreement. A minute later his cock exploded in her mouth quickly filling it with sperm. She swallowed most, but some still trickled down her chin. Debbie was ready to release it when it blasted another wad as big as the first. None of her boyfriends came close to matching one wad of Lamar's sperm, but then none of them had the black man's big balls either.

He shot several more smaller loads and she swallowed every drop wandering why she had always refused to swallow before. There was something undescribably wonderful about kneeling before such a masculine man and swallowing cum from his huge cock. She squeezed the head between her lips until it shrank a couple inches and she was sure he was done as she stroked every drop out of his long shaft.

Lamar pulled it out and smacked his wet cock against her cheeks. "You want this cock?"

"Yes, but my friends..."

"Come to my club and I'll give you what you want."


"What took you so long? Have you been crying?" asked Sherie. Debbie's cheeks were all puffy.

"No, I'm fine. I was getting directions. Lamar invited us back to his club. He said he will have the dancers put on a special show for us."

"I don't know. It's kind of late," said Kerry.

"Free drinks," said Debbie.

"Count me in then." said Sherie. She looked at Alisa. "How about it Alisa? It's your party."

"Alright, let's go, but we're taking a taxi home if we get too *****."

Debbie had the largest car and the three girls followed her as they left the house.

Next: Part 2 Sherie