Gash for Cash 2

Dog's Story

Shooter3704 They call me Dog. Of course that's not my real name. No mother would name their son Dog? would they? I have several businesses and more than a few irons in the fire. The least profitable is The Doghouse, but I like it best. Lot's of girls with soft white flesh to watch and enjoy.

I got a call from an acquaintance of mine, Mathew Hollis, some time back. He owns his own Insurance company, and Mathew and I have done some business over the years, Mathew called me to see if I could help this woman out. Seems as if she got in debt to Crazy Larry, a loan shark. Crazy Larry is a flaming homo and a mean mother fucker. I figured that this chick, Mathew wanted me to help, would be an ugly bitch. I was wrong, she was a living doll. Killer body with great tits. She's only about five feet tall. I developed a taste for small women when I was in the service. I spent some time in the Far East. When I made an appointment for Jan Miller to come to the Doghouse, I expected to have to tell her to leave town to get away from crazy Larry. Either that or just go ahead and shoot herself and get it over with. I did neither.

Hollis told me that Jan Miller had already reached a decision to become a call girl to get out of her financial bind. That would have worked if she had plenty of time to get herself setup in the trade. With Crazy Larry breathing down her neck she didn't have any time. When I saw her sitting there in my bar I knew that I was going to help her out of her trouble and that I was going to help myself while I did. She had her mouth on my cock within thirty minutes of our meeting.

Jan Miller became my personal whore and she took to it like a duck takes to water. She was like most of the small women I had encountered. She was afraid that she couldn't take my cock. Like the others she learned quickly that she could and that she loved it. Jan Miller was a pushover, but Crazy Larry was another matter. I called him and offered to buy out Jan's loan, but he refused so I sent Abe and Duck to reason with him. Crazy Larry reconsidered and I paid off Jan's loan. Over the next six months I sold her ass to a lot of men. Most of them were business associates of one kind or another. Jan has a natural talent for being a whore. For one reason she loves sex which isn't true of a lot of whores. Jan likes it all, one on one two, three or more. It's all the same to her. When Jan quit her regular job and started working for me full time I knew she was a true cock lover and that I had a real find. Our deal was that she would whore for me for six months. That was ten months ago. Jan is making a lot of money these days. She has a husband and no expensive habits so she is able to save most of what she makes.

I've never considered myself a pimp, though I'll concede the point that I probably am a pimp by the legal definition. I've enjoyed working Jan so much I have considered adding a couple more girls. I screwed most my strippers and I might recruit a couple of them to whore for me. I really would rather have a woman or two like Jan. Wholesome looking white women who love to fuck.

I was surprised when Jan stuck her head in my office and asked to see me. She always does that even thought she knows I want to see her anytime. Even after all these months she still gives me a boner when I see her. I was really surprised when she told me why she had come.

?Jack found out about me?us,? she said dropping down into a chair. ?He followed me the other night to the snake ranch, and saw all of us together.?

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at that bit of news. She had been fucking us all for a long time and I guess her husband must have been blind not to have figured it out sooner. ?I see,? I said. ?Is he going to make trouble?? Jan shook her head, ?No I don't think so. He seemed to be okay with it. He wants me to quit being a whore though.? ?He's okay with it?? I asked. ?That's strange. Are you sure? I mean he's not just stalling until he can?whatever. Get a lawyer or get the cops involved?? ?No,? Jan told me. ?I really think he's going to adjust to my new life style. In fact we had the best sex we ever have when I told him all the details. He was turned on big time.? ?Does this mean you are going to give up being a call girl?? I asked. Dammit why does all the good things have to end? Jan laughed, ?I don't think so. I think Jack wants to be my manager. I told him that I could stop being a whore, but there wasn't a chance I could quit being a slut. Jack just wants to be a part of our fun and games.? ?What does he know about being your manager?? I asked. ?Has he ever been a pimp before?? I guess that settled the question about me. ?No,? Jan said laughing again. ?He doesn't have the time to do that. Thanks to you and Matthew and some others his investment business has taken off. That's enough to keep him busy. That was just his odd way of telling me it was all right.? ?I guess I had better meet your husband,? I said. This would be some strange shit. I could just see me shaking his hand and saying, ?I'm Dog. I'm your wife's pimp and I fuck her all the time. Nice to meet you.? ?Yeah I think you should,? Jan agreed. ?He's outside ogling your strippers. You want to do it now?? No I didn't, but I smiled and agreed. ?Sure bring him on in.? The meeting wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Jack Miller is a nice guy. Oh sure we spent the required amount of time being macho. He was Jan's, husband and had a legitimate claim on her. I was her pimp and the guy that fucked her and let all my buddies fuck her. I figured that gave me some claim, too.

Jan seemed to be amused by our little act. ?Come on guys,? Jan said at last. ?Give it a rest. Both of you stud-muffins are the greatest. I love my husband, Dog, and that isn't going to change. And Jack, I love the sex that I get from Dog and that isn't going to change. There's enough of me to go around boys so ease up.? Jack laughed and shook his head. ?What are we going to do with her, Dog?? ?I know what I'm going to do with her,? I said laughing with him. ?I'm going to fuck her every chance I get.? ?Yeah I've heard some of the stories,? Jack said, ?I'd like to see that sometime.? ?Ain't no time like the present,? I said. ?Let's go out to the snake ranch and get it on.? CHAPTER TWO I wasn't sure how old Jack was going to handle seeing his pretty little wife being fucked by me.

Jan and Jack went in his car and I drove mine. On the way I called my man Abe and told him to drop around to the snake ranch. I thought it might keep down any trouble, if Jack got unset. Also I really get off seeing little Jan getting hosed by Abe. I like her expression when Abe, or any guy for that matter, is deep stroking her cunt. She get this far-off look and her face is all rosy and just before she comes her eyes cross. Abe was out of pocket and it was going to take a little while for him to get there. I'm a fair size man so I wasn't scared that Jack would hurt me. I didn't want to have to hurt him. I had a good thing with Jan and I didn't want to do anything to upset that. Beating the shit out of her husband didn't strike me as a good thing. As it turned out I was worried for no good reason. Jack seemed totally enthralled watching his wife and I. Jan and I lay on the bed and fooled around some while Jack watched. Jan is one of those rare women that don't need a lot of warming up. She gets heated up fast and stays that way. I got her shirt off and played with her tits for a while. I can't wait until she get her nips pierced and I can get rings in them. One of the gals that dance at my place, Heidi, has her nipples done with rings. I want to lock her and Jan together nipple to nipple and see what happens. They are about the same height and it ought to be interesting if nothing else. Jan and I had managed to get naked and I was finger-fucking her and Jan was sucking my cock when Abe arrived. Since Jan had her mouth full I made the introduction for Jack and Abe. ?Nice to meet?ch,? Abe said, ?Nice piece of ass you got there. We all love to fuck Jan.? ?Thanks,? Jack said taking the comment in stride. Abe isn't what you would call tactful. ?I like it myself.? ?Good cocksucker, too,? Abe said. ?Look at that bitch on down on Dog. Damn the slut can't get enough hard black cock.? Abe was watching Jack carefully to see if there was any reaction to his crudeness. There wasn't any except a smile from Jack. ?Honey, come over here and hold my hand,? Jan said taking her warm mouth from my cock. ?I'm going to get on Dog and I want you here beside me when I put his cock in my pussy.? Jack came and got beside us on the bed and held her hand when she mounted me. My cock wasn't but about halfway in when she started to come. Jan is multi-orgasmic. She has little ones and great big ones and everywhere in between. That's one of the reasons I like to fuck her. She makes a man feel like he doing some good.

It was later and Jack and I sat and watched Jan and Abe. Jan was riding Abe and facing us as she did. ?Man would you look at her expression,? Jack said softly. ?She's on cloud nine.? ?Yeah,? I said. ?The gal does love to fuck. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Too much ain't no where near enough. Let me ask you something?how on earth did you manage to keep her satisfied since you been married?? ?Damned if I know,? Jack said with a short laugh. ?You boy's turned something loose in her. I mean we had a good sex life?lots of sex except for lately that is, but now I pretty sure one man ain't goina get the job done.? ?You still going to let her work for me?? I asked. ?She said something about you being her manager.? ?Naw, that was just wishful thinking on my part. I don't have a clue how to go about that. I would like to have a little say-so in her work. I mean I don't want her doing nothing dangerous or anything like that.? ?Hey man,? I said quickly. ?I ain't going to let nothing happen to that little gal. She's like money in the bank for me. Besides, I like Jan. She's real. Hell, I think most of the dudes that's fucked her, done fell in love with her.? He didn't say anything, just looked at me a moment and nodded. ?You seem to be taking this?whatever it is better then I would have thought.? Jack shook his head, still watching his wife bounce on Abe's cock. ?Not at first,? he said after a long silence. ?I wanted to kill you?her?all of you. I was mad as hell and hurting, too. For three days after I saw you and the others with her I couldn't get my thoughts to going in the right direction. If I had, somebody would have been dead by now.? ?What happened to change your mind?? I asked him. ?When I realized that Jan loves me,? Jack said slowly. ?When she told me that she had gotten into trouble because of my business.? He looked directly at me. ?I was the reason that it started. It was my indifference to everything except my business that caused the problems. Would I undo it if I could? Hell yes. I wish none of this had happened. I wish I had my little wife back just like she use to be?I know that isn't going to happen, but it don't stop me from wishing.? I couldn't think of anything to say so I kept quiet. We both watched as Jan went into another of her big climax. Her big tits flopping around on her tiny frame was always a sight to see. Jack was right. That genie was not going back in the bottle?ever. He was stuck with a highly charged sexual woman. One that he was going to have to share with others. I wondered if I could do it for the long haul.

Jan told me you wanted to get her nipples pierced,? Jack said jerking me back from my mental exercise. ?Why rings?why not small studs?? I told him about my fantasy of watching Jan and Heidi, locked together at the nipples. He laughed, ?That might be fun to watch,? he said. ?I don't know if Jan has ever thought about another woman or not.? ?Yeah,? I said, ?I mentioned it to her one time. She told me that she hadn't ever been with another woman. I don't think the idea turned her off. I figure Jan's up for anything that involves sex. Even if she don't go for the idea of another woman, it would be fun to hang on to the rings while I fuck her. Maybe chain the rings to the bed or something like that. What do you thing about it?? ?I wasn't in favor of it at first,? Jack said. ?I like her tits just as they are, but I think she'll do whatever you say.? He looked hard at me, ?You seem to have a lot of influence over my wife. I guess you know that, don't you?? ?Yeah,? I admitted. ?It's natural I guess. Jan sees me as her knight. I got her out of trouble with Crazy Larry so she's grateful.? ?I think it's more than that,? Jack said with a grin. ?She likes your big cock and the cocks that you bring her.? He looked back and his wife and Abe. ?We need a video of her,? he said. ?I want to have a good video of her to look at when I get old and can't get it up anymore.? That caught me by surprise. I didn't know if I should tell him that I had a couple videos of her already. I had the same idea'something to have when I was old. The videos I had were edited by a friend of mine and I had considered selling them to a distributor even though they were amateurish and were done from a hidden camera. Jan didn't know I had made them. ?Jan's good enough to make a commercial video,? I said. ?We could make a bundle if we wanted to go that route. What do you think?? Jack Miller thought about that idea while he watched his wife getting fucked. Abe and Jan had changed positions and Abe was on top of her. I was getting hard again and I was thinking I needed to get back in the saddle. ?It would have to be something unique,? Jack said. ?White woman and black men has been done to death. Let's give it some thought and see if we can come up with something different. Right now I'm thinking I want some of her pussy. You think that son of a bitch is going to get through anytime soon?? I had to laugh, ?We can knock him off of her,? I said. ?We're bigger than him. Let's both fuck her. Heads or tail?? ?I want her ass,? Jack said. ?You can have anything that's left.? ?Sounds good to me,? I assured him. ?Let's double fuck her. I'll fuck her cunt.? Abe got off and we took over. Abe would never admit it, but he was getting tired anyway. While we fucked Jan I got an idea that was worth exploring, but I was too busy right at that moment to give it any thought.

CHAPTER THREE It wasn't until the next afternoon that I called Jack at his office to tell him about my idea for the ultimate fuck video. ?Okay,? Jack said, ?Let me see if I have this straight. You know this super hung guy and the big deal is the surprise factor. Jan get into this gang-bang and when all the guys have finished with her this super dick come out and flops his super cock down on her.? ?Wait a minute,? I said. ?You make it sound stupid. The whole theme of the video is this white chick, a cute housewife, wants to have the black experience. She set up a bang, but get a super surprise when she realizes that there is a bull in her china shop. A real bull. We'll get a pro script writer and professional cameramen to work it.? ?Yeah,? Jack said. He didn't sound impressed yet. ?Who is this super dick? Do you know him, and how big is he?? ?No I don't know him personally,? I admitted. ?I know of him. His name is Dan something or other. They say he got a fourteen inch cock but I doubt that. I'm guessing ten or eleven inches, but that's big enough. Here's the kicker. We don't tell Jan about the super dick as you call him. Her shock and surprise will be real when the camera zooms in on her face. What do you think?? ?Maybe,? he answered. ?So all you got is an interracial gangbang and a big dick. We need more than that. Keep working on it and I'll see you later.? Jack was going to be hard to work with if he didn't change his attitude. I started checking around to see if anybody knew where Dan with the big cock was. I kept striking out. Everybody I talked with had heard of him, but nobody knew where he was. By that night I was starting to think I was going nowhere. I enlisted Abe and Duck to help me find Dan. ?Can I ask ya boss, what you want with this Dan feller?? Duck asked. ?Yeah, I'm setting up a fuck video and I need this Dan because I hear he's got a super cock. That's the kicker of the video. This chick get surprised by a dude with a king size cock.? ?Oh,? Duck said. ?Okay I'll get on it. If he's in town I'll find him.?

Duck grinned, ?If you don't find this guy I know a black guy that has a fourteen inch cock and I know where he is.? ?Hells fire, Duck,? I said. ?I don't give a shit about the guy. All I want is to use his cock for a while and one big dick is as good as another. Who's your guy?? ?Name's Roscoe,? Duck said. ?He's a bouncer at that fancy dance club over on sixth street. I use to work with him a few years ago. Fucker is as big as a house and about as smart.? ?Get in touch with him and see if he's interested in doing a video. Tell him it don't pay much, but he gets to fuck a pretty little white gal. You sure he's hung?? ?Yeah I've see his cock.? Duck said. ?We was in the piss-house at the same time. I didn't measure the damned thing, but guess it as big as he says. I know he has a world of trouble finding a woman who let him get on her.? ?Okay,? I said to Duck. ?Fuck Dan and get hold of Roscoe. Just tell him to come see me. I explain the deal to him.? ?Sure boss,? Duck said. ?You'll have to speak slow ?cause he as dumb as a anvil. I was serious about that.? ?I don't give a rats ass if he has to have a keeper,? I said. ?Just so he can fuck okay.? There I had been running all over town looking for Dan while there was a big cock three streets over. After Duck left to find his man I gave some thought to what Jack had said. He was right about not having enough. A gangbang was old hat and while I really liked the idea of a super size cock being a surprise for Jan I knew we were going to need more. That's when I came up with another surprise for Jan. We would spring her first girl on girl action on her during the video. When Abe checked in later I ran my idea by him. ?Sounds good,? he said. ?You might want her to ride the pony.? ?I give up,? I said. ?Ride what pony?? ?Guy I know built a fucking machine. Used a dildo and a real saddle. He put a motor on it, and he says it'll drive the chicks wild.? ?Sounds good,? I said. ?What do the women who has tried it say?? ?Don't know,? Abe said grinning his goofy grin. ?Far as I know he ain't been able to talk anybody into trying it. He a queer duck, you know shy like, and he don't know how to talk to women.? ?How does he even know it will work?? I asked. Abe shrugged and grinned, ?beats me. You want to get some gal to try it out for him?? ?We might be able to use it in the video, but we need to know if the fucking thing will even work. See if you can borrow it and we'll see.? I was cooking on high now. In fact things were falling into place and I felt good. Good, until I got to thinking that I might be trying to get the cart before the horse. I had mentioned to Jan about doing a video some time ago and she didn't like the idea. She hadn't been overly excited about the girl-girl bit either. I was going to have to get into my salesman mode and sell her on these ideas.

CHAPTER FOUR ?So now that Jack knows everything there ain't any reason not to make a video,? I said to Jan. ?What do you think?? ?I don't know Dog,? she said. ?I have ****** you know. What would they think about me being in a sex video? Not much I think.? ?Do they normally watch adult videos and movies?? I countered. ?What are the odds they see you or if the do even recognize you? We can get you a wig and a couple fake tattoos. Nobody ever looks at the star's face anyway. Tits and ass is where they focus their attention. Come on Jan. You know you want to and Jack thinks it a great idea. In fact it was his idea in the first place.? ?I still don't know,? Jan said. I could tell that the concept excited her. ?I can see that there could be problems with it.? ?Tell you what,? I said. This was going to be the clincher. ?We'll do the video and when they get it all edited and get a finished product, you and Jack sit down and watch it. If you say no deal I'll burn it and forget it.? Yeah like I was going to do that. I could see from the look on her face that she was going to do it. ?What kind of wig?? she asked. She was in. ?I don't want something that looks cheap.? ?No,? I said quickly, ?we'll get a good one. How about blonde or red even?? ?Red,? she said smiling at me. ?I've wondered what I'd look like as a redhead.? ?You'll look like a million bucks,? I assured her. ?Red on the head with a couple black cocks in your pussy. What do you think about that pony I told you about? Want to give it a try?? ?I'm not so sure about that,? she said. ?Has anybody tried it yet?? ?I got a dancer who said she'd try it. Abe got it and took it to the snake ranch. Della, that's my dancer, is going to give it a ride tonight if you want to watch her.? ?Sure,? Jan said. ?I have a date, but it's an early one. It's at six o?clock and I should be through in a couple of hours. What time is she going to be there?? ?Let's say nine to be on the safe side. Your date may take longer then you think it will.? Jack, her husband, had a potential client that he had fixed her up with. Some big shot from Texas with more money then he knew what to do with. Jack told me that he had thought about getting a hooker for his clients, but until recently didn't even know how to go about it. He laughed when he referred to Jan as his in-house whore.
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