Gardening Tips


Another fine summer day and with all my gardening chores completed there was no excuse not to be stretched out on a lounger and admire the freshly mown lawn whilst sipping a cold beer, holding a book, and dozing … mainly dozing. I don't have a strong opinion on what's planted where or indeed, what exactly is planted, that's my wife Nancy's job, along with all the subsequent weeding, clipping, pruning, and all the non-heavy lifting stuff that keeps our garden in a neat condition.

We both love our garden and are proud to show it off to whoever might be visiting which was the point of today's endeavors for my wife's sister Hannah was expected to visit and we wanted our little spot of paradise to look its best.

I didn't know very much about Hannah. She had been a 'stay-at-home' when I had been dating her sister who I met when we both served in the military. Our military service took us all over the place other than home and, other than meeting Hannah at our wedding, I struggle to count how many times I had seen her socially afterward.

However, that remoteness changed a couple of years ago when Roy, her husband, died leaving her a grieving widow. (I say 'grieving' but it might be more accurate to say 'relieved' for what little I knew about him, he was quite a dominating, unpleasant character, who didn't treat her well.) It was after we left the service to settle down in the same neighborhood and following his death that Hannah became a fairly frequent visitor at our house and that's how I got to know my wife's sister a lot better. The more often she visited, so it was that I was made aware of just how naïve and ******* was Hannah about, well, pretty much everything.

So, as I said, I was dozing on my lounger and listening to the murmur of their conversation as Nancy gave Hannah 'the tour'. I could hear the identity of different plants and flowers being answered out in response to Hannah's frequent 'what's that one called' queries. As with most things, Hannah was quite ignorant about horticulture; Nancy was very knowledgeable and endlessly patient. Even though my eyes were closed I could trace their route around the garden by hearing the names of the plants being identified by my wife.

"Hydrangea .." answered Nancy.

"And that bush with the pointy flowers?"

"Buddleia, it's good for attracting Butterflies."

And so it went on until they eventually reached the patio where I lay and they came and sat at the garden table to drink wine and, as always, to gossip and catch up with whatever the hot scandal might be that was going around at the time.

I wasn’t exactly listening but it was difficult to concentrate on my book as the odd word or phrase drifted over to divert my interest and soon I abandoned all attempts at reading, closed my eyes, and drifted off to the background noise that was their views on ****** members, offspring, hangers-on, politics and so forth.

We were all dressed for the weather, sun dresses for them, a T-Shirt and shorts for me. Under the old pair of cargo shorts that I wear when odd-jobbing, I had on a scarlet silk posing pouch, snugly held in place by a matching silk ribbon tied around my waist. I’d only put this on because Nancy, who raises worry to an art form, was concerned that visitors might accidentally look up the leg of my shorts and see something they shouldn’t. Fat chance!

I hoped that Hannah had taken Nancy's advice and would be wearing a bikini under her clothes for Nancy had advised her sister that if the weather was good on the day of her visit we could use the stand-up pool that we have at the back end of the garden. I looked forward to seeing that as Hannah, for all her hang-ups and naive ways, is still a bright and attractive lady, a little on the buxom side, maybe, but 'filled out' in all the right places (in my humble opinion).

Hannah, to my way of thinking, is a pale 'English Rose' who has never been anywhere far from home and has led an unadventurous life, whereas both Nancy and I are both slim and fit, a legacy from our time in the military (but that might be male ego speaking!). We are also well-tanned for we are ardent nudists and our vacations of choice will always be the naturist beaches in France or Spain ...

… which is a reason why, apart from the hair on my head, I am also shaved clean and I mean 'everywhere'. Nancy was in a similar hair-free state. I suppose in a way we both have 'the exhibitionist gene' as neither of us has ever been bothered by stripping off on the beach, attracting the occasional appreciative glances. After all, that’s partly why we go to those beaches, to see and be seen while getting an all-over tan.

Such were my thoughts with the beer taking its inevitable effect on my senses and me hovering between dozing and sleeping. That is up to the moment when the girls’ conversation started to take an interesting twist. Hannah was bemoaning her solitary life, telling Nancy about things she missed, her ignorance of a meaningful sex life.

“It’s alright for you,” I heard her say, " You’ve got that sexy lump over there all the time. I never get so much as a cuddle … I haven’t been close enough to a man to hug since when Roy was alive."

I thought I detected a sniff or a sob as she without any prompting went on to say, "Mind you, Roy was a total prude and hopeless at sex. We never saw each other naked. I have no idea what his cock looked like, what little sex we had was always in the dark, lights out, and lasted about two minutes!”

I surreptitiously opened an eye and glanced over; tears were streaming down Hannah’s pretty face as she continued, "How sad is that? A married woman and I never got see his cock …, " a pause then, "… any cock for that matter!"

Nancy was quiet for a moment and, I'm guessing, a bit flummoxed by the unexpected change of topic, in an attempt to lighten the mood said, "Amaryllis."

I was as confused as Hannah who said, "What?"

"Amaryllis, a beautiful plant. Whenever I look at the ones that I've planted, I always think that as it grows it looks just like a man's cock. It has a thick stem and before the flower opens it has a large red bulging knob at the top. If you want to know what a nice cock looks like, then grow an Amaryllis ..."

They both burst out laughing at such an outrageous comment which happily caused Hannah's tears to stop.

Nancy continued, " .. or if you can't wait that long, maybe when he wakes up I could ask my Amaryllis over there to show off a little; just a look, you understand, no touching.”

I opened my eyes to see them both looking my way, smirking.

I smirked back letting them know I had been listening and that Nancy had shared our 'in-joke' about the plant and how it looked like a dick when growing. but I said nothing other than noting their bottle was empty so made the offer to go and them more wine. My offer was accepted and I was amused to detect that Hannah kept her focus on my groin as I passed by the table on my way to the kitchen.

I brought out a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc for them, a beer for me along with a few snacks, and was pleased to see that in my absence they had both taken the opportunity to get rid of their dresses and were now seated just wearing their bikinis. I opened the bottle, filled their glasses, and went back to my lounger.

“Hey, Amaryllis, ” said Nancy, airing our in-joke, “why don’t you strip off a little just like us and let Hannah see how my garden grows?”

I smiled back knowing (hoping) how this was going to pan out and peeled off my Tee shirt, picked up my beer, and lay back again.

“Not enough, not fair, here we are baring almost everything and there’s you with those stupid cargo shorts covering the interesting bits!”

I played along and unconvincingly acted out a degree of reluctance, "You can't be serious, You know what I’m wearing under these shorts; practically nothing. What would your sister think?”

“That covering is plenty,” said Nancy. “Tell you what, we’ll do a deal, lose the shorts and we’ll lose the tops. OK by you, Hannah?”

Hannah looked startled but then shrugged, “Sounds like fun.”

The wine had loosened her inhibitions. I looked hard at Nancy to gauge just how serious she was about playing this game and, getting the right signals, I stood up and said, “OK but you go first.”

“Uh uh, you first, drop the shorts or you get no tit!”

Hannah sniggered at the crude turn of conversation.

“Fine, I'll lose the shorts, but, just so you know I’ll be bare arsed, my front will still be covered.

“Yeah, I know but it's a nice covering and I'm sure Hannah will appreciate what you have to show off. OK, I'll compromise, I’ll go first, then you." She looked at her sister for approval and said, "We’ll leave Hannah out of it, she’ll just be an observer.”

Hannah giggled again but did not object to the plan.

“Deal,” I said.

Nancy stood up, reached behind, and unhooked her bra clip. The bikini top fell to the ground, revealing her luscious breasts which I knew so well, and just like when we were displaying ourselves on our naturist beaches, her nipples were erect and proud. There was no doubt that she was getting turned on by our game. She looked at me and the bulge that was beginning to tent my shorts and said, "Your turn."

I stood up and deliberately faced Hannah unsnapped the waistband before slowly pulling down the zipper. I let the shorts drop to my ankles and then kicked them over to join Nancy’s bikini top on the ground.

Hannah stared for several moments at the sight of me wearing just my red posing pouch, then she found her tongue and said, “Wow”. Her head turned from looking at my groin to Nancy’s breasts, then back to me, “Oh my, you're both so nicely tanned. How come you’re both …”

Her voice trailed off and Nancy laughed. “Simple, we’re both nudists on the beach when we go on holiday. You should try it; it's lovely.”

Hannah looked bemused, didn’t know what to say but was very interested in the proposition.

I sat down again and then laid myself flat on the lounger. My cock, still covered by the posing pouch, was beginning to swell and the outline of my developing erection was clear to see. Nancy looked at her sister to gauge her reaction and sensing that she might appreciate getting a clearer view came over to me, and went to the other side of the lounger to not block Hannah’s view of the proceedings. My wife leaned over, kissed me gently, then whispered, “No big deal but if you want I can give you a little hand-job to satisfy her curiosity and to settle her down. I won’t let her touch you if you don’t want.”

Speechless, I just nodded. Nancy kissed me again, and I felt her hand drift down toward my waist where her questing fingers found the end of the silk ribbon around my waist. She tugged and I felt the knot loosening, then her getting hold of the pouch and pulling it free. She took hold of my stiffening cock, and gave it a few soft strokes. I didn't have to look down to know that my erect cock and balls were on full display, stark naked in front of my sister-in-law.

Nancy leaned back and looked over at Hannah, “There, my Amaryllis, like what you see?”

Hannah sat spellbound, speechless, her eyes roaming up and down my nude body. She licked her lips, clearly dry-mouthed. The atmosphere was electric.

Nancy broke the spell. “OK. I’m going in to get a few bits and pieces that'll add to our fun.” She looked at me and added. “Maybe you’d like to entertain Hannah, get yourself a bit more comfy?” raising an eyebrow and glancing deliberately down at my throbbing cock.

I could take the hint. Nancy went off indoors, I stood up and walked over to stand in front of Hannah who was still sitting at the table. Looking straight into her eyes, I cupped my balls with one hand and then stroked my cock with the other. I stood for a couple of moments in front of her then backed off and returned to my lounger.

“So, what do you think?” I asked with a smile.

“Thank you,” she said. “I’ve felt cheated for years. Now I can see what I’ve been missing. I don’t know what to say.”

“No worries, there's a lot more we can share with you. Just sit back and enjoy it. Nancy and I will certainly enjoy showing off for you.”

On cue, Nancy returned carrying a tray on which stood a bottle of baby oil, a large pink vibrator that we often used on each other, and a black silicone cock ring that we knew would fit snugly on my erect cock.

"OK, I think I found everything for your next gardening lesson, ” said Nancy with a knowing smile. "just so you know, I’m going to give him a nice massage and we’ll see what happens. You’ve never seen a man cum, I take it? Trust me, this is fun!” With that she sat on the edge of my lounger, again making sure she didn’t obstruct Hannah’s view.

She lifted my cock and dribbled oil from the bottle before sliding the cock ring onto it and down to its base. “This is what we do to keep him hard for longer,” she said. She took my balls in her hand and began to gently massage them. “You have to be careful doing this, a man's balls are very sensitive. You can easily hurt him if pulled or squeezed too roughly."

I felt her fingertips trace themselves around my balls, just like she does when we are on holiday. "See, how his cock is already beginning to sit up and take notice.”

She was right, my cock was both lengthening and thickening.

Still softly tracing her fingers on my balls, Nancy took her other hand, wet from the oil, and grasped my cock, giving it a few strokes, bringing it to full attention. It felt delightful and I think I purred in appreciation. My sense of pleasure was cut short when Nancy took her hands away to be replaced by a sense of anticipation when she invited Hannah to come closer so she could admire the display more.

Hannah accepted the invite and came over to take up position on the opposite of the lounger; the look of wonderment on her face was a joy to see as she gazed at my cock and balls, now big, stiff, and rampant with a little dribble of pre-cum glistened at the tip.

Nancy stroked me purposefully a few more times, then paused and said to neither of us in particular, " … and then we get creative. Lift up Big Boy..."

Still holding my cock in one hand she reached over to the tray by her side, picked up the pink vibrator with her free hand, switched it on, and slipped it under my upraised bum so that it was snugly placed along my crack and the vibrating tip was solidly up against my anus, “… and now relax.”

She took the bottle of oil and liberally squirted it on my cock and balls, making sure that plenty also covered her hand that was still gripping my shaft. She put the bottle down, cupped my balls, and began to properly wank me taking time to look at her sister checking that her instructions were being well received. Hannah's expression gave nothing away, she seemed to have sunk into an almost trance-like state, her entire focus concentrating on the sight of her sister's hands wanking my cock and fondling my balls.

For myself, I was lost in a world of pleasure as the dildo vibrated against my ass with Nancy now wanking me energetically, working to a rhythm that could only lead to an inevitable conclusion. Through the fog that was in my brain, I heard Hannah's timid voice, “Can I have a feel."

Nancy looked at me; I looked at her and shrugged, “OK by me if it’s OK with you,” I said.

“Hannah, you do know that I might cum if you do touch me," I said.

She looked confused as to why I might be telling her this but I thought I detected a nod of understanding.

"And Nancy will tell you that when I cum it tends to shoot everywhere."

Hannah nodded.

"So I'm thinking we wouldn't like to see that bikini top get all messy, would we .."

She nodded once more.

".. so lose the bikini top!”

Hannah gasped, and Nancy grinned. We could both tell that Hannah was turned on beyond caring.

"Whatever. Cock, I want to feel your cock”

Nancy released her hold and sat back; Hannah leaned forward and reached out.

“Stop!” I reminded her, “Not with your top on”.

No hesitation, she reached behind and unclipped, shrugged forward, and caught the falling top in her hands ******** her delightful tits, not huge or as large as her sister's but firm and proud, and the pink button nipples demonstrated just how turned on she was. I feasted my eyes as she leaned forward, reached out, and wrapped her tiny hand around my throbbing cock. I gasped with pleasure.

Hannah seemed content to stay where she was, not moving at all, either savoring the moment or not believing what she was doing. Nancy intervened. She cupped my balls and then moved her fingers down between my legs towards my butt and the buzzing dildo. On reaching it she pushed it to one side, curled her fingers upwards, and pushed a fingertip up into my bum.

Sparks of pleasure were already firing off when I heard her say to Hannah, “Now, wank him. That's it, stroke him hard.”

Hannah complied and the sparks grew more intense as I jerked and twisted under their ministrations. I felt my climax rising, thinking this wasn’t going to last very long but then, dammit, they both stopped doing whatever it was that they were doing.

"Change hands,” said Nancy and I felt her long fingers completely envelop my shaft (I knew it was Nancy for Hannah's smaller fingers had been unable to wrap themselves around). Without looking I also assumed it was Hannah who was now cupping my balls but more frustrating was that she didn't know what to do with her fingers that were now so close to my anus.

“Show her,” I said to Nancy. Nancy obliged and covering Hannah’s hand with her own gently guided her fingers, rubbing up and down until Hannah made contact with my anus. Nancy crooked their fingers so that they slid slightly inside a warm hole that had been made slick by the pre-cum and oil that had been streaming down from my rampant cock.

Hannah's face was a picture, a mixture of wonder and lust as she softly frigged and tickled my arse and balls. Satisfied that her sister had got the message of what to do, Nancy released her hand and returned to my cock, added more oil, and began a delightful slow pumping action. "… and now, this is what we do so that it's not just him that get's all the fun"

Without changing the rhythm of her slow strokes on my cock she leaned over me and positioned herself so that her luscious tits were enticingly in front of my face. I opened my mouth and with no effort at all I licked and sucked on her nipples. She shuddered in response to my 'suckling' and I was delighted to see that while she was wanking me with one hand that she had begun to frig herself with the other through the fabric of her bikini bottom.

Hannah must have noticed the same thing for she quickly followed suit and clamped her spare hand between her legs.

However, unlike her sister, who had more experience and hence more control, as soon as she did so she began to shudder in ecstasy. In case she hadn't noticed, I pointed out to Nancy, “She’s cumming; she’s having an orgasm!”

Hannah stopped stroking me and said nothing and we both watched delightedly as this timid girl almost fainted as waves of pleasure overwhelmed her. It was a watershed moment, all her inhibitions melted away with her whimpers of delight as her orgasm consumed her innocent body.

Knowing that Nancy was as equally fired up and not wishing to let the moment pass, I found the still buzzing dildo from beneath me, leaned over and pulled Nancy’s bikini to one side, and pushed the thing straight up into her sopping pussy. She stopped stroking me but didn’t let go of my cock, just gripped me harder. Her hips started to move, rocking and squirming around the big vibrating shaft inside her. It took no time at all, with a cry like a muffled scream she came, hard, her whole body shuddering in a dance of ecstasy.

Both girls throughout their orgasms had continued to hold onto me and I was still in their grip, not moving, just panting, they slowly recovered their breath after their shattering orgasms.

I let a few minutes pass then said, “OK girls, glad you’ve had your bit of fun, now it's my turn!”

They both got the message and knew what was required.

Hannah had clearly overcome her ignorance at what she was doing and her finger slipped up and down my crack until suddenly she hit the right spot and her digit slipped inside. She pushed further then curled her finger and started to massage me and waves of pleasure began radiating from the spot. Meanwhile, Nancy resumed the ‘long and strong’, tightly gripping my cock and stroking from base to tip.

I was powerless to either prolong or resist the waves of pleasure that resulted from this 'sister act'. My back arched, leaving just my shoulders and feet in contact with the lounger; I groaned and powerful spurts of spunk erupted from my cockhead, drenching my chest, my belly, Nancy’s hand, and, as predicted, Hannah's chest. Nancy continued to wank me until the spurts slowed to a trickle that dribbled down either side of my balls to coat Hannah’s still-busy fingers. I think I must have died and gone to heaven.

I collapsed back on my lounger and in a while the 'resurrection' took place and I regained my composure. The girls held on for several minutes, admiring their handiwork until my cock shrank back to bathe in the puddle of cum that covered my groin.

Nancy left her sister still softly caressing my balls to go and fetch a damp washcloth and a towel. She returned and gently cleaned me up, dried me, and then as a final act, as if to declare that the day's lessons were over, with an evil grin she leaned forward and planted a kiss on my cock and said, "And that's what we girls do with a cock."

Hannah laughed and said, "Thank you, I've learned so much this afternoon. You've been so kind," but the look on Hannah’s face said she was eager to learn more.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “Today was just a taster. You’ve still got an awful lot to learn about gardening. If you come back next weekend we can show you how we plant an Amaryllis between the petals in a lady's garden”.

“Oh, that sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to it already,” she said knowingly.
