I have always liked sex. Ever since I can remember, I've let boys take my knickers down and play with me. Although I am quite a sex pot, I do try and give the impression that I am a lady. My husband didn't know about my excesses until after we where married. He says that he would have liked to know earlier because he now enjoys my affairs almost as much as I do.

When we where courting, I wanted him for my husband, so I became prim and proper when I was with him. We dated for a long time before a 'nice girl' would allow her boyfriend to take liberties. He of course didn't know that every other night when I was not seeing him I would have 2 or 3 guys fucking me rotten.

When on honeymoon I must have screwed every waiter in the hotel but it wasn't until about 2 months after we where married that my husband found out what a slut that he had for a wife.

We where at the garage having something fixed on the car. Usually I would take the car in to be repaired by myself but for some reason hubby was off work that day so he came along. We where sitting in the waiting room when the Manager called me into his office. He was all very formal, calling me Madam and being very respectful, that is until the office door closed and he just bent me forward across his desk, raised my skirt and as I don't wear any knickers, just proceeded to fuck me.

You will of course have gathered that I was well known here, I had been well fucked by all of the staff and some of their friends on many an occasion. I was really loving this treatment of just being used. Being taken without asking. Just shoving their cocks into me without caring if I want it or not.

Just as the manager shot all his spunk into me, 2 of the mechanics came into the office and took turns fucking me. The first guy had a huge cock but as I was full of the managers come, it went in to my pussy easily.

Hubby told me later that he was wondering what was taking me so long and wandered over to the office. The bottom half of the glass was frosted but by standing on tip toe he could see into the office. All that he could see was a lot of men in coveralls standing around the desk, then as the group opened up to let one of them out, he could see that the man was wiping his cock and just before the group closed in he could see me bare arsed across the desk with come trickling down my thighs. He was immediately turned on and surprised himself by not being annoyed or jealous.

He entered the office quietly and as some of the guys saw him they where alarmed but he put his finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet and as he was wanking his cock, they knew that he wasn't going to make a fuss. He shoved his way in and took a turn fucking me, though I didn't know, then after the others had all had at least one turn each and had gone back to work, he took over again fucking me.

I heard his voice close to my ear saying "I love you" I look around and almost died with shock. "It's alright, I've been here for ages and this is the second time I've fucked you. I wished that you had told me when we where courting that you liked so much sex. We could have been having lots of gang bangs " "Oh yes Darling, fuck me! Fuck me hard!" I almost screamed as he slopped about in all the spunk in my cunt..

When we got home he spent hours sucking on my pussy, he loved to rub his face in it and get covered in spunk. We spent all night having sex and he made me tell him all about my sex life.