Fresh Off The Bus: chapter 4 copyright 2000 by Stormbringer

Ann was in a daze as the taxi pulled up before her apartment. Her pussy hurt, her ass hurt, and her jaw was sore. Sperm dripped out of her pussy and ass, soaking the insides of her sweat pants. She paid the cab driver and entered her apartment.

Ann sighed with relief when she locked the door behind her. She was nervous carrying around so much money in her pocket. Ann took out the big wad of money and counted it again. Fifty one hundred dollar bills were in her hand with more to come. Tyrone hadn't had her bonus money available and she would be picking up the rest later.

Things had gotten out of hand at the video shoot, but the sex had been incredible and the money would be enough to start off somewhere on a new, legitimate career.

Three days later, Ann looked at the wad of cash and wondered where the thousand dollars she had spent already had gone to. Sure, she had eaten at some of New Yorks finest restaurants and bought some expensive wine, but a thousand dollars?

That evening, Ann turned on the bath water and sat on the toilet to watch the tub fill with water. She had called Tyrone to see if the rest of her money was there yet. He had replied, no and asked her to come in to make another video. Ann had refused, but immediately her pussy had started gushing when she pictured his cock.

She was still horny as she sat and watched Tyrone slowly rise up in the tub as the water level rose. Ann stripped and climbed in, sighing as the warm water engulfed her body. She relaxed for a moment before shaving her legs and crotch, her eyes flickering over to Tyrone floating around as she shaved and rinsed herself.

Ann grabbed Tyrone and laid back in the tub. She brought the dildo up to her mouth and kissed the head, before sliding her lips around the tip. Ann licked around the dildo and then started sliding it down her body running it over her breasts and belly before bringing it down to her crotch.

"Fuck me Tyrone," she whispered as she pushed the plastic cock into her pussy. The dildo easily slid into her and she slowly began working it in and out of her pussy. Her body started flailing as her thrusts increased and her pussy exploded in orgasm.

Ann turned over on her hands and knees in the water. She reached between her legs and started moving the dildo again. "I love your cock," she said, imagining herself on the set again, with Marks cock rubbing on her ass and Latrell standing before her. She came again, but it was missing something.

An hour later, Ann was wearing her baseball cap and sunglasses as she stared at the black dildoes on the wall. She had already found Mark, but Latrell was proving difficult. Then her eyes fell on a nice foot long dildo, a little thicker then Latrell, but she wouldn't be complaining. She took her prizes up to the counter to pay for them. As the clerk was ringing her up, she noticed a movie display being set up near the front door. She grabbed her bag and proceeded to the exit, slowing to look at the display.

The movie was called, The Lifeguard's slut and sold for $24.95. Lying on the floor being put together was a giant cardboard cut out of Tyrone and...

Everyone in the store turned to stare at Ann as her scream echoed through the building. Ann noticed Tyrone and herself on the cover of the video and the display was covered with blurred out scenes from the movie. Ann saw the cashier approaching and ran out the door. "Hey, that's the girl in the...." she heard follow her as she fled the store.


"NYPD, Angela DeSabitini speaking," the voice on the phone sounded tired.

"I'd like to report a possible crime," said Ann crying.

"Name please."

"I'd prefer to remain anonymous," she replied.

Ann told the cop her story starting from the beginning. The cop interrupting her to ask questions from time to time. When she was done, the cop said, "Your asking me to believe that there is some group of pornographers preying on naive young tourists?"


"Do you realize that making an adult movie is illegal and that you broke the law?"


"What do you want from the police?"

"I want the money they owe me so I can go home."

"Do you have a copy of the contract?"


"Did you even sign the contract?

"No maam," she said sobbing into the phone.

"What was the name of this organization?"

"E&I Modeling," said Ann hearing the cop suck in her breath sharply.

"Would you be willing to testify against them?"

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," said Ann hanging up the phone.

Ann tossed and turned all night. Tyrone had lied to her about the magazine and about the video. What if he had lied to her about the distribution of the magazine and even now, people in her home town were reading it? Ann felt ill. Even now men were buying her porno in stores all over New York. Ann thought of hundreds, no thousands of men watching her sucking and fucking three black men, getting hard ons as they watched, thousands of wads erupting from thousands of cocks. Ann expected to feel sick again, but instead her pussy was itching at the thought of getting all those men off.

Ann was lying on her stomach slowly pushing Mark into her ass, Tyrone already buried in her pussy, when the doorbell rang. She was nearing orgasm and decided to ignore it. The bell rang again, then someone pounded on the door. "Police, open up," yelled a female voice.

The color drained from Ann's face. "Just a minute," she yelled. Ann pulled the dildo's out and quickly pulled a robe on.

The doorbell was ringing again as she pulled the door open. A young attractive woman in police uniform was standing in the hall. She was short, but looked capable of handling herself. The police woman was tanned and had long, curly, black hair pulled back in a bun on her head.

"I'm officer DeSabitini," said the woman, "You spoke with me on the phone yesterday."

"No, you must be mistaken, I..."

"I have you on caller id," said the cop. "If you want to remain anonymous, don't call from your home."

"What do you want from me?" said Ann, fearing she was about to be arrested.

"I want to talk to you about the E&I modeling agency."

"Come in then," said Ann, closing the door behind the cop.

They sat down at the table, staring at each other. Ann saw the cop's eyes flicker over to the dildos on her bed and she felt her face flushing in embarrassment. "Have you ever heard the name Solomon King?" asked the cop suddenly.

"No," replied Ann.

"You would if you were from New York. Solomon King is a millionaire businessman. In public, he's a generous, charitable, philanthropist, but in reality, he's suspected of being involved in prostitution, drugs, extortion, and pornography. The list goes on."

"What's he have to do with me?'

"His organization is called, E&I enterprises."

That name rang a bell and then it hit her. "That's who published the magazine," said Ann resting her hand on the magazine.

The cop turned the Ebony and Ivory magazine over and began leafing through it as Ann watched. "Why do people buy this crap," said the cop frowning. "All those doctored pictures. It just isn't real."

"What do you mean "doctored" pictures?"

"You know making the penises look so big."

"Oh those cocks are real," said Ann as the cop arrived at Ann's layout.

The cop looked at Tyrone's cock and shook her head in disbelief. "How come you ripped some of the pictures out?"

Ann blushed again, remembering the pictures she had taped on the door. She didn't answer.

"Listen Ann," said the cop.

"How do you know my name?"

"From your mailbox downstairs. Ann, I need you to help me get Solomon King. All I need is for you to testify about what happened to you since you got off the bus. If I can get a warrant, I can search this modeling agency and if I can come up with anything connecting them to Mr. King, we can bust him.

"I'm not sure."

The cop leaned forward. "Ann, this Latrell character was waiting for an innocent girl like you to prey on. Think how many more girls might get taken advantage of if we can't stop him."

Ann thought about what had happened to her since arriving in New York, the suggestive scenes with Mark, the nude layout where they were supposed to doctor her features. lying about the video, her accidentaly giving Tyrone the go ahead to fuck her, and worst of all not getting all the money she was owed. How many girls had there been before her? How many girls would there be if E&I wasn't stopped? "I'll testify," said Ann.


Ann gulped when the cab pulled up at the warehouse. Officer DeSabitini had told her not to go anywhere near the warehouse, but Tyrone had called and said he had her money. She was going home tonight and would return if Angela needed her to testify. Hopefully, her statement would get Angela a warrant and they would find enough on King to bust him without even needing her.

Ann walked past a black limo, parked before the warehouse and she entered the building. It was dusk and the warehouse was deserted. There was no sign of Latrell or Suzie, and Carol wasn't sitting at her desk. Tyrone's door was closed, so she softly knocked on it.

"Enter," said a deep voice.

Ann opened the door and stepped into the office. A strange black man was sitting behind Tyrone's desk. Even seated, she could tell he was a giant of a man. His head was completely shaved and he sported a goatee. He was very handsome, but the beard gave him a sinister appearance. His suit was an Armani and she could see a gold rolex on his wrist. Everything about him from his dress to his mannerisms exuded wealth, power, and a complete self-confidence.

"Hello Miss Dutton," said the man. "My name is Solomon King."

Ann backed up a step when the crimelord named himself. She turned and looked at the door, but an ugly, massive black man had appeared out of nowhere to block the exit. He was hideous. His face was dark black, with a crooked nose, big lips, and crooked teeth. He was more fat then muscles, and he completely filled the doorway.

Solomon King stood up and came around the desk, and leaned back against it. He was around six and a half feet tall and looked to have even more muscles then Tyrone. He looked a cross between Tyrone and Latrell. Latrell's height and looks, with Tyrone's bulk and confidence. "I own Ebony and Ivory Enterprises," continued the black man. Ann thought he sounded like James Earl Jones. "And I own you."

"You don't own me," said Ann sounding more defiant then she felt. "Just give me my money so I can go."

"I don't have it on me," said Solomon with a smug look on his face. "I'll have to put a check for the amount in this envelope and mail it to you." He picked up a manilla envelope and handed it to Ann.

Ann turned white when she saw her parents address on the envelope. She knew without looking what would be inside, but she looked anyway. The envelope was filled with pictures. Her and Mark, her and Latrell, and of course her and Tyrone. There was even a picture of Suzie shaving Ann's pussy, meaning there had to be a camera behind the mirror in the dressing room.

"See I do own you. Now unless you want your parents getting that envelope, you're going to do exactly what I tell you to do."

Ann would of cried, but she had used up all her tears in the last few days. "What do you want from me?"

"Three things. First, my informants tell me a statement you gave a cop was submitted before a judge asking for a warrant to search these premises. That statement has disappeared. You are to break off all contact with the police. Second, you are now an employee of E&I. Any black employee of the company has access to your body whenever they want you. You're to do what you're told, go where you're told, Your mind and body will be assigned duties that match your abilities."

"So I'm some sort of sex slave?" asked Ann shivering, but thinking it wouldn't be that bad to have someone else do all her thinking for her.

"Not exactly Ann. If you have a head for business, you might become Vice President, though any black man will still have access to your body, from me, to Bull here, or even a dishwasher in one of my restaurants."

Ann turned to look at Bull, who flashed her a toothless grin. "And third?"

"Third," said Solomon, "Come suck my dick." Ann glanced over at the envelope and then at the impressive bulge in Mr King's pants. Her nipples had popped out and she felt her pussy gushing. He was still leaning on the desk as she sat in a chair before him and grabbed his thick member through his expensive, Italian pants. She reached up and undid his belt, pulling it out through the loops. She unbuttoned his pants and began unzipping them. Ann knew what his cock would look like before she even saw it and she was right.

When she pulled his boxers down, his cock sprang up, hard as a rock. It was the most perfect thing she had ever seen. Solomon's cock was as long as Latrell's and as thick as Tyrone's. It seemed carved from ebony, crisscrossed with big blue veins, and a plump head the size of a small apple. His balls were even bigger then Tyrone's. They hung halfway to his knees and she couldn't imagine the amount of sperm they must produce.

Ann fell in love with that cock the moment she saw it. She stroked the thick shaft with the palm of her hand, feeling it throb with each stroke. She leaned forward, stuck out her tongue, and licked the tip of the plump head.

She swirled her tongue around it, teasing the pee slit, then licking along the flared ridge. Ann kissed the tip, then moved down the shaft, forgetting she was being blackmailed and focusing only on satisfying Solomon's massive member.

Ann lifted the shaft and kissed each of his hairy testicles, before moving her mouth back up to the head. Ann parted her lips and placed them over the head of Solomon's cock. She held her lips tight as she pushed forward, the head entering her mouth. She sucked up then down, pushing another inch, then two inside her mouth.

Ann attacked his cock like a madwoman, sucking more and more in. It wasn't as hard doing him as the other black men she had sucked off. Her throat seemed to be getting used to having a thick cock or dildo in it.

At ten inches, Solomon moaned and grabbed the back of her head as he thrust the last two inches in. Behind her, she heard Bull grunt his approval at her oral skills.

Solomon took over after that. He grabbed her cheeks and began pushing and pulling her head along the entire length of his cock. His hands were big and powerful, completely engulfing the sides of her head. With little effort those strong hands could crush her head and she felt weak and powerless as she kneeled before him, sucking his cock. She had also never felt more alive in her life or more like a woman. Her body was on fire, aching to have his long, fat cock slamming into her.

Her only purpose in life was to please the man holding her life in his hands. She was so confused by her feelings, that she was only vaguely aware that his cock had started growing over the last several minutes. The head had become so big that the increased friction in her throat was slowing his thrusts. He came when the head was in her mouth. One second there was nothing, the next, her entire mouth was full of cum. His first wad had completely filled her mouth, before he shoved his cock into her throat forcing sperm out the sides of her mouth. She felt another large wad shoot down her throat as the hard ridge on the top of his cock scraped her the top of her throat. Ann felt his cock spasm as Solomon held his entire cock in her. It jerked several more times and even more sperm shot into her belly. He slowly removed his cock from her throat, leaving the head in her mouth as he continued to cum. It took two wads to fill her mouth now, as she greedily swallowed his sperm. Then it took three jerks of his cock to fill her mouth with sperm. Finally, his cock settled down, but it continued to pump sperm into her mouth in a steady stream.

Ann was in a daze as Solomon pulled his cock out and wiped it off on her face. Her stomach felt full and bloated, like she had drank too much. She was vaguely aware of being effortlessly lifted by strong arms and carried from the room.

The next thing Ann knew was that her clothes were being ripped off and she was moaning as Solomon unhooked her bra and gently teased her nipples with his mouth and tongue. Somehow, he had managed to remove his clothes and his muscular, hard body was covering hers. She felt his cock nudging against her wet pussy and she spread her legs, wrapping them around his ass.

She moaned and thrashed as the tip of his cock entered her giving her an orgasm. His thrusting member met little resistance as it continued to force it's way deep into her pussy, milking more orgasms from her body. Solomon began pounding her hard, harder the Tyrone had, harder then she had ever been fucked before. His thrusts were so powerful the entire bed as bucking beneath his thrusts. The leaping bed forcing her pussy up to meet each thrust of his cock.

Ann became aware of a constant screaming sound and realized it was coming from her own throat as she came constantly. Her nails were digging into his back as he fucked her like a wild animal.

Solomon's weight left her and she gasped for fresh air, missing the feeling of his body crushing hers. He hadn't quit though. He hooked his arms under her knees and lifted her entire ass off the bed until her pussy was level with his cock. He began fucking her hard again. Ann could see Latrell and Tyrone now that Solomon's body wasn't blocking her view. They were standing on either side of the bed holding cameras and taping the action, but she didn't care any more, she loved being fucked by strong men. Tyrone was zooming in on Solomon's foot long cock slamming in and out of her pussy and Latrell was running his camera along her body, capturing the look of ecstasy on her face, her sperm coated chin, and her erect nipples.

"Here it cums," yelled Solomon. Tyrone and Latrell turned, both focusing their cameras on his cock.

Ann felt him cum again. His sperm striking places untouched deep in her pussy and she had the biggest orgasm of her life. Solomon's cock kept cumming as he thrust it in and out of her pussy his thrusts churning his sperm, forcing it deep into her womb. She looked up in time to see him pull his cock out, covered in his sperm and her juices, as it shot a large wad of sperm that left a string from her nipples to her belly button.

Solomon was close to being finished. He pointed his cock down at her shaved crotch and stroked a few more drops of semen onto her body.

Ann just laid on the bed, arms and legs spread, staring at the ceiling. She was vaguely aware of Solomon walking around naked smoking a cigarette occasionally talking to Latrell or Tyrone. Bull walked over to the bed and unzipped his pants, pulling out a gargantuan cock.

"No, please don't..." she muttered staring at it. The black monster was the biggest, ugliest thing she had ever seen. It was bigger and thicker then Solomon's, bigger then her forearm. He was uncircumsized, the head peeking out at her as big as an orange. His balls were as big as the cantaloupes her mom grew every summer. Bull's cock was some kind of freakish abomination.

"Shit bitch," said Bull. "I knows you can'ts handle this mutha. Just jerk me off."

Ann sighed with relief and sat up on the bed. She wrapped both fists around the shaft and began jerking his cock. It was dry, so she tried to coat her palms with the copious amount of precum pouring out of the pee slit, but it wasn't enough. She saw a jar of vaseline shoved in front of her face and looked up to see that Latrell had moved in close again with the video camera and was handing her the vaseline. Ann took the vaseline and began coating Bull's cock with it. It took half the bottle to cover the entire fifteen inch dark black shaft. She did a practise stroke and satisfied he was well lubricated, she began jerking him off.

Thankfully, Bull kept his shirt on covering his fat belly, but she was still disgusted when it jiggled as she stroked him off. He was also breathing heavy and sweat was pouring off his brow. Wet marks were spreading across his shirt under his arms.

He began thrusting forward into her hands, his cock hurting her as it poked her in the forehead, coming dangerously close to her eye. She moved her head back away from the striking black snake.

Ann watched fascinated as the head emerged from the foreskin with each stroke. It was growing, fattening, hardening, and she knew he was close. Tyrone and Latrell zooming in on the tip to capture his orgasm.

Bull was grunting now and his thrusts were becoming uneven. The pee slit opened, staring at her, almost as big as a human eye. Ann closed her eyes just in time. She felt like someone had thrown a handful of hot pudding on her face with a force that almost stung her. The force of his orgasm caused her to rear her head back and open her mouth. A second wad as big as the first flew into her mouth, choking her until she gurgled it down.

Ann felt sperm in her hair, coating her forehead, and running down her cheeks. She tried to open her eyes, but more sperm covered them until she wiped it away with her hands. She got them open in time to see him point his cock down at her breasts and she felt his hot seed hit her nipples as he continued coming.

When he was done, Bull just shoved his dirty, vaseline covered cock into his pant and went back over to guarding the door. Ann licked some of his sperm from around her lips, thanking god that he hadn't tried to fuck her. She wanted to go home, but apparently Solomon had other ideas. He climbed on the bed with her, his cock hard once again.

Ann looked at him amazed at his stamina. The look he gave her showed he was disgusted with her sperm coated body. He smacked her thigh and she rolled over getting up on all fours. Solomon wasn't gentle with her. He shoved his meaty cock into her pussy and grabbed her ass cheeks with both hands. He was treating her like a slut and she loved it. She was a slut, she loved fucking Tyrone and Latrell and Solomon. Deep down she had even enjoyed jerking off Bull.

Solomon grabbed the jar of vaseline and began coating her rectum with vaseline, circuling around it with his finger, slowly pushing it in past the nail and up to the knuckle. He removed his finger and she felt his thumbs spreading her ass hole open. He began fucking her hard again. So hard she thought the bed would break, so hard he pushed her head down into the pillow until only her ass was thrusting up into the air. So hard, she only felt a moments pain as he pushed his thumbs into her ass hole and she started cumming again.

He fucked her hard for ten minutes, while sliding his thumbs into her ass, pulling them apart to stretch her out. When he was done, he pulled his cock out and she heard him in the vaseline jar again. Ann felt Solomon 's cock slide between her cheeks until he stopped and rested the head against her rectum. She felt him push down, the head entering her ass with little pain.

Ann felt his slimy, vaseline covered hand grab her ass cheek and he began forcing is cock into her. Soon Solomon was fucking her ass as hard as he had her pussy, though he was only able to get about ten inches inside her.

Ann lost all track of time as his thrusts pushed her into the pillow for what felt like an eternity, until with one mighty thrust, she felt his sperm filling her ass, rising to the top as he pulled his cock out, trickling out her ass hole and down her crack as he removed it and shot more sperm onto her cheeks and back.

Solomon spanked her and she rolled over. Ann looked up at him smiling, though she knew she must look horrible with dried sperm covering her body and caking her hair. Solomon smiled back and said, "Welcome to E&I Enterprises."



The landlord let Angela into Ann's apartment and she had a look around. A rent check was sitting on the table and the landlord greedily snatched it up and left her alone to look around. About half Ann's stuff was gone. The closet was still full of baggy clothes, Knee length skirts, and heavy sweaters. Her toothbrush and cosmetics were gone from the bathroom. Angela closed the door and saw the pictures of Ann and the black man taped on the door. She kneeled and looked at them, running her finger along the hard black cock Ann was sucking in the photograph. She knew it had to be faked, but tears welded up in her eyes as she remembered sucking on Tony's fat Italian sausage before the thug's bullet had left him paralysed from the waist down two years ago. Luckily, she had been pregnant with Maria at the time and they were able to have a ******.

Ann stood up, surprised to see that Ann had left three large black dildos sitting on the bed. Hopefully, wherever Ann had went, she had gotten her act together and wouldn't be needing them anymore. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and decided to let the landlord throw the disgusting sex toys away.

Angela was on her way out when she noticed the message light blinking on the answering machine. She pressed it and listened hoping for a clue. "You slut," said a woman's voice. "How dare you fuck that jungle bunny. My ********* a whore. Someone emailed those pictures to all your fathers coworkers and even the pageant judges. Your father's had a stroke cause of you, you ungrateful little bitch. I'm not going to have a slut for a ********." The woman hung up.

Angela shook her head and walked down to the squad car. Her partner Jim was driving. She sighed when she saw his eyes staring at her breasts as she sat down beside him. "Any luck?" he asked, his white teeth standing out against his black face.

"She's gone," said Angela. "Just drive." Angela thought of her two year old ********. She would do everything she could to protect her from men like Solomon King when she grew up. This was her city and no one was going to prey on naive young women as long as she wore a badge.

The squad car pulled out onto the bust street and sped off into the traffic.


Solomon walked over to the cabinet and filed the video labeled "Ann Dutton," alphabetically right after Mayor Dunleavy. He stepped back and admired his growing collection of blackmail videos, before securing the cabinet.

He lit a cigarette and put his hands in his robe as he walked out on his balcony overlooking central park. He had two sluts waiting for him in his bed, but even his mighty cock was tired from the days work out. It just wasn't the same unless he blackmailed or seduced them away from their husbands and once he had he moved on to the next conquest. He thought of the look on Ann's face when she saw the pictures in the envelope addressed to her parents, and she didn't even know he had already emailed the pictures to everyone back home. He thought of the mayors wife screaming for him to fuck her afer he had sliped excstasy into her wine. He smiled as his cock started growing. Trump had a new super-model girlfriend he had been showing off at the last charity function they had attended. She would make an excellent target. He felt cold air on his cock as it emerged from the folds of the robe. He realized it was now rock hard at the thought of seducing the millionaires girlfriend. Before heading back to the sluts, he took one last look out at the city, his city.

The End