Foul Passion: Chapter 2

The lore deepens, Ylva is not the only woman taken into the tribe.


Time passes quickly when one spent it on unrestraint euphoria, as the days turns into weeks, Ylva seen the passing of time in a mix of various quickness. As far as she concerns at the very least a month has passed, yet how much in a month it is, is still slow to come to her, it could either be a month in a half or even already in the late moon going into her second month of stay.

There was no time for her to think clearly as most of the hour she spent these days is being ravaged by Inyene merciless cock with only an hour of rest each time they copulate until his sack is fully refilled with seeds ready to breed her again. The puffiness of her pussy that she and her late husband Ronald often teased to look like an innocent mound is slowly being pounded away, now halfway gone just as her vaginal hole is starting to expand. In truth, it has become wide enough that Ronald’s tiny manhood cannot be felt anymore had he lived to try her now. But despite this month of outrageous and unending thrashing it is still so very tight for Inyene, still tight enough that her inner sweet walls still despairingly struggle to fully wrap around his awesome black girth.


All pores and nerves savagely caressed by him every time he thrust in her, giving Ylva multiple orgasm as he does. widening and loosening until her uterus can only be used for Inyene only. Now, just a minute after he left her in his bed legs spread, her vaginal lips and walls still spasm hopelessly trying to return to their old tight shape again. And just as the many times before, no baby making seeds are escaping from inside her, not even its bubbly trail came out. Inyene made sure every time he thrust and climax that he would firmly plant himself as deep and utterly, until the fading puff of her cunt is smooching his wrinkled hard scrotum, feeling every contraction in each ejaculation.

But for every joyful punishment her cunt would take, her lips and mouth are assaulted just as much…

Inyene is remorseless in kissing her, putting his tribal culture to practice everytime he had even a smidgen of a chance to take her mouth.

His large strong lips are just too much for Ylva to match, the hardened skin of it and their large size will always force her own to fully open, even then, Ylva would’ve opened it regardless just to feel the deep hot orgasm their kiss could’ve made, as her genital would climax along with his. But he never waits for her to take the cue, and would take her by force instead. Yet in all honesty, Ylva loved it, loved the way he would treat her whole body as a tool for passionate fucking.

It's the kissing, Ylva thought, it was and always will be the kissing…

As their lips were completely locked together, Ylva’s own mouth would open wide as Inyene’s tongue slipped in, being welcomed by her own wet tongue, in which his would encircle the pink surfaces of hers, coating it with his liquid spit until the musk of his mouth is fully merge with hers.

Many of his bile would come being pushed out from his throat, forcing Ylva to consume it all, and she did so with sensual glee and giggle, both of them making squelching sounds from their mouths as Ylva sucked any and all secretion that Inyene pushed into her orifice, no different than her pussy and his cock doing the same.

That was but moments ago, as now Ylva just lay on his bed after dozens of passionate couplings they already had done. The sun sets on the horizon, sounds of cricket from beyond the hut. Inyene leaves for now, it’s an unofficial schedule that has been determined, Inyene and Ylva would fuck non-stop, then as night finally comes, he would depart to his many others women to swell their bellies with his descendants.

16 hours spent with Ylva, and whatever else before sleep comes will take the leftover baby-making seeds. Yet, when Inyene came back to his hut, he would take her a couple more times before he fell asleep with his shaft still inside her, then waking up the next morning to continue the ravaging until the sky darkens again.

Their very own music that is put on repeat every day…

Ylva recalled the years she spent with her late husband, they were in love both in bed and in other things, despite the struggle they have in enjoying themselves in the former. He was always loving, always taking care of her when she got sick, injured or stressed in their lives together, even before they were married. He put the gentle in the gentleman, treat her softly in every way, there were never an event of harshness in their life.

When she gave birth to his little baby girls, it was a smooth birth, no complication whatsoever in their natural birthing. Things were much better after them, work promotion came for him and her, they would play, cry and sleep together, a picture-perfect ****** that is now struggling due to his departure. Now, she can’t believe how things have escalate…

With Inyene, it was nothing like that, no such softness and subtle care, no signs of that tender love, but perhaps to Ylva, opening her mind slightly to the days of her stay with him, perhaps calling their times spent together not being tender is not quite right…

Inyene is hulking, ardent, and utterly carnal. The passion he holds is fully barbaric and primal, no touch of modern civilization or the old tradition of gentility. But to say that there is no love would be nothing less than being blind.

To Ylva, it seems the only thing he knows of him is many and less at the same time, something that is difficult to express through words. She knows him from the story he told her at the beginning, of the first time they met in his hut, and the conversation of longing and despair she made of him before and after everytime they fuck. She would plead for him to stop at the first week, but that doesn’t last long as the moment that came after is him on top of her and her begging sensually to give birth to his very black children. A sort of twisted animalistic love.

In fact, Ylva never came out of his hut since the first time she entered it.

And as the first week passed, her request to stop the copulating has turned to a demand for more. Every time the entrance of the hut is opened, she would already be in bed, legs fully spread, her arms behind her hair to signify submission as her nipples hardened, her cunt spasming and waiting to tighten around his huge black cock. Inyene didn’t bother himself to say anything as he always leapt to her immediately and ravage her until she can no longer move, until her entire uterus is clogged with his thick cum.

Eventually, grief and regret would take Ylva again. He is the reason why she will never see her late husband again; the reason Ronald can no longer see his children. And now her heart is conflicted as it and her nether region yearned for Inyene to run rampant inside it, despite knowing what he has done to Ronald. Her widowed womb is now holding Inyene’s offspring, betraying her husband entirely.

She did not bother to try to act surprise of the conception, but instead disappointed, in herself and her own lack of self-control. Ylva still believed she could’ve pushed Inyene away and run away to her car and take plan B on her way home. But instead, the euphoric fucking has let the most sensuous part of her to take over, the itch that has never been scratched. Inyene has unlock a part of her she couldn’t believe could feel so heavenly good, and she doesn’t want to let go from it.

Her belly is already swelling, and its already quite large despite it being a month. Ylva knows that the very first time that she and Inyene met and fucked, he had already inseminated her. The brimming hunger of his pounding has already weakened her, but the utterly filthy passionate kissing made her cervix instinctively opened wider, it choked and squelched trying to accommodate wave after wave of solid cum he had delivered.

Ylva wondered if Inyene truly love her, the way she is now falling in love with him, or perhaps already have with how much he had made her feel only with his body. He already saw the swelling of her belly, he would caress it in every moment he could do so with his one hand and the other would pull her hair back and invade her mouth and make her drink his saliva, which she would gulp eagerly.

It should be revolting to her, it had been… but no longer.

It is part of the tribe’s culture that Ylva couldn’t believe she have not only accepted, but also has become a routine, a sensuality Inyene would always demand of her. Before she came here, even a drool that came from her own mouth would disgust her, chaste kiss she shared from her now dead husband has never escalate further unless in their bedding ceremony, but even that were minimal. Many of the things she would find completely repulsive is now something she finds pleasure in.

The influence Inyene has on her terrifies her more and more each day.

Inyene being one of the dozens of champions of his people is privileged to take in as many foods and water or any kind of nourishment to his liking, just as well he would reward himself with extreme training and hard work that would only lead to him becoming stronger and faster than any other man of the tribe. Despite this, Inyene would drink and eat to many, his body would be extremely nourished from it and made him healthier.

Naturally of course, he would take this chance to make sure to claim Ylva for his own pleasure. Never have Inyene let her drink from a clear water source, each time they would fuck, he would make sure to accumulate as many saliva. It is why even after fully draining his seeds inside her, they would have a session of zealous kissing, and it would last for more than 10 minutes, with each second of those Ylva would swallow the waves of spit to quench her thirst as his tongue is wrapped around hers.

And he loved it, loved her for it. To know that every action Inyene is doing to her is to both take her heart and pollute her body with every mark and filth he can give her. The sounds of her throat gulping his liquid bile to nourish her body and moaning with pleasure as she does so would often excite his black cock again and they would continue their coupling as he takes care of her bodily needs.

Ronald would never make her feel this way, make her feel like a euphoric owned woman, soiling her voluptuous body and defiling her innocence… Inyene has made her moan, whimper, scream and beg for all erotic and disgusting activity only a fully devoted lovers could have. Add as well the contrast of their bodies, his dark black skin and cock appears like an invader conquering her womb.

The complexity of the circumstances is so strange to Ylva. She would feel guilty verily so, but that guilt would multiply the joy. She feels that she has betrayed her husband, which in turn adds to the pleasures that came to her orgasms. She feels regret and contentment at the same time, of a vow broken yet also a burden that she just let go.

Unfortunately, much to their disappointment, Inyene is called again to war one day. Leaving Ylva alone with her thoughts, with her love hole aching for his return. Though this presents an opportunity for her, with him being away, that means Ylva has no schedule to keep, meaning she will be free to explore the rest of the tribe.


Ylva washes herself on the makeshift tub in the hut, the water is clear enough to show the reflection of her figure. Despite the child that is growing inside of her, she still retains the shape of her toned abs, but she figured that they will be gone as the months pass and her belly grows. It Suprises her slightly when she sees the tones of her arms and legs becoming more pronounced, her hips slightly become wider too.

She is sure it was due to the non-stop breeding with Inyene that did it, each session is always intense and fulfilling, no doubt it did good on her body, perhaps the pregnancy adds to it as well. To be frank on Ylva’s perspective, she feels more feminine in body and soul these days, but she supposed it is expected considering the outrageous masculinity Inyene would bring, which would contrast her womanly nature.

She took a short bath with the soap and shampoo that she brought with her, washing away the smell of rampant sex. There is still soreness on her buttocks and hips, and also all over her body though not as harsh. It is a delicate and lovely pain that she loves to have, there are also bruises on her bottom cheeks, a mark Inyene would always give her and she is sure would not be gone any time soon.

Her amber orange-red hair and fair pale skin are already vibrant and glowing, whether it is due to the pregnancy or all the fucking she can’t tell. Either way, now that Inyene is away, this would be the chance for her to know the tribe that has taken her Ronald’s life and interest. The ache still persists of the loving husband she just lost, so she would mourn through knowing the very people that knows his last memories.

When she walks out from the hut, it did not escape her that she is still in an African morning where the heat is not yet kind to her, so she simply wore a tight vest and short shorts both that clings tightly to her skin. As the sun touches her, the bright light is slowly dispersed from her sight for her to finally see the many huts scattered down under from Inyene’s one.

It is a small journey going from her now lover’s abode to the other tribe’s men areas, though she could use the exercise despite the sweaty love making she had with Inyene every day. Fortunately, the path is smooth from use and she did not struggle as she goes. Yet as each footstep brings her closer to her destination, many sounds also came with it, it is a familiar one but the revelation came only when she reaches the entrance of what seems to be a residential area of many shacks.

Parade after parade of sounds of women moaning and screaming with bliss along with the men guttural grunts…

Then as Ylva started to pass some of these homes, another sound came that accompanied the voices, loud smacks of the wet flesh, gurgling, whimpering and murmurs of sweet love. She knew that the libido of the men here is high, but this early in the morning? with almost all of these huts occupied? There is no subtlety of what could these sounds mean with only the walls hiding them from sight, but not all of their entrances are covered…

She saw all of them, all of the women and men in the midst of their sweet baby-making process. All the men are the typical of this tribe, Strong black men, chiseled muscles, some handsome, some ugly and masculine in face and body with greatly-endowed cocks. But the women are VARIED, Whites, Asians, Indians, Latinas, Arabians and Africans, being plowed and seeded in each of these huts.


She knows that the men here take woman from in and out of the tribe, but not to the extent that the other races almost outnumbered the African woman. Questions came to her on how does this tribe could even have the resources or even the reach to get this diverse lot of females, her journey from the airport to this place she has seen little to no woman that is not of African descent. How far reach is their influence?

Another thing entirely is the fact that these women, who are either in the process of being turned into a mother of black African children or have their bellies already large with babies, are all so gorgeous. All of them held the beauty known from their respective races along with having bodies that came close to rivalling luscious models, none of them are less than cute or pretty in appeal. What on earth is going on here!? Ylva thought.

She likes to think she has a good pattern recognition capability and this whole phenomenon does not equate to a sensible deduction, how could these women could end up here instead of in college or some model agency? She ended this with the conclusion that there has to be more cog in the machine for these incidents to occur, someone must be pulling strings.

Then came footsteps that came from her left, the sound of tribal children running and passing her with glee, some of them stopped to gawk at her and tell her she is pretty and beautiful like an angel in their language and continues to flee to somewhere they can play, she picked up more than a few words of the language on her stay here. Afterwards came the very first and only woman that Ylva saw outside, stark naked other than the tribal frills from her bracelet and ankle wear.

This woman has fair white skin similar to her, but with Brunette long straight hair that parts above the forehead and blue sharp eyes with sultry brow, beautiful just like all the rest of them, her thin lips make her look like a fay. Her bare body shows that she is also pregnant, though unlike Ylva, this woman seems to be in her late trimester, with her belly looking ready to plop out an army.

“Go on, go after your brother and sisters…” The woman says, to another African toddler beside her legs. The child takes her cue and ran with glee to their other siblings.

“Hello there, you must be new here.” The woman said, “I have to say, it has been a while since I saw another white woman outside, most of them here has been rather busy birthing out black babies left and right and the other ones that don’t are busy making them.” As the woman came closer, there is actually another child sleeping on her back, his little arms wrapped around her neck. “My name is Lilian, what’s yours?”

“Ylva…” She answered, unblinking as her sight wanders from Lilian and the baby behind her. “This is the first time I saw a Caucasian woman too, honestly.” She said with a chuckle.

“Ylva, that’s a Gaelic name, right?” Lilian asked rhetorically, “Damn, look at you, you look beautiful and strong. No wonder your name has been said more than a few times these last weeks, your lover is Inyene right?”

“R-right… wait, I’m sorry… you’re pregnant…” Ylva said, halfly realizing in the end of how blunt she is.

“Hah! Perceptive, who would’ve thought you have eyes know how to use’em.” She gestured towards her to follow, “Come on Ylva, I’m getting used to the heat, but why bother braving it when you don’t have to. My shack is near here, I’ll lead the way.”

Did she say I’ve been talked about here? Ylva thought, the other woman has already moved away before she can confirm it.


Before they would arrive on Lilian’s shack, they’ve talk for a short while. It turns out some women are free today, as their lovers are currently out to battle along with Inyene, including Lilian’s lover who goes by the name of Ajani. In fact, Lilian has been in this tribe for 10 years, and had been with Ajani together for almost 8. As they speak of these topics, Ylva would pay attention to this woman’s strut of confidence, unlike her, Lilian seems to move like she knows the habitat.

Naturally with that inference, she can’t help but ask where Lilian is from. She answered that she was born and raised in Europe, Luxembourg, and had come to this tribe due to a professional work. This chat carries on without stop as they entered her shack, “I was actually working as a reporter for a news network, coming here to find out the reason for the whole wars and unrest. A lot of things escalate the moment I step foot on this country.”

She puts the black baby on her back on the crib on the corner of the hut.

Lilian offered a sit on the small table on the center of the room, in which she would sit beside Ylva after she grabbed a mug filled with cold chocolate milk on both of her hand, she gave one to Ylva. With both woman having their drink on hand, Lilian resumes her tale, “I expected to find insurgent groups with modern weapons fighting a revolutionary cause, instead I find myself here…”

Her story is much less tragic compared to Ylva, although she supposed that depends on what view the listener takes it in. Lilian elaborated that she officially works independently, meaning her name is not in any big networks. But she is well known in the circles of journalists and reporters for having an accurate information whilst using less than scrupulous means, which usually ranges from trespassing and use of false identification, or similar works as such for her to access clandestine intel.

News networks often offered her agreements that pays big money without sacrificing her own valued independence, hence she is well-off without a reputation that goes into the open public. Lilian thought that her venture here in African wilds, where conflict of unknown source and reasons would just be another day that she’d spent following her usual procedure. But plans are often altered with factors not accounted or considered, especially on the largely undocumented tribal plains.

A decade ago, when she was exploring the African range, Lilian was present and hidden on the sides when an Almagtig tribe were fighting insurgent groups from the middle east escaping from their oppressive governments and have taken refuge through the tribe’s territory, both parties met each other on the fields, both sides were speaking at first until eventually it escalates into combat.

She didn’t clarify on the battle itself, simply said that the insurgent group was tired and their capabilities are sub-par, thus unsurprisingly the Almagtig tribe who have cultivated their ways of strength from its foundation has prevailed. Not willing to let the men dies, many of the refugee civilians urges to surrender, recognizing the losing fight the insurgent soldiers conceded, the tribe demand them to give up all of their weapons before speaking of parley.

Many of the insurgents lived to regret that decision, as the demands are obviously sacrilege to them, yet it matters not in the end as they have no choice but to agree to it or else they would die anyway. As Ylva asked what the deal was, Lilian chuckled before answering. “Woman…” She says, “Wives, ********* and mothers or those that are not taken yet, it doesn’t matter. The tribe always wants woman.”

This demand led to more than a few men from the insurgent group fighting back, but they are either held back by their other flocks or have been defeated nonetheless by the Almagtig. Not willing to see the torment of their husbands, brothers and sons, most of the woman accepted the tribe’s deal and that would be the last day these women would ever see be seen. As they ride to their home, Lilian followed them back here.

As for the insurgents, most of them have lived and has taken refuge on other nations willing to take them in. Some even thrived and came back here to find their wives again, but to no avail. The tribe is well hidden to those not invited or skilled, like Ylva and Lilian herself respectively, and the government of the country finds this to be an invasive act against their culture and would be apprehended by basis of international humanitarian law, so they never succeeded.

Despite the fact that Lilian has years of experience in keeping herself hidden, she was caught in the end, right on the outskirts of the tribe’s entrance, the guards saw her on the thick branch of the tree taking pictures, and took her down and brought her inside their community. Though only in hindsight she knows that they always knew she was around, they were after all masters of their habitat and body.

Lilian was more fortunate than the other women that has been taken by the tribe, stating her profession and guiling her way by saying that she is under international protection means the men of the tribe cannot touch her, it seems having been in conflict even with the nation’s government has led to the chiefs of many powerful tribes to recognize international terms.

Of course, this apparently doesn’t last long considering her swollen belly very much plain to see by Ylva, but the reporter woman says that she will get to that in time. Smiling with excitement, Lilian finally can get to the part that she enjoys to recount. After being let go and having the permission to explore the area by the chief of the tribe, without the fear of being sexually assaulted by the tribal men.

She saw many of the insurgent Arabian women being carried bridal style or on the shoulders by the tribe’s men, some carried as much as three, others only one woman. Each of these men immediately brought them to their own respective huts, curious on the work of culture, naturally Lilian would watch them through the entrance of these shacks that are mostly not covered. Of course, what happened in there is already something both Ylva and Lilian already knew.

Naturally at first these Arabian women were disinclined by the advances or terrified at worst, hating the tribe for hurting their men and taking them away. But then as they are dragged to their shacks and huts and saw their would-be black lover’s cock, they either held their breath, blushed or speechless by the vista. Unfaithful thoughts came to them, and without intention they excrete their passionate fluids from their holes, their breast eventually follows suit, becoming to tight to hide their glands.


These African tribe’s men wasted no time to rip apart the clothing and burkas, savagely lock their lips with them and ram their tight pussies with their monster black cocks. Lilian was quite stunned on the quickness of these tribal men in the procedures of mating, they did not even bother to bath themselves or let the women acclimate for a long moment. All of the tribal men swiftly discard their loincloth, some even didn’t wear them in the first place, going into battle naked with spears or guns.

Lilian explained that at the time, they didn’t have much time to take in the sight, as they were pushed immediately to the bed. “It was a surreal time for me back then as well. I heard muffled protest and unusual grunting for half a minute, and then it turns to immediate moans and screams of pleasure, with the sounds of wet smacks of skin-to-skin.” Lilian said.

Whatever images that she elaborated to Ylva are the things that both of them already knew from their time living and passing through the homes of these tribes, short as it is for Ylva. Which are nothing less than the fierce heated mouth-to-mouth and the unending invasion of these Arabian sacred uterus, a succulent act that ends only until the satisfaction of the tribal men and their women's sweet wombs bestowing them children.


Which as Ylva experienced, would not take long as Lilian confirmed. All of the women taken by the tribe would almost straightaway be impregnated on the first day. These Almagtig men will go round after round and until morning until their sacks are empty, the only time they stop is when they are called for a task or training. But then again, that respite would only last a short while, which Ylva also knew so well.

“Remember, they have been doing this for more than a millennium… Maybe even on the epoch of this continent for all I know.” Lilian elaborates, “I mean take a look at their bodies, taller, stronger and more masculine in shape than the ordinary men. I once brought one of these men to a specialist back on Luxembourg, did you know that their penises have multitudes more nerves than the average men? And that they produce ten times the sperm in 15 minutes than the average men can in a week?”

If it was surreal moments ago, it’s downright dazing now to Ylva, the discussion has intensified to topics she didn’t expect to hear…

Lilian explained further that natural selection on this continent of Africa is always extreme and unending, there were never any progress on civil advancement, things were just to dangerous and unrestrainedly hostile for there to be any pursuits other than the physical capability. Animals and other tribes of African men will always invade too many times and to quickly with little intervals, that the men have to be ready and alert almost all if not all the times they are alive.

The weak is easily eliminated here, and more so to the Almagtig tribe, for unlike the tribes that lives on the edges and resourceful centers of Africa, they are well hidden in the core of the continent and just as dangerous as it was during the time of their inception. Civilization never reaches here properly since resources are lacking so no incentives, predators of all kind roams around and war came here often by other tribes, a tribal tradition from the olden times.

Hence the men of the Almagtig tribe have adapted so much to their very genes and blood, better and greater than even the strength and durability of the most elite of Olympian athletes, skin deep dark brown or coal black, stamina that essentially never end, with a strength-ability based hierarchy society or so she says.

“Especially their black cocks!” Lilian excitedly remarked, “With so many dangers and death around, the one that survived are those who are not only awesomely strong, but also exceptionally virile to make as many children they can. This song is put on repeat throughout their history, and they get better and better as the years passed until the very tribe you see now. One man here can inseminate dozens of dozens of women in a day, maybe even more than a hundred, I don’t even know if I’m exaggerating!”

Ylva felt his groin drench with her vaginal juice from all those stories Lilian have told, even more now after the historical and biological account. Lilian is the same as well, grinning slyly at Ylva as her love seeps down onto her thighs and ankles. Their silent indulgences were abruptly ended however, as another loud noise came somewhere close, the baby on the crib cries once more, a cute shrill that rang the whole hut.

“Oh, sorry about that…” Lilian simply spoke, getting up with a bit of a struggle due to her heavy stomach. She took the crying infant on the crib to carry, cooing to it like a mother, before she finds out the reason for its complaints. She took the child to her breast, feeding it as its cries turns to a satisfied whimper. “Can’t rest for more than half an hour in here, not complaining though, it is a fulfilling work.” Lilian says. Smiling looking at the child.

“Lilian, can I ask you something?” Ylva said, the other woman simply gave a hum, awaiting further words. “The child you’re holding is yours, isn’t it?”

“Hahaha! Of course, sweetheart.” Lilian answered with a chuckle. “What? You think I just randomly breastfed someone else’s kid? I don’t I think I have time for that.” She turns her attention to cooing back her child, “Isn’t that right little baby boy? You’re really hungry, aren’t you?”



“Its so…” Ylva wanted to give a more careful put of her thoughts, but her lips can’t contain the curiosity, “It’s so… black.

Whatever offend Ylva thinks she caused, she saw none of it as Lilian features lightened accompanied with a laugh. “Expecting a bit of a mix, do you?” Lilian said, smiling, “That’s another thing the men of this tribe have that i've just told you before, VERY dominant genes. They have to be after surviving on this harsh merciless place for so long, I’m not going to bother going to the specifics, but don’t expect your babies with Inyene to look like you. Barely any of my looks got onto this little man.”

Lilian tilted her hands, showing her own baby to Ylva. Every trait that the child has looks nothing like Lilian, the child has her eyes shape but black of color, other than that, nothing. Deep dark brown skin, making it look like a pure African child. Big lips and nappy hair, and already a very pronounced strong face. A very healthy child with a full belly that would grow up to be another powerful warrior. Every part of his feature is fully African of the Almagtig.

Unlike his mother he has no blue eyes and have black hair instead of brunette. “In fact, the children you saw running around before? The ones that run passes you before you met me? Those are also my children, my flesh and blood all of them.” Lilian continued, her gaze going back and forth to her baby and Ylva’s astounded face, “I love them all and would die for them, they are my pride and joy.”

Ylva recalled the children, she mentioned. They are no different than the baby she saw now on Lilian’s arm, either deep dark brown or coal black, with all the very same features except for a microscopic difference that looks like their mother. “The children of any women taken by the men here will always almost look like their fathers. In fact, it is also part of the culture here for the children to have one trait that looks like their mother, simply for prove on conquest.” Lilian said.

“Some have their eye shape, some have their lips, some may have their nose shape, but never altogether. And they will always be very black… Also, despite the minor differences inherited from the mother, the rest of their features will always look like their father. All African and Almagtig.” She finished as she was pinching and caressing her baby’s cheek, as it rests on the side of her breast.

"Hold on... There were 6 or 7 children i saw before..." Ylva said, almost a whisper, "You mean all of them is-"

"Yeah, they are all mine. Actually, i gave birth to 12 children." Lilian said all nonchalant, but a tint of pride is seen through her eyes, "Sometimes i gave birth to twins or triplets, the rest the usual one child. It has been a very productive ten years... my love Ajani made sure of that. And after this one here..." she tapped her pregnant belly lightly, "...Is out, I probably have to get ready being thrashed by him again, Ajani have to much love in him, but that's a story for another time."

A soft exhale of a breath came from Ylva, her hand went back to her growing belly and the baby within it. As a matter of fact, she is already picturing it, the child coming out of her, with the darkest skin rivalling Inyene’s color of the night sky, her carrying the baby around her breast, with her pale white skin contrasting the child and its father.

Whatever remorseful thoughts of guilt for her dead husband is squashed away with a euphoric feeling of being conquered, like a primordial feminine instinct that gave her these emotions of joy and bliss of being taken and soiled by a man so different than her in all things, using her only for the pleasures she can give with her womb and granting descendants. The color of her fair pale skin and amber hair, the beauty of the west utterly deleted and diluted for the strength of the Almagtig tribe.

She blushes and her breathing is becoming even more frayed. Lilian noticed this, a delightful grin came to her as she spoke, “Oh I know the feeling well, Ylva. I wanted to break and escape from the urges so many times before, but I couldn’t last in the end, even my body instinctively made me stay here in this place, letting the impulses take over until I was eventually taken by Ajani…”

Lilian sat again beside Ylva, her tribal baby still in tow. “Did you know the women that are taken by the tribe are all either light skinned or white?” She says, one brow lifted up as Ylva looks at her confused, “It’s true, you know the Arabian insurgent women that I told you about? Yeah, the tribe didn’t take all of them, they only take those who have the lightest skin and the most beautiful.”

The answer that Ylva wants to know about, is unravelling through Lilian’s words. “I don’t know if you notice, but this tribe have little native women. The ratio is 2.5 to 1, the men here actually need to take women from the outside to swell their numbers. But of course, taking is not enough. The tribe wants the best of all plunders and raiding. The chiefs and champions of this community won’t take anything less…”

“But… But why do they go after—”

“Ylva… you know why…”

All the dots are immediately connected as Lilian gave the small hints. The tradition of conquest and warrior culture, the confining of taken women and their blunt attitudes. The unending passionate fucking and the outrageous kissing custom, all those carnal acts designed to mark the female body with their sins and filth. But the most apparent of sign, is the women regardless of ethnicity, will always birth babies with little features of the mother, a pure black and African Almagtig babies.

“Oh my god… Its why they always go after European women…” Ylva said, unblinking as the truth sets in.

“Not just European, honey.” Lilian added. “Arabs, Latinas, Asian. Any women that have any sign of light or lighter skin.”

“They need to feel like they conquered someone or something… they love the drive and excitement from desecrating everything that’s different than them… defiling the women’s bloodline, seducing them… seducing us to birth their children.” Ylva surmised.

Just so Lilian tells further of what happen to the taken Arabian women that belongs to the insurgents. She cannot recall how many of them exactly that has been taken, but what she truly knows is that they become willing lovers to the tribe not a day after the fact. The next thing she saw that day ten years ago is the satisfied bodies of those women, with most of the Almagtig men buried deep inside their cunts and their mouth dancing with theirs. After the first week have passed, those Arabian beauties proclaimed their devotion to their new tribe and their new black lovers, spending their time bedding them, utterly forgeting the men and husbands they left behind.

9 months later after that, more than a hundred of newborn black babies of the tribe is greeted into the world. crescendo of joy littered the air of the tribe that day...


With that, dozens of dozens of Arabian women has completely betrayed their old lives and families that day, birthing the babies of their once-enemies.

Letting their bodies be touched and corrupted by them, accumulating sins after sins.

“Its in their nature, hon. It’s how this place made them to be.” Lilian continued. “But you know what else they can do? They can make you feel like a woman. Not just feel like a woman to be honest, they will make you feel feminine. But I think you already know that as well.”

Ylva knows it… She knows it even before Inyene whelp her with his child. The way her body fights the primal urges at the start when they were just talking, even before he would touch her, Inyene’s naked body at its full force already prepared the animal part of her brain to procreate. Had her eyes stopped at his mighty body, she might manage to fight it, even though it seems like a losing battle. But her eyes just have to wander to his cock, that gargantuan ebony shaft, the source of her ecstasy.

His everything made her forget about her everything, but even that is a lie. The truth of the matter is that she loves being taken, being submitted by him. She loved being taken away from her husband, have her oath with him and her faithful body being defiled by Inyene. She loved to have everything that is beautiful about her being used to propagate his ebony sons, to have her voluptuous body becoming filthy by his use.

In the back of her mind, she was already preparing to leave every good memory of her husband behind. To even leave her own children, her little girls to Ronald’s parents, their own grandparents. To leave for a new life of the pleasures of the flesh and all its indecent things. Adding to the carnality of the situation is letting her body be used to create more offspring from that very same man who takes away her Ronald, the husband who actually have that right through matrimony.

“You think they stopped at Refugees and other tribes? No, Ylva. Despite being hidden away by the world, the Almagtig tribe is well known for their combative capabilities by elite circles. The government of the nations of Africa often hired men from this tribe to add to their own, and all things considered, it was a pretty good deal for both sides.”

Lilian further explained…

“The Almagtig would get the women, and the government would get the rest of the assets. And circumstances of Africa are many, resources, lands and many more. Business men bringing their families and employees, tourists, humanitarian groups. These all have their fair share of women from all races, and just as well they often clashed with the authorities of the African nations…” Lilian stands up gesturing Ylva to follow.

“If you want prove I can show you if you want, I want to go for a walk, my legs hurt if I stay in one place to long.” She says, “Especially if don’t get any fucking from Ajani… and with me being pregnant, that’s not going to happen soon… Ylva?”

Lilian finds her staring at her with focused gaze, staying that way in a silence of wonder. “I want to know about you, Lilian.” Ylva requested, “How did it happened? How did you become a mother to black children? How did Ajani take you?”

A well-hidden shame crept into Lilian's eyes before she looked back to Ylva, she released a sigh as her eyes wanders to a certain thing. Ylva followed her sight and find a wedding ring on the makeshift table near the window. "You married Ajani?" Ylva innocently said.

"No" Lilian replied, the shame creeping out of her, "I am actually still married to my husband in Luxembourg... he doesn't know about me being here."


"He doesn't know... about any of this..."
To be continued
Previous page: Overview