After Bridget found out she was pregnant with Tyrone’s baby she went to tell him. “I don’t know how to tell my parents I’m pregnant?"

“I know how to take care of this Bridget but you do have to tell your parents, I’ll take care of you and the baby?“

Meanwhile, at the house of sheriff Roscoe Ledbetter, Anna was gossiping with Mary. “Mary, have you seen Bridget, where she has been hanging out before and after school lately?“

“Yes and it’s disgusting!“

A week passes, on A Monday evening, Bridget Coxwell talked her mother and father into sending her three siblings to stay with friends. She fixed dinner for her parents and right after dessert, she knew it was time for her to tell them she was pregnant.

“Mom… ***, I have something I need to tell you... well, I’m pregnant.“

“What the hell do you mean pregnant you’re 18 years old you’re a senior in high school you can’t be pregnant.“ Her mom being in shock did not say anything.

Mira Coxwell picked up the phone and called an emergency town meaning. an hour later all 121 members of the community gathered in the meeting hall. Mira standing in front of everyone called out to the young men of the community.

“One of you bastards took advantage of my ******** and got her pregnant. I want the one responsible to step forward and make things right or I will interrogate each one of you!"

A deep booming voice from the back of the audience sounded “Leave the boys alone mayor.“

The whole town turned and saw Tyrone standing there, Bridget walk over to Tyrone and passionately kissed him in front of the whole town.

“Daddy, this is the father of your grandchild and your new son-in-law! We went to the next town over a week ago and Got married,” Bridget stated in front of the whole town.

It got so quiet in the meeting hall you could hear a pin drop. Bridget's *** angrily said, "This will not be allowed."

“Not be allowed?" Tyrone said laughing. "Your ******** is 18, an adult by law she can make her own decisions. I did not want any child of mine to grow up without a father and a mother.“

The next couple of weeks went by the townspeople went on with their regular business. Bridget continued her schooling. One day Bridget and the only friend she had in town Marianne Gatling, the wife of Judge Gatling, arrived at the Jackson home. Marianne was there to help decorate the baby's room.

When Tyrone pulled up with another man with him, they came into the house.

“Bridget honey this is my good friend Jamall, we served together in the army, Jamall Jones.“ Tyrone continued introduction “Jamall, this is my wife, Bridget and this is Marianne Gatling, her husband is the local judge.“

"Jamall is going to be staying with us for a few days."

One day, while Tyrone was at work and Bridget was at school there was a knock at the door. Jamall had been sleeping and sleep walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Marianne Gatling 5' 9", 130 pounds with B cup breast nice body considering she’s had two children. Her tight yoga pants and tank top not leaving much to the imagination. She was in shock when Jamall answered the door butt naked his 11" big black cock dangling between his legs.

“Is… Bridg… bridge… Bridget at home ?“

“No, she’s at school, and Tyrone‘s at work.“ The redhead couldn’t stop staring at this naked black man in front of her. When Jamall realized what she was staring at he quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. She explained to him that she came to do some work in the nursery.

As she started her work she couldn’t stop thinking about Jamall. She went downstairs to get a drink of water when she saw Jamall with shorts on and a shirt sitting on the couch. She apologized for her actions earlier and explain she had never seen another man besides her husband and son naked before. The two of them talked for a little while that’s when she mentioned the last time her husband intimately touched her was 12 years ago just before her ******** Scarlet was born. Jamall stood up in his 11" poking out of his trunks.

“Can I see it again?“

“Sure why not.“ and he pulled down his trunks letting his manhood flop in front of her, she began to feel it not believing how big it was. Now the black man was completely naked.

“I showed you mine now show me yours?“

“I guess it’s only fair.“ She stripped down, he looked and noticed the little bit of hair, she hadn't shaved.

“I see the carpet matches the drapes.“ He said

The two embraced, feeling each other’s bodies, she found herself in the guest bedroom she was on her knees sucking another man’s cock not just another man but a black man’s after a while he stood her up laid her down on the bed, and spread her legs. She looked down and saw his head and felt his tongue in areas that even her husband cut couldn’t reach.

“Your tongue is deeper than my husband has ever been with his little penis.“

Then he moved up again kissing her and rubbing his BBC gently against the opening of her pussy. Then with one thrust, he penetrated her. Working himself into her inch by inch with each thrust, once he was fully inside of her he went even faster.

“Yes fuck me with that black cock, it’s true black men are bigger than white men, fuck me!!“

“I’m about to blow my load here it comes!“

He unloaded his seed into Marianne Gatling, She had never felt so alive! They get dressed Marianne continued her work in the nursery. A few weeks later when Bridget was now on her third month of pregnancy news all over town Marianne had filed for divorce from Judge Gene Gatling. She moved in with Tyrone Jackson and his friend Jamall who now had a pregnant girlfriend of his own, Marianne Gatling.