Chapter Four


It was just as Jimmy had predicted, his old neighbour came calling and told him the time had come; he wanted to sell up and retire from farming. The old guy normally kept to himself so it was a surprise to see him in their house but he said that he appreciated having Jimmy as his neighbour, "jus' like your daddy before ya", and that he wanted to make sure that Jimmy was interested in buying the place before he made the announcement to the rest of the world. Jimmy was touched (but didn't say so) but made no comment other than, yes, he would be very interested.

Missy, who was listening into their conversation as she did her chores in the kitchen was likewise interested for Jimmy had already said that if this should come about then he would need to be employing additional help and that she would have to make the bunkhouse ready to accommodate the young men that he said would be needed.

Her thoughts drifted to the bunkhouse and all that had happened there in the past before she was married. Danny, the old veteran that had been employed by her daddy who had caught her looking at the girly calendars on the wall and had ended up showing her his stiff cock, the first she had ever seen. She smiled to herself at the memory of how he had made her take off her panties and had rubbed that fat ol' thing up and down her pussy lips but that he had been a man of honour when he learned she was a virgin and wouldn't fuck her. Instead, he had jerked off his cock to show her what happened when a man, what did he call it .. ee-jackerlated? .. and he said that she should save herself for marriage. She had waited but waiting hadn't quelled her thoughts when she masturbated at night thinking on him jerking that stiff cock and how lovely that time in the bunkhouse had been.

Over the next few days Jimmy took time out from his farming chores to go visit his neighbour and to make a proper assessment of the land and the various properties that were dotted around. He wanted to be quite sure that he wasn't going to be biting off more than he could chew before making the final commitment to buy.

The fields he knew quite well and had already been mentally absorbed into his future business plans; the farmhouse, barn and other accommodation cabins, not so much and he wasn't too sure to what use they would be given. The cabins were a leftover from when the farm had been a labour intensive spread but mechanisation had seen off the last of the tenant workers many years ago. No matter, God would provide him with inspiration was religious Jimmy's way of thinking as he made the final decision to buy.

The farmhouse was set close by to a natural lake and the whole was surrounded by the most part by trees which made it quite an attractive but secluded area. It was the seclusion that allowed the old guy who was selling to indulge in his own religious beliefs and his particular passion for purity in all things. He was a firm believer that cleanliness in all things was the way to receive God's blessing and what better way could there be to show one's devotion than to be free of clothing, thereby when he wasn't working, he was a fervent nudist. Jimmy knew that when he wasn't working the fields that if the weather was right he would be wandering around, buck naked, in his own private piece of property.

Jimmy had no problem with that, the man was quite entitled to do what he wanted; each to his own he thought but it did make him kinda curious about the future for as part of the property purchase arrangements it was agreed that the old guy could retain one of the old cabins on the lakeside and live there for the rest of his days. Jimmy had no plans for the cabins so once again he left such decisions as what to do with them in God's hands. It was decision well made for it seemed that God did indeed have something in mind.


The pastor had settled in well to become a trusted and valued member of the community. Initially he had been treated with reserve and a little suspicion by the small town, farming folks what with him being from down south and a black feller and all but his natural charm soon broke through and everyone, especially the ladies, now thought him to be a fine trustworthy upstanding man whom they were glad to accept as their spiritual leader.

By way of introduction after his arrival he told of his conversion to the faith in the equally small town of Hawksville where at the Church of the Black Staff it was taught that all were equal in God's eyes and that although there might be physical differences between races (especially with people of colour) that these differences should be celebrated. A few months later he expanded on this theme to some of the ladies who had become enthusiastic members of a community pastoral support group he had established. He had recruited Missy to head up the all-female group, flattering her saying that he had, "seen from his first day that she possessed a 'special something' which would bring spiritual comfort to those who would be the target of the group's evangelical activities."

What he didn't admit to her was it was her tits and her 'child-bearing hips' that had really caught his eye and in keeping with his church's hidden agenda of encouraging the breeding of white women by black cock that she was an ideal candidate.

Missy for her part was both flattered by his attention and she became quite enthusiastic about becoming an important member of his team and to have the opportunity to be dealing with as she called them, 'coloured folks'. Heaven knows, being stuck out on the farm for the most part had resulted in her leading a lonely existence and it would be nice to have an excuse to get out and about she figured. Especially if that getting around led to meeting up with folks like their Mexican farmhand Leon who (as the only person of colour she had properly met) had shown her that they had bigger cocks than the white boys she had known (including her husband) and that they instinctively knew what a white woman needed. Yes, the prospect of being in the pastor's company was an attractive one indeed.

With Jimmy's blessing she accepted the invitation to lead the group and he told her that he suspected that the pastor's interest wasn't all to do with the spiritual needs of his flock. He also said that if the pastor should get, as he put it, "uppity and a bit familiar" that it was OK for her to follow her heart and beliefs just as long as she told him about it when she came home.

Missy tried to figure out what Jimmy was saying without him having been too explicit for Jimmy had already encouraged her to take their farmhand to bed so he could watch her fuck another man. Jimmy previous to this conversation had sort of confessed to her that he had held this fantasy of wanting to see his wife being taken by black cock and Leon kinda had provided that. The idea that the pastor might be inclined to do the same was, in its own way, very appealing to both of them.

The first meeting of the pastor's community support group was just between the two of them. Missy wore her Sunday-best dress which she figured was right given this was a special occasion. It was the same dress that she had worn when the pastor had shaken her hand after Sunday service and had spent an awful long time peering down the low cut front, looking at the swell of her tits held up by the lacey bra which was also in view. The pastor, being 'on duty' wore his cassock, the one which buttoned all the way down the front.

They sat opposite each other in his vestry office and the pastor began the meeting by saying that given this was a sort of official church gathering that they should share a prayer and take a little communion wine as a blessing. Missy who had no idea about such things as meetings and how to act when being alone with such important persons as the pastor did exactly what he suggested and she bowed her head as he intoned a few words in her direction. At the sound of his 'Amen' she opened her eyes to see him offering her a silver cup. He said, "Take it and drink the spirit of our Lord … the more the better."

A strange benediction she thought but being an obedient supplicant she did just that and took a mouthful of the draft. It tasted good as indeed it should for it was special brew that had been concocted by two Asian ladies from his previous church who had knowledge of exotic herbs that induced the most relaxing feelings in those who partook. Missy soon found herself feeling quite euphoric and was not least bit surprised or shocked when after she had handed the silver cup back that the pastor began to undo the buttons of his cassock. Indeed, she was quite fascinated to watch the progress as one-by-one the buttons were released and for him to part the cassock and make known that the pastor wore no underwear.

He stood in front of her and revealed that as a black man he possessed a cock that was indeed different from white boys. She gasped to see it but he told her not to be afraid for it was a cock that showed him to be a true member of the Church of the Black Staff and told her to hold it. In a daze she did as he commanded and was amazed that as she held him how it grew in length and stiffness.

He told her, he was now ready to bestow his blessing upon her.

He told her to tighten her grip, to feel the strength that would soon be shared and would be hers to enjoy.

He told her to discard her panties, to pull up her dress and to lie down on the floor.

She needed no further biding and in a trance did exactly as he instructed. He smiled to see that the specially prepared communion wine that she had imbibed had taken no time at all to do its work.

He knelt down between her spread legs and she gave a sigh of ecstasy as he stroked the fat purple knob up and down the engorged lips of her vagina so that he could cover himself in her natural lubricant. The sigh turned into a prolonged groan as he slowly pushed his 10" stiff erection into her sopping wet pussy and began fucking her with a steady rhythm.

Missy surprised herself that she was able to take the pastor so easily given he was so much bigger that her husband Jimmy but as she settled back to enjoy the sensation of being filled so comfortably by his girth she figured that the practice she had enjoyed with Leon must have helped for their farmhand was, in Jimmy's words, 'packing quite a big one'. She supposed as she lay there being so expertly fucked that it must have been some divine intervention, a message from above, that caused her to take that intermediate step of seducing the boy with his bigger penis in order for her to be able to accommodate the preacher. She put that thought to one side as she felt the first of her orgasms begin to build and for her groans begin to turn into a prolonged wail of ecstasy.

The pastor noted her reaction with pleasure especially when he felt her cunt squeezing him as she rippled through her climax. He continued to slowly fuck her allowing her to enjoy every pleasurable inch for as long as she desired congratulating himself that he had chosen wisely and that this simple farm girl, as he thought of her, was going to prove a great asset to his plans.

However, for the moment all thoughts of the future were put aside. The next idea that came to him was how would she feel if he took her like one of those horses that she was so proud of caring for on the farm. To her surprise and disappointment he pulled out his cock but her disappointment was brief as he growled at her to get on her knees and to, "pull that damn dress outta the way."

She was slightly shocked to hear the profanity coming from a man of the cloth but her displeasure was forgotten as soon as she saw his still stiff black cock shiny and dripping with her juices. She was unsure what his intention might be for, literally, she had never been put in this position before but she scrabbled to her knees and adopted what she thought he was asking her to do before pulling up her dress so that it bunched around her waist. The pastor looked down on her with satisfaction and his cock gave a twitch as he observed the gaping maw before his gaze.

"Perfect, my child. Be ready to receive the gift of god." He reached down and pulled the dress up even further and with a contemptuous gesture tossed it so that it covered her head.

He dropped to his knees and once more lined up that monstrous tool, that black staff of god, and pushed into the willing pussy of his acolyte. Once again she groaned as she felt him slowly, inch-by-inch, push into her. The juices created from the previous fuck helped his penetration immensely so the groans were far from being ones of distress but rather ones that indicated her anticipation of the pleasure that was to come. Indeed, her senses were heightened by the effects of the drugged wine (although she didn't know it) and she would have done anything that the pastor suggested as part of the blessing that she was about to receive. His knob slid with ease into the folds of her cunt and, if later she might be asked to swear on the bible, she would say that she could feel every ripple of his veiny cock as he pushed his way forward until his balls were crushed against her butt. He allowed her a few minutes grace to get used to being filled so completely before commencing once again with the ritual of his blessing.

Soon the air was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping together and the squelch of wet juices as he rhythmically pistoned in and out. He also began to intone what she thought was some kind of prayer but the fabric of the dress covering her head muffled the words and she was not to know that he was actually saying, "Fuck that white cunt …. do you like that, bitch … Oh yeah, take that … want some more …", and such with each thrust.

For her part in her dreamy state she was involuntarily joining in with her own version and under the cover of the dress she was panting, "Oh God, fuck me … yeah, just like that … oh God, thank you … give me that black cock … " and so it went on until they both gave an 'Amen', Missy squealing out her orgasm and him as he grunted something incomprehensible as his throbbing cock finally shot his load deep into her fertile womb.


"… and then what happened?" asked Jimmy.

Missy sat at the kitchen table sipping her coffee and was telling her husband of her evening and the meeting with the pastor. She was a little hazy on the details, not deliberately so as if she had something to hide, no, she genuinely couldn't remember and that was the damnest thing but she did recall they had a long chat about what he wanted her to do for the good of the church and his plans for establishing some kind of religious retreat where troubled souls could reside and regain their faith in the Lord.

"Never mind about that, did he get at all uppity and familiar wid ya?"

She paused for a moment holding her cup in mid-sip and with a frown of concentration crossing her face she thought a string of thoughts, 'Lemme see now, did he get uppity …. how did my best dress get so crumpled … why does my pussy feel all tingly … how come that cum ran down ma legs when I stood up to leave?'

Missy put the cup down and said, "I ain't sure but it's the darnedest thing, after he told me about his plans an' ideas for this retreat thing he said something about it would be good if we, how did he put it? … if we celebrated me being involved and that we had a prayer together, communion wine and all. He has such a way with words and it made me feel so good to hear him say words of comfort and wisdom … then the rest of the time became a little fuzzy. I know we spoke about a lot of things but the strangest thing of all is that when I got to the car to come home, I went to my purse to get the keys and found my panties, you know, the ones with lace …. I have no idea how they got there …. didn't realise up till then that I wasn't wearing them anymore …."

Her unconvincing explanation trailed off as she felt yet another trickle of cum beginning to dribble from her pussy onto the kitchen chair she was sat upon and then the realisation and suspicions hit home. She grabbed the drying cloth from the table, lifted her dress and began to dab up the puddle that was between her legs, "Uh, I'm thinking he must have got uppity. How the heck did that happen?"

Jimmy stood up and came around to her side of the table and looked down at the white juice seeping from between the still engorged and inflamed red lips of her vagina, "Never mind 'bout how it happened, looks like must have done you good. Jus' what did you talk about? You were a powerful long time with him. Jus' what did keep you so long?"

In truth, Jimmy was just playing with her. It was clear to him exactly what had occurred during her church meeting ('Church Meeting', yeah, right, he thought to himself) and he was excited at the idea that his prim and proper wife had somehow or other succumbed and desires of that black fella; that she had actually been fucked by a black cock. His excitement grew when he saw the evidence with his own eyes and that excitement went all the way down his trembling body to his own cock which was beginning to tent the front of his dungarees. He grabbed her hand, "Never mind 'bout doing that, put down the towel, you don't need that, let's get to bed. You can tell me more about it there".

Missy giggled, knowing exactly what he meant by 'tell me more'; her Jimmy was so predictable. Still holding the towel she followed him to the bedroom and then followed his example by taking off her clothes and blushed to see that his cock was already fully erect. It wasn't anywhere as big as others she'd seen by now but she thought it looked nice enough.

Without a thought of it getting mussed up, she let the dress fall to the floor ('I'll hang it up later', she thought)and sat on the edge of the bed to then lay back and spread her legs. Jimmy wasted no time on falling to his knees and to shuffle forward so that he could examine more closely her ravaged pussy. Her womanly scent was almost overpowering but that didn't deter him from taking a deep sniff and his already stiff cock gave a twitch as the aroma of her juices and, he guessed, the smell of white cum that continued to ooze from her filled his lungs. He peered at the pink wet insides of her extended vagina and licked his lips in preparation of licking hers, his head filled with imagined thoughts of what a fucking she must have had. She gave a sigh as he dipped his head and began lapping.

The touch of his tongue caused her to shiver but she should have not have been surprised for she knew it was coming and that this was a kind of signal for her to continue with this game they now played. The 'game' had come about after the so-called accidental seduction of Leon the Mexican farm boy and Jimmy's unexpected reaction to her confession. He had been more excited than angered when she told him and she was surprised to see him wanking his cock as she made her tearful declaration of guilt Although the truth of the situation was that he had been spying from the doorway and had seen it all, he found himself even more excited when she told him about it afterwards. So it was that now, after she had been fucked by Leon he would punish her by making her confess whilst he sucked her pussy and stroked his dick. She didn't quite understand the finer points of the rules of the game, indeed she didn't even consider it to be a punishment, but she was a loyal wife and if that's what her husband wanted her to do then, so be it, let him listen.

The first trouble was, that even though this involved a new man and she suspected that something must have happened at the church that evening, her head was mussed up and as jumbled just like the discarded dress on the floor. The drugged wine had been very effective and she was unclear as to the details. "Never mind," she thought, "I'll make something up … he'll never know it's not true."

The second trouble was that Missy wasn't very imaginative when it came to expressing herself and her description of the pastor; his cock; his behavior; her reaction, was way off the mark.

"He asked me to take of my dress and panties …" (Not true, he literally pulled up her dress and told her to get rid of the underwear).

"When I wasn't looking, he must have undone his robe and got out his thing … " she blushed, " … his cock …" (Not true he had stood in front of her and she had been wide-eyed as she focused her attention on each and every button as it was unfastened).

"… I had no idea as to what it looked like, it was dark in the room …" (Not true, she had almost squealed with delight when in the illuminated room she saw the size of the fat black cock that he grasped in his hand.)

"… he then tricked me by saying that we should kneel and pray … (hmm, sort of true, as he did at one point get her to kneel but it wasn't prayer that he had in mind).

"… then before I knew it, he was in me doing that uppity thing … (Not true, he was fucking her hard and in every position and she was moaning and sighing her way through orgasm after orgasm before he blasted his seed into her womb).

".. and next thing I knew was that I was in the car and coming home." (No comment).

However, Jimmy didn't mind that he wasn't hearing the truth. It was enough to hear her say that she had indeed had that preacher's cock inside her and it hadn't slipped his attention that when they had been at church to have witnessed the sizable bulge that the black man hid beneath his cassock, the thought of that 'bulge' inside his wife spurred him on as he pushed and probed his tongue inside her warm wet folds.

"Oh, Jimmy, that feels so nice … so good .. don't stop doing that …."

He had no intention of stopping, at least not until he could feel that she was ready for him to fuck her himself. He figured he would keep lapping and bring her to a climax then, as long as he could control himself and not have that damned early ejaculation, he would then clamber on top of her while she was still squealing and put his dribbling cock inside her and fuck her so he replaced that damned preacher's sperm with his own.

In the event, it almost happened like that. Missy began squirming as she felt his tongue probing ever deeper and then she felt his fingers begin to play with that funny ol' love button (something she had to point out to him a few weeks' back) and the familiar warmth and that lovely feeling began to build. Jimmy felt the same sense of warmth too but his pleasure started to come upon him a bit quicker.

He lifted his head and she got a glimpse of her husband's wet face as he struggled to his feet already holding onto his erection just as he had all through her explanation. She didn't have a chance to focus on his erect cock which was already beginning to ooze before he took a firmer hold of himself and aimed at her gaping pussy. She certainly heard his strangled cry of frustration as he fumbled to shove his spurting dick inside her and she surely felt the hot cum splash on her stomach as he spurted his load before he managed to find the right spot but she didn't feel disappointed for, this time, he had at least managed to stay stiff long enough for her to actually feel him slid in and push her into finishing off her own squirting orgasm.

The farmer and his wife lay for a few moments in that position whilst they gathered their thoughts as they regained their breaths and composure. Their rest didn't last long for Jimmy, as ever, began to have that sense of embarrassment that came along with his shrinking cock and he kind of slipped out and off her. Without saying a word he found his feet and padded off to the bathroom where he could hide both his emotions and the sight of that shrinking penis from her.

Missy didn't mind, she hadn't been expecting her evening to end in any other way. At least this time her husband had actually managed to get it inside her and it had felt good was her thought. And with that thought she likewise got off the bed and picking up the towel began to clean herself up.

"My, oh my, Jimmy, look at the mess you made of me," she giggled to herself as she rubbed away the cum that was smeared all over her tummy and groin. The feel of the soft cloth felt nice and the action was certainly helping to put right her mussy head but as she smoothed the cloth over her the strangest thing happened, she began to have the darnest visions, sort of flashbacks. As she caressed and rubbed herself with the towel all that kept filling her mind were images of the pastor's face and pictures of large, erect black cocks.

She shook her head as she picked up the dress from the floor and told herself, "Missy Braun, you need to stop with all this day-dreaming … ain't no way that nice preacher man would do such a thing, him being a man of the cloth an' all."

Jimmy emerged from the bathroom and quickly found his pajamas hoping that Missy wouldn't notice that his cock had shrunken back to its normal insignificant state. He needn't have worried for she was standing by the closet concentrating all her attention on smoothing out her crumpled dress not believing that she had treated her favourite outfit so badly in her haste to get that same insignificant cock inside her. She was embarrassed to think that she had acted like a bitch in heat but, then again, it hadn't been all her fault, Jimmy had encouraged her to be that way, hadn't he?!

With those thoughts in mind she pulled her cotton nightdress over her head and slid under the covers beside her husband who's head was filled with salacious thoughts of his own which had once again resulted in him beginning to be feeling some excitement. He turned off the light and in the darkness moved to spoon behind her and she felt the hard contact of his stiffening prick in her back.

She thought something along the lines of, "Oh my goodness, really? So soon after you've just had me … oh well, let's get it over with" but she was to be disappointed.

He whispered in her ear, "I forgot to tell you something."

She rolled over onto her back thinking he was making an attempt of some clever come-on remark, "What's that Jimmy?" she said coyly.

"Um, I engaged a couple of fellas today to work the new land. They'll be fulltime and they will be lodging. You'll need to get yourself down to the bunkhouse first thing in the morning and get it cleaned out before they arrive. Best you get yourself to sleep now, you've got a long day ahead tomorrow .. goodnight." and with that he rolled over and took his stiff prick away from her and was soon snoring.


… to be continued.
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