Noah slides down his nylon running shorts. The liner’s elastic holds onto his legs and comes down last. His boner pops up. His dick sticks straight out from his pubic bone, giving away that he is sexually excited. Noah looks down at his white cock and is proud to see that it is rock hard and fully extended to five inches! He absent-mindedly swipes his open palm down the (short) length of it. He also gives a little tug downwards on the middle of his high and tight ball sack.

Doctor Ashur is standing there watching Noah undress. Noah still has his tee shirt on when he pushes down his shorts. No underwear, probably due to the liner. When Noah bends over to take the shorts off his feet, Doctor Ashur gets a great view of those pale butt checks. Nice tight little butt about the size of two small cantaloupes pushed together. Under this, Ashur gets a little view of the young man’s scrotum. He sees that Noah’s nuts are high and tight.

Also, Ashur takes note that even though this is a grown man, there is very little hair on Noah’s body. Looks like there isn’t even very much hair on his balls, nor in the ass crack. Body hair is a big difference between the two males. Ashur feels proud that he has a fully-grown man’s body with lots of ‘man hair’ covering his dark skin. He feels his abundant cock harden inside of his pants with pride at his virility. The foreskin slips back, letting the swelling dark brown glans protrude. His glans is super sensitive, so he reaches down to adjust the leg of his trousers.

Ashur says, “Here let me help you with that son”, as he assists Noah in pulling off his tight pastel tee shirt. He is impatient to see the boy’s naked milk-white skin.

“Thanks, doctor.”

Noah is now completely bare-ass naked, and he turns around to face the doctor. His erection is still at full mast. Ashur takes notice of it and keeps himself in check not to smirk. He mentally notes that Randi was correct about her husband, he does have a small five-inch penis. Although, it is sweet looking, what with the perpetually exposed pink glans and wide pink circumcision scar circling his cock.

“You know Noah, that for me to perform a physical exam, you will need to be okay with me touching you…you know…, everywhere. Hopefully, there are no objections?”

“None. No objections. I know what a physical exam is,” says Noah with nervous laughter.

Doctor Ashur steps forward and using both hands he feels out the glands in Noah’s throat. Noah notes how much warmer Ashur’s body temperature is than his own. The warmth feels nice and reassuring. He feels that he can trust Doctor Haurvatat.

Moving his hands slowly down Noah’s body, he notices that Noah feels tight and smooth. He has beautiful white skin. No tattoos, no scars, and almost no body hair. What little body hair he has, is light red.

“Do you wax, Noah?”

“Nope doc, I am just a hairless kind of guy, for the most part. There is hair way down there as you can see,” pointing to his pubic area. Then lifting his hands in line with his head, Noah states, “And under my arms too.” Ashur could slightly smell the sweet fragrance of the pheromones clinging to the sparse growth of underarm hair. It was nice. His cuckold would be told to skip the scented floral soap and cheap cologne.

“How often do you shave your face?”

“My chin and mustache area, I shave every day. My cheeks, every couple of days.”

Ashur thinks about how Noah is so different from himself. Due to his Arabian heritage, as a teenager, he shaved his face every day by the end of his sophomore year in high school. And he had chest hair growth around his brown nipples and between his chest muscles by the time of his senior year in high school. A nice thick treasure trail ran from his navel to his bush of pubic hair. Now as a man in his thirties, his torso is covered in hair, all over his brown skin. As he was told by his father, this is what a grown man looks like. His *** was a hairy dude as well.

Ashur reaches around the infidel’s hard-on to Noah's scrotum. On both sides, he gently rolls a testicle between his thumb and forefinger. They are nothing remarkable. Typical medium size. They feel firm and free from lumps. Good healthy testes thinks the doctor. Fuck it man, each probably producing a million sperm. Unfortunately, sperm with the genetic code to reproduce more guys like their bearer. Ashur thinks of how this is a problem that needs a practical solution.

“Noah, everything feels fine. Which is good. But I would need a urine and blood test to make that determination. Would we need to test for STDs?”

“Well, yes and no. So, I would guess yes then. I am not very sexually active outside of the marriage. Of course, as you might guess, I have performed oral sex on a few of my wife Randi’s partners. They get their big dark cocks as hard as possible before they insert themselves into, you know, my wife’s soft place. Doctor Haurvatat nods in the affirmative while Noah continues. “And I have swallowed a few times of their ‘you know what’. Normally the studs shoot the cum deep into my wife’s hot soft pussy tunnel. And okay, yes, I will sometimes be on clean-up patrol and lick up that sticky mess from Randi’s pussy.”

“Have you ever, ever, ever let them shoot or rub their jiz onto your anus or into your colon?”

Noah begins, “Well, doctor,…you know,…what had happened was…”

Randi interrupts her husband with a direction, “Don’t tell the doctor a story.”

Noah states, “Well um. Well yes.”

The doctor nods his understanding and shows no judgment of the White beta boy. Only acceptance of him.

Ashur questions Noah, “What kind of guys do you like to see on top of your wife? Only men of Arabian descent? Or? Are there others? Has Randi ever been studded by a non-Arab man for example? A Black Bull?”

Even though the question was asked of Noah, it is Randi that speaks up, “I like dark-skinned men. Not sure why, but I do. They are exotic. They don’t have to be of only one race. I do appreciate a dark man. I like men who have a thick cock. I like those guys that can pin me down with their body weight and keep me there. Keep me flat on my back even if I attempt to push them off. Strong men.”

“Okay, Randi. Thanks for your honesty. It makes sense to me. I am not small-minded. I guess you could say that I am ‘woke’ to the other cultures in our society. I prefer dominance and submission as well.”

Continuing, Ashur states, “My turn to be honest. I like the physical pleasure of skin-to-skin contact. Can be a pansexual scene. But I am an alpha male and only take an active role. And I desire skin that I am supposed to keep my distance from touching, that being the Whites. Men like me are supposed to stay on our side of the room and keep our dark cocks out of the White pussy hole. That restriction makes me desire them even more and for some reason. White males are considered to be even more taboo. I like to be in control of them, during sexual role play.”

“Thanks for your honesty Doctor Ashur,” comments Randi. Noah nods his head that he understands.

While continuing with the exam and holding Noah’s ball sack, the doctor asks, “Noah, how did your interest in becoming a cuckold get started? And what is your deal with castration? Did you always have those interests? Are you TRANS for example? Do you think your balls are a birth defect? What is it?”

Noah now starts to get sweaty under his arms and his voice sounds stressed as he begins, “Well doctor, I know this will sound odd. When I was about thirteen years old, I saw a photograph of a naked grown man. Very hairy as nothing was trimmed. He seemed to be quite tan. Yes, he had a nice dick, but what my eyes lingered on, was his balls. He had a low-hanging ball sack. His balls hung at different levels. Big balls, both hung low, however the left ball hung just below the other one. He was erect, so it allowed an awesome view of his balls.”

Continuing, Noah confesses, “I beat off while looking at his balls. It seemed so different from my balls. I was told in PE class by the other boys that I had ‘dog nuts’. Laughed at really. I have longed for a ball sack like that guy in the photo. You know, I think about it a lot even now. Those balls were the testicles of a real man.”

Doctor Ashur states frankly, “You have imprinted upon that stud’s ball sack and that is what makes up masculinity in your mind. You feel that your balls are inferior. You were told you have dog nuts, so the nuts of a common dog. Is that not correct?”

Noah’s head and gaze drop down as he nods yes.

It is clear to the doctor that Noah still feels the shame of his high and tight balls. Ashur feels compassion for the young man who was teased throughout his high school years about his balls. Balls that Noah doesn’t even plan on using to father children.

Ashur begins to think this through, “Noah, do you know what kind of doctor I am?’

“Maybe. That is, I think we do Doctor Ashur.” Noah glances over to Randi for agreement.
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