All characters are 18 or older. This story was written in collaboration with Diana R. The story starts a little slow as it builds the story, but it gets there. This story features a relationship between an adulterous older white female (53 yo) and a young black man (18 yo). If that doesn't appeal to you, then please save yourself the aggravation. If it does appeal to you, we hope you enjoy it.

"Diana, I need your help," Marie pleaded on the phone, "We worked together for over 30 years. Look, you know I wouldn't call you if there was another way. I know you're retired, but you've got connections with some of our wealthy and most generous alumni because your husband works with them. You've got pull I don't have. Please make some calls?"

Although I retired about a year ago at age 53 Marie was a good friend, and she wouldn't reach out to me unless it were a dire situation. We had worked together for decades as guidance counselors at the community college. My husband makes a good living, and we could afford for me to retire even though my husband still works for him, the work sustains and fuels him but for me, the prospect of working until I couldn't enjoy my retirement just wasn't appealing, so I quit and have enjoyed pursuing all the interests and hobbies I never had time for previously, "Okay, explain it to me again," I said, trying to be patient.

"His name's Dion Gooden, he's an African American kid from Douglass High School on the southeast side of town, he is 18, and graduated from high school in the spring. He has lived there his whole life, and you know how rough it is down there. Dion's a real hard-luck case his *** is in prison, and his mom is an addict. He's been in and out of foster homes for the past 5 years, but he's now aged out of that system and is now on his own. He wants to take classes and get an associate's but he needs some help."

"Can't he just take out student loans or get a Pell grant?"

"He could, but he's working two minimum wage jobs just to afford a car and a place to stay. You know how crazy rent has gone the past few years, and he's got some debts he needs to pay back..."

"So, he doesn't know how to manage his money, and he wants to be bailed out?"

"I don't think it's like that. He's racked up some medical bills, and he ran into the wrong car. The car damage was his fault, but his insurance didn't cover the full cost on the other side, so he's stuck with the extra costs. He took on a second part-time job in his senior year, and his grades suffered, there's no way he can keep on top of college classes while working 70 hours of manual labor a week. But I've met him, and I think he needs a break. He's a good kid, but he's shy. You've got a way of coming through for some of these kids. Do you think you can help him? Just talk to him, and you'll see what I mean."

I sighed loudly on the phone. "Can you lay the guilt trip on any thicker?"

Marie knew I couldn't pass a hard luck case without helping. It's part of the reason I became a guidance counselor in the first place. I always loved helping people and watching kids go from lost to finding a purpose in their lives was always incredibly rewarding. If it wasn't for the administrative bureaucracy, I might still be working, but the incessant red tape became frustrating and made the job damn near impossible at times.

"I can set up a meeting," Marie offered, "After you meet him, I'm sure you'll want to help."

"So, he's in a catch-22," I said, processing all the information Marie had given, "Take out the loans and he doesn't have time for class, he'll probably flunk out and be on the hook for the loans. If he stops working, he can get loans and take classes, but he can't afford a place to stay. What exactly is it that you think I can do?"

"I don't know. Just work your magic," Marie said brightly.

"My magic... Yeah, let me grab my witch's broomstick and book of spells."

"I don't know, you always seem to figure something out, I'm sure you will here, too."

I sighed one last time as I wondered what I was getting myself into.


A week later, I walked into a cafe to meet Dion. Marie had provided his contact info, and, after a few phone calls and texts, he agreed to meet on Tuesday afternoon at a café close to campus. As I stepped through the door, I saw a young black man, about 5'11" and 175 pounds waiting nervously at a table. He was the only black person in the café, and his eyes studied me, seemingly trying to figure out if I might be his appointment.

"Hi, I'm Diana," I said with a warm smile as I extended my hand.

"Uh, I'm Dion. It's nice to meet you," he shook my hand, but his voice was soft and lacked any confidence or conviction.

I took a seat with him at a small round table, we ordered some coffee. He had dark features and looked strong and clean-cut. His curly hair was cut short by a razor, and he looked freshly shaved. He dressed in nice slacks and a polo shirt. I couldn't discern if this was his normal attire, or if he was dressed for the occasion, "So, Marie tells me you want to go to college?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'd like that. I like criminal justice. I'd like to get a degree so I can work in that field."

"Why criminal justice?" I asked, trying to gauge how serious was his pursuit.

"Well, I think it's interesting and where I come from sometimes life is tough. A lot of gangs, and a lot of drugs, I have seen a lot of my friends end up on the wrong end of a gun or knife when they didn't do anything wrong. I want to do my part to try to clean up those streets and make them a safe place to live."

His voice gained confidence as he spoke, it was clear he'd given a lot of thought to his aspirations and that those goals filled him with purpose, "So, what do you need to do to make that happen?" I followed up.

"That's what I don't understand. The college costs ain't a big deal. I know I can get a Pell Grant. That's the easy part, but short of free room and board, I don't see how I could make it work with the two jobs I'm working, they got me running around like crazy all week. I ain't got no time to take classes. I'll do the work; I ain't afraid of that but rent ain't cheap, you know and I need my car to get to work and class. I ran into someone a year ago, who messed up some rich dude's ride. My insurance only covered part of the damage. I'm still on the hook for the rest, so I'm paying through the nose on car insurance and still paying that dude off. And I got sickle cell, so I'm in the hospital about once a year, and now I'm paying that note too. It's bills, bills, bills. This whole adulting thing ain't no joke."

Marie was right. This kid had some tough breaks and a huge hole to climb out of. Nothing is impossible, but most people have a short period in their lives after high school to try to get set on their feet. The whole key to life is to have a skill set. Whether you get a degree, a certification, or make/sell something. You have to have a special skill or talent to get ahead in life, if you don't get set on a good path in young adulthood it can be hard to recover as marriage and kids come into the picture. Some people do make something of their lives, but many don't because it's a thousand times harder, and Dion seemed to have the deck stacked against him through little fault of his own, "Isn't there someone who can help you out? An aunt or uncle? A brother, sister, or cousin? Grandparent?"

Dion shook his head, "My pop's in prison. I never even met my grandparents on his side. God knows where my mom is, I ain't seen her in 4 years and God only knows where my grandparents are on my mom's side maybe he's got them up in heaven with him. I'm the oldest, and my brothers and sisters are still in foster care, I got a cousin, but she's shacked up with a druggie, there ain't no one else. So, you tell me what options I have?"


Dion scoffed, "I wish, I can't even afford to take care of myself."

"It's okay," I conceded, "Having a girlfriend to split the rent with might help, it can also distract you from classes. I've seen way too many kids let their schoolwork slip for some girl, how about a roommate?"

"I've got a roommate, and that's just a small piece of what I owe, anyway. Look, I want this. I don't see how right now, but if there's a way, I'll do it. I just can't be working in grease pits and mopping floors for the rest of my life but I'll do what I got to do to get there."

"Okay, look, I can't promise anything, but let me make some calls," I told him. "Give me your work info. I want to check in with them. If they vouch for you, I know some people who often donate to the college. Maybe I can arrange for room/ board in place of a scholarship. Now if I can get that arranged, you've got to promise to earn it. I'm sticking my neck out for you; don't make me regret it," I warned him sternly.

Dion's eyes bled with gratitude, "You won't regret it," he promised, his eyes nearly tearing up. "If I got a place to stay, I could work one part-time job to cover my other bills. I promise you, if you can get me that deal, I'll make good on it."

I smiled, admiring his determination as he pushed across a slip of paper with his current job info. "Okay, give me about a week, let me see what I can shake loose,"


First, I checked up with Dion's employers. One employer was a breakfast diner, and the other was a janitorial service, and both vouched for him, saying he was a reliable employee who didn't cause any trouble.

I called Marie and had her send me a copy of his high school transcript, and I talked to his high school guidance counselors. Again, no red flags, and everything indicated he was just a hard luck case who needed a break in life. He was a good student, who probably could've gotten into 4-year colleges if he had the money. His story pulled at my heartstrings. He was dealt a crappy hand and had every reason to throw in the towel. So many other kids in his situation either went for the allure of the street life or submitted to a lifetime of menial existence, and I was resolved to at least give him a chance in life.

I was acquaintances with some of the larger college donors, and I contacted them if they could help, but all of them passed. I reached out to Section 8 to see if they could help him get subsidized housing, but the wait list was so long, it would take years to process his request. He probably wouldn't qualify, anyway, since he had no kids and had income from two jobs.

There was one last-ditch option that I had intentionally avoided, but I didn't see any other way. My husband was away on business, but I called him and told him about Dion's case. I recapped his whole story from his time in foster care to his more recent struggles with medical bills and debts with no ****** to help.

"God damn it, Diana, he's not our problem. Why do we have to help?"

"Honey, his life is at a make-or-break point. He didn't have parents like we did. It's a miracle he's gotten as far as he has. Most kids with his trauma and abandonment, they've got demons they can't overcome. He's still fighting to get somewhere and do something with his life. I'm afraid he'll be lost if we don't step in."

"So, what are you suggesting exactly?"

I took a deep breath before I let the words come out, "I'm suggesting he stay with us for a while."

My husband burst into mock laughter, "And what if it doesn't work out? What if he's a nightmare? If he steals stuff. Plays loud music at all hours. Makes a mess of the house. Throws wild parties. Invites over unsavory friends. Has a girlfriend that moves in with him or if he refuses to ever move out, what then?"

"I'll set ground rules, I'll be responsible for all that, and you can blame me if I'm wrong about him. But I'm telling you, he's a good kid. We won't have any of those issues. Look, you're away over half the time on business, anyway, you'll hardly ever even see him."

"I don't know Diana," he paused for a long moment, his breathing the only sound coming across the line as he considered my proposal, "Fine, do it your way, but, if anything goes wrong, this is all on you I don't want anything to do with it."

I exhaled deeply as I hung up the phone. My husband clearly wasn't thrilled with the prospect of taking in Dion, but he relented in the end, and now my body shook with the prospect of that reality. I was sure taking Dion in was the right thing to do, but I knew it also played into my own greatest weakness, taking in Dion was playing with fire.

I was widowed by my first husband over a decade ago, which partly led to my decision to retire early. After his death, I realized that life was too short, so I resolved to live life to the fullest. I remarried a few years back, and my husband is a dear, but he's frequently away from home on business, sometimes for weeks at a time. He provides well for us, but I realized after marriage that I was often left alone in the house. I traveled with him on a few of his business trips, but he's a workaholic, often pulling 12-hour days, so I was left mostly waiting around a hotel suite in a strange city for him to come back. After a few of those trips, I opted to at least wait for him in the comfort of my own home. That said, even when he's home, he still routinely works 12-hour days, so I'm left on my own a lot. I've at least managed to keep myself in shape, watching what I eat and exercising regularly. I keep my auburn hair short, although, at 53, some greys are creeping in. I play with myself a lot, but I still find myself making excuses to stray occasionally. I figure my physical affairs just counterbalance his emotional abandonment, so it all works out in the end. Besides, what you don't know can't hurt you I reasoned.

That said, I knew inviting Dion, a young man, to live in our house would play into all my worst temptations. I love my husband, but he is a few years older than me, and his work schedule doesn't leave time for staying in shape. Having a young strong man in the house would be nice, although I wondered if Dion would have any interest in an older woman like myself. Still, it wouldn't hurt to have some eye candy in the house and give me something to think about while I masturbate. Despite my hesitancy, I knew I was talking myself into inviting Dion to stay with us. In my heart, I knew it was the right thing to do, but I also knew I was opening Pandora's Box. Nevertheless, I made up my mind and decided to accept the consequences, come what may.


A week later, Dion and I were sitting at the same table again in the same cafe near campus.

"So, what now? Did you find some help?" Dion eagerly asked.

"I called a lot of people, and not one was able to help," I started to explain.

"I knew it!" he muttered in obvious frustration.

"No, no wait," I tried to reassure him. "I don't give up that easy, and neither should you. None of them was willing to help, but maybe there's another option."

Dion's ears perked up, although he appeared skeptical. He sat, his brows raised and his eyes laser-focused as he waited for me to elaborate.

"Look, this may sound strange," I continued to explain, "but you can move in with my husband and myself. We have a furnished basement. There's already a bed and a bathroom down there. Usually, it's for guests, but it's yours if you want it. It's a walk out-basement, so you can have some privacy. You can stay, rent-free, and we'll feed you. That way, you don't have to worry about housing costs. Then Marie can help you with the Pell Grant for tuition costs, and then you just need to work enough to cover your other debts."

His face softened as he heard my proposal and realized that my offer was legitimate.

"I... I don't know what to say," he said softly.

"Listen. There are ground rules if you live with us. I see your grades, and you've got to get good grades. No loud music, no drugs, no drinking. No girlfriends staying over. Do your dishes and laundry. Don't make a mess. Keep the basement clean. Any questions?"

Dion's face showed that he was still processing the proposal, and I waited patiently while he considered it.
Finally, he spoke, asking "How long can I stay?"

"It's a two-year degree, right?"

He nodded his head, "Two years then," I answered with a smile. "Provided you can follow the rules. Are you in?"
"I'm in," he quickly answered.

"Good. Classes start next week. The timing is tight, but I think Marie can pull some strings to get you fully enrolled. When do you think you'll move in?" I asked.

"Is this weekend ok? I've got a co-worker at the diner. He's trying to move out of his mama's. He'd take over my lease."
"That sounds perfect. This weekend it is. Here's the address," I said as I slipped him a piece of paper. "You already have my cell phone. Just let me know what time you'll arrive. Till then, good luck."


Marie called me the next day, and she was excited to process Dion's paperwork to get him registered and enrolled. Then Saturday came, and Dion arrived just after lunch to move in. He drove a small older model Honda Civic hatchback, and his world of belongings fit in his car.

"Nice house you got here, Mrs."

"It's Diana," I corrected him, "just call me Diana."

He got his boxes and bags moved into the basement, and then he came up to see the rest of the house. "Where's your husband?" Dion asked. "I wanted to thank him, also."

"Oh, he's out of the house," I breezily replied. "He's a senior engineer for an oil company. He's always off-setting up new sites, so he's away a lot, sometimes for weeks at a time. He won't be back for at least another week."

"Oh yeah, you mentioned that before. Must be nice for him getting to travel all around like that."

"I suppose. Leaves me home alone a lot though."

"Who's this? You got a kid?" he asked, pointing at an old ****** portrait hanging on the wall.

"That's Bradley. He's 20 now. Not such a kid anymore. He goes to college far away from here He has to fly home for visits, but he's been doing an internship/ co-op at a corporation near his school for the past year, so it's been a while since we've seen him."

"He's lucky to grow up with you," Dion observed, obviously struck by the opportunities our son had in life.

A silence lingered after that last line, only interrupted by the sound drifting in through the open windows of the wind rustling through the leaves.
"Alright, get settled in," I said, breaking the silence. "I'll have some dinner ready at 7 pm. You eat what I make, otherwise, you're on your own. There are snacks in the pantry. There's a TV in the den, and there's one down in the basement, too. Both have satellite and are connected to some streaming services. If there's anything else you need, let me know. Make yourself at home. Okay?"

Dion nodded his head and then headed back to the basement to unpack his things.


Dion got settled in over the next few days. He quit his job at the breakfast diner to free up his time to take classes during the day, but he kept his second janitorial job in the evenings to pay for his debt, car, gas, and insurance, although he cut back on his hours, so he'd have time to study. Since he had a friend to sublease his apartment, Dion was able to put the money he saved for next month's rent toward his tuition costs until his Pell Grant came through. He was so excited Monday morning when he left for his first classes that he came home and pored over all his new books, already trying to work ahead.

I admit it was nice having someone else in the house. With my husband away so much, a woman can get lonely. Just having someone to talk to was a pleasant change. At first, Dion kind of hid away in the basement, but, by mid-week, he became more comfortable spending time in the rest of the house. You might think that our 35-year age difference left us with little in common, but the community college gave us a shared topic, and we seemed to find a lot of other mutual interests.

He spent a lot of time in the basement shirtless and seeing his young, strong body like that, I have to admit, he looked physically tempting. The original trepidation I felt to invite him into my home proved prophetic. On Thursday that first week, I caught him swiping through Tinder profiles on his phone, "You cut back on work hours, and now you've got all kinds of time to go chasing girls," I teased.

Dion smiled sheepishly, knowing he'd been called out, "Look, I know a man has needs, but you're only in your first week of school," I warned him, "I've seen this story before A boy gets hung up on some sweet thing, and the next thing he knows he's spending all his time chasing after her, and school gets left behind. Now you're in college, and you're supposed to be thinking with your brain and not with that," I said as I wagged a finger at his crotch. I could swear I saw the bulge in his pants pop out in response.

"I'm sorry, I just... I guess... before I didn't have time for a girlfriend," Dion stammered. "I didn't have time to think. I just worked and slept and worked and slept and now I don't know, I'm sorry, you're right. I don't want to mess this up, I'm thankful for everything you're doing for me."
"It's alright. I know it's hard," I reassured him. "I get it. I was once young, too. But I pulled a lot of strings and had to sweet-talk my husband into letting you move in. I bet on you, so please don't fail me."

We laughed about it and then sat down for dinner. Dion was starting to become more comfortable like he was starting to feel at home, and I was happy to see that everything was working out so well.


I got a call from my husband that weekend. There was trouble at another drilling site, and he had to go there to fix it, so he needed to stay another week to see them through. I was used to it by now, but it helped to have Dion around, at least. We lived in a safe neighborhood, and I certainly never considered myself a helpless damsel, but the house feels big sometimes, and the emptiness and stillness at night can fill you with fright and loneliness. Just having someone else there to bring comfort against the things that go bump in the night can make a huge difference.

I had caught Dion on Tinder, but he wasn't the only one who had desires. It was never good when my husband was out of the house for long periods. I have way too high a sex drive to be left alone for long periods, let alone with a virile young man in the house. Dion was constantly shirtless in the house, though I would swear he was just raised that way, and that it was a sign he felt at home. Nevertheless, I found myself staring at his physique several times, and I'd almost swear he caught me admiring him a few times. After a while, I couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't just an accident that he was always shirtless in the house, and that maybe he was even showing off to me.

During his second week, I went downstairs to call him up for dinner, and I caught him *******. I guess I should have called down or announced my presence in some way, but the tv show masked the sound of my footsteps as I descended the stairs and leaned over the railing to the sight of Dion lying out on his bed with his pants pulled down and his cock in his hands. I stopped in my tracks, transfixed by the sight of him jerking off. His cock was dark black, even darker than the rest of him, and it somehow looked dangerous in his hands, almost like a weapon. Then he caught sight of me out of the corner of his eye, and, clearly embarrassed, he panicked and pulled his pants up.

"Dinner's ready when you are," I calmly said before I turned around and headed back up the stairs. Maybe I should've been embarrassed to be silently watching him in a private moment like that, but all I could think about was the image of his cock as he jerked off.

We shared a quiet meal that night. Dion was embarrassed, so he acted withdrawn, and we endured a painful awkwardness through the main course. As a guidance counselor, I was used to broaching uncomfortable subjects with people, so I sought to clear the air.

"Dion, we need to talk about what happened earlier when I walked into the basement," I started.

His face went pale as if he wished his body could melt and ooze back down into the basement to escape this conversation.

"I'm sorry you - " His voice trailed off, the words failing him. Having come from a broken home, it's not surprising he was so defensive and scared.

"It's alright. I'm not here to lecture you," I tried to reassure him. Dion sat dumbfounded and unmoving. "Look, I get it. We all have needs." His eyes grew as big as saucers. "It's ok. It's natural. We don't talk about it a lot, so that makes it seem weird, but it shouldn't be, right? Anyway, I already dissuaded you from having a girlfriend, so what did I expect? Everyone needs an outlet, right?"

"I don't know what to say," Dion said, his face a look of confusion.

"You don't have to say anything. You don't have to apologize. I should apologize. I didn't knock before I came down."

"You weren't offended or anything by what you saw?" he asked in disbelief.

I laughed. "You know, I've got some girlfriends that pay decent money to go to a club downtown about once a month to get a peek at what I saw a little bit ago."

Dion smiled sheepishly, and I was satisfied I had sufficiently set him at ease.

"Now how about some dessert?" I offered as I reached for the apple pie.


The next day Dion and I were watching TV, and we got to talking.

I saw him wag his tongue at some young blonde thing on one of those competition reality TV shows. She was cast to be eye candy.

"Is that the kind of woman you're into?" I openly asked him.

"Oh, I don't know. She's alright," he answered, probably too shy to talk over those kinds of details.

"I see what you like. Young and skinny. Can't say I blame you. She's a beauty," I agreed.

"She's pretty. I mean, you ain't so bad. For an old woman and all."

"Ouch," I winced, feigning hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean, your husband's a lucky man."

"You want to tell him that. He's been away for almost 4 weeks," I reminded him.

An obvious sexual tension hung in the air between us. Dion had an awkward shyness about him, and I found it innocently endearing.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course, I have," he answered defensively, a little too quickly.

"How long ago?"

"Well, it wasn't anything serious. I mean, I hooked up with some girls at parties back in high school. I've been with women if that's what you're asking."

"It must be lonely," I told him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, growing up, you went into foster care and kind of bounced from ****** to ******. Your mom disappeared. No stable presence in your life. No parental figure. No siblings. Then the next thing you know, you're working so much, there's no time for a relationship."

Dion just sat there in silent agreement before speaking. "It seems you're lonely, too sometimes. What with your husband away so much and all."

"It's ok. We all get lonely sometimes. I can understand why you were looking for someone on Tinder. It's only natural to want some companionship," I conceded.

"So, what then?"

We sat staring across from each other. I knew my weaknesses and I was trying to read his face did we share similar thoughts? The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself but I bit my lip and then decided to plow ahead, "Can I be honest with you?"

"What do you think we've been doing?"

"Do you find me attractive," there, I put myself out there.

He hesitated, and I rushed to fill the silence, "I mean, I know I'm a lot older than any of the women, really girls, that you're interested in. But if you're lonely and I'm lonely... well. I want you to do well in school, I could..." I swallowed hard, trying to choose my words carefully, "We could be like friends with benefits."

My proposal hung awkwardly in the air as Dion sat with a stunned look on his face. I saw him look me over, probably eyeing me sexually for the first time.

"You can say no," I continued, again trying to fill the silence. "I'm not trying to force myself on you, I thought maybe it could be... mutually beneficial."

"So, what then?" Dion croaked, finally finding his voice, his face still in disbelief.

Now it was my turn to sheepishly grin, "Well, I have a pretty high sex drive, to be honest. You could probably fuck me any time you want, I mean, I don't do anal, so don't go there. I have limits, but I enjoy taking care of a man, and I don't mind a man taking charge of me."

"What about your husband?"

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?" Both of us were shaking nervousness as we waded into unchartered territory. "I mean, this is just so you can focus on school," I said, encouraged that he hadn't outright rejected me. "This way you don't need to spend all your time chasing after girls any time you need to get your rocks off, I can help."

"Is that so?" he asked, clearly still pondering my proposal.

Sometimes, the time for talk has passed, and it's time to act, and I decided we had reached that moment. I slid off the chair to my knees and scooted over to him until I was kneeling in front of him, looking up into his face as he sat in front of me. My hand reached up to his crotch and massaged the bulge in his pants as my eyes held his gaze. His cock visibly stiffened as I ran my hands over him and I knew that we had passed the point of no return, "I like what I saw earlier. I wouldn't mind seeing it again," I said with a smile as my hands reached inside his pants. Dion gasped as my fingers wrapped around his dick. I turned my head down to see the head of his cock sticking out of his pants. I always love the contrast of my white skin against black skin, and I started jerking him off, watching his cock grow still larger. I had both hands wrapped around his member when I felt Dion's hand rest on top of my head and then gently guide me toward his crotch. I opened my lips and took him into my mouth. His pubic hairs needed a trim, but his hard cock extended out so far, it wasn't an issue, although it would keep me from deep-throating him until he trimmed. As my mouth and tongue worked the tip of his manhood my right hand jerked off his shaft and my left hand played with his balls bringing soft moans that spurred me to work him even harder. I don't know if it was his youth, maybe it'd just been a while since he had masturbated to ejaculation or maybe I was just that damn good, whatever it was he didn't last very long. After just a few minutes his entire body stiffened and he groaned as he shot his load. I wrapped my lips tightly around his cock as his warm spunk shot to the back of my throat causing me to gag slightly. As he ejaculated a couple more shots of cum the salty taste hit my tongue, "God damn, woman!" he exclaimed at the sight of me with his cum dripping from my lips.

"I take it you liked it," I said with a sly grin, happy with his excited reaction.

"I didn't know you were a freak like that," He looked at me in shock, as if he no longer recognized the woman who had just sucked him off.
I laughed, "I think you'll be seeing a lot more of the freaky side of me."

"I look forward to it."

"I do have one request, though."

"What's that?"

"If you shave your pubic hairs, the next blow job I give will make your eyes roll to the back of your head," I promised him.
"So, let me get this straight," he said, "Anytime I feel like I want sex, you're going to let me fuck you."

"That's the idea, I reserve the right to say no and you'll need to respect that, but I have a pretty high sex drive I don't think I'll be saying no that much."

"I think I'll be wanting to tear that pussy up here in a bit," Dion said matter-of-factly.

My pussy moistened as he brazenly talked about fucking me, "I'm looking forward to it," I replied with a wink.


Dion was in the den watching a basketball game on TV while I lay in bed, thinking over what I'd just done. My heart was still racing, my mind replaying my actions an hour earlier when I knelt at Dion's feet and sucked him off. The faint taste of his cum still lingered on my tongue, and my pussy moistened as I remembered seducing him. I knew I had originally taken on the role of a matronly figure in his life while taking him in and helping him get enrolled in college and now, in one afternoon, I had shattered that view, instantly transforming myself from a motherly object to a sex object. I told myself that I was helping him focus on school and not spend all his time chasing girls, but, while there was a kernel of truth to that I knew I had ulterior motives. Living in this house by myself for weeks at a time often left me feeling abandoned and inviting Dion to stay gave me companionship.

Having a husband who spends weeks at a time away from a woman with a high sex drive led me to stray from time to time. I knew the minute I considered opening my home to take in Dion I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to offer my body to him. He was young and virile, and the fact that he was black, added a taboo factor that turbo-charged my libido. My parents, like many of their generation, harbored a prejudice against black people, while I never shared their prejudices I knew they would've disowned me if I dated a black man then but as I got older my attraction to the forbidden fruit of interracial sex became stronger, and black men became my greatest temptation. The other societal taboo I found myself breaking was taking an interest in younger men as I got older. I would never engage in anything illegal, but I found young college-aged men just gaining their independence were the physically perfect mix of youth and virility. One of the nicest perks of my career as a guidance counselor was the regular contact with so many young men. There was only so much I could do without risking my job, however. I wasn't above innocent flirting back then and now that I am retired I had insecurities like any older woman about my aging body, so it was gratifying to know I could still attract the attention of a young man like Dion. Truth be told, my husband's body isn't as sexually appealing as a young college man's body. My husband's long work hours have left him pudgy, and soft, and age has left him sometimes needing assistance from a little blue pill to get it up which left me feeling like he doesn't find me desirable anymore. While I know I'm no longer a young woman, I work hard to maintain my figure, and it hurts to see my husband not even get a hard-on when I try to seduce him.

My husband trusted me and assumed I had nothing but pure intentions in taking Dion into our home, and he would be devastated if he learned the truth. But now I had managed to bring my greatest temptation under my roof, with my husband's knowledge nonetheless. In theory, this could work out to everyone's benefit. My husband complained about taking in Dion, but he has a big heart, and he always supported me in helping disadvantaged youth when I was a guidance counselor. For Dion, he gained a path to education and all the doors in life that post-high school education could open and for me, I gained the companionship I desperately sought, as well as a way to satisfy my sexual needs.

Still, I had sucked off Dion, but he hadn't fucked me yet. He seemed more than pleased at the prospect of having me as a sex object at his disposal, but I didn't want to disappoint him. I enjoy sucking dick and pleasing a man, but the pleasure needs to be mutual. I longed to feel him inside me, to feel his cock fill my pussy and drive me to an orgasm. I worried that since he didn't take me right away after I sucked him off but knew he probably needed some time to recover. Still, I couldn't help but wonder if my 53-year-old body could entice him. I worked hard to keep myself in shape, but I have greys in my auburn hair, and the wrinkles are no longer just laugh lines. There's only so much you can do to hold off the effects of time, and I knew I looked like what I was, a mature woman. Hell, some of my friends the same age or even younger are already grandparents. So, while my mouth was good enough for Dion to let me suck him off, was the rest of me good enough for him to fuck?
I went to my closet perused through my lingerie collection and carefully selected an outfit. It wasn't much but that was kind of the idea, I didn't want to leave anything to chance. I selected a sheer basque that hugged tightly to my body. My tits were visible through the sheer black fabric, and the bottom of the basque hung at my waist, and I decided to remain bottomless; the lips of my shaved pussy were already wet with a thin sheen of moistness. I matched the outfit with a pair of sheer black stockings that attached to clips hanging off the bottom of the basque. Looking at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile there was zero chance Dion could misinterpret my intentions when he saw me in this. Whereas I remained fully clothed while I sucked him off earlier, now my body was on full display, and I left nothing to his imagination.

I sat there dressed and feeling my sexiest. I was horny and ready to fuck, but I heard the play-by-play from the basketball game blaring from the tv in the den where Dion waited. Should I go into the den and try to force myself on him? I wondered if that would come across as too desperate, although at that moment I knew I was horny and desperate. Still, I worried if I came on too strong that I risked alienating him. He might decide I was an obsessed, crazed woman and move out of my house. He seemed so shy earlier that I couldn't help but wonder if he needed some encouragement to gain enough confidence to take me. I decided on a middle ground between throwing myself at him and waiting for him to come find me. I pulled out the container under my bed where I kept my sex toys and pulled out a long black dildo it was 8 inches of pleasure. I bought it several years back, and it has brought me many rounds of pleasure over the years, helping satisfy and fuel my interracial fantasies. I stroked my fingers over it as I lay on my bed it was shaped realistically with a fleshy feel, from the head of the cock to the veins along the shaft and the balls at the end.

I slid the dildo into my mouth as deeply as I could take it, wetting the shaft with my tongue. I remembered how Dion's member felt in my mouth earlier and deeply wished he'd come and take me. The 8' dildo was a little larger than Dion's, and I couldn't take the whole thing without gagging. My horniness already had me on the edge before anything had even touched my pussy. I pulled the dildo out of my mouth and placed it at the entrance to my vagina. The head barely touching my labia and I was already arching my back in response. I took a deep breath and slid the long black phallic inside me. A loud moan of satisfaction escaped my lips as I pushed the entire length of the dildo inside until its balls were pressed against me and then I held it inside of me enjoying the feel of its shaft filling my pussy, giving me the sexual gratification I'd been desperately seeking. I love having my clitoris stimulated it was still the easiest way for me to orgasm but there was something incredibly satisfying about having my pussy stuffed full of cock, "Oh God," I muttered.

The door to my room was wide open, and I knew Dion was downstairs directly under me. I imagined it was already him inside me, and I closed my eyes and pinched my nipples with one hand as the other hand started pumping the dildo in and out of my pussy, "Oh Dion," I called out. I opened my eyes and saw the long black shaft sliding in and out of me, the dark chocolate color in stark contrast to my bald white pussy. I was so horny, already edging, and close to an orgasm. I closed my eyes and slowly moved the dildo, wanting to enjoy the feeling of being on the cusp for longer. I was edging so hard that I was barely moving my sex toy knowing that if I went any faster it would push me over the edge and I desperately wanted the current feeling to last as long as I could make it, "God, that feels so good," I called out to no one. I spread my legs wider as I continued to slowly plunge the dildo back inside me. I'd move it an inch deeper and then wait until I was sure I could slide it another inch without pushing me to an orgasm. My pussy was so aroused, my lips felt swollen to double their size and sensitive to the slightest sensation. The curvature of the head of the dildo. The veins and musculature on the shaft as it slid in. The touch of my fingers as I worked the dildo. How the skin on my fingers felt against my pussy. The hardness of my nails lightly scraped against my labia. Just the air in the room as it blew over the wetness on my pussy. I felt everything, and everything turned me on. I was close to a climax that I knew I couldn't hold back much longer and no longer wanted to hold back, now I wanted to feel the sweet release. I stared up at the white ceiling as I plunged the last 3 inches of the dildo into me knowing full well what would happen when the tip of the dildo pressed against my cervix it was enough to push me over the edge, I furiously pumped the dildo in and out of me as the orgasm washed over my body determined to pump out every ounce of pleasure from my orgasm, "Oh, my fucking God!" I screamed, the surrender to my orgasm complete. I wanted to draw out every last ounce of pleasure from the orgasm and bucked my hips up and down furiously fucking the dildo as my hand held it in place, desperately wanting to feel every last bit of the climax course through my body.

As I came down from my orgasm, my eyes drifted down and I saw Dion standing mouth agape at the door. I can only imagine how obscene the sight of me looked with my legs splayed wildly and a large black dildo lewdly dangling out of my pussy. I could feel the large wet spot on the bedsheets under me as I sat up and looked at him with an unashamed grin. This was the moment I wanted. This was the moment I feared. How would Dion react? I searched his face for clues, but all I saw was shock, "How... how long were you standing there?"

"A couple minutes." He was still standing in the doorway fully dressed, jeans and a tee shirt. I was suddenly aware of my nakedness. I left the door open, hoping he'd find me and it had worked. He had a horny insatiable woman in front of him. Did the sight of watching me cum turn him on or did it somehow repulse him?

"I told you earlier you could have me any time you wanted. I guess I got tired of waiting. Did you like what you saw?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness.

"That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen," he admitted.

My heart was racing as I moved to close the deal, "I'm ready to be fucked, if you're ready?"

"You're ready?" he asked incredulously, "Looks like you're already done," he added with a laugh, "I'm ready to hit that pussy, that's for sure." He spoke with growing confidence and stepped forward into the room, dropping his pants on the floor as he came toward the bed. He stood on his knees on the bed as I pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it on the floor, and he was left in his boxers his manhood peeked out the front slit, and my hands reached out to stroke it.

"It looks like you're happy to see me," I happily observed.

"I had no idea today would turn out like this," he said shaking his head in disbelief while staring down at my naked body. My legs spread wide and my wet pussy invited him to mount me. "I thought you were just a nice old lady. Now I know you're a freak did you wear this fancy lingerie just for me?" I nodded as I looked intently into his eyes while I pulled down his boxers his hard cock sprung free bouncing hypnotically in my face.

"You shaved," I remarked in surprise.

"You promised me a mind-blowing blow job if I did," he reminded me.

I laughed and then leaned forward and took his cock into my lips letting the length of his shaft fill my mouth. Earlier, my dildo felt nice, but it was nothing compared to having Dion's cock and I savored it. The feel of his cock throbbing in my mouth, the blood coursing through his veins pulsating against my lips. The taste of his pre-cum leaking out and landing on my tongue. With his pubic hair shaved, I deep-throated the entire length of his shaft, almost gagging, as my bottom lip rubbed against his balls I then opened my mouth and let him fall out, "If you play your cards right, you'll get plenty of blow jobs from me," I said with a mischievous smile. "I'd like to cum, too, though," I said as I laid back on the bed, spread my legs wide, and spread my pussy lips to reveal my pink flesh for my young lover. Dion grabbed my ankles and raised my legs as he came forward. I took his cock in my hand guiding him into me.

"I've never done it without protection," he said.

"Good," I replied, "Then I know you don't have any diseases, neither do I and I promise you'll love how a pussy feels without a condom getting in the way." The head of his cock rested at the entrance to my pussy teasing me mercilessly, "For the love of God," I begged him. He laughed at my desperation, but he thrust himself crotch forward, plunging his cock deep into me and I shot up on my elbows and gasped in reaction. As I lay back down, he continued staring down at me, leering at my body. He stood with his cock buried in my pussy as his hands reached down and lowered the shoulder straps on my basque. Then he lowered my top until my titties were fully revealed.

"There, that's better," he smiled in satisfaction as he started fucking me. He ran his hands along the smooth nylon of my stockings as my legs rested on each of his shoulders. "I like the look and feel of these," he said in amusement at my stockings, "You should wear these more often. I appreciated the compliment, but I was in no position to answer coherently as he eagerly fucked me. Earlier, I masturbated myself to orgasm while imagining Dion fucking me but now he was fucking me for real and I was in heaven. Even though he didn't seem to have a lot of experience he found a nice rhythm and his cock pumped me hard and deep. He was in full control of me and I wanted him to drive me to an orgasm. My hands reached up to his chest and then reached around back to feel his ass. He was built solid, and his body was firm to my touch, "You don't know what you're doing to me," I warned him.

Dion laughed, "Oh, I think I know exactly what I'm doing to you."

Without the support and form the basque gave my tits, they bounced around as Dion continued to ride me. I saw his eyes fixated on my titties as they bounced this way and that while he fucked me, "Oh, my fucking God," I screamed arching my back as my pussy stirred in arousal.

"God damn, you're a horny woman!"

"Just fuck me, fuck me, please!" I begged. He started pounding me a little faster and harder, and my arousal intensified. I was so wet and approaching an orgasm my breath became labored and I laid my head back on the pillow resigned to not fight the impending climax. Earlier I had wanted to ride the edge of an orgasm as long as possible, but now I wanted to feel the release, the explosion, I wanted to feel my orgasm and Dion's cum inside me and have it dripping out of my pussy. I wanted him to mark his territory on me, to cum in my pussy, and claim me as his, at that moment I belonged to him. My hands gripped the sheets, my fingers dug in tightly I concentrated on his cock as it drove in and out of me, every inch of his young manhood pleased me as it pumped in and out, his cock was throbbing and driving me quickly over the edge, "I'm gonna cum, babe, I'm gonna cum!"

"You want me to cum inside you?"

"Yes, oh God, yes!"

Was I replying to Dion's question or answering in reaction to my impending orgasm? It was probably a bit of both Dion had me close and he knew it, "I want to watch you cum," he said coolly, as he stared down into my face. I closed my eyes and focused on my orgasm. I was so aroused, that I came after just a few more thrusts. Wordless moans and cursing fell from my lips. My body was electrified as the orgasm took hold, and I shuddered in response. My hands reached up to pinch my nipples as the orgasm crested, I felt my pussy muscles spasming, and then they tightened around Dion's cock causing him to grunt loudly as he thrust his cock one last time impaling himself balls deep into me as he unloaded his seed deep into my vagina.

I opened my eyes to the sight of Dion still towering over me, my stockinged legs still resting on either shoulder. His cock was quickly softening inside my body. I was still shaking after my orgasm, I was still trying to catch my breath, and my tits gently rose and fell with my deep breaths as I recovered, "So now that you've had me. Do we have a deal? I'll be your fuck toy, and you focus on school?" I asked, my breath still labored.

"I think I could get used to this," he answered.

"So can I," I assured him, "it's going to be a fun school year."


My husband warily eyed Dion during dinner. He arrived home yesterday, tired and grumpy from working for almost a month on an oil industry site start-up project that was not going well. Last night he fumed privately in our room as we were going to bed about allowing Dion to move in. I reminded him kindly that he left it to my discretion to invite Dion into our home, and I informed him of all the conditions Dion had to follow. I admit, it must've been a big change for my husband to come home and find a new person living there, that said, I know my husband well enough to know that he was blowing off steam and that Dion wasn't the source of his frustration. His anger had a lot more to do with his work stress and nothing to do with anything Dion beyond his existence. Still, he never voiced his frustrations about Dion directly to him as Dion was as my husband reminded me, my problem.

Dion, for his part, was reticent around my husband, he mostly stayed in the basement and avoided my husband in those first few days. My husband wasn't hostile toward him but he wasn't outgoing either. I'm sure the fact that Dion and I were having an affair made it awkward for Dion. It was one thing when we were the only ones in the house my husband probably didn't seem real to him at first and now that my husband was here in the flesh, it put our affair in a whole new light and Dion became noticeably shy around me.

My husband's icy façade started to thaw after he saw that Dion was an okay kid. Dion was gone for most of the day in classes, and then he worked his part-time job in the evenings, my husband always appreciated someone willing to work hard toward a goal. By the end of the week, my husband was calling up Dion for dinner and trying to make small talk with him to make him feel more invited and comfortable. Dion noticeably relaxed, feeling more welcome although he still seemed to avoid eye contact and talking with me.

I was happy to finally have my husband home but it was obvious that the dynamics of my affair with Dion had changed. Before my husband came home we had a mutually beneficial agreement where he'd focus on his studies and not go chasing girls that he could use me to relieve his sexual needs without all the effort and drama that goes into skirt chasing. Ostensibly, I was sacrificing my body to give him a better chance for collegiate success, although if I'm being honest I knew my motives were much more selfish than altruistic. I had started dressing up nicer around the house after starting my affair, wanting to keep myself presentable and desirable for Dion. I continued doing so after my husband came home, and he noticed the change, "I noticed you're dressing up around the house," he said wryly, "Not just lying around in sweat suits."

"Oh, I just figured I should try to look nice for you," I quickly replied, "I didn't want you to forget about me after being away for so long," I said with a wink.

"Luckily, Dion's only 18, I'm sure he's chasing after college girls. He can't appreciate a fine, older woman like yourself but I certainly can."
I laughed uncomfortably as he came onto me that night and we made love. He's a good man, and I knew he needed some stress relief. I was sex-starved with Dion becoming withdrawn, so I welcomed the attention. My husband is a good man and I want to be a good wife and please him but making love to him only reminded me what I wasn't getting from Dion.

I ran my hands over my husband's body, and all I could think about was how much firmer Dion's arms and legs felt in comparison. My husband's skin was leathery and wrinkled, becoming worn over the years, whereas I remember marveling at how smooth Dion's skin felt to the touch. I supposed I shouldn't be one to complain I'm no spring chicken myself but if given a choice I would choose a body ravaged by time over one still basking in a youthful glow. They say beauty is only skin deep but in a purely physical relationship, skin deep is all that counts and Dion was black. I know a person's color shouldn't matter, and I don't let it influence how I treat anyone in life whether it be strangers or friends. But we all have our private proclivities, our kinks. For some people, it could be hair color like blondes or redheads, or it could be a sexy accent like Eastern European or British but for me, there's something I find incredibly attractive about other skin colors. My husband's pasty white body doesn't hold the same allure as the contrast of Dion's dark skin against mine and given the history of racism in America starting and continuing with the government there's still a taboo factor even though I'm glad to see that interracial relationships no longer raise eyebrows as they did. Does my kink perpetuate racist tropes and stereotypes? I don't know, maybe it does, but I figure if everything is consensual then what's the harm?
I laid awake that night, next to my husband and even though he had fucked me and his cum was dripping out of my pussy all I could think about was the young black man sleeping in the basement.


The next day, my husband was at work in his local office so I confronted Dion about our relationship while he was home for a few hours between classes. I went downstairs to the basement where Dion stayed and found him seated at a desk, diligently studying, "Dion, can we talk for a few minutes?" When he turned to face me I saw the apprehension in his eyes. My years as a guidance counselor gave me a wealth of experience in reading people's body language which often helped me get to the root cause of behaviors. People's frustrations often manifest themselves in other areas of a person's life. In my experience, 90% of the time student issues could be traced back to drugs, alcohol abuse, or relationship drama (girlfriends or ******). I saw Dion's nervousness and I tried to calm him, "It's alright, I want to talk," I reassured him.

He slowly pushed his chair back from his desk and turned around to face me, "Alright, what is there to talk about?"

I started slowly choosing my words carefully, "It seems that you've been avoiding me lately."

"I... it's complicated," Dion started to explain after taking a deep breath. I could tell he was also carefully choosing his words. "Ever since your husband got back, I feel guilty. I mean, you're his wife and I'm staying in his house it seems disrespectful."

"I'm sorry you feel that way... so where does that leave you? I mean are you back to swiping left and right on Tinder?"

Dion threw his head back in a hearty laugh, "I've been tempted but haven't gone there just yet."

"What my husband doesn't know won't hurt him."

"Don't you feel guilty about what we are doing?"

"Like you said it's complicated but my offer still stands, I still want you to succeed in school, and..."
"You make it sound like your offering to spread your legs is some great act of charity," Dion said cutting me off, "It seems to me like you just want some dick."

I blushed at his brazenness, "I'd like to think our affair was mutually beneficial and pleasurable."
"You're... ok truth be told I want to tap that pussy again but I also don't want to mess up this chance at college so, what happens if I don't sleep with you, will you kick me out?"

"Nothing bad will happen," I assured him, "I promised you a college home and as long as you adhere to the original conditions I set you're more than welcome to stay here. I may have to provide my pleasure again like that first time when you walked in on me," I said reminding him of the first time I seduced him, and with that, I got up and started to make my way upstairs, I stopped about halfway up, "If you change your mind I'll be waiting for you." I purposefully swung my ass like a pendulum as I walked up the stairs and looked back catching him checking me out to which he sheepishly looked away at least if he didn't come back to me, I'd know it wasn't for lack of trying.


My husband and Dion grew closer over the next few weeks. The next thing I knew, they were going out every weekend. From car shows to baseball and basketball games, they were always out and about. They'd come home at night after a long day out having eaten at whatever sports bar, and bragging about their day's adventure. I hadn't seen my husband act like this in years. Part of me couldn't help but wonder if he missed our son that badly. Brandon had been out of the house a few years by now and it left us as empty nesters which was a big change for both of us or maybe it was a second chance for him to be a father with all the hours he put in at the office he missed a lot of Brandon's games, plays, and recitals growing up so maybe this was his way of atoning. Whatever it was my husband relished taking on a patriarchal role in Dion's life and sharing all the traditional manly interests with him.

For Dion, he gained the father figure always missing from his life. My husband took him fishing and deer hunting for the first time in his life. You could see the excitement in his eyes at finally experiencing father/son-type bonding. After all the years of suffering through parents who abandoned him and getting shuttled through the foster system, Dion soaked up all the attention. I know, I should've been happy to see my husband and Dion bond so easily but I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Somehow, I felt like a third wheel. On weekends I was left alone, I'd visit my girlfriends, and we'd go out for lunch and gossip like old hens but I also spent a lot of weekends alone and given my high sex drive, I ended up spending a lot of afternoons lying around naked with my plethora of toys. I'd run the gamut of my toys from vibrators to dildos to Ben-wa balls. I'd take my big, black dildo and pretend it was Dion, just like I did the first time I seduced him. I made myself cum repeatedly and yet I never felt fully satisfied. I longed for the touch of a man, I longed to feel Dion inside me again. Still, I couldn't help but worry that maybe age was catching up with me and Dion had his fun with me and no longer found me attractive.

During this time I wasn't above giving Dion little reminders of what he was missing. On weekdays I always wore a dress or skirt that was above the knees and often without panties. I'd find opportunities to flash Dion. Bras are always so restrictive so I never wear them at home and I'd wear loose tops finding ways to bend over in front of him and giving him clear views down my top I caught him staring at my goods on more than a few occasions. Maybe it was desperation or denial. Maybe it was just my vanity or insecurity. I wanted the validation, to know that Dion still found me attractive. I know men are dogs and I could've put myself out there and found another lover but I had already seduced Dion and it was Dion I wanted a relationship with again.

I think I could even accept it if I lost him to some young hussy. I know I'm no spring chicken, so I don't necessarily expect to win a beauty contest against some young thing, although what I now lack in youth, I'd like to think I make up for in experience. But that didn't matter because that wasn't the case. It's like Dion abandoned me for a man and not just any man, but my husband the indignity of it all.

As close as Dion and my husband became, I also saw the grind starting to get to Dion. As the semester wore along and final exams loomed, Dion spent more and more time studying. I saw him struggling with some of the subjects, and the workload seemed to almost overwhelm him. He still worked part-time, and I could tell he struggled to keep up with some of his classes. Per the conditions I set for him to live with us, he shared his grades with me, and he was doing well, on track to get all A's and B's in his classes, but he was burning the midnight oil to keep up, and I saw the lack of sleep and hard work starting to catch up with him.

One time I went down to the basement to offer Dion a snack, and I found him lying on the bed, having passed out while reading one of his textbooks. I silently descended the stairs and stood by his bedside for a few moments, just watching him breathing peacefully as he slept, the textbook rising and falling slowly as it lay open on his chest. This was when I decided to take a shot, it was midday my husband wouldn't be home for hours. I crawled onto the bed which caused Dion to roll over onto his side and the textbook to tumble off his chest onto the mattress. I placed my hands on his shoulders, and he stirred slightly as I started giving him a massage. His strong shoulders were firm and muscular in my hands, he moaned softly as my hands traveled up to where his neck met his shoulders. He shook his head and opened his eyes, turning around to see whose hands were rubbing him down, "What is..." he groggily started but the words trailed off in confusion.

"Shh," I said, putting my fingers to my lips, "Lay down flat and relax."

"I don't understand, what are you..." Dion started to say, as he regained his voice.

"You've been working hard," I interrupted him, "I thought you could use a little stress relief."

I'm still unsure if it was my persuasion or his sleepiness, but Dion obediently rolled over flat on his stomach, I crawled on top my legs straddling his body. I ran my hands down his back, and his body shivered in response as he let out a deep sigh. As my hands slid down to his waist, I slipped them under his shirt, my skin directly on his skin, and the human touch elicited a moaning response from Dion, "What the fuck are you doing to me," he wondered aloud.

I leaned my head down until I was breathing on his neck and then whispered in his ear, "I think you know exactly what I'm doing to you," my hands crawled up his back. I pulled his shirt up at the same time. He raised his arms, and I pushed his shirt off with my hands. I sat back up and rested my weight on his lower back and buttocks, I wasn't wearing panties, my dress rose and my taint pressed against his skin. As I moved my crotch slowly against his back, I loved the feel of his skin in direct contact with my crotch, "Turn over," I told him, "Let me see you." I took my weight off him, and he slowly rolled over onto his back as I remained on top. His eyes locked into mine, as I leaned over until we were face to face. My top was loose, and I saw his eyes drift down to stare at my breasts, "Tell me you don't want me?"

"How am I supposed to say no?"

"You're not," I said as I started nibbling on his ear. He moaned aloud, his body responding to the attention I was giving him, and his hands reached to my back, "You've been making me wait," I continued, "I've been such a good girl, I think you should reward me."

"How is that?"

I moved up on top of him until my pussy was directly above his face. A drip of wetness came off me and landed on his lips, his tongue eagerly took in the taste of my arousal, "Have you ever pleasured a woman orally?"

"I haven't," he admitted

"Well, I figured, I gave you oral pleasure before... I thought it'd be gentlemanly of you to return that favor. Besides, there's a first time for everything, right?" I looked down and saw his face in a stunned expression, and his eyes transfixed on my vagina staring him in the face. "Open your mouth and give me some tongue," I instructed as I lowered my pussy onto his face. His lips came into contact with me, and I was so aroused, that my hands went down on the mattress to support myself from falling. His fingers spread my sex and his tongue reached out and started licking me instantly sending all my nerves into sensory overload. "Oh God," I moaned, "It's been so long since a man went down on me like this," his tongue felt so good. He said it was his first time, but he was hitting the right spots. I stayed still, holding my pussy in place for him, I was pressed firmly against his mouth desperately seeking the feel of his mouth and tongue against my sex organ making sure not to suffocate him. I pulled my dress off now I was seated on him completely naked as he continued to work my clit. His tongue was magic but I wanted more. I moved to the side and presented myself on all fours on the bed for my young lover. "Please," I begged, "Fuck me."

Dion slowly sat up, a smile on his face, "How horny are you right now?" His lips gleaned with my wetness.

"Jesus, you've got a horny fucking woman on your hands. Please put your dick in me."

Dion knew he owned me at that moment he laughed so heartily at the realization it almost scared me. He positioned himself behind me while I wiggled my ass in front of him and bent over farther until my chest was on the bed. "Please, I need to feel you inside me," I pleaded as his fingers ran over the length of my slit bringing a shiver in response.

"Your husband doesn't take care of your needs," he openly asked.

"Not like you can," I admitted.

He slipped a finger inside me. It wasn't a big, fat cock, but it was still enough to get my pussy dripping again. "Look at you getting off on my finger. What you gonna do when I shove my dick inside your pussy?"

"I'm going to scream my lungs out," I replied truthfully.

"Well, let's see," The next thing I knew, his cock plunged deep into me and I let out a primal scream, how the neighbors didn't hear me I do not know. "Careful there, neighbors hear that, they're liable to think I'm hurting you and call the cops," Dion teased me, "What kind of woman are you, anyway?"

"A horny one," I truthfully answered.

"I move in and you practically beg me for sex, is that why you invited me into your home, do you get off on fucking black men?"

"I... " I was breathless, my words failed me.

"Answer me," Dion demanded as he fucked me even harder, "You like my black dick in your pussy, don't you?"

"Oh God, yes! I do! I do! I do!"

"It's all making sense now, I've noticed you parading around here flashing your bits to me every chance you got, do you think I don't notice? What's a red-blooded man supposed to make of that? I see what you're about, tell me what you like, let me hear you say it?"

By now, Dion was furiously fucking me from behind, his body slamming into me, his skin loudly slapping into mine as he rammed me with his cock. "Fuck, I love your black cock," I grunted each word between short breaths, barely able to spit them out, "I want your black cock, I want you to fill me with your seed, Oh God, make me your bitch." I was almost breathless as my arousal took control of my body. I quickly climaxed as Dion continued to fuck me mercilessly. My body went limp as he plowed my pussy right through my orgasm and slapped my ass as he continued fucking me doggy.

"How does my dick feel in you?"

"Fuck, I love it," I muttered.

"You like that dick in your pussy?"

"Fuck, I love that dick in my pussy!"

"You want my cum in your pussy?"

All my voice could offer was a quivering moan in response to the idea of Dion's cum planted deep in my pussy. There's a barbaric aspect to having a man plant his seed in you as if he's marking his territory, claiming you as his. I'm long past my childbearing years but the symbolism was not lost on me and Dion was finally growing past the shy kid who originally moved in and learning how to become a man, learned how to take charge of a woman.

"I can't hear you, you want my cum in your pussy?"

I finally mustered a response, "I want your cum. I want it dripping in me," I answered between heavy breaths.

Dion laughed at my eagerness, "Ain't you in luck? Your wish is about to come true."

His hands gripped my waist, and he pulled me hard into his crotch as he thrust forward, impaling himself deep inside me and grunting loudly as he ejaculated, his cock pulsing with each shot that filled my pussy with his warm, sticky cum. I tightened my pussy around his cock, trying to coax every last drop out of him until he released his grip on my waist and his member softened.

After he pulled out of me, he laid on the bed next to me I turned over and laid down on my back. We lay there quietly, the only sound being the dishwasher softly running above as both of us tried to recover from our fuck session, "You know, your husband's probably going to find out at some point if we keep doing this," Dion said, finally breaking the silence.

"Not if we're careful. You know, it's not like you have to choose between me and my husband."

"I know, but he's been so nice to me, and I feel like... like I'm betraying him."

"You ever had a woman offer you sex on demand whenever, wherever you want?"

"No, I haven't," he admitted, "Are you still telling me you're only doing this in support of my education?"

"Are you going to turn down a woman who offers you sex on demand?"

"On-demand? What are you the cable movie service?"

I laughed, "Something like that. Except they charge you a fee for their service and I'm offering myself for free, no strings attached."

"They say there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."

"Tell yourself what you want," I told him, "I think we both come out ahead with this arrangement."

Dion nodded his head, "Okay, I give in."

"You make it sound like fucking me is a punishment," I said, with a hurt look on my face.

"It ain't that, I can promise you."

"I'd rather you show me," I teased him.

Dion laughed, "OK, I got to go to work in an hour. But first, I'll go to work on you," he said with a wink.

I was lying on my back on his bed, and I spread my legs for him as he stood on his knees in front of me, leering over my naked body. His cock dangled before him, a black, menacing object that could fulfill all my dark, hidden desires and already had my pussy dripping. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and penetrated me, slowly sliding in his cock, an inch at a time until he filled my pussy. "Is this what you've been wanting?" he asked as he held his manhood fully buried, his cock pulsing lightly every few seconds inside me.

"Yes, please fuck me."

"What is it you want?"

"I want your black cock, please, I want to be fucked."

"Look at you talking all dirty. A respectable woman like yourself got your legs all spread and a black cock buried in that lily-white pussy."

Dion slowly started grinding me, I was so aroused that every movement of his cock increased my stimulation. I'd needed him for so long that now it didn't take anything for him to get me off. His hands ran up and down my legs, as he kept my feet propped on his shoulders. First, he ran them up the outside of my legs, and then he ran them do the inside of my legs, and as his hands reached my inner thighs and closed in on my pussy, he was entering my erogenous zone, and my sexual stimulation jumped to overdrive, "Last time I fucked you hard. This time I'm gonna take you slow and enjoy the ride."

I looked into Dion's face, he seemed to be studying me, taking in every sigh and moan that slipped from my mouth, watching my tits softly bounce as he ground his cock into me, and watching me slowly surrender to my arousal. I had no shame, not in front of him, and climaxed with my eyes closed and my back arched as his cock continued to pound away at me, "Yeah, you like that don't you," Dion asked rhetorically, "That's hitting the spot, ain't it?"

"Oh God, you're fucking me so good," I cooed back to my young lover. I relaxed as the orgasm passed through my body, but Dion continued fucking me nice and slow, his long, black cock pulling in and out of me like a slow-moving piston. After a few minutes, he stopped. I opened my eyes, wondering if he had somehow ejaculated, and I didn't feel it. Dion pulled out of me and walked on his knees while straddling my body until his cock was dangling in my face. His cock was coated in my juices, and the odor filled my nostrils. It was clear what he wanted, and I opened my mouth to oblige him. Dion thrust his cock forward as I opened my lips, and suddenly I had a mouthful of cock. I tasted my juices as my tongue ran over his manhood and teased its tip. Our eyes locked as I lay there with his cock stuffed in my mouth and his balls pressed against my chin. He smiled, obviously enjoying the sight of me struggling to take him in. I tried to say something, but I couldn't produce anything more than wordless mumbles.

"You look so beautiful with your lips wrapped around my cock," Dion observed.

I'm not sure that beautiful was the right word, but I was determined to make Dion cum and keep him coming back for more. It took a lot of effort on my part to get him to let down his defenses after he had bonded with my husband and I didn't want to lose any of the gains I had made that afternoon so I sucked on his chocolate bone my tongue lapping his cock and my lips keeping a tight fit around him. Dion must've enjoyed my skills because soon he pulled my head forward into his crotch while he started throat fucking me faster and faster. With my lips tightly wrapped around him, he came quickly his cum shooting to the back of my throat as his hands held my face tight against his crotch.

After finishing off Dion I was lying on the bed with Dion towering over me. As I pulled my head back from his cock, I saw him staring down at me, his look telling me that I belonged to him. Shortly thereafter, Dion gathered his clothes off the floor and got dressed for work. I lay naked on his bed pulling the blanket over my naked body to keep warm against the cool basement air.

"Remember," I reminded Dion as he put on his shoes, "You can use my body whenever you want, but a woman has her needs, too, don't keep me waiting," he looked back at me with a big, silly grin on his face and shook his head before climbing the stairs to leave.


After that afternoon encounter, it's like the dam broke. Dion still went out on the weekends with my husband, but he was mine during the week. Dion had at least a 2-hour break between classes each day, and it was only a short 5-minute drive from the campus to our house, so it afforded us daily opportunities for fuck sessions. We settled into a routine where he'd come home, and I'd be waiting for him, often dressed up in lingerie. We took to role-playing. Sometimes I'd be dressed up professionally in a nice blouse, skirt, and nylons, pretending to be his teacher. He'd be my student, and I'd let him undress me, unwrapping me like a Christmas present, enticing him to work harder in class by offering my body. Or sometimes I was the lonely housewife that he accidentally stumbled upon. I'd patiently wait for him just inside the front door, completely naked except for a pair of stockings. I'd have my legs spread and either be fingering myself or playing with a toy, making sure I was wet and horny for my young lover to mount me as soon as he arrived.

Dion seemed to have gotten over his guilty conscience. I guess it was an all-or-nothing thing. Once he formed a bond with my husband, he initially didn't want to cross that line and continue the relationship with me. But, once he crossed that line again, whether he fucked me once or a thousand times, the line was crossed. I know I should have felt guilt, but I guess sometimes I think as much with my pussy as I do my head.

Anyway, it seemed to be working out for everyone. As I always pointed out, what my husband doesn't know can't hurt him. Besides, my husband and Dion still maintained their bond, and I gained someone to fulfill my sexual needs. My husband, the big teddy bear that he is, didn't seem to notice anything untoward between Dion and myself, "It seems that Dion has adjusted to school pretty well," he remarked one night while Dion was at his part-time job.

"Oh," I responded, "What makes you say that?"

"Well, a little while back the class workload and stress seemed to be getting to him but he's been more relaxed lately. I think maybe he's got the college thing figured out."

"That's good, dear, I'm really glad it's working out, us taking in Dion."

"I am too he's a good kid. You were right about him," he admitted, "He just needed the right environment for success."
"I'm glad we could give him that environment. I think all of us are doing everything we can to help him succeed, so I'm glad our efforts are paying off," I breezily remarked. I couldn't help but wonder what my husband would think if he knew what everything I did for Dion truly entailed.


A few weeks later, my husband and I were alone and getting ready for bed in our room, "You set a rule with Dion, no girls, no relationships, right?"

"Well, he's not allowed to have them over, at least. We can't control what he does outside our home. I wanted to make sure that our taking in one person didn't become taking in two, but what's got you asking the question?"

"I had to go down to the unfinished area in the basement to get some stuff, and I saw some women's stockings sticking out from under his sheets.

I remembered my afternoon tryst with Dion just a few hours earlier. I'd worn stockings, and he ripped them off me in the middle of our passionate lovemaking. After we were done, Dion hurried off to work while I scurried back upstairs to get dressed before my husband came home. I now realized that in my haste, I'd left my stockings, "You haven't seen him bringing any women home then?"

"No, I haven't."

"Are you sure? His sheets, I mean, they smelled kind of like..."

"Honey, he's a young man," I interrupted, "You know how they are. He's probably masturbating whenever he thinks we won't notice, and he's probably bad at cleaning up afterward like most boys are."

"You don't think he's a crossdresser or something, do you?"

"The stockings, why the stocking?"

"Look, he probably just met some girl at a party or something and kept her stockings like a trophy. He's a good kid, he wouldn't break our rules."
"Yeah, you're probably right," he concluded, "That dog probably found himself some floozy. Can't say I blame him he's young and good-looking. He should be playing the field and now that he's got a future, he'll probably have women throwing themselves at him. He probably found himself a real slut, someone who spreads her legs at will for him, good for him. He's been working hard; he deserves it. I hope he's fucking her for all she's worth."

I laughed a little, my husband could be crass at times, but he had no idea how close to the truth he hit or who that slut Dion was fucking for all she's worth was.


It was one of those fall days where the weather couldn’t seem to make up its mind. You grab a thick coat in the morning because it feels like winter then you want to change into shorts and a tee shirt by the afternoon. At that moment it was afternoon and gorgeous outside with a cloud distorting the deep blue skies. A refreshing breeze blew into the house through the wide open windows and also allowed the sounds of the neighborhood to seep in. The noise from a lawn mower running a few doors down, the rush of tires on the pavement as the occasional car drove by, and the idle chatter of the old retired folks taking their daily neighborhood walks alternately filled our home at various times.

“School seems to be keeping you busy lately, are you making friends at school,” I asked Dion.

We were making small talk while he casually fucked me in the living room. Dion had just gotten back from his morning classes, and I had just returned from running errands and we were catching up. I was lying on my back on the sofa, my head on an armrest and my legs spread wide with one hanging off the edge and the other pointed straight up and propped against the seat back.

“I don’t know about friends, but I’ve got a partner for a group project,” he responded languidly as he slowly pumped his hard cock into me.

“Who is he or she,” I asked, trying to sound conversational but my breath was growing short and labored.

Dion laughed, “He’s a he, Darius is his name.”

“Oh, that’s nice how did you meet? How did you get paired up? By choice or were you assigned to work together?”

“By choice, we went to the same high school. I didn’t know him real well back then but it’s nice knowing a familiar face and we ended up in a lot of the same classes so it made sense to work together.”

My husband was away on business again this week which freed us up to openly continue our illicit affair. Dion had overcome his initial reticence after meeting my husband, and now he fucked me whenever he wanted, which was at least twice if not three or four times a day, he was insatiable which perfectly matched my sex drive.

By this time, I was highly aroused and quickly abandoned any pretense of keeping up our conversation. I could hardly contain my moans of pleasure looking down I gave up on any effort to dampen my moans after catching sight of my lily-white legs obscenely splayed and Dion’s hard black cock disappearing into me. Dion looked down in amusement at my helplessness, “Careful now, you wouldn’t want the neighbors to hear you.”

Dion was right, of course. I didn’t want the neighbors to hear me. I was retired, just like the old couples walking past our window, even if I was younger than most of them since I was still only 53. I was a respected member of the community, and a longtime counselor at the local college and my husband was a well-respected businessman. We lived in a nice community, it wasn’t a gated enclave but we were solid upper middle class.

Dion was my little secret, I had a high sex drive that my husband couldn’t satisfy. My husband was always more interested in his work than me often disappearing on out-of-town assignments for weeks at a time leaving me alone at home and life is too short for that.

I had jumped at the opportunity to bring Dion under our roof a few months ago and we’ve been regularly having sex ever since. I know it’s wrong, but that’s part of what fuels our affair, our relationship is forbidden on so many levels. I’m a married woman more than 30 years older than him. If my neighbors had any idea how Dion and I carried on behind closed doors I’d be the scandalous talk of in our quiet neighborhood.

I couldn’t help but wonder what little secrets my neighbors kept hidden behind their closed doors. So many put up a prim and proper façade trying to maintain an air of respectability and yet we all have skeletons in our closet, secrets they wish to remain buried in the past that secret pleasure, addiction, or urge we struggle to control. I shudder at the thought of how vanilla a plain life on the straight and narrow would be with nothing illicit, daring, or forbidden to spice it up. Life is boring when you always color within the lines and sometimes it’s good to push the boundaries and step out of your comfort zone.

Dion pulled his cock out of my pussy and I sighed in disappointment as I immediately missed the feel of his hard member filling me up. I looked at him with pleading eyes as he lightly tapped his fingers against my swollen pussy, as I sat up and gasped in response. "You’re getting too loud, I saw that old couple around the corner Looking this way, I think they heard something, they were talking amongst themselves. I think it would be best if we quiet you down a little bit.”

As he said this, Dion moved directly in front of my face and I instantly understood how he intended to shut me up. His massive cock stood at attention temptingly staring me in the face. The veins were popping out of his engorged cock and my eyes followed the head of his cock as he flexed and let it dance hypnotically before me.

I opened my lips and leaned forward to take him into my mouth inhaling the unmistakable odor of my juices coating his cock and balls. I’m always amazed at how wide I have to stretch my mouth to accommodate his member and the oddly metallic taste of my juices tartly hit my tongue as the head of his cock reached to the back of my throat. I almost gagged but managed to suppress the reflex and started working him over, “There, problem solved. I knew that would work,” Dion smugly observed. I tried to speak my agreement but it came out as a low gurgle with my mouth stuffed full of his cock.

I let my tongue work over his member keeping my lips pressed tightly around his cock as I moved my head back and forth along his shaft. I felt the blood rush to his cock and knew he enjoyed my skills. My hands wandered up and ran over his chest as my mouth pleasured him below, “Ooh, you make it feel so good Diana,” he complimented, “You’re gonna make me shoot my load into your mouth.”

I briefly let his cock fall out of my mouth with a loud smack of my lips. “That’s kind of the idea,” I responded before immediately taking him back into my mouth.

“You know how to satisfy a man, don’t you?"

I didn’t bother to respond this time. The way his cock was responding to the blow job I was giving him told me all I needed to know. Soon, Dion’s body tightened and I knew he was close. I always love getting a man off knowing that I made him cum and Dion was no different. Knowing he was close to an orgasm just propelled me to suck him off even harder. My head was bobbing furiously on his cock as my hands cupped his balls and my nails teased his taint.

The next thing I knew Dion’s hands pushed my face against his crotch as his cock reached to the back of my throat and shot a stream that ricocheted off the back of my throat, filling my mouth as my tongue continued working over his cock coaxing every last drop and spreading it and my saliva over his shaft. As he finished ejaculating I pulled my head off his cock, and a string of cum stretched six inches from my lips to the tip of his cock, I showed Dion the pool of his cum resting on my tongue before I closed my mouth and swallowed his load, "Let me clean you off,” I croaked, still trying to find my voice after having my mouth stuffed full of cock for the past few minutes. I leaned forward and took his cock back into my mouth. He was already softening but even semi-flaccid he still filled my mouth. I closed my eyes as I dutifully worked my lips and tongue over his member. Dion’s hand stroked my short auburn hair, I opened my eyes looked up into his appreciative eyes, and smiled as I held him in my mouth.

“Like I said, you sure know how to make a man feel like a man,” Dion reiterated.

I held him in my mouth till I had licked him clean and no longer detected any vestiges of his cum or my juices before letting him slip out from my lips.

I sloppily wiped my lips clean with my arm and then lifted his cock back up with my hand for inspection before declaring, “There all ready for work.”

Dion chuckled, “You’re spoiling me, you know.”

“Nonsense, the pleasure is all mine. I’m happy to be of service.”

“You keep this up, I may have to figure out an excuse to go for a second and third degree,” Dion joked.

“That sounds like a lovely idea,” I concurred thinking how nice it would be to stretch our arrangement beyond his current two-year associate’s degree program.


Dion headed off to work shortly after we finished our afternoon session. He still cleaned office buildings after hours to keep a cash flow coming in although he only worked a few nights a week now so he could better focus on his studies.

It was such a lovely afternoon, I decided I would take a neighborhood walk. We live in a large development with endless sidewalks that provide for nice strolls so I put on some comfortable walking shoes and took in the charming fall afternoon. The leaves on the trees were starting to turn and many people were out taking advantage of the pleasant weather. The sidewalks were filled with a steady stream of walkers and joggers and I joined their numbers. Many of my neighbors were also out and about working on their yards, reading a book, mowing, and landscaping forever plucking weeds. Just ahead, I saw Kathy, a neighborhood acquaintance talking with her next-door neighbor, Emily, “Diana,” Kathy called out, “it’s so lovely to see you.”

I stopped as I approached them, “How are you ladies doing on this gorgeous day?”

“That it is,” Kathy agreed, “we don’t get too many of these in a year. Have to take advantage of it and enjoy the sunshine. It’ll be winter before you know it and we’ll all be wishing for a perfect day like this.”

“Diana, have I seen, do you have a young man staying with you,” Emily asked curiously.

“Yes, we do. He’s a student at the community college where I worked.”

“I didn’t realize you had taken in a student,” Kathy remarked seemingly taken aback.

“Still helping out the youth of America, I take it then,” Emily remarked.

“Oh, it’s nothing really,” I said playing it off. I was growing suspicious of their intentions but put it off as paranoia.
“I must admit, you’re a braver soul than me,” Emily stated.

“However so?”

“I mean, opening your home to a perfect stranger like that,” Emily continued, “I can’t imagine, you never know who you might be taking in he could be a ***** or a druggie, he could be violent, a ****** even, I could never...”

“Oh, hogwash, Dion was a model student in high school. Perfect record, no truancy. Taking him in wasn’t dangerous.”

“But, he’s… you know,” Emily protested.

“No, I don’t know,” I said, growing indignant.

“He’s black,” Emily answered rather quietly.

“Is that a problem in this day and age?” My voice was raised and Kathy and Emily were taken aback by my tone but I knew exactly what she was hinting at and I was incensed.

“No, I suppose not but you know, you need to be careful. I mean you know how people talk,” Kathy admitted as she quickly tried to defuse the conversation.

“Let them talk. His name’s Dion and he’s a person like the rest of us. He’s worked his tail off to get as far as he has in life and he has earned everything that’s come his way,” I insisted.

“Diana, I hate to mention this but I have to tell you.” Emily cautiously looked in both directions to ensure no one else was within earshot before proceeding. “Were you out of the house earlier?”

“Why yes, I ran to the store to pick up some things,” I admitted curious why Emily was asking.

“Well, it must’ve been while you were out running errands then. I went by your house earlier while taking a walk and…” Emily hesitated for a long moment before proceeding, “I heard noises coming out of your house. The windows were open, so I wasn’t snooping or anything, but the noises, you know, some people have no shame. Anyway, I think he’s sneaking young women into your house while you’re away and having sex with them.”

“Oh my!” I was mortified but not for the reasons that Emily and Kathy assumed. She must have heard me and Dion earlier. I must’ve been home when Emily walked past. I was too busy with Dion’s cock stuffed inside me to notice.

“I would be horrified if there was any sex happening in my own house,” I suppressed a chuckle as I could only imagine how frigid Kathy must be. I’m sure her husband appreciated her aversion to the pleasures of the flesh, “I could see Dion through the window, clear as day. He was obviously… in the heat with a woman. I saw the woman’s leg sticking up over the back of the couch, he was having sex right there in your living room.

You have no idea how okay with it I am, I thought to myself. I maintained my composure, although I made a note to look into installing privacy windows so people can’t look in my home so easily.

“Be careful, Diana. We don’t want to spread any gossip, but maybe Dion’s not the angel you think he is,” Kathy persisted in a concerned tone.
Or maybe I’m not the naïve innocent helpless damsel you assume me to be, I thought to myself. I loved how they said they don’t want to spread gossip when they’re the neighborhood gossip queens, “I thank you, for your concern,” I replied biting my tongue in the process. “I need to get back on my walk but I’ll keep a close eye on Dion.”

As I continued on my way all I could think about was how Emily had heard and even saw me having sex with Dion a little while ago. My mind was abuzz with thoughts that I’d been playing too recklessly in my affair with Dion. Kathy and Emily would’ve been horrified to learn that Dion’s secret lover was me but if they had figured it out then word might make its way back to my husband and that’s the last thing I wanted. I knew I was playing with fire, I always said that as long as everyone is consenting adults and no one is getting hurt then live and let live. I enjoy Dion’s company and even though my husband would be devastated to know my true relationship with Dion what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.

Knowing that Emily heard me having sex also turned me on. I walked faster as I became more and more wet the more I thought about it. I cut my walk short and hurried back home to play with myself while I waited for Dion to return home.


I anxiously waited in bed for Dion dressed in a see-through black negligee, my ample C-cup breasts fully on display and my neatly trimmed pussy peeking out from the bottom hem. My legs were covered in sheer black thigh-high stockings. I laid on the bed playing with myself to keep my pussy wet and my nipples hard as I waited with my legs spread for my young lover.

I had been teasing myself for quite a while using my fingers and a variety of toys but intentionally avoided bringing myself to climax. I kept my arousal pent up until Dion arrived saving myself for him. I was edging hard and so close to an orgasm that I was oblivious to the world around me but I stopped before venturing past the point of no return. As I opened my eyes I saw Dion standing in the doorway an eager smile on his face.

“Well, well, well, look what I found. A sexy woman in bed all wound up and ready to go,” he said while licking his lips.

“I’m looking for someone with the right key to fit in my keyhole,” I answered as my hands spread my pussy to reveal my pink flesh while my eyes burned a hole through his pants.

“I think I’ve got the key to turn that engine on,” he casually remarked.

“Come on, and take me for a ride then,” I dared him.

Within seconds Dion mounted me and drove his hard cock deep into my body. I released all my pent-up arousal and climaxed almost as soon as he penetrated me. My body shaking, I am a puddle of a mess underneath Dion’s strong hulking figure. I made sure all the curtains were drawn and the windows closed. The hour was late still I didn’t want to take any chances. In the safety and security of my own home, I let go of all my inhibitions and expressed my pleasure in screams and shouts as Dion was getting warmed up and quickly drove me to a second orgasm. I was like putty in his hands, a rag doll for him to use as he pleased and I let him drive me over the edge again and again until he approached his orgasm and he powered through it his cock exploding inside me filling me with his warm sticky seed.

Dion fell over onto his back on the bed next to me both of us breathless but still riding the emotional high of our orgasms, “So how was work?” I finally asked between deep breaths.

"Not as good as coming home,” he responded.

I watched his chest rise and fall as he was also breathing hard, “Classes going okay, the whole point of all this was to ensure you kept up good grades,” I reminded him.

Dion laughed at the absurd notion that our affair was some altruistic physical sacrifice on my part and not a result of naked lust.

“Yeah, my grades are good, all A's and one B. Got a big project due in my Criminal Court System class. I’m paired up with Darius on the project. We’ve been meeting at the library to work on it but the library is under construction for the next few weeks.”

“My old co-worker Marie was telling me about that,” I remarked, “A donor gave them a half million dollars to upgrade the building, modernize it. Install better internet and more private study areas.”

“Yeah, well, Darius and I need to figure out an alternative place to work on our project. He lives with his mom, but he’s the oldest of 5 kids, and they all live in a small two-bedroom apartment.”

“Why don’t you bring him here?”

“Oh, I couldn’t. You have already done enough taking me in,” Dion protested.

“Nonsense, this place is as much your home as it is mine right now. Besides, we set rules when you moved in. I said no girls, no partying, no drugs, no alcohol, and I don’t see how inviting Darius to come over here to work violates any of those rules do you?”

“No, I guess not.”

"Well, it’s settled then.”

“Okay, I’ll ask Darius tomorrow and see what he thinks,” Dion said, finally relenting, “We were going to try to set up in a coffee shop and squat there but if you’re okay with it maybe we’ll come here instead.”

“I insist you do,” I reiterated, “Coffee shops are crowded and noisy you’ll never get any work done.”

“Ok,” Dion agreed, “As you said, it’s settled then. I’ll bring Darius around tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”


Before he left for class the next day Dion mentioned he and Darius would come around 2 pm. I spent the morning anxiously anticipating Dion bringing his friend to our house. I thought back several months to when I first met Dion and invited him to live with us. I knew my own worst temptations and I knew my resistance would be weak with Dion living under the same roof. As it turned out I was right. My defenses quickly crumbled as I gave in to my darkest desires. Now all those same emotions came flooding back the nervousness, the excitement, the dreaming, and I wondered if I’d be able to control myself around Darius.

I spent entirely too long choosing what outfit to wear. I’d never met Darius, so I wanted something that could be fun and flirty, but I also didn’t want to come off as desperate, even though that might have been the most accurate adjective for my emotions. I kept pulling out and then putting back outfits that were always too something, too frumpy, too slutty, or maybe too formal. I finally settled on a simple denim dress that was probably a little too short to be completely proper but otherwise looked casual enough, like something a respectable housewife might wear around the house even if I made sure I wasn’t wearing anything else under the dress. Then I put on a pair of heels. Nothing outrageous, but even 2-inch heels made me feel that much taller and did wonders for my ass and legs.

Come 2 PM, I heard the door open and Dion’s voice boomed in to announce their arrival, "Diana, we’re here,” his voice echoed down the hall.
I came around the corner and was met by Dion and a tall young black man. "Hi, I’m Darius,” he politely stated as he extended a hand. I could almost swear he gave me a once-over while we shook hands. I wondered how much Dion may have told Darius. Dion didn't have any other ****** or friends that he kept in touch with which made me wonder, was it possible that Darius knew about my relationship with Dion and if he did, did he have preconceptions about me?

“Welcome to our home, Darius. it’s a pleasure to meet you." I gave Darius a once-over. He was a chiseled 6’2” and 180 pounds with short buzz-cut hair and my pussy stirred in response.

“I can’t thank you enough for letting us study here. I’m sorry to intrude, but our usual study place is out of commission."

“Nonsense, this is Dion’s home too,” I reassured him, “His friends are welcome here. I used to work at the college for years as a guidance counselor before retiring last year, so it’s nice to still be able to help out some of the students from time to time. Why don’t you guys come into the kitchen there is lots of space to spread out and work in the adjacent dining room.”

After they got settled, I asked, “Do you fellas want any refreshments while you study?”

Dion was turned away, pulling materials out of his backpack as I brought over some chips and drinks. I bent over in front of Darius as I laid out the refreshments and pretended to be oblivious but was aware that Darius had a clear view down my top. I had taken a quick peek as I bent over and confirmed that my dress was loose enough to expose my breasts. I walked back to the sink turning quickly before I got there. I was pleased to see that Darius’ gaze was fixed on me although he quickly turned away embarrassed that I’d caught him staring.

“Is there anything else you boys need?”

Darius, his face still embarrassed looked tongue-tied, "No, I think we’re fine, Diana,” Dion politely answered.

I sat down on a kitchen stool behind Dion at the counter my top half hunched over the counter as I idly played with my phone while facing away from both of them. I kept my bottom half turned at the waist and facing them, however. Since I was seated behind Dion, he couldn’t see me but Darius had a clear view of my legs. My denim dress was already a little short reaching halfway up my thighs, but while seated on the stool with my legs crossed the dress’s hem raised almost to an obscene height.

As Dion and Darius worked on their project I casually sat across the room pretending to be playing on my phone aware that I was giving an eyeful to Darius. I would sneak a peak now and then and caught sight of him checking me out. My pussy tingled in excitement at the naughty show I was putting on. I don’t know what came over me but I became more daring slowly uncrossing and crossing my legs almost like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. I repeated this action several times, each time holding my legs apart just a little longer to give an eyeful to Darius. I acted as if I was shifting on the stool, trying to find a comfortable position but I was tingling with excitement knowing that Darius was getting an eyeful. After a while I left my legs spread, my freshly shaved pussy openly visible, and my skirt hiked almost to my waist after crossing and uncrossing my legs so many times. Looking over, I saw a growing bulge in Darius’ pants, his hand constantly reaching down to readjust himself.

“Darius, Darius, are you ok,” Dion asked snapping his fingers. “It’s like you’re in a daze or something.” Poor Dion was oblivious to the peep show I was giving his colleague and trying to do his schoolwork.

Darius shook his head, “I’m sorry, I guess... it’s like I was lost in another world there for a minute, where were we?”

They went back to work, and I felt guilty for distracting them so much especially since Dion had moved in with us to better focus on his studies. I had had my fun and I should probably leave them alone. Besides, I was so wet with arousal that I needed to do something about it before I started openly fingering myself right in front of them. I hastily excused myself and made my way upstairs to my bedroom grabbed my large black dildo and tapped it against my pussy. I tried to pretend it was Dion, but my mind kept returning to Darius.

It was bad enough I was cheating on my husband with Dion, but now I was seriously contemplating cheating on Dion with Darius. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but all I could think about was seducing Darius. He was fresh meat, a new challenge, an unexplored mountain to climb. A familiar sense of excitement filled my body. My heart raced as I imagined his arms around me, his hands on me, his lips pressed against my flesh.

Was I bored with Dion, certainly not. Besides, I had made a promise to satisfy him sexually so he could focus on his studies. What would Dion think of me pursuing Darius?

I was glad he was making friend in college but how would he feel if I just started sleeping with his friends, would he be possessive of me? he couldn’t complain about me cheating on him if he was ok with me cheating on my husband with him, could he?

I heard Dion and Darius talking downstairs, directly under me as I sank the long black dildo into my body. Its length filled me and its girth spread my pussy wide as they continued talking. I closed my eyes, arched my back, and shuddered as the pleasure from the dildo filled my body.

Working quietly to suppress the moans, gasps, and cries I wanted to emit as the dildo plowed into me. While a dildo or vibrator is never quite as nice as the real thing no one knows a woman’s body better than a woman and I made sure to hit all the right spots, I knew exactly how I wanted to be touched and where I wanted the dildo to rub as my arousal rapidly swelled inside me I spread my legs wider imagining I was presenting myself for Darius, inviting him to mount me.

As much pleasure as my dildo was giving me I longed to wrap my legs around a real man, I wanted to wrap my legs around Darius. I wanted his strong hands to turn me over so he could take me from behind. I wanted him to grab my hair and pull my head back as he entered me, I wanted him to fuck me!

I plunged the dildo deep into my body taking the full 10 inches and feeling it reach my cervix. I was nearly delirious, ***** on sexual pleasure, the pleasure increasing and increasing until I didn’t want to hold back any longer until I couldn’t hold it back any longer and I craved release. My body finally relented letting my walls crumble and all the sexual tension to come exploding forth.

I lay naked on my bed the dildo dangling out of my pussy and my right hand teasing my nipples between my fingers as Darius and Dion studiously worked away 10 feet under me, their voices rising through the floorboards and completely oblivious to the sexually charged deviant in their midst discreetly plotting another conquest.


By 5 pm, I had cleaned myself up taking a long shower to wash the smell of sex off my body. After my orgasm, I thought more about how Dion would react to me sleeping with Darius. I knew he might be hurt and my heart couldn’t bear doing that to him. He had been through a lot growing up in the foster care system. He had a hard time learning to trust people it was only recently there was good in the world and the entire world wasn’t out to get him. While pursuing Darius seemed like a fun idea in a vacuum nothing ever happens in a vacuum. I didn’t want to jeopardize Dion’s college pursuit by shattering his trust in people so I decided having a momentary fantasy about Darius was as far as I should take things.

As I came back downstairs, I was dressed more appropriately in yoga pants and a tee shirt. The boys were packing up their things, “I’ve got to be at work by 5:30 pm,” Dion said aloud, “So we’re wrapping up for the day.”

“Thank you again, for letting us study over here,” Darius said, turning to face me, “With the college library undergoing refurbishing, they’re always tight on space and I live at home with all my brothers and sisters always bugging me. We didn’t have anywhere else to go that would’ve been conducive to studying, so I appreciate you opening your house to me.”

“The pleasure was all mine,” I assured him, “You’re welcome here anytime.”

After they’d left, I started prepping some food to cook. Ten minutes later at 5:30, I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was likely some door-to-door salesman (Dion has a key, so he’d enter if he forgot something) but when I pulled up the video on my doorbell camera I saw Darius standing there.

I answered the door wondering what brought him back, "Darius, what a surprise,” I said as I opened the door.

“Ms. Diana, I’m sorry to bother you, but I think I left my cell phone here is it ok if I look around?”

“Oh, you kids and your cell phones these days,” I laughed warmly, “I’m surprised you even survived for 10 minutes without it. Come on in and let’s have a look.”

Darius entered, and I closed the door behind him. I suddenly realized that I was alone with Darius. My husband was out of town and not due back until next week and Dion would be at work for several hours. I’d told myself earlier that Darius was a nice fantasy, but that I wouldn’t act on it. Yet here was fate tempting me, mocking me I quickly grew nervous and tense. 'What if this was no accident,' I thought. 'I had openly teased Darius when he first arrived a few hours earlier flashing my bare pussy right in front of him. What if he had left his phone behind on purpose so he could be alone with me,' I wondered.

“Here it is,” Darius announced, holding up his phone. “I left it on the counter over here and forgot all about it.”

“Are you sure it was an accident, you leaving your phone behind?” I boldly asked him as all kinds of thoughts swirled in my head. My voice was light and playful but I also wanted to test if he harbored any ulterior motives.

“You think I’d forget it on purpose?” he asked incredulously, throwing his hands in the air and feigning innocence.

“I wondered if you might’ve wanted to look for an excuse to come back here,” I countered, although I questioned if I should keep pushing him on the point.

“What if I did?” Darius replied, calling my bluff.

“What did you think would happen when you came back?” I asked tensely. I knew the answer and yet feared his response. Of course, he came back in the hope of being alone with me after I let him see down my chest and get several clear glimpses of my pussy. He assumed I was hot for him and he wouldn’t be wrong, much as I wanted to deny it.

“Well, after that show you gave me while I was trying to study earlier, I thought you sent some pretty clear signals,” Darius explained, “I saw you were careful to show your bits to me, making sure Dion couldn’t see. But I get it, you’re a bored housewife and Dion is probably too close to home for you, but I could slide right in and out of your life and now you want some excitement, don’t you?”

I was frozen in place, I realized that he didn’t know about my relationship with Dion. Suddenly, I confess part of me was a little hurt that Dion wasn’t bragging about fucking a hot older woman to his friends. I wondered if Dion was ashamed of his relationship with me. Considering all this in seconds I decided that I’d let Dion tell him if he wanted to and keep that relationship a secret for now.

My head said I should walk away now and my heart said I needed to protect Dion and not sleep with his friend. My body however was betraying me as I felt my pussy grow wet and my nipples harden. My breath slowed as I stood still as Darius stepped up to me. He was about 9 inches taller than me. I looked up into his face.

"It’s alright, I’ve seen the signs before. You’re not the first housewife who’s wanted black cock,” Darius stated, “I’ve been with other white wives like you. Your secret is safe with me, we can keep it on the down low. Dion won’t be back for hours that's plenty of time for you to get your freak on... ain’t that what you want?”

I gulped, I was rapidly approaching the point of no return I could tell Darius to leave. I knew that’s exactly what I should have done, my conscience was telling me to say it was a mistake. Then I heard the devil whisper in my ear telling me to give in to him and the next thing I knew I was nodding my head. I had just given in to my worst impulse and tacitly acknowledged that I wanted Darius to stay.

Darius lifted his hand to my chin, cupping my cheek as his gaze pierced into my soul. “I’m not sure I’ve ever been with a woman as old as you, but I know better than to ask a lady her age,” he chuckled, “Don’t worry there’s a lot of girls on campus and those girls all have moms who want to add some chocolate to their vanilla lives, you ain’t the only one. Don’t go falling in love, expecting me to be your boyfriend or anything. This is sex, hell, it ain’t even that. This is fucking, a dick down.”

I smiled, trying to show some confidence, although I was feeling weak. “I knew as soon as I saw you coming down the stairs,” Darius continued, "You in that little dress, showing off your lily white legs. You look like the respectable type and maybe that’s what everyone else thinks you are but then you’re bending over in front of me letting me see those titties.” His left hand reached up to cup my breasts while his right hand still cupped my cheek and chin making sure my face and eyes were pointed right at him the whole time as he openly molested me. “Then you’re sitting on that stool right over there showing off your pussy for me to see plain as day,” his right hand dropped from my face and reached inside my yoga pants his fingers reaching my pussy. “Look at that, you’re all wet,” he pulled his hand out of my panties and lifted it to his face. They glistened with my arousal. He inhaled my scent, I could smell it myself. Then he put his fingers into my mouth, “Can you taste it? That’s your pussy you’re tasting and your pussy don’t lie, you’re a bitch in heat.”

I was transfixed by Darius and his words, his brazen words shook me to my core because they were all true. I had worked for years building a nice life for myself, to attain some measure of career accomplishment, marry well, and become a respected member of the community. But Darius saw right through all of that to my basic carnal desires the side of me that wanted to taste the forbidden fruits to push past societal norms. A married woman isn’t supposed to have extramarital affairs. An old lady isn’t supposed to be a sexual creature and yet, here I stood my 53-year-old pussy dripping wet in front of a teenager. My breath was heavy and deep as I inhaled and exhaled in slow and measured takes. I had seduced Dion slowly and deliberately. I felt in control the whole time as I guided Dion into our affair. Though I had initially intended to tease Darius this whole situation had quickly spiraled out of my control and now there was no turning back.

Darius took in his surroundings and waved his hand around as he continued speaking. “Now we’ve got this big old house to ourselves with all kinds of time to get ourselves into all kinds of trouble, so what do you suppose we should do?” Darius returned his gaze to me, looking into my eyes, piercing me with his plaintive stare as he waited for my response.

I’m not usually one to be left speechless, but my words failed me in the moment.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”

I dropped to my knees in front of him and looked at the bulge in his pants, “There you go that’s what I’m talking about. Actions speak louder than words. You look like a hungry slut go on get yourself a chocolate popsicle to suck on? It’s like a candy with a creamy center if you work hard enough.”

The next thing I knew, I pulled down his pants, revealing 8 inches of rock-hard cock standing at attention, straight and tall like a flagpole, “Open your mouth.”

I did as instructed and leaned forward to take him in. He was nicely shaved. I attempted to deep-throat him but I felt myself almost gagging as he reached the back of my throat.

“That’s a good bitch,” he spoke down to me, “Your lips were made for sucking, weren’t they? Go on ain’t no need to be shy. You can embrace your inner slut,” Darius laughed as I started slurping on his cock. “Look at you go. You look like a granny, but I think you could teach them college girls a thing or two about how to suck a mean cock.”

I knew I should have more self-respect, that I shouldn’t let any man talk down to me like that, yet I became more and more aroused. Darius’ hands reached to my head helping guide me up and down on his cock. “There you go get yourself a taste. I don’t wanna blow my load in your mouth. Don’t worry, I’ll let you get another taste when you clean me off after I pump my load in that pussy of yours, that’s what you want, you want my dick in your pussy?”

I lifted my head off his member and admired it, his wet shaft covered in my saliva. I savored the taste of his pre cum on my tongue. My chest was heaving, my nipples hard, and my body tense in anticipation.

“M-m-maybe we can go to the living room,” I stammered, thinking how the cold hard tile was a little hard on my knees while I was kneeling to suck his cock. I didn’t want to waste the extra time it took to go upstairs. As Darius had correctly pointed out, I was a bitch in heat and the soft sofa cushions and carpeted flooring seemed like a reasonable alternative.

“The bitch speaks! Well alright, let’s do as the lady requests. If the lady wants to get fucked in her living room, then god damn it, the lady will be fucked in her living room.”

I winced at his crudeness, but I got off my knees and led Darius into the living room, “Why don’t you do a little strip tease for me?”

I froze in fright. “I don’t... I don’t know how to dance like that,” I replied awkwardly, unsure how to comply with his request.

“That’s alright peel off your clothes nice and slow,” he said as he squinted his eyes at me. "I want to enjoy watching you get naked.”

Darius had kicked off his shoes and left his pants in the kitchen. He sat on the sofa wearing white socks and a white tee shirt. His cock tantalizingly protruded forward, a hypnotically tempting prize I wanted to win.

“The sooner you get to it, the sooner, you can feel it inside you.”

I marveled at his audacity, for an 18-year-old he was amazingly confident. A small part of me wanted to tell him off and put him in his place but it was already too late for that. He had already felt up my tits, fingered my pussy, made me taste my pussy juices, and suck his cock. I felt a bit silly doing a strip tease. I didn’t know how and I wasn’t dressed for it. I hadn’t been expecting to do anything more tonight than cook a quick dinner and then maybe go for a walk, so I was dressed in yoga pants and a tee shirt. I wore plain white panties and a sports bra. It was all decidedly unsexy and the last thing I would’ve ever chosen to wear for a strip tease given the closet full of lingerie I owned. I gathered myself and mustered what confidence I could looking Darius in the eyes as he openly leered at my body. I slowly swayed my hips while my fingers slipped under the waistband of my yoga pants letting them circle the entire waistline as I started lowering the slow and deliberate.

“There you go. You’re getting the idea and getting into it,” Darius encouraged, obviously pleased with my efforts.

Buoyed by his response, I inched my pants down far enough to fully reveal my panties.

“Woohoo, look at that wet spot!”

I blushed as I peeked down and saw an embarrassingly large wet spot on my plain white panties. My nerves were on edge as I was stripping for someone who was practically a stranger, someone I had met a few hours before and it was exhilarating and incredibly arousing. When my pants were down at my ankles I stood straight up and instinctively rubbed the outside of my panties on the wet spot and let out a soft moan. Then I licked my finger and slipped it inside my panties while keeping my eyes fixed on Darius. He broke into a wide grin as he watched me fingering my pussy inside my panties. After a few seconds, I pulled my hand out as I kicked the yoga pants off my ankles making sure they were out of the way. Then I grabbed the bottom of my tee shirt and slowly raised it.

“Mm-mm, you’ve got some nice titties,” Darius remarked as my bra was revealed. I did a small hop as I pulled the shirt over my head and let my C cups jiggle a little as I let my shirt fall to the floor. I was left in nothing but my bra and panties. Darius clapped his hands and leaned forward, “Now it’s on to the good stuff!” I was encouraged by his excitement as I unzipped my sports bra I felt my tits sag a little. Gravity had affected them although they’ve held up fairly well they were still relatively firm and shapely. As I pulled the cups off my breasts, my nipples were hard and pointed.

Darius nodded his head and pursed his lips. “The old lady’s got some assets,” he blurted out, “I can’t wait to get a taste of those melons.”
I blushed again but kept my eyes focused on him as my hands reached down toward the last article of clothing left on my body. I put one finger from each hand just inside the waistband of my panties and made a little show of moving them in half circles around my waist as I continued to slowly sway my hips then I slid my panties down in one motion as I bent at the knees my hands continued to push my panties down to my ankles.

Darius stared at my display mesmerized, “I thought you said you didn’t know how to strip. You seem to be doing just fine,” he complimented me.
I laid on my back on the carpet, raising my legs into the air in the process. My panties held my feet close as they dangled in the air, but I spread my legs at the knee, my shaved pussy now prominently on display for Darius.

“Is this what you wanted?” I asked as I reached down, spread my wet lips, and fingered myself as I felt a rush of air against my pink flesh.

“Bravo! Bravo!” Darius said as he clapped, “Why don’t you come here and get your prize.”

I took a deep breath and stood up and slowly walked over to Darius where he sat on the sofa. He was sitting back but his hand reached out to guide me onto him ogling my body as I straddled him. The youthfulness of his body struck me in the moment. The supple yet taut skin on his chest. The hard-chiseled abs and arms. It all contrasted with the wrinkles on my skin, the sunspots starting to appear, and the softer tones on my flesh. I work out to keep myself in shape, but I’m no fitness model. The next thing I knew, I felt the tip of his cock against my pussy and I gasped.

“That’s it, go ahead and slide it on in all the way,” he instructed, "As wet as you are there won’t be any trouble. A fine woman like yourself with a body that was made for fucking.”

As I lowered myself onto him, a smile of deep satisfaction filled his face as he saw my reaction to his cock filling my pussy. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I took in his full length. Opening my eyes to the contrast of my white skin on his black body. "Doesn’t that feel good? You like that cock in your pussy?”

I eagerly nodded.

“Good, then show me how much you like it fuck yourself on me,” he commanded as he leaned his head forward and took my tit in his mouth setting me off like the starting gun to a horse race and I started bouncing on his cock. My hands caressed the back of his head while I leaned into his body, my head resting against the top of his for support as I bucked on his pole I was in ecstasy. I had abandoned any self-control all I wanted was sex, to fuck. I wanted to be fucked and Darius’ cock throbbed inside me. He was larger than Dion and he stretched me even wider and penetrated me even deeper. His tongue lightly teased my nipples as I continued to bounce on his cock. My legs were quickly becoming sore but I ignored the pain and pressed on, it felt good, so fucking good.

Sometimes in sex, you want it to last as long as possible where you keep yourself edging on the cusp, almost like you’re nursing a buzz while drinking. Then there are other times you want to get to the end goal. This was the latter, I had no desire to take the scenic route. I plowed ahead in desperate pursuit of that end goal, for that release. My body was so energized, every last nerve and pore on my skin was sensitive to the slightest touch each sensation adding to my pleasure. My pussy pulsed, my ass tightened and still, I plowed ahead. I’m not even sure if Darius knew what hit him. I’m not sure I even cared what he thought as long as he stayed hard. In the moment he was just a fuck toy to get me off. I fucked him like a woman possessed but he did his job and he did it well.

“God damn, woman,” Darius remarked, “You’re a freak!”

My body tensed, I knew I was close, the pleasure swelled in my body, its energy radiating through me to my impending orgasm. Darius’ cock stayed rock hard every last inch adding to my pleasure and pushing me over the edge. Darius bit down on my tit and my body surrendered to the inevitable orgasm that had been building the whole time. My body collapsed into Darius, my tits pressed against his shoulders as I climaxed. The pleasure released I plopped down on top of him sitting in his lap with his cock still fully impaled in me as the climax seeped through my whole body. I was almost overcome by the intensity of it all, lost in my world of pleasure. Not black out so much as wearing blinders to everything else happening around me. “Hold on, hold on,” Darius called out, snapping me back into the moment, “I ain’t done with you yet. We’re just getting started.”

I opened my eyes to the sight of Darius’ sturdy body comfortably resting under mine. His cock pulsed inside me still fully erect and ready for action. 'Just getting started,' I thought to myself. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take although I quickly decided I was game to try. Darius guided my body to his side so that I was kneeling on the couch facing the back my arms propped on the back still breathing heavily as the remnants of my orgasm continued to spasm through my body. I was on edge as Darius stood up and positioned himself behind me. Turning, I watched him lick his fingers and slid them across my pussy from behind. I shivered at his touch on my still-swollen pussy lips, “Just about the perfect height,” he noted, “Hold still, and I’ll blow your back out,” he promised as his cock tapped against my pussy. “Still so fucking wet and turned on, I see,” he smiled, “Now I want to hear you say it, tell me what you want?”

“I want you,” I called back to him as I jutted my ass toward him waiting for him to enter me.

“What is it about me you want?”

“Please, I want your cock!”

“What is it about my cock you want,” he continued coldly, still tapping his cock against the outside of my pussy, mercilessly teasing me.

“I want your big black cock,” I cried out hoping those were the magic words for him to plunge his rod into me.

“What do you want my black cock to do to you?” he asked, obviously enjoying my growing desperation.

God damn, he was making me beg for it, but I didn’t care anymore. He tapped his cock like a cop’s billy club against my moist and highly aroused mound. I desperately longed to feel his 8 inches inside me again, to feel him stretching my pussy deep and wide but he was torturing me, keeping his cock so tantalizingly close to fulfilling my deepest darkest desires without actually doing so. I pushed my crotch back and raised my ass even higher in the air presenting myself for him, physically begging him. My anticipation grew so immense that I couldn’t take it anymore, “Fuck, I want to be fucked,” I sputtered, rushing the words out as fast as I could. “I want to be fucked by your big black cock, Please, I’m begging you, please fuck me,” I was practically crying as I begged, “I’m yours to use, fuck me, I’m your slut to use as you please.”

“There you go, that’s my bitch. Is this what you wanted?” Darius asked as he thrust forward instantly burying his cock balls deep inside me. I loudly sighed in relief at the feeling of his cock inside me again. It felt like a huge void was left in my pussy after he pulled out of me earlier and I shuddered in pleasure to feel that void filled again.

“Last time I sat there while you fucked me,” he told me, “This time I’ll do the work and you hold on.”Darius’ strong hands gripped my hips as I braced myself.

He started slowly, almost completely withdrawing from my pussy until just the very tip of his cock was penetrating me, “Please,” I begged him, “I need to be fucked.” Behind me, Darius laughed at my desperation, at my helplessness then he slowly pushed forward again and eased my fears bringing another sigh of relief as his cock filled me.

“Don’t worry. I got what you need right here and you’re going to get it and get it good,” Darius promised me, “Keep up the dirty talk, a man likes hearing a woman say how much she likes it.”

I was beyond any sense of propriety or decency by this point, allowing myself to be reduced to a slave to my sexual pleasure and desires, “Oh God, that feels so good,” I cooed.

Darius slapped my ass as he pounded his 8-inch rod into me. “Oh God, I need it, I need your big black cock to get me off,” it turned me on, even more, to admit this truth aloud.

“Your husband won’t fuck you?”

“He fucks me, but not like you can,” I confessed, “Besides, he’s always away from home and I can’t get enough sex.”

“Is that right, you can’t get enough? Your husband leaves you horny and alone so you jumping at every live cock coming across your threshold?”

“It’s not like that.”

“It ain’t, how so?”

I felt the sofa cushion under me growing wet, my pussy juices flowing out of me dripping down the side of my legs each time he jackhammered into me. I girded myself for his thrusts, my arms braced against the sofa back as he pushed my ass back to take the hard slap of his balls against my pussy.

“I love black cock! I love young black cock!“ I was breathless, barely able to get the words out. Between the pounding that Darius was dishing out on my pussy and the climax quickly approaching, I could barely even draw a breath.

“You going to cum on my black dick?”

“I’m so fucking close, I’m going to cum on your black dick, don’t stop, please, keep giving me that black dick.”

Darius reached out and grabbed a fistful of my short auburn hair and pulled my head back. “Look in my eyes while you cum on my cock, I want to see your O-face.”

With my head pulled back, my chest shot forward, causing my tits to jiggle wildly with each thrust. Darius ran his other hand down the length of my back and it was all too much for me to take and I climaxed for the second time on his cock while I locked eyes with his, “That’s my bitch, always ready to cum ain’t you?”

“I love it! God knows I love it!"

“You didn’t even ask me to wear protection,” Darius pointed out, “Not that I’d wear it I’m gonna cum deep in that pussy of yours... is that what you want?”

“Yes, yes, dear God yes! I want your cum in my pussy!” I shouted, and it was the truth. I wanted my pussy filled with his cum I wanted it dripping out of my pussy and down my legs.

Darius laughed again at my horniness, “Go on and ask for it then, tell me what you want.”

“Oh God, I’m a slut,” I proclaimed, “I’m your slut, A slut for black cock, I want your cum. I want it dripping out of me. Give it to me, shoot your load deep in me.”

I was quickly spiraling toward another orgasm. The climaxes were coming so hard and fast by this point that I could hardly tell where one ended and another began, I was insatiable, unable to control myself. “You like that teenage cock in that old white pussy?” Darius laughed as he posed his question.

“I do, I’m a slut for young cock. I’m a 53-year-old married white woman and I want your 18-year-old black cock to fill me with cum,” I was nearly delirious, unable to get enough of his cock at the moment.

“Well, that’s what you're going to get, slut,” Darius promised me as I shuddered in response.

I felt Darius’ body start to tighten. He released my hair, my head fell back onto the sofa backrest. His hands returned to my hips, and he pulled my body into his crotch as he pushed forward, our bodies loudly slapping together. Each thrust shook my whole body as he impaled his cock so deep into me it felt like he was drilling into virgin territory.

I knew Darius was close, I tightened my pelvic muscles, clamping myself tight around his cock. Judging by his shocked response he wasn’t expecting it but he also clearly welcomed the added pressure as it sent him over the edge.

“Oh, fuck woman, what the hell kind of black magic is that?” he wondered aloud as I felt the hot jets of his hot gooey cum spurt forth from his cock and fill my pussy. I looked back and caught his gaze as his cock continued to pulse inside me, his face pleased with his handiwork as he gave my ass one last slap. As he slowed down and pumped the last of his seed into me, I wiped the stray strands of sweaty matted hair out of my eyes and raised my head still dizzy from a heady mixture of exhaustion and the afterglow of orgasm.

Yet, I spotted something amiss out of the corner of my eye as my thoughts drifted back from the world of sexual ecstasy and into the present. My neighbors, Kathy and Emily were standing on the sidewalk outside my house staring in horror at the sight of me naked on my couch with a young black man’s cock buried in my pussy. In my haste to fuck Darius, I didn’t notice the blinds were left open or that the window was open and by the look on their faces, I knew they saw and heard everything, or at least more than enough to know exactly what had happened.

Darius must’ve spotted them as well since he barked out, “You want to come in here and take a ride on the Black Train, too?”

Kathy and Emily turned away their faces beet red as they hastily took off. “Oh God,” I muttered aloud, wondering how I’d ever explain this one away.

“Don’t you worry about them uptight bitches,” Darius reassured me, “They’re jealous, they wish they had a black cock to stretch out their pussies, too. I bet them bitches are tight and all they need is to be loosened up a little.”

I didn’t doubt he was right, but I also didn’t doubt that getting Kathy and Emily not to make a ton of trouble for me was not so simple.


My husband returned home from work for the first time in weeks it was good to have him home even though it curtailed my dalliances with Dion.
Dion was going through final exams for the fall semester so it was just as well. Nevertheless, my husband still worked during the day so Dion and I made time to fulfill our sexual needs as the opportunities presented themselves.

I knew my husband had to leave again in a week for another work trip but he surprised me when he said, “Why don’t we take a vacation, the three of us?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ve got a conference in Las Vegas next week and have been thinking Dion will be done with classes. He’s been working hard on his studies and has been a good student, so I think he might appreciate it if he was rewarded with a little vacation. I’ll be working all week but you guys would be free to explore the town during the day and then I could join you at night, what do you think?”

I felt a tinge of guilt, he suspected nothing of my true relationship with Dion and had taken on a father figure role for Dion and he had assumed I performed a similar function as a mother figure. I couldn’t help but marvel at my husband’s naivete.

I quickly worked past any guilt I harbored. What did I think, I had to hide my enthusiasm for the possibilities, Sin City, all the glitz and glamor fueled by gambling and sex, an adult playground. A hedonistic den of debauchery where one can indulge in one’s sins and vices and my husband was proposing to set me loose there with my young teenage lover, “I think it sounds perfect!”


When we invited Dion to come with us to Vegas, he was unusually quiet, “What’s wrong?” I asked him, “I thought you would be more excited.”

Dion went on to explain he would be moving out at the end of the year. I was crestfallen, but Dion reassured us that we had been nothing but the most gracious of hosts and that he felt conflicted and guilty for leaving. My husband was sad to be losing Dion when he had become almost like a son to him but he was proud that Dion was learning to become independent and didn’t need us anymore. Later on, when I pressed him about it I learned that he was moving in with my neighbor, Emily. She offered him money to move in under the guise that he was responsible for the upkeep of her house and the money that Emily promised him was enough that he no longer had to work his part-time job so he’d have more time to focus on his studies.

I learned later on that Kathy had made a similar offer to Darius and he was moving into her house at the same time. On the surface, both Kathy and Emily presented the change as their way of giving back to the community, although I vividly recalled their hushed tones as they inquired about and then began secret affairs with Dion’s friend, Darius. It seems that Kathy had figured out how to get her lover to move into her house with her husband.

I suppose I can’t complain since I was guilty of the same thing but who knew I’d started a neighborhood trend when I invited Dion to stay in my house? Emily was also having a secret affair with Darius, and after she realized that Darius was moving in with Kathy she moved quickly to secure her steady source of big black cock, and the only other young black man she knew was Dion so she struck a similar deal with him. As far as their husbands knew their new boarder's job duties were to be a handyman around the house and take care of the yard but Dion admitted to me that their job duties were primarily comprised of sexually satisfying Emily and Kathy.


Dion clumsily fumbled and stumbled his way through the TSA airport security checkpoint. The routine of presenting his ID and the ever-changing rules around how to process bags and walk through the metal detectors confused and flustered him. “Is this your first time flying?” I asked him after we finally got past the security checkpoint.

Dion flashed an embarrassed smile, “Yeah, we didn’t have money to fly anywhere. I was always in and out of foster homes and they were always strapped for cash, vacation was always visiting some ****** an hour’s drive away.”

“Don’t worry, you’re past the worst of the security now. relax from here on out and enjoy the flight. We’ll be there before you know it.”

Dion was like a little kid on the plane. He had a window seat and he spent the whole time peering out fascinated as we sped down the runway and then took off. He looked on in awe and endless fascination at how the world looked so small below until we finally safely touched down again at our destination.

We got our rental car and then Dion’s eyes grew wide as the lights of the Las Vegas strip came into view. He was silent the whole time his face a look of wonder as we approached the Strip on the short drive from the airport. It was already nightfall, but the sidewalks were still full of people. It’s funny how spending a few hours sitting in an airport and then a plane can take so much out of you but it does and we all decided to rest up for the night so we could start fresh in the morning.

We parked our car checked in and then found our way to our room. My husband’s company paid for the room since he was in town for a conference and we had two king-sized beds so Dion stayed in our room with us. We clicked off the lights, and soon I heard my husband snoring next to me and Dion’s deep drawn heavy breaths from across the room while I sat awake my mind racing in excitement over all the plans for Dion and myself I had concocted for the upcoming week.



In the morning, my husband headed to his work conference, which left Dion and me alone in the hotel room. Knowing that Dion would be moving out soon left me feeling melancholy and bittersweet, but I resolved to make this trip as memorable as I could for him as Dion sat watching TV I went through my luggage searching for clothes to wear for the day. I noticed a TSA tag indicating that my bag had been inspected. I chuckled at the idea of the TSA inspectors stumbling upon the assortment of sexy clothing and toys that I had packed. If this week was going to be my last week with Dion I intended to end our relationship with a bang.

“You know, my husband is going to be at his conference all day. Whatever are we going to do with ourselves,” I asked Dion, feigning a horrible Southern Belle accent.

Dion looked at me questioningly. “If we start having sex in this room, you don’t think your husband will know what’s up?”

I slowly sauntered across the room to him. I was dressed in nothing but a cotton nightie as I pulled the covers down on Dion’s bed. He smiled up at me as he lay there in a wife beater and short pants. “Keep watching TV, don’t mind me," I proceeded to give him a wet sloppy blowjob as ESPN blared from the tv. After a while, Dion was so worked up he pulled me off his cock and threw me down on the bed.

“God damn it, Diana,” he glowered, “How am I supposed to keep watching TV when you’re doing that to me,” His tone sounded serious, but his face was all smiles and playful.

“Oh heavens, are you going to punish me?” For some reason, I continued my absurd attempt at a Southern Belle accent. The bottom of my nightie rose revealing my pussy and Dion’s eyes wandered down to my nether regions. His hands spread my legs and lifted my nightie past my waist leaving me completely exposed.

“Punishment? I think you’ve been practically begging for it.” He raised my legs into the air as he entered me and for the next few hours, he fucked me with reckless abandon. I screamed in pleasure as his cock relentlessly pounded me into submission. I repeatedly climaxed in joyous cries of ecstasy. I knew my husband had many friends and colleagues at his work conference that would occupy him so Dion and I had the hotel room to ourselves and all the time in the world. I can only imagine what anyone walking down the hall past our room must have thought as they heard me in the throes of passion. We must have forgotten to put the “Do not disturb” sign on the door and at one point housekeeping briefly entered but the sight of Dion fucking me doggy style on the bed they mumbled an apology and beat a hasty retreat.

It’s funny to feel sentimental about a purely physical relationship but we both knew our relationship would change as soon as he moved into Emily’s house. It was as if all the lust, passion, and emotion poured out of us and into our lovemaking. I realized how much I’d miss the feel of his body against mine. The contrast of his chocolate-colored skin against my lily-white flesh. His rough, calloused hands against my soft touch. Ours was more than just a physical relationship or friends with benefits, I genuinely cared for him and would miss him after he moved out.

As the lunch hour approached, it was time to move beyond our room and start exploring the town. Having skipped breakfast, we were both hungry and got dressed to get some food.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear panties before,” Dion remarked as he watched me get dressed.

“That’s because I’ve got a surprise for you,” I hinted, “We’ll walk around and see some sights this afternoon and we’ll have some fun while doing it.”

I went to the restroom to fix my hair and makeup and slipped a vibrating egg inside me. When I came out Dion was dressed and ready to go. I handed the remote control for the egg to Dion, “This is for you to use this afternoon. You’re in control. Of me,” I stated flatly.

Dion looked perplexed as he stared at the small handheld remote, “What is this?”

"Press one of the buttons to turn it on,” I told him as I raised my eyes.

He pressed the button for the low setting and a small hum filled the silence as the egg started vibrating inside my pussy. Dion’s eyes widened as he realized what he was controlling. I smiled and bit my lip as the egg vibrated away inside me, “It’s a little game we can play,” I said with a knowing smirk, “We’ll go for a walk and tour some of the nearby casinos. Meanwhile, you are free to activate the vibrator inside me whenever you please. It’ll be our sexy little secret while we’re out and about, do you want to play?”

Dion eagerly agreed and we were off. It was almost perfect temperatures about 70 degrees outside. I wore a short dress. Dion had turned off the vibrator since we left the room and I wondered how long it would be until he resumed teasing me, the anticipation kept me on edge and in a state of arousal.

I caught Dion’s gaze landing on the Vegas showgirls who routinely paraded up and down the strip wearing thong bottoms and pasties covering their nipples. I can’t blame him for having a wandering eye when there are half-naked women in plain sight, although I couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy.

I knew my time with Dion was running short and I wanted him all to myself. We were walking through the majestic architecture of Caesar’s Palace when the egg stirred for the first time. I glared at Dion who gave me a gleeful smile. I stopped mid-stride and collected myself as all the other tourists passed us. I took a deep breath and then carried on. Dion delighted in my obvious squirming as I struggled to control myself in public. He quickly learned how to toy with my arousal. He’d turn it on, gradually increasing the strength until I was edging hard and then he’d cruelly shut it off without actually letting me climax letting a few minutes pass before repeating. We continued like this as we walked through the shops at Caesar’s Palace. Then we made our way to the Venetian and followed the canals through the shops there, as well. All the while, Dion continued teasing me, somehow knowing exactly when I was on the cusp of orgasm and turning it down again when I was seconds away from taking the plunge. At one point, I was so overcome with my arousal that I took a seat on a bench and sat there with my legs splayed open allowing every passerby an easy look up my dress while the egg worked its magic on me. I almost cried in frustration as Dion turned it off right before the climax. I stared daggers at him, my eyes pleading to let me finish, but he shook his head and looked away.

People looked oddly at Dion and me as we toured the casinos. We were out of town and didn’t know anyone so we were free to openly show our affection for one another and we took advantage of that opportunity. We’d hold hands, he’d have his arm around me, his hand often cupping my breast as we walked. I had worked hard to maintain my figure but I still looked more than old enough to be his mother and I felt some strangers stab me with piercing stares as if to say I was robbing the cradle.

We were standing in front of the Bellagio fountains when Dion finally allowed me to orgasm. The music reached a crescendo as the fountains reached their zenith in a moment that coincided with my orgasm. I gasped and tried to contain my emotions while I was surrounded by dozens of people. Dion later admitted that he was so mesmerized by the fountain show that he simply forgot to turn off the egg. Even if it was unintentional I was grateful to finally climax after being teased the entire afternoon. As I descended from my orgasm I sheepishly looked around at the throng of strangers surrounding me wondering if any of them had any inkling as to the mind-blowing orgasm I just had right in front of them.

That night we went out to dinner after my husband returned from his conference. I was still wearing the egg and Dion still had the remote control and he continued to tease me unmercifully all through the meal right in front of my husband.

“Diana, are you alright,” my husband asked out of concern for my welfare after seeing me awkwardly squirm and wiggle in my chair. I played it off smiling brightly to show that I was okay, even though I was anything but. I bit my lip even though I wanted to scream. Dion was seated to the side his face an amused smile as he reveled in my desperation then, I’m not sure if it was mercy or cruelty but Dion increased the egg to its maximum setting and it sent me to the moon. I tried to exhale slowly and control myself even as my pussy felt like it was ready to explode.

“Excuse me, ma’am, would you like more water?” Our waiter, a handsome young man was standing right next to me with a clear view of my dress hiked up and my hand in my panties, rubbing at my pussy. His eyes darted down briefly leaving no doubt he saw what I was up to. I could’ve died but tried to act nonchalant so my husband would not think anything was amiss. The waiter held forth the water pitcher, and I mumbled some response that prompted him to refill my glass, “Actually, could I get a glass of wine?” I asked after I regained my voice.

“Of course, madam. Do you know which selection from our wine menu you would like?”

“It doesn’t matter, surprise me with whatever you would recommend and bring the bottle, please,” I asked, desperate for a strong wine to ease my nerves.

“That’s an excellent idea ordering the wine,” my husband complimented me, “Even though Dion technically can’t drink, still we can raise a toast to his accomplishments this year. We are here to celebrate after all and this should be a memorable week.”

I took a deep breath and fixed my dress, discreetly wiping away my juices off my fingers onto my napkin as I resumed eating dinner. I could smell the aroma of my wetness and hoped that no one else could.

“It certainly is shaping up to be a most memorable week,” I agreed as Dion tried to stifle a laugh.



My head was pounding with a headache, and I was bleary-eyed as I awoke in the morning. It was almost 10 AM, so I knew my husband was at his work conference. Dion lay languidly on the bed next to mine, watching TV, “Oh God, how much did I drink last night?”

“Well, your husband had a small glass and you finished the rest of the bottle. Then you ordered a second bottle and finished that off too,” Dion laughed.

“You didn’t have any?”

“I’m ********.”

All I could do was laugh at my indiscretion. I showered and then spent the rest of the morning naked with Dion’s cock in my mouth as he watched tv. He sat in bed while I was strewn across the bed with my head buried in his lap and my slobber dripping off his cock, “Relax and enjoy your show, I want this week to be special for you, something you’ll never forget.”

Dion chuckled, “I think you’re spoiling me I reckon I’ll never get this kind of service on any other vacation I have the rest of my life.”
I marveled at how his cock fit so nicely in my mouth. I savored how the tip of his cock felt as it parted my lips as he hardened the veins in his cock became visible and his pre cum leaked out onto my tongue.

“You teased me yesterday, so now I’ll tease you,” I told him as I repeatedly brought him to the edge of orgasm only to back off at the last possible moment.

Eventually, Dion had enough of me teasing him and grabbed my hair forcing me to finish him off. I gagged as his cum shot to the back of my throat, the salty-sweet concoction of his cum essentially serving as my breakfast.

“We’re in Vegas. We should go do things, you can watch TV at home.”

“What should we do today?”

“Let’s get dressed, I’ve got some ideas.”

Getting dressed was a relative term for me. I put on an impossibly short dress and no panties. The top of the dress was a little tight so I decided not to wear a bra either. I was wearing a cocktail dress, it sparked and looked classy although its short hem and low strapless top left a lot revealed. I knew I’d have to be careful not to have my tits pop out. Dion looked me over curiously, “You know what they say about Vegas, right?” Dion looked bewildered. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” I informed him.

Dion laughed, “Okay, I’m down with that.”

“Good, let’s go.”

As we went down the hotel elevator, I told Dion, “Technically, you’re supposed to be 21 to gamble since they serve alcohol but I think you can pass for 21. Besides, you’ll be with me act confident and you’ll be fine.”

As we sauntered onto the casino floor an endless sea of card tables, roulette wheels, and slot machines lay before us. Music blared overhead and an assortment of every culture, age, and race filled the floor. The old senior citizens who spent their retirement savings all day on the penny slots rarely leaving their seats in a joyless pursuit of some elusive jackpot. The regular folks who came to Vegas to live it up in a fantasy world where they dressed and acted like high rollers for a few days. The families just taking in the sites. The Europeans take in the uniquely American Vegas experience of excess and decadence. The Asian tourists here to revel in the mecca for gambling and then there was Dion and myself. We were mismatched, the 53-year-old white woman on the arm of an 18-year-old black man. In Sin City, however, we somehow seemed to fit right in with the teeming variety of other oddballs and cultural mainstream outcasts.

I sat for a while at one of the poker slots while Dion sat next to me. We played for a bit but my mind was hardly on the machine. I was more focused on Dion, flashing him clear shots of my shaved pussy. Dion took notice and kept a wide smile on his face the whole time as he played on his machine. For a while I rested my legs on Dion’s lap as I continued to play mindlessly on my machine, the hem of my dress rising so high that it was obvious to anyone close by I was not wearing panties. A group of four young black men took notice of the show I was giving Dion and they congregated in our area taking seats at nearby slots. They all looked to be in their 20s. I caught them continuously looking my way and was feeling frisky and daring so I found excuses to occasionally swing my stool in a full circle and as I circled I made sure they got a good look.

They whispered amongst themselves and eventually approached us. “You’re a lucky man,” one of the young black men told Dion, “Is she your woman?”

“Something like that.”

“She likes young black cock, doesn’t she?”

I looked hungrily at the four young men surrounding me. Truth be told I wanted to invite them back to our hotel room but I was reminded that this week was for Dion so I held my tongue.

“She can’t get enough,” Dion boasted.

“Respect,” one of them said and gave Dion a fist bump. Then he turned to me, “You’re a real fine woman aged like a fine wine. We appreciate what you’re doing out here. If you ever want to party with us let us know. I bet you’re all kinds of fun.”

Now it was my turn to blush as they turned and walked away.

After a while, Dion and I moved to one of the blackjack tables. I was still shaken by our encounter. I shuddered at the thought of my body being ravaged by them, letting them all take turns on me, and I couldn’t erase the idea from my mind.

To my surprise, two of the young men sat down in open seats at our table. Dion stood behind me as I played, I was on a run getting a lot of face cards and aces and the dealer seemed to be on a run of bad luck and I was quickly playing with house money.

Two older men at the table decided they were done and quit while they were ahead. The other two young men from earlier joined the action right away. I continued my run of luck and with each winning hand, my breasts inched closer and closer to bursting free. I knew what was happening but intentionally let my fleshy mounds become more and more exposed. The dealer was an older gentleman and he took in more than an eyeful. After another winning hand, I bounced in my chair and it finally happened. The tops of my areolas were exposed and I saw the eyebrows rise on the young black men seated at our table.

“Can you believe my luck?” I asked Dion excitedly as I turned around and made sure he got to enjoy my show as well. Dion just shook his head in disbelief. On the next hand, I got blackjack and I jumped so hard in celebration that my tits fully popped free from my top and bounced in open sight of the entire casino floor. I pretended to be frozen in shocked embarrassment for a few seconds but wanted to see everyone else’s reaction and make sure that they all had a good look before I feigned embarrassment and stuffed my titties back into my dress.

Shortly after, I decided that between my winnings and flashing fun, I should probably quit while I was ahead so I cashed out. I left the dealer an extra large tip and left the table amidst the protests of my new four young black friends who wanted to see even more of me, even though by this point there was little of me they hadn’t seen. I turned to Dion and said in front of the entire blackjack table, “What do you say we head back to our room and have some fun?”

By this time there was hardly anything I could do to shock Dion. He took my arm as the four young men hooted and hollered.

Dion and I headed back upstairs where we proceeded to make love for a few more hours until it was close to time for my husband to return from his conference. I changed my dress so I could look more presentable like the classy, respectable lady I am supposed to be. After my husband returned we all headed out for a nice dinner and an evening stroll on the strip, my husband completely oblivious to my shenanigans while he was away.



My husband left early for his conference. I stripped off my clothes and crawled into Dion’s bed and let him wake up to my lips slobbering all over his cock. We spent the rest of the morning lazily lying about, casually having sex. Dion’s cock spent the whole time either in my mouth or pussy. I remained as amazed as ever at how wide he stretched me. I spent the whole time enjoying him although my mind kept thinking how I’d miss how he felt inside me once he moved out.

Having skipped breakfast to stay in, we both grew hungry as the lunch hour approached, “So, what should we do today?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve made arrangements for today. Let’s grab a bite and then we’ve got a 1 pm appointment.”

“Appointment for what? What kind of trouble do you have on tap for today?”

“All kinds of fun, it’ll be laid back and relaxing, let’s get going.”

After getting lunch in the food court I led Dion back to the elevator while Dion begged me to tell him where we were going.

“Trust me, this is your week, so relax, don’t stress out.” I led him through our hotel casino to the on-site spa. Dion’s face looked bewildered as we walked into the lobby. The relaxing music and over-the-top feng shui design must have been too much for him.

“Oh no, no, no, no. This ain’t for me,” Dion complained as he stepped away from the spa entrance.

“Trust me,” I insisted, he hesitantly relented as I dragged him inside and checked us in at the front desk.

"Hello, Diana, Dion,” a bright-faced concierge announced after we were checked in, “My name is Heather. Follow me, the salon is right this way.” As we entered the salon area, she said, “Our associates are here to administer your mani-pedi, please, have a seat.”

As soon as she left Dion looked at me his eyes pleading. “Diana, I’m out, I’ll watch this is all frilly and girly. I know you mean well but I can’t do this.”

“Listen up, this place isn’t cheap and it’s already paid for,” I responded in a stern voice that startled him. “You’ve trusted me this far. Not just in Vegas but this whole school year. If you hate it, fine, you don’t have to come back but I’m willing to bet you’ll have more fun here than you ever imagined possible.”

Dion meekly nodded his understanding as a young Asian lady and man emerged from the shadows. “Are you ready? My name is Vu, and I’ll be serving you today,” she announced as she faced and bowed to Dion.

“I am Minh, I will be serving you,” the young Asian man standing next to her said as he did the same toward me. They motioned to the salon chairs and we each took a seat. Dion’s apprehension and awkwardness were palpable. This whole experience was foreign to him. Vu and Minh both looked to be in their early 20s. Judging by their names I guessed they were both Vietnamese. Vu was the perfect image of a young delicate Asian lotus flower. Minh was spry with a wiry build that belied the taut muscles of his arms.

“Please take off socks and shoes.”

They set our feet into separate tubs filled with small fishes.

“What the hell is this!?”

“It is therapeutic,” Vu explained in a soothing tone, “It is called a fish pedicure. Relax and let them eat the dead skin off your feet, you will be left with fresh soft skin, it is good.”

Dion glared at me, while the fish nipped away at our dead flesh and Vu and Minh gave us manicures. I watched in amusement as Dion transformed almost before my eyes. He quickly went from a look of abject horror to a more relaxed posture. Vu kept running her fingers up and down his forearms as she repositioned his hands to work on them. Her soft touch and friendly conversation seemed to set him at ease.

“You are a very strong man, you must work out a lot,” she complimented him.

“I don’t work out as much as I’d like.”

“Such rough hands,” Vu continued, “You must work hard. Relax, you deserve to be pampered a bit. I can tell you are not used to others taking care of you but for today you let me take care of you.”

Meanwhile, Minh was expertly handling me, giving my long-neglected nails some badly needed attention. “You two, you are...?” Minh asked, I understood his confusion. Dion was not my son, and the fact that we had a 30-year age gap made it a leap to assume we were some kind of couple.

“We are special friends.”

After the manicure was done they removed the fish pedicure tubs and dried off our feet before proceeding to give us formal pedicures.
Dion looked so uncomfortable while Vu sat at his feet filing and cleaning his toenails. He looked over at me and smiled his face tacitly acknowledging that it was not as bad as he originally feared.

Minh was at my feet, I was wearing a short summer dress that only came halfway down my thighs. Whenever I get pedicures I always make sure to request male technicians because I enjoy flashing them and today was no exception.

After the pedicures were done, Heather, the concierge returned and led us to a private room dimly lit by an array of scented candles. “You can remove your clothing and take a table. The masseuses will be here shortly for your couples massage.”

Dion looked at me, I saw him fighting his disgruntled instinct. He thought the better of it and followed suit as I stripped naked and laid down on one of the massage tables. Dion got on the other table each of us naked save for a small towel laid across our behinds. “What the hell have you gotten me into?” Dion said, shaking his head.

“Admit it, you enjoyed the mani-pedi.”

I saw the conflict on his face, he couldn’t bring himself to admit he enjoyed it. “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” he begrudgingly admitted, “But that doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for whatever else you may have planned here.”

“Give it a try, you may be surprised.”

The door to the room opened, and in walked a tall, stunning lady and a handsome man.

“Hello, I am Nadia,” the lady introduced herself, “Dion, is it? I will be attending to you.” Dion’s eyes perked up at the realization that she was his masseuse. She was a tall 5’10” statuesque blonde-haired beauty with a perfect figure, late 20’s, and a sexy Eastern European accent.

“Diana, I will be your attendant, I am Alexei,” her partner introduced himself.

Alexei also spoke with an Eastern European accent, and his 6’2” well-sculpted body, blonde hair, and chiseled face practically had me swooning. He looked to be about the same age as Nadia. I had specifically requested this pair based on a recommendation from my friend Maria. She said they had done a wonderful job when she and her husband came in for a couples massage last year. She had hinted how they went above and beyond to pleasure their clients and gave me a big wink as she told me how satisfied she and her husband were.

Alexei smiled warmly, I could not wait to feel his hands upon me and judge for myself if Alexei would truly go above and beyond. “I must admit, you are one of the odder couples we have served,” Nadia said aloud as she grabbed some oils, “What's your story?” Dion went on to explain our mutually beneficial relationship.

“You're lovers? Diana looks like a classy and sophisticated lady but inside she is like a tigress or how do they call it? Like a cougar is she not?”

Dion was completely enamored by Nadia. I saw how his eyes were glued to the blonde-haired beauty and her impossibly short white dress.

On my table, Alexei’s skin was incredibly soft, his touch warm and soothing as he laid his hands on my back. I couldn’t hold back the moans and sighs as he relaxed and unknotted my muscles.

“You must have very special charms to seduce such a young strong man as Dion,” Alexei commented, “I doubt it is by luck that you are with someone like him.”

Alexei’s hands were working magic on me. The massage oil felt nice and warm as he spread it over my skin, and it penetrated my pores.

“You are tense,” Nadia commented, “This must be your first time, no, are you afraid I will hurt you?”

“No, it’s... I’m not used to other people laying hands on me like this, well, except for Diana,” Dion admitted.

“Trust Nadia, I will take extra good care of you today, you relax and I will take care of everything.”

I saw the look of wonder on Dion’s face as he contemplated what Nadia was insinuating. She placed a blindfold over his eyes and then removed her dress.

Alexei approached with a blindfold for me as well but I waved him off. He smiled and placed the blindfold on a side table as I watched Nadia lean over Dion and breathe heavily on the back of his neck as her nipples dragged across his back. Even with the blindfold the surprise on Dion’s face was noticeable.

“Do you like?” Nadia asked as her naked body crawled on top of Dion.

Behind me, I heard the soft sounds of rustling clothes as Alexei similarly stripped down and placed them aside. “Oh my,” I couldn’t help but exclaim at the sight of his defined abs and strong chest. He wore nothing but a pair of tight briefs, and he had an immense bulge that I couldn’t help staring at.

“I think I will enjoy this as much as you do,” he smiled as his hands rolled me over from my face-down position. As I turned over, the towel slipped to the floor. He started slowly, his hands giving my feet a sensuous massage. Then he slowly snaked his way up each of my legs until he was tantalizingly close to my pussy. I was so aroused my wetness was dripping off me as I desperately longed for him to touch me in my most private of areas. Alexei moved past my pussy however and went to my arms where he started the process all over again building up my arousal as he worked his way back down.

Across the room, Nadia had also rolled Dion onto his back and she was giving him a hand job with one hand as her other hand lightly ran across his cheeks and then his chest knowing that with his eyes covered Dion’s sense of touch would be heightened and he reacted to the slightest touch from Nadia with involuntary moans.

Meanwhile, Alexei’s hands circled my breasts before finally zeroing in on my nipples. I let out a high-pitched shriek of pleasure as he pinched them.

“It seems I have struck a nerve.”

“Please,” I begged Alexei as I spread my legs inviting him to touch the one part of me he had skipped. He was standing right next to me his bulge was practically staring me in the face. I reached out and felt his manhood my hand slipping inside his briefs I pulled down his underwear and eagerly took him into my mouth.

He grabbed the massage oils and applied them directly to my sex. I squealed in delight as the warm oils splashed onto me and Alexei’s hands began to rub the oil on me his thumb lightly glided over my clitoris. I practically melted in his hands my legs spreading wider, inviting him. Alexei’s fingers slipped inside me I gasped. He smiled aware of and enjoying the control he exerted over my body.

Across the room, Nadia was stuffing her perfectly formed C-cup breasts in Dion’s face as he eagerly received them into his mouth. Then she released his cock and pulled her body over Dion deliberately dragging her nicely trimmed pussy over Dion’s torso until she was practically sitting on his face as he inhaled the aroma of her sex organ. As Dion’s tongue flicked at her pussy she unrolled a condom and placed it on him. Then she slid back and inserted him into her and slowly began riding him.

By now, I was already climaxing as Alexei furiously finger-fucked me. Both Dion and I were beyond any shame and we both screamed in pleasure with no care if the whole hotel could hear us. Alexei immediately lifted my legs into the air and then pressed them even farther back until my ankles were almost to my ears.

“Oh God, I didn’t know I was still that flexible.”

“It’s amazing what a good massage can do to loosen and stretch your muscles.”

His cock plunged into me, I was delirious with pleasure. “Oh my God, Maria was right, you’re worth every penny!”

“We aim to please.”

“Mission accomplished!” I said as I felt another orgasm approaching. I looked over, Dion looked like he was trying to hold off on his orgasm but Nadia was steadily guiding him into port. His hands were enjoying Nadia’s firm breasts letting them bounce in his hands as she moved up and down on him. He tried to resist but he soon succumbed to the impending climax arching his back and grunting loudly he let his orgasm burst forth.

At my massage table, Alexei’s sweat started dripping on me. “You’re giving me a workout,” he observed.

“Not as hard as the workout you’re giving me,” I replied, “I could get used to this workout, though.”

He was hovering over my body, my legs still pressed back to my head. He peered down into my eyes as he relentlessly pounded his cock into me. Whereas Nadia had fucked Dion with a nice, steady rhythm, Alexei was plunging his cock fully in and out of me letting me feel every inch of his girth and length. I became lost in his eyes and somewhere along the way, I lost control of the rest of my body as another orgasm washed over me. He smiled with confidence that he controlled me like a puppet on a string.

Alexei pulled out of me as my orgasm subsided I looked down and saw Alexei’s condom filled with his white milky ejaculate. I was breathless and covered in a heady mixture of the massage oil, my pussy juices, and sweat. “I trust you are both satisfied with your service today,” Nadia commented as she watched me climax.

Dion ripped off his blindfold and sat open-mouthed as he admired Nadia’s still-naked body.

“I’ve never been more satisfied in my life.

I know I should’ve been jealous, but I couldn’t disagree with his sentiment.

“We will leave you two now,” Alexei politely added, “Take your time to get dressed and please enjoy the rest of your stay in Vegas. If you want another session you know where to find us.”

Dion and I sat there for a few minutes half-dumbfounded and recovering from our massages or more accurately our orgasms. “Admit it. I was right, wasn’t I?” I asked, finally breaking the silence.

“I’m never doubting you again,” Dion admitted.



My husband was gone again to his conference by the time I awoke in the morning. My muscles still felt the relaxing aftereffects of the rubdown, and the scent of the massage oils was still faintly detectable on my skin. As I woke to the sight of Dion pleasuring me from below, "Oh my, what a way to start the day,” I exclaimed.

“Just returning the favor,” Dion replied, “You’ve been starting my days with blow jobs this week. I figured you might enjoy the same,” he said as he resumed munching on my mound.

I wrapped my legs around Dion’s head and arched my back as he quickly brought me to a climax. “Jesus, I didn’t think anything could wake me up better than a strong espresso but I stand corrected.”

Spending the morning making love had become our Vegas morning routine and I brought Dion to several orgasms letting him fill my pussy and mouth with cum throughout the morning.

In the afternoon we headed to one of the hotel pools. We exited the elevator to a secluded rooftop deck. As we entered the pool area Dion saw some of the other women around the pool were topless, I saw the confused but happy look on his face.

“This is a European-style pool. Women can go topless if they like,” I explained.

I saw the realization hit his face, “Oh, I likey like. I’m loving Vegas more and more with each passing day,” Dion remarked.

“I thought you would,” I said with a laugh.

I had rented a cabana for us to relax in and Dion and I settled in. There were many women in thong bikinis and more than a few of them also paraded around topless.

I pulled off my shorts and tank top I wore while going through the hotel to reveal my bikini a classic French-style bikini. “I’d hate to get sunburned would you be a darling and spread sunscreen on me,” I asked Dion with a wide grin.

“Anything for you, Diana.”

I pulled a bottle of sunscreen out of my bag and handed it to Dion as I laid the front side down on a lounge chair.

“Where do you want the sunscreen, I’ve never used this stuff since I don’t burn.”

“Lucky you I told him. Go ahead and spread it all over me,” I instructed.

Dion obediently fulfilled my request. He started on my legs and worked his way up. My pussy became wet as he spread the lotion right up to the edge of my bikini bottom. Then he proceeded to add the lotion to my back. As he did so, I untied the string holding up my top.

“Wouldn’t want to miss a spot,” I explained.

After he was done I turned around leaving my bikini top behind in the process as I laid on my back.

“My front side could use sunscreen, also.”

Dion flashed a toothy grin and proceeded to apply sunscreen to my tummy and chest taking an exorbitantly long time on my breasts, I loved every second of it.

“You seem concerned about my tits getting sunburned,” I commented.

"Yeah, something like that,” he laughed.

After he finished, I pulled my lounge chair out of our cabana into the sun so that I could catch some rays while Dion went to play in the pool.

From the pool, Dion smiled and waved back at me. I was pleased, even after months of having his way sexually with me, that Dion was still checking me out. I noticed more than a few of the other men around the pool were checking me out as well. I tried to act nonchalant and pulled a book out of my bag to read while sunning topless by the pool.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” a familiar voice boomed.

I looked over and saw the four young black men we encountered the other day at the poker slot machine and the blackjack table approaching from my left. Soon enough they were on either side of me. From across the pool, Dion watched curiously.

I took stock of the young black men surrounding me and smiled back at them. They were all well built and looked clean cut between 5’10 and 6’ tall and 160 to 200 pounds with lean, fit builds.

“You gentlemen seem to have taken quite an interest in an old woman, should I be flattered?”

“We wanted to say hello,” one of them explained.

“It’s funny how our paths keep crossing like this,” another one added.

“Every time we see you, you end up topless,” another one remarked.

Dion made his way over and joined our small party. I wondered if he was jealous of the attention I was drawing from them.

“Don’t worry, man,” the first one said, “We’re not trying to move on your woman. It’s hard to forget the show she gave the other day at the blackjack table.”

“I can promise she enjoyed it even more than you guys did,” Dion boasted to my surprise. The four guys were amused by Dion’s response. “What’s your guys’ story?”

“We’re all seniors in college on winter break. We play on a D3 football team but our season’s over and the semester’s over so we’re looking for a good time, to blow off some steam.”

Dion looked at me and saw the desire in my eyes for our new friends. Nevertheless, the next words out of his mouth still surprised me. “She likes to play.”

“What do you mean?”

“You saw how she was at the blackjack table. You saw how she flashed you all her bits on the poker slots, she’s a sex addict who has a love for black cock that’s why she’s with me.”

“Why are you telling us all this, what’s in it for you?”

“Nothing, I’m Dion and she’s Diana. We’re out here on vacation. She’s been real good to me on this trip but I know Diana and I know she’d go back to your room if you want to party with her, I promise you she’d be down with that.”

All four guys turned back to me, awaiting my response, and the next thing I knew we were heading up to their room. Their hotel room was just like mine with two king-sized beds. Dion took a seat in a chair in the corner by a small table while I sat on one of the beds. “You don’t want the first crack at her?” one of them asked Dion.

Dion laughed, “I suppose it’s nice of you to offer, but I already came in here twice this morning, I’m tapped out, She’s about milked me dry this week but as you can see she’s insatiable, still raring to go.”

The guys turned back to me, I exhaled slowly trying to contain my excitement. I realized then, that I didn’t know any of their names despite having followed them back to their room and was about to fuck by all of them.

“She’s a big girl,” Dion continued, “She can take it, you ain’t going to hurt her. Just the other week, my buddy and I were tag-teaming her. She loves taking two cocks at the same time and loves dirty talk, she loves being told what a slut she is.”

The four guys were licking their lips at me, like tigers ready to pounce. “Do you have any ground rules?”

"She doesn’t do anal,” Dion replied. I was thankful he mentioned this to them, “But everything else is fair game.”

“Alright, alright, we can respect that.”

One of them came up to me as I sat on the edge of the bed, his cock was practically staring me in the face, I couldn’t help but stare then his hand reached out and lifted my chin. My heart was racing, the anticipation was killing me.

“You’ve been going along with everything, but you’ve been kind of quiet. I want to hear from you, what do you want to happen?”

I looked around nervously at the four strapping young black men standing before me. Two of them had already taken off their shirts revealing well-developed abs and chests. (They told me they play college football, and it showed.) “I want to be your fuck toy. Treat me like the slut I am,” I said aloud.

He let go of my chin as he smiled down at me, “Stand up.” I obeyed, rising off the bed. Then he proceeded to remove my tank top and untie the straps on my bikini top, letting it fall to the floor and leaving me topless, and then he pulled down my shorts and bikini bottom in one motion leaving me completely naked in front of my four new friends.

A second young man came up and leered over my body before reaching his finger to run it over my pussy. “You can already see she’s wet,” he remarked as he held up his fingers.

“I don’t know your names?”

“I suppose it’s only polite to be on a first-name basis before you fuck a woman. Me, I’m Andre,” said the one who stripped me naked.

“I’m Will,” said the second one who had fingered my pussy.

The other two introduced themselves as Matt and Ted.

"How do you want to be fucked,” Andre asked.

My courage was recovering, and I decided to take charge of the situation, “Line up in front of me,” I told them. Seconds later, I was on my knees before them sucking and jerking them off. Soon, I was on the bed on my hands and knees being spit-roasted by Andre and Will while Matt and Ted fondled my tits. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dion seated in the corner of the room watching me drowning in cock. “She likes it hard and rough,” Dion promised them. “Don’t be afraid to give it to her. She looks all classy and sophisticated but she’s as dirty a slut as they come.”

Andre slapped my ass as he started pounding me even harder. He’s right, ain’t he? That’s why you’re flashing your bits to us on the casino floor, giving us a real good look up your dress when you ain’t wearing any panties.”

“You’re top popping off at the blackjack table wasn’t an accident, was it?”

I would’ve confirmed how all their assumptions about me were correct, but my mouth was stuffed full of cock, and all I could offer was a garbled grunt in response. I was in heaven, though. They all took turns on me in an endless cycle. I lost count of how many orgasms they pushed me through. After Andre and Will were done spit-roasting me I ended up riding Matt cowgirl style while sucking on Ted’s cock. They ravaged my body for 2 hours straight in a variety of positions and by the end, their cum was everywhere. Each of my four new friends had deposited at least two loads of cum in or on me and my body was sore and exhausted by the end of our fuck session.

“Let’s get you back so you can get cleaned up,” Dion said as he finally stood up, “Your husband will be back soon from his conference and we need to get you looking presentable. He ain’t going to like it if he sees you waltzing in dripping in cum from a gangbang.”

“Husband?” Andre asked incredulously, “You went to Vegas with your husband and brought your boy toy along on the trip?”

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” I reminded all the guys as I quickly got dressed and hurried back to my hotel room with Dion making it back in time. A few seconds after entering our hotel room my husband came in. I rudely slammed the bathroom door in his face before he could catch a glimpse of my cum soaked face. I looked in the mirror and saw the cum dried up in my hair and all over my face. I couldn’t believe I walked through the hotel looking like this. I quickly washed it off and then took a shower to get rid of any sign of my afternoon affairs.

That night my husband insisted on taking Dion on a proper boys' night out in Vegas. I knew he had grown close to Dion and almost looked upon him like a son, so I let them go. Besides, it gave me an excuse to do a little shopping for myself. Spending the week with Dion had afforded me precious little me time and I savored the opportunity to run out and take care of a couple of things that had been on my mind since we touched down in Vegas. Tomorrow was going to be my last day in Vegas with Dion and I wanted to make it extra special I had some ideas but there were a few things I still needed to do to make those ideas happen.



I awoke earlier than normal, my husband was gone for the last day of his conference and Dion was still sound asleep in the bed next to mine. I realized this was our last full day in Vegas. I wishfully thought through all my memories with Dion from the week. It was hard to believe he was moving out in a few days, right when it seemed we had grown closer than ever. I think part of me hoped he might change his mind and not leave, even though I knew it was highly unlikely.

We spent one last morning in our Vegas hotel room making love, "You weren’t jealous watching me get fucked by all those guys yesterday,” I asked as Dion pounded his cock into my pussy.

“I was jealous at first when you slept with Darius,” Dion explained, “but after we double-teamed you it opened my eyes, I know what you’re about now. It’s nothing personal and I’m still getting mine, so it’s all good. Keeping that in mind, you’ve been so good to me on this trip, I knew how much you’d enjoy going back to their hotel room and letting them gangbang you.”

“Well, if that isn’t the most romantic thing a gal’s ever heard,” I said with a laugh, “Bless your heart.”

“So, what do we do today?” Dion asked.

“Wait right here,” I told him, “I’ve got a surprise for you," I grabbed a bag out of the closet from my shopping run last night and ran into the restroom. I excitedly changed out of my nightgown and into the outfit I had bought.

I called out from the restroom, “Dion, I want you to know. Even though I’ll sleep with other men, I still belong to you.”

“What are you saying, Diana?”

“Let me show you,” I answered.

I stepped out of the restroom, and Dion’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. My body was nearly naked, save for some pasties over my nipples and a thong bottom. I wore a headdress as I did my best imitation of a Vegas showgirl. I wore a small costume mask over my eyes that did next to nothing to conceal my identity.

“What is – “ Dion’s voice trailed off in confusion.

“Well, I saw how fascinated you’ve been the past few days by all the showgirls parading along the strip. I’m a bit older than all of them, but I thought maybe you’d like a Vegas showgirl of your own,” I explained as I twirled around to let him admire me. I held two additional items in my hand that I put on in front of Dion. The first item was a collar that I strapped around my neck. The other item was a leash that I attached to the collar. “I want you to know that I belong to you, I want the world to know that I belong to you,” I said as I offered the leash to Dion. “I want you to walk me out of this casino and up and down the strip, I want the entire Vegas strip to know that I’m yours.”

“You want to walk up and down the strip dressed like THAT?” Dion asked incredulously.

I nodded eagerly, I remembered last night as I ran through ideas on how to make my last day with Dion in Vegas memorable and this seemed like a good idea at the moment. Now that I had changed into the outfit and I was on the verge of being paraded around virtually naked in public, some doubts started to creep in, although my resolve was strong, “Yes, but maybe you should go ahead and take me out before I change my mind,” I warned him.

“Alright then,” Dion quickly decided before I could change my mind. He grabbed the leash, “Let’s get going.”

The elevator stopped to pick up other guests on our way down to the casino floor an old, retired couple who looked to be in their 70s joined us. The husband kept sneaking leering glances at me while his rotund wife stabbed me with dagger stares of disgust. I smiled politely as we silently went our separate ways as we exited on the casino level.

Everyone’s eyes were drawn to me as Dion led me through the casino. People looked away from their slot machines and whole tables took a quick break from their poker and blackjack bidding as we passed by. An adrenaline rush filled me, I was scared to death, but I loved every second of it.

As we got to the outside doors the radiant afternoon sun felt warmly comforting. I quickly realized it was one thing to be nearly naked on the casino floor. Back inside there were always large objects obscuring the view but outside in the clean daylight I felt like people could see me from a mile away. So many heads turned and gave me every kind of look imaginable. Some people looked at me with disdain, like the old lady on the elevator. So many more, though, looked on curiously, if not admiringly. Some men ogled me lecherously while others looked upon me with lust-filled eyes. Many people stopped us on the streets wanting to ask what was up with us, who were we, and about our relationship. They saw the leash that Dion held and wanted to know if I was his pet or slave, or if it was just some kind of act. Many assumed we were out there as some kind of advertisement for a Vegas show or casino.

At first, all the attention rattled Dion a bit. He wasn’t used to being the center of attention in a public environment, and he seemed unsure and almost embarrassed. So many people approached us with words of encouragement, though, that he embraced his role and began to enjoy the attention. We were like stars on the strip as he proudly held up my leash and led me down the strip for all to see. There were so many more who shouted words of encouragement as we passed by. There were others still who were shy about their interest but I caught them sneaking glances at me. My confidence grew as we went along and soon my smile was no longer just a brave face but it reflected the pleasure I derived from my harebrained scheme. We took so many pictures with passersby. Everyone who stopped to talk wanted a picture, and we obliged them all. I found the men more often than not put their hands on my ass when we posed for the photos, although they were otherwise hands off. I didn’t mind them copping cheap feels; I knew I was practically inviting it dressed as I was on the Vegas strip.

I had initially been concerned that I was too old to pull off something like this stunt, but the feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive. More than a few women commented that seeing me was inspirational, and many more said they wished they had my courage and body positivity. We passed some of the other Vegas showgirls walking the strip in pairs. They all appeared tickled by the sight of Dion and me so much so that we ended up taking several pictures with them, they all complimented us profusely. I smiled and held my head high the whole time as Dion slowly paraded me up the strip. Past the Hard Rock and Paris casinos, we continued up until we got to the Venetian. Then we crossed the street and came back the other way passing the Mirage and Caesar’s Palace along the way. By this point, it was getting later in the afternoon, and I wanted to make sure we made it back to the hotel before my husband was released from his conference.

As we passed the Bellagio fountains, the water show was going off and we stopped to admire the theatrics again. I looked over and saw a group of businessmen about 50 feet away also admiring the fountains and was horrified as I recognized one face, my husband’s amongst that crowd. I realized that his conference must have ended early and he was taking in some of the sites with his work colleagues. Close to my husband, I saw the 4 young black men who had gangbanged me yesterday. They recognized Dion and me and were pointing and waving in our direction. I panicked and pulled Dion to me afraid their animation would draw my husband’s attention to me.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Dion laughed.

“We have to hurry up and get back to the hotel without drawing any more attention,” I said in a worried tone.

“With you on a leash and dressed like that, what’s wrong?” Dion asked sensing my concern. I nodded my head in my husband’s direction, and Dion immediately recognized the issue and took charge of the situation. He led us back north and away from my husband. We crossed over to the other side of the street on a walking overpass, and then we beat a hasty retreat to our hotel room.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief when we made it back safely. Then Dion and I both exhausted and exhilarated at the same time fell over laughing, “I can’t believe we just did all that.”

“I can’t believe you went out like that, practically naked in public, and let me walk you around on a leash,” Dion added.

“It was fun, I had a blast but now I need to go change before my husband catches me dressed like this,” I said as I grabbed a change of clothes and rushed into the restroom.

No sooner had I closed the restroom door when I heard the beeping of my husband’s card in the door card reader, "Surprise! They let us out early on the last day of our conference.”

“I’ll be right out, honey, I’m taking care of something,” I called out from the restroom as I hurriedly put away my headdress and mask and put on more proper clothing.

“Dion, what have you and Diana been up to today?”

“Oh, we took a little walk up and down the strip,” Dion coolly answered.

“That’s it? Jesus, Diana, what are you doing with the poor kid, we’re in Vegas, you’ve got to take advantage of that. Dion, I’m sorry that Diana’s been such a boring guide. You need to learn how to cut loose a bit more and have some fun.”

“I found the walk quite enjoyable,” Dion answered with a smug grin as I emerged from the bathroom.
“How about we go out and grab a bite and then maybe catch a show?"

“That’s what I’m talking about,” my husband replied, “Dion, if all you’ve been doing is walking around prepare yourself you’re in for a treat tonight. If you’re going to do Vegas, you’ve got to do it right."

Dion and I shared a knowing glance as we put on our shoes and headed back out for the night.


Our return trip from Vegas was uneventful. We all slept on the plane ride back. My husband was exhausted from his conference. Dion and I were exhausted from all of our high adventures through the week. From the morning hotel sex romps to our afternoon excursions with the remote-controlled egg vibrator, flashing on the casino floor, our spa treatments, the topless pool and gangbang with our new friends, and our Vegas Showgirl slave walk, I had set out to give Dion a week he’d never forget, and I had wildly exceeded my original expectations.

Dion still moved out a few days after we got back, and I was saddened to see him go, but I was happy we were able to end our relationship with a bang. Emily constantly badgered Dion as soon as we got back, begging him to move in sooner until he finally relented. I couldn’t bear to see him leave, and I ended up running errands the whole day just to kill time and be away from the house while he moved his things.

After he was gone, I went down to the basement where he had stayed and was dismayed by how empty and desolate it suddenly felt, already missing him terribly. As I went back upstairs, I spotted some small knickknacks of his lying around the living room. He must’ve missed them when he collected his stuff. I thought I should return them. I put the items in a small box to bring to him. The weather was unseasonably warm so I decided to take the short walk through my neighborhood to Emily’s house. Along the way, I passed Kathy’s house, although I saw a car in her driveway that I didn’t recognize. As I passed her house, though, I caught sight of Darius fucking Kathy through her living room window. It reminded me of how I was on the other end of it last time, getting fucked by a strong young black man just a few weeks ago as Kathy walked by and caught sight of me. Turnabout is fair play, I guess. I stopped for a second at the surreal sight of Kathy, the bigoted, opinionated self-righteous holier-than-thou president of our HOA on her couch on all fours as Darius fucked her doggy style, slapping her ass in the middle of the day for all the neighborhood to see through her living room window. Darius caught sight of me first and gave a friendly wave as if he was in the middle of some benign task like raking leaves. Kathy looked up right after, and we locked eyes. At first, she looked horrified, but then she gave an embarrassed smile, and we both laughed at our shared secret passion for black cock as I shook my head and went on my way.

A few minutes later, I approached Emily’s house. I was about to knock on the front door when I heard loud noises emanating from inside her home, “Oh God, I’ve needed this so bad,” Emily’s high-pitched voice screamed out.

“You’ve been missing my black cock in your pussy,” Dion’s familiar voice barked out.

“I can’t get enough of it!”

“Every goddamn minute your husband’s out of the house, you want my cock, ain’t that right?” Dion demanded to know.
“God, I’m such a black cock slut,” Emily cried out.

“You’re always sending your husband out of the house. You’ve got it so he’s hardly ever home anymore, don’t you?”

“It’s because I need your cock in my pussy.”

“Say it louder!”

“I’m a black cock slut!”


“I’m a black cock slut!”

Oh well, I thought to myself. Emily and Dion seemed a little preoccupied, so I figured maybe it was best if I just came back another time to return Dion’s things. Maybe when Emily’s husband was also home.

On my way back home, I thought back to just a few months ago how innocent Dion had seemed. I had been worried if Dion would be alright when he wasn’t in my care but I realized at that moment that he’d be just fine. He’d grown up a lot since I first met him, It’s odd to say I felt like a proud mama when I was the one screaming that I was his black cock slut just a few days ago, but that’s how I felt. Who knows, maybe he could even sneak away from Emily from time to time, and we could enjoy an occasional fuck for old-time’s sake. Our relationship didn’t last long, but I was proud that I played a small part in helping Dion get a real chance in life, and I’m more than certain I got at least as much from our relationship as he did. We’d always have his first fall semester of college that we spent together as well as our trip to Vegas, although you know what they say about what happens in Vegas…

The end.