I felt nervous, this being our first function at the club. My wife Jen and I didn't fit into this crowd of ultra-rich people. We joined this exclusive country club about a month ago so I could get to know people like this, to help me at work.

Jen looked as nervous as me. Not only were we poor compared to all these rich people, but also much younger. I was 29 and Jen 26, while everyone else was at least 15 years older.

I chatted with a distinguished black man who introduced himself as Victor. As we spoke, my attention was drawn to a beautiful woman standing across the room. She was tall with long dark hair, and wore an elegant off-the-shoulder cocktail dress that ended about mid-thigh.

Unlike my blonde wife Jen, who's petite and small breasted, this woman had a classic hour glass figure, with large breasts and curvy hips. Her legs weren't slim like Jen's, but they were shapely and looked great in her stiletto high heels.

The woman eased herself into a seat at the bar. She ordered a drink, and as she did she crossed her legs. This made her dress hike up her thighs, but she quickly adjusted and pulled her dress back down her legs.

My eyes grew wide. For an instant, just before the woman pulled her dress down, her stocking tops were exposed, the dark welts of the sheer nude nylons straining against the straps of her black garter belt.

I've never known a woman who wore real stockings, the kind that's held up with a garter belt. I've seen them often enough in adult movies or on the internet, but I've never met a woman who wore them in public, in real life. I've encouraged Jen to wear them, but in our entire relationship she's worn them only once, on our wedding day. Usually she goes without hose, or wears pantyhose, like tonight.

I felt myself stiffening, my full attention drawn to the woman. She looked to be latino, with a dark exotic complexion. Her lips were full and painted bright red, and her large breasts almost spilled over the top of her strapless dress. My eyes focused on her legs. I hoped she'd cross her legs again, so I could glimpse her stocking tops again.

Victor saw my distraction, and followed my eyes to the sensual woman. He smiled knowingly, and gestured to the woman. The woman looked at Victor, and then at me. She smiled. She slipped off the chair, and once again I glimpsed a hint of her stocking tops. Then she began walking towards us. The ballroom was loud, but I imagined hearing the click-click of her high heels as she elegantly walked across the hardwood floor towards us.

I panicked. Victor had caught me ogling this sensuous woman, and now he was going to embarrass me in front of everyone. I looked around for Jen, and found her just a few feet away, speaking to another couple. I hoped her conversation would continue while I dealt with this situation.

The woman arrived and stood in front of us, an almost teasing smile on her full lips. In her high heels she was taller than me, but came to just Victor's chest.

"Monique," Victor said, gesturing to me. "I'd like you to meet Michael."

Then Victor looked at me. "Michael, this is Monique, my wife."

His wife?! My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. "Hi, ah, nice to meet you," I managed to say as I extended my hand.

Monique took my hand in hers, her touch light. "The pleasure is mine," she said as she looked into my eyes. Then, just before releasing my hand, she dug her long red nails into my palm. Sparks ran up my spine, and I gratefully grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter.

Monique looked questioning behind me. "Where's your lovely wife? Jennifer, isn't it?"

"That's right," I said, surprised. How did she know my wife's name? But then I remembered the club emailed a newsletter listing all the new members, with our pictures. I turned and gestured to Jen. "Honey, this is Victor and Monique."

Jen shook their hands, and we chatted about ourselves, while they entertained us with gossip about the club and its members. Victor and Monique made a physically striking couple. He looked like he stepped out of GQ, and she Vogue magazine.

The cover band played a popular song, and Monique took my hand. "Jen, you don't mind if I dance with your husband, do you?"

Jen looked a little *****, having had more than her share of wine. "Not at all," she said giggling.

"No need to worry," Victor said to me as he waved us away. "I'll keep your wife company."

I led Monique onto the crowded dance floor. Feeling awkward, I took Monique's hand in mine. Then, I hesitantly placed my other hand on her hip, making sure to stay well above the swell of her shapely ass.

Monique smiled and we began to dance. She was an excellent dancer, sensually swaying to the music. The silky, barely-there material of her dress left little to the imagination, and I quickly realized she wasn't wearing a bra. I also felt the outline of her garter belt around her waist, and the effect on me (and my manhood) was what you'd expect.

The growing crowd pressed us together. I was embarrassed; certain Monique could feel my erection pressing against her stomach. But she didn't pull away. If anything, Monique pressed closer against me. I looked down, seeing the swells of her large breasts. Her hard, braless nipples caused dents in the filmy material of her dress. Monique saw me looking down her dress. She looked into my eyes, and smiled invitingly.

The dance ended, and I let Monique go. Not because I wanted to, but because I didn't know what else to do. "We ... ah ... I guess we better get back."

Monique smiled seductively. She reached inside my jacket, and ran her long red nails along my side. "Wouldn't you like to take me for a walk? The moon is lovely tonight."

My body tingled from Monique's touch. And my head spun. Was she propositioning me? "Um ... I ... ah ... I better get back to Jen."

Monique pouted. "Alright," she finally said, sounding disappointed, but not angry. Then she took my arm, and let me lead her back to our spouses.

Later that night, I fucked my wife like I hadn't fucked her in years. As soon as we got home, I threw Jen onto the sofa, pushing her dress up around her waist while simultaneously pulling my cock out of my pants. I pulled her pantyhose and panties down her legs, not bothering to take them off completely, and then rammed my rock hard cock into her pussy. It didn't take me long to cum. I would've felt guilty except Jen came just as fast, which surprised me.

We went to our bedroom and fucked again. Again this surprised me. To be honest, our sex life hadn't been good for a while. We've been together for 8 years, married for 5, and like most married couples our sex life waned after a few years. Nowadays we might do it once a week, but often only as the culmination of watching a porn movie on cable. So doing it twice in less than an hour really surprised me.

I knew what got me so hot. It was Monique. But Jen's sudden passion surprised me. It didn't take long before I understood why.

After our lovemaking, we spooned in bed. Jen was so quiet I assumed she had fallen asleep.

"I need to tell you something," she finally said, trepidation in her voice.


Jen turned to face me, looking nervous. "Tonight ... while you were dancing with Monique. Victor made a pass at me."

I almost jumped off the bed. "What?! What did he do?"

Jen hesitated, then finally said, "After you left with Monique, he asked me to dance. I must've been a little *****, because I didn't notice as he led me into a side room." Jen described how Victor had kissed and fondled her. He groped her tits, and reached under her dress.

"How far did he go?" I asked angrily, picturing Victor's black hand between my wife's legs.

"He ... he cupped me," Jen said.

"But then I pushed him away," she quickly added. "And I ran out of the room."

Anger flared inside me. How dare Victor take advantage of my wife!

But then something Jen said struck me. "What do you mean, THEN you pushed him away?" I said accusingly. "You weren't fighting before that? You let him touch you?"

"Michael, no," Jen pleaded, grapping my arm. "It wasn't like that at all. I guess I was *****. It took me a minute to realize what was happening. As soon as I did, I pushed him away and ran from the room."

I let it go, not challenging Jen further. But I knew she was lying. Victor had aroused her. That's why she had been so horny tonight. I felt jealous, and mad. I considered telling Jen about Monique, but something held me back. I spooned Jen again, and with the assurance of my arm around her, she quickly fell asleep. But I laid awake late into the night, thinking of Monique.
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