Darcy's New Life Pt 1

It all started this last winter. My wife and I had been married for 10 years, and our already vanilla sex life was growing stale. Don't get me wrong, I am still very attracted to my wife. She has developed into sophisticated, confident woman, which make me even more attracted to a sexy, womanly body that he has kept in shape by competitive running.

But although she is a passionate woman, she has always been somewhat conservative with me in bed, and by this last winter, she seldom wanted to have sex with me. I knew that she hadn't had a decent orgasm in at least a few years and was often frustrated or even angry after our lovemaking sessions.

It was making our personal life more difficult as well. Without physical intimacy, we were growing more distant. Neither of us was terribly happy in our marriage.

Last Christmas, I decided to change all of that. I went to an adult toy store, and bought s blindfold, some lube, and a hitachi magic wand for a Christmas present. I had seen the magic wand in action on some porn sites, and knew the effect if could have on women.

The first time I used it on her, the effect was explosive. It was as though I had broken through a dam. She came 2 or 3 times before the sensation was too much, and was insatiable for several weeks. Whereas we would often go months without sex, now we were having sex two and three times a day, both with and without the magic wand.

But still, I was feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

In college, before we were married, and sometimes when we were on breaks, Darcy cheated on me. She had sex a couple of times with a tennis player she knew in high school; once with some random guy at a party; and once with one of my fraternity brothers, Kyle.

The night I found out about the tennis player, she was home for the summer and came up to see me. She was totally tanned and buffed from mountain biking with this guy. When we made love, she was totally wet, but also pretty stretched.

I asked her about it. She came clean, and later while we were sleeping, I told her I loved her, and she said the same. I think I was pretty turned on by the fact that she was fucking this other guy. It was pretty uncomfortable, but I kinda got off on wondering what it was like. I already suspected he was bigger than me, but wondering if he was better really got me off -- still does.

I never actually caught her with Kyle, but I know he fucked her silly. Kyle was a totally dominant bull. A fantastic athlete, he was good looking, a little crazy, and had his share of girls who always seemed to keep coming back. He actually started being cooler to me after he fucked Darcy. Like, it was okay for me to hang with him, so long as I understood the pecking order.

We hung around some, but I tried not to make a habit of it because I kept fantasizing about the two of them fucking, and felt really submissive around him. Plus, I was pretty turned on by his cocky dominance.

Anyway, so far as I know, Darcy never cheated on me in the 10 years since we'd been married, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing about it. Over the years, I have developed a very active imagination around sex, particularly dominance and submission.

Lately, my main fantasies involved cuckolding, which is where a wife takes a lover with the full knowledge and blessing of her husband. In most of my fantasies, both Darcy and her lover would be very dominant towards me, piling on verbal abuse, making me suck off her lover before or after sex, etc.

With all of that as a backdrop, and thanks to the Hitachi Magic Wand, our sex life began to pick up. We were both feeling more adventurous, and had gotten way more honest about our sexual feelings. Darcy wanted to know how I felt about needing to use the Magic Wand to bring her off. I felt pretty good about it, since I knew she was enjoying herself, and I really enjoyed watching her cum.

She was surprised by that, and teasingly wondered aloud if I felt like less of a Real Man because I needed a vibrator to get her off.

Eventually, I worked up the nerve to ask her about past lovers, and to tell her that thinking about her with the men she'd been with in college was a turn on for me. I even shared some stories about role playing female Dominance and male submission that I'd downloaded from a web site.

After that, her demeanor started to change. She wouldn't have sex with me, with or without the vibrator, until I'd massaged her legs and feet for quite awhile. Even then, she'd only have sex with me intermittently. Sometimes she'd want me to kiss and lick her feet and legs and tongue all the way up to her ass, then use the vibrator on her before she went to sleep, leaving me high and dry.

My usually conservative wife started dressing more provocatively to work, wearing tighter shirts that showed off her ample D-cup breasts and tight stomach and shorter skirts that showed off her strong, sexy legs.

After about 3 months of this, she dropped a bomb on me that changed my life forever.

"Jeff, I've decided to start seeing someone", she said while were having a casual dinner at home. "In fact, we're going out tonight."

I felt as though someone had jolted me with a cattle prod. My heart did a backflip, my pulse quickened, and my dick hardened as a grappled with the fear, jealousy, humiliation, and excitement of what she'd just said to me.

I tried to keep my face cool. "When did you decide this." I asked, hoping that my face remained impassive.

"About 3 months ago. Actually, I've been seeing someone. You know Steve Bliss, don't you?"

Another backflip. Steve Bliss was a very fit, handsome 30-something professor who also coached tennis at the college. He was also part of our circle of friends. Truth be told, I didn't like him very much since I felt a little intimidated by him, and he'd been flirting shamelessly with my wife since he moved to town.

In all of the fantasies that I'd had, I'd never imagined that Darcy would actually date someone that we knew, least of all him.

"We've been seeing each other for coffee and lunch for the last few months. Of course, I've told him all about you and your fantasies."

"You told him... Have you slept with him?" My words sounded hoarse from the massive lump in my throat.

"Not yet. But I've been wet for a month just thinking about it. He's really handsome, don't you think?" She asked, looking down at my crotch, which totally betrayed me.

"I see", she went on. "Well, as I've said, I've told him all about you and your little fantasies, and tonight we are going dancing. He will be picking me up at 7:30. I'm going to the spa to get ready for our date, and I want you clean this place up while I'm gone. There's a list of chores by the phone."

My head was spinning. "WAIT! He's coming here?"

"Of course. After you are finished cleaning the house, I want you to get yourself cleaned up and then go into the guest bedroom and take everything out of the bag that's in there, lay them out on the bed, and follow the instructions I've left for you."

With that, she grabbed her purse and headed of the door. As she opened it, she stopped and looked back at me.

"One more thing. I know how turned on you are by all of this, I don't want your hand anywhere near your little dick until I get home from the spa."

Then she left.

I sat back in a nearby chair, totally shocked, freaked out, and turned on by what had just transpired. I spent the next few hours doing my best to take care of all of the chores my wife had left for me. I felt like I was in a total trance by the time I finished and went upstairs to complete her instructions and take the things out of the bag she'd left in the guest bedroom.

In the middle of the bed was a plain paper bag. My pulse quickened a bit as I walked over to the bed and opened it. Inside was a card, a razor, 2 bottles of displosable enemas, and 3 wrapped packages.

I opened the card and read it.

"Dear Jeff,

Tonight is the first night of our new relationship. I realized how much I missed cumming after you bought me our new toy. As good as the toy is, it's so much better to cum from a real cock. Since you obviously don't measure up to the task, I have decided to give in to your fantasies and try Steve out as a new lover.

You'd be surprised at how open he is to this. He's never liked you much, but he thinks you're cute, and I think he'd do just about anything to take me to bed.

I can't remember the last time I wanted a man this much. Maybe it was your friend, Kyle?

Think of all of the years of sexual frustration you could have saved me if you'd only realized your true nature back then.

Now, I want you to use the enemas I've left for you, and get yourself cleaned out for me. Then I want you to shave off all of your yucky public hair. Then come back in here, unwrap these packages. I want you back in this room, naked, and on your knees precisely at 7 pm.



It was now 6 pm. It never occured to me to disobey her.

I stripped, cleaned myself out with the enemas, and took a shower, being careful not to cut anything while shaving. I was struck by how small and naked I felt when I looked at my clean-shaven cock as I was drying off.

I started stroking myself, then remembered Darcy's admonition, and walked naked into our guest room to unwrap Darcy's packages.

My heart skipped a beat when I opened the first package contained a leather collar, leash, and a pair of leather wrist cuffs.

The second package contained a cone-shaped plastic tube about 5" long and some lube.

My already turgid member twitched when I opened the last package, which contained a paid of black silk boxers.

It was now a few minutes before 7. I laid out all of the things on the floor in front of me and kneeled down to wait for my wife.

I didn't have long to wait. My heart was racing as I heard the door open, the sound of keys jingling as she set them on the table. She came up the stairs, and barely concealed her smirk as she coolly appraised me.

"Not bad. I'll expect your pubis to remain shaved at all times. We don't want any doubts about your status."

She was wearing the same light cotton summer dress she had been wearing when she left, but had gotten a french manicure, pedicure, facial, and had her hair done. The effect was stunning.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" She asked, looking at me tenderly.

I'm pretty sure that the "Yes" that I mumbled, eyes downcast was a lie.

"Yes what?! She snapped. Her demeanor totally changed.

"Yes ma'am."

"Better. Hold out your hands."

I did as she instructed, and was soon wearing the wrist cuffs. She then handed my the butt plug and bottle of lube.

"Lube it up and put it in, then put on the collar and leash, finish getting dressed and be in my room in 5 minutes." she commanded, then left the room.

My left hand trembled a bit as I squirted the lube onto the plug and hurried to comply with her instructions. I was thinking that I'd never felt so full as I finished getting dressed and went into our bedroom.

Darcy stood in front of a full length mirror. She was naked, holding a pale blue demi-bra in front of her left breast, matching thong boy panties dangling from her pinky finger. The nipple of her right breast, slightly larger than an eraser, stood out in front of her large, pale pink areola.

"Do you think he'll like these?"

The question hit me like a sledgehammer to the gut. Of course he would like them. I liked them so much that it was all I could do to keep myself from falling on my knees and worshiping her feet. So there I was, standing in front of my wife. Naked, except for a pair of boxers, with a butt plug in my freshly cleaned ass. And I realized that my life was never going to be the same again. I had a raging hardon looking at her, knowing how sexy she looked, and that she was going out tonight to fuck someone. And not just any someone. Someone in our circle of friends. Someone we knew socially.

I had never been so turned on in my life.

"He'll like them," I mumbled.

"Good. Now help me put them on." she said, handing them to me.

My entire body trembled as bent down to slip her panties under her feet and bring them up her leg. The rear portion of a thongboy is slightly larger than a thong and curved into the band, cupping the flesh of her ass into a heart.

She angrily pushed me a away when I tried to move my face up to kiss her ass.

"If you try that again, you will spend the rest of the night in the guest bedroom tied down with a cage around your cock and a vibrator up your faggotty ass". She said.

My wife was hardly a puritan, but I was shocked by the language. A hint of merriment shone briefly in her blue eyes before she hardened again and told me that I had lost permission to help her, and that now I could only watch.

She made me kneel down and came around behind me to fasten my cuffs behind me.

"Naughty boys who don't do what they were told lose privileges. You've just lost the privilege of touching me with your hands tonight." She said, turning around and slipping her strapless bra on, clasping it in front of her perfect breasts.

Next, she put on an open-back top that showed off the definition in her shoulders and arms, and clung quite favorably to her breasts and stomach and completed the ensemble with a pair of Capri pants.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

-- END OF PART 1 --