Crossed Wires....Crossed Boundaries


By Stardog Champion

Brent Stallworth sat up in bed, lazily thumbing through the remnants of his Sunday paper next to his wife, Luann, as he tried milking every bit of relaxation out of his weekend before turning out the lights and getting some shuteye before heading to work at the crack of dawn to start yet another week of extremly well paid slavery at the Pharmacudical Company he had given the last 27 years of his life to.

"Do you have the Funnies over on your side of the bed, Honey?" Brent quipped.

"No..I think one of the boys took it off the kitchen table after dinner," Luann Stallworth replied without looking up from the romance novel she was nearly two thirds of the way through.

"Anything good in that to any good parts yet?" Brent curiously asked when he saw how engrossed his wife had become.

"Nothing you'd be interested in Old Man," Luann slyly shot back, feeling her insides get giddy, knowing the man she loved was peeking over her shoulder at the pages of the book like an emboldened young school boy.

Sensing his wife might be on the cusp of a little fun before bed, Brent decided it would be a good thing to keep her talking until she finally put the book down.

"I wonder how Tony Caldwell enjoyed the weekend at out beach house?" Brent matter of factly asked, trying to subtly tear his occupied wife's attention away from the story.

"..Who..what...?" Luann distractedly asked.

"Tony..Tony Caldwell... from the sales division at the plant..remember I told you a few weeks ago that I told Tony that him and his son, Malik, could go down to Myrtle Beach this weekend and stay at our place," Brent routinely reminded his wife. "You rememer him from the company picnic a few years back..he was there with his ex-wife..remember how all the other women there thought she was such a bitch."

"Vaguely," Luann sighed. "I was the only sober person there that'd think I would remember everything."

"Anyway..I hope they had a good time," Luann continued. "I just hope they did a good job cleaning up the place..Roxanne Ingle from the bank..her and her ******** asked if they could use the beachhouse next weekend...Roxanne's the one that just had one of her kidneys removed for that transplant with her Sister a few months back..she was just looking for a weekend to get away from everything with her youngest ******** whose starting college this Fall."

"Yes Darling...I remember Roxanne from the Bank..she didnt exactly stay sober either at your Christmas party last year if memory serves," Brent snidely interjected. "So what's the deal...her husband isn't going along..what is it..a vacation for him?"

"No," Luann snapped back, trying to keep herself from laughing a little. "That's I said...her ******** is getting ready to head off to college..The University of Georgia I think..Roxanne just wanted to spend some time with Tina before she leaves the know when our kids get to be that'll want to do the same thing."

"You're probably right," Brent admitted as each returned their attention to the things they were reading.

"I just wished you would have reminded me about Tony having the place this weekend...I like to keep a record of who has the place in case something happens or gets broke," Luann said more to herself than her husband as she leaned over to the side of the bed and reached inside her purse to grab the date book she kept her random notes in.

Use to his wife babbling to herself when she was perusing her day calender in bed, Brent Stallworth thought it was kind of strange that Luann went stone cold silent when she opened the date book.

Looking to his left at his stoic wife, Brent asked her if everything was OK.

"You said...Tony...Caldwell... and his son...had the place this weekend..right?" She cryptically asked.

"Yeah," Brent replied.

"UH-OH," Luann blankly stuttered. "I've got ...Roxanne and Tina...down for this past weekend at the beach house ..I dont know why I thought it was next weekend....there's got to be a mistake here somewhere.

Brent and Luann's stunned faces turned to face each other as they rested underneath several sections of scattered newspapers.

"Here it is Sunday and neither of them have called to tell us about the mixup," Brent soberly offered.

"Yeah...really," Luann agreed. "They're adults though...I'm sure they worked out something....I just can't believe I made the mistake with the scheduling....I'm sure I'll get a call from Roxanne tomorrow."

"I'm sure Tony will have quite a story whe I see him at work tomorrow too," Brent added.

"I just can't believe neither one of them called," Luann mystifiedly shook her head as she contemplated the awkwardness that the two pairs must have endured.


Tony Caldwell had been working as a salesman for Augusta, Georgia's Voss & Randolph Pharmacudicals for over 12 years and finally, at the age of 43, he had been able to steal away to the beach for the first time since he was a teenager.

He could have probably found time for a weekend getaway on numorous occassions in the six years since he had been divorced from his wife Patrice, but with the huge amounts of money he was paying her in alimony and child support, Tony's $75,000 a year salary never quite stretched as far as he hoped it would go.

With Malik turning 18 a few months earlier, the child support provision was removed and Tony finally decided to take one of his co-workers (Brent Stallworth) up on his offer to use the beach house that he had in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a weekend.

The fact that Tony could also spend some quality male bonding time with Malik, away from the watchful eye of his Mother was another reason he had been anxious to get the weekend away from home. Tony continued to harbor an immense amount of guilt over the fact that his son had been forced to repeat the 7th grade back in 1996 because he had understandably lost focus when his parents' marraige was dissentigrating.

With both his Mom and *** alternating between aloofness and anger for well over a year, Malik found himself straying, staying out late and falling in with the proverbial wrong crowd and it ended up costing him a year of school. Every since then, Tony had held himself accountable for not being the Father figure he should have been over those turmultuous years and this trip to the beach was a small way to gain a little of that lost time back while Malik was young enough to still appreciate it.

It would be a chance to talk about anything and everything, a chance to sail out on a fishing boat for the first time in either of their lives, a chance to watch and comment about the women on the beach together and most of all, just a chance to be a Father and a Son before the pressures of the adulthood tore Malik even further away.

By the time Tony Caldwell pulled his Izusu Trooper into the beach house's driveway at a little after 7pm that Friday night, he and his son were more than anxious to get out, stretch their legs and set up camp inside.

A little before 7:30 however, as Tony and Malik were unpacking their supplies for the weekend and making themselves at home, they were surprised when they watched a dark blue and well traveled Volvo pull into the driveway, directly beside their Trooper.


But Tony and Malik weren't nearly as surprised as the occupants of that dark blue Volvo.

Roxanne Ingle and her 18 year old ******** Tina had decided to steal away to Myrtle Beach for many of the same reasons Tony and Malik had.

With Tina preparing to start her Freshman year at the University of Georgia in the Fall, it was one of the last opportunities for Roxanne to spend some quality time with her youngest ******** before the nest was completly bare.

The weekend getaway also provided a rare opportunity for some rest and relaxation for Roxanne as she continued to heal from the surgery she had a few months earlier where she gave up one of her kidneys to help with her oldest sister's transplant.

By the time Roxanne Ingle pulled her blue Volvo onto the street that Brent Stallworth's vacation house was located, the two women were desperate to get out of the car, stretch their legs, take a much needed bathroom break, unpack and try to perhaps find a good sit down seafood meal before it got too late.

So when Roxanne and Tina saw the Izusu Trooper parked in the Stallworth's driveway, their first reaction was that one of the neighbors, thinking the house would be abandoned for the weekend, had allowed some of their guests to use it as a parking space.

After each woman grabbed her purse and a piece of luggage, Roxanne and Tina made their way up the walk towards the front door. Each of them stopped cold in their tracks however when they saw that the door was already half opened. Looking around, not knowing what really to do next, Mother and ******** looked at each other pensivly before jointly deciding to move forward.

Once they got close enough to peek inside the partly opened door, Roxanne and Tina immediatly knew they had made a mistake when two rather tall and imposing black men met them in the entranceway.


As the expected conflict played out between the two diametrically opposed factions, that had each driven all the way from Augusta, Georgia to Myrtle Beach with the sole intention of enjoying a weekend away from the hussle and bussle routine of home with someone close to them, finally a level of rational decision making started to take over.

Tony Caldwell was first to make the offer of getting another place to stay for the weekend eventhough he did subtly interject several times the age old concept of 'squatter's rights' considering he and Malik had gotten to the beach house first.

Knowing she couldn't argue with Tony's reasoning on that point, Roxanne was on the verge of making a counter offer to get a motel room for her and Tina before the awful thought of having to explain a credit card charge for a motel on her husband's credit card statement and the mixup that went with it flashed uncomfortably in the older woman's mind.

With the beach condo having 4 bedrooms, each party finally came to the rational and well thought out conclusion that there was enough space for everyone for two days considering Tony and Malik would be gone all day Saturday on a fishing charter and Tina and Roxanne would be spending some time on the beach as well as checking out the many shops lining the waterfront.

After helping each other unpack, both parties retired to seperate parts of the house to catch their breath and re-evaluate their expectations for the weekend.


Tina and her Mother retired upstairs to Roxanne's room.

" know ***'s gonna freak when he finds out what happened this weekend...we still have time to get a room at one of those hotels down the strip," Tina half laughingly warned as she dug a few changes of clothes out of her suitcase.

"No he won't," Roxanne quickly hushed down her ********. " Because he's not gonna find out.....he handles all the credit card statements ..I didn't bring enough cash for a room for the weekend and the last thing I want to do is explain this mess to him when he sees the bill!"

"Anyway," Roxanne continued as she joined her ******** in unpacking their clothes and toiletries, " They seem nice enough...I think Tony said he works with Brent and if Brent and Luann trust them enough to let them use this place.....I guess we'll have to as well."

"I guess so," Tina huffed back. "It know Mom...throws a monkey wrench into things ...the last thing I was expecting was a co-ed weekend."

"I know," Roxanne agreed. "If that's the case though ...why did we bring so much makeup and hair spray."

The two shared a good laugh as they continued to spread out their stuff.


Back downstairs in the living room, Tony and Malik were having a similiar discussion.

"Damn good thing you and Mom have been divorced for a few years," Malik sarcastically chided his Father. "Because if she found out you were shacked up with two women..two freakin' white women at the beach could bet your alimony payments would shoot through the roof."

"Yep," the elder Caldwell shook his head up and down and smiled, knowing his Son was right.

"The ********'s kind of hot," Malik grinned out of nowhere.

"Uh..huh," Tony's expression seemed to reply.

"Yeah..she is pretty..but I think that's the last road you need to think about going down....they are plenty of available girls down there on the beach and in the clubs this weekend..let's just play this cool...O.K?" Tony calmly offered.

"'re probably right ***..I think I'll head down to some of those clubs tonight after we get settled and maybe check out some of those options," Malik laughed back to his Father.

"You do that," Tony replied. "Just remember we got that fishing charter early in the morning..and I'm not scouring the beach or the local ***** tank looking for you...go out and have a good time..just dont get into any trouble."


Within an hour and a half of everyone settling in and gaining their bearings, all four individuals in the house had each found their little niche in how to spend the rest of the evening.

Still weak from her major surgery months earlier, Roxanne Ingle had retired to the privacy of her bedroom to do a little light reading before going to sleep.

Tony Caldwell had also found his way to the comfort of his bed. Always one to be plagued by taking his job home with him, eventhough he was hundreds of miles away on a weekend vacation, Tony found himself staying up late surveying several sales reports he had brought with him.

His son Malik, ever the social animal, had splashed on some cologne, deposited his fake ID into his breast pocket and headed out to survey what the Myrtle Beach nightlife had to offer.

Tina Ingle, on the other hand, had made a quick trip down to the market on the corner and got some basic grocieries before making herself a huge bowl of microwave popcorn, planning on just watching TV for an hour or so before turning in as well.


It was a little after 10:30 that Friday night when Tony Caldwell was fighting off the first real assault the sandman was making on him when he heard a door down the hallway open and a pair of ginger footsteps drift up the corridor.

"Must be Roxanne going to the bathroom," Tony thought to himself just before his guess was confirmed by the sound of the bathroom door across from his bedroom broke the steady silence.

Looking up from the jumbled black print of his sales report to rest his drowsy eyes, Tony waited until the sound of the bathroom door opened again to lower his gaze back down to his reading material.

"Hey..can't sleep?" he heard a tired female voice ask from the doorway.

Looking up, Tony instantly saw an equally drowsy Roxanne standing there in a pink housecoat.

"Yeah..reading a few of these sales reports I brought with me..makes a great cure for insomnia," Tony quipped.

"Give me one to read..I could use it," Roxanne retorted, standing in the center of the hallway. "This surgery I had a few months back..its healing real good but the pain does flare up some at night."

"Yeah...when folks get old like us..its hard to fall asleep when you want to anymore," Tony smiled, bringing a hearty chuckle to each of their chests.

"You work with Brent..right..isn't that how you said you know the Stallworths," Roxanne casually asked in a friendly tone, leaning forward slightly until her dark, bottle aided auburn hair was brushing lightly against the bedroom door's frame.

"Yeah..Brent and I work in the same place..I'm in Sales..he's in Research and Development," Tony politly replied. "How do you know them?"

"Luann...Brent's wife..she and I have worked at the same bank for a little over 10 years..they're really good people," Roxanne answered, leaning forward just slightly and placing her hands against the edge of the doorway to support her tired weight. "I bet they're each gonna get a real good laugh when they discover our mixup this weekend."

Again the two shared a casual, heartfelt laugh.

Before Roxanne and Tony knew it, a half hour's worth of casual conversation had passed between the two as they discussed their families, careers, the weather and the reasons why each felt like they needed the weekend getaway. As the course of the conversation wore on, Roxane was more than a little shocked when it registered in her head that she had inched her way all the inside of Tony's room and was standing mere feet from the bottom of his bed.

Still holding her right hand across her chest in a subconscious attempt to keep her housecoat closed, Roxanne was close enough now that she could smell the faint residue of Tony's aftershave.

Standing pensivly at the foot of the bed, Roxanne couldn't help but notice a very long scar along the side of Tony's right leg as well.

"That's a pretty rough looking scar Tony," Roxanne said admiringly, in a tone of fellowship that only those who had been through major surgery could understand.

"Yeah....," Tony beamed proudly. "An old football injury from high school..they went in there twice while I was a teenager and once about 5 years ago to clean out some scar tissure...the first two..when I had it was the old fashioned way where they had to rip you whole leg open..left quite a mark huh."

"Yep," Roxanne quickly replied. "I know what you mean...I can only imagine what my kidney scar would look like if I had it done 20 years ago.

"Let me see it," Tony brazenly asked, just like he was a wartime veteren that wanted to compare battle scars with another old soldier.

"Oh..sure..why not," Roxanne cautiously agreed, surprised at the degree to which she had become sucked into the interaction with Tony Caldwell.

Carefully lifting her left arm up into the air so she could raise her nightshirt up slightly to show off the visible remnants of her ordeal, Roxanne turned her side towards the man on the bed and leaned forward so he could see it.

"YIPES," Tony sharply replied. "Now that's some major stuff..I mean when they went into my knee they just reattached some ligaments...they literally took a part of you is your sister doing with the new kidney?"

"Fine..everything's going smoothly..I'll tell you though...everytime I see her its weird thinking there's a part of me living inside of her.

"Yeah..I can imagine that's a pretty strange feeling," Tony smiled back from his reclined position on the two large and fluffy pillows cushioning his back.

"Damn...." Tony thought to himself as he outwardly carried on the polite conversation with Roxanne..... "The way she's holding her shirt up like can see the whole outline of her tit!"

Laying there on the bed with all the external poise of a grown man but all the internal giddyness of a horny teenager as he slyly studied the outline of Roxanne's left breast, Tony filled with brilliant mix of relief and disappointment when the woman at the foot of the bed dropped her nightshirt back down.

It wasn't until Roxanne had resumed her previous position of fidgeting with her housecoat that she noticed the visible ridge that had pushed up the front of Tony's shorts.

"That's just the way his shorts are riding up," Roxanne somehow tried convincing herself.

Doing her best to ignore the obvious presense of the man's budding erection, Roxanne darted her gaze upwards and did her best to return Tony's kind and hearty smile as she desperatly tried to find a way to politely head back to her room.


Even before Roxanne had decided to go through with the surgery for her Sister's transplant, her relationship with her husband, Chet, had drifted into a realm of mutual friendship and companionship, rather than anything vaguly passionate. In the year or so leading up to the surgery, Roxanne and Chet had only shared the occassional romp, and even then, it more more out of duty and unspoken routine rather from any real spark.

As Roxanne went through the pain and post recovery after the surgery, Chet had not so much as touched her sexually for over four months. He wouldn't even acknowledge it when Roxanne tried to bring it up.

"He's just afraid he'll hurt you and besides... its normal for people's sex drive to lessen as they get near their 50's," Roxanne's rational voice hypothesized.

"I think he's having an affair..he's a man..he had to be getting it from somewhere," Roxanne's less rational but instinctual voice often chimed in.

"But they're aren't all the other tell-tale signs of an affair," Roxanne would often reassure herself as week after week of uneventful sleep passed between the two.

Temporarily lost in her self questioning haze of confused need and desire, as she outwardly tried carrying on the continuing conversation with Tony, Roxanne hadn't realized she had inched all the way towards the foot of the bed until she felt her knees gently collide with the bottom edge of the mattress.

"You can sit down there if you want..Roxanne... I'm sure your exhausted from the long drive up," she heard the man on the bed politely offer through the fog of her internal rambling.

"Thank you," Roxanne tried to cheerily reply as she carefully turned her body sideways and demurly sat on the firm bedding.

It was the first time she had done anything, including carrying on a conversation, with a man on a bed in almost a half a year.

Roxanne's first reaction when she sat down on the bed was one of great relief. Eventhough her recovery from surgery was going reasonably well, she still tired easily and was thankful to give her sore knees and aching back a rest.

Rubbing her bare feet tentativly across the soft bedroom carpet, Roxanne realized at the same time that Tony did, that they had reached the first awkward, dead part of their conversation.

"So....," Roxanne nervously began before swallowing her tongue when she saw how close her knee was to Tony's extended leg.

Again a sustained silence descended upon the two as the brushing sound of Roxanne's foot on the floor filled the empty void of sound.

"So...Roxanne..." Tony soberly started after nearly a minute of quiet, with all the vocal seriousness of a man testifying before God..."Are you prepared to go through with this?"

Roxanne Ingle could manage nothing but a blank and open mouthed stare in return.

"How could you have not seen this coming?" Roxanne found herself internally asking. "You've been talking to him like a curious and needy school girl for nearly an hour and now here you are sitting on the bed with him...what are you thinking.....get up....get...go....."

"So Roxanne..look at me..have you ever cheated before?" Tony quizzed again, basking strangly in the married woman's confused malaise.

"..No...," Roxanne mewed weakly in response.

Again, a hushed silence permiated the room as Tony intently sized the seated woman up and down.

"Your ********'s downstairs might want to get up and close the door if we're gonna do this," Tony calmly insinuated with his voice and his eyes.

Roxanne sat there on the edge of the bed for several moments as Tony's succienct words hung in the air. Then, with all the exhubarance of a possessed puppet, Roxanne rose back to her feet and slowly moved across the floor, making the daunting eight foot trek to Tony's bedroom door.

Barely making a sound as she twisted the knob shut, Roxanne freezed momentarily with her back to Tony, trying to somehow fathom and comprehend what she was about to do.

Her mind now a wasteland of jumbled confusion, Roxanne's body buzzed as if a school of angry locusts had taken hold of her internal organs. Slowly she turned and bowed her head before gracefully dragging her bare feet across the carpet, making her way back towards the bed, and her inevitable fate, where Tony's was waiting with his right hand extended.....


After gracefully pulling the dumbstruck married woman onto the bed beside him, Tony crouched up on his side and allowed Roxanne to lay flat on her back. Trying his best to be as cautious and gentle with the recovering woman as he could, Tony adeptly lowered his lips into the crease of Roxanne's neck, kissing her sensitive flesh time after time until the short hairs of his mustache was causing the breathless woman to wince and tremble each time Tony slithered his oral caress lower.

Roxanne's bleary eyes were fixated by the way Tony's dark fingers looked as he slid them down her porcelon white skin. Feeling his mouth inch down the right side of her frozen body, Roxanne felt her resistance melt with each swath Tony made with his curious tongue.

A deep, gutteral "AAHHH" was all Roxanne could manage as Tony's heated advances drifted down her side, over her naked waist, then steadily down her right leg.

Bending his right knee down to the floor until he had assumed a somewhat stable position on the floor to the side of Roxanne's reclined body, Tony patiently kissed his way down Roxanne's thigh and calf until he came to her petite right foot.

"Ahh..Ahh..I'm...ticklish..." Roxanne gurgled helplessly as Tony took her ankle and arch into his vicelike grip.

Sensing her feet were now in an inescapable snare, Roxanne raised her head slightly and looked down the length of her body at the black man's face at the bottom of the bed. Her already stunned gaze turned to one of complete amazement when she saw Tony open his mouth and start to, one by one, deliberatly kiss her tingling toes.

"MMMPPHH," Roxanne yelped frantically as he right knee lurched into the air each time Tony's teeth and lips grazed across yet another digit.

Feeling her right foot become steadily bathed in Tony's rich saliva, Roxanne felt the last remnants of her will give way with the same intensity of an iceburg breaking away from a huge polar cap.

Grinding her body rythemicly on top of the mattress, Roxanne's entire being filled with a visceral sense of desperation and lust as the elegant black man removed his mouth from her drenched right foot and prepared to do the same to her left.

Fighting the lump in her throat when she looked down and saw Tony's mouth drift off her now soaked left foot and start working its way up her left leg, Roxanne somehow found the breath to ask a question.

"Is this the first time you've ever done this with a married woman?"

"Why do you think I'm divorced now," Tony wryly responded.

Lifting his feet off the floor as he lugged his weight back up on the bed beside Roxanne, this time Tony decided to bracket his thighs across the married woman's prone body as she shivered below.

Tony's dark, fiery eyes had taken on a glassy starved look by the time he positioned his kneeling frame like an arch across Roxanne's torso. Locking his large fingertips into the elastic band of Roxanne's flannel pajama bottoms, Tony kept his gaze fixated on Roxanne's dazed expression, waiting for her to somehow return his seething stare.

"Raise your behind Roxanne..come on..lift up that ass," Tony demanded with a soulful sterness that Roxanne had never quite heard from a man before.

Clenching his eager hands around the top of Roxanne's pajamas, Tony gleamed wickedly when he saw the married woman attempt to force her hips off the mattress so he could easily begin removing her undergarment.

Inch by inch, Roxanne Inlge's pussy came into clear view as Tony rolled the flannel shorts all the way down her thin, trembling legs until he was able to flex his elbow at just the right angle to unsheath them from her feet and toss them harmlessly to the floor.

"OHH..YEAH," Tony groaned magically as he soaked in the arousing sight of the 47 year old woman's ******* vagina.

" long has it been..since you've had sex...Tony?" Roxanne found herself inexlicably asking as the divorced man's weight pressed down on top of her waist.

"About six weeks..give or take," Tony answered honestly.

"Damn," Roxanne rolled her eyes and let out an embarrassed laugh. "I'm married and I've sitll had to wait longer than that."

Feeling a desperate need to reach up and touch the warm flesh of the man crouched above her, Roxanne extended her hands up towards Tony's midrift, trying in vain to clumsily reach for the now throbbing erecton that was straining the front of his gray cotton shorts.

Seeing the unabashed way Roxanne's nipples were poking through her nightshirt, Tony reached his hands down on top of the married woman's chest and tightly squeezed at her ample bosom. Feeling Roxanne's heart beat rapidly underneath her jiggling, womanly swells, Tony felt an inescapable desire welling inside of him to completly undress the woman between his legs.

Keeping his weight perched securly on top of Roxanne's thighs, never breaking his visual connection with the swooning woman below, Tony leaned back slightly and took the bottom of Roxanne's nightshirt into his hand before carefully guiding it up the length of her squirming torso.

"Raise your shoulders and your head Roxanne," Tony's piercing gaze seemed to demand as he inched the pink teeshirt over Roxanne's head and finally off each of her goosepimpled arms, leaving the happily married woman laying beneath him, completly disrobed.

His knees pressed firmly into the mattress to each side of Roxanne's bare legs, Tony balled the last remnants of the prone woman's clothing in his large black hands as he patiently soaked in the full breadth of Roxanne's nudity.

Deciding he was finally ready to move in for the kill, Tony tossed Roxanne's pink nightshirt to the floor, right beside her already discarded pajama bottoms and scooted his weight higher up Roxanne's naked chest.

His arousal burning hotter each time he saw Roxanne try taking a deep breath underneath him, Tony felt his sagging balls tingle each time the married woman's chest heaved up and down below. Looking down at the way his cock was shamelessly poking out of the front of his gymshorts, Tony cracked a wide, wolflike grin when he saw the clumsily, almost helpless, way Roxanne's trembling fingers were grasping for the jutting manhood that was pointing straight at her face through his cotten shorts.

Each time Roxanne came close to touching it, Tony would swivel his pelvis backwards slightly, causing the frustratingly aroused woman to just miss the front of his crotch with her jittery white fingertips.

Compressing his thighs firmly against Roxanne's midrift, Tony lowered his hands down to the bottom of his own shirt and quickly slipped it up his chest and off his shoulders. Tossing it aside, Tony brimmed with appreciation as Roxanne instinctivly licked her lips from the sight of his bare chest coming into view.

"Glad I've got that free gym membership through the company," Tony thought to himself with delight, thankful that his 43 year old body had held up as well as it had.

"You've never seen a black man naked before..have you Roxanne?" Tony groaned softly.

"No," Roxanne's dark brown eyes seemed to reply, before she clenched them each ashamedly shut.

"Do you want to see me naked..Roxanne?" Tony asked suggestivly, this time grinding his crotch forward as the prone woman tried latching her hands on to the growing member twitching behind his shorts.

Scooting his crotch across the top of Roxanne's heaving chest, Tony took wicked delight in the way Roxanne continuously missed grasping his prick until its still sheated head was crudely bouncing against the bottom of her lipstick smeared chin.

"You want to see my big black dick don't want to see it..from the way your fingers are want to touch it..and Roxanne....from the way the spit is covering your lips..I bet you want to taste it too," Tony grinned down with lewd confidence.

Digging his fingers into the elastic waistband of his shorts, Tony raised up just slightly, giving himself enough room to roll his gray sweatshorts down far enough that he could remove his churning genitals.

Lowering his shorts with brooding, calculating patience, Tony first ******* his coal black patch of densly intertangled pubic hair before dropping the waistband even further. With a mighty tug, Tony worked the top of his shorts over the straining appendage of flesh inside, causing his dick to swing free, slicing back and forth several times through the air, bringing a wam breeze, as well as casting a rather imposing shadow, across Roxanne's flushed cheeks. Watching Roxanne's slitted eyes slowly flower open at the sight of his revealed manhood, Tony immediatly cupped his heavy balls in his hand as he cockily bounced his prick in front of Roxanne's stunned but fixated face.

"OOOOHHH..MMYYY," the white woman gurgled weakly as her sexually hypnotized eyes followed Tony's rigidly swinging girth.

Allowing Roxanne to stare longingly at his pulsing virility for several moments, Tony lurched his hips forward until his entire meaty shaft stabbed at the side of Roxanne's cheek.

"Kiss it," Tony ordered as he gently rocked side to side, causing his vieny cock to smack repeatedly against Roxanne's smooth and wet lips.

"Yeah...dont worry'll get plenty of time to go down on that thing...but right now..I want to fuck you," Tony cryptically hummed as lowered himself off the right side of Roxanne's chest before slipping his shorts and underwear off and dropping them onto the floor.

Easing his mouth right up to the side of Roxanne's head, Tony seductivly blew into her beet red right ear.

"I don't want to hurt you..I promise baby..I'll take it easy on you," Tony soulfully whispered as he slipped his right leg underneath Roxanne's, in effect jacking her glowing vaginal target off the mattress slightly so he would have a clear path to enter her.

"I don't...I don't want you to..I don't want you to take it easy on me Tony..I want you to fuck me with everything you have...I want you to make me..... feel like a woman again," Roxanne hoarsly begged as she dipped her manicured nails into her vagina, speading it apart for the first man besides her husband ever to fuck her.

>From his parallel position beside Roxanne, Tony guided his hips forward until his raging manhood slipped between the alleyway of the married woman's parted thighs. Gyrating his pelvis with several short twists until he was at just the right angle, a spastic, muttering gasp escaped each of their lips when the fist-like head of Tony's penis smacked roughly into the entrance of Roxanne's steaming and hairy fissure.

Piercing his massive erection into Roxanne's bubbling pussy, Tony watched as every muscle in Roxanne's still healing body tensed rigidly.

"Relax Baby..I'm gonna go slow," Tony reassured despite the fact Roxanne had begged him to give her all he could. "Don't want you to bite off more than you can chew ..just yet."

"Are you ready for me to go deeper?" Tony coolly asked as he held the base of his cock in place, like a missle ready to fire inside the married woman's greasy slit.

"YES," Roxanne blindly mewed as she grabbed at the sagging titties bouncing across her chest.

"Then here it is," Tony groaned back, lunging his hips forward until another two inches of his blunt, 8 and a half inch, endowment disappeared inside Roxanne's boiling depths.

"Jesus..Shit..," the married woman half cried and half grimaced, her whole body shuddering under what she knew would be the most taxing sexual event of her life.

Dropping his left hand on top of Roxanne's dark auburn hair, Tony gently massaged her scalp at the same time his right hand held his cock in place, using it as a guide to force yet another inch of his boaring tool into the writhing woman's gaping crevice.

"....OHHH....DEAR GOD...OHHHHH....GO DEEPER..PLEEEEZZZZZZ," Roxanne haughtily choked, working her ass awkwardly up and down off the mattress as she tried to meet the black man's virile push.

His cock burrowed deep enough inside of Roxanne now that he didn't need to steady it by its base, Tony eased his right hand off the shaft and guided it up her flaming crotch, over her spasming belly and mashed his fingers around the ripe swells of her lovely white breasts.

"Nice..nice..nice," Tony groaned approvingly as he left the red traces of his indeliable fingerprints on the entire landscape of each of Roxanne's tits.

After a few minutes of rough fondling, Tony lowered his hand back down to Roxanne's crotch and slid his index finger directly on top of her raised clitoris.

A now constant stream of 'oohhs" and "ahhs' roared from Roxanne's throat as Tony steadily feed the length and width of his punching manhood in and out of her molten quim.

"You like how I feel inside of you ever dreamed of what it would feel like to have a black man inside of you....your husband aint ever fucked you this deep before..has he?" Tony, now luridly frothing at the mouth, interrogated the shrieking married woman.

Each time Tony asked Roxanne another pointed question, he would tap down with the insistant pressure of his fingertip on her ******* clitoris, causing a massive wave of electrical energy to pulse through her entire quaking body.

"OHHH..GOODD...YYEESS," Roxanne helplessly gulped each time Tony touched her clit.

"I can make her cum anytime I want," Tony sighed confidentally to himself as he lavished in the sight of Roxanne's tears of glee streaming down her already sweat stained cheeks.

"You wanna wanna feel your pussy explode while there's a jackhammer inside of it," Tony hissed manically, speeding up the cunt plowing viscosity of his pelvic thrusts.

"YYY..YYY..YYEESSSSSS," Roxanne cried out, as if her entire body and soul had been mortally wounded by Tony's sexual dominance. "PLEASE LET ME CUM!"

"Then cum then," Tony crudely barked, as the non stop sounds of the bedsprings rattling underneath was only blotted out by the fleshy impact of Tony's crotch incessantly slamming into Roxanne's.

"AAAAAHHHHHH....AAAHHHH....SSSHHHHHHH...SSHHIITTTTTTTT..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMM," Roxanne babbled incoherantly as Tony clamped his left hand over her mouth to keep the unbridled sounds of her release from echoing through the house, and downstairs to her ******** watching TV.

"Please cum for me..Tony..please..please cum for me," Roxanne begged as she slowly came down from her high, desperate to feel the black man's liqoud release cool the flaming and buttery pit that her pussy had become.

"HMM..," Tony mockingly laughed in return. "Don't worry Baby..I'm gonna cum inside of you...But I am gonna get you off at least one more time before I're gonna have to work a little for my nut Roxanne...just lay back there and collect yourself..catch your breath..then I'm rolling you over and putting you up on all fours......"



Part 2 coming soon..thanks for taking the time to read.....