The following is based on an account shared with me by one of my readers. I may have paraphrased in places from what I was told but only with the intent of concentrating on the facts.

My ******** Erin and I are special and I really do mean, kind of unique. I look at other Dads, their families and their relationships and when I compare them with what the two of us have, our love for each other and what we do together, I just know that we are extraordinary and think, 'we are special'; Long may it continue.

It wasn't always like this, it is a situation, a relationship, that has developed over the years and I feel blessed. Perhaps I ought put that into context.

I did all the usual things growing up, went to college; met a girl (Beckie); married her after graduation; went on to have two wonderful children and we both delighted in watching them grow and help lead them down the right path to adulthood.

They both had very different personalities. Our son, the eldest by a couple of years, was quiet, studious and introspective; Erin was quite the opposite and was forever curious, gregarious and wise beyond her years. We loved them both.

In retrospect, I guess Beckie and me must have become bored with the normality of our mundane lives after the kids went off to college. However, not so stuck in our ways that we didn't think to do something about our situation and we took their departure as an opportunity to find a bit of excitement, to spice things up a little.

We had always enjoyed our lovemaking and within the confines of our bedroom Beckie and I became quite adept at exploring our fantasies which over the years became more fanciful. We were both very open with each other and a favourite theme was the thought of being in a group of friends and for us to be fucking other partners with the complete consent and encouragement of each other as we imagined ourselves to be sampling different cocks and cunts. The internet was a blessing in our quest for inspiration and I must admit I was a little taken aback by Beckie's enthusiasm and knowledge on how these things worked. Maybe her expertise of searching out appropriate sites was an indication of what she got up to when I was out of the house or at work, who knows?

With the kids away we took our fantasies to the next level and decided that we would sign up to a chatroom where we could share our interests with like-minded couples. It was all so easy and before long we had connected with a lot of folks who had similar ideas to our own. From there it was a slippery slope and soon we were swopping pictures, addresses and invitations to meet.

Our first time felt a little awkward and contrary to the expectation that we would be in a group situation I was a little relieved that when we paired off with a new 'partner' it was to go into separate bedrooms so that I didn't have to observe my Beckie being fucked by another man. So much for my fantasies!

Not so Beckie, she was quite enthusiastic about it all and it wasn't too long before she reassured me that what we were doing was fun and for our fantasies to be made real. She expanded our group of friends and I soon lost count of the weekends when I would indeed see her sucking and fucking other cocks and for her to be smiling her approval as I indulged in the same group activities.

This went on for a few years and our participation only ceased (or rather, was postponed) when the kids came home from college. Given our newfound passion for having extra-marital sex these holiday times became more than frustrating but Beckie and me would purposefully restrict ourselves to each other for the time our offspring were home and then, once we had said our 'tearful' goodbyes, we would be straight back onto the computer to arrange a next meeting. I believed that we were firmly in control of the situation.

Our son graduated and left home to take a job on the other side of the country and at a stroke we were down to one visiting child, our gorgeous ********.

Erin was a complete contrast in appearance to her mother. Whereas Beckie was a petite 5 and bit feet tall, Erin was tall like me.

Her Mom had dark hair, Erin was a natural blonde.

Mom's breasts were, um, substantial; Erin was more compact and although I never actually measured I'm guessing a b-cup 34 would best describe her.

Mom had a nice bush covering her pussy; Erin was always smooth shaven. How do I know that?

It was after Erin had graduated from her teacher training college that things took off. She came back home to live and took up residence in her old bedroom. Beckie and I were at a loss as to how we were going to continue with our newfound lifestyle and it was a relief (albeit a great shock) when Erin confronted us one evening and said, "I know what you've been getting up to when I'm not around."

Beckie and I feigned ignorance at what she was suggesting.

"I know that you are Swingers. I've seen your pictures on the Internet, on swinger sites."

I think that Beckie blushed even deeper than me as we absorbed what was being said.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not upset; I approve." She gave a giggle and added, "I've read the reviews and I understand that you are very good at it."

On my God, is this really happening?

"Now that I'm home I think it would be a nice idea that I get involved; you know, be a proper ****** together again!"

Beckie and I looked at each other in disbelief. Our ********, our headstrong and all-knowing ********, just what had she been taught at college. Could this really be happening?

Erin giggled at seeing our stunned reaction and kind of answered our unasked question.

"You wouldn't believe what I've learned at college and seeing you two was a real education. I had often been suspicious about what you did when I was growing up but, hmm, seeing the pictures you shared and the comments your friends made about them left me with no doubts ... nice cock, by the way, Pops!"

I'm not sure how it was that we moved on from that evening into what became a new 'normal' but Erin made it easy and showed no self-consciousness, embarrassment or any such emotions in her transition into our lifestyle. Indeed, she was frequently the instigator when meetings were being arranged and soon we were being welcomed at swinger events and parties where nobody had any idea that the attractive blonde who always accompanied us was in fact our ********. It always gave me an extra, special thrill to see her being pleasured alongside her mother and although I had never admitted as such it fulfilled a long held fantasy.

I was a little bemused when it became evident that Erin showed no preference for either cock or pussy. She seemed to be just as comfortable with fucking with both sexes. I might be considered slow but it took no time at all to accept that my ******** was a committed bi-sexual. Indeed, whenever she was 'researching' she made it a condition that the company who we would be sharing at any party or event was similarly orientated. She told us that she had learned much at college and being taught in the ways of loving her 'sisters' in the dorm was just as valuable to her as the teaching diploma!

She told us that she had one particular tutor, a lady, who took a shine to her. She was invited to dinner where she was introduced to her husband who, once dinner had been served, clearly had no problems with sharing his bi wife. From the initiation of that first evening she found herself being invited into their social circle and lifestyle and to their 'special' parties.

"It was such a valuable lesson," she said matter-of-factly.

She went on to tell us that the wife was very liberally minded and that she had a particular liking for black men. It was another lesson for which she was grateful to be taught for Erin said that through their parties she discovered the reason why; they had bigger cocks than 'white boys' and they seemed to be able to fuck forever without slowing up.

Beckie and me were kind of shocked to hear her say that but have to add that our shock soon turned into a recognition that she was correct when at one of the parties she arranged where there were black men present that her description proved to be accurate.

Beckie quickly became a devotee and together with her ******** at parties would be seeking out another black cock to take care of them while I was quite content to watch the pair of them and stroking off as I looked on. The pair of them were both loud cummers and I lost count of the number of times I would jerk and spurt in time to their cries. I guess it might have be seen as me being a pathetic inadequate white male but my rationale was that I was looking out for them to make certain they would come to no harm!

Our wonderful life settled into a blissful existence. Erin took a small apartment close by which meant that we would see her often when she wasn't teaching at the local elementary school and whenever we did see her it was to be reminded that she was completely and absolutely like her mother, a total unadulterated slut. She was (and is) totally bisexual, she swallows, she has a very dirty mouth and is an absolutely gorgeous all-holes available slut. She is as kinky as her mother and a total submissive.

We are all very broadminded and although there was never any sex between Erin and me we did snuggle and cuddle a lot and my cock stayed hard a lot from the naked contact and kissing.

Erin liked to see that.

Putting my ego to one side I recognise that my cock might be considered below-average length but it has a certain attraction for whilst it may only be 5 inches when hard and fully erect it is at the same time very thick. Erin had seen her mother and other women suck me off and fuck me and I suspected for a long time from the look in her eyes that she was itching to get some of me for herself. She asked her mom (and others!) what it’s like to have it in their mouth and because it's so fat how they’re able to get their mouth around it.

Beckie who was very approving of her being our sex partner (albeit without going the full ****** route) told her to try it so it was a blissful day for me when Erin held it in her hands a couple of times to befell the girth and she loved it .... and so did I!

Life couldn't have been anymore perfect then the most dreadful and devastating thing happened, my Beckie was diagnosed with having an aggressive cancer and within 7 weeks of diagnosis she died and my perfect life was turned upside down.

Her passing affected the whole ****** and I was aware that they all cared very much for my well-being and how I was going to cope after such a tragedy. Erin moved in with me so that in a reversal of roles she could keep a closer eye on me and, our son, who had up to that time had lived very much his own life way out on the West coast, came and stayed for a while with his ****** in tow.

It was a crazy situation for I had hardly met his wife and seen little of the three small kids (my Grandchildren!) and here they all were filling up the ****** home.

Erin knew much more about my ********-in-law than I had been privy to and was aware that our distant relative would have little patience or sympathy with our involvement in 'the lifestyle'. She was also known as being a snoop and busybody which caused Erin quite a few sleepless nights before their arrival and so my dear ******** set to with a vengeance to make sure my house was cleared and free of any evidence or hint that I was anything other than being a fine upstanding and grieving widower to a saintly wife.

The amusing thing (if humour is admissible at such a time) was that a great many of the swingers, couples and women we partied with as a couple, and men she cuckolded me with, both black and white, were at her funeral. Many of the men were frequent lovers and had used her over and over through our nearly 28 years in the lifestyle. Their attendance or status was never questioned by my nosey ********-in-law and I think we got away with it for their short visit passed without incident or comment.

After a period of mourning thoughts inevitably turned back to what had been taken from me along with my wife's passing and was now missing in my life.

Erin recognised the signs that indicated my regrets at what was now absent and, sweet girl that she is, determined to do something about it and so with her help I went from being a sad old man into the place that I have occupied for the past 5 years, that of being her confidant, guide, protector and companion.

My 'new role' began with her involving me in searching out through chat-rooms and sites suitable dates and venues for her playtimes. Some of the proposed party places were familiar from my own swinging times with Beckie and in deference to my feelings at the prospect of meeting up with old flames and memories of her mother Erin kindly steered my attention away so that together we identified places where such painful reminders were unlikely to occur. We soon became quite adept at seeking out 'fresh meat' to satisfy her insatiable appetite. Indeed, so much so that I am now increasingly involved for arranging her dates. I gained (and still do) great satisfaction from looking on-line at pictures of prospective lovers and their cocks and know that I am kind of responsible for her receiving another fucking.

Having said that, she is not dependent on me to arrange her liaisons for she does have her own life and my Erin has taken a more active role in providing for own needs. I'm happy about that for she still introduces me to her BBCs and couples and quite often I am invited along to accompany her on her dates. Indeed, it is often a precursor when a date is being arranged that her 'old man' will be coming along as well.

To date there have been no objections raised and I have been getting some special attentions and much satisfaction from Erin when she has been laying on her back with a black cock pounding her pussy and she has been holding onto and stroking my fat cock as she has climaxed in her usual noisy fashion. She also encourages me to play with her tits when she being fucked and I have learned that there is nothing she likes more than for me to be sucking her tits when she cums. I love my ********.

For the past 3 summers I have accompanied Erin to the Caribbean on vacation. She followed the advice and footsteps of some her college sorority friends who advised that if a girl was seeking black cock then Jamaica was the place to go.

They were not wrong. It seemed as soon as we hit the beach on our first day that she was the centre of attention of passing dreadlocked black guys who left her in no doubt that if it was black cock she was seeking then, look no further!

For the purposes of 'moral proprietary' we book separate but adjacent rooms. This gives her the freedom to go hunting and to bring back her prey whilst it gives me the satisfaction and pleasure of keeping an eye on her and caring for her safety. The rooms have a connecting door that can, or not, be unlocked. We chose to leave it open so that when she does return to the room with her latest conquest that I am able to come in and keep a closer eye on her ... for her safety, you understand.

No such considerations are needed when we take ourselves off to the popular nude beaches that abound on the North coast. We would lay out our towels on the sand a discrete distance apart and I would get my pleasures from watching some huge cocked black guy making out with my truly gorgeous girl and know that later we would be going back to our hotel where she would get to know him better!

It wasn't always just single guys. There have been a number of occasions when we have been invited to pool parties or drinks with couples which have quickly descended into a naked gatherings where everyone has become extremely friendly. The more the drink flowed, the more any inhibitions dissolved and I would be gratified to see my beautiful Erin pair off with some dreadlocked guy and I would follow them to a bed somewhere and watch her once more being impaled by a big black cock. Her mother would have been so proud.


For myself, whilst I delight in my role of being my ********'s protector I would truly like and badly need to get back into the lifestyle and I have to report that it might just be happening.

A little while back Rennie and me took time out to visit Las Vegas for a long weekend. It is a town that Beckie and me went to a few times and it never disappointed as far as finding folks to hook up with and party; a swingers' paradise!

Our first night there we went to Palominos (a club where the poor pole-dancers and waitresses couldn't even afford clothes!) and there we met a woman named Debbie, a single swinger, who almost scared me by the way she fell big time for me, or 'Rennie's Daddy' as she kept referring to me by.

Whether it was the drink (or some other stimulant) that got her tongue it took her no time at all to tell us she was a 49 year old divorcee and very submissive. A blonde with small but very firm tits and in the course of conversation she admitted that she was bi. Rennie's eyes lit up at that mention.

She was sitting with some guy who had made a play at picking her up but she didn't appear to be all that enamoured with him and her attention was all on me. Her interest became even more intense when we discovered that we both lived close by back in Texas. Already I could see the way her mind was working as to what to do when the vacation here in Vegas was over.

We went back to our suite at the MGM Grand with the other guy in tow and although he wasn't any great looker once he had dropped his pants he displayed his true worth to Rennie inasmuch as his cock, like mine, wasn't particularly long but it was fat and thick, just how she likes them ....

.. and Debbie, who took no time at all to get out of the few clothes she was wearing, revealed that her pussy was smooth shaved, just how Rennie and me like them.

We had a great night I fucked Debbie every which way and Erin, sorry, Rennie, got more of her fill from fat cock guy (never did get his name!). Debbie showed her true worth and there was nothing that she wouldn't do, she was a complete slut. At the end of the evening she didn't say so but I think that she got just as much joy as my darling ******** who watched and waited until I had cum into her cunt before pushing me to one side so that she could eat her 'favourite food'!

It was an exhausting first night and when we woke in the morning it was to discover that the other guy had left (never did see him again) and for us to spend the rest of the long weekend together and to do much the same. I have to say that we three had had the best of times and for me it was a new turning point in my life.

Rennie and me agreed that this Debbie was something else and when we parted it was to swop phone numbers and make loose plans to get together once we were home. I wasn't confident (I never am) but we were delighted when the following week she did indeed give us a call and we made an arrangement for her to come over to our place.

Oh boy, from that moment on, everything ramped up a level. Debbie was very active in the swinging scene and introduced us to her circle of friends and their parties. It would have been rude not to reciprocate so we did the same and invited her to our regular parties where we all delighted in sharing a new bunch of acquaintances who shared the same interests.

Right from the beginning of inviting Debbie into our lives it was to learn that she was all the things that a good woman should be. She was a slut ('just like me', said Rennie!); a submissive who never refused me anything I suggested (or rather, demanded), she had a great imagination and delighted in kinky role-play; she was forthright and had no shame. It freaked her out when she discovered that Rennie and me were not as she had assumed Man and Wife but rather, *** and ********, and increasingly her thoughts of us being in an incestuous relationship freaked her out.

****** often became a regular theme of our games when Debbie tries to get us to act out the fantasy that sends her libido through the roof but, so far, I have continued to resist committing the last taboo of actually fucking my ********.

What I have succumbed to has been Debbie's thing of 'no body hair', something to which I never previously gave any thought. For sure, I love to see a woman with a baby-smooth hairless pussy looking just like a schoolgirl but it never occurred to me to be the same until Debbie almost insisted on it. So it was that one evening we made it part of a game when we three went into the bathroom naked and these two ladies in my life made a great play of carefully soaping me up and to carefully clip and shave away every last scrap of hair around my cock, balls and ass. I made the task easier for them by reacting to having those soapy hands fondling me and my cock became as stiff as it had ever been so that not a strand of hair was missed!

I had to admit later to Debbie that she was so right to insist on my depilation. To see my hairless cock pumping into her equally hairless cunt was such an exciting sight to behold. Rennie agreed.

Some of the parties we go to are really wild; Debbie seems to attract that kind of attention. At one pool party the three of us went to it seemed that no-holds were barred and it required very little effort to arrange for her to indulge in having her first proper gangbang. She lay on one of the loungers by the pool and it took me no time at all to find half a dozen guys who were willing to stand grouped around her wanking their cocks while waiting to take their turn in line to fuck her. It made for great entertainment and the others at the party were most appreciative as we looked on as one after the other Debbie was being continually fucked in all her holes.

The gangbang also provided Rennie with another chance to indulge in her particular fetish of the love of tasting cum. She had long ago confessed to me that she adored the taste of cum ever since Beckie fed her fingerfuls from her 'momma's pussy' after she had been fucked. She told me it was a great regret that she had never had a chance to eat it directly from momma's pussy like she had with other women but said, nonetheless, it was wild knowing that she had licked it off Beckie's body and face and shared cum kisses with her.

Now, here she was participating in a gangbang and lapping away at Debbie's body as one after another a cock would spurt its load over or in our new friend's shaking body. It made for a delightful sight, my 'little girl' bent over and cleaning up our friend as she was herself being fucked doggy fashion. The only time I saw her pause in her feeding frenzy was when one of the guys redirected his cock from her pussy and Erin squealed with pleasure as he slid into her ass. She left me in no doubt that she liked that idea as did Debbie when the gangbang degenerated into her being Double-penetrated!

I think her audience almost broke into applause. What a great evening.


In the meantime, and to date, I continue to live in the curious world of being extremely close sexually to my ******** but we have never having actually committed true ******. We are much closer than the average and we deep kiss not like a father should do with a ********. We love to lie and indulge in mutual masturbation and we both love role play especially if it's very kinky (just like her mom) and she teases me by almost never wearing panties unless she's on her period.

Would I fuck her? Absolutely!

Do I want to fuck her? Absolutely!

If I tried to seduce her it would be simple due to her very strong sexual appetite, love of cock and cum, submissiveness, kinky nature and because she loves her daddy very much and does everything I ask or tell her to do. However, there is always this little voice nagging away that says that this would be so wrong and even though I know that Beckie would have been very approving of her being our sex partner and us all fucking together at the moment I still cannot bring myself to breaking this final taboo.


It's been a few years now since my Beckie passed but never a day goes by without my thinking of her and how things would have been. I will never forget her or the life we had together but, at the same time, I am so grateful that I have our ********, the wonderful gorgeous Erin (aka Rennie) by my side to remind me in so many ways of what we enjoyed.

And talking of reminders, the most curious thing has happened. Rennie has bought home a guy who unbeknown to her was one of Beckie's frequent lovers whenever he was in town. He is a travelling sale rep from Dallas and used to hook up with Beckie when she role-played as a hooker. He didn't recognise me but, like ********; like mother, Rennie had played the same game down town in a bar and this guy took the bait. What are the odds?

They are both asleep now in her room but I shall have great fun later when I confront her with how much like her mother she continues to be.


We've discussed having Debbie moving in with us. We are both crazy about her and I hope that in time she will be here with us permanently.

If it comes about then I might, just might, maybe, take the opportunity to bite the bullet and be encouraged to break that taboo.

I'll let you know.
