As Oliver approached his friend's house he paused on the sidewalk. Music poured out of Giorgio's open front door and Oliver could see a few people dancing. He contemplated turning around and going home, mostly because no one at the party, with the exception of Giorgio, was his friend. There was nothing for Oliver at home, though. He'd agreed to come to the party because his friend and the girl he was hopelessly crushing on had canceled their plans for that night because she had some sort of ****** obligation. Oliver could have stayed home, ordered pizza, watched a terrible movie, and masturbated to thoughts of Megan but going to Giorgio's party seemed like the less sad option, so there he was.

As soon as he stepped inside Oliver was greeted by an unpleasant look from Kenzie, one of Megan's good friends, "What are you doing here," she asked in a tone that made him feel deeply unwelcomed.

"Giorgio invited me."

"Really, why?"

"You'd have to ask him," Oliver replied before walking away.

To his dismay, he received similar looks from other Giorgio's friends, some even bold enough to ask why he was there, though Oliver had the feeling for reasons he couldn't quite discern that people seemed to be purposefully getting in his way as he headed toward the kitchen, where he assumed he'd find a drink.

There were, it turned out lots of drinks in the kitchen. To Oliver's dismay, and delight Megan was also in the kitchen. She was not as it turned out spending the night with her ******. Oliver immediately told himself that she hadn't blown him off to come to Giorgio's party instead her ****** obligation had simply fallen through and she'd figured that Oliver would be coming to the party so there was no need to tell him that she was going too.

Megan was sipping a drink in a red cup and chatting with one of Giorgio's friends as Oliver entered the kitchen, he took note, and probably stared for far too long, at the fact that her shorts clearly showed off the bottom of her ass. When she turned to set her drink on the counter Oliver also took note of her remarkably revealing tank top and he had a good long stare at her breasts.

Then she looked right at him, "Oliver, what are you doing here," she asked, though her tone was absent most of the indignation that Kenzie had directed his way.

"Giorgio invited me."

Megan looked embarrassed and Oliver knew that she'd lied about having a ****** obligation. He was tempted to ask her about it, to see if she would dedicate herself to the lie but he wasn't willing to embark on such an awkward journey here, "It's good to see you."

Megan offered a half-hearted smile, "Yeah, you too."

Oliver yearned for his beautiful friend even though he knew she wasn't especially happy to see him. He couldn't cure himself of his crush even in the face of knowing that she'd tried to avoid him that night.

Megan turned back to the guy she was talking to as Oliver tried to step closer. That's when Alex, another of Megan's beautiful friends stepped in front of him.

"Oh, hey, Alex."

She didn't bother offering a smile, "What are you doing here?"

"Giorgio invited me."


Oliver watched Megan walk out of the room hearing the door to the backyard open. He made an effort to follow but Alex stepped in front of him and he wasn't going to push past her, "Because he's my friend," he said.

"He's like the opposite of you."

Oliver tilted his head, "Opposite?"

Alex smiled for the first time and stepped closer reaching out and running her fingers over Oliver's forearm sending an unexpected wave of pleasure through his body.

Then she stepped back looked him up and down, frowned a little, and said, "Yeah."

He's you know, like a man, a real man. The kind of guy that girls are actually into you know, the opposite of you."

Oliver was tempted to tell her to go fuck herself but instead turned away poured himself a drink and downed almost all of it in one gulp. He refilled his cup and looked out the kitchen window into the backyard where he saw Megan talking with someone.

Giorgio was sitting on one of the couches around the fire pit talking to a friend but he kept stealing glances at Megan. Oliver couldn't see her face but he saw her head turn repeatedly and was fairly certain that Megan was stealing glances at Giorgio.

Oliver felt a deep sense of jealousy, he could see that Megan was into Giorgio and could hear Alex's words playing in his head. Megan then sat on one of the empty couches, and Oliver rushed outside. Giorgio was about to stand up when Oliver made his way to the couch and sat next to Megan leaving no room for anyone else. He saw a gently disappointed look on her face. In his heart, he knew that look was because he was sitting there instead of Giorgio. He ignored that knowledge telling himself he had a chance. The fact that he could already feel the alcohol (it must have been a strong drink) helped him ignore what must have seemed so obvious to everyone else, "Well, look who showed up to the party," Giorgio said.

"Hey, Giorgio."

Giorgio looked at Megan and Oliver followed his gaze, he stared at her breasts for a moment as Megan rubbed her arms goosebumps rising on her skin.

"Can I get a blanket?" she asked.

"Of course," Giorgio replied. Megan watched him stand and walk away. She smiled at him and he did the same then she turned and looked at Oliver and the smile disappeared.

"I like your shorts."

Megan reached down and pulled at the bottom of her shorts like she was suddenly uncomfortable in them, "Oh yeah, thanks," Giorgio showed up next to the couch and unfurled the blanket laying it over her in a gentlemanly manner and she wrapped herself in it and smiled at him, "Thank you."

"It's always a pleasure to help a beautiful girl," he replied.

Megan damn near blushed as she smiled so brightly that Oliver once again felt an intense sense of jealousy. He wasn't sure he'd ever made her smile like that, he wondered how he could, he wondered if she'd like him if he could make her smile like that?

"He's right."

Megan looked at him, "What?"

"He's right, you're beautiful."

She didn't smile, "Oh, yeah, thanks."

Oliver tilted his cup back and downed the rest of his drink as he heard a few people laugh.

"Nice line," one of them said.

"Yeah, real smooth, man," another called out.

Megan looked away like she was embarrassed on Oliver's behalf. He looked down into his cup and tossed it on the ground empty.

"Oliver has always been exceptionally smooth with the ladies," Giorgio chimed in, "He's got a real silver tongue, as they say. The words flow and the girls can't help but want to fall all over him."

Laughter flowed around Oliver and he wished very much that everyone would shut the fuck up. He didn't say anything Instead he looked at Megan, who wasn't looking at him, and sank into that same sense of longing he almost always felt when he looked at her.

As he stared Oliver was struck by an overwhelming need to pee, "Where's the bathroom?"

"Number one or number two?" Giorgio replied.


"Just piss out here, find a dark spot at the edge of the yard. My plumbing's not up for all these people flushing all night, so if a guy can piss outside I'm asking him to do it."

Oliver tensed up, he looked around the yard.

"What's the matter?"

Oliver knew what was wrong but he didn't want to say it, "Yeah Oliver, what's the matter," Megan asked.

He took a deep breath, "I'm not great about pissing with people around, I get... I don't know, it's hard."

"You get performance anxiety?"

"I'll bet that's not the only time he gets performance anxiety," someone who sounded like Kenzie added from behind Oliver sparking an uproar of laughter from Giorgio's friends.

Giorgio was laughing too, but it was the smile and slight chuckle that Megan unleashed that truly crushed him.

"You can go inside," Giorgio said perhaps because he felt a little bit bad that everyone was laughing at Oliver.

With the laughter still ringing in his ears, Oliver got up and rushed inside. He found the bathroom shut the door, leaning against it for a few moments to try and recover from the lingering sense of humiliation, and then emptied his bladder in peace.

After flushing Oliver stared in the mirror and seriously considered going home. He was a bit ***** though and wouldn't be able to drive and despite knowing he had no real shot with Megan he couldn't help but want to go back out and sit next to her. Being close to her was better than the alternative even if he had to suffer derision from nearly everyone else at the party.

To Oliver's dismay upon returning to the backyard Giorgio had taken his place on the couch next to Megan, to his further dismay, Megan had invited Giorgio under the blanket a courtesy she hadn't offered Oliver. She was cuddled up to him. In the few minutes he'd been in the bathroom Giorgio had managed to achieve a greater sense of intimacy with Megan than Oliver had ever managed, "Welcome back," Giorgio said with a smile, "Were you able to perform away from the prying eyes of the crowd?"

Everyone around the fire chuckled even Megan. Oliver didn't bother answering, Instead, he leaned forward plucked a half-full cup from the ground, and sipped it. He wasn't sure what it was, but it tasted like booze and that was good enough. It was while he was sipping that Oliver noticed Megan's arm moving under the blanket. It was subtle but there was no question it was moving, she was touching Giorgio, she had to have been. Oliver wished he could melt into the couch he was sitting across from the girl of his dreams and she was openly touching another guy. She knew about his crush, she knew about how badly he wanted her and there she was touching someone else. Then Giorgio's arm started to move, touching Megan. The more he touched her the more the look on her face changed, it wasn't long before she wore a distinct look of pleasure and Giorgio wore the same look on his face.

Oliver threw back more of his drink as it became clear that Megan and Giorgio were working hard to turn each other off. She was quite obviously stroking his dick under the blanket and he was quite obviously playing with her pussy. The galling thing was that they were doing it in front of absolutely everyone and without a care in the world. Oliver could understand why Giorgio would do it but he hated that Megan seemed so eager to give herself over to him in public. Of course, Oliver was feeling jealous, he wanted to be the guy on the couch. He wanted to be the one playing with her pussy, the one getting a handjob, the one whose cock was now obvious under the blanket as Megan had taken it out of Giorgio's shorts to give him a better handjob, "Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer."

Oliver looked to his left to see Kenzie standing there with a smile on her face and a drink in her hand, "What," he asked in a decidedly slurred voice.

"Everyone can see you staring at them, you fucking loser, you're practically drooling. I'll bet you're sitting there thinking that you'd be the one under the blanket with her if you'd stayed there instead of running inside to piss in the toilet like a fucking girl," someone behind Oliver laughed. He glanced at Megan and Giorgio but neither of them seemed to be paying attention. They were both too caught in pleasuring each other. Megan in particular looked like she might actually cum and was completely lost in her lust for Giorgio not giving a damn about Oliver or what Kenzie had said to him, "That's what you think, isn't it," Kenzie asked, "You think Megan would be interested in you. You think that you have a real shot at her tonight, right," Oliver stared at Megan and then looked up at Kenzie and nodded. It was incredibly pathetic but it was also true he did think he had a shot. He did think there was a chance something would happen because they ended up on the same couch together. Kenzie laughed uproariously and so did a few other people around the fire, Oliver felt his face burn with humiliation as he turned to look at Giorgio and Megan. She looked to have fallen deeper into a lustful trance and was now making no effort to hide the fact that she was giving a handjob and getting her pussy fingered under the blanket. Then Giorgio pulled his hand free and Oliver breathed a sigh of relief, sadly, that relief was only temporary.

"Do you wanna go inside?" Giorgio asked.

Megan nodded, "I'd love to."

Giorgio reached under the blanket presumably to tuck his cock back into his shorts and stood up. He put the blanket under one arm and took Megan's hand and the two of them walked away without giving Oliver a second glance, he watched as they disappeared into the house.

Kenzie dropped onto the couch next to Oliver and Alex sat on the couch across from him taking the place Megan had been sitting in.

"Your girl's going to get fucked," Alex said, "How does that make you feel?"

Oliver didn't answer.

"He's gotta be crushed," Kenzie chimed in, "I mean, I saw his face when he saw Megan when he first got here. I saw how hopeful he got, it was kind of pathetic really. He's a fucking loser who never stood a chance with her."

Oliver's face felt hot.

"Are you crushed, Oliver," Alex asked.

It was just Megan's friends talking to him but Oliver could feel the other people in the backyard looking at him. He could hear them whispering, he could hear some of them laughing. His humiliation was about as public as it could have been or so he thought.

A light came on in the bedroom overlooking the backyard. Oliver looked up and saw shadows on the wall. He saw what he thought was the top of Giorgio's head. Then the shadows disappeared and the moans started, Megan's moans, sexual moans, Kenzie laughed, and Alex covered her mouth as she laughed, "Oh, this has got to be worse for you," Kenzie said, "You probably hoped she'd be moaning for you like that. You probably hoped you'd be the one fucking the shit out of her right now. Though, realistically, I think we all know that you'd have cum already, that you wouldn't have been able to hold your load inside a girl as beautiful as Megan."

Megan was moaning loudly, really loudly, loudly enough that everyone in the backyard could hear it. Oliver couldn't believe that she didn't care that she hadn't bothered shutting the windows, that she was so overwhelmingly horny for Giorgio, that she'd let him take her in his bed while everyone listened, he couldn't believe that she was enjoying the sex so much as to be moaning that loudly and that consistently. He couldn't believe that his friend had snaked Megan out from under him, that Giorgio cared so little about Oliver that he would fuck the girl that Oliver had longed for so desperately for years. He was crushed. Completely and utterly crushed.

Oliver looked around the backyard and saw that most of Giorgio's friends were looking up at the window. Some were cheering, a few were clapping. They all seemed so proud of him, he was fucking the girl he lusted after and fucking her exceptionally well based on the noises she was making and his friends were proud of him.

To his horror Oliver was turned on, his face and chest felt hot, his dick was half hard and all he could think about was Megan on her back with her legs spread. He pictured her naked body, her getting fucked, it turned him on despite the humiliation swirling around him.

The sex went on for a remarkably long time, so long that everyone in the backyard went inside presumably to give Megan and Giorgio some privacy but Oliver remained outside he couldn't move. He couldn't escape the deep sense of humiliation he felt, he was stuck. Then he saw Megan's Birkenstocks on the ground. She must have taken them off when she tucked her feet under the blanket. Oliver got up and moved toward her footwear sinking to his knees he grabbed both the slip-ons then possessed by a strange, intense desire, Oliver rubbed the Birkenstock over his cock. He rested his hand on the couch and rubbed himself furiously over Megan's slip-on. He thought of her listening to her getting fucked. Oliver unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock rubbing the head over the shoe. He fucked them vigorously, his eyes closed. He listened to Megan getting fucked and pictured her beneath him, he pictured her breasts bouncing as he fucked her. Then reality popped into his head and he saw Giorgio fucking her, he imagined it, he heard it.

Oliver came, he came all over Megan's Birkenstocks, and he made a massive cummy, wet mess. He'd never felt so humiliated as he sat back on his knees and looked down at the mess he'd made. Megan was still getting fucked, the sounds of sex were still reverberating through the yard.

Oliver looked toward the house, he saw a blinking light, and froze. Giorgio had cameras that watched over the backyard. A camera that had just captured Oliver masturbating with Megan's footwear a camera that recorded the most humiliating thing Oliver had ever done. He wished for the earth to open up and swallow him, but his wish was not granted. He'd have to deal with the consequences of his insane, hasty act of lust and humiliation.

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