The following story was going to begin Part 3 of ‘My High School Bully Meets My Fiancée’ along with two other dreams, but I thought the dream sequences took too much time away from the main plot and it didn't fit with the idea that Tim was a naive person. So not wanting to lose what I already wrote I thought I would publish it as its own story.

A quick rundown of the main characters:

Tim is 25 years old, 6ft 2in, a fit guy who works out and owns a gym and wellness center, engaged to Jennifer who he calls Jenn.

Jennifer (Jenn) is also 25, 5ft 8in, with green eyes, and 32D breasts.

John, 25, 6ft 5in, a fit guy who works for NHS in Governance and was at one time Tim's high school bully but now they are friends, he calls Tim, Timmy, and Jenn, Jenny to annoy Tim.


Tim had a very vivid dream or more like a nightmare, his usual dreams were of Jenn and himself in a perfect loving relationship, one dream he had was them playing with their future children, and another was a romantic date that ended with them having sex, one was a sex dream, and one was them having a dinner party with friends, that one was strange it wasn't like any of the other dreams, this one was a nightmare and it involved John and his friends.

This 'nightmare' started at John's house which was hosting a small party of eight. Jenn spent most of the evening chatting with a woman named Alexis, as they shared a bottle of white wine while Tim spent it talking to John and his friends from High School, Steve, Mike, Richard, and Chris as they all drank beer. Tim had a bit of a buzz going but he noticed John was having individual conversations with everyone except for Jenn and himself and not long after John had spoken to the last person, Alexis suggested they all play a game. John and his friends all thought that it was a great idea even Jenn liked it.

The dream then jumped to everyone sitting in a circle on John’s living room floor, the furniture had been pushed aside so they had enough room. Tim sat opposite Jenn, who had John on one side and Alexis on the other. Tim sat between Mike and Richard, Chris and Steve were opposite each other, with Chris between Alexis and Richard and Steve between John and Mike. Tim wasn'keeno keen on the idea of playing truth or dare but had been promised the dares wouldn't get sexual as Jenhend him were the only couple playing.

Alexis took the lead, she explained the rules of the game, they would go clockwise so everyone would ask the person to their left if they wanted a truth or a dare, and the forfeit for refusing a dare would be for that person to strip naked.

Alexis said she would start and turned to Jenn and asked her, “Truth or Dare?”

Jenn got flustered and blushed, “Oh, I don't know, I'll take a dare to start us off.”

“Good Girl,” Alexis said and everyone agreed, “Let me think,” Alexis looked skyward then with a wicked smile creeping onto her face, “Oh, I have a good one for you, Jenn,” Tim Felt uneasy at that smile.

“Oh no, you have me worried now Alexis, I thought you would go easy on me,” Jenn said worriedly.

“You'll be fine, here it is, I dare you to only pick dares for the rest of the game," Tim noticed everybody looking at each other and smiling Tim’s uneasy feeling turned into a slight panic. He knew then that this wasn’t going to be a fun night for him and he couldn’t do anything about it. Everyone here was a friend of John and could shut him down, possibly make him look bad in front of Jenn, maybe say he didn't trust her, or make him look childish somehow.

“That’s a good one Alexis you’ve started strong, no easing me into the game. I have to accept the dare as I don't want to strip naked,” Jenn replied.

John said, "I was looking forward to seeing you naked," everyone laughed. John, Steve, and Mike all took the truth, which Jenn booed Jenn asked John about his most embarrassing sexual encounter, John asked Steve if his Mom ever caught him masturbating, and Steve asked Mike what movie was his guilty pleasure.

Tim felt he had to support Jenn seeing how no one else had taken a dare, so when Mike asked Tim, Tim asked for a dare which was for Tim to wear a blindfold for the entire game. Tim, again had no option but to accept the dare, he didn't want to strip so early in the game, and he didn’t like the idea of not being able to see what was happening and only hearing what was going on. Mike tied a blindfold over Tim’s eyes, but Tim noticed once it was on that he could see through the blindfold, which he thought was weird wouldn't someone have checked before using it that you could see through it, Tim kept quiet about it.

Richard, Chris, and Alexis continued choosing truth's, Their respective questions were, "What is your biggest regret in life," "What song is your guilty pleasure," and "What’s your biggest fear."

Alexis then asked Jenn, "Truth or Dare," before she remembered Jenn could only pick dares. Alexis then thought for a moment before daring Jenn to give up her turn asking John, 'Truth or Dare,' this would now fall onto Chris to do it instead.

Jenn said, “I think I understand, so if I accept this dare it will be Chris who asks John and then the game will continue as normal.”


“Ok, that's an easy one to accept."

Tim wondered what that dare was all about, it wasn't a big dare to give to someone and not one to reject and strip for. It just made Tim feel more uneasy about this whole game and what had been planned. Steve asked John if he wanted a "Truth or a Dare?" This time John took a dare, Steve smiled and told him to strip to his boxers, John then nudged Jenn who turned to look at John, “This is your fault Jenny" John said "You had to accept that last dare didn’t you?” he said smiling and winking at her

Jenn laughed and Told John she had no choice unless she wanted to forfeit and strip naked, John told her he liked that idea better than for him to have to strip, which he was doing, down to his boxers, as he spoke to Jenn. Tim thought he could now see where this was going, was this the moment to speak up and remind everyone of the no sexual dare's rule, Jenn wasn't speaking up so she must feel comfortable about all this, maybe he should wait a little while longer.

Steve and Mike the took truth again, Jenn and John calling them boring. When it came to Tim’s turn, he chose to dare again, John spoke up “See Timmy knows how to play a good game, well done Timmy,” Tim smiled and thanked John.

“I have to back up my girl,” Tim said smiling.

“Thanks, Tim, love you,” Jenn replied

“Love you too,” Tim said back.

“Ok, enough of this,” Mike said, “I know how to put a stop to all this love talk, I dare you to wear a gag.”

“Oh, erm, ok,” Tim felt like he had talked himself into this dare. Richard got up at that point, Steve picked up one of John's socks and balled it up handing it to Mike who pushed it into Tim's mouth, it felt so real when the sock was forced into his mouth, it tasted sweaty, Richard returned with a scarf and tied it over his mouth.

Tim heard Misayaid, "I’ll now ask Richard Truth or Dare seeing how Timmy here can't do it" and Richard said "And I'll answer for Timmy when he's asked Truth or Dare" Everyone agreed and Tim was panicked now, he now wouldn't be able to help Jenn out if her dare's started to get more sexual, which he thought would now be the case.

Richard, Chris, and Alexis chose the truth, and Jenn and John booed again, which made everyone laugh.

“I guess it’s another dare for you, Jenn,” Alexis stated, to which Jenn nodded, “I dare you to take your bra and knickers off from under your dress.”

Tim started murmuring waving wave a hand, but Richard and Mike pushed and shushed him, Jenn was a bit shocked, Alexis stated “It's not like I’m asking you to strip like John to your underwear at least you’ll still have your dress on, or maybe you could forfeit and strip naked, I know which I would prefer”

“That's true, I gueI'll'll do that dare” Jenn replied. Tim murmured again but Jenn reassured him it was fine.

Jenn pulled her bra out of her sleeve and wiggled out of her knickers, placing them both behind her, Tim thought this was going the way he thought it would and wished he had spoken up earlier, though Tim found it very erotic when Jenn took her underwear off. He noticed a change in the atmosphere of the room when she stripped her underwear off.

Chris then asked John, Truth or Dare. John winked at Jenn and took Dare, Jenn touched his arm and said thanks, Tim didn’t like the connection that was building between them, "I dare you to kiss Jenn on the lips for a whole round," Tim murmured loudly now standing and waiting for a h forand but was pulled back down and told shut up by Mike and Richard who glared angrily.

“I thought it wasn’t going to be sexual,” Jenn asked, Tim murmured and pointed but was hit by Richard in the chest. Chris told Jenn it would be mouths closed, no tongues, just lips on lips.

“I’m sorry Jenny but it's my dare and I don't want to forfeit, it’ll be like a long peck, please Jenny,” John asked looking at Jenn with sad puppy eyes and then everyone joined in, agreeing with John, Tim was rubbing his chest and kept quiet not wanting to be hit again. Tim felt panicked, it did look like it was going in the wrong direction and that John had set all this up to get his hands on Jenn, this dream felt too real for Tim, his heart was racing, and he wasn't in control of this dream.

“Ok,” Jenn said looking at Tim who was blindfolded and gagged, “How do you want to do this?” Jenn asked John

“How about we kneel facing each other,” John suggested


So Jenn and John faced each other and put their lips together.

Alexis took over from John and asked Steve Truth or Durand e, Steve yet again took Truth, Tim did hear what the truth was as his eyes were locked on Jenn and John for any sign of the dare changing from a 'peck', he didn't know what he would do if he saw anything. Tim did notice that it was taking longer to get to his turn, as time went by, he did spot John open his mouth slightly, then a few moments later his tongue bush across Jenn’s lips, he then heard Jenn moan and her mouth opened, he was about to protest when Mike hit Tim on the shoulder and asked "Truth or Dare"

"He would choose to dare I think," Richard said to Mike who then dared Tim to wear noise-canceling headphones for the rest of the game, Tim tried to protest but everyone told him to strip, which caused Tim to end his protests. Now to everyone, Tim couldn’t see, speak, or hear but Tim found he still had two senses, he could still hear everything and also see it all, though he couldn’t protest like he wished, and he wished he could do that right now, but he knew if he revealed he could see he didn't know what his punishment would be, maybe to strip naked or be sent home, he didn't want that because who knows what might happen to Jenn if that happened. At this point, Tim wished he really couldn’t see or hear what was going on as this was starting to become torturous for him.

Tim’s focus was now back on Jenn and John and what he saw killed him, Jenn and John weren’t lip kissing, they were open mouth kissing, tongues were battling for supremacy, John also had his hands on Jenn's breasts, and he looked to be playing with her nipples, he could heJenn'snns moans and cries, Tim felt he could do nothing as he will probably be hit again and that last hit still stung.

The round continued but was taking way too long Tim thought, Richard, Chris, and Alexis all took truths by the time it got to Jenn's turn she was constantly moaning. Alexis said Jenn's dare was to undo the three top buttons on her dress, but Jenn didn't seem to have heard so Alexis undid the buttons on Jenn's behalf. This gave John better access to Jenn's nipples, which he took full advantage of, Jenn shivered at John's touch of her skin, and she moaned louder, and Tim's torturing continued.

While Tim watched this Mike, pulling one of the headphones away from Tim's ear, "Tim it's your turn for a dare and it's to have your hands tied behind your back" As this was said his hands were being tied behind his back. Tim knew this was out of sequence, he couldn't say as he couldn't see or hear anyone's thoughts but it confirmed that this had been all planned, Tim felt he was now resigned to what was going to happen.

Tim heard Chris tell John his last dare was over and to stop kissing, which John did. It took a few seconds for Jenn to realize this. “Truth or Dare, John,” Chris asked. Tim saw that Jenn was flushed from her chest upward signaling that Jenn was aroused, he also saw that her nipples were no longer covered by her dress, and as Jenn turned to face everyone he saw that Jenn was in a daze her eyes were glassy, Jenn had realized she had three buttons undone and her nipples were on display.

“Dare,” John replied.

“I dare you to sit Jenn on your lap.”

“That sounds easy,” John said and sat crossed-legged, he picked Jenn up, which startled her, and placed her on his knees, Alexis then made sure the back of her dress wasn’t under her bum, Tim then saw John do something to his crotch but was blocked by Jenn as to what he was doing, John then picked Jenn back up pulling her close to his body and then settled her down onto his crotch. Jenn squealed, her eyes and mouth shot open, no sound came out, her face went all dreamy and a little smile appeared on her face. John then quickly asked Steve, "Truth or Dare," and yet again chose Truth and his answer went into another long explanation that seemed to take longer than the last.

Tim then lost his interest in the game yet again and couldn't take his eyes off Jenn, who was now wiggling on John’s crotch, he then saw John’s hands were under Jenn’s dress and seemed to be under her thighs, Jenn’s eyes opened wide again and so did her mouth, still no sound came out, it was then that felt an ear being freed from one of the headphones, Mike was now daring Tim to go and get everyone a beer from the kitchen. Tim wanted to protest and stop this game but didn’t have the guts to do it, he heard Jenn give a deep and long cry, he looked back at Jenn and saw her leaning all her weight onto John’s chest, and was now bouncing she cried out "oh fuck". Mike told Tim to get on his knees and then he was going to point him in the direction of the kitchen so he could go and get our beers, Tim got into position with some help and was then slapped on the bum hard, Tim guessed that was the signal to start moving as he did Jenn cried it's so big".

Tim didn’t want to leave but also didn’t want to stay and watch, he had to look back one last time and saw John lift Jenn and drop her back down, her eyes shoot wide open, and she screamed “fuckin hell”. Tim looked forward and waddled towards the kitchen, listening to Jenn's sexual moaning. Before he reached the kitchen he heard the others begin to talk amongst themselves about the game that had been given up.

Once he got past the opening of the kitchen and out of sight Tim managed to stand up, he didn't realize how difficult it was to do without the use of your hands, but the most gut-wrenching thing was not seeing but hearing Jenn’s loud moans and cries to fuck her harder, he didn’t dared try and peak to see John fucking Jenn just in case he was spotted doing it. Tim didn’t know how long it should take to get the beer, but he couldn’t move from his current position pinned to the wall listening to Jenn moaning loudly, crying out in elation, Tim was dying inside.

An unknown amount of time had passed when Tim heard Alexis calling Jenn, she made five attempts before Jenn said, “Oh god, yes, dare,”

“It's to kiss John open-mouthed,” Tim heard and banged the back of his head against the wall, 'This wasn’t what we agreed at the start of the game, this has all been to get Jenn and John into sexual situations, fuck’

Tim died once more when he heard Jenn respond immediately, “Oh, okay,” and then he heard loud kissing, his gut twisting at the sound. He didn’t know how it could get any worse for him, but when he heard Chris’s dare for John he sunk to the floor. Tim knew when John cupped Jenn’s bare breasts as he heard Jenn cry out and moan loudly before it returned to the sound of them both making.

Tim was panicked, what should he do, he could hear everything, maybe he should go back in and see if what he was hearing was happening or was it all a joke played on him. He looked around the kitchen and found the beer, he thought for a moment about how he was going to go back to the room with 8 beers, in t, he end it was an easy choice as he could only carry one at a time in his mouth. He walked to the opening of the kitchen dropped back onto his knees, and waddled back to the lounge only to see that it was worse than he thought.

Jenn was bouncing on John's lap aggressively, the top of her summer dress was around her waist and John was groping one of Jbreastsbreast and sucking the other. Tim was a broken man at this point, Tim continued slowly back to the group, who was all sat watching the couple fuck.

Jenn started screaming asking John to fuck her harder. When Tim reached Mike he nudged him, “I forgot about you Timmy,” the others laughed, “Sorry Timmy, I got distracted by your girl fucking John here,” they all laughed again, not knowing Tim could hear them. Mike freed one of Tim's ears and at that moment he heard Jenn orgasm “Oh Fuck,” and watched as she collapsed on top of John.

“Thanks, Timmy, I’m going to turn you around and you can go back for another bottle, just 6 more to go,” Mike let go of the headphone letting it snap back against Tim’s ear then Tim waddled off again to laughter, and Jenn starting to moan again.

Tim woke in a pool of sweat, crying and breathing hard.

That’s the end of Tim’s dream, the story continues in Part 3 of ‘My High School Bully Meets My Fiancée’.