Day 15

We were on our way home; the holiday was over and I was a jumble of nerves and emotions as we spent the few hours after breakfast finishing the packing and making sure that nothing of importance was left behind. We didn’t make much conversation; we both seemed to be wrapped in our own thoughts and, in truth, I really didn’t want to know what might be going through her head.

The hotel had arranged for a taxi to take us to the airport and Sally’s delight was matched by my despair when it pulled up and we saw Michael jump out of the driver’s door. “Couldn’t miss the opportunity to see my favourite lady for the last time,” he said with a grin. “You can tell me all about your holiday with us on our beautiful island and what was your favourite part as we get you on your way home.” This was accompanied by a knowing wink as if he really didn’t need an answer.

As before I was excluded from this exchange and my role was to lug the bags into the boot as they stood and continued to make innuendo-filled comments to each other. There was also no surprise when after settling our bill and handing back the key to our little bit of paradise of the past fortnight I was consigned to the back seat whilst Sally hopped into the passenger seat alongside Michael.

He put the automatic car into Drive and we waved goodbye to the hotel and the few staff who saw us away as the taxi bumped its way onto the main road toward the airport. I was aware that we had a journey that would take about half an hour and as the miles slowly counted down I wondered whether if this was the journey that was taking us back to normality and we might be returning to having a proper relationship; one that would be recognised as a true loving marriage. Such thoughts were soon dispelled when I turned my gaze from looking at the world outside and glanced between the two front seats to see Michael’s hand move from the steering wheel and deliberately place itself in Sally’s lap.

She giggled at his effrontery but made no attempt to push him away. Indeed, she seemingly encouraged him by spreading her legs and pulling at the hem of her dress so that her thong covered pussy was quite *******. With the car and traffic needing minimal attention Michael responded to the implied invitation and I watched open-mouthed as he brazenly tugged at the flimsy covering to her cunt and although I couldn’t see clearly there was no doubt from the movement of his arm that he was sliding his thick black fingers up and down what I assumed was a wet slit. She looked over her shoulder at me and smirked.

I turned my head away in what I hoped was a gesture of disgust but in truth it was more a feeling of desolation that my expression – if she had chosen to look – would have conveyed. I sank back into my seat and sat there glumly not wanting to see anymore, despairing that after all that had happened over the past two weeks that still she couldn’t get enough of other men’s attention. I was determined that I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of humiliating me any further by admitting I was witnessing her shameless behaviour and I steadfastly fixed my gaze on the passing countryside outside. Indeed, to make my displeasure even more evident I moved from my seat behind Michael and slid behind her so that any activity was shielded from my view.

My resolve was very difficult to maintain for I became aware of the car beginning to slow down to the accompaniment of Sally reacting, as she does, to his administrations by softly moaning and panting. I tried to ignore the sounds of her rising passion and the occasional whispered remark but my determination was wiped-out when with a bump we suddenly swung off the road and lurched to a stop in a lay-by. I grabbed the back of the seat in front thinking we had had some kind of accident but when I turned it was to realise that Michael had deliberately pulled off the road and was hurriedly pulling his shorts down. Sally looked over her shoulder and laughed when she saw the look on my face.

She turned her attention away from me and focussed on what was more of interest to her, Michael’s cock which was already semi-erect and almost resting on the steering wheel as he slid further down in his seat. I silently cursed myself for moving for now I had a grandstand seat and there was no way I could avoid seeing what was clearly going to happen in front of my eyes. (Indeed, Sally accused me later of having done just that so I could see what she was going to do. My protest that I had already moved held no conviction for her. She called me a dirty little pervert who got his kicks from watching her perform. She said this when we were back home and were getting ready for bed, my stiff ‘little white cock’, as she called it, belied any defence I may have offered.)

She leaned over and with one hand she grasped the thickening black penis whilst her other hand disappeared from my view to presumably replaced his. The subtle movement of her shoulders suggested that she was masturbating between her wide spread legs.

Michael reached over and placed his hand behind her neck and pulled her towards his crotch. She needed no encouragement and her head went down on him, her mouth already wide open so that in one easy movement she enveloped the big shiny purple plum that was his cock head. Any pretence on my part that I was disinterested was instantly dispelled as I thrilled to see her engulf this monster in that rose-bud mouth of hers. God, how does she manage it?

Michael laid further back in his seat and began to groan in time to her bobbing head. I could see her cheeks puff in and out as she struggled and sucked at this dark invader. Her hand that grasped him was slowly pumping up and down and becoming increasingly wet as she spread her saliva which was escaping from her gasping mouth. They got into some kind of rhythm and with her combining her wanking and sucking as much of his cock that she could get in her mouth and her own masturbation they suddenly began bucking up and down. A few minutes of this and Michael gave what can only be described as a bellow and Sally, without slowing her pace, gave a groan of her own as with what can only be described as a torrent a flood of his spunk gushed out of her mouth to cover both her hand and his throbbing cock. As the flow began to lessen she squealed out her own orgasm and then, satisfied and sated, she pushed herself off him to sink back in her seat.

I was breathless at what I had just seen but relieved that they continued to ignore me for as I sat back in my own seat I was aware that the front of my pants were sticky wet. I had obviously cum myself without any other stimulus to help me. I quietly found a tissue to dry up the mess.

We all sat there mute and lifeless as the traffic on the road passed us by. Michael blew out a breath and went to pull his shorts back up. Sally stopped him, “wait a moment; I just need to do this.” She rummaged in her bag and produced that damn phone of hers. She held it up and I was amazed when she turned to him and said, “I just need to take a picture for my gallery.”

‘Click’ and another ‘Click’.

What the ...? She actually took a picture of his cock; his still stiff, glistening cock. I was stupefied and didn’t know what to say as she slipped the phone back into her bag with the air of someone having done something quite normal.

We resumed our journey and acted as if nothing untoward had occurred and before I had time to reflect any further we were pulling up outside the departures terminal of Norman Manley airport. I almost leapt from the car as we came to a halt desperate to detach myself from the ‘scene of the crime’ and went to the back of the taxi to extract our bags. I declined the assistance of the waiting porters as our bags were the wheelie type and I certainly didn’t want to add to my list of embarrassments by having to dole out any more money on dubious tips. Sally meanwhile was standing on the kerbside holding Michael in a loose embrace as she said her goodbyes to him.

He leaned and gave her a kiss before saying, “Hey, what about my tip?”

I felt a sense of gratitude and admiration when she said, “In your dreams; you’ve already had that and more.” And with that she turned on her heel and bid me to follow her toward the check-in desk. By the time we reached the counter and I looked back it was to see that Michael had already left and was, no doubt, looking for his next liaison.


Our flight back went as smoothly as one could expect and with the complimentary drinks and the meal dispensed with we both sat back in our seats and relaxed as best we could. There was little of interest to either of us on the in-flight entertainment and I thought that it would be a good opportunity to get the conversation going of what we were going to be doing once we were home now that the holiday was behind us. My fervent wish was that Sally had satiated herself to the extent that her objective of wreaking revenge on me had been fulfilled and that we would be returning home to be a normal married couple (whatever ‘normal’ might mean) and that her wild oats had been sown.

My approach to getting the chat going in the direction was to get my camera out and to review the many pictures I had taken over the past couple of weeks. I hadn’t taken any of the ‘players’ who had been the focus of Sally’s activities; my pictures were of stuff like the beaches; the hotel; the beautiful countryside and villages. I was quite proud of the collection and said so as I scrolled through and showed her what I had taken. She showed interest and made a few encouraging and complimentary comments. This gave me great heart and with her in this conciliatory mood I thought to bring up the topic of getting back to our old way of life. As I broached the subject she gave me a sweet smile and said, “Shush, let me show you something.”

She stood up and got her bag down from the overhead locker. From the bag came the phone and she sat down again alongside me and switched it on. She did that tapping at the screen thing that infuriates me so and then held the phone up so that I could see the screen. She said, “Go on, scroll through my pictures.”

I took the phone from her and did as she commanded. The screen was filled with a picture of an erect black cock. I gasped at the sight and swiped at the screen to be presented by a picture of another black penis. I was stunned; what the hell had she done? I continued to scroll through her collection and it was to see picture after picture of black cocks. Some were just that, a stiff black cock; a cock covered with sperm; others were of cocks entering her welcoming pussy or her mouth. The identities were not clear but all were similar in that they were being pleasured by my sweet Sally. I was shocked beyond words and didn’t know what to say as my trembling hand held the phone.

She smiled at my obvious reaction and said, “Now that is a collection of pictures that I’ll be treasuring; not your soppy lot of snaps. And, do you know what; I’ve been thinking that going home doesn’t mean the end of me enjoying what I’ve come to love doing. I’ve been looking at stuff on the internet and do you know that there are plenty of sites that offer the opportunity of meeting like-minded people?”

Ignoring the shocked expression on my face she continued as she took back the phone from my hand, “and, do you know, some of them actually cater for ladies who like Black cock. Hmm, can’t wait to get home and get started on adding to my collection.”

I sat there glumly not able to think beyond, “Oh, my God, what had I started by taking her on this healing holiday?”

She, in contrast, couldn’t have been happier as she resumed looking at her photo album. She turned to look at me in my misery, “Oh poor Marky, don’t be sad. You really did give me the most wonderful holiday and I really want to thank you for being so understanding ....

“....Oh, by the way, I’ve missed my period. I’ve never been this late before.”

The End (or is it?)

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