Chapter Four


Roger saw Eddie approaching his desk and he quickly clicked away from the porn channel he was viewing to the spreadsheet that he was supposed to be editing.

"I'm gonna take an early trap, ain't nothing that I need to be hanging around here for," Eddie said somewhat unnecessarily for, after all, he was the boss and he didn't need to be justifying his schedule to, in Eddie's opinion, a lowly dogsbody. Also it was a statement of fact, there wasn't much to do given it was a Saturday and ordinarily the depot would be closed.

"Stay until that late shipment has arrived. Wait till 5 and if there's still a no-show you can close up."

The burly Black man left the office without a backward glance or to hear Roger dutifully say, "OK, Boss."

As far as Roger was concerned being at work at the weekend was preferable to being subjected to the continual nagging and criticism from his wife RuthAnn. What with her forever finding fault with anything he did around the house coupled to her justifying everything she did with quotations from the bible, well, life at home was wearying to say the least.

He surveyed the empty office from his desk and gave silent thanks that in these uncertain times that he still had a job. He had no illusions about himself or his abilities and was mildly surprised when he was chosen to be kept on as an administrator during the recent cull of staff. For sure, there were better qualified people than he who had been let go but he recognised that he had one asset that the others who had been fired couldn't provide. He had a spare room which he agreed to rent out to the Boss's son, Leon, a son who had been the cause of friction to his father and now, due to Roger's generosity, was living elsewhere.

Leastways, that's how he saw it.

No matter, he decided that whatever the reasons or the circumstances for him being at work on a Saturday and alone in the office they didn't need to trouble his mind, he had more important things to consider. He heard Eddie and his ridiculous SUV drive away, clicked back to the porn site and unzipped his pants.


"… and if they haven't got the Organic kind, you can get the regular one," said RuthAnn as she handed over the long shopping list to Donnie.

He gave a silent sigh and regretted that he mentioned to his mother that he was going into town and had innocently asked if there was anything needed to be picked up. Her response had been to provide him with a long list of groceries and instructions not to shop anywhere but her favourite supermarket which was way over the other side of town. He looked at her, still clad in just her bathrobe which struck him as odd given it was now late morning, and then he examined the list and all the unfamiliar items that she had neatly written down. He had a sense of foreboding that this was not going to be the short trip into town that he had envisaged …

… which was just how RuthAnn had planned. She didn't want her son to be around when Leon's father came to call.

Leon who was lounging in his seat at the kitchen table looked on at the exchange with detached bemusement. In his world, a real man would never allow himself to be pushed around or allow himself to be told what to do by some woman, even if it was your mother. Women were there to provide one thing and one thing only. "Perhaps this white wimp needs to be made to understand that," was his parting thought as he turned his attention back to his coffee cup.

Donnie drove out of the street and paused at the intersection to allow a SUV with darkened windows to turn in. Had he been more observant he would have recognised and known it was the same vehicle that had earlier bought the thug Leon to his house.

But he didn't know, nor did he know that RuthAnn was expecting Eddie to return to the house that afternoon, after all it was she who had suggested he might like to come back and check on how well his son had settled in.

It was all part of her plan for RuthAnn was a very organised person and in satisfying her desire to be fucked by black cock she needed to be very organised indeed if she was going to fit everything in, so to speak.


Eddie, as was his habit, didn't bother with niceties of knocking at the door, he just went around the side of the house and let himself into the kitchen. Both RuthAnn and Leon looked up.

"Looks like youse settled in OK, boy", said Eddie as he took in the sight of his son sitting at the counter with his coffee. "I could do wit one of those," he added pointedly as he turned his focus to RuthAnn, still dressed in just her silk robe, standing by the sink.

She felt irritated by the manner of his rude arrival (a 'hello, how are you' would have been nice) but already she had learned that her standards of manners and politeness were not shared by this uncouth black ****** and, although she not admit it, she found it a refreshing change and rather liked being treated in this indifferent fashion. She ignored his lapse of manners and asked, "Sure, how do you take it?"

"Like myself, black and strong." He felt pleased with himself for having been given the opportunity to make such a corny remark but was a little disappointed not to witness an acknowledgement that recognised that he had been so smart with his repartee.

Eddie took the cup, declining both her offer of sugar or of giving thanks, and looked around, "We here on our own; where's wassis name, your boy?"

"You mean Donnie, he's running errands and will be out for a couple of hours at least. And we all know where my husband is, don't we? Yes, we are quite alone," she replied with a knowing look on her face. "Why don't you bring your cup, we can be more comfortable in the lounge and, oh, would you mind taking off your boots, I'm fussy about outdoor shoes in the house!"

Leon looked at his father to gauge his reaction to being ordered around by this white bitch but Eddie showed no signs of being offended. Rather, Eddie smiled and said with a chuckle, "Yeah, why not, I wuz gonna be taking them off anyways."

They both followed her into the lounge where she waved a hand at the couch and invited them to sit … which they intended to do whether they had been given permission or not. RuthAnn sat down on an armchair facing them and as she looked at both them sprawled 'man-spreading' she wondered who of them would make the first move and reveal the cause of the prominent bulges in their pants. She elected not to be the one to state the obvious, instead she broke the silence and said, "Well, my new lodger has fitted in nicely, haven't you Leon?"

"Yeah, he tol' me that youse been taking care of him already. He also tol' me that youse liked his black cock and wanted more so let's cut the crap about 'fitting in nicely' and get down to why you really invited me back."

RuthAnn smiled at his direct way of speaking and was inwardly relieved that, apparently, she wasn't going to have make the first move. Although she had just been thoroughly fucked by the son, she was keen to reacquaint herself with the cock of the father for she had been given a glimpse, a preview, when he had first visited the house the previous week. On that occasion he had rudely ******* himself to her when they had been checking out the basement apartment that was now Leon's abode. Circumstances hadn't allowed her any more time other than to give the fat shaft a squeeze of approval but she had left him in no doubt that she would welcome him to demonstrate what he might do with his impressive stiff cock.

However, she had no intention of lowering her standards to his level of crudity and said, "Why don't we take ourselves upstairs. I don't want to be messing up the sitting room, I've only just vacuumed and cleaned down here and as I deliberately haven't made the bed …." Her voice trailed off and without looking to see if they reacted to her invitation she stood up and led them up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Leon and his father looked at each other and the look said, 'just what kind of crazy woman is this?!'

RuthAnn was, in her own mind, far from crazy. Everything she did, everything she planned, everything she had done, was all done in the pursuit of her faith and reflected her religious upbringing. Her behaviour and her reputation as far as she was concerned was based on her belief that she had been put on this earth to love and cherish her fellow beings and to alleviate suffering and despair wherever it might be found, in whatever way her talents would lead.

It was during her High School years that she had developed this social conscience and with it an even more fervent belief that the coloured population was particularly disadvantaged. This sense of burning injustice gave way to a pledge she made to the Lord that she would devote herself bringing relief to those underprivileged persons in whatever way she could. Happily for her she discovered that the black boys at school did have one advantage over the white, that their cocks were invariably bigger, remained stiff after she had jacked them off and that they could be quite complimentary when pleasuring a white pussy.

Not that she indulged in that kind of activity too often. Indeed, there had only been the time in her adolescence when for a dare she had gone beneath the bleachers with a Senior who had no hesitation in 'you show me yours and I'll show you mine' and revealing what a black cock looked like. She had been fascinated to see it and that experience of watching him stroke himself had been the source of many fantasies whenever thereafter she masturbated in the sanctuary of her adolescent bedroom. Those fantasies came real when she reached her Senior year and as a kind of reversal of fortunes she took a black freshman beneath the same bleachers and this time the 'show and tell' went all the way and she felt how nice a black cock felt inside her white pussy.

That experience spurred her to study her bible studies even more and thereafter she sought out quotations that justified her generous, giving nature. She especially identified with Leviticus 19:34 which told her, "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

She also liked Genesis 2:18 which commanded "Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." She felt that the bible was speaking to her personally.

There were other verses which warned against 'spilling one's seed on the ground' which she interpreted to mean that there was only one place that it should be spilt and, to her dismay and confusion, there were other chapters which gave contrary guidance about the sin of sexual intercourse outside of marriage but she chose to skip over those pages as being irrelevant.

She reached the bedroom and removed her silk bathrobe and carefully hung it on the door. Eddie and Leon who were not so well versed in 'tidiness is next to Godliness' tore off their clothes and left them to lay on the floor where they fell. RuthAnn chose to ignore their tardiness. Indeed, she hadn't even noticed such was her delight in seeing two black cocks, Father and Son, that were clearly already in a condition to do God's bidding.

She lay herself on the unmade covers and was relieved to see from the condition of the two approaching erect cocks that she didn't have the need to issue any more instructions, it was clear that they knew what she had in mind. Indeed, although she had now become well versed in fucking with black men she still remained a little uncomfortable using the kind of language they employed. So, rather than speak she offered a silent prayer of gratitude to her maker for 'what I am about to receive' and mouthed an 'Amen'.

Eddie, who had positioned himself at the end of the bed, must have read her thoughts and he grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward him. His stiff penis found its mark straight away and RuthAnn's prayer turned into a squeal as she felt the fat shaft slip in to a fill the wet space which had so recently been filled by his son.

The son took his cue from his father, moved to the side of the bed and with equal indifference toward her feelings stabbed his stiff cock against her cheek to gain her attention; she reacted by turning her head and opening her mouth and freeing her mind of the latest chapter of the bible she had recently been study (the '**** laws' (Deuteronomy 22:25–29 ) she allowed herself to be taken just like a Sabine Woman and her prayers were answered. It was glorious.

On the opposite side of town the two other men in her life were likewise engaged in their struggles.

Roger was annoyed that the expected delivery to the depot arrived earlier than expected which meant two things. Firstly, that his surfing of Porn had been interrupted and that the interesting site he had found which featured interracial videos of white women being satisfied by black cock would now have to be booked-marked for reference at a later date. Secondly, the fact the delivery had been made meant that he would have to close up the office and return home for he had no excuse to stay. Eddie the boss would certainly be aware of when the truck had completed its task for this was something that was logged in the manifest that Roger had signed.

With a sigh of regret he shut down his computer, adjusted his swollen stubby cock in his pants and taking a final look around the deserted office to make sure his masturbating through the day hadn't left any evidence he closed up and went outside to his car.

Meanwhile in the Mall that was adjacent to the depot where Roger worked, Donnie was coming the end of the groceries list that his mother had given him. He had a perverse sense of satisfaction that he had found, albeit with some difficulty, the more eclectic items that she had listed ('Organic Tofu', where and WTF is that?!) and mentally ticking off the final item he made his way through the aisles to the checkout.

He paid up and wondered if he was likely to be reimbursed by his mother (he doubted it) and ignoring the insincere wishes by the server of 'have yourself a nice day' he took the sacks out to his car, loaded the trunk and, just like his father, began to make his way back home.

As he pulled out onto the street he was amused to see his father's car just ahead of him. Donnie recognised the shabby saloon and also figured that his father's day's work was done and, like himself, was looking forward to getting back home and enjoying what was left of their Saturday afternoon. He wasn't sure if Roger, who was notoriously unobservant, had recognised that he was being followed by his son but, no matter, they travelled in convoy across town to arrive within seconds of each other back at the house.

Roger pulled onto the driveway and parked alongside a SUV which Donnie, as he parked on the kerbside, now recognised as belonging to Leon's father.

His own father, who still made no recognition that his son was behind him, went in through the front door, leaving Donnie to struggle alone with the grocery sacks.

It took him some time to juggle the bags, close the trunk, lock the car before deciding to take the path through the garage and go into the kitchen by that route. He was surprised not to find his parents there for it was the norm for his father to make that the first stop when he came home from work and, likewise, she was a creature of habit and at that time of day the expectation was that she would be found doing some kitchen task or preparing a meal or such.

As he set the groceries on the counter he called out, "I'm home".

In response he heard some muffled crying from up the stairs which he initially thought sounded like someone in pain. Concerned that it was his mother in some kind of distress he rounded the doorway and ran up the stairs. As he gained the landing, the noises got louder and more distinct. They weren't cries for help, they were the sounds of someone being rigorously fucked and far from being distress calls it was clear they were the sounds that only ecstasy could produce.

Donnie instantly recognised the voice of his mother but that wasn't what shocked him the most as he was well aware that his she had already been fucking with Leon. No, what shocked him was to see his own father standing mute at the open bedroom door, his mouth and the zipper of his pants open and his hand gripping his cock as he looked in upon whatever was happening inside the room.

His attention wavered slightly when he caught sight of his son but only for a second. He turned his head back to the bedroom and continued slowly wanking to accompaniment of the sounds of his wife, Donnie's mother, being fucked by their two black visitors.


to be continued.