Chapter One


Donnie moved his attention away from the Laptop screen, glanced out of the window saw his mother getting into her car and driving off. He returned his focus back to the screen, saw that the time was coming up to 11 o'clock and remembered that it being a Thursday that mother was obviously going to the 'Taste of Fellowship' meeting at the church. It was her ritual and for as long as he could remember his religious mother every Thursday made the trip to their local Baptist church to meet with her similarly-minded friends. It had always been so.

The departure of the car was also a signal to Donnie that the house would be empty for the next couple of hours and that he could do what had become his own weekly routine, that of going into his parent's bedroom and to take a look through her closets and rifle through her things, her 'Danties' as she called them. He would spend his time inspecting the flimsy garments, turning them over, feeling the silkiness, taking particular care to sniff the gussets of the panties and then when he was sufficiently aroused he would lie on his mother's side of the king-size bed and wrap his selection around his stiff cock and have himself a glorious wank.

Donnie was well aware as he held the 'dainty' that his mother Ruth contrary to her religious beliefs, beneath the conservative clothes she wore, had in all probability been wearing the panties he held and been fucked by someone other than his father. It was those thoughts that went through his head as he stroked his silk-wrapped throbbing cock until at last his spunk gushed his climax.


The past couple of years had not been good for Donnie. 'That thing' that had been going around had messed up everything for sure and just when it seemed he was forging a new life for himself in New York City away from his conservative upbringing, Bam, he was back living at home again. In truth, it wasn't just the pandemic that was the cause of his return. The lease on his NYC apartment had run out and given that his job allowed him to 'work from home' it seemed a sensible solution.

It was his mother Ruth that had suggested the move; said that it would give him chance to save money so that he get a place of his own; pointed out that he could still have his 'privacy' back in his old bedroom; said that he could return to the church which she was sure he must have been missing. Oh yes, Mom could come up with loads of sensible reasons to have her boy living back home again but that was a measure of her nature; she was a caring person who just wanted the best for those she loved and over the years Donnie had become aware there were plenty of other men whom came under the category of 'being loved'.

He was never sure about his father's attitude to his mother's habit of being overly 'friendly' to these other males. *** wasn't the kind of guy to confide his thoughts, especially not to his children about this or any other matter. Like Ruth, he was on the short side and as he grew older he continued to pack more pounds on his frame so that he was now classified as being overweight but not quite clinically obese. With the weight gain came the hair loss so it is not unkind to say he no longer resembled the handsome young man that she married! On the up-side he held a steady job working at a Milk distribution company as truck driver and although they were never going to get rich, he had always provided well for his ******.

As for his mother, she never shied away from the truth and would admit that maybe she could do with losing a few pounds but it didn't detract from the fact that she was an extremely attractive woman and Donnie understood why men would want to fuck her. She was (and is) a vibrant lady who didn't have to try very hard to project her femininity. She always dressed well (never to be seen slobbing around in sweat pants or Tees or such) and from his discrete observations over the years he knew that she would be wearing sexy underwear beneath the not-so-sexy outer clothing. That knowledge filled his mind with images and gave many satisfying sessions of stroking his cock, fantasying about her and thinking what she might be getting up to when she is away from the house and her husband. Since his return home he no longer had to fantasise, he knows exactly what she does.


Donnie heard the crunch of tires and he looked out of the bedroom window and to his horror saw his mother's car parking up on the driveway. He quickly pulled on his clothes, straightened the bed covers and as a final act before leaving her bedroom he stuffed the cum-stained panties deep into the laundry basket. He made it back to his own bedroom just before he heard her key in the front door.

"Hi Honey, I'm home," was her call up the stairs.

Donnie heard her but didn't answer, he was too preoccupied with getting his breath back and his beating heart rate down before congratulating himself at not being caught. He decided to change into his running gear and for his best course of action to wait a couple of minutes before going down the stairs. Then he would feign surprise that she was home so early; that her lunchtime meeting at the church had ended so soon.

He pulled on his jogging pants and a sports vest, tied his running shoes to his feet and once he had composed himself he descended the stairs knowing that to surprise her was unlikely as the wooden staircase had too many noisy steps. However, his thoughts of feigning surprise was forgotten when he went into the kitchen and was properly surprised, taken aback to find his mother in the company of a large black man.

Ruth looked up as he came through the archway, "Oh, there you are. I thought that you must out …" she said, slightly flustered, given that she was holding the black guy's hand at the time. She gathered her composure and her manners and said, "… Ah, this is Jacob …."

Donnie nodded a Hello to Jacob thinking to himself that this guy looked slightly familiar. Jacob looked at Donnie and still holding Ruth's hand gave a look that suggested he was less than happy at being disturbed.

She continued," … Jacob has volunteered to come and sort out the garden. You know your *** never seems to find time and … " she gave a giggle and held up his hand, "… Jacob was just showing me his 'Green Fingers!"

Donnie was not convinced at the explanation as to why his mother was holding a stranger's hand but was soon disabused that this was a random stranger for she went on, " … Jacob is our janitor at the church and is a man of many talents. Not only does he keep everything spick and span but I've discovered he is an accomplished gardener as well, aren't you Jacob?" she trilled.

"Yes Maam, I likes to see a lady's garden look neat and tidy," he smirked in a way that suggested innuendo and that was when Donnie recognised where he had seen this guy before. Yes, he was the fellow who was always hovering in the background whenever he accompanied his mother to church.

"I told Jacob that we would be most grateful if he could find time to come and sort out our garden ….. and, well, here he is."

Donnie was intrigued for contrary to his mother's explanation, Jacob did not appear to be a kind of gardening fellow but he was far too well-mannered to say so. Instead he said, "Pleased to make your acquaintance again Jacob, I recognise you from Church, but you'll have to excuse me if I leave you … you caught me just about to go out for a run." He checked his watch and added unnecessarily, " … I'm in training for a Marathon"

Jacob nodded his acceptance of the apology, said nothing but thought to himself, "Good, that means he will be out of the way for quite a while .." His analysis was silently shared by Ruth who was relieved to hear the front door slam that announced Donnie's departure likewise thinking that if he was training for a long-distance event (something that she wasn't aware of; he'd never mentioned it) then he would be absent for some time.

The 'gardener' leaned back against the kitchen counter and Ruth, dressed in her signature white blouse and calf-length skirt, sank to her knees and purging thoughts of her son from her mind concentrated instead on undoing the buckle of Jacob's pants. Had she not been so intent on her task she might have heard the soft sound of the sliding garage door. She certainly didn't hear the softer sounds of her son's footsteps as he crept back inside or notice the door from the garage into the kitchen being quietly pushed open.

Donnie held his breath as he peered through the crack of the door and had his suspicions confirmed. Once he had calmed down he had thought it strange that his mother would forego her church meeting and return home. It was so unlike her, she was a stickler for keeping to her church appointments and it was certainly odd that she would be bringing a stranger back to the house no matter what the excuse was for doing so.

His confusion was made complete when he observed his mother had succeeded in her task and that not only had she undone the belt around the black man's pants but also pulled the zipper down. Jacob was likewise keeping his attention on what Ruth was doing and didn't hear Donnie gasp when she tugged down the boxer shorts and for a large black cock to obscenely flop out in front of her eyes.

"Suck it, Bitch!"

.. and Ruth obliged.

Or at least that's what Donnie had to assume for with his mother's back to him he was unable to see clearly if she had actually taken the stiffening cock into her mouth. Certainly from the movement of her head and the sloppy sounds that he could detect plus the slight moves Jacob's body was making, there was little doubt as to where that fat cock was positioned.

All three of them concentrated on their individual tasks without too much consideration of what the others might be doing. Ruth was totally absorbed in taking as much of her latest lover's fat cock into her mouth; Jacob was similarly engrossed as he looked down and moaned his approval; Donnie felt a stirring beneath his running shorts and despite having had a most satisfactory wank but a short while ago he slipped his hand inside and began to stroke his own swelling penis as he took in the sight of his mother giving a blowjob to a black stranger.

Time stood still for Donnie as he watched his mother's head bob back and forth. From the casual manner which she applied herself it was clear to him that this was no random event and that she was well versed in providing such an erotic treatment. He strained to listen to her mumbled words whenever she took her head away to draw breath but it sounded awfully like she was urging him to give her 'that black dick'.

He looked on with a mixture of shock and excitement as he unconsciously squeezed his erect cock. At first he had been dismayed and disgusted that his mother could be acting like a cheap slut within the sanctity of the ****** home but those thoughts were soon overcome by the thrills he felt at seeing her acting out the fantasies that he had long held. He felt his neck strain as he attempted to get a better view!

The noises from the kitchen began to get louder as Jacob urged Ruth to, "..yeah jus' like that Bitch, suck it, yeah, suck it …. harder, harder …" She complied and Donnie heard her begin to make soft moans of her own as she redoubled her efforts.

Then Jacob growled, "Git rid of the shirt, lemme see those white tits, Bitch,"

Ruth's head jerked free from its task and she giggled and said in a mocking way, "Now, now Jacob, that's no way to ask … I've told you before about that kind behaviour … next time, please ask nicely!"

Any impression she was admonishing him was belied by the fact that as she said it she had already released his cock from her grasp and was busily undoing her buttons leaving Donnie torn as to what to focus upon, the crisp white blouse being slipped from her shoulders that revealed her full breasts prettily supported by the red lacey half-cup bra or, now that her head was no longer hiding the object of her desire, Jacob's stiff black cock that was pointing obscenely at the ceiling. He inwardly groaned and with his running shorts pooled around his ankles he stroked his own cock all the faster.

Had Jacob turned his head to his right he would have had no trouble seeing that he was being observed for his eavesdropper had already abandoned any serious attempt to remain hidden. But he didn't, instead the Gardener kept his gaze downward and took in the sight of Ruth's creamy white tits spilling over the lacey fringe of the bra cups. The bra was cut so low as to allow the dark areolae and her stiff nipples to be fully on display, a sight that Donnie silently congratulated himself on seeing for it was just as he had imagined when he had used that very bra when he had jerked his cock in her bedroom last week.

In taking off the blouse she had slightly shifted her position so that Donnie no longer had the frustration of not seeing what was going on and as the blouse fell to the floor he saw her hands grasp the fat dick that was bobbing in front of her face. Once again she opened her mouth and with no hesitation, his mother, still on her knees, returned to the task of sucking on that black morsel.

Donnie could not believe his eyes. However, as shocked as he was by the sight of his prim-and-proper mother acting just like a cheap whore with a stranger in the ****** home, he was not surprised when after a few minutes of her sucking his cock and then fondling the hairy balls hanging between his legs that he heard Jacob announce, "Oh, Jeeez, I'm cumming …" It seemed as if it was a signal for his mother to pull her head back and she complied just in time to direct the fat purple knob at her chest so that his spurting cum splashed onto her ample cleavage.

Donnie's cum just splashed on the floor.

Ruth looked up at Jacob with a look of satisfaction on her face. She allowed him to help her to her feet and Donnie was impressed that all the while she never let go of her grip on Jacob's cock which looked to be just as stiff and was still dribbling his sperm. As she got to her feet it appeared as if she was going to be turning in Donnie's direction and he froze as he feared that she might catch sight of his presence. He quickly ducked away from the partially opened door, swiftly pulled up his running shorts and planned his getaway. As he did so he heard his mother say quite distinctly, "Not down here, let's take this upstairs .."

He had no doubt what 'this' referred to and he cursed that noisy staircase for there would be no way that he could follow them undetected and view what he was certain was going to be happening on the bed where he had just had his regular wank. However, being a positive kind of chap and looking for reasons to be cheerful, he congratulated himself on having achieved a second orgasm so soon after that first one. More the pity he couldn't thank his mother for bringing that about he thought as he exited the garage and jogged his way up the street.


Ruth placed the bowl of mashed potato in the middle of the table alongside the platter of grilled pork chops and jug of gravy and then took her place to begin what was the daily ritual of them linking hands around the table and then saying Grace. Donnie dutifully said his Amen after listening to his mother asking for redemption and forgiveness and giving her thanks for what they were about to eat and he thought, "Hmm, don't get me wrong Lord but aren't you getting a bit suspicious about this ?!"

With the ceremonials dispensed with Ruth swiftly moved on to the next tradition of asking her husband and son (or anyone else who might be sharing the table), "So, how was your day?"

Donnie wondered why she did this for she must have been well aware of how his day had been (well, maybe, not all of it today, that's for sure). She knew full well that he had been working from home and other than her brief visit to the church had been sharing his space; she knew he had been out of the house and spent two hours running, but he, as always, said nothing other than, "fine."

Roger, his father, was more forthcoming and as he dolloped a spoonful of mash on his plate said, "Sheez, don't ask. What a day. My Boss has been like a bear with a sore head and nobody could do a thing right. I've never seen him so cranky, I was happy to get out on the road and do my rounds."

Ruth adopted her usual sympathetic tone, "Oh dear, was he mad at you; was it some you'd done?"

"Nah, not me; not anyone, I figure he's got some trouble, a situation, at home and that he was just taking out his frustration on us."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Well, from what I hear, this pandemic thing has meant that his kids have all decided to come home and from what I know of his situation, he ain't got room in the house for them all to be comfortable and since they've come back it sounds as if they are always fighting and such."

"Oh dear, I thought you got on well with him but that can't be nice for him and his wife."

"I dunno about getting on well; he's my Boss and I just do my job and try to keep my head down. I'm not too concerned about his domestic life and anyways, may as well be but, you know, it ain't easy working for a black guy and then to have to deal with his crap, well, ain't sure what he expects me or anyone else to do about it."

She gave him a stare of disapproval, "Roger, please don't use that kind of language in this house. You know I don't like to hear you speaking like that," she said primly which caused Donnie to smirk knowing just what kind of language she had been using but hours before.

"That is not the Christian way to look at things. Perhaps instead of complaining and criticising why don't you show a bit of humanity, a bit of Christian charity and suggest to him that, if need be, we have plenty of room. Maybe we could lodge one of his kids here. Heaven knows, we have enough space now that Charlie has moved out …"

Donnie looked at his father and sympathised with the apparent bewildered expression that showed on his face. For sure, their house might be considered spacious and, yes, since his younger brother had moved away upstate that left yet another spare room that would serve as a bedroom, " … but, really, is she serious?"

It was so typical of his mother to be making these suggestions on a whim without thinking things through; to be making these charitable gestures without giving a thought to the realities of what she was proposing. Donnie was well aware that his father's boss was a feisty character (he had seen evidence of that when he visited his office some time back), the black man was a brute and Donnie had no doubts that such an aggressive trait was most probably shared by his offspring and that it must be difficult living in that kind of environment. However, he knew better than to pass comment or contradict his mother once she had set off on one of her moralistic 'high-horses'. Better just to let her get on with the lecturing of her husband and hope that the pitfalls of her idea might occur to her before she actually extended the invitation.

"Roger, I think you should ask him tomorrow if he would like us to take one of his children as a lodger. I'm sure he would appreciate the offer and I think such a gesture will put you in good standing," she said in the saintly way she had whenever she was dealing with matters of charity.

Donnie could hardly believe what he was hearing. For Chrissakes, the topic had only been spoken of a few minutes before and here, as far as she was concerned, Game, Set and Match, problem solved without another thought. He looked toward his father to see what reaction he might make but he was disappointed that he said nothing, he just concentrated on sawing at the pork chop on his plate.

An uneasy silence descended until Donnie decided to break it by mischievously asking his mother, "How did it work out with that Gardener guy this afternoon?"

Roger stopped attending to the pork chop to say, "Gardener, what gardener?"

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. I have employed the services of the Church Janitor; he does garden maintenance as a side line in his spare time and I've heard good reports so I invited him to come and see if he could something to smarten our gardens up. I figured you wouldn't object as you never seem to find time and anyway you never have like gardening …," she said by way of explanation.

She said all this without looking at her husband but rather kept her gaze on Donnie as if she was half-expecting him to make some a further comment, daring him to contradict. Donnie didn't take the bait although he wondered if indeed she had seen him when he had peered into the kitchen earlier. He made no mention other than say, "Yeah, his name is Jacob, right? Looked like a useful man to have around; reckon he'll do a good job, *** .. good call Mom."

Ruth was relieved, she was uncertain that she had glimpsed her son at the door when she had been sucking off Jacob but clearly it had just been a trick of the light. She continued, "Yes, he comes highly recommended. We have agreed on $15 an hour and that he will visit twice a week. It should work out very well."

She kept her focus on Donnie's impassive face but his expression gave nothing away and her thoughts shifted to the torrid two hours she had spent in the bedroom with Jacob and how she had been fucked every which way by the tireless black stud. As she poured the gravy over her plate she shifted her train of thought again, back to the wicked idea that Roger's unexpected bit of news had prompted, that of having a black lodger in the house and the prospect of not having to find an excuse to go out and find black cock.

A smile crossed her lips as she fantasised on that situation. The fantasy was bought to an abrupt halt when Donnie said, "Mom, can you pass the potatoes please … ," then dropped his voice to a whisper, "… and, by the way, you've got something stuck in your hair."

She put her hand to her head and was horrified to feel the glob of cum that she had obviously missed when she had cleaned herself up earlier. She quickly turned her head to one side so that her husband could not see what she was touching and said, "Oh dear, I must have been a bit careless when I was beating the eggs .."

She stood up and went to the kitchen to find a cloth, stealing a glance to Donnie who left her in no doubt that he knew it wasn't egg white that she was going to wipe off.


to be continued.