Chapter Three


Donnie awoke to the familiar aroma of coffee drifting up from the kitchen but it being the weekend decided there was no rush to get out of bed so he closed his eyes and played his usual game of second-guessing what was going on downstairs from interpreting the noises his mother RuthAnn was making as she busied herself into the day.

It wasn't difficult to envisage what she was doing, RuthAnn was a very methodical person, and Donnie had no trouble 'following' her around the kitchen as she fussed and chided Roger, her husband. Sometimes the noises were muffled and a little indistinct but not today, through the clatter of dishes he clearly heard her saying, "Don't worry about a thing …. that's not your job … let me do the worrying … we'll be fine ... now be gone with you … have a blessed day."

Donnie finally heard his mother usher Roger out of the door with a goodbye and, next sound, the slam of a car door, a reminder that his father, despite it being a Saturday, was going off to work. The schedule of events was working out just as RuthAnn had planned.

He lay back and dozed for a few more minutes as he reviewed his own plans for the weekend. It didn't take him long and once he had decided how he was going to play out his day he eased himself out of bed and went downstairs.

"'Morning Mom."

"Hi, Honey. Did you sleep well?" she asked as she gave him a welcoming peck on the cheek. She didn't wait to hear his answer before returning to mixing some batter in a bowl on the counter.

"Where's ***, is he still in bed?" he asked disingenuously.

"Oh no, he's already out. Don't you remember he said he had to work today?"

Donnie played his part, "Oh yeah, I forgot."

RuthAnn snorted, "Forgot? Honestly, you never change. I swear you'd forget your own head if the Lord hadn't screwed it on right!"

Donnie laughed at the idea, pleased that his act of innocence had been effective. "What are you cooking?"

"I'm not cooking anything," she laughed, "I'm baking, it's a big day tomorrow at the church, Harvest Festival, and I'm having a session and figured on making a few cakes to take along. I'm also making some Blackberry Muffins. I thought it would make a nice welcome for our new lodger."

She looked at him and noted that the mention of 'lodger' caused no discernable reaction. Clearly, she thought, he seemed ******* that the arrival of the black lodger was far more important to her than Harvest Festival; that having a black man coming to stay was going to be the biggest event of her weekend. "I suppose you forgot that too. Don't you remember that we have Leon coming to lodge with us; he's going to be moving in and arriving with his stuff this morning."

Donnie maintained his impression of ignorance for a second, "Oh yeah. Now I remember. ***'s boss's son, right … that's today? I thought that was going to be next weekend," he lied.

He knew very well that this was the day but he didn't wish to let his mother know that he shared her enthusiasm and was also looking forward to the arrival of the young black man in their house. He had already witnessed what his mother had been doing last week with him and the boy's father when they were supposedly reviewing the accommodation of the basement apartment; he knew damn well that her interest wasn't so much in Blackberry Muffins, it was more likely directed to the Black 'muffins' of Leon and his father that she had most probably already tasted out on the apartment tour!

"And what are your plans for the day? The weather forecast says we can expect rain today. Do I need to count you in for lunch or dinner?" she asked as Donnie poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Uh, not much. There's the Ellington Triathlon coming up next month so I figured I need to up the training and I'm thinking that I may go out for a run around Crystal Lake. Later, maybe go into town, do bit of shopping but nothing on my schedule that's important. If you want I can stay and give you a hand to get Leon settled. What time do you expect to see him?"

RuthAnn's reaction was instant, "Oh no, don't even think of it. You go off for your run or whatever, I can manage without any help or having you in the way. He seemed to me to be a shy boy and I'm sure he would appreciate not being harassed by having too many people around when he's leaving home for the first time and getting used to being away from his loving parents."

Donnie concentrated on his pouring and hoped that his mother couldn't detect the body language that said, "WTF!! 'Shy Boy', 'used to being away from his parents', the guy is a complete thug!"

… but he didn't say that. Instead he said, "OK, if you're sure you'll be OK then I'll do my own thing and maybe see you after lunch."

(Also what he didn't say was that, "… actually I'm going to leave the house at the appropriate time, sneak around to the back yard and from the cover of the bushes get myself a good view through the windows into the basement.")

She nodded her approval and returned with vigour to her batter-stirring. Donnie not wishing to prolong the conversation took his cup back up to his bedroom and then idled his time with a leisurely shower and soapy hand on his stiffening cock as he contemplated exactly what he might be seeing later after Leon arrived.


RuthAnn slid the tray of Buns into the oven, set the timer and went back up to the stairs where following her son's example she also stepped into her shower. Just like him, who was having his leisurely wank in the next room in his stall, she also began to explore her body with wet fingers.

She found great pleasure in smoothing her soft flesh and confirming to herself that the advancing years had not been unkind to her. She might be carrying a few more pounds than she would prefer but, committing the sin of vanity, she knew she was attractive and could still turn heads causing the opposite sex to have a stirring in their loins.

She loved the feel of her slippery hands as they washed over her breasts and she smiled to herself how her nipples so readily stiffened as she pinched and rubbed around the dark aureoles.

She slipped a soapy hand between her legs and marvelled at how easily her fingers probed inside her pussy which has somehow developed a wetness of its own without the help of the water cascading down from above.

Her thoughts returned, as they so often did, to the evening when she had shown Leon and Eddie, his father, around the basement apartment and how the pair of them without any encouragement or embarrassment had on her request both slipped down their pants and shown her the size of their cocks.

Actually, she hadn't specifically asked them to do that, she had merely commented that she hoped the bed was long enough as she could see that he was a 'big boy'. Following their flirty chat prior to coming down into the room, they had interpreted her interest as being something quite different and, for her, it was a happy misunderstanding and she had taken the sight of their black fat cocks in her stride. However, it was a sight that had remained with her and she couldn't wait for Leon to arrive so that she might once again become better acquainted.

She closed her eyes and with the vision of his black cock in mind she took the hand-shower from its holder and with one hand still gently frigging her pussy she played the spray over her stiffened clit. It took but a few moments before she was gasping out what was to become her first orgasm of the day. Had she had opened her eyes she might have caught a glimpse of Donnie in the mirror who had abandoned his own shower to come and, as he often did knowing his mother's habits, was peeking around the bedroom door and bringing himself to an orgasm of his own.


Donnie let himself out of the door, did a weather check and decided that the light rain would not be a hindrance to his plan and so took a slow jog down the street but only as far as the bus stop where there was a bench so he could pretend to be doing stretches such as an athlete in training would do. In reality he wanted to be just far enough away from the house so that, unobserved by his mother or anyone else, he could see just when a strange vehicle would arrive and, maybe, disgorge a coloured passenger. He didn't have to wait long before a SUV with Leon's father at the wheel cruised passed him by and obligingly turned onto the driveway. It was only parked for a few minutes before it backed out leaving Leon standing with his luggage outside the front door. From his vantage point, even though he was way down the street, Donnie saw the door open and RuthAnn seemingly clad in just in her bathrobe welcome Leon into the house.

He resumed his jog and turned onto a muddy path that took him away from the street and toward the corn fields that backed onto the row of houses. Once away from view he abandoned all pretence of being out taking exercise and quickly diverted away from the path and made his way along the line of thorny bushes that served as a natural border between the housing and farmland. It took only a few strides before he found the gap that he knew so well from his childhood when against his parent's warnings about trespass he had escaped into the world outside. As a child, he had never envisaged that the exit gap might be needed in the opposite direction for other reasons!

He wriggled his way through with only minor scratches being inflicted on his bare legs and arms and using the less dangerous shrubbery of the back garden as cover he made his way toward the rising slope where a large bush that supposedly shaded the skylight window of the basement. Under normal circumstances it did just that but, as Donnie knew so well from his childhood when he used to spy on his older sister when she lived at home, if you scrambled up the slope and stood just right then most of the room could be observed with little difficulty. He crept into position and with the pain from the scratches on his arm and legs subsiding he looked down through the window and saw his mother still wearing her bathrobe entering the room with a slightly bemused Leon close behind lugging his bag.

They came into the room and were quickly lost to Donnie's sight but the window was open which allowed Donnie hearing her saying something to the effect of, "Let me give you a hand to get your things unpacked and then I can give you a proper welcome." (At least that was Donnie's interpretation.)

Leon didn't have much that required stowing away in the closets but that didn't prevent his mother from taking her time from moving about the room and fussing as she found hangers for him to hang the few pairs of pants and shirts and tops and such that emerged from his bags. She showed him the closet space and drawers for his socks and underwear before bending down to pat the bedcovers to demonstrate how comfortable the bed was going to be for him. All the while her bathrobe was becoming looser and had Donnie been able to have seen the way she moved there would have been no doubt in his mind that the purpose of going through these 'gymnastics' was in order to expose herself more freely.

Leon, likewise, had no doubts as to why she was taking so much time in repeating what she had already told him on his initial visit and picked up immediately on her signals. He obligingly loosened the tie of his sweatpants and pulled them down sufficiently to allow his half-erect cock to spring free.

"You already tol' me all dat, bitch, remember? Dis is what youse really after, ain't it?"

RuthAnn bristled at his crude language but chose to ignore it and reached out and grasped the fat black cock that he presented to her. She looked in wonder at what she held in her hand and said, "I'm sure the Lord will want me to make your stay here as comfortable as possible."

Donnie, who from his position could only see the top of their heads, heard the words drift out of the window and smiled to himself that no matter what activity she was engaged in that his mother would always bring her religious beliefs along and use them as a justification for the task in hand. Leon clearly didn't understand such devotion, he growled, "Fuck the Lord, git on your knees and suck!"

RuthAnn took her hand away and glared at him, "Young man, let us get a few things understood before you make yourself too comfortable. This is a Christian household and I will have no truck with taking the Lord's name in vain. Now I am willing to do my part carrying out God's mission for I believe he wants me to be an Innkeeper for lost souls but I will not have you blaspheming whilst I am doing my duty … and let us also understand that I expect good manners at all times and that it is polite to ask nicely."

Leon returned her glare with a look of confusion and wonder, concluding she wasn't joking but was indeed deadly serious. It was a difficult act to pull off as by now her bathrobe had become fully untied and she was delivering this sermon with her tits fully exposed. She took hold of his cock once more and said, "I am more than willing to do my duty but I will not have his blessed name sullied whilst doing so. Understood, do we have an agreement?"

Leon tried to absorb what she said, he never before heard so many words put together that were directed at only him. In his life, communication usually consisted of single syllables or grunts. She thought he got the message when he mumbled, "Yessum, Mam."

"Now, how do we ask?"

"Ahmm, please will you suck my cock."

"That's better. See that wasn't so difficult was it?"

Leon, still confused at being spoken to in such a manner, didn't know what to say so RuthAnn took his silence as an agreement and shrugged the bathrobe from her shoulders, dipped her head and slipped out of Donnie's sight.

Reckoning that both of them would be preoccupied in their respective positions Donnie felt safe in leaving the cover of the bush and he crept further forward and upward to improve his view .. and what a view it was. He raised himself up in order to get a better look and looked down to see Leon leaning back against the wall with his sweat pants pooled around his ankles; his naked mother on her knees before him, her bathrobe in a heap on the floor behind her but those details were overlooked as he focussed on what connected them, Leon's penis, wet with his mother's saliva, as she sucked on his fat stiff cock. Donnie, trying to cope with the sloping wet ground slipped and almost fell against the window such was his surprise, but he managed to steady himself without disturbing them by his presence.

For the next few minutes he indulged himself in the hope of seeing his greatest fantasy about to be played out, that of his mother being in the presence of a black man and about to be fucked. The scene before him was just like the one that often ran through his mind, a black stranger with a big erect cock and his mother being subjected to his demands. In his fantasy his mother had been forced into the position and had no choice but to submit to the violent demands being made by her black ******; in reality, here was his mother actually initiating and inviting her 'violator' to abuse her. That hadn't occurred to him in his dreams but it was an aberration that he soon put aside as he readjusted to the new reality and saw the enthusiastic way RuthAnn hungrily gobbled on the fat penis.

Leon, eyes closed, put his head back against the wall as at the same time he held her head as if he was concerned that she might need help maintaining her position. RuthAnn for her part had no intention of letting go of what she had been dreaming about ever since she had glimpsed him the previous week. He tasted as delicious as she had envisaged and she silently congratulated herself that her rosebud mouth had stretched open enough to accommodate him. Indeed, the longer she sucked, the more saliva that was produced to make the task easier and soon Leon was able to face-fuck her with little difficulty albeit that the spit was enhanced by, unseen, his pre-cum that was flowing just as freely. It was this nectar that RuthAnn was tasting with so much relish.

However, much as she was enjoying herself giving him pleasure, she had to admit that it was not the most comfortable position for a lady of her age (and one with dodgy knees) to be in for any length of time even though she often could be found in church doing just that, albeit there she would be on a comfortable Kneeler. So with an audible pop she pulled off him and with his helping hand got to her feet. Neither of them thought to look toward the window where Donnie, open mouthed and touching his own stiff dick, was continuing to watch them.

RuthAnn pulled Leon toward the bed and letting go his hand without any sign of embarrassment lay back and with legs spread misquoted from the bible, book of Proverbs, saying, "Leon, you need to understand that I am doing this as a duty, as a welcome to you into my home. The good book says, 'Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home; I looked for you and have found you. Come, let’s drink deeply of love; let’s enjoy ourselves with love!'"

Leon, his erect, dribbling prick jutting obscenely before him, forgot what she had told him regarding blasphemy, said, "What the fuck youse talkin' about, bitch. Get that white pussy ready to feel what it's like to have a real man-size cock fill youse out!"

RuthAnn chose to overlook his resumption of bad manners and spread her legs further apart and said, "For what I am about to receive, I thank you Lord."

Leon obliged and contrary to his crude behaviour gently pushed his thick black wet cock into her even wetter white pussy. Donnie gasped as he witnessed the puffy lips of her labia part to allow the fat purple knob to enter her and for the fucking that he had so often dreamt about to begin.

Donnie shouldn't have been so surprised at the ease of which his mother allowed Leon to penetrate her for he had often spied on her and seen her using her toys when she was in her shower, especially the latest one she had purchased by mail order and looked to be an awful lot like the real dick that was now fucking her.

She was totally absorbed in looking down at the monster that was so easily slipping into her although her expression was one of contentment rather than of passion. Leon's face, he couldn't see, but then he had no interest in that part of his body, rather it was the first black cock that he had ever seen that held his attention. (Unlike his mother, who he suspected had already been fucked by the janitor at church.)

It was all surreal, his mother, looking quite radiant, yet obviously submissive, as she lay under this tall, muscular black stud, paying homage to the oversized prick in her pussy; his Mom, in complete naked glory, in humble servitude to a well hung dark black thug.

Donnie was unable to take his eyes away from the scene of RuthAnn, watching her lily white hands attempting to fondle his balls as his cock pleasured her; his own mother committing this indecent act just beyond the glass window. He felt that his own, relative, puny cock was stiff as could be but was unable to confirm as he needed both hands to secure himself on the damp grassy slope he was precariously laying against.

The sounds from the room became increasingly muffled as the moments passed although it was clear that RuthAnn had abandoned quoting the bible to Leon as her words had turned into squeals and moans of pleasure whilst Leon responded to her with grunts that went in phase with each violent thrust as he pumped his fat cock into her stretched cunt. Donnie could not believe that his wildest dreams were being played out and that he was seeing his mother, the zealous, pious, church-going housewife, acting just like some cheap whore and giving herself to a black man who she hardly knew. He strained and dug his toes into the wet ground in an attempt to get a better view and then to his horror he felt his feet slipping on the damp grass. Despite his best efforts to steady himself he slid away from the open window and as he half-tumbled down the slope he heard his mother's final cry of ecstasy as Leon finally shot his cum into her womb.

He lay for a few moments on the wet grass and as he regained his breath he realised that the light rain that had continued to drizzle down throughout his viewing was not the only reason his shorts were so wet. It was clear that he had cum himself without knowing it. He picked himself up and retraced his steps back to the gap in the hedge and resumed his training run.


"Well, look at you. Soaking wet and covered in mud," was his mother's greeting when he got home two hours later. "I think you need to get yourself to the shower before you do anything else."

Leon, looked up from the kitchen counter where he was sitting but said nothing, just looked at Donnie with that blank expression that he was going to become used to seeing. The black man returned his attention to the muffin that was on a plate alongside the cup of coffee.

"Go on, get yourself to the shower and put that muddy running stuff in the laundry while you're about it. I don't want you dripping and messing up my clean kitchen."

Leon smirked to hear her talk to her son as if he was a naughty schoolboy. "No way would I take that kinda crap," he was thinking. He munched on the bun and mused to himself, "No, there was no way that I'm gonna be conforming to any of this bossy white woman rules. Ain't the way of the black man; there's gonna be a few changes being made around here and I reckon I'm gonna have to start with that fat fool of her husband when he gets home. He needs to understand that my Daddy ain't kept him in his job just out of kindness. We've got plans of our own."

He didn't share these thoughts with RuthAnn who was now engaged in mopping the kitchen floor where Donnie had dripped his muddy dampness on his way through to the shower, "Heavens, just what has he stepped in?" was her thought as she unwittily wiped up the smear of his cum.

She turned her thoughts away from the mess and reflected instead about the enjoyment that she had just received from welcoming Leon into their home. Like Leon, her thoughts drifted toward her husband, and how she was going to manage the new dynamic of having this black boy, this black cock, readily available to her in the house. Certainly Roger had shown no sexual interest in her for some years now and she wasn't certain what his attitude or reaction might be if she confessed to him that, "… the Lord has recognised my distress and frustration and has had bought salvation to me in the form of a lodger." She listened to herself saying this to her husband and then figured that, maybe, she might need a little time to work on phrasing this argument if it was to be convincing.

Donnie, meantime was standing under the warm flow of water in his shower re-running through his mind the scenes he had witnessed through the window. He still found it difficult to accept what he had seen his mother doing but, nevertheless, was pleased that he had and he wondered just where this new relationship might be going. His mind was still working overtime when he dropped his cum-stained shorts into the laundry basket and went back down the stairs to join Mother and Leon in the kitchen for lunch.

All three of them, RuthAnn, Donnie and Leon, played with the food on their plates wondering if they were to get their desires meet.

Not so Roger, he was still hard at work under the watchful eye of Eddie his boss and had no idea what awaited him when he got home.


to be continued.