
It's been little over a month now and I still find it hard to believe it all happened so quickly. Me, dutiful wife in a vanilla marriage to becoming now, um, let's just say, a little more interesting.

Let's have a recap and see how it came about.



Sitting in my kitchen and thinking about the weekend.

  • Yep, I’m married?
  • Do I have kids? No.
  • How old am I? Thirty four...
  • How long have I been married? Twelve years.
Um, what else?

  • Hmm. Oh yes, am I really cheating on my husband with a black man?
  • Umm, 'cheating'? Well, maybe, but not in so many words.
  • I am seeing a beautiful black man ... but my husband knows.
  • My husband doesn't play with me much these days ... instead he lets me play with other men, as long as I keep him up to date on all that is going on.
  • How did I meet my big beautiful black man?
Hmm, it's complicated or maybe not so complicated.


I've always been the adventurous one of our marriage, always willing to try out new things, like Asian street food, scuba diving, abseiling and crazy stuff like that.

My husband on the other hand has always just kind of retreated to what is comfortable. I love him but I never loved that as we have gotten older, as we have matured, my sexual drive has only increased while he has become more disinterested.

It's not that my husband is tiny or anything like that. God knows, he has always worked really hard to please me; it's just that he does it less now than he used to.

This weekend we were at neighbourhood house-warming party but I was the only who was really wanting to be there, hubby wasn't too bothered about socialising as he was missing football on TV.

So, there was this guy there who I'd seen around who doesn't live in our street but who I've noticed time-to-time walking by our house. He's a rather tall, good looking black guy and he caught my eye. I've always been somewhat attracted to black guys. Something about them, the lips, the skin colour, the promise of their supposed sexual prowess or maybe it was the confident manner they have about them, almost seems like an arrogance.

I seen it many times, whether it was when I've been out shopping, in a supermarket or maybe at a pub or wherever, if ever I found myself talking to black guy he would always maintain eye contact, like he was shamelessly checking me out, and often along with the eye contact there would be the gentle touch of the arm while I’m talking; maybe a hand in the small of my back if we both happen to exit a restaurant or a shop at the same time.

Anyway, I met this guy at the party and this encounter was no exception.

As we talked and, yes, flirted, he would keep his eyes locked on mine, touch my arm when he said something clever and it felt so exciting. There I was with my husband at the same party and, although he didn't see me, there I was talking to a good looking, tall black man with his hand on my arm.

It was tiresome to be standing so we moved our conversation to the garden and a set of lawn chairs. My black friend grew more forward and when he would say something 'clever' he would place his hand on my knee. A little later as he became even more 'clever' he would touch my thigh. It was so sexy and I knew I was getting a little damp with all the touching. As he spoke I somehow found myself looking at the bulge of his shorts, yes, the reported size and thoughts of his abilities kept running through my mind...

Anyway, it was good to get to know each other for the first time and when it was time for us to go he hugged me and I appreciated it when he held me just a little longer than your standard hug. I didn't let go either and I figured we both wanted to make sure the other one would know we were interested.

So I (with my husband!) went home and, in so many words, shared my story with him. He didn't seem particularly interested or showed signs of being angry. His reaction kind of led on from the recent discussions we've been having recently about our marriage and what it means to be committed and faithful to each other; my growing frustration in the bedroom; his workaholic weekdays. Those conversations had gone as far as us deciding that one day we could handle the idea of me venturing out. I told him, "Well, now I wanted to venture out.!"

Having said that, I was aware that I might be making assumptions and that the conversation situation with Collin might be just a onetime thing and it wasn't even guaranteed that Collin would be interested. For sure, he's the tall, good looking black man and I'm, well, I'm white, willing and able which is no guarantee of anything further than party conversation going any further than that.

However, talking with hubby, it was agreed if the perfect circumstances came up again, that if it were to happen, it must be kept a secret between us; that we must observe safety measures and, most important, we have respect for each other if the perfect circumstances came up again.

Well, those perfect circumstances magically appeared a couple of weeks later.


Wednesday, two weeks later:

About two weeks after the neighbourhood party I was at the local supermarket when who do you suppose I see? Yep, you've guessed, it was Collin, my tall dark and handsome man of my most recent fantasies; the one who I was constantly thinking about when playing with my favourite black dildo!

In those two weeks since I had last seen him I had had more chats with my husband which had confirmed that he would not be mad if I took that fateful step and it had been two weeks that my interest in Collin had turned into full blown lust. Was it a craving; an obsession? Nah, I think it was best described as full animalistic, magnetized, insanely hot and always wet LUST!

Anyway, there I was in the drinks aisle to be exact, and I came up behind him and said something stupid and goofy and obvious like, "hey stranger!"

He turned and smiled the sexiest smile alive (well, that's how I saw it) and he said something like, "I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to see you again."

I melted and knew I had him at that point! I smiled back and touched his arm like he had touched mine at the party. We talked some more, joked a little, flirted a little more, touched here and there and then he asked me if I would want to get some coffee sometime or maybe a drink.

"Wow....YESSSSSS, you bet; is the Pope a Catholic?! Why don't we do it right here?" was my inner thought but I played it cool. I paused; stared; smiled and said, "I would absolutely love have coffee with you."

Yup, that's all I said! So we exchanged phone numbers and he told me he'd call me on Friday to see about meeting on Saturday!


It was on the drive home that I realised that I had forgotten all about picking up the wine that I had gone to the store to buy, my mind was in a mess as I tried to figure out the next steps! I knew that despite the conversation had with my husband that wouldn't be as easy as, "Hey sweetie, I have a date!"

Even though we had established a way forward for my proposed freedom, at this point it was just a proposal. What we had talked about had yet to become reality and I knew that despite all the talk that it wasn't a guarantee. I knew that telling him I was 'having coffee' was going to be fine but for anything more to happen, I would need some serious diplomacy!

Thankfully, despite the lack of action in the bedroom, my husband adores me and I usually get what I want anyway. So when he got home from work at his customary late hour I revisited the conversation we had had without giving out too many concrete details. I needed just to feel him out.

He fixed himself a drink and came and sat in his chair and switched on the TV. There was a game of football being played. What a surprise!

I'm a very affectionate person and so it's not unusual for me to climb in his lap when he's watching TV or snuggle up under his arm or rub his leg or his back or his face while we're talking. So I came and sat in his lap, hit mute on the TV, and said I wanted to talk to him. (The game didn't feature 'his team' so I knew I would have some of his attention!)

I repositioned myself by straddling his lap and asked him if he was serious about me going on dates from time to time.

He said, "yes".

I asked him if he thought we were solid enough to do something like that.

He said, "yes", he believed so.

I placed my hands on his face, and asked him if he was confident in my love for him.

He said, "yes".

I asked him if he was insecure about me going on a date with another man.

He said, "no".

This 'conversation' was actually starting to turn me on at this point.

While this was just talk for him and that he had half an eye on the TV, I knew I was working towards a very real encounter and it was definitely getting me a little excited. I went for broke.

I asked him if he understood (all cards on the table) I might actually have sex with someone else?

He said he assumed that was a possibility ….!

… and this is when he surprised me. When I mentioned the possibility of sex, he started rubbing my back very affectionately. I instinctively pressed my pussy into his crotch and I could tell this was turning him on too, he was getting hard!

I smiled down at him and kissed him and his hands drifted down to my bottom. He pulled me into him and our kissing became more passionate. When we parted to take a breath I whispered to him that Collin, the tall black guy from the party had asked me out for coffee. He immediately stopped kissing me, lay his head back so he could see my eyes and asked, "Are you serious?"

I, still holding his face, just smiled and nodded.

He gave me a strange look as if he was confused or something so I asked him if everything he had just said was true. He didn't say anything so I leaned down and ran my tongue over his lips (he used to love me doing that when we'd make out or had sex, he always says what a great tongue I have!) and this time was just like the old days. He was very receptive and, like always, he moaned a little when I did that and started to pull me in closer.

We proceeded to have sex right there on the armchair, not saying anything, just fucking. We hadn't really fucked in a while. Maybe there had been a couple of times in the past few weeks when we'd made love but it had been a while since we really fucked!

I was on top but he was controlling the pace, pushing up into me and it was a different feeling that I was getting. It wasn't on purpose, I wasn’t purposefully trying to gauge his commitment through his arousal, but through his obvious excitement I knew this new freedom was not only okay but it was going to be very good for us.

We moved to the couch where he could lay me down and really show me his approval! I felt him 'explode' inside me and it felt good.

Anyway, the strange thing that happened next was that after he came he got up and went to take a shower without saying another word. I wasn't sure how to take this so I didn't say anything either. I figured I would wait for him to decide when to talk more about.

That was Wednesday...



When my husband got home from work we finally had our talk and he apologized for acting so weird after our romp in the living room.

I asked what happened and he said that after he had shot his load that suddenly he realised how strange it was for him to have gotten so excited by 'that kind of conversation'.

I asked why but he really didn't want to say a whole lot more he just said that, "It felt weird; I don't want to talk about why; it's not you, it's me", or something like that.

I wasn't letting this one go so easily so I told him we had to talk about it or we'd regret it later; that we need to get all our feelings on the table in order for us to not have any problems down the road; that I didn't want either of us to end up resenting each other.

So he said that while he never really ever pictured himself the kind of guy who would be in an open marriage or let his wife have sex with other men that it was weird for him to have become so aroused about it.

Aww! I hugged him and told him I loved him and that I would always love him and that it was just sex (boy, was I going to be proved wrong!). I asked him if he wanted me to wait or if he thought I should still go for coffee with Collin.

He said that he wanted me to go.



I could hardly contain myself. Collin never said when he was going to call, just sometime Friday.

I was like a schoolgirl all day, nervous, excited, anxious, as my thoughts kept returning to the fantasy of being with my first black man.

I was hoping he might call during the day when my husband wasn't there but he didn't, he waited till the evening and called when I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. My mobile was in my pocket and when it vibrated I knew it was him because I had already saved his number. Hubby was in the living room but nevertheless I stepped outside into the back garden and answered.

I melted when I heard his voice, so sexy, and all I could do was think about what it felt like when he'd touch my arm or my knee or anything; just talking to him made me start to get wet

We talked about a place to meet; agreed to a time and then he asked me in that sexy voice if my husband was okay with me going out for an 'innocent coffee date' with a neighbour. My heart gave a jump, he never mentioned my husband before but somehow to me that made the whole thing more exciting, even hotter!

I told him that hubby was fine with it.

He asked if I had really told him and I said yes or I wouldn't be so willing to go out in public.

He laughed at that and then said he was so glad we met and that he looked forward to our coffee.

I said goodbye and went back into the house and told my husband of the 'arrangement'.

The next day everything begins to change for us!



A restless night and I wake up early. I get up, go out for my run; come home; shower and then spend forever deciding what to wear. I riffled through the wardrobe, pretty dress, sexy dress, short dress, sensible dress? So many dresses. How to do my hair? The decision took just as long to make but, eventually, I got it together and, Yep, that'll do, I look hot.

I went with a summery dress that was short enough to show off my legs and, if I chose to bend forward, my cleavage. I had already told myself not to seem too eager or that he already had me from the first hello; I wanted him to work for it"!

Husband decides that this not a day he wants to stay around the house. I wonder why?

Anyway, he goes off to go and play golf (I think) and leaves me beside myself with nerves. All sorts of things are going through my head ranging from 'Is this is crazy?' to "Yes, this is crazy!' Anticipating what might happen 'after coffee' had me even wetter and, yes, those ideas were wonderful. Was I ready for the great adventure? Oh God, I was so ready.

Was I?

Yes; Definitely!

So off I go and what with all the changing of the clothes, redoing the hair and then trying to find a parking spot, I was a little late. I get to the coffee shop and I see him sitting outside at a little table. He sees me and I pick up the pace, but remembering that I don't want to appear too eager I force myself to slow down to a stroll to hide my excitement.

I walk up and he smiles that gorgeous smile and says, "finally, you made it ..." and gives me a hug, a really good one. I didn't want to let go, he smelled so good and felt soooo good. I could have stayed in that embrace all day. (Well maybe not all day, that would defeat the object of what I was hoping coffee would lead to!)

Anyway, he orders our coffee, and at the table we make some small talk. I’m hoping that he doesn't notice I'm nervously playing with my dress, my hair, my fingers or that I'm making goofy statements, laughing a little too hard at his lame jokes, things he says that are funny but really aren't that funny.

Then it happens, he leans over and takes my hand in his, holds it and he asks me why my husband is okay with me going on a date or rather, his words, 'on a date with another man?' He says that if I were his wife he wouldn't let another man within a hundred yards of me. It was a corny thing to say but it sounded so good coming out of his beautiful mouth.

I tell him that my husband is fine with it, that in fact he told me to go and have fun; that this is something we've been talking about; that, Yep, we're that kind of couple.

I could have said something a little less obvious. I could have said something that would have protected my husband's ego a little more than that but the only other alternative was to say that I was doing this behind my husband's back and that certainly wouldn't have been telling the truth.

He smiled, held my hand and gave it a squeeze, rubbing his thumb over my little hand. It looked so small. Then asked if this meeting was a onetime thing or could I go on another date with him?

I said that my husband and I hadn't really said anything specific about what I would/could or wouldn't/couldn't do but that I thought that would be okay; that I would very much like to go on another date.

Then he asked if that next date could happen tonight!

Wow, he was that eager but I said probably not.

By this time I have my other hand rubbing his while he's rubbing mine just so he gets the idea that I am just as eager as he is but I also 'talk' to him with my eyes (I can really talk with my eyes) and I have an uncontrollable smile. I suspect that I also had a little bit of a blush forming around my chest (that's what happens when I get turned on!). He reads the signs and he gets bolder.

He pulls away and reaches under the table and places his big, strong, black hand on my thigh and asks me if tomorrow night would work. He said unnecessarily that would be Sunday and that he didn't have to go into work on Mondays and, hint hint, " it shouldn't be an issue if your husband is really alright with this and wanted you to go and have a good time, we could take as much time as we needed." (Actually, those are my words but that was the drift of the conversation).

Still smiling and rubbing my thigh, lightly tracing his fingers but not getting too far (I guess it was the gentleman thing to do, to not touch my increasingly, dampening panties) I was so turned on that if he had asked I would have taken him home with right then without even a second thought.

I would have regretted that and later Collin said that he knew that. He said that he didn't want to blow this for us or threaten my marriage. He said he was willing to wait a whole twenty four hours if I wanted to clear things at home.

In a breathy voice I said I would talk to my husband and after I would call and let him know tonight. He didn't move his hand, he kept rubbing my thigh and looking me right in the eyes and with a very appealing grin on his face, he asked if I really wanted to go out with him tomorrow night or, was I just saying that?

I moved forward on my seat causing his hand to raise a bit higher up my thigh (but not all the way) and I touched his face and gave him a very little but motivated kiss on his lips and said, "I promise."

He said, "I think we're going to have a very good time."

We left our coffee and he walked me to my car. He was the true gentleman and opened my door, hugged me and gave me a little kiss on my lower neck.

Wow, I got in my car and drove home. I didn't know what I was going to say to my husband but I knew damn sure I was going to say it!

I got home so unbelievably turned on with my mind racing through all the possibilities. I still can't focus because I still have to talk to my husband. I'm fairly confident how things are going to go because of our last conversations but you never know, this is a whole new world for us, one that we really haven't defined.

So I started thinking, "How should I act; should I act in a way that is true to what I'm feeling or will that be offensive to my husband?" Maybe I should downplay it, ask to go out but pretend like it's up to him, that I'll be fine either way? I knew I couldn't do that, he'd know I was lying or that I wasn't being real.

So husband comes home later than expected and I can tell it's awkward as he never really looked me in the eye when he asks how it went.

He went to put his golf stuff away and I followed him and told him it was great, that Collin is a really great guy and we had a really good conversation.

He asked if that was all that happened, that I seemed pretty giddy for just a conversation.

He sits on the edge of the bed to take his shoes off. I sit next to him and I told him as he held my hand that, yeah, "it was a really nice conversation".

"Really?" he said, "anything else I should be worried about?"

So I said, "why would you be worried about anything. I was only doing what we talked about; .you told me to have a good time, that's not fair."

He apologized, sort of, and then said he worded the question wrong. He asked again, "did anything else happen, besides holding hands and talking?"

I kissed him, just a peck, nothing more, and taking a breath I turned toward him, looked him straight in the eye, put my hand on his and said, "yes, I'm going out with him tomorrow night." I didn't ask him, I didn't say 'it's up to you', I didn't say 'if that's alright'. I just said it!

He looked at me for what seemed like an hour and just said, "so this is what we're doing? "

I simply said, "Yes."

He stared again and then nodded before he asked the appropriate questions, 'where are you going; What time will I be going out; What time will I be home?'

I said, "I have no idea. I need to call and find out."

He nodded again and got up and went into the bathroom and showered. I sprinted downstairs, called Collin and said that tomorrow night will work and that I was very excited.

Collin said that he was excited to hear that too and that he promised me a very good time; that he was going to cook for me! My mind was really racing at that point.

Really, Cooking for me; in his house; where he sleeps; where he can do private things with nervous white wives?!

I was definitely flustered and beyond excited! Tomorrow was going to be amazing, there was no way I was going to get any sleep tonight!

Would we have sex?

How big was he?

Would it be the dream sex I had hoped for?

I was so glad I didn't have to wait a week to see him again!



Finally Sunday funday arrives! We had gone to bed with an obvious tension between us and when I awoke it was no different. Certainly, I had hardly slept thinking about things.

Anyway, after waking up I tried to keep my mind occupied through the morning with doing housework. I didn't see much of my husband till lunchtime when we ate together but no mention was made about my upcoming date. After lunch I cleaned up the kitchen and decided to go food shopping. On the way back from the Supermarket I deliberately drove by Collin's house to check out the location (and see if there were any signs of him; there wasn't!) but figured it now being mid-afternoon that it was about time to start getting ready.

I got home, put the shopping away and found my husband 'working' in his office; I told him that I was going to take a shower. For the most part, it was a normal shower except while I was shaving my legs I decided to go ahead and shave my pussy completely bare. Not something I normally do but I thought I might as well treat today as a very special occasion!

So I showered, shaved, did my hair and makeup (which, as I don't wear much makeup, didn't take long) and then, once again, I went through my wardrobe looking for just the right look and reasoned that since Collin seemed to really like the summery dress I had on for the coffee meet, I decided to wear something similar, but just a tad shorter and with a lower neckline. I checked myself in the mirror; Yeah, looking hot!

I still had an hour before I needed to be at Collin's so, being the brazen hussy, I texted him and told him I would be fashionably early. He texted back, 'great'.

After having been by his house earlier that day, it was no problem finding it and not two minutes later I was at his door. I rang the doorbell and was greeted by, what seemed to me, the sexiest man alive. Not an exaggeration, he just looked so good.

He smiled to see me there and I just melted; his big brown eyes; his dark, black skin; his big, very kissable lips; strong arms; big hands and, for the first time, I noticed a rather pronounced bulge below the belt of his trousers. This was going to be fun.

He welcomed me with a hug and said that since I was so early, we were going to have to wait for dinner. He took me by the hand and led me into the living room where we sat down on the couch and began to talk. We sat close, not on top of each other but far enough away that we could both turn towards each other.

He commented on my Summery dress and how much he liked it; he asked me if I would like a glass of wine and I said, "absolutely."

He left for the kitchen and then came back with my wine and a beer for himself. I took a sip and we resumed talking. He moved closer and as we got more comfortable he put his hand on my leg and asked me if I was nervous.

I said, "No, should I be?"

He laughed and said, "Good to hear but now it's time to eat."

Dinner was good but I wasn't really concentrating on the meal so don't really remember how good, that part of the night is a bit of a blur, I do remember that after dinner I helped clear the table and tidy the kitchen. It was afterwards that the memories are completely clear.

I started to walk back towards the living room when he closed in behind me and put his arm around my waist and lowered his gorgeous mouth to my ear and asked me if I was able to stay for a while longer. I responded with a very breathy 'yessssss'.

I could sense his smile on my ear, he said, "good, I've been looking forward to this since the first time I met you."

I knew what he meant; he knew that I knew what he meant, especially when I leaned back into him and lay my head back and reached my hand back to feel his head. He knew what I wanted and so he leaned down further and started lightly kissing my neck. Lightly but ever so sensually. I was so unbelievably turned on, I could feel myself getting very wet, and all I could do is moan while he kissed his way down my neck.

I couldn’t help but press my butt back toward him and it was obvious that he was much bigger than my husband, much bigger (did I say much bigger?) and that knowledge came before I had even felt him in my hand yet. He took my pressing against him as a sign to proceed further and he reached down and started rubbing between my thighs. I was so hot, I could not control myself in the slightest and once again all I could say was "yesssss" in between moans. He finally reached my panties and said, "It’s so nice that you're as excited as I am".

He rubbed over my panties for a few moments before moving them to the side and then slid his index finger along my slit. I sensed his smile again when he said, "let's start in the living room."

He led me to the couch and sat down. Without hesitating I straddled his lap and began kissing him and it was lovely to watch a man as we are preparing to have sex, looking into his eyes as I move myself and grind myself into his crotch. It was made more lovely that his was such a large crotch to be grinding against.

He put his hands on my butt and pulling me into him while staring up into my eyes, he asked me, "have you ever cheated on your husband?"

I said, " no, but this wasn't really cheating since he knows."

He smiled and then asked if this is the first time I've been with another man since I've been married. I moaned a 'yes' and he asked me, "have you ever been with a black man before?"

My moan changed to 'no' but added it had always been a fantasy.

Still smiling he said, "well, this is going to be a very good night and I'm going to make sure we take our time enjoying each other and make your fantasy come true!"

He then pulled my little Summery dress up over my head which, as I don't normally undress in front of men I barely know, felt as natural as anything could. He unhooked my bra and ran his big hands up over my bare breasts. I naturally put my hands on his and he smiled before leaning up to briefly kiss me. He then picked me up and turned me over onto my back so I was leaning back against the sofa with him kneeling between my legs. He looked at me and told me how beautiful I was and how much fun this was going to be.

He pulled off his shirt and for the first time I saw his chest. He wasn't exactly 'ripped' but, by God, it was very strong looking. He leaned down again to kiss me but this time with more passion. His tongue entered my mouth and it was the most exquisite tongue I'd ever had, so big and firm and wet and soft and all at the same time. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him as close as I could get him. He kissed me for quite a while and then he broke away and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to make you scream tonight, Lindsey. You're going to experience more orgasms tonight than ever in your life, Lindsey. You're never going to want to fuck anyone other than me when I'm done with you, Lindsey." Then he pulled back again and looked me in the eyes and said, "That's what you want isn't it Lindsey; that's why you're here, isn't it Lindsey?"

All I could do is nod.

I couldn't speak.

I could hardly breathe.

I just nodded.

He smiled and then put his lips back on my neck and kissed down to my breasts. He took one nipple in his mouth and after a moment of feeling his hot warm breath then moved to the other and so it went on, back and forth, lovingly and tenderly kissing my breasts like he needed to be suckled. Then he moved his kisses further down until he reached the top of my panties. He licked inside them and then said, "Raise up Lindsey so I can get these out of our way."

I did so immediately. He slid them down and when he saw my bare pussy, he asked, "How did you know, did you do this for me, Lindsey?" I just nodded.

He slid my legs apart and pushed them back towards my chest and began licking my very wet, bare, white pussy with his wonderful tongue. He started very lightly, up and down, up and down, and then lightly sucking on my clit. He repeated this a few times and then slid one of his big fingers inside me, slowing pushing it in and out (very slowly!) while continuing to lick my and suck my clit in between his lips. It was so good and he knew he was sending me over the edge.

I gripped his head and was thrashing my head back and forth from side to side and then, he stopped! He looked at me and smiled and said, "Not yet. The first time you're going to come is going to be on my cock!"

He stood up and unbuckled his belt. I had been wanting this moment since the first time I saw him and in my fantasy I wanted to be the one to undress him just like he would have undressed me. He had already fulfilled that part of my fantasy so I sat up, ran my hand up the leg of his pants and I looked up at him and told him, "I'll take care of that."

I ran my hand over his bulge, his unbelievable bulge, over and over, and leaned in and kissed it. He approved so I pulled apart the belt, snapped the waistband button and then pulled down the zip and in the same movement pulled his trousers down. He stepped out of them and I looked up and saw he was wearing boxers which highlighted his very manly manliness. I couldn't help myself but run my hand over his swelling and every once in a while look up at his smiling face.

His expression told me he might like me to do more so next I put my thumbs inside the band of his underwear and started to pull them down very slowly, inch by inch, to reveal a beautiful cock, the one that I suspected was nestled inside. It seemed to go on forever. I finally pulled them all the way down and gave a sigh when I noted that although he wasn't fully hard yet that he was already much bigger than my husband, much bigger. He was thick and long and, like me, he was shaved bare. With a grin on my face I returned his earlier compliment and asked, "did you shave this for me?"

'Maybe' was all he said.

I had never seen a cock as large as this big before. It wasn't obscenely big, but it was big ... and black ... and beautiful. I stroked him a few times and was gratified when it began to get even bigger.

I asked him if he liked that.

He was a man of few words, "kiss it, Lindsey."

I licked my lips, leaned in and licked the head. I licked all around (just the head) back and forth and, God, it felt and tasted so good, so good. As I licked he was getting harder and harder so I changed tack and licked all the way up his shaft from the base very slowly until I reached the top and again I licked the shiny knob, swirling my tongue all around.

I opened my mouth and tried to get as much in as I could (which wasn't much!) and with my mouth full I reached under and started holding his balls; fondling them; cupping them; massaging them with my hand while I continued to make love to his cock with my mouth and tongue. He clearly liked what I was doing and he started to buck back and forth a bit, trying to get more of himself into my mouth. He didn't get far, I just couldn't take very much (at least, not yet) I wasn't used to such a big cock, that thick or that long, so I leaned down and instead took one of his balls into my mouth while I stroked his cock. All the while I held his gaze and then I'd go back to licking up his shaft and try taking him into my mouth once more.

I could tell he was enjoying it although I'm sure he had better blowjobs in the past but I could tell he was enjoying it as he started breathing heavier and closing his eyes. I felt him pulse so all of a sudden I stopped and teased him back by saying, "Not yet, I want your first orgasm to be inside my pussy."

He smiled.

I smiled.

He leaned down, kissed me and then moving so he was kneeling between my legs again he asked, "Are you ready for this Lindsey?"

This time I could talk. "Yes, Collin. I've never wanted anything more."

So here I was, half laid back on the couch, Collin between my legs, smiling that gorgeous, almost arrogant, smile as if he knew this was going to change me more than it did him; asking me if I was ready; grasping his magnificent cock in one hand with his other hand, his thumb, rubbing my clit. Through the haze of the excitement I reminded him that this is my first time with a man that was so big. I didn't share my other thought which was, 'yes, also the first time I was properly cheating on my husband'. So I ask him, "please go slow..."

Again, still smiling, he says he knows and that he will take all the time that I need.

I knew he'd say something like that and I knew he meant it but hearing it relaxed me and his gentle voice also drove all thoughts of my husband from my mind. Which I needed...

He held his cock and started to rub it up and down my pussy, covering the fat knob with my wetness. Just seeing that was intoxicating. I looked at him, he looked at me, and he knew I was ready, more than ready. He gently started to enter me and I was relieved that he wasn't so thick that he couldn't get it in which was a worry for he was much thicker than I ever had imagined. I could definitely feel the size difference. I looked down to see him entering me; he slowly moved in and out and as I returned my focus to his smiling face I'm guessing he had only pushed about a third of himself inside me and, Oh My God, it felt so good.

I couldn't decide what I wanted to look at! I would alternate between looking up at his face and looking down at cock. When I'd look up he'd lean down and kiss me; when I'd look down it was such a sexy, naughty thing to behold, a black man's big black cock sliding in and out of a white lady's pussy. If I had to choose which looked sexier, I'd chose the latter!

Slowly he slid more and more into me. He got what looked like half way, I think it was then that he was deeper than I'd ever had before, when he got there, deeper and thicker now than I had ever had, I let him know it, Maybe I gasped a bit, moaned a bit, I don't remember which but I do remember when I looked up at him and put my hands on his chest he immediately kissed me, snaking his tongue into my mouth, and all I could do was suck. God, I love his tongue. As he kissed me he sank a bit deeper and I screamed (this was as much as I could take at this point).

He knew I didn't have to say anything so he leaned back and watched himself enter me, slowly sliding back and forth, not going any deeper, in and out...in and out...in and out. I was going crazy, I'd never felt so wet; so wet feeling of that big cock and enjoying the image of watching it.

It was the image that tipped me over the edge and I knew I was going to cum. Oh God, did I ever cum! It was the biggest orgasm I had ever had! I was screaming and gasping and pushing him and grabbing the edge of the sofa. I closed my eyes and arched my head back, my whole body tensed and, God, it was amazing. He never backed himself out of me but he stayed still deep inside until I came down from my euphoria.

He leaned down and kissed me, passionately, then kissed me again. We kissed for a while and then he whispered into my ear that were just getting started. He then pulled his still stiff cock out of me, helped me up and asked me if I was able to walk to his bedroom...

As soon as we got into his room, he closed the door, turned the lights on and started kissing me while backing me toward the bed. As soon as I felt the mattress against my legs I fell back and scooted up and he crawled onto the bed between my legs. In the same move he immediately started to enter me again and as I was so wet and worked up from I thought it would be easier now... but it wasn't. He slowly pushed into me again, arched up over me with his arms straight, and went slowly in and out but this time he was circling his hips as he moved; it felt so good. He did this for a while, just watching my facial expressions, smiling, sweating, in and out, circling. Then he started to put more pressure, further and further into me, in and out, in and out, circling, watching me, all the while smiling. God, I was going insane.

I didn't know if he was all the way in yet; it felt like it had to be but he wasn't laying all the way onto me, he kept going until I came again. It was bigger this time than last only as I moaned out my orgasm this time he didn't pause, he just kept slowly going in and out. As soon as I thought I was coming down, damn me, he pushed all the way inside me, hard and holding it there for a second or maybe it was an hour, I don't know!

Then he told me, "Now I'm gonna fuck you".

He pulled almost all the way out and quickly pushed back in. I was screaming the whole time with my eyes clasped shut and my arms gripping his back (or maybe it was his arms, I was so confused!) It was amazing, incredible, and so orgasmic. I felt wave after wave of pleasure and then on a rising wave I had at least my third orgasm at this point and it was the best. He was like a machine, he just kept fucking me over and over, no circling, just in and out, slamming, fucking and it felt like it was going on forever.

I had lost track of time up until the point when he told me he was going to cum. In all that we had talked about, we hadn't mentioned protection; I don't know why, I had planned to, but right now, I wanted to feel him cum. He was so deep, I wanted to feel it; I wanted to know if it would be different than with my husband. So I said, "Cum inside me".

He started going faster, harder and grunted, "Here it comes!" He groaned, I groaned and then I felt it, he came inside me and it felt sooooooo good. I didn't cum when he came but it felt so good. I could feel it, each time he spurted his sweet stuff.....

A final spurt and he collapsed on top of me. I hugged him closer and kissed his cheek and his neck and told him that nothing I had ever felt before could compare with what he just did. I could feel his face smile next to mine as we both we fell asleep.

I awoke, saw that it was 11:30, panicked remembering where I was, and raced to get up and get changed.

Collin stirred and said that I could stay the night if I wanted but I had to go home and tell my husband.

I hurried home and then just sat in my car, thinking about what I was going to say. I hadn't thought about this all night, not while I was being so beautifully fucked, not while I held Collin in my arms, not while we kissed and said goodbye. It wasn't until now when I saw my house that I wondered what I was going to say. So I took a moment, sat in my car on the car pad just looking at my front door and then turning my attention to our bedroom window.

The house was in darkness, no lights anywhere. I wondered if that meant he was mad, sad, regretful; I wondered if he was even at home! I started to panic a little but reassured myself that we had talked about it, how he seemed to enjoy the talk, and so I knew that even if he was mad we would still be good together.

I turned the car off, got out and quietly shut the door, walked to the front door and equally carefully put the key in, opened the door and once in I quietly shut the door, carefully put my keys in handbag, took my shoes off and crept up the stairs. Down the hallway I saw that our bedroom door was half open, I pushed it and saw in the gloom that my husband was on his side of the bed. He was faced away from me toward the wall and he didn't make any signs of movement. I began to walk around the bed toward my side but then decided it would be best to shower so instead I went into the bathroom, closed the door behind me and turned the light on. I took my clothes off and turned the shower on then for the first time I was able to see myself in the mirror. Not surprisingly there were some red marks on my neck, on my chest, my breasts. Not hickies, just red marks which were evidence of Collin's passion.

I smiled remembering what it was like the last time I was naked that night as I got in the shower and let the water run over my head. It excited me again just thinking about what I had done, about what had been done to me. I ran my hand down over my pussy, it was sore, very tender, so I didn't get crazy, I didn't masturbate.

The soreness perversely reminded me that I still needed to talk to my husband so I gently soaped and washed myself, made sure that I was clean (especially my pussy) and turned the shower off, stepped out, dried my body, brushed my hair and put my long t-shirt on. I crept back into the bedroom and he still hadn't moved so looking at my husband's back I pulled the covers back and slipped into bed. I waited to see if he would say anything, watched him for movement, listened for his breathing. Nothing, just me and the moonlight and this awkward silence and cold space between us. I turned over and eventually went to sleep.



I woke up and remembered that I had sex with another man last night, the best sex I'd ever had last night, with a man who did things to me that had never been done before, or at least the things he did were done better than had ever been done to me previously. Then I reminded myself that a conversation with my husband was still on the horizon. It needed to be done or else it would just be more painfully awkward the longer we waited.

It always seems to be me that has to start the difficult conversations we have. It's something I don't like very much but I do it because it needs to be done. So here I go, I was going to do it again.

I had slept in the same position all night, back to back, so I turned to see if my husband was still there. He was in the same position I'd last seen him. I turned my body toward his, snuggled up to his back and wrapped my arm around him. Then the best thing that could have happened, happened, he grabbed my hand in his and held it. No words, not even the sound of a breath, but he held my hand.

I kissed his shoulder and said, " Are you ok?"

He said, "I think so. Are you?"

I smiled to hear his calm voice and I pushed up onto my elbow, kissed his shoulder again and said, "Yes. I am. Do you want to talk about it?"

He answered the way I knew he would, as he always does with difficult conversations, he came straight back and asked, "Do YOU want to talk about it?"

I said, "Yes, but can I see your face?"

He said, "I'm fine but I'd like to stay like this for a little while longer."

I said, "Ok. I don't really know what to tell you. Do you want me just to tell you what I want to tell you?"

"Whatever you want to tell me is fine Lindsey."

He was still holding my hand but now he was lightly caressing it with his so, I took that as sign he wanted details. He had gotten excited once before when I talked about meeting Collin so I figured that this was what he wanted, so I told him everything.

I told him how I had gotten there early and how nervous I was. I described how Collin looked, what his place looked like, the layout, the couch; how I had a glass of wine and that we ate dinner and then cleaned up together. I was getting pretty horny telling this story to my husband so I started inching my left leg up and down his, pushing myself further into him. He seemed calm as he listened and to be enjoying my words and my touches. I was smiling big now.

I leaned down and kissed his neck and then I whispered in his ear, "Do you want to turn around yet and face me?"

He didn't say anything but slowly turned onto his back. I rubbed his face and kissed him and ran my tongue over his lips which he loves sooooo much and then I pulled back and looked down at him as I slowly ran my hand down his chest. He was breathing a bit heavier so I went a bit further. I ran my hand over his crotch and found out how much he was liking this, he was hard as a rock. I smiled and asked, "Do you want to hear more?"

He just nodded and said, "Go on."

I told him then how Collin had come up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss me. I told him how much this had turned me on, how I could feel him pressing into my back, how he had felt my legs and started to feel my pussy. I kept rubbing my husband's cock while I talked and I reached inside his boxers and started stroking him. It felt different, I swear, harder now, different, so I kept going..."I was sooo wet, honey, soooo wet."

Stroking him and smiling, I leaned over and kissed him. I told him how Collin took me to the couch, how I kissed him, ".. just like this…", how he pulled my dress off and laid me down and kissed my breasts; how he licked my pussy.

I could sense my husband was getting close, so I slowed down, released and started to rub his balls very lightly. I smiled, kissed him and then told him how Collin wouldn’t let me cum; that my first time would be on his cock. I told him how he stood up and how I undressed him, how nervous I was.

I started stroking my husband's cock again knowing he was so ready to cum so I released again and ran my hand up to his chest. There was no stopping me now and I knew I was getting so wet again so I told him how big Collin was, how he felt in my hands, how little my hands looked on his cock. I told him how I took him into my mouth and how big he felt. I then told him how Collin knelt down and started to enter me. I repeated how big Collin was, how it took my breath away; how I watched him slide in and out of me. I told him how Collin wasn't all the way in but felt so big, so thick, and then how Collin took me to his room; how I got on the bed, wanting him, all of him.

I started stroking my husband again and by now his precum was streaming and lubricating his cock so I was stroked slowly but more firmly, knowing he was going to cum soon. I told him how Collin put himself back inside me, how he started to fuck me.

I stroked him a little faster and told how I had never felt like that before, how I was cumming and screaming and scratching and pulling. I told him how hard Collin was fucking me, in and out, so deep, so hard. My husband closed his eyes so I knew was going to cum soon. I leaned down and kissed him passionately while I stroked his cock. I felt him tense but I wanted to watch his face so I pulled back and watched him and with a smile I told him to cum. Before I could get the words out, he did, a lot, all over my hand, his stomach. As I looked at the white mess coating him I thought that he'd cum a lot ... but not near as much as Collin did.

I smiled at him, he smiled back and said he was going to clean up. He went to the bathroom and I knew we would be ok.

(I didn't tell him that Collin came inside me; I didn't even tell him we didn't use a condom. I thought that detail could wait till later!)

The most difficult thing about this whole thing is that Collin lives in our neighbourhood. Good for me but awkward for my husband. How were we going to navigate this? Collin told me that once I had been fucked by a black cock that once wouldn't be enough for me and that I wouldn't be able to quit him after just one time. He said that after feeling his cock inside me that my husband wouldn't be enough for me anymore.

Boy was that true! So figuring out how we were going to do this without scandalising the neighbourhood or hurting feelings was the next difficult conversation I was going to have with my husband.



I called Collin that night. I hadn't stopped thinking about him or the night when he opened my eyes, the night he showed me how sex should feel like, how a man can truly take a woman, should take a woman. This was also the same day that my husband had revealed (through his excitement and subsequent orgasm!) how much he liked the idea of his innocent looking, conservative appearing, sweet, goofy, very white wife being fucked by a very big, very black, very sexy, very manly, very close neighbour.

Anyway, I called Collin. I was beaming from head to toe, from cheek to cheek, I could hardly control my giddiness. I had the best sex ever (or so I thought!) and my husband was seemingly on board! So I called him, told him how much I thoroughly enjoyed our evening. He replied with a flirty chuckle, and said he already knew that!

He told me he couldn't stop thinking about it, how amazing I felt, how tight I was, how wet I had gotten, how I screamed. He said the only thing he regretted was not showering with me after and that next time he's going to fuck me in the shower; that our first time was nothing compared to what it will be like when I get used to his size. He said next time that we will fuck all day!

He was really turning me on and all I could think about was putting down the phone, getting in my car and driving to his house! Nice thought but I was still too sore for that. Instead I told him that I needed to talk with my husband again.

Collin asked how my husband reacted. I didn't give him any details about our morning chat, I wanted to keep that between my husband and me, something special between us, so I just said everything is fine and it won't be a problem to see him again. I could imagine his smiling face at hearing that; I'm sure he could imagine mine.

He asked when he would be able to see me again. I said that I hoped it would be very soon. He said, "me too".

I told him that I would talk to my husband and call him tomorrow. He said, "call me tonight".

I said, "no, it would have to wait until tomorrow. "

I think he was disappointed, a little cross perhaps, but I was trying to create some boundaries. I knew that I needed them and in some way, Collin was going to have to see that my husband would come first.

I needed to see that too, as did my husband. I knew I would have to explain this to Collin and I hoped he would understand and still be interested in me. He would have understand that he would be second as far as my relationship with my husband is concerned but I would assure him he was definitely the first as far as my pussy was concerned!

Anyway, we hang up and I waited for my husband to get home. When he did it was the same old; same old, he kissed me on the cheek, went upstairs and put on his t-shirt and shorts before we sat down and ate. As ever, we then cleaned up the dining room and kitchen talking about nothing more substantial than his day and then settled down to watch some TV.

Come bedtime, I went upstairs to put my night-shirt on (that's what I call it but actually it's a football shirt of my husband's, his favourite team, Chelsea). It's pretty big on me but I love sleeping in it.

Anyway, I put my shirt and went into the bathroom. I was looking in the mirror while I pulled my hair back and was preparing to wash my face and brush my teeth when all of a sudden my husband appeared behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, "Is this how Collin held you?" That was very sexy; VERY SEXY!

I told him, "yesssss" in my breathy voice and he started to run his hands down body to my legs. There was no doubting that he was wanting to have sex. So did I but, damn it, I was still too sore, so I held his hands, looked at him through the mirror and said, "I can't have sex yet, honey, not tonight but I do want to talk about all of this with you."

I looked at his face in the mirror and could see he was irritated, felt rebuffed. He asked, "Does that mean you don't want to have sex with me again."

I turned and held his face and looked up at him and said, "It's not that, I still want to have sex with you. I want to right now, badly, but I just can't yet. Collin was so big and I'm still really sore!"

He just looked at me so I took him by the hand and led him to the loveseat that is in our room. He sat down and I straddled him, something I always do when we're alone; I'm very affectionate and like to be close to him. I put my hand on his shoulders and said, "I talked to Collin tonight and I want to see him again."

He had his hands on my hips and said, "I figured that. Besides, we already discussed this as an ongoing thing."

I said, "I know. I just want to talk about it so we won't get hurt. For sure, I want to meet Collin every once in a while but I don't want us to get hurt. You're first to me, forever, … " ('forever' is 'our word') " … but I really want to be with Collin again but I want us to figure out how to keep it discrete since he lives so close by. If I'm always seen going to his house or if he is seen at our's without another woman, well, you know, people might start talking."

In all our previous chats I had never mentioned anything about a potential lover coming to our house but as I settled more into his lap it was obvious this was turning my husband on again, I could feel him getting hard underneath me. He started to run his hands up my back, under my shirt but I stopped him and said, "I'm serious, this is something we need to figure out."

His irritation returned and he said, "Yeah OK, we’ll work it out but, let's be clear, if he comes here, I don't want to be here."

I said, "I thought you might say that."

He asked why if this was so important we couldn't go to hotels or somewhere other than where we lived. I told him that would be fine on occasion but it would seem 'seedy' going to hotels all the time and, in any case, " ... we'll just have to be careful and try not make it a nightly thing."

Again, I could feel him throbbing below me, somehow such talk was turning him on, was it the phrase 'nightly thing'?"

He started running his hands up my back again and this time I let him. I responded and gave a shudder and a little moan at his touch but have to admit I was thinking more about the phrase 'nightly thing' and Collin. It might have been my husband touching me but all I could think about was how Collin said our first time won't compare to our next time; about showering with him, stroking his magnificent black cock; washing him; kneeling down to take him in my mouth. Yeah, I was definitely responding to my husband but it wasn't his touches that was the cause.

I kissed him and whispered on his ear, "You like talking about this don't you; You like thinking about it don't you? Tell me you do. Tell me and I'll help you."

He grabbed my butt and pulled me into him. He felt my wetness (I was getting so wet) and then he simply just said, "Yes."

I slipped off his lap and knelt between his legs. I pulled down his shorts and his underwear and took his cock in my hand. Somehow it felt different I hadn't noticed it before, not ugly to me or unimpressive, it just felt different. I couldn't help but compare him to Collin, how easily I could get my hand around, how easily I was able to hold my husband. How much bigger Collin seemed now in comparison ....

… but I still loved my husband and I still loved his cock so I took him in my mouth. I looked up at him, smiled a little (difficult with my mouth full of cock!) and told him how much I loved him, how much I loved doing this for him and I told him that will never change. As I started in moving up and down his cock I ran my hand down to my pussy. I was still sore but very wet and I wanted my husband inside me, to see if that felt different too, but as much as I just wanted him inside me I didn't think I could yet so I just lightly rubbed myself and concentrated on sucking my husband.

I would slow down; speed up; lick and swirl my tongue around the head and then stop completely. I'd pause and look up at him; stroke him a little; lick and then kiss him; take him in my mouth; stop; look up at him and start over. He didn't suggest that I do anything different.

It was nice and I didn't want this to end for some reason, so I just kept going back and forth but eventually I could feel his throbbing getting more intense and I asked him, "Are you ready to cum?"

He groaned, "Almost"

I asked, "Do you need to cum?"

He just nodded and, my God, he was so hard.

I asked him, "Do you want me to see Collin soon?"

He just looked at me, said nothing, but I could tell it excited him.

I asked him, "Can I stay all night with Collin?"

He was really tensing up.

"If I promise to tell you everything? If I promise to tell you everything we do; everything Collin does to me?"

I took him back into my mouth and he groaned and came in my mouth.

It's not something I've been very keen about, though we have done it before, but this time I loved it. I was glad that I did that with my husband knowing that the next time I would do it with Collin.

I couldn't wait for the weekend!



I spoke to Collin on the phone to let him know that this coming weekend would work for me if he still wanted to get together.

He responded, "Of course I want to see you. Will you be able to spend the night?"

I told him, "Yes. I spoke to my husband about it and he's okay with it."

He asked, "He's just okay with it; does he like the idea of you being with me?"

I knew where he was going with his line of questioning and I didn't want to give him too much information about my marriage, so I said, sternly, "That's all I'm going to say Collin. He said I could stay with you for one night."

God, it sounded just like I was in my teens and telling a girlfriend my Mum had said I was allowed a sleepover. Anyway, he got the message and dropped the issue.


Tuesday night:

An awkward day at home. My husband didn't want to talk about it.


Wednesday night:

Also awkward.

My husband didn't want to really talk about this new situation unless we were being intimate. Every other situation, things were fine. We laughed and played and talked about our days. Ate dinner; I would ask if he was okay (he would surely know what I was referring to and say "yes") but he would then leave the room or break eye contact, turn the TV up, do anything but talk about it. It was frustrating to say the least.

I knew it was awkward for him. It was for me too but we needed to have an open dialogue about what we were doing. I had no one to speak to about this. It wasn't as if I could ask my friends what they thought or I'd hear what they thought about things I didn't want their opinion on, like sleeping with another man! Neither was I willing to talk to Collin about this as I had tried to establish a boundary where he wouldn’t be able to interfere with my marriage, at least in terms of him giving advice regarding the handling of my husband. So I was on my own and was now planning to leave it alone until after I had come home from my next date.



FINALLY! It was after dinner on, my husband asked me, "So are you still planning on going out tomorrow night?"

"Yes, is that okay? I've been trying to talk about this all week."

He said, "I know. I'm sorry, I just didn't feel comfortable talking about it."

"And you do now?"

"Yes, I've really been wanting to and I'm thinking you'll probably be gone by the time I get home from work tomorrow."

He was right. The plan was for me to be at Collin's by 5:30. He said he was going to take me out to dinner somewhere out of town where no one would know us. So, yes, I would have to leave home a little early.

"So are you okay with it still?"

"Yes," he answered, "I am."

"Do you want to talk what I'm going to be doing?"

"I know what you'll me doing," he said sort of sheepishly.

"Not that. That part's a given. I meant, do you want to know where I'm going and when I'll be back, that part?"

He nodded so I told him. He listened and then he just got up and went and turned on the TV. I didn't push it anymore, he said he was okay with it but somehow I knew he'd want to talk a lot more on Saturday when I got back home, a lot more!

I wished we had talked more specifically but I was satisfied that we had at least mentioned Friday.

I had been thinking about this all week, fantasizing, reliving what we had already done; thinking how this next time could be even better. I took a shower before bed and I couldn't keep my hands off of myself! In the bed, all I could think about was Collin and what we'd be doing; what he'd do to me; what I wanted to do to him.

I went to sleep or at least tried to.



God, I was in a perpetual state of horniness!

Collin called and said to pack an extra pair of clothes in case we decide to go out and do something different after dinner. He also asked me to pack a swim suit, preferably a bikini, which I thought that was weird and he wouldn't tell me anything else. I found my bikini and did as he asked.

I showered and shaved as Collin seemed to enjoy my pussy being bare. As I stroked the razor over my mound I thought how pretty it looked and I couldn't wait to see him sliding in and out of me. Being completely bare made it so much better to watch.

So I showered, shaved, dried and put my hair up and proceeded to pick out my clothes. I'm not too particular about what I wear normally but I wanted to be able to feel his hand on my leg and I wanted to look extra pretty for him so after many failed attempts I finally found the 'one' and packed my other clothes, did my hair (again!) and, finally, my makeup.

I don't usually wear much makeup and my hair is straight and I don't normally do much styling with it but I looked in the mirror and decided I was ready, so ready. I was so excited I could barely contain myself so, again, I went to his place early. What a loser, right?

I got there a little before five and walked up to his house and rang the door bell. He must have been standing behind the door for it opened immediately and he smiled and said, "Somehow I knew you'd be early." I was disappointed to see he was already dressed!

He hugged me tight and, God, I didn't want him to let go of me. It was so nice feeling his big arms around me snuggled up into his very manly chest. He smelled so good and all I could think about was ripping his clothes off but with my arms around him, I looked up and just smiled and asked if he had missed me.

He said, "Of course. I haven't been able to get my mind around anything else all week."

I smiled a huge smile and said, "Good. I thought about you a few times as well."

He leaned down and kissed me, not crazy with passion but light and soft, just barely licking my lips with his tongue.

He asked if I was ready to go.

I said yes.

He said it would be best if we used my car and left his parked outside his house, "we don't want the neighbours to talk, do we?"

I said, "OK".

He said, "good, let's get going because we have a bit of a drive."

I asked him where we were going and he just said it was a surprise.

That he wasn't telling me where we were going was so exciting, just like this was a real date. And it was. It was a real date that I knew exactly how it would end and the ending was going to be so good.

I drove and he pointed us to a road out of town that took us into the country. After an hour I got a pretty good idea where we might be heading and I silently approved of his choice.

After two hours, we arrived at a hotel which I knew well, it was the one where my husband and I had spent our short honeymoon 12 years ago! How did Collin know; was this just a coincidence?

God, this made it all so much more exciting. I thought about calling my husband to let him know, but I thought he might be upset that we were going to be staying at 'our' place, so I didn't.

The whole drive there he had his hand on my thigh was holding my hand. When traffic allowed I was running my hand up and down his forearm, it was so erotic. We talked about normal things. He told me about where he grew up; where he went to school; that he had never married (but there had been a couple of close calls) He told me about his football exploits (that may or may not be completely true!). I talked about where I grew up; what I studied; my ****** but I never spoke about my marriage, that was a line I promised myself I wouldn't cross.

Once we got to the hotel I noticed there had been a few changes since my previous visit. It had reinvented itself as a Spa resort which I guess was the reason why Collin told me to bring along my bikini.

We checked in and I got impossibly excited at the look the receptionist gave when she assessed me, a white woman, being in the company of this handsome black man. (Yeah, right, as if this is the first time that ever happened!)

He picked up our bags and we found our room on the first floor. We didn't bother unpacking.

My night was about to start...


To be continued.
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