I awoke late morning, famished and thirsty. My joints ached and my vagina felt as if it were on fire. I had to take the risk of crying out, to see if anyone was near, but my calls went un-replied too. I was alone. I lay there, shifting as best I could, trying to ease the pains one limb at a time, and listening carefully. Only silence and the sounds of life on the streets, and they were not nearby. At some point, I broke down and cried. My tears and sobs were met with the stony silence of chipped plaster painted in a hideous pastel yellow, a broken door, and a cracked window overhead. The only lightbulb overhead was off, and it was getting steamy-warm inside. There was no breeze. An errant fly landed on my skin, and I shifted harder and harder until it got the message to go away. My skin was sheathed in sweat, and I could smell my body odor. I could also smell my womanhood and the scent of stale semen, mixed with my own dried juices. All in all, things sucked. Eventually, I fell asleep again.

The sensation of needing to pee horrifically badly woke me up sometime later, and I cried out again. Nothing. I was mentally preparing myself for peeing on the bed when I heard a bang, and a voice call out. It was a male, but I could not identify him. I called out.

“In here! In here!”

A blackhead popped in and saw me there. I sorta’ thought I might have recognized him. He wasn’t one of the original four black men who ***** me, but I think he may have come in the middle of the night and cum in me then.

“Please... I need to use the bathroom?”

He just looked at me.

Okay… how’s this. I need to pee.”

So much for polite conversation.

“Pee? You?”

I nodded vigorously.

“Okay. Come.”

He then began to untie me and glory of all glories, I could move again! But oh Lord did it hurt! I had to take a few minutes to be able to move my arms and legs, which he sorta’ helped me with and didn’t cause me much extra pain. He did help me up, and with a hand on my arm, he led me to the toilet. What I found wasn’t exactly 4-Star accommodations, but it was a toilet, and it did have water in it. So, I sat. Oh, Lord, it was such a great feeling of relief! As I void my bladder, I realized I wasn’t alone. The door wasn’t even there, and he was leaning against the frame, watching me. I looked around and found some tissues and took the opportunity to evacuate my bowels while I was at it. I even made the most of the toilet and began to squeeze my Kegel muscles and flex my vagina as hard as I might, to be rewarded with the heavy plop of semen. I was far from clean, but I was at least empty. I was past caring about my modesty. This guy, and who knew how many others had fucked me, and knew me on the most intimate level a man can know a woman. Feeling much relieved, physically, I looked at him as I began to use the tissues.

“May I have some water, please?”

He looked at me blankly and I had to make the pantomime for drinking, this he understood. He left me to finish, but his footsteps of return held a surprise. It wasn’t water, but a rope. I looked at him with shocked brows as I shakily stood up. He had about four inches in height over me.

“For water?”

Again, I made the pantomime and he nodded.

I sighed and he reached around my body and used the rope. I thought he was going to tie my arms or something, but instead, he did something even more surprising. He tied a loop around my neck and secured it. I now had a leash! I tried to move, to resist, and his one quick yank put an end to that! My new leash was about eight feet long and was a thin, dirty nylon of some sort. It wasn’t prickly, but it was certainly strong enough to keep me from running away. But he did lead me along the hallway to the area representing a kitchen and turned on the tap. Brown water came out of the stream first, before turning more or less clear.

I looked at him, and he looked at me, and I wasn’t particularly interested in drinking potentially contaminated water. I tried to step away, but he used my leash and yanked me hard toward him, making me collide face-first against him. He grabbed me by the hair and pushed my face to the faucet. I had no choice but to drink, and after the first tentative taste, I realized it didn’t taste bad. Not good, but not bad. So, I began to slurp as much as I could and as fast as possible. Bent over as I was, I was so focused on the water that I didn’t realize his hand was rubbing my ass. Once I was sated, I tried to stand up, and after he finished groping my crotch, I asked carefully.


I didn’t bother asking for food. There wasn’t a crumb in sight.

He pulled my leash to have me stand up. I made a pantomime to shower. He looked quizzically at me, and then he sniffed his fingers. The way he pulled back made me smile. A small return shot for all the abuse I had been enduring. It wasn’t much, but sometimes it is the little things. He left the water running as he started to lead me outside, and I paused long enough to turn off the faucet before being yanked again, quick-stepping to avoid falling on my face. This leash thing was going to take some getting used to.

Stepping outside, I realized we were on a back street. The house was on a street both front and back. The front wasn’t very busy, and the back was less so. I was looking about when I felt the leash again, and this time as we walked, I kept stepping on tiny stones and crying out. He looked at me like I was crazy, and then I pointed to his feet and then my own. He had shoes. He started again, only this time more slowly, so I could at least pick my steps. We finally stopped around the corner and down another street, a clothed black man and a naked white woman on a leash. I could feel eyes on me as we walked and could hear the tittering and laughter from others inside other buildings. Despite the humiliation, there was nothing I could do. With every step, my C-cupped breasts juggled and swayed, and the motions combined with the exposure were making my nipples aroused. I wasn’t feeling particularly excited, but my nipples became hard as diamonds! We eventually ended up in this sort of communal shower. Broken tile everywhere, and a shower head that only had one stream and very low pressure. But I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth and stood under the endlessly running water, from head to toe. I was going to look like a wreck, but I was going to at least smell better!

I took all the time he would give me and used my hands to slosh the water everywhere. I started with my crotch, then my armpits, and under my breasts, before rinsing my hair as best I could. My hair is a tad thicker than most, so it took some time. It must’ve been close to 30 minutes by the time I was done, during which all he did was lean to the side and leer at me, while his hand held the leash. When I would bend over, he made a point to check out my ass, or even try and get a glimpse of my vagina, and I noticed he was pulling on his shorts, masturbating in a very limited way. But he had an erection. When I finally felt as clean as I was going to get, using tepid water and no shampoo, soap, body wash, wash cloth, or any of the other things I was accustomed to having, I started to step away Only to have my leash yanking me backward, this was starting to piss me off.

I turned and glared back at him, only to see him using his hands to draw me closer by my neck until I was next to him. Then he grabbed my long hair in his fingers and pulled my head back and then down. I got the message and was soon on my knees before him, looking up. Holding the leash with one hand, his other undid his pants, to ****** his hot, throbbing black snake. He was also grinning with yellowed, gapped teeth, and I think a few were missing. But that didn’t matter, and I got the picture. It was time for payback.

I lifted my hand daintily to his manhood and ever so gently began to stroke the soft, sensitive underside with just my finger pads, while my blue eyes looked at his cock with some interest. I couldn’t see anything bad, but it didn’t smell great. I began to wish he had taken a shower with me. But he had made his point clear, so I let my hand slide along the base of his cock, until I could gently palm his scrotum, feeling the laden jewels inside while my long fingernails gently sketched the base of his sac. He moaned deeply, and his head fell back, and with a final determined breath, I leaned my head forward, and placed a soft, pouty kiss on the head of his cock. I ended the kiss with a lick of the slit with the tip of my tongue, before pulling back and giving a final glance upwards, seeing just his chin.

Leaning forward, I opened my mouth and began to suckle his velvety dark-skinned cock into my mouth, and I could feel it swell in my lips. He gained some girth just from a woman’s touch! My tongue gently swept back and forth on the soft and sensitive nerve endings just behind the foreskin and heard him moan even louder, with his hips beginning to rock to and fro. The tension I was making his body feel caused his arms to pull on my leash, but I ignored it. I had him on a roll. Even with my head tilted, I kept bobbing my head on and off of his black warrior and was soon rewarded with a surprisingly fast ejaculation. Maybe just a few minutes of sucking his cock was enough, though he did explode a heavy amount of his black cream. So much so that it splurted past my lips and onto my breasts and stomach. I didn’t even try to swallow. His jism was the last thing I wanted in my body as I was beginning to grow more protective of my baby. He pulled away from me and I spat his remnants from my lips, some of it landing on me.

I rose, dripping his seed from my nipples and down my chest, and looked down as he was looking at my body. I made the gesture again.


He pushed me that way, and so after catching myself, I made my way back under the shower head and rinsed off, using some of the water to rinse my mouth out again. He just tucked himself back into his raggedy shorts. When he was ready, he just yanked on my leash, and I had to leave. Then he led me up the street whence we had come. At the intersection, though, he kept going, and I stopped. There we got into an argument of sorts. I thought the dumbass was lost!

He yanked and I shook my head, demonstrably pointing the correct path back to the house. He shook his head, and I kept pointing, my voice finally speaking in an angry tone.

“The house is that way, Asshole!”

That earned me a slap on the face, followed by a quick backhand. For once, I was glad I had the leash, because, without it, I would have been on the ground. He hadn’t pulled back, and he wasn’t screwing around. He leaned forward and glared into my eyes, face to face. I got the message. We were doing it his way. I could not help thinking how comical it must have looked, in a perverted way, this naked white woman on the leash of a black man, as he calmly led me wherever we were heading, and my docilely following. But it wasn’t like I had a choice. I was lost, didn’t speak the language, was naked, had no resources, and was out of ideas. Things were looking bad.

Not soon enough, he led me inside this other building. It made me think it was a store of some sort, only it was long abandoned. More cracked and broken tiles on the floor, which I could at least walk on, cracked and broken plaster walls painted vomit-green, and a ceiling with holes in it. I was led into the middle of this larger room, and he took the end of my leash and as I stood there perplexed, he knotted it to another rope that was hanging there. Once he made sure it was tight, he then walked into another room. For lack of anything else to do, I followed him, only I was jerked to a halt about six feet from the doorway. I was at the limit of my new, improved, longer leash! But that wouldn’t last.

I felt a sharp tug on my leash, pulling me backward, and so I started to back up, only to not make any progress on being pulled backward. The leash was being pulled faster than I could step. That is, at least until I reached the center of the room. Then everything stopped, and I looked up. The knot on my leash was now out of sight, and I was now held fast by something in the ceiling! My kidnapper, as I began to think of him, returned, with some more rope, and a piece of cloth. He made little effort in tying my wrists behind my back and gagging my mouth with the cloth. At this point, I was close to breaking down in fear for my future. I was tired, thirsty again, hungry, sore, and just in all sorts of misery. I tried to flex and flail, to no avail. He had me secured and silenced. He then looked me over and snorted, before walking out, leaving me alone with a big empty room, in a bigger empty building, and only my thoughts for company. I stayed like that, with only a small ability to step about, until the sun started setting.

It was then I started to hear footfalls and voices, all male and some chattering and some laughing. Then they began to enter. I was, of course, the center of attention, with fingers and hands beginning to feel me up, molest me, pinch me and pretty much have their way. Some were gentler, some less so, which made me squeal. My nipples once again rose to hardness, which enticed some of them to molest them further, twisting and even pulling on them, sometimes painfully, which made me cry out. Other hands were feeling my ass, my vulva, and my legs, some looking at the bottoms of my feet, even. Several times, my belly was felt and I was pretty sure that those that did it recognized a growing baby in my womb. It was the weirdest thing to experience. It was like I was a horse being evaluated for….

It was then I had that oh shit moment. I was the captive of human traffickers, and they were going to hold an auction. Only I was the item up for sale! I had figured it was just more black guys who were going to **** me, in some depraved ritual or something. I was now growing very afraid. If I was sold, I was doomed. My thoughts were distracted by the heavy beat of a hand against the wall, and the room quieted down. Then this one guy, who was with a few of the guys I recognized as my kidnappers and rapists, spoke loudly and proudly, gesturing to me often. He wasn’t speaking in anything I would recognize.

Then the auction began. It took about twenty minutes before the wall boomed again and it was done. I was now sold to some other black guy. I had no idea who owned me, now, or what his plan was for me. However, it came evident, very quickly.

The guy who bought me emerged from the men and stood next to me and yelled out something or other, and he started to have a few men stand near him. I saw what looked like money being exchanged, and then I felt a hand on my ass, spanking me twice, which made me yelp. I turned as best I could, spying this really ugly man with half his teeth missing, one eye occluded with a cataract, a puffy cheek disfigured by what must’ve been the scar from a knife fight, and long, scraggly white hair.

While I was contemplating him, I felt the leash drop, and I was untied. Well, my leash was untied from the building. My new owner then dropped it to the floor and then stood on it, as he finished his transactions. All the while I felt a new sensation behind me. A finger was now stroked up and down the crack of my butt-cheeks, and I was growing nervous, but also oddly aroused. My breath started to draw a little ragged as I felt the finger trail down lower and lower until I felt it gently depress my anus. That made me flinch, and yelp softly. My owner turned and saw me and then looked behind. But instead of admonishing the man, he reached for my hair and pulled me lower, until I was bent over, then he replaced his foot on my leash in the new position. The ugly guy behind me then began to kick my own feet wider apart, until they were just outside my shoulders. Gagged, and with my wrists tied behind my back, I was truly helpless again!

I again felt the stroking along my backside, and the pressure on my butt, which made me grunt loudly, something to which my owner did nothing about. Then the pressure eased, and I felt a finger, presumably the same one, now sliding along my heat. My vagina had been showing some arousal, I suppose from early on, when I was being evaluated and molested. It took little effort to feel that digit slide my folds open and then feel around for my entrance before penetrating me, which made my back arch, and my voice utters a soft grunt. Only then did the real sexual tension begin, as the finger began to curl inside my love canal and tease my sweetest spot. It is the spot all women know and wishes and pray men would find in those passionate moments. Only this wasn’t a passionate moment, and this guy knew where it was. He began to work my body against me very quickly, and it did not take long before I was flexing to cope with the raw sexual tension rapidly rising inside me. I moaned and mewled, I whimpered, and I whined, but nothing was going to give me relief from him. My whole body began to tremble from arousal, and I was leaking my love juices from my pussy, where I could see a few long, thin tendrils of my syrupy lubrication fall from my petals until the trail snapped and became a droplet landing on the floor between my feet. By the end, there would be a puddle of it, marking a permanent stain on where I was sexually assaulted many times that night.

But my thoughts were blinded by the extreme sexual pleasures I was feeling, and I couldn’t stop. After a few minutes, I was bucking my hips and screaming in ecstasy, my body out of control as it wanted to fuck, and fuck hard. Then I shuddered violently and had my orgasm, my body emitting a small flash of my juices that joined the small puddle of love lube on the floor. Hands-on my hips held me steady as I struggled for air through my nostrils and gag, but I made do. Then I felt it again, the finger sliding around my ass, and gently pressing on it. The pressure would vary, and then stop and circle, and then press again. I was whimpering from this, and I found some relief when that finger seemed to press back into my vagina. It stroked me a couple of times and then very frustratingly withdrew. I wanted to fuck so very badly it almost hurt! Then I felt the pressure on my butt again, only this time it was firmer and didn’t stop. I arched my back, yet still held bent over by my leash, as the pressure increased and finally forced its way inside me. My flew head back and my voice cried out, as the pressure continued, and I felt a deeper violation of my body before the finger just sort of rested there.

After a short time to adjust, it began to wiggle back and forth and even slide in and out a little, before I heard someone spit and felt the warm saliva splat against my ass. It took me a moment to realize this wasn’t going to be some form of ritualized torture or whatever these people were doing to me, I was going to be anally ***** by at least one of them! I have had anal sex with my husband, Steve, but it was more experimentation than anything, for the both of us. In the end, he mostly enjoyed it, but I was not the biggest fan. Despite the heavy application of lubrication, and the gentleness of his approach, it still hurt and hurt a lot. It would take several bottles of wine for me to be ***** enough to try that again. We agreed not to do it anymore. But now it was happening, and I had no choice, and no water-based lubrication to protect me. The finger inside me kept worming around inside, flexing and feeling and generally just opening me, until I heard a pair of pants drop, and saw some dirty shorts hit the floor. I looked down, unable to identify them, as the finger withdrew and was instantly replaced by what I thought was a thumb. But then the thighs belonging to the shorts began to jolt against me and I realized that the thumb was a black cock and I was being fucked anally. My anal **** had begun!

I looked around as best I could, which wasn’t much, and realized a crowd of sorts had gathered to watch this anonymous black cock penetrate my butt over and over again, while I was helplessly trussed up and could only take it, and take it fully. While it was sore, it did not take overly long before some less painful, and even pleasurable sensations began to form. I wasn’t crying out in pain or pleasure, just grunting as each time his pelvis impacted my butt jolted me. But the pace picked up, and so did my voice, until he was wildly thrusting and fucking me with abandon. I realized he was cumming inside my ass when he bellowed out and tried to shove his cock in me so hard it was like he wanted me to taste it.

There were some cheers, and I could hear back slapping, then he was soon replaced with another. Only this guy was bigger, and he had way more strength to him. He held onto my hips as he had violated me and began thrusting in very powerful strokes. It was easier to take him, but still uncomfortable, and I cried out in distress until he was fully seated inside me. Once he started to cycle his hips and use me like a cock-sleeve, I continued to grunt loudly, and I suddenly heard some loud chatter, though I could not focus on it. The next thing I knew, my owner had stepped away from my leash and I was hefted up by my thighs, still impaled by the black cock in my ass. Hands held my legs apart, and my pussy was made available to any takers. Soon there was a cock inside my vagina and my ass at the same time and I was being bumped, jostled, and lifted by these out-of-sync thrusts. The cock in my vagina gave me pleasure, and the one in my ass had stopped being even remotely painful. Both cocks were fucking me hard, and it was sending my mind spiraling into lustful confusion. My boobs were jostling in response to the heavy jolting I was taking, but they weren’t always in tandem, which gave me strange feelings.

I love my husband, I love Juwon, I still had the hots for the General’s amazing black cock, and I was growing in love with my baby. The baby the General ***** into me. But right now, none of that mattered. I was just full of cock and my brain was being overloaded with sensations. Thrusting, smacking pleasure from my pearl, vagina pleasure, the odd anal pleasures. They all were hitting me at different moments in time, so the pleasure seemed almost never-ending. Then the guy in my ass orgasmed, and filled me with his black seed, while the guy in front kept fucking me. The whole thing was making me close to orgasm. My body wanted, no, actually needed, to orgasm, and orgasm badly. It was turning me into a cock-craving slut. I had never felt like this before, but I was out of control. Captive, sold into sexual slavery of sorts, and now ***** repeatedly, I was reduced to what I truly was by nature, a human female rutting with multiple men. I no longer had any shame, just a need for cocks inside me, cumming in me until I orgasmed loudly and often. They were using me as I was using them. The guy behind me withdrew, and I figured I might fall to the floor, only he was quickly replaced by someone else, and the thrusting began anew. Hands helped hold me up, and my legs wide apart, as the guy in front coated my cervix with his dark seed, while my pussy massaged his cock and tried to coax him into getting me pregnant. When he softened, he fell out of me, and another man replaced him.

It took four lovers ****** me to make me climax, but when I did, I had the most crushing one of my life. Bigger than any from my husband, bigger than Juwon gave me, even bigger than the General. I orgasmed so hard that I passed out. There is a time in my life I can not account for because men were fucking an unconscious white wife! When I came to, it was dark out, and I was in the back of a van, still tied with my wrists behind my back, and my neck leashed to something in the vehicle. I wasn’t going anywhere, and I wasn’t alone. Two guys were with me, sleeping. By the time we stopped, they each took turns fucking me repeatedly, inseminating my pussy twice each. Only when we had stopped, and the door opened did the last guy stop thrusting inside me on his third go-round. By then I was just wrecked inside. I hurt everywhere. I hurt so much, even my hair hurt! I also stunk to high heaven again. Once he climbed off me, I was unceremoniously dragged out by my leash where I landed on my knees heavily, before being pulled upright by this fucking leash, and half-dragged into a building. I had never been so tired, and I barely noticed the building I was being taken to. It was by far the best one yet, which would only have made it condemned and unsafe for occupancy in the USA.

The insides were at least clean, if not dilapidated, and I heard several female voices. I even saw a couple of black women walking about as if tending to things. They would look me over, and then look away, as if dismissing me as a mere presence to be tolerated. I was taken through the building and into the back, and there were two white women there, doing some cleaning, supervised by a black man. But hallelujah, they spoke English! The supervisor called out to me.

“Girl, come here... Time to get cleaned.”

The leash was removed, and I did as I was ordered. The two girls there went to work with honest-to-goodness soap and water and began to scrub me down. My hair, body, everywhere, even the bottoms of my feet were scrubbed, which made me laugh, because I am ticklish. But when they were finished, I smelled fresh, even though I wasn’t fresh in my vagina. I still leaked a trickle of many black men’s semen.

“What’s go…” I tried to ask one of the girls as they washed me.

“Shhh! No talking!” one of them harshly whispered.

At this point, after everything that had happened, I simply gave in. There was nothing to be gained by resistance at this point. I was given a simple long shirtdress to wear and ushered to a bed in a communal barracks-style room. There my neck was placed in a real collar, one of metal with some sort of lock in the back and a ring in the front, and I was chained to the wall. I had tried talking to the girls next to me but kept getting the same shushing, so I simply gave up. Some of them looked like they had been beaten and I had my baby to protect, so I took discretion as the better part of valor and simply shut up. I was now someone’s slave, but for the first time in a few days, I slept like I was a baby.

The next morning, I was shaken awake and given a bowl of oatmeal, and some fruit. My first meal in two-plus days, I wolfed it down and drank the water I was given, which was clean and clear. Once I was finished, I was sitting there, still chained when a black man came and got me, leading me by my leash to a new room and a bed.

“Lie down, white whore.”

It was all he said, and then he left the room.

So, I lay on the bed and about ten minutes later, a black woman came in and sat next to me. She spoke in English, the same English my neighbor Akanni had, with a sweet Nigerian accent.

“Tell me your first name.”


“Where are you from?”

I gave her my city.

“Take off your dress.”

I complied. This place seemed like a machine. A well-oiled, evil machine. I was now utterly convinced I was going to be sold again, that this was some middleman’s processing plant of sorts. I was mulling over this and trying not to cry as I realized my ultimate fate now, as she began to examine me.

“Do not cry, Suzi. You are a rare example. We do not often get American girls here, especially ones with your looks. You will be sold to someone wealthy and with the ability to take care of you. I imagine you may even become someone’s wife.”

“But I am already married!”

“So? That was before you were sold. Now you belong to us.”

She kept moving her fingers along my body, gently poking, prodding, giving me a breast exam, and the like. She was pressing on my abdomen, and when she hit my uterus, I grunted loudly and flinched.

“Hey, be careful! That’s my baby in there!”

“You are pregnant? It must not be far along.”

“About four months. I got pregnant by a Nigerian man who was visiting the States and ***** me.”

Her brows furrowed.

“So why are you in Nigeria? To seek him? To get the support payments?”

I snorted.

“Hardly. I was ordered here by the US State Department because that asshole General sued me to come here.”

My tone grew a bit harsh and bitchy over this comment. I was usually a person willing to please everyone and make sure they were happy, but I had gotten very frustrated with this whole mess, and my usually pleasant and easy-going manner was dying out. I was getting damned tired of having to please everybody.

The woman eyed me carefully.

“What General?”

I sighed and had to give it a try. I had to speak his last name.

“General…” and I did my best to sound it out.

“You mean General…” and she so smoothly expressed his name that I was instantly angry with her. That bitch!

“Yeah, that fucker. The name I can’t pronounce.”

“So let me be very sure, Suzi. You are carrying the baby of General…” again with smooth pronunciation.

I simply nodded.

At that moment, something happened. I don’t know what was happening, but if a Nigerian could have turned white with fear, this was that moment.

“Stay here, Suzi, and for your sake, do not move.”

She darted out the door, locking it behind her, and I heard her voice calling loudly out. I didn’t hear what she said, but the tone was clear enough. Not two minutes later, the door opened, only now it was not only the woman but two men, one of them well-dressed. He must be the owner or something.

“Tell me, girl… Whose baby are you carrying?”

“General…” and I again butchered the pronunciation.

“I told you.” The woman told him.

It was suddenly like they all wanted to be ghosts. Something was terrifying them, and they weren’t sure what to do.

“Everyone out.”

The man gave directions.

“And nobody lays a finger on her!”

Again, with the locked door, I had to wait. Lying there, I had the satisfying thought that it must be nice to be the friend of an evil warlord. I began to wonder if he was searching for me, too. I knew for sure the embassy was. The Marines were probably getting ready to tear the town apart unless I missed my guess. That guy John, too. Boy, whoever crossed him wasn’t going to thrive and survive, that I was sure of.

My reverie was interrupted by the door opening and two men grabbing me, one of them thrust my plain dress at me and then nearly dragged me out the door and then to a truck. They were moving so fast that nobody even thought to remove my collar and chain. A bag was thrown over my head, another one of those awful-smelling affairs, and I was left to smell and listen while I was being hastily driven someplace else. I was left to stew and enjoy the harsh bumps and jolts of an unpaved road with no seat or cushions for what must’ve been hours. We stopped once for the two men to go pee, I think, and then we roared off again. I eventually began to hear the more familiar signs of a city and then recognized the tighter turns and so on, until they stopped. Opening the back, they dragged me out, and I was led by the leash to a steel post, and then locked to it. Then they took the bag off me. I was blinking hard as my eyes adjusted to daylight as they roared away, and I looked about. It was just some dilapidated neighborhood, much like the first one I was gang-***** in. There were now people coming and going. All of them looked at me very oddly. This white girl, alone in wherever I was, leashed to a pole and helpless. Cars drove by, and some paused and made lewd comments, even, and then drove off in laughter. A few men and women came by, with the single men stopping and checking me out more closely.

I was felt up, molested and two guys got the idea to tear my dress off, so they could fuck me, one of them succeeded at sticking his cock inside my vagina and beginning to hump me until this black woman came running at us, shouting at the top of her lungs. The way he withdrew from me like a hot potato made me think she was his wife, and I could only grin in some weird amusement to think that husbands were the same everywhere, and if they were smart, they would fear an angry wife. A different man took a liking to what he saw, and he grabbed me by the waist trying to steal me away, but the leash and collar stopped him with a jerk. It was a jerk so strong that made me cry out in pain, as it was my skin taking the pressure, not his, and it was my neck, on top of that. I had literally been yanked from his grasp and my feet flew out from under me and I landed flat on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I lay there, trying to breathe for what seemed like forever, as he stood over me and debated, before he eventually just left me lying there, naked.

I felt the sun starting to cool before I realized the Sun was beginning its journey to setting again, and the street seemed to be getting busier. Cars, motor scooters, and bicycles started to pass by me, as I lay there, sprawled out. I was starting to give up hope. Some young man came across me, hovering over me as he looked about, and then he knelt between my knees and ******* himself. It didn’t take long before he was hard, and his slightly bigger-than-average black cock began to be pushed at me, as he worked to mount me. It had happened so often in the last few days that I was almost blaze` about it. But he worked harder and forced my vagina to accept him, which made me whelp, and arch my back in pain until my pussy began to finally lubricate his black spear and his fucking became much easier. He shoved his tongue into my mouth as I was gasping for air, and I was forced to taste his foul breath and saliva, as he was drooling all over me. His dark skin was oily and he was almost slippery as he lay on me, jerking his hips and punching my pearl as my arousal grew until I was moaning loudly with his thrusts. I hadn’t paid attention to my surroundings, but a small crowd was gathering to watch this man defile me. Doubtless, some of them would be wanting a turn as well.

I couldn’t use my arms, as my wrists were still behind my back and now under me, and I was just a white piece of ass for this black random citizen who would probably never have such an experience again. I was looking into his gaze with half-lidded eyes while his own wide and wild eyes were taking in his prize. He was getting into all of this, ****** me, and knowing he was going to shoot his load into my pussy that he didn’t stop at the screech of tires, and the bright glow of headlights on us both. I hadn’t noticed it either, as I had simply given up, and resigned myself to not only being ***** but probably dying this way. I was on the last single shred of hope in me.

I heard heavy footfalls rapidly coming at us, and he was yanked off of me with immense strength. I remember seeing him flying through the air, to be followed by the sharp report of three rifle shots in quick succession. I think he landed in a heavy thud, and I doubt he survived. More heavy footsteps came running at me, and the people who had gathered to watch my being black-***** were scattering as fast as they could. Large bodies were pursuing them, chasing them, all of them wearing a familiar pattern. It was olive-drab camouflage, and it took me a while to realize what was going on. The Marines had landed! One Marine landed directly over me, one foot in front and a knee behind, hovering over me and an M-4 carbine at the ready, searching for targets. It was then I started to cry. It was Olga.

“Shh, shhh… you are safe now, Suzi… Nobody is going to harm you. Not anymore.”

Her tone was trying to be reassuring, but I was starting to lose my composure. I was thrashing with my legs, and trying to roll, yet she held me down, carefully.

“Easy, Suzi… Easy. Let us get you out of here. It’ll be”

Still, that reassuring tone, until her voice cut off, and her rifle went up to her shoulder, along with about 6 more Marines who I hadn’t known were there. Two of them dropped to one knee in front of me, to place their bodies between my prostrate form and whatever the threat was. I wouldn’t be able to realize it for some time, but it was a very brave thing to do. Especially when someone fired at us.

The bullets ricocheted off the trucks they arrived in, and they commenced to return fire, in a very disciplined way. A sharp volley by all of them, and then they took turns, to make sure they didn’t all run out of ammunition at the same time, including Olga. Shots came from two directions and were returned. I took a few rock chips into my calf, which made me yelp in the middle of crying, when someone tried to pick me up, only to realize I was still chained to the post. I heard yelling and some running, and then more Marines came at me. One of them was able to make easy work of the chain. That was Garcia, and he took a moment to caress my cheek tenderly. I think he was very upset about the whole thing, more upset than I would have imagined. So much so that he ran back and as Olga and three others were putting me into a wire rescue basket, Garcia returned with what I would later learn was an M-240 machine gun. I last saw him that night as he was standing his ground in front of me, pulling the trigger, with the hot brass casings flying everywhere. Whatever gunshots coming at us immediately stopped, and I was loaded into the back of a black Chevy Suburban quickly enough, with Olga at my side.

How she managed to climb into the cargo area with me remains a mystery, but I remember feeling an arm prick as she gave me an IV, and as I was still crying, she was on the radio with someone.

“I copy, Sir.”

I remember hearing her say and she dug into her backpack, pulled out a syringe, and loaded it with a vial of medicine. Then she looked down at me with a soft smile as she injected me.

“Good night, Suzi…” she said as she stroked my hair, and my crying fell into slumber as the lights went out.