Sorry for the time off. Things were hectic at work with COVID hitting almost all of us. Then the last 10 days completely changed my focus. I hope you'll understand why I've not had time...

Brief moments of lucidity coupled with a dream-like state. That's what was stored in my mind for the next few hours. I am fortunate that Rod and Lamar had installed a video recording system in the VIP section of the club. Otherwise those ephemeral recollections would be all that remained of the most important, most transformative night of my life...

I must interrupt myself for what is a very exciting development regarding my ******!

For years now, because I became enlightened as to the modern role of whites, particularly white women in making reparations to Blacks, I was considered an outcast.

The evening of the 24th of October I received a text from an unknown number. "Please call me." I responded texting "I don't know you and I'm blocking you." Before I could block the number another text came in "No, it's McKenzie." Imagine my surprise to get a text from my sister-in-law?

Test time...
"What's my moms birthday? Where did you get married to Thomas?"
Quickly she responded with the correct answers. So it is her.
"Why did you text me? Is there something wrong?" I sent.
"No, I just wanted to talk. Can you call?"
"Give me some time. Like a couple of hours. I've got a friend coming over. He'll be gone by then." Surprisingly she sent me a smiley face.

It was a little over 3 hours later when Marquese left. t was changing the sheets on the bed so I had some time. Texting McKenzie...
"You where I can call?"
"Sure. Thomas is asleep in bed and I'm getting the lesson ready for the kids Sunday School class in the morning."
Same old McKenzie, doing the church thing. So I called.

For 30 or so minutes of idle chatter. Catching up for 4+ years of not talking when I finally asked her,
"Why did you really reach out to me? Even before I told everyone about being Black pregnant and being told to get out of mom's house, I wasn't your favorite."
Silence for almost a minute then...
"I've seen your Christmas cards before they get thrown away, I actually look at your social media stuff. You always look so happy." Then once more, silence.
I replied "Honey I am happy in so many ways. I've got my 2 babies and well 3 but anyway, t takes care of my emotional needs as I make payment to Black Men and Women, for our ****** did, my physical needs are more than met (I did giggle at that).
Different tone in her voice now, regret slipped in;
"I'm so sorry for the way I was towards you. You seemed like you were always in competition with Thomas for everything and I had to take his side. You had a bad reputation at school. I didn't look at you as someone I wanted to be around. I'm so sorry."
I could hear her sniffling. She did sound sorry. I waited for her to continue and she did.
"Now I look at my life and I worry. I'm supposed to be satisfied and happy. Married, secure, loved, faithful, subservient to the man in my life just like the vows said I should be, but there are holes that don't get filled." Now she was crying.

Freudian slip? Perhaps. Memory of accidentally walked in on my brother once when he was jacking off popped into my head. Typical white boy lol.
I asked what she meant.

"The girls in the office at work." (She'd told me she worked for a insurance company in Kansas City.) "You know how girls talk. Well Thomas is tired when he gets home and even on the weekends. Tonight he was in bed by 8. We've tried to have a baby but we can't. Now I think he doesn't think I'm worthy of being his wife. It's been almost a year since he kissed me."
She was sobbing now. I was afraid she would awaken Thomas.
"Easy honey, you'll wake him up."
"No worries there. He closes the door when he goes to bed and the bedroom is upstairs. He wouldn't care anyways. There are nights I just sleep on the couch and he doesn't say shit." (OMG she cussed!)

She went on to describe what seems to be a typical white marriage. Finally when she said she had talked to their pastor, she said "that bastard" said "You have a duty to try harder to make Him happy. Only when He's happy will your spirit be fulfilled."
I think that was the straw that broke the camels back.
I just let her go on.
"You seem so happy. You ARE happy and Tony is as well. He seems to be. I mean he has stayed with you. But what you're doing goes against everything I've been taught." She said after a few more minutes of crying. This time you could hear the frustration.

I knew what I wanted to say but held off. Instead I played on the doubts that had formed in her mind.
"We've never mattered have we. Going all the way back." I said.
"But why?" she asked. "We have needs and feelings too. It's ok to use us then cast us aside like so much meat. Concubines. That's what we are called while the men were called Kings."

I knew she was there, right at the precipice. All she needed was someone to hold her hand.
I asked "Does your sister still live in Jefferson City?"
"No, her husband’s job has them in West Plains. She had to quit HER job to move and now they are making less money. They even had to move into a trailer park. I've not seen her in 9 months."
"It's about time you paid her a visit. On your way you could stop by here and we can have a real face-to-face talk over coffee. I promise I won't bite"
"But when?" she asked.
"Next Saturday. You can stop by then drive down and spend the night at Jane's."
"Thomas won't let me. I'd have to get someone to cover my Sunday School class too. Wait, she's pregnant. I could use that as a reason..." she was walking right in, willing to lie to my brother. Not really a lie, but it was reaching.
"Will Thomas want to go?" I innocently asked.
"He might but, no, no Buddy drinks too much on the weekends. I can remind him of that. Last time we went and saw them he said he'd just as soon not see him ***** again."
"There ya go, you're getting this figured out girl." I said with a smile she had to have heard over the phone.
I just let her think aloud, working out a plan...
"Yes I do. Mary can cover my Sunday School Class. Oh, I got it! I'll tell him I was talking to Jane and she needs help getting the baby's room set up. He'll believe that because of Buddy being "a drunkard" and all." She was actually giggling when she put the icing on her little cake.
"Oh my! Look how late it is." She said. She promised to call me after the Wednesday night services and we said our goodbyes.

Wednesday night rolled around and I was beginning to wonder. Finally at 10,
the call I'd been waiting on.
"Hey Ash." said the cheerful voice.
"Hey, you sound excited. How's things going?"
"Going great. Thomas has GIVEN ME PERMISSION." she said with an angry tone. "Even the boss said it sounded like a busy weekend and let me have Friday afternoon and all of Monday off!"
"Fantastic! What's your plan?" I asked.
"That's where I'm not sure. I hadn't thought about Frank giving me Friday afternoon off. I was going to leave early Saturday morning but..."
I interrupted her, "Hell girl, I have nothing planned for Friday night and we have the playroom oops, spare bedroom. You can eat dinner with us and crash here."
I was being honest with McKenzie. Up until that second I hadn't planned my Friday night... yet.
"You sure? It would give us lots of time to visit." she said thinking aloud.
"Quit thinking about it, the choice has been made. It's a go. McKenzie arriving my place around 4:00 PM Friday. The kids can show you their Halloween costumes. They will love meeting you and that will make for a great icebreaker."

She rattled on about this and that as my mind raced forward, forming my own plan. Weighing the odds. By the time she said "What do you think?" mentality things were in place.
"Sounds great to me." Not sure what I'd agreed to.
"Ok, see you then. Oh and Ashley, thank you for helping me."
"No problem."
When she cut the connection I went straight to work. The clock was running and everything had to go just right.


On paper, things were in place. When I pulled in the driveway in the Tahoe at 4:15 there was a Black Lexus on the curb. t wasn't home with the kids yet. Another 30 minutes if traffic was normal. Oh, the other child was staying with friends so, oh well. She had seen him and he doesn't count anyway.

As I got out, she was walking up the driveway. Not the snooty McKenzie I'd seen take her vows. She was a different woman. Still sporting a calf length skirt and the neck line was way too high but she was different. Stopping about 10' away she was first to speak.
"This is a bit difficult isn't it?"
"Doesn't have to be."
After a few seconds she asked, "Do you forgive me for being a bitch?"
"Nothing to forgive. What happened was then and now we're both passed it."
Tears started to well up. "Hey no need for that. We both know who we are." I said.
"You sure?" she asked.
Well yes, I asked you here, right?"
With that, hugs were exchanged and we unloaded a couple of suitcases and in the house we went.

Soon t was home with the babies and was starting dinner. When asked about my other "he's at a friend's house." was all it took to calm that sea.

McKenzie, the kids and I sat down to dinner around 6. t had done a good job fixing a traditional Ugandan meal consisting of Muchabo, roasted yams and Mandazi for dessert.

I have to hand it to McKenzie, she displayed a spirit of adventure as she tried each dish and liked what she was served. Curiously she asked if t normally fixed dinner and if he often served ethnic food. It surprised her that my answers to both questions were always and always.
"Thomas expects dinner within an hour of getting home. As for him fixing it, yea, when pigs fly."
"Is Tony going to join us?"
My true eldest handled that, "heem no eat wid us. heem be only cooker."
That brought a raised eyebrow and, in a couple of seconds, a shared giggle from us girls. McKenzie didn't know my eldest was actually trying to say a slightly different word.

As t cleaned up after dinner, McKenzie and I helped the kids into their costumes, took pictures and danced carefully around her and Thomas's relationship issues. I did manage to get her to try a glass of white wine. "You won't go to hell and it will settle your tummy. The Muchabo sets better with a touch of wine."

At precisely 8:15 t entered the room and announced to the children it was bath time. "Pees cooker, wana see aunt Kenny more." I backed him up. "No, head to the tub my beautiful babies. We'll be up to say weeraba shortly."
Curious look... "One way to say an Ugandan goodnight."
"So, are they learning Ugandan?"
"I am fortunate to have a connection with the Head of the African Studies department at MU. She has hooked me up with the wife of one of her professors. They only speak one of the Ugandan dialects in their home. I'm not sure which, there are 30 or so. Anyway, they are coming by it naturally."
Another raised eyebrow but this time it wasn't as prominent.

Once the babies were in bed, t checked on us then after getting us another glass of wine, headed to the kitchen. McKenzie slowly sipped on hers perhaps not wanting to be seem ill mannered. It did serve to loosen her tongue.
"See, it's almost 9 and Thomas hasn't even tried to call and check on me. Shows how much he gives a damned."
I answered her by slightly twisting the tail. Just a bit...
"Didn't you say he was always tired when he got home? What did he do for dinner? I asked.
"I told him I'd set up an Uber-eats delivery of Chinese food. Even left cash for a tip cause he's so cheap." She paused for a second then "I ought to call him, tell him I've been abducted by a bunch of rednecks."
I damned near choked laughing as I was swallowing a sip of wine.
"He's a bastard. Oh Ashley I'm sorry, I didn't, I shouldn't have said that about your brother."
"No, you've got to be truthful about your feelings and well we've always been competitive. He always seemed to win. Primarily because he truly is a bastard."

We went on to talk about her lack of a sex life, about how she felt the Church Guilt if she even tried to masturbate or fantasize about things. Then the topic switched to my "cheating" lifestyle. After she used cheating several times I summoned t for more wine. Now that the babies were in bed he had stripped down to his at-home attire. he walked into the room in nothing but a pair of sheer pink panyhose.

Part 1 of THE PLAN.

I thought for a moment McKenzies jaw was going to hit the floor. "Pay him no mind unless you want to laugh. I'm beyond that point. This is his only wardrobe once the babies are in bed"
She was still speechless as I turned to t. I asked, "cuckboy is you dick hard?"
"Yes ma'am"
I glanced over and yes her eyes were locked on his crotch.
"How long is your pathetic little pee worm?"
McKenzie answered, "It's only like 3 inches!"
"Yes Miss McKenzie on a good night, 3 inches." t responded confirming her obsevation.
"Cuckboy have I ever lied to you about fucking other men?"
"No ma'am you have never lied."
"If I did lie would I be cheating?"
"Yes ma'am."
I then turned to McKenzie and asked her if I was cheating.
"Well, no you're not cheating." She replied, point taken.
"cuckboy kneel down and tell Miss McKenzie why we do what we do. Tell her what your roll is in my life and above all tell her if you prefer this to what we had before."
Looking McKenzie in the eye, "Ask any questions you like. You gotta admit, his little peeworm is pretty pathetic?"
As I stood up I told them both, "I'm going to go check on the babies and pee. No, I'm not going to change clothes."

When I came back downstairs t and McKenzie were having an insightful conversation about our relationship. It was gratifying hearing him tell her how both my emotional and physical well being was his only concern in life. How our love had grown 10 fold in the time he had become my cuckold and that in his opinion it was the pinnacle of any marriage relationship. It was almost like she had no idea I was there until I sat down, this time beside her.

She was asking another question when my phone rang. He looked at me and I nodded yes, for him to answer.
"Yes sir, this is he. Yes she is right here sir." t muted the phone and said "It's Deputy Evans ma'am. He sounds official."
I took the phone.
(A little secret, Boone County Deputes take their patrol cars home and if not "on-line" the GPS trackers aren't on. Deputy Evans wasn't on duty OR online.)
"Yes I know them, are they in trouble?"
"Right, yea a DWI might cost them their soccer scholarships. Especially since they're under age"
"Great, I've got ****** I've not seen in years and you want me to come get two ***** jocks?"
"Okay, okay. I'll call you back and where are you?"
"Let me call you back."

Part 2 of THE PLAN had just gone active.

"Where the fuck is Rocky Forks Lake Shooting Range?" I asked nobody in particular as I checked it on Google... "Oh fuck, way the hell north of town and out in the fucking sticks!"
"Get your clothes on, you're going to rescue a couple of jocks." I said to t. That's when he reminded me that Deputy Evans swore to beat the hell out of him then take him to jail if he ever saw him out alone.
"Well, ok, let me call him back and see if you're forgiven yet."
Two minutes later I understood that if t showed up he and the jocks were going to jail. My dumbass cuckboy had testified in a car crash case where the Deputy's sister got a DWI. Not a good move.

Looking at McKenzie, "I'm getting desperate here. Can you go with? With my contacts I can't read the damned GPS at night?"

McKenzie giggled like teenager, "I guess I can call it my great secret Columbia Adventure. Let me grab a jacket."
"We'll be there shortly." and clicked off the phone.
I winked at t. He'd done good.