As we left the restroom, people nearby heard the applause and turned to look. Many of my friends saw me coming out of the men's room. But by now it didn't really matter. They already knew what kind of a weekend I was having. They may not know all of the particulars. But they knew that I was not just a slave to Glenn. I was a sex-slave. I was a very willing sex slave and I was way beyond enjoying it. I was, in fact, deliriously happy. I was enjoying being paraded around nearly naked and being fucked in the men's rooms. And we won't even go into how I felt about what happened last night.

I imagine that what made it so strange to them is that I had probably been one of the more conservative women in the group. Or at least I had been up until now. I suppose that we were all wondering what had gotten into me.

I grinned when that thought crossed my mind. I knew exactly what had gotten into me. Glenn's wonderful cock had gotten into me. It had gotten into me very far and I had never enjoyed a fuck that much in my life. I suppose they all knew that. It must have been obvious from the sounds they heard coming from that tent last night and again this morning.

We went back through the crowd, me with cum leaking out of the crotch of my one tiny article of clothing. The people in the room parted before us and stared in awe as we went past.

Dale was kept pretty busy after that. He had been busy all day. It seems that MOPAR is underrepresented at these shows and his Superbee was very popular.

I waited around with Glenn, listening to people come up and visit with him. A lot of the people were exhibitors who we had spoken with earlier. But most of them were just people who liked his perfectly restored 1969 Z-28 Camaro convertible. He received some pretty fantastic offers for it. Dale had gotten some amazing offers for his car too. But these people didn't need money and they loved their cars.

The exhibit halls finally closed at six. But the vendors were still open for another two hours and most of us started making the circuit, checking out the vendor tents. Much of the merchandise available was guy stuff. There were a lot of parts for cars and bikes and t-shirts with nasty things written across the front. There were several vendors selling costume jewelry, but I am not a jewelry person. I have my engagement ring and my wedding ring and my watch. Those are the only items of jewelry that I ever wear.

At one of the vendors the girl had jewelry for pierced navels and nipples. I saw a glint in Glenn's eye and I quickly steered him away from there. We made the entire circuit and some of us bought t-shirts. One of the guys bought some car parts for another car he is restoring.

For the most part though, what we did was entertain the crowd with my nearly naked body. I was asked to pose for pictures with a lot of guys and when Glenn encouraged them they often got carried away. It was all done in fun though. And it was fun, posing for pictures with strange men feeling me up or leaning down and nipping at my nipple.

We were all tired of burgers and hot dogs so we took up a collection and one couple went out and bought a dozen pizzas and more beer. The rest of us sat around the rekindled campfire and talked. I suppose that it was unavoidable that a lot of the conversation was about me. We hadn't been back at the tenting area long before Glenn started pulling my suit off. I stood up and slipped out of it and sat back down in his lap.

No one was shocked anymore. But everyone was watching as he stuck his fingers in my sopping wet pussy and then into my mouth. There were still traces of cum from the two different men that had fucked me today. My juices combined with those traces to coat my tongue and I felt so nasty, and so fucking horny. I could have fucked every man in our car club tonight. I imagine that would have pissed off some of my girlfriends. But I would have had to worry about that later.

I got up and got us both a beer. When I returned, Lisa was standing behind Glenn's chair with her arms around his neck. She had her lips near his ear and she was talking to him quietly. She smiled at me as I approached and said to Glenn, "The next time we have a charity auction I'm going to be feeling pretty damned charitable. I want to see what you do to make those sounds come out of Kelly's mouth.

Glenn smiled at her and said, "You don't have to wait. Come by the tent tonight. You can watch."

I saw her eyes light up. Lisa and I were pretty close, but I didn't know her husband Frank all that well. He had always struck me as being kind of aloof. I found it hard to believe he would permit her to watch, much less be auctioned off. I glanced over at him though, He was sitting nearby. Close enough to have heard Lisa talking quietly to Glenn. I was surprised to see that he was watching her and smiling. Maybe Frank was easier going than I thought!

Glenn looked over at Frank and said, "Why don't you take Kelly into your tent while we're waiting for the pizza? She's getting pretty agitated and could use something to calm her down."

I watched as Frank looked at Lisa. A knowing smile passed between them. The next thing I knew, Frank was standing up and I had Frank on one arm and Lisa on the other. They were leading me around the fire and into their tent.

Frank started undressing while Lisa helped me lay down on the large air mattress that took up most of the floor space in their tent. She stretched out beside me and smiled. Then she leaned down and kissed me sweetly on the lips.

I was a little shocked. I really hadn't expected that from her. But I returned her kiss and soon we were kissing passionately. That was another first for me!

Lisa kissed me and her hands explored my breasts. A woman was touching my breasts for the first time! It was amazing. It was so much different than being touched by a man. I really liked it. When Frank moved over me she didn't stop. Her hand left my breast long enough to reach down and help him guide his cock into me. Then she returned it to my breasts.

Frank was a very good lover. He was no Glenn. But he had a nice thick cock and he really knew how to use it. I had never been kissed by a woman before. But even more exciting, I had never been kissed by a woman whose husband was fucking me before. It was nearly as exciting as getting fucked by Glenn. She was a very good kisser but it was this erotic situation that was making me so hot.

I had been either having sex or being teased or just shown off all day and I was very horny. So it wasn't long before I started cumming. Frank had been watching me all day and I guess he was pretty turned on too. He started cumming hard not long after I did.

I didn't know who to hug! I ended up with one arm around Frank's neck and one around Lisa's neck and crying out loudly as they made love to me. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Then Frank got up and I grabbed his hips and pulled him close and sucked his cock clean.

Frank put his pants on and went back outside. Lisa and I stayed on the mattress and made out a little longer and talked quietly. I told her in more detail about how wonderful Glenn was. I could never give that up now. Lisa was shivering with lust as I stood up and we walked out.

The pizza had arrived and we ate quietly. Then Glenn ordered Lisa to come over and sit on his lap. When she obeyed he put an arm around her and asked, rather crudely I thought, "Do you like helping other women get fucked? Do you do that often?"

She smiled, not the least bit put off, and replied, "That was the first time. And yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it."

Glenn said, "I think I'm going to fuck one of you now."

While he was talking he started undressing Lisa. Lisa glanced quickly at Frank. Frank just smiled. So she let it happen. He pulled her top off and then he unhooked her bra and threw it on the ground. Lisa is a few years older than I am. She is a beautiful redhead and her breasts look like C cups, maybe just barely a D cup. She is so slender that it is hard to tell.

Glenn began playing with her breasts as soon as he had uncovered them. Lisa closed her eyes and moaned at his gentle touch. After a few minutes he said, "I want you and Kelly to go take a shower. While you are gone I will decide who I am going to fuck."

Then he helped her to her feet and stripped her shorts and panties off with one swift motion. She walked in front of the fire, in front of all of her friends, naked for the first time now, and got her towel and soap from her tent. I rushed to Glenn's tent and got mine and we went to the shower area.

This was a much better time to shower. The water was warmer and so was the air. We started soaping up but Glenn stopped us. Lisa and I had thought that we were alone. But Glenn called out from the side of the canvas enclosure, "Soap each other up good. Get me in the mood to fuck one of you."

I looked around and saw all of the men in the club, and most of the women, standing around the enclosure watching us. I turned back to Lisa and we moved into each other's arms and began to make out and soap up at the same time. It took a lot longer this way. But it was a hell of a lot of fun.

We finally rinsed and dried off and went back out to the campfire. When we reported back to Glenn he said, "I guess I'm ready to take you two into the tent now, unless the rest of you want to watch."

That sent a chill down my spine. A chill of excitement.

No one spoke for a moment. But then Carol said quietly, "I'd like to watch."

I was shocked. Carol was the oldest of us girls, and definitely the most conservative. She saw our faces and she said defensively, "I've never seen anyone make love. I've never even seen a porn movie. If nobody minds, I'd like to watch."

Frank got up and went into his tent and came back out with his queen sized air mattress. He put it down near enough to the fire that there would be plenty of light. Then he picked up his beer and moved back to his chair.

Glenn looked around and said, "There is still too much traffic out on the path. If those of you who want to watch will stand so as to block the view from those two sides, we will start the show."

Everyone stood up and stood between the mattress and the path and the mattress and the nearest campsites. Glen said, "Okay you two, get on the mattress and get started while I make up my mind."

It was one thing to make out like this in a tent where all of my friends could hear us. It was quite another to do it right in front of them!

But Lisa didn't hesitate. She took my hand and pulled me over to the air mattress. We lay down and started making out like a couple of horny kids and for the first time I caressed another woman's breast.

I would have thought that it would be no big deal. After all, I have breasts and I touch them all the time. But another woman's breasts feel different. I guess the most exciting thing is the way that they react when you touch them. It was very exciting to watch her getting so aroused, in large part due to my fingers and the things that I was doing with my lips.

We kissed and touched and I was so excited by what I was doing that I never heard Glenn undressing. But I knew when he had taken his pants off by the gasps from the audience. I giggled and held Lisa down so that she couldn't see it and we kissed passionately.

Before long the mattress moved under Glenn's weight. He spread Lisa's thighs wide and started eating her out while I kissed her and kissed and sucked her tits. She started cumming almost immediately. It had been a very sexy evening and Glenn was a real good pussy eater.

I was pretty sure that he had decided to fuck Lisa. I felt a tiny twinge of jealousy. But mostly I was happy for her and very excited about being a part of it. I didn't doubt that I would get many more chances to get fucked by Glenn.

I held her down and continued to kiss her as Glenn finally moved up over her. I reached down and guided him to her opening.

He slowly pushed the head of his cock into her and I moved my hand out of the way. He worked more and more of his cock into her, slowly, giving her time to adjust. About three quarters of the way in Lisa's eyes popped open and she loudly exclaimed, "Oh my god!"

That was almost the last intelligible thing that she said for the next half hour as Glenn fucked her into a stupor and she cried out and screamed into my mouth. She had one heart stopping orgasm after another while I kissed her and played with her breasts.

Glenn changed positions several times and Lisa was like a limp rag when he finally finished. She just collapsed onto the mattress and panted with a glazed look of lust in her eyes. I felt so turned on just to have been a part of it.

When Glenn finally pulled out of her I cleaned him, which really got to the women in the audience. Then, after only mild urging from Glenn, I ate her pussy clean. I know that sounds gross. But I was so turned on that I didn't hesitate. And once I started doing it I found that I didn't mind at all.

When the sex high began to subside and we looked around at the faces of the other women, I was pleased to see that none of them were looking at us with disapproval. I had feared that this would be way too much. As it turned out though, they might not have the nerve to try it themselves but they certainly appreciated Glenn's cock for what it could do to us.

I was looking around at the crowd when I noticed finally that two of them were not a part of our group. They were cops! Not security guards, real cops!

I said, "Oh fuck!" and sat up. Everyone turned to see what I was looking at and I heard someone exclaim, "Busted!"

One of the cops smiled and said, "That was the sexiest damn thing I have ever seen. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to keep it inside the tents from now on though, folks, if you don't mind."

The cops were very nice about it. They talked to a few of the people for a while about the cars on exhibit. Then they left us alone.

As soon as they left everyone took a deep breath and there was a lot of embarrassed laugher. Frank put the mattress back in his tent. I looked around at everyone's faces and wondered what it would be like when we got home and got together for a regular club meeting. Would we all still be good friends? I hoped we weren't fucking up the club dynamic. We had a lot of fun together.

Everyone started drifting off to their tents not long after that. It wasn't long before I started hearing the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from all around me. Glenn certainly did know how to get a party going. He grabbed my hand and we went into his tent and he ordered me to suck his cock again.

I took his soft cock into my mouth and started sucking. Jerry came in and I heard him undress behind me. He came closer, he was messing around with something for a minute and then I felt him spread my ass open and stick his finger into my asshole. His finger felt cold and slick and I realized that he was spreading a lubricant, preparing to fuck my ass. I tried to pull my head off of Glenn's cock and tell him I didn't do anal sex. Glenn just held my head in place and for some reason I accepted that. I stopped struggling and Glenn smiled at me and said, "That's a good girl."

I waited nervously as Jerry began stretching me out and lubricating me. He started with just the one greasy finger. Then, when I was used to that he inserted two. After a while I realized that he had three of his large fingers in me and it wasn't that bad. Maybe I could handle it. I had tried anal sex once with a lover in college. We didn't know what we were doing and it had hurt like hell. I had sworn that I would never do that again. At the time I had not anticipated being a slave though.

Jerry pulled his fingers away and greased his big cock up. He lodged the head of his cock into the crack of my ass, right up against the hole, and started pushing gently. I tried to make myself relax and Glenn said, "That's a good girl. It won't be so bad if you just let it happen."

I was trying to concentrate on sucking Glenn's cock and his hands on my tits. There was a sudden feeling that was more like an uncomfortable stretching than real pain and the head of Jerry's cock popped through the ring of muscle and lodged in my ass. I groaned, but more in fear than pain.

Once his cock was in place, Jerry leaned over me, reached around and started to play with my pussy and strum his fingers lightly across my clit. Much to my surprise, it actually started feeling pretty nice. I started to relax and he slid another inch of his cock into me and stopped again. I had to assume that he had done this before. He was pretty good at it. It wasn't even that unpleasant.

I felt Glenn's cock starting to get hard again, finally. I had been afraid that he had reached his limit. I didn't know if my mouth was making the difference, or if he was excited from watching Jerry stretch out my ass with his thick cock.

Jerry really took his time. There was no sudden, gut wrenchingly painful invasion of my ass. There was never any severe pain, just a slight feeling of discomfort. Except for that mild discomfort the only other problem was the feeling that I had to go to the bathroom. He took his sweet time getting his entire cock buried in me and he played with my pussy the entire time.

With Glenn's cock to distract me I actually found it kind of pleasant when Jerry finally started slowly fucking my ass. It would never replace the real thing. But it wasn't that bad. And I liked the idea of having two large cocks inside of me at the same time.

I started moaning around Glenn's cock. But it wasn't pain. It was pleasure. I guess it made a big difference if the guy fucking your ass knew what the hell he was doing. Jerry obviously did. He started picking up the pace and I picked up the pace with Glenn's cock. I was really starting to get into it.

It wasn't long at all before I realized that I was getting really turned on, both mentally and physically. Jerry was just as good with his fingers as he was with his cock. When I felt Jerry tense up and slam his cock into me several times and then stiffen up and I realized he was cumming in my ass I surprised all three of us by having my own orgasm.

Jerry finished cumming and held his position, keeping his slowly softening cock in my ass while I started devoting more of my attention to Glenn. Once I started showing a little more enthusiasm, Glenn started moaning and I knew he was getting close. He started lifting his hips and I responded by driving my lips farther and farther down his shaft while I teased his balls with my fingers.

I shocked all three of us again when, suddenly the head of Glenn's cock slid into my throat. Glenn gasped and swore and I heard Jerry exclaim, "I'll be a son of a bitch! Look at what this cunt just did!"

It hurt my throat, but not as bad as I might have expected. Probably not as bad as Jerry's cock in my ass. I drew my head back and tried again and damn if it didn't slide right down my throat again!

I had never been able to deep throat. Not even a small cock. Well, normal sized cock. Now I was taking a little more of Glenn's monster cock down my throat with each stroke and he was swearing loudly as I buried more and more of it in my throat. Finally, just before he lost it, I had my lips buried around the base of his cock and he swore loudly, one last time. His ass came up off of the sleeping bag and he shot his cum straight down my throat.

I managed to keep his cock buried in my throat until he finished cumming. When he had finished cumming I eased my mouth back and gasped for breath. I smiled up at him as I recovered from almost suffocating on his huge cock. He was looking at me with a look of awe on his face. A look, I might modestly add, that was well deserved.

He gasped for breath for a minute and then he said, "No fucking broad has ever been able to deep throat my cock! Jesus Christ! That was fucking fantastic!"

I grinned up at him and then I took stock. I had just been fucked in the ass and not only was it not that bad. I had actually achieved an orgasm from it. Then, my crowning achievement, I had taken Glenn's monster cock down my throat, something no other woman has ever been able to do. This has been a very educational weekend!

Dale had no idea how much he was going to benefit from my time with Glenn.

I started to stretch out beside Glenn, I was totally exhausted. But Glenn stopped me and said, "Whoa girl, you have some cleaning up to do first. Don't forget your place."

I wasn't too happy about that. Thinking about where Jerry's cock had just been was kind of turning my stomach. I turned around and bent my head down to his crotch. I was relieved to find that t didn't smell any worse than if it had just come from my pussy. Actually, all I could smell was the lubricant he had used.

It was dark in the tent. I couldn't see well enough to know if there were any surprises there. I tentatively took his soft, slimy cock into my mouth. I didn't taste anything unusual. I tried not to think about what I was doing and worked quickly to get his cock clean.

Then I turned back around and Glenn let me into his sleeping bag. We were both exhausted and we snuggled up and went to sleep.

We didn't have sex the next morning. I guess I had worn them out. I put on a light blue weasel and we gathered outside by the fire until it was time to go up and eat. It was warmer this morning. It was kind of pleasant actually.

Lisa came out of her tent. She and her husband had pitched their tent right next to Glenn's. She came over and sat down beside me. She whispered that she had heard a lot of strange noises before she went to sleep last night and she was wondering what had happened.

I was still pretty proud of myself. I told her about taking Jerry, who is nearly as well hung as Glenn, into my ass. Then I told her proudly about taking Glenn's pony sized cock down my throat.

She didn't believe me at first. She looked up at Glenn and the skepticism was written all over her face. He smiled and nodded and she said, "There is no way I could do that! I guess you're a better slut than I am after all."

But she was just teasing. She meant it as a compliment.

I took it that way and thanked her.

Eventually, everyone was up and ready. We gathered by the path and started walking up to the vendor area to get some food. All of us were up, but we didn't seem to be really awake yet.

Never fear, Glenn had a cure for that. He knew just how to get our blood flowing this morning. He stopped at the vendor selling Wicked Weasels and picked out a transparent white suit and told Lisa to undress and put it on.

She grinned and quickly stripped out of her clothes. Once more the vendor eagerly assisted. Together they pulled the revealing little piece of cloth over her private parts. It was again necessary to borrow his razor. Once again he was all too eager to assist. He squatted down in front of Lisa and pulled the suit away from her pussy. He took his time soaping her up and then he carefully shaved off her pubic hair.

By the time he had finished there was another large crowd gathered around and enjoying the show.

Before we continued up to the food area, Glenn offered to buy a weasel for any other woman who wanted one. The only condition was that she had to put it on right there. There were several others in our group that would have looked good in one. Some of them even looked tempted. But he got no takers.

We went up to the food vendors and had a light breakfast of junk food and black coffee. We staked out a couple of large picnic tables and sat around making our plans for breaking down the exhibit when it closed up at four this evening and going home. One of the plans was that Jerry would drive Glenn's truck home and Glenn would ride with Dale and me.

We didn't have to set anything up this morning, so we had time to enjoy our coffee and goof off a little before the exhibit opened. Lisa and I stayed together and attracted a lot of attention. I noticed that the little piece of material over her crotch got very wet very quickly, and even more transparent.

I smiled at her and said, "You enjoy this shit as much as I do, don't you?"

She shook her head enthusiastically. Then she said, "Frank has tried to get me to loosen up and do some of this shit for a long time. He is a bit of a pervert. I have always been afraid to let myself go. When I saw how much fun you were having I just said 'fuck it'. Why should you have all the fun? It remains to be seen how this will affect our little club in the long run. But so far this weekend I am having a fucking blast."

"Yeah," I said. "I am too. I was really pissed at Dale when he volunteered me to be auctioned off. At first I was just going along to get even with him, teach him a lesson. Now though, Christ! I ate a woman's pussy for the first time. I got fucked in the ass and had an orgasm. I deep throated Glenn's huge cock, and I have been running around nearly naked for two days and either turning on or scandalizing hundreds of people. I fucking love it!"

They finally opened up the exhibits and we went in and hung around with the guys as they showed off and answered questions about their cars. I don't know how much Lisa and I had to do with it, but ours was easily the most popular exhibit today.

At two o'clock the prize committee announced the winners in the various categories. Dale won a lesser prize, but no cash. It was enough to keep him happy though. Glenn's car took second place in the show and he won a small amount of money. I doubt if it was enough to pay for the Wicked Weasels he had bought. That was okay, he wasn't here for the money. He has been having nearly as much fun as I have this weekend.

At four they started closing up and the guys brought the trailers up and began loading up the cars and motorcycles for the trip home. The girls had all gone down to the campsite earlier and taken down the tents and packed everything up. When the cars were loaded on the trailers the guys drove them down and we loaded up the camping gear and by five we were ready to leave.

We all piled into the vehicles and headed home. When Dale had started getting serious about restoring and showing his car he had bought a big pickup truck with a crew cab. It had a huge, luxurious back seat, and that was where Glenn and I were riding on the trip home.

We had to keep our eyes on Dale. He kept watching us instead of the road. Finally Glenn told him that if he would pay attention to his driving he would make sure that he got a blowjob when he stopped at the halfway rest stop.

I was naked from the time we left the fairgrounds. For the next hour and a half I teased and pleased Glenn's cock. I pleased a lot of truckers too. I spent a lot of time with my butt pressed up against the side window while I sucked on his cock and Dale passed trucks. He kept the CB on and we listened to the truckers talking about my ass all the way to the mid-way rest stop.

We pulled in to the rest stop and I slipped on a pair of shorts and a crop top. There was a stampede for the facilities. After using the rest room I went back to the truck. I got in front with Dale and eagerly demonstrated my newfound deep throat skills.

He came very quickly and it wasn't until I started backing out of the cab to get back into the rear seat with Glenn that I realized that we had an audience. Several of the truckers we had passed on the highway were gathered around watching me suck my husband's cock.

They were friendly and kidded about wanting a better look at my pretty ass. Glenn put me on my knees on the back seat with my legs sticking out of the door and after looking around to make sure no kids were watching, he pulled my shorts down to my knees and offered the truckers a chance to look all they wanted.

I guess they all had defective vision, because they were all looking in Braille. For the next ten minutes a large number of truckers stood around and took turns playing with my ass and sticking fingers inside my wet pussy.

It looked like we were going to have a gangbang pretty soon. But Glenn said, "Sorry guys, but we need to hit the road. If we had more time I'd let a few of you fuck the bitch. But it's getting late."

They were pretty disappointed. I was surprised to find that I was too. Glenn was about to make it up to me though. As soon as Dale pulled out on the highway I was naked again. Glenn rolled down the passenger side window and stuck my head out the window and fucked me doggie style with my head out the window and my tits bouncing in the wind for a good half an hour. It was exhilarating and I had several long, loud orgasms before he finally came.

After he reached orgasm I turned around and cleaned him eagerly. Then I cleaned myself up in the usual nasty way. He was worn out by then. We had been playing for hours. He put his pants back on and climbed over the console and into the front passenger seat while I stretched out and went to sleep in the back. The next thing I knew we were home.

Dale parked the trailer and unhooked it from the truck. It was late and we were both exhausted. We decided to unload everything tomorrow after he got home from work. I made a light supper of real food and we took showers and went to bed by nine.

I normally wake up when he does in the morning, but I slept right through it on Monday. I didn't wake up until after eight. I got dressed and made coffee. After a couple of cups of coffee I felt more human and I went out and unloaded the camping gear from the trailer. I set the tent up in the back yard to air it out and hung Dale's sleeping back over the clothes line. Mine was unused so I just put it away. I took our bags inside and washed clothes. I didn't have many dirty clothes either, a couple of shorts and tops and two wicked weasels.

The only thing left for Dale to do when he got home was take the car off of the trailer and put it in the garage.

I went to the store and picked up some groceries. Then I went home and put them away and sat around thinking about what I had done this past weekend, and the things that had been done to me. I realized that I had no regrets, none at all.

Dale came home at the usual time. After supper he took the car off of the trailer and put it away. Then he came in and took a shower. After his shower he came out to the kitchen naked and said, "I have been thinking about this weekend all day long. I couldn't concentrate worth a shit. I have never been so horny in my life. Come on bitch, let's fuck."

Dale would never have spoken to me that way before this weekend. He was the nicest, most considerate guy in the world. He didn't sound completely comfortable talking that way. But I liked that he was trying and I took his hand and as we walked towards the bedroom I said, "Yes, master. I have had the same problem. I seem to be turning into a slut, and I like it."

He grinned and said, "Me too."

He nearly tore my clothes off and then he tossed me on the bed and jumped on top of me. He held my hands up over my head and shoved his cock into me roughly. As he fucked me we relived the things that had happened to me this weekend and Christ it was hot! I came over and over and he just kept fucking me, even after he had cum and his cock was soft he still ground it around inside of me and I came one last time. We both knew that it had been the best fuck we had ever had.

I lifted my head off the bed and kissed his chest, and then I licked the salty sweat off of him and moaned passionately as his pubic bone ground against my clit and I came again. I couldn't take anymore after that. I was fucked out. I fell back onto the bed and told him how wonderful he was and thanked him for a very exciting weekend.

He rolled off of me and held me in his arms and said, "It wasn't planned. I had no idea it would go that far. Once I saw how much fun you were having though, it turned me on just as much as it did you."

There was a pause in the conversation while we kissed. Then he said, "I wonder how long it will be before he comes to fuck you? I wonder if he will do it here or take you somewhere."

I had been wondering those same things. Just the thought of it hanging over me was exciting to me. I could picture all kinds of exciting scenarios. But the idea that we had given another man permission to come to our house and fuck me whenever he wanted kept my juices flowing. I couldn't stop thinking about it. And every time I thought about it I became more aroused.