Caught Stealing: Try It, You'll Like It

An E&I Mall story

Copyright 2005 by Stormbringer

"I'm going to take it."

Marti's eyes opened wide and she shook her head. "Don't. What if you get caught?" It was cramped in the changing room. Marti sighed. "Tell me again why I'm friends with you."

Karen laughed. "Because I'm fun. Besides, I think the salesgirl goes to school with us. She would probably let us take them." She looked at herself in the mirror. Karen's long blonde hair was pulled back. Her blue eyes liked what they saw in the mirror. She was a tall girl, with a long belly and a pierced belly button. The bra squeezed her large chest together. Her nipples were big and pointy, completely visible through the black bra. The panties were sheer and thin, a blonde tuft of hair stuck out around the material. Karen would need to shave before showing this to her new boyfriend. "Oh, I want this sexy thing all right. Try yours on."

Marti wiggled her cheerleading skirt down over her hips and pulled her top off. In the face the girl's looked very much alike. Marti's eyes were green to Karen's blue, but they both had long blonde hair. Many thought they were sisters. Marti was shorter. Her stomach was not as long and her breasts were overly large. Karen's were large C-cups, but conical while Marti's were heavy ponderous D's that gave her some minor back aches. Marti's shorter size gave her a more compact shape. Her belly button was also pierced thanks to prompting by Karen. Another difference between the girls was that Marti exposed brown pubic hair while trying on her lingerie.

"You should dye that too," stated Karen. She was a bit of a control freak and was slowly turning Marti into a carbon copy of herself.

"Maybe I'll shave it."

"Ooo, naughty, Brad will go nuts."

Marti agreed. She had transfered to the high school six months ago. Marti was an exceptional honor student, but shy. Her big breasts had every male in school asking her out for dates. She was surprised when Karen made friends with her. Karen was head cheerleader and dating the school's quarterback. Within months, Marti had dyed her hair blonde, joined the squad, pierced her navel, started sneaking cigarettes, gotten ***** on her first beer, given her first blow job, and on her eighteenth birthday lost her virginity to Brad another football player. Karen had also lost her virginity on her birthday a few weeks earlier.

"Lets do it." Karen pulled her cheerleading outfit on over her lingerie, placing her used underwear on the hanger. "Come on try it, you might like it. It's such a rush."

"Shit!" griped Marti as she followed Karen down another path she never would have taken six months ago.

"Come on try it," urged Karen. Reluctantly Marti climbed into the chair and got her belly button pierced.

"Try it, you'll like it," said Karen passing the cigarette to Marti.

"Just try it." Karen closed the tap and handed the beer over to Marti. Later that night, Brad had been expressing his desire to get a little action. "Give it a try. You won't like it, but it'll keep him happy." Marti took Karen's advice. She left tthe party with Brad and gave her first blow job.

"You've got to do it, Marti. I tell you it's totally awesome. It hurts a little at first, but now I could fuck every night of the week. Make him take you out to dinner first." And so Marti lost her virginity.

Now Karen was urging her to steal. Marti pulled her cheerleading outfit on over the stolen lingerie.

The girls left the changing room and casually tossed their used underwear in the bin filled with lingerie to be returned to the shelf. They hurried to the exit. The saleswomen were chatting at the register and didn't pay them any attention. It was almost too easy.

A thick black hand fell on each of their shoulders the second they exited the Hidden Closet store. "Ladies." Karen turned to tell off the presumptious black man, but froze when she saw the King security uniform and the man's massive size. "Mall security. You both need to come with me."


"What is the meaning of this?" asked a nervous Karen feigning indignation. Marti had turned white as a ghost.

"We have it on good authority that you two ladies are wearing items stolen from the store you just left."

"That is preposterous." Karen stamped her foot down, looking indignant.

"Lets see some identification." Kent the security guard reached his hands out and snapped his fingers. "Move it ladies. I don't have any patience for shoplifters." Both girls reluctantly reached into their purses and pulled out their driver's licenses. Kent read them. "Martina Smith and Karen O'Brien. Hmm both eighteen."

"What does that matter? asked Karen. Marti remained cowed and silent.

"It means you could do jail time for shoplifting. Minors would just get probation. Lift you skirts ladies."

"What?" asked Marti finally speaking up. She still looked petrified.

"No way. You some kinda pervert?" Karen crossed her arms and stamped her foot.

"I need to determine if you have stolen items from Hidden Closet." The security office had a video recorder set up on a tripod. Kent, the guard, walked over and turned it on. "This is to make sure I don't try anything untoward with you. If I'm wrong and you haven't stolen anything, the mall will award you two hundred dollars in gift certificates. Lift them up."

Karen pulled her cheerleading skirt up. "Just my normal underwear."

"Rather sexy for a teenager. And you, Mrs Smith?"

Marti gulped and pulled her skirt up. "Just mine too."

"Interesting that you don't feel the need to shave to fit into your panties huh Mrs Smith?"

"I uh didn't have time."

"I'm going to have to ask that both of you strip down to your underwear."

"No way!" said both young women.

"Let me rephrase that. Strip down to your underwear NOW.

Marti flushed bright red and started pulling her uniform top off. Karen looked at her meek friend. "Hold on Marti, we don't have to do what this rent-a-cop tells us too." Marti froze unsure what to do with her shirt up over her bra.

"She's right," said the black guard. "Neither of you have to do what I tell you. I'll just call the police and your parents right now." Kent reached over for the phone.

"W-wait," begged Marti. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to take it."

"Marti, shut up." Karen groaned.

The black security guard shrugged and sat down at his desk chair. He sat back and propped his feet on the desk. "Look ladies. I might be compassionate and let you two off with a warning. After all, everyone makes mistakes. Or I could have the police take you off to jail. I do need to record the evidence. Now take your cheerleading outfits off so I can see the underwear you stole."

"Damn it," growled Karen. Marti took her top off and tried to hold an arm over her breasts as she wiggled out of her skirt. Karen followed, stripping down to her underwear, but boldly not hiding her body from the black man.

"Turn around," ordered Kent and the two humiliated teens obeyed. "Note the tags are still on the underwear proving the items are stolen," he said for the video camera's benefit.

Marti groaned. If they had ripped the tags off, there wouldn't be a case against them.

Kent stood. The girls noticed he had developed a limp as he walked over to a clear tub with the words "recovered items" written on them. He sat the tub on the floor before the girls. "Put the underwear in the tub please."

"You want us to strip?" asked Marti.

Karen shook her head. "Don't you get it? This guy is a pervert. He's getting his kicks off making us strip."

"Just doing my job, Mrs O'Brien." Kent grinned mockingly at her. "But I do need the underwear. Ladies, I do admire your choices. You both have magnificent bodies."

Marti cried. She unhooked her bra and tossed it into the tub. She covered her nipples with her arm. Karen followed, but was unconcerned about showing off her proud breasts. She finally broked down as she slipped off her panties. The normally stoic teen, blushed and held her hand over her blonde pubic hair. Both noticed that the guard had gathered their clothes while they threw their stolen lingerie into the bin. The guard put their clothes far out of their reach. "We did what you wanted. May we have our clothes back?" Marti was hunched over with her hand over her pubes and an arm across her breasts.

"No. Now I'll need your parent's numbers."

"But you said, you might be compassionate?"

"And I am being compassionate. I'm going to forego the police and just call your parents."

"Look, can't you just let us go?"

"I might, but you haven't exactly been nice to me Miss O'Brien."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been quite the condescending bitch. It would take a lot to make me change my mind."

"Like what?"

Suck me off or your friend can. I don't give a fuck who does it." Kent leaned against his desk and unbuckled his belt.

"Told you he was a pervert," growled Karen.

"I aint sucking off a black guy," gasped Marti. She wasn't really a racist, she just blurted the words out without thinking. "Me neither," said Karen. The taller blonde made no effort to cover her magificent figure. She had her hands on her hips and her breasts proudly thrust out. "He aint touching this body."

Kent had undone his pants and pulled his zipper part way down. "I understand. I'll just call your parents and the police then."

"Fuck!" Karen shook her head angrily. "Fuck it, damn you. I'll do it. You just gotta promise to let us go."

"All I wants is for a hot white girl to suck on my big black cock." Kent was grinning. "Now you come take it out."

Karen curled up her lip in disgust. "Jerk!" Her eyes went from his face to his crotch and her brow furrowed at the sight of his large bulge. She walked over to him and stared down at his crotch not kneeling until his hand helped her along.

"Can I go? I don't want to watch this," said Marti.

"Nope. You stay where you are. I want you to watch your friend. Besides, you might decide you want some too." The black man grinned, but didn't look like he was kidding.

Karen reached up and grabbed the guards pants pulling the front apart as the zipper slid all the way down. The black man's underwear hugged a huge penis. The material gripped the shaft like a second skin and the shaft was rapidly swelling. She still didn't want to suck off the black man, but she was filled with a desire to see the huge cock. Karen reached out and pulled the underwear down. The fat slab of black meat now freed, swung up and whacked her on the chin. "Marti, can you see this thing?"

"Un huh," said Marti nodding in shock. The black man had a huge cock that looked longer then a foot. As she watched, the fat cockhead rose up and slid along Karen's face. The pee slit left a trail of precum from Karen's chin to her forehead. "Jesus!"

"Jesus is right," whispered Karen. She closed her eyes and inhaled as she brought her nose close to the crotch. "I swear it even smells big."

"Karen!" Marti shook her head as Karen sniffed the black man's crotch. Her friend had been wearing an expression of anger and disgust, but now she seemed fascinated. Her eyes were bright and wide. She couldn't quit staring at the monster.

"Whatsa matter? You girls aint never seen a cock before?" The guard was grinning at some private joke.

"Not one this big, sir." Karen had grabbed the shaft and was stroking it slowly. She watched her hand slide up and down the thick slab of meat. Her fingers and thumb didn't even meet it was so thick. "Its gotta be twice as big as my boyfriend's."

"Must be a white boy to be so puny. That's a black cock in your hand, girl and it's about to become your new best friend."

Karen didn't argue. She stuck her tongue out and licked around the big knobby cockhead which was bigger then a golf ball. She moaned as her tongue tasted his precum.

Marti watched confused as her friend gained enthusiasm for licking the long black shaft. Karen was kissing it all over. Karen's nipples were rock hard and her breasts heaved from her excitement. She took the head in her mouth and bobbed her head rapidly over it. Karen gagged as more and more of the shaft disappeared at each head bob. Karen's eyes watered in frustration at not being able to swallow more. Marti no longer thought Karen would quit sucking tha monster cock even if the guard changed his mind and let them go.

Karen choked a little as she managed about half his cock down her throat. The guard pushed her head back until his cock plopped free. Karen gasped, "Marti, you gotta try it. This cock is amazing."

"No way!"

"I'm serious. Just get down here and you'll understand."

Marti didn't understand at all what Karen was talking about. If anything a penis that size would be scary. Just the thought of taking that beast inside her pussy frightened her. Brad's six inch penis had hurt when it took her virginity. Marti decided to humor her slutty friend and walked over to the black man. She kneeled beside Karen. Up close the shaft was more impressive. It was as hard as granite and glistened with Karen's saliva. "That is one big cock!" Marti stared at it in awe. Karen was right it did smell big. Marti leaned closer and took a big whiff of the manly smell.

Karen grabbed the base of the shaft and guided it towards Marti's mouth until the head bobbed just an inch from her nose. "Just give it a quick taste," suggested Karen.

Marti stared cross-eyed down the long shaft and nodded. She leaned forward and puckered her lips on the big cockhead. Her kiss turned into a lick across the pee-slit. The slit oozed precum. She tasted it then took the fat cockhead into her mouth.

Karen smiled as her friend bobbed her head several times over the shaft. A moan grew in Marti's throat. Karen's smile turned upside down as she realized Marti didn't plan on stopping. "Hey," she cried pushing Marti back. "Just a taste. This cock is mine."

Marti's brow furrowed in anger. She grabbed Karen's shoulder just as Karen was opening her mouth to take the cock back inside. It was Karen's turn to be jerked back. Angry, Karen lashed out, shoving Marti out of her way. Karen clamped her lips back over Kent's cockhead. Marti was ready to punch Karen, but Kent placed one meaty hand on her forehead. "You can suck my balls." He pushed down and pulled her towards his testicles.

Miffed, Marti felt like she was getting a consolation prize, but she found herself satisfied just being near the black man's crotch. His balls were sized to match his cock, each the size of her fist. She bent her head and started licking his balls while Karen bobbed her head along half Kent's cock.

After nearly thirty minutes, Kent announced, "Close to cumming." He grabbed Karens head and started pumping her mouth. "You gonna swallow it right?" Karen moaned in answer.

Marti quit licking his testicles long enough to say, "If she doesn't I will." Soon after, Marti found her face showered with sperm. Karen was gagging, trying to swallow. Sperm coated Karen's chin and drops rained down on Marti. Karen released his cock, trying to catch her breath. The still squirting cock shot a large wad that splattered on Karen's face, nearly blinding her. Marti saw her opportunity. A wad coated her lips and cheeks before she clamped her lips over the erupting cockhead. Her mouth filled with warm semen. The pleasantness of the taste surprised her as she gulped it down. Her mouth filled again before Karen pulled her off and took Kent's cock back in her mouth.

Marti licked the sperm off her lips. She wanted more. She leaned over towards Karen and licked some of the semen off her chin. Kent's cock had finally quit erupting. He stepped back. Marti licked more sperm off Karen's chin. Karen pulled back, but realized Marti's cheeks were coated too. Both girls frantically kissed each others faces until their lips met. Their tongues darted into each others mouths hoping for a last taste of black seed.

There was nothing really sexual about the kiss, but the sight of two hot teenagers french kissing kept Kent's cock hard and ready. "Stand up and lie across the evidence table." Kent pulled Karen to her feet. He gripped her hips and lifted her onto the near empty table.

"Go easy," begged Karen.

Kent just snorted as he gripped her ankles and spread her legs wide open. He lined his cock up with her pussy and worked it forwards.

"Ugh," gasped Karen as the fat head stretched her pussy wide open. "So thick." Her pussy was well lubricated which helped her accomodate him. Karen wrapped her legs around Kent's waist when he released her ankles.

"These are some nice titties," growled Kent squeezing her breasts together. He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and fingers. Kent started bucking his hips faster.

"Gawd Marti, he's fucking me so good. You gotta try this. I'm gonna c-ah-m." Karen's hips bucked uncontrollably as the orgasm over took her.

"Hey white slut," said Kent looking at Marti over his shoulder. "Com'ere and lean over this table."

Marti had been staring like a zombie at the amazing sight of this nude muscular black man slamming a foot long cock into her best friend's sexy body. She stood and walked over to the table. She leaned over it right next to Karen. Her friend was still out of it and didn't seem to notice.

"NO!" screamed Karen coming to life. "Don't pull it out. What are you..."

"Sorry babe, but you told your friend to try it for herself."

"I didn't mean now."

Marti's eyes went wide as she felt Kent's hands on her hips. Moments later his mighty cockhead split her labia in two and her pussy opened for him. "Wait! What am I doing? It's too big. Oh oh oh yeah, fuck me." Minutes later the cock that had just made Karen cum, had Marti crying out from her own orgasm.

Kent pulled his cock out of an exhaused Marti and slid it back inside a welcoming Karen. He went back to Marti after Karen came again, then back to Karen after that.

"Don't stop," begged Karen wrapping her legs around Kent's hips to hold his cock in.

"But it's my turn," pleaded Marti.

"Looks like you got a problem, bro," said a new voice.

Marti looked over at the doorway to see a second black security guard standing there grinning.

"I wouldn't call it a problem Dallas, but I'm willing to share." Kent went back to fucking Karen.

Marti watched the second guard began to undo his trousers. "What's he doing?" she asked rhetorically. What have I become? she thought. I'm sharing a giant black cock with Karen while another stranger is getting ready to take his cock out. And I'm hoping Dallas' cock is as incredible as Kent's. It was! Dallas' dick looked to be just as long, but the head was hooded.

Marti glanced at Karen and saw that her friend wasn't even aware a second man had joined them. Dallas just casually walked over and placed his hand on Marti's back to hold her still and guided his cock into her. Marti just grabbed the end of the table and enjoyed it.

Marti was on her third powerful orgasm with Dallas when he pulled his cock out. Dallas didn't pull it out far. He just guided the tip of his cock up her slit to her puckered little rosebud. Marti grunted with pain as the cock pushed hard against her anus. She gritted her teeth to keep from screaming as her knuckles turned white gripping the edge of the table. It never occured to her to make the black man stop. As the head pushed it's way into her ass she felt as if she might pass out. However, the thought occured to her that for once she was trying something before Karen had and she laughed.

Marti moaned constantly while Dallas worked his cock deep into her ass. There came a point when she started enjoying it. Marti opened her eyes and saw Kent standing before her face. His cock still stuck out a foot, but had softened. A five inch strand of sperm dangled from the bloated cockhead. Kent stepped forward and pushed his cockhead into Marti's mouth. Marti found herself lying over a table with a cock in her ass and one in her mouth.

Karen gave a loud gasp. Marti glanced her way, but couldn't move her head because of the cock down her throat. She could only see Karen's upper torso. Her friend looked to be in great pain or possibly pleasure. Karen's face was pale and she was sweating. "Too big," gasped Karen.

"Hey boss," said Kent.

"Looking to see what happened to my security guards," said a new voice.

"Gots us some young booty," said Dallas. His cock suddenly exploded in Marti's ass filling her bowels with hot sperm. Dallas pulled his cock out, the semen rising to fill the vacated space until it poured out her asshole. Dallas wasn't done when he pulled out either. Several hot wads splattered Marti's back.

"Yes, some fine young booty," said the new man. "Thanks for loosening her up for me."

"Your cock is so fucking huge! moaned Karen practically screaming it. "You need to try this M-ahr-tee...cumming!"

Kent pulled his cock out of Marti's mouth. It was still somewhat deflated, but hard enough that he walked behind her and shoved it back in her pussy. It quickly turned rock hard again. Marti was now able to see the new man. It was another black man, with light brown skin. He was as muscular as the others and quite handsome. "That's Mr Brown, the mall manager."

Marti watched Mr Brown fuck Karen for awhile. Karen seemed completely dazed. Eventually, Marti just closed her eyes and enjoyed Kent's cock. The thing was so long, the head had pushed past her cervix. It suddenly occured to her that none of these men had bothered with condom's. She opened her mouth. "Don't cum... oomph," she cried as Dallas pushed his cock into her mouth. By then it was too late and Kent's monster exploded, spraying hot seed straight into her womb. Her resulting orgasm had her no longer caring that she was unprotected. That kind of pleasure was worth any consequences.

When Marti recovered, she was cock free. Dallas had pulled out of her mouth and pushed his into Karen's mouth. Karen slowly sucked it with her head hanging upside down. She seemed half asleep like a contented baby still nursing on a nipple. The man between her legs was gone, but Karen's legs were still spread open like she couldn't close them.

Someone helped Marti to her feet. Mr Brown spun her around to face him. She got a glimpse of his huge monster cock. The thing was more then a foot long, but it was the girth that astounded her. Brown's nostrils flared and Marti was very afraid of him at that moment. Brown pushed her to her knees, then back until Marti lied on her back on the floor. Brown kneeled down between her legs and lined up his cock. "Both bitches, Kent."

"What's that boss?" Kent was momentarily resting, but his cock was starting to stir again.

"They're both ovulating." Darren grunted as he forced his thick cockhead into Marti who grunted in response. "Gonna knock them both up."

Marti winced as more of Darren's thick cock pushed into her. His cock was as big aound as a soda bottle and stretched out her already stretched pussy. Marti did a quick calculation in her head. She probably was ovulating and Karen shared her cycle. Karen had borrowed a pad from Marti two weeks ago. How did the black man know? It was like he smelled it on her. Worse, her will to resist these men had been crushed. She would do whatever these men told her to.

"Comere, slut," growled Darren Brown. Marti saw a shadow fall across her face. She looked up and saw Karen standing over her. "Take a step closer." Karen took a weak step.

Marti moaned in orgasm and a large glob of sperm fell into her mouth. Karen was standing over her head, dripping rain drops of semen down onto Marti's face. Sperm continued to drip down for minutes until Brown cried, "That's enough."

Darren laid down on Marti and rolled over, pulling her on top of him. His hands grabbed her ass cheeks forcing her to ride him hard and spreading her ass cheeks. A cock pressed hard against her anus and pushed it's way inside. It was Kent in her ass because Dallas was walking over to her with his hard cock in hand. Dallas pointed his cock at her mouth and Marti experienced having all three holes filled with dark meat.

Kent came first filling her ass with sperm. He rested a moment, his cock still spasming every few seconds before he pulled his out. Dallas was next. Sperm erupted from a cock half down her throat. Marti pushed on his hips wanting him to withdraw his cock so that she could taste his seed. Dallas withdrew once he was drained.

Darren lifted Marti up with his huge hands and began bucking his hips rapidly. Marti stuttered out a long moan as her big tits bounced heavily with each thrust of Darren's cock. Suddenly, Darren's cockhead wedged in her cervix and erupted sperm into her womb. Her orgasm shook her entire body. He grabbed her cheeks and stared into her eyes. "You're a slut for black cock now."

"Yes," moaned Marti as Darren impregnated her. Darren's sperm was so copious and powerful it would overwhelm the load Kent had already planted in her belly.


Afterwards, everyone dressed except Kent who checked the video camera that had filmed the whole thing. "Your a slut for black cock now," said Darren's voice over the speaker.

"I hope you plan to destroy that," asked Karen.

"Hell no. I'm keeping this baby," grinned Kent. "Tell you what though. Bring some of your hotter friends by to meet us and I promise I won't show anyone."

Karen and Marti nodded, sure that the black man was serious.

Darren handed the girls a card that read, E&I Modeling. "I think you girls have what it takes to be models. Give that guy a call and he'll start you both on a new career."

"Thanks," said both girls excited at the idea. Darren led them out of the security office.

Kent sat down at the monitors. The camera screens showed the normal security views. Darren, Karen, and Marti appeared on one walking through the mall. He flipped the hidden switch and the dressing room at Hidden Closet appeared on the screens. He started taping ann attractive older woman trying on sexy lingerie. They'd post it a voyeurcam latter. He cycled through more cameras. The ladies shower at Black's gym appeared, but it was empty at this time. Between six and seven, the women who excercized after work would fill the showers. Marcus Black appeared on one screen pounding a white woman in the gym's private sauna.

Kent went back to the Hidden Closet screens and grinned when he caught a shoplifter.

The End