We had heard of this car park where voyeurs come out of the trees & bushes to watch couples making out in their cars. So we thought that we would like to try this as it seemed very exciting. It was just starting to get dark when we pulled into the car park. There was no one about, though there where several empty cars parked about. We pulled up to some bushes and stared to neck, I slowly began to open Betty's blouse. She was trembling slightly, "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes. I think so, it's just that I'm very excited. It's er, sort of turned on and frightened at the same time." she said nervously. You have locked the doors, haven't you?"

"Of course I have!"

"I don't mind them watching but that's all". We had agreed on this before hand, She wanted to go further, to act out her wildest fantasies but was too nervous. This was our first adventure.

"Just forget about who's outside, that's if there is anyone." Up to now we hadn't seen a soul. "Just relax and let's make love." I continued to unbutton her blouse and as she wasn't wearing a bra, her beautiful small firm breasts where immediately on display. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, our car was surrounded by men. There was at least 5 of them. I whispered to her. "Well, you've got your audience" She suddenly looked up and when she saw the men looking at her, she went wild.

Screaming "Play with me ! Quick, quick, rub my clit!" As she was only wearing a wrap around skirt and no knickers, I had her shaved pussy exposed to view in a flash. My fingers set to work rubbing and entering her juicy pussy as fast as I could. The men outside were obviously enjoying the show, as they all had their cocks out and where wanking furiously.

She opened her eyes so that she could see the men watching her, just as she climaxed. A tremendous, earth shattering climax. I'd never seen her have one that violent before. A tremendous scream escaped from her lips at the same time. It sounded more like she was being murdered than enjoying herself. "Lets go! Let's go!" she screamed. Her voice was full of exhilaration. Half screaming, half laughing. "Oh! Ho ho! Ahhh" These where the kind of unintelligible sounds she was making as I started the car up and quickly reversed and then sped off. I could see the men in my mirror, still standing there with their cocks in their hands. When we got home I found that the car needed washing as there where streaks of cum all over it. We had a fantastic session that night, she told me about the fantasy that she was having as she climaxed, about the men dragging her from the car and gang banging her.


I was naked on the reclining front seat of our car, my husband was playing with my breasts and rubbing my clit, when we are surrounded by a gang of men. They all have their cocks out and are wanking furiously. They tap on the window and indicate that they would like the window to be opened. I tell my husband that it's ok, so he winds it down. Hands come in and start fondling my breasts, I find this very exciting. Then other hands are sliding down my tummy, they reach my pussy, where my husband's hand is already playing with me. He moves his hand and lets the strangers hands and fingers enter me. They are rough, grabbing and pulling at me. Forcing rough calloused fingers into my most private parts but the rougher they are, the more I'm turned on by it.

A head comes in through the window and tries to suck my nipples but can't reach properly. So they open the door and kneel down and suck hard and knead and squeeze my breasts. "Lovely pair of tits." he mumbles between mouthfuls of breast. My husband is sitting back and wanking hard on his cock. I've never seen it look so big and hard before. Seeing me being used by these men is really turning him on.

Another guy is trying to squeeze alongside to get at my crotch, he tries to get his head in between my legs so that he can eat my pussy but it is too awkward in the cramped car. He looks up at my husband, completely ignoring me, and says "I've got a mattress in the back of my van, can we take her there? It will be easier for us all to get at her." Well hearing this just got me more excited than ever. They where talking about me as though I was a possession belonging to my husband, a thing to be used, not a person, no one thought to ask me my permission. (In real life I would probably be up in arms over this but in this fantasy, the more abuse, physical and verbal that I got, the more I loved it.) Hubby said yes, they could take me to their van. I was lifted out of our car, unceremoniously, and carried by 4 men, the cool evening air caressed the most intimate parts of my body. I was being carried, naked, by complete strangers, through a public car-park at the back of a wooded a rea at the edge of our local park. My pussy juices where running out of me, the sheer exhilaration of what was happening and what was about to happen was driving me crazy with lust and passion.

I was bundled into the van, laid down on the mattress and was immediately surrounded by 6 men. All big rough workmen types. They were all over me, hands, fingers. The men were taking their clothes off. The first one stripped was between my legs in a flash. His huge cock in his hand. I was that wet, as soon as it touched my wet pussy lips, it just slid right in. I lost concentration of the man fucking me because 2 men where either side of my head and both of them where trying to shove their big dicks into my mouth at the same time. But they where too big and had to settle for me sucking them one at a time.

My husband hadn't as yet joined us, as he had been locking up the car. I heard him banging on the door of the van, wanting to be let in. One of the men let him in just as my first 'lover' (or should I say ******, though I was a willing victim!) with loud moans started to come, he shot all his hot spunk into me. He had hardly finished coming when he was dragged off me and another man took his place. As I was full of cum, he had no trouble in entering me. His big cock rammed into me with such force that it made all the spunk inside my pussy squirt out, just like a fresh cream cake that is squeezed too hard. I was practically oblivious to what was happening to me, it was like being in a dream as wave after wave of pure sexual pleasure swept through my body. Cock after cock entered my pussy and my mouth, I felt as though I was drowning in spunk.

Then as though through a haze, I heard my husband's voice. "Are you ok darling?"

"Mmmmm... Yesss" I purred. "Never felt better." All the men were lying about, exhausted.

My husband then said. "Now it's my turn, you lecherous slut!"

"Oh! yes darling, take me! Fuck me! Use me!" and he did. We had a wonderful, long hard fuck. By the time he had finished and shot all his lovely cum into me, the men where sitting up and taking notice. Some of them where playing with their cocks and as my husband rolled off me, I was once again surrounded by the men who now had their second wind and wanted more.... and more.... and MORRRRRE!!!!

I hope one day to be able to act this out in real life.