Once more she bent down to retrieve the satchel she had dropped when he smacked her. "What's in that thing you keep dropping?" asked Bill. "You know that a girl needs her lipstick! I'm afraid this skirt didn't come with pockets!" she said in a bright voice, stretching the skirt out playfully for him to see (and confirming to everyone that she didn't wear any panties!)."He smacked his forehead with his palm. "I'm sorry I asked. We're not used to playing with girls! Richards! As long as you're carrying clubs, stick this in a pocket for Jenny! He grabbed the bag from her hand, tossing it back to Jack, who reluctantly shoved it in a back pocket.

Dr. Stevens placed a hand on Jacks shoulder, when attention had returned to Jenny. In a quiet voice, he asked, "I take it you don't want the fact she's your wife published!" Looking down, Jack answered, "God no! I'd be a laughing stock! Can you imagine what the rest of the members would think of me, if they knew we were married? I can't figure out why she's putting me through this though!" Dr. Stevens shook his head in agreement. "I can't imagine either, but it could be a real long day for you" he said with a smile, returning his gaze to Jenny.

Jack and Dr. Stevens hit their approach shots, neither matching Bills effort. Rich was the last to play, having hit an enormous drive as usual. With a deft hand, he hit a full wedge twenty feet beyond the pin, spinning it back to settle half way in-between Bills ball and the pin. The rest of the members back on the tee let out a cheer, as they had been following the action from the bleachers. Even Jenny could see that it was a wonderful effort, and pranced up in front of Rich. She stuck her ass out towards him playfully, bending forward to put her hands on her knees. Rich was no fool! Not hesitating a second, he gave her a quick underhand swat, eliciting a small squeal of delight from Jenny. Jack frowned as Rich let his hand linger briefly, brushing against her privates. Jenny certainly didn't help matters either, as she wiggled her butt back against his hand!

Jack strode forward briskly, fuming at his plight. He set down his bag, selected his putter, and joined the rest of the group on the green. Marking his ball just inside the back fringe, he started surveying the green. Bill and Rich were comparing shots as they marked their balls, trading barbs. Rich tossed the ball to his caddy to clean. Bill handed his to Jenny. She watched, as the other caddies wiped the balls down with fluffy white towels and handed them back to their golfers, who pocketed them. Having no towel of her own, she began a careful examination of the ball, casually wiping it across the saturated material covering her right nipple. She felt it swelling, sending tingles of pleasure straight down to her groin, as she continued teasing it in full view of the men. Giving Bill a wink, she slipped the ball in his pocket for him, tracing a fingernail up the side of his stiff cock on the way out!

Bill cleared his throat. "Richards! You're away!" Jack lined up his put once again, willing himself to calm down. Stroking the putter with no feel, he blew the put well beyond the cup on the fast green. "Still away!" cried Bill, as he moved next to Jenny, and again began whispering in her ear. Jack settled down this time, and his second effort, while not dropping, allowed a tap-in finish. He was relieved to be out of the spotlight, and have the first hole behind him. Dr. Stevens played next, and taking advantage of the line from Jack's second putt, smoothly stroked his ball home. Jenny threw a fist in the air with a whoop of joy, and shook her chest back and forth, giving the group quite a show! Jack heard shouts from behind, and looked back over his shoulder. The second group was enjoying the action, having already played their tee-shots. They had moved up in the fairway to follow Jenny's antics on the green.

"O.K. Dear, show me the line!" said Bill, as he replaced his ball, pocketing his ball mark. Jenny surveyed the situation, and with a sly grin, slowly sauntered all the way to the front edge of the green, spinning around so that his ball was between her and the cup. Dropping down on both knees, she leaned forward on her hands and arched forward toward the ball, her ass sticking up high in the air! Jack could imagine the view she was giving to the guys in the fairway, as he could see them exchanging hi-fives. "Holy-moley!" muttered one of the young caddies by his side, as her breasts spilled forward out of the loose top! She didn't seem to notice though, as she swayed side to side to pick up the contour of the surface. "It's going to bend this way!" she said, as she sat back on her heels, bringing her heavy breasts into prominent view! "Whoopsee!" she exclaimed, as she carefully pulled the thin, stretched out material back up over her breasts. She made quite a show out of shifting and tucking her breasts this way and that, till she was satisfied with the way the sweater looked. Jack heard the caddy gulp noisily at his side, as she stood back up.

"Sorry about that guys!" she said. Everyone was speechless though, and Bill stepped up to his putt. It dropped just as planned, and he and Jenny embraced, raising her feet up off the ground in his enthusiasm! As he set her down, her left breast bounced free. Once again he playfully smacked her ass, causing the other breast to swing out with her sudden jerk. No one mentioned this to her, however, and she stepped back to allow Rich to finish out, hands on her wide hips, breasts hanging proudly on display!

Jack picked up his bag, as the group started to leave the green. Running up behind them, he saw an opportunity to slide in next to her as they approached the second tee. "You're tits are showing, you stupid cow!" he urgently whispered. She now met his eyes for the first time, and slowly smiled. "I know, dumb fuck!" she replied, shocking him into silence!

And so it continued for the next six holes. Jenny continued to flirt heavily with all the men, except of course her Husband! The more she yanked and pulled on her sweater as it dried, the looser the material became, to the point where even when she tried to keep herself covered, the neckline still exposed the edges of her large areolas. She was enjoying the effect she had on them all, though, as the semi-erections were very apparent beneath their loose shorts.