Broke, Fat, Black, and Ugly

by DiscipleN

broke, fat, black, and ugly.jpgThis story has over-the-top, racist bullshit so thick you can't mistake it for the insulting lie it would be if written for anything other than fetish fantasy.

Chapter 1

Barely making it in Seattle should be my forum name. I had finally found work and my husband slipped and cracked his spine, he's on disability. Having regained most of his mobility Donald now whinces whenever I bring up applying for work. Stace, our 14-year-old spends like a sixteen-year-old. She doesn't need the makeup, makeovers, and makewhatevers she saves every cent of her allowance for she's attractive enough.

We were making a living. I can't say that for most of our neighborhood. The funny thing is the community next to ours began booming when the LINK rail line passed through it. Not that the mayor's investments in that district had anything to do with the convoluted divergence from the light rail's originally planned route. Anywhere within a fifteen-minute walk of that rail line struck gold when the Emerald City took on a silicon sheen, fucking tech companies.

I'm bitter for two reasons, I hate the tech job I nearly had to suck cock for and I have to walk twenty minutes to catch the light rail and fuck my 'Office Assistant Support Engineer' job, that's my actual title.

My walk to work is far more interesting or I should say was. I wouldn't be writing this if my life turned out to be just another privileged white woman's fantasy of finding love in a black man's arms. No, I hate Terry almost as much as my ********. Our combined antipathy couldn't scratch Donald's hate for that nigger freak. I say 'nigger' only because Terry tells me to call him that and I'd call him anything he wanted to get what I hate needing from him but he does hate being called a freak. I used to call Terry a sad black man but never in public. He jangled pennies in a plastic Slurpee cup at me and I would always add a dollar to it on my walk to work. Nobody looks at anyone on commuter trains or buses. Going to work I felt invisible like my life had no meaning. Even the blowjobs Donald begged for since he couldn't mount me for long with his back pain were a sad routine.

Stace, like most teens, lived either out of the house or stuck in her room. She came out to make our meals that I barely had time to eat. Her father helped, it took both of them to prepare what he bought from the grocer. She couldn't be trusted with a credit card and we could only afford raw vegetables and whatever burger was cheapest, fruit was our dessert. Yeah, we were making it, like robots earning just enough juice for their batteries. I went to work numb from the banal repetition my income could afford at least we had paid off our credit cards.

Terry's eyes burned at me when I walked by, "Privileged, white cunt," I didn't hate him then, I didn't feel sorry for him, I assumed like most people he had earned his fate. He was too old to be a modern war vet and too young to be a Vietnam vet. I bet he had been as fat as a child, imagining that food was his only comfort against a severely deformed cheek and jawline. I knew a dollar wouldn't save him. There are many options for the homeless in Seattle, food and shelters are available. The truth is I paid him to ease my fear that I would one day end up like him.

"Thanks," He said one cold but not rainy day, global warming has blessed the Pacific Northwest. He wore a military coat from a supply store, you can tell the difference. His trousers were thick polyester heavily worn at the knees. A folding umbrella lay next to him and he sat on a piece of foam meant for stadium seats with a ripped corner.

"Um, welcome," I dropped the dollar but missed the cup or did he move it at the last second, I wasn't watching. His grunt of gratitude unnerved me I wanted to hurry away.

"Fucking wind."

If only I hadn't looked back, the dollar bill was danced toward me, I picked it up and returned it to the grim-looking bum, "Sorry," I spun back towards the rail stop.

"If only."

I lost it, I don't know why, I'm not that type, "Who else gives you a dollar, every damn day? I missed your cup give me a goddamn break!"

"Sure, you deserve a break cuz you're such a fucking philanthropist!"

"Jesus, why talk to an ugly nigger like that, how stupid is she?" The comment came from two black men walking by in their business suits. I had no words, I felt stuck and my LINK was about to arrive but I didn't want to follow the two assholes, I couldn't bear the shame they made me feel.

The beggar's eyes continued to burn, I was going to be late for work. I sighed, "Look, do you want a sandwich or something I'll get one from that 7-11 if you want?"

"I want barbecue," he struggled up from his seat, using the squat umbrella for balance. He was an inch taller than me. "But not a sandwich, a full meal that's what I want," his stare cold and unblinking.

"I don't have time."

"It's over there behind that nail painting bullshit shop best barbecue on the block," that didn't mean much many blocks in this neighborhood had BBQ vendors. He grabbed my wrist and tugged, I would have screamed but he let go before I could lose it his fingers leaving a white smudge on my wrist, "It's cheap," The tug had launched me in that direction, I don't know why I continued after that first forced step but I followed him around the nail salon and other shops and there it was "Angus' BBQ" awaited. Its entrance was on the side of the building. In the back were a couple of trash bins, commercial-sized, lurking in the building's shadow near the concrete wall buttressing a hill behind the shops, "Angus, get me a spicy beef special," the bum bellowed jovially upon entering.

"Sure Terry, Who's the lady?"

"She's buying."

"She better or you'll clean up again, tonight," A burly, handsome black man wiped his hands on a towel, "Can I make something for you, Ma-am?"

"No, thank you," I couldn't make a sound louder than a housefly.

"Have a pickle, they're on the house," pointing to the jar on the counter.

Terry grabbed one and a napkin taking it to a table. "Get yourself one, Lady, they're good. Angus' wife makes them," his bulk overflowing the folding chair.

"I just had breakfast."

"What's your name," Terry asked as he waved his hand at the seat across from him, "Good barbecue takes time."

"He's going to cook it fresh?"

"Hell no, it's already smoked, he's going to grill it after slicing it, to cook the sauce in," he poked his pickle at me, "Have a bite."

"Can I just pay, I need to catch the next train."

"Sure, Maam," Angus turned from the grill to the register, "Eight sixty-four with tax," I handed my card to him, "We don't take cards," his lip curled.

I dug into my wallet, and I had six dollars and twenty-two cents, "Is there an ATM?"

"There was in the 7-11 but it's been bust for a month, "Terry, do you have two fifty," Angus called.

"Yeah," he grunted getting up and pulling a handful of bills and change from his pocket and dumping them on the counter, his eyes stabbed me, "Fucking, stupid, white cunt, what is your name," Terry demanded.

"Ruby," I squeaked.

"Ruby, you made me look like a fool," he frowned like an angry pit bull.

I left wanting to cry. My co-workers didn't notice I was late but the computer that spat out paychecks would.

The next day I put a five dollar bill in Terry's cup, "Sorry."

Terry's eyes dulled, "Apologies to Angus," he groaned getting to his feet. He didn't tug me this time he didn't need to I followed the huge black figure.

"CLOSED," The sign said, Terry must have known. "You know what Angus told me," he lunged at me grabbing my shoulders and upper arms and pushing me into the building's shadow, "He said I wasn't good enough for pussy as rich as you." I started to scream, but a thick hand slammed across my face leaving a white smudge on my cheek the same cheek that was deformed on his face, "Shut the fuck up, Bitch! I'll pound your bones out and sell your white meat to Angus."

"What do you want?"

"Get on your knees," his hand was now gripping my hair as he pushed me down, "Unzip me."

It was life or death, fight or flight. I couldn't do either. I unzipped the fat man's enormous trousers. Unsurprisingly, his dick stuck out at my face streaked with white smudges. I cried, choking back my sobs. Against myth, his cock was large but only compared to my husband's. Dicks and balls, "You'd better swallow, Bitch or I'll knock you harder," There was no debating my expressing my horror and shame wouldn't have moved this beast. I sucked the cock into my mouth and fucked my face up and down his awful-tasting shaft, he hadn't showered in the last week, "Suck all of it, dammit!" Terry growled. He pressed my head into his overhanging belly fat causing more cock to be jammed into my throat, half again as much, three inches had been hiding under his bulk. I choked and gagged as he held me, "Don't fucking puke, or I'll put it in your cunt," I nearly did vomit, I willed my stomach to accept the blockage it would have failed to dislodge by upchucking its breakfast, "Now fuck it, cocksucker," he let go. I bounced my head and licked the horrid mass in my jaws his prick slick from my spit as tears spilled from my eyes like waterfalls most of it from holding back my gag reflex. Something had to give besides my free will. I sucked on the ugly man's cock, praying he wouldn't last long, "Mmmm, bet you don't get cock that good at home," he must have seen my wedding ring.

Donald's cock was like his but it wore out quickly. I spent a lot of money on a silicone dildo, several years ago small cracks had started to appear in it over time. I had to use more and more lube to keep it from grating my vagina. However, I would have paid to suck Donald's weak prick, over Terry's foul blood-filled lump that I slathered in spit to thin its horrid flavor.

"Ngghh, haven't felt that before," He must have liked the extra slickness my spit gave as my mouth sucked him in and out. His hips trembled, I guess he was getting close, "Harder," he ordered. His ball sack was hidden in thick hairs that scraped my chin. I fucked my mouth on his prick, faster, until my chin hit his balls, "Christ, that's good sucking," He hissed as his hips lurched forward smashing his belly fat across my eyes and nearly pushing me over his hand clenching my hair held me on his throbbing cock, I yelped from his grip, "Suck, dammit, I'm almost there," he lurched his prick down my throat, I gagged, then coughed. The added stimulation put him over the edge his cock gushing cum choked the back of my throat. I swallowed not caring if it flooded my lungs. My attacker had warned me I swallowed. Halfway through his orgasm, his grip relaxed and he groaned as he eased back the inches blocking my airway, "Good, damn Bitch," his cock lurched flinging extra bolts of hot cum into my open gullet I kept sucking and swallowing until the fat ****** pulled his tool out of my mouth, I sobbed openly then, "Don't forget to thank Angus," Terry hauled up his worn trousers and lumbered away behind the building moving faster than I would have imagined him capable of.

I didn't call the police, I have a cheap old cell phone but I hated the thought of touching it. I wanted my life back and went in to work, late, much later than the day before. Melissa, my boss walked up to my cubicle sipping on her coffee, "Out job hunting, this morning, Ruby?"

"No, of course not."

"Good. You look like shit," she took her coffee back to her office.

The following day was Friday, I left half an hour early and walked to the next closest LINK stop breaking into tears along the way.

The weekend saw me distracting myself from breaking down completely. I forced Donald and Stace to help me patch drip stains in the ceiling of our apartment. We were lucky to afford a second-floor home. Sunday night, Donald wanted to go out for a beer, one of our few luxuries, I told him no sex afterward.

"What's gotten in your puss," he was bitter, like our awful beers.

"Not you, not tonight, not anytime soon," I glared at him, "Not after a crack like that."


I tried to sleep, I hadn't slept much since being dragged behind Angus' BBQ and forced to suck a homeless man's disgusting prick.

I left early all that week and tried to go to bed earlier but Stace played music. When I told her to turn it down, I heard her banging on her handmade drum not loudly, but her chanting was enough to prevent easy sleep and Donald wouldn't intervene he simply masturbated on his side of the bed, "Let the women figure it out," was his motto.

Sleep-deprived I made mistakes at work and got called into Melissa's office, "Get your act together, Ruby, you're making me look bad," she was the office assistant I had been hired to support which meant I did all the work while she taste-tested coffee all day.

The following Sunday night I went out for a beer with Donald. I drank more than usual and ended up letting him fuck me until his back wore out. He jacked off the rest of the way as I had fallen asleep while his dick tapped the middle of my vagina, "I didn't want to wake you, Honey," he excused himself from waking me in time to reach the far LINK stop and I had forgotten to set the alarm, "You didn't sleep much, last week."

I growled, grabbing toast on my way out. It was too late I wouldn't even catch the closer train in time for work but hoofed it there anyway determined to not see Terry, I didn't, I mean, he wasn't there his spot on the street corner was empty, and a weight fell from my heart.

Melissa called me into her office, "Arrive late, one more time, and I'll report it to Human Resources," it was the first of three steps to fire me.

"I won't, I promised."

Terry wasn't there the next day or all that week I wondered if he was afraid of the police, I wished that I had called them, but now it was too late I told myself. My walks to work grew dull and repetitive again. Walking past the corner shops always made my heart clench. I needed some sense of control over the horror that had happened and went to Angus' BBQ one morning, with cash, "I'd like to order the spicy beef special, extra mild."

Angus grunted one laugh, "Sure, Lady, coming right up."

I took a pickle and waited, the pickle was good. The BBQ was okay, If Angus was the best on the block I would go to another block if I ever had to buy BBQ again. I performed miracles at work that day, Melissa even mentioned it, "Only one typo."

I let it slide. My life never returned to normal, but I could function again.

to be continued...

No Escape

Terry shook his cup of three pennies as his eyes danced at me. I slid around him nearly running to the LINK stop. 'What was he doing here how could he even dare to look at me! Should I call the police, if I did what would I tell them? I managed to let my breath out after boarding the train and for the rest of the week, I went to bed early and walked to the farther stop.

I made a decision that weekend that I couldn't let that awful man take five hours of my life every week and it was too late to call the police, I dared myself to overcome his evil by standing up to his threat. Monday morning I walked right past him as he jangled his cup, I didn't look at him but imagined his eyes sparkling,"You didn't apologize to Angus," he told me one day, I ignored him. He repeated it, the next day. I saw his eyes that time they burned with what, I didn't know, but they frightened me. After his third accusation I left home early and walked to the corner shops avoiding Terry altogether. Angus' BBQ was closed meaning it was the same day of the week when Terry had ***** my mouth, "Third time's the charm, Bitch," the large black man lunged out of the building's shadow and grabbed me striking me before I could scream, "Hush," then he dragged me behind one of the garbage bins.

"Terry, please, I'll give you money, don't do this again, I beg you," I whispered.

He clobbered me, "Shut up," he hissed and spun my dazed body thrusting me against the concrete blocks holding back the hill above us, "You think you're so fucking prestigious, eating here after humiliating me in front of my friend," his fat pinned me face first against the wall.

"I... I..." I didn't dare talk, I felt his hands pawing at my knee skirt.

"Spread your legs, Bitch," he slapped the inside of my thighs.

"No, PLEASE," I would rather die... Terry grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so hard he nearly cracked my neck. I yelled but he was ready stuffing a nasty glove into my mouth to deaden my outburst. He ripped my skirt pulling it up over my girdle revealing my backside.

"Your cunt isn't too good for anybody, and I'm going to prove it to you," I heard him unzipping.

"NO," I wailed into the glove’s grime.

"Shut up," He swatted my ass even through my girdle and panties his hand left a mark.


"White cunt, you came back here because you wanted this, you knew the BBQ was closed."

"NO," I shook my head.

He struck my ass harder, "Shut the fuck up, Bitch," fat fingers dug into my girdle and pulled it down over my hurting ass, "This ain't going to save you," after dragging my girdle to the ground his hand ripped my panties off! Something thicker than his fingers but narrower than his arm prodded my behind, he dug a hefty cock head between my upper thighs burrowing for my cunt. He had to lift his enormous belly and land it over my bent waist to give his prick a chance to find its mark. I sobbed neck cranked back, ass battered and now a filthy dick was trying to pierce me. I couldn't shake my head for fear of cracking ita and ending up crippled like my husband, “OWW,” I squealed when his cock found my pussy lips.

"Ain't wet," he snorted, "As if I care," he shoved his prick, but missed the tight hole within, we both yelped! He smacked my ass, twice, "Open up, Bitch," I stepped wider what else could I do? His free hand grasped his cock and stirred it around my vulva. It seated quickly against the entrance to my vagina, "I'm gonna take it easy, this time but it'll hurt for both of us," his thick tool pried its way into my dry cunt hole as I sobbed and squealed. Terry's cock scraped up my resisting chute filling me unlike Donald's toothbrush width cock, I wailed glad for the disgusting gag. If anybody heard us I would have died, I almost blacked out when he was halfway in me, Terry thrust hard stuffing me with the rest of his prick, he hollered, "FUCK," I screamed, it only allowed more gloves to fill my mouth, "Not feeling so high and mighty are you," Terry growled, "Got a dirty nigger cock in your crack and you have nothing to stop it from fucking you, claiming you," his massive belly lay on my back like a second ******.

"Terry, please?"

"Please, fuck you," He laughed, "As if, first you gotta learn this cock, my black dick is going to keep you full for a bit. I like resting, soaking up your dryness, maybe I'll piss to make you wet."


"SHUT IT," he grabbed one of my breasts and dug his grimy fingernails in soiling my jacket, I winced but repressed my outcry.

"I bet we're not going to need it, I have patience. I never got much white pussy before but this is too good to pass up, nailing your cracker ass against this concrete wall. We're gonna wait you and I, hitched together like a motherfucking train," Then he let go of my hair I gasped what air I could around the foul glove in my mouth, I didn't dare spit it out. He was waiting for my pussy to respond to the dry painful invasion. It took a couple of minutes for nature to provided what this mother would have denied my irritated tissues took less than a minute to start releasing small amounts of lubrication, "Heh," he wheezed foul breath at me, "You feeling it, your pussy wants to fuck."

I shook my head, 'Please no,' I didn't say it.

"I want to fuck it, Bitch," he grabbed both of my breasts and rubbed them through my clothes, "But have you learned your lesson?”

I managed to get words out around the horrid glove, “I...I don’t know what to say. I’m more privileged in life, but I’m weak compared to you, Please let me go!”

"That's not bad, beautiful," he surprised me when he pulled his cock out of my pussy and spun me around to face him his bulging fat plunked off of me, "Now get on your damn knees and be thankful you are only sucking my cock this time," he grabbed the glove out of my mouth his eyes burning as he gloated. I had no choice, I sank before the fat horror of a man and wedged my head between his waist and his prick it tasted worse than the glove, his huge belly pinning my head to his crotch I tried to bob as I sucked but it was too heavy, "Go on, Bitch, I feel you trying," he lifted his belly giving me room to choke on his dick. I gagged and sucked as best I could. Last time he must have been holding it up with one hand while he ***** my mouth and like last time he didn't hold back when his cum launched into my throat I coughed and swallowed as best I could. He pulled cock out of my face dripping cum on my cheek, "Should have fucked you, but you've been a good bitch," he zipped up his pants as I hung my head, curled up hugging my coat around me. He snatched my purse, "It's funny, I'm taking your cash like I'm the whore," he grunted, "I'm also taking your fucking driver's license, don't get a replacement I'll give it back soon. You ain't driving to work, keep your Orca card. I bet today you'll go back home and call in sick or whatever you white people do when life's got you down. I'm honest, I’m getting fucking *****," shaking my cash at me, it was nearly thirty dollars I scolled myself since I usually carry less than ten.

I ran home and told Donald that my skirt caught on a bench when I jumped up to catch the train, "You better be at work tomorrow," Melissa complained into my ear, I hung up and took a long shower while Donald made lunch. He knew something worse had happened than tearing my skirt but all he talked about was how his doctor wanted him to take more expensive pills. I told him I didn't care what he got addicted to as long as he paid for them, after eating, I locked myself in our bedroom and cried for an hour. When Stace returned from school, she found me cleaning the house. She didn't offer to help, "I have homework," and flounced to her room. Donald heard me sniffling behind his lounge chair, "I'm sorry, Honey, you'll feel better when you buy a new outfit."

I withdrew a hundred dollars from the ATM and bought the first women's suit that fit me at Goodwill. I woke half an hour early the next morning to walk to a farther rail stop. At work I completed two days worth by the middle of the afternoon. I told Melissa that if she didn't have anything else for me I needed to go home. She made up something to keep me another hour, then let me go after double-checking my draft.

I stepped off of LINK at the stop closest to my house, Terry was not around. I turned into the shopping center and went inside, "Excuse me, Angus," my voice shaking.

"Huh," he grunted, slightly surprised, "If it ain't the nice lady," he probably wanted to say, white lady.

"I... I came to apologize, the last time I was here, I was rude, and I didn't take the time to read your sign on the register, "Can I make it up to you?"

He looked smug for a second, "Chicken and ribs combo ought to do it."

"Can I get it to go, please," I held out a twenty-dollar bill.

"Sure," he gave me change, I didn't look at it and stuffed it in the tip jar. I took a seat close to the door and looked out the window at the concrete retaining wall. I suffered the memory of being pressed against it while waiting for my order, "Here you go, Ma-am," Terry's voice froze me a plastic bag dropped on the table before me, "Come again, we love doing business with you."

”Don't say it weird, Terry, she won't come back. you got a lot more cleaning and fetching before I let you sleep here tonight."

"Sorry," Terry said to me, I didn't dare look up as he headed back to the kitchen where I heard him tell the owner, "Some like weird, Angus."

I surprised Donald and Stace when I got home, I made myself a salad that I ate angrily, while they nattered about some asshole in government. Donald was the only asshole I had to deal with. Stace, she was a pain in the ass at one point I imagined Terry in the BBQ’s kitchen jacking off his cum into the food they ate so greedily, "What are you laughing about, Mom?"

"Nothing Stace, there's nothing funny about it," I stuck my fork into my salad and looked down.

I stayed away from the closest rail stop for another week, when I approached Terry I let my hate speak for me, “I don't have any cash, and I'm not going to suck your dick, now give me back my license."

"Sure." he heaved himself up, "Follow me, I left it in the BBQ, with my other stuff."

"I'll wait."

"Your choice," he grunted at me, sitting back down and shaking his cup at a passerby. I took LINK to work, he was still there when I walked home.

"Buy that combo again, tomorrow, and I'll put it in the bag," he told me, not caring that I didn't look at him.

The next day, after work he met me in front of Angus's store, "Huh, I guess he took the day off."

I ran but the fat bastard expected it and grabbed my purse, I was too slow to let go of it. The next thing I knew, his huge hands threw me down on wet, garbage-strewn asphalt behind the building, "Don't make a fucking sound, Bitch," I gulped down my shock and pain and shook my head, defeated. He plodded up and loomed over me like a randy Sumo wrestler, "Pull up your skirt and spread your legs," he unzipped his fat prick stood out like a tarred pier post, “You are the stupidest white bitch I ever met,” I should have made him rip my suit again, the garbage I landed in had already ruined it. I drew my skirt up to my hips and lay back closing my eyes and turning my head, "Look at me, Bitch," he ordered, I obeyed. He sank to his knees almost falling over. He slapped my face with a ham-sized palm, I grunted, burying my yell. He growled, “Don't look like that at me, you white piece of shit. I got fat because of bitches like you who never gave me the cunt that a man needs so I'm taking it from you," He landed his belly across my petite torso pushing the air out of my lungs. I gasped for breath as his hands touched my crotch, "Got no under armor on this time," I turned red, I had forgotten to put my girdle on,"Must have been wanting the big man to stuff you again," he chuckled. His hands tore my panties away as easily as they had the first time. My breathing quickened, each breath only filling a tenth of my lungs. He felt like a freight train flattening me as he fisted his cock against my pussy my small bush hardly tickled it, he spreading my lower lips, "Time for another lesson."

I was dry. His prickhead found the entrance to my cunt but didn't stop, Terry slowly ground half his meat into my body grimacing. I squeaked desperate for air closed my eyes and started crying just before he punched the rest of his cock through my delicate innards, "UUUHHGG," We lay there, him smirking, me still gasping for air as he lowered his face to mine his foul breath wrinkled my nose and nearly blinded me, "Open your mouth," I couldn't close it, I needed air, he pressed his lips to mine and stuck his tongue into my mouth licking my sparkling teeth, he tasted like puke. He lifted up slightly allowing me a full breath which I gratefully heaved with half his tongue in my mouth, his cock remained embedded while he waited eyes victorious, "Bet you get wet faster than last time," that wasn't fair my vagina was responding to the thick, dry mass clogging it. He could feel my juices seeping out, "Told you," his prick twitched smoothly against my pussy walls as he grunted with pleasure.

"Terry, don’t do this, let me go. I didn't call the cops last time and I won't this time but if you cum in me..."

"CUMMING," he groaned. By the gods this fat disgusting ****** spilled his nut into me faster than Donald normally did. Volcanic cream flooded my pussy spilling out soaking my pubes and dribbling down my ass, he gushed twice as much as my husband had ever cum.

"Noooo," I whined. my salty tears flowed as fast at his thick cum, my body jerked an unexpected sensation without a hint of pleasure.

He grinned at my body's reaction, "That'll teach you," satisfied he pulled his hard prick out of me took a deep breath as if he had been the one suffocating. He had trouble getting back to his feet, wobbling but his eyes were cool, “I don’t care if you call the fucking cops, but you better lick me clean or I'll knock your head again," one last time, I was on my knees, sucking my ******’s cock. He stuffed my license into my jacket pocket while I cleaned him, "See you in hell, Bitch."

I kept telling myself, I had real proof this time, the cops were very polite, the lady who examined me took samples, she was thorough and professional, "This was the third time?"

I nodded, "I didn't have the courage those first two," I wept.

"You haven't done anything wrong, Ma-am. Thank you for coming forward we'll have the man responsible behind bars before sunset. They let me clean up, then dumped an armful of women's support group pamphlets on me, one of them said, 'Christ knows your suffering his mercy is for you and your baby.' The cops promised to keep the matter from my ****** as I signed a bunch of claims and releases. I walked out ripping the pamphlets with rage. What do you know, they were helpful and ripping them to shreds calmed me.

It was dark when I arrived home, I had called Donald to let him know I would be late, the house was dark when I entered, "Donald? Stace?"

The door slammed shut behind me, a fat arm impacted one side of my head, I fell. The door chain rattled into place, the dead bolt snapped into its socket.

Terry spoke, "You went and did it, Bitch," he sounded amused, "I didn't think you had the guts."

"Where are they," I scanned the darkness.

"Who, your idiot man and silly brat,” Terry grabbed my arm and dragged me to the couch, "I wouldn't worry about them right now," he threw me on the couch and proceeded to punch me like a sack of laundry, "This," SMASH "is," THUMP "your" CRACK "new hell." I screamed and screamed, he didn't care, he beat me senseless.

Home Invasion

Chapter 3

I woke naked, my torso limp across the kitchen table with a familiar discomfort filling my cunt, it was the only part of me he hadn't bruised, "Damn, that pussy is worth every fucking cop out looking for me," Terry sat across two chairs leaning back my ass sat on his crotch. He had to pull his belly up to make room for me, both of us could feel the wetness between our tender organs. The oven clock said it was 1:33 am, "I can feel you moving."

I burst into tears, "What did you do with my ******?"

"They're fine, I checked on them an hour ago."

"Was he implying he'd had his dick in me for an hour, "Let me see them. Please Terry!"

"Damn Bitch, I hate it when I hurry," and as if on cue his warm cum sprayed into me filling what little room there was and then started squirting out of my pussy. His balls added more cum to my hole than the last time. He grunted the entire time obviously wracked by a prolonged orgasm he groaned then sighed, "Next time you interrupt me, I'll knock your lights out again. They in the girl's room."

I didn't move, I didn't dare, the clock glowed 1:40 when I stood up pulling my cunt off of his slowly softening cock. It was still mostly erect after I climbed off of him. "Uh-uh bitch, you gotta clean me before you see 'em," he made me lick his shaft, balls, and crotch all the way down to his butthole before he let me go. I had slurp every hair clean, "You got three minutes to visit, clean your spunked cunt, and and get back on me, I'll be on your couch."

I hated myself, I went to the bathroom and washed my pussy before opening the door to Stace's room who lay on her side tied to the bed and gagged. Her wrists were bound together and tied to an upper post and her feet were bound to the lower post on the same side, Donald lay on the carpet, hogtied. Both had pissed themselves. "Mm-M," Stace wept upon seeing me, her eyes and cheeks were already wet. My husband's eyes scanned both of us wildly, he made pig noises.

"What's taking you so long, Cunt," Terry hollered from the living room.

"He ***** me, I went to the police." I wept at them, "He must have taken my ID to know where I live, they were suppose to protect us, it's not my fault," I said before closing the door and returning to our home invader.

Terry had torn off our couch's back cushions. He used them to prop himself up at one end. His fat hung off of the open edge. His cock remained erect, "Face me, this time," he pulled his fat up and away from his crotch, the full length of his prick awaited me.

"How could you do that to them, aren't you human?"

"You don't know shit what you're talking about," Terry shouted back, "I'm a damned nigger in a white world. Ain't got nothing to do with being human. Now get that twat over here and open it up before I beat it black and blue," I looked at his erect organ it was eager to fill me again. I hated him, I've never stopped hating him. I shuffled up to the couch and climbed over his fat hips, "Go on and put it in, I'm sick of waiting." I grabbed his prick for the first time and slotted its head between my pussy lips. I pressed it into my cunt and settled my weight on it. He looked up at me and I knew if I didn't please him... he suddenly smiled as the bulb of his dick slipped into my still wet pussy. I froze when I realized how open my cunt was to this ****** and home pillager. His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me down,.

"OOWWW," I yelled. I wasn't that wet and it hurt but not as bad as my sore body from his vise like grip.

"Oohhh yeah," he sighed and took a deep breath, "Don't move, bitch," I didn't, it was clear he had a rare fetish for soaking in pussy, "Now suck my tongue he spit out half of it and opened his fat lips wide his cock filling me more than it had from behind. I couldn't refuse him and couldn't help but to grimace as my face planted against his. I opened my mouth in time to accept his tongue, our lips cushioning the impact. His rancid tasting tongue swirled in my mouth, I sucked it, as commanded while he felt up my bruised breasts that aren't all that big, but they filled up his hands. They're not particularly sensitive so when he pinched them I hardly felt it but pretended to flinch. He frenched me and felt my tits a while longer before relaxing completely closing his eyes and resting his arms around my narrow waist. His cock stood thick and sturdy in my cunt.

We fell asleep, I dreamed of being tied to a whipping post. A black slaver cracked his tool next to my ear. Blood filled my pussy and leaked out into the dirt beneath me rousing me, "Huh," I mumbled. Warm fluid spilled from my cunt. Terry's cum woke me, the day was sunny, but the shades were closed, "Get off and clean it, Bitch and hurry, I gotta pee," My own bladder was about to burst, I climbed up, extracting my arms from around his neck like a lover might and scooted all the inches it took to pull myself off of his softening prick before sliding off his fat belly and dropping to me knees to begin licking his cock and crotch, "That's good enough," he struggled to his feet bowling me over in his rush to the bathroom.

I had no shame as I squatted over the kitchen sink, I didn't think of my ******** or husband until the last of my flood dribbled away through the pipes of our apartment. I even washed some of the cum from my twat before I went to Stace's room. Fortunately, I had shut the door, I'd rather they guess instead of hear what happened between me and their assailant, I opened it at the same time Terry opened the bathroom, "I'll get them some water," he grunted. He wouldn't let me untie them, but he let me clean them with washcloths while he inspected the master bedroom. I couldn't change Stace's clothes but I could move them away from her soiled groin and put a folded towel beneath her before wrapping her hips in pillow cases. "I don't like beds," he said coming out of my room. He went into the living room and lay down again. I dared to tug at Stace's gag, "Shhh, whisper," she nodded sipping water from a straw as I held the water glass for her, she drank the whole glass.

"Mom, what did he do to you?"

I must have looked like a punching bag, bloated from dark bruises, naked and shivering, I promised, "He won't hurt you, Sweetheart, I'll protect you," it was a promise I knew I couldn't keep but if I could save her from Terry for an extra hour my lie would be worth it. Donald had drank his water too, his eyes pleaded. I was going to wash him next but my phone rang, it was in the kitchen where Terry had stripped my unconscious body.

"Don't take too long to answer, Cunt, it's probably the police."

I darted out of the room, before I reached my phone, he asked, "You know the situation, right," his eyes burned with the fire that had originally intrigued me. Now they terrified me.

I opened my flip phone, "Hello, is this Ruby Bonner."

"Yes, Mrs. Ruby we have good news, we caught a suspect matching your description, we need you to come down and identify him."

I didn't know what to say, "Uh, yes I see."

"We can only hold him for twenty four hours please come as soon as possible. The front sergeant will be waiting for you and expedite your visit," she hung up.

I folded my phone, "They must have found your ******," Terry laughed. I went to the opening between the rooms and looked aghast, "That's how they do it, Ruby. The cops always find someone. Now you run along and identify the poor bugger before they release him, he's probably guilty of something. Cops are good about that most line ups fail to identify their suspect. So they pack them with street shit: pushers, pimps, gansta fucks, hoping to send one of their asses to the ice box." I didn't notice until Terry said something complex, how his ghetto speak disappeared into reasonable English, "I'll keep your kid and dead weight alive until you get back, I hope you finger a real fucktard."

I covered myself from head to toe with clothes hiding my black eye and cheek. The front desk cop didn't say anything he looked at my ID and told me which room to wait in, apparently, full body shame isn't uncommon in **** cases. The Seattle greater metropolitan area was huge but how they found another fat, black, and ugly homeless guy that looked amazingly like Terry I'll never know. They could have been genetically deformed cousins, I hoped Terry was right and fingered him crying at my betrayal. The lady cop let me rest in a quiet room at the station, "We'll take it from here, Ma-am. You've done a difficult thing, today. I want to give my personal thanks. I was ***** in high school, but I waited too long to save his other victims."

I wanted to tell her, "Fuck you, you want victims, come to my home and stuff that cock up your cunt to save my ******," I repressed a growl and dashed out.

It was Saturday. I returned home around noon. Terry had made jam and toast for Donald and Stace. He had even untied their hands and legs for an hour to let blood circulate, alternating between them over four hours. They had drank more water, and he had given them used water bottles to pee in.

"Why does your husband cry so much? He's worse than your ********!"

"It's his back. Without his meds, he's in constant pain. That carpet he's lying on makes it worse!" I complained.

"I got something for that." Terry didn't waste a second, he dragged Donald into our bedroom and lifted him to the bed, still hogtied. Donald screamed the entire distance. Before closing the door, he said, "Bring me a candle. And if you try anything stupid, I'll kill him."

He let me pass a candle through a brief gap in the door, before he shut and locked it again.

I went to Stace and released her gag. "Oh, Honey. I don't know what to say. I'm doing my best to protect you."

"He looked at me naked, down there, Mom! What's he doing to Daddy?"

"I-I don't know, but I think he's giving him his pain killers."

"That doesn't make any sense! I don't what to know what he does to you. It's must be awful!" She desperately wanted to know.

"I'm as confused as you are, but I don't think he's a killer."

"He's worse, if he does what I think he does to you." She frowned.

"Try not to think about it. He has to let us go, and soon. The neighbors will suspect something." I said but didn't believe it. In our apartment complex, neighbors looked out for themselves."

Fifteen minutes later, we heard the main bedroom door open. "That should do the trick." Terry thumped down the hall, still naked as the day he was born but hella fatter. He rested once more on the couch. I expected him to demand me. When he didn't, I carefully replaced the gag in Stace's mouth, loose but not looking loose. I warned her not to dislodge it.

I went to Donald. He lie asleep. His face looked almost peaceful. An empty bottle had been fitted to the soft head of my husband's cock. It wasn't a tight fit.

Terry had taken my phone upon my return. He had cut the wires to the house phone. I looked out the window. There was an alley below, and another apartment complex on the other side. I went to Terry. He had complained about the temperature, and had switched off the heater.

"Do you want something to eat?" He hadn't all day, unless he had made toast for himself.

"Naw." He jiggled his belly. "But get me a pitcher of water. I cum so much in you, heh, I'm parched."

I served the pitcher and a glass with a red face. He looked in my eyes but didn't say thanks. "You're almost there." After draining a full glass. He set it on the coffee table. "What do you usually do this time on a Saturday?"

I didn't dare say I spent it with my ******. "Work, s-sometimes. Sometimes, we- I go out."

"If you got work, best get too it. Can't have you getting fired." He grinned. He picked up a remote. Basic cable came with the apartment. He watched some random show crammed with commercials. I went to the kitchen table and pretended to work. I completed a couple things before checking on Stace and Donald.

He was out like a light. I felt grateful for whatever Terry did for him. I found the candle on his dresser. Wax discolored the cheap wood veneer. I entered my ********'s room, crawled in her wet bed and hugged her. We shared our tears. She had to pee again. I changed her bottle and brought fresh water and sliced apple.

"CUNT!" Terry demanded. My face filled with blood. I hurried from Stace hoping she didn't notice. I shut both bedroom doors before answering the invader. He shut off the TV.

He leered at me. "Call me 'Nigger.'"

"Okay, Nigger." I played along.

"Good. Now suck on this nigger's cock and take off your clothes while doing it, you white piece of shit."

I bent over him and opened my mouth.

"WHEW! you smell like piss, Bitch!" He waved a hand under his nose. To me, he smelled a lot worse than my ********'s piss. "Go clean yourself up. When you come back, you better make up for lost time. My cock is ready to teach you another lesson, and it don't like waiting."

I showered quickly and returned to him, still damp after toweling. He immediately pulled my head to his cock and stuffed it into my mouth. I sucked and jacked on it. I had to use one hand to push his fat out of the way. When he was as hard as he could get, he had me mount him again. My body had become accustomed to his treatment and was wet enough from the start to accept him deep into my body. I still cried.

"This time, I'm going to fuck you." He grinned. I guess he wasn't a one trick pony after all. He gripped my hips firmly and began to bounce his great mass up and down on the seat cushions. That the couch didn't break, amazed me, considering how cheap it was. Filled to my cunt's brim with cock, my innards pulsed as soon as he hunched half of it out of me then slammed it back in. "How long as it been since you fucked?"

I guessed he didn't mean all the times he came in me. "Maybe a week?" It had been a month. I hadn't had sex since he first ***** my mouth.

"How often do you cum when you fuck?"

"I don't, except with my husband!" I anticipated his intention.

"Hah! I've seen your man's piece. Tinkerbell couldn't cum from that noodle." He bucked his cock hard up my slit. "Now tell me how much you love fucking my nigger cock."

"I don't!" I lost my verve. Why then? I should have broken the night before. "I hate you."

"Call me Nigger!"

"I hate you, Nigger! I hate your damn cock. I hate it pounding in my pussy! Get out! Let us go! We all hate you!"

His thrusting cock impaled me and exploded! It gushed cum into my wet cunt. He pulled me to his face, as he came inside of me. He kissed and licked my face. Then he stuffed his tongue into my mouth and waggled it. I sucked it without thinking. My cunt reacted. It jolted, sending an orgasm crashing into my head. I denied it with every fiber of my being. I refused to cum on his cock. My cunt disobeyed. It quivered and quaked, sucking up his spewing juice. Another wave lit up my brain. I tried everything I could to pretend it wasn't happening.

"Your cunt is the fucking best!" He groaned and closed his eyes, letting go of my hair. His balls shot twice as much cum from fucking me than from soaking in me.

When his cum stopped dripping from my cunt, I tried to get off.

"Stay the fuck there, Bitch." He said, eyes closed. He kept me mated to him like a dog with an inflated penis. His dick softened but remained solid in me. His eyes looked through me, as if in a trance. After five minutes, I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept, but he was still staring at the wall behind me when I woke. His cock had hardened inside of me. I worried about Stace and Donald. How long would he keep us prisoners? I was so cold! I had to hug him.

Not long after waking, he grunted. Cum flooded into my pussy. It sprayed out. With his previous spunk, there was nearly enough to glue us together. My cunt pulsed, just once. It felt really good but not as intense as when he fucked me. I hated myself all over again.

He made me clean his cum with my mouth. I was getting used to its sourness. I still hated it, but it didn't trouble me as much. He let me tend to my ****** after telling me to clean myself up.

I replaced two, used water bottles. I petted and hugged Stace, reassuring her with out any reassurance for myself. I was pretty certain, we would live through the weekend.

Donald recognized me, groggily. I dared to loosen his gag. "Please, Honey, get my real meds." He was already hurting again. I brought the suggested dose.

Terry must have heard me searching in the bathroom. He thundered up the hall and into my bedroom. He smacked the pills out of my hand. "Get out!" He pointed at the door. He shut me out. I listened but only smelled matches burning before giving up and returning to my ********.

We heard him leave the bedroom. He leaned, naked, into Stace's room. I covered her eyes.

"I need your Mamma more than you do, right now, Brat." He hauled me back to the living room. He bent me over the back of the couch, hoisted his belly over my back and proceeded to fuck me from behind. I didn't cum that time, but I was wet the moment he dragged me out of my ********'s room.

After I sucked his cock and crotch clean he told me to fix supper. Except, he didn't want any. "Your cripple probably won't eat for a couple more hours." He drained the water pitcher dry and refilled it himself. "You can loosen their ropes. I'll retie them later.

I made soup. It was easy to eat when you're lying down, if you had a straw.

Stace thanked me, after finishing her soup. I repeated, "It'll be over soon." I had no idea.

Returning to the kitchen, I found Terry looked bored. I asked him, "Why are you doing this? Aside from blowing your balls into me, your being here feels like pretense."

"What?" He feigned shock. "You're not buying into the black nigger's white slave schtick?"

"Is that what this is?"

"Nope, but it's close enough for my purposes."

"Why do you use ghetto talk when you don't have to?"

"Solidarity, Bitch." He frowned.

"Why not tell me - afraid to break your elaborate fantasy?"

He sneered then. "I decided to get a job."

I scrunched my face at him.

"I didn't have anything. I was free. I shook my cup and cleaned out Angus' BBQ for a night's sleep. Sure that was a job, but it had soul, no real responsibilities. I was FREE." He snarled. "You came along with your tight bitch ass and waggled your privileged eyes at me and made me realize the truth. I'm just a fucking nigger begging for change."

I didn't feel sorry for him. I put plastic wrap on Donald's soup. "What were you before? You know too much to be a bum."

He punched me. I fell. "Get your ass up, and don't ask again." He went back to watching TV. I checked in on Donald. He slept much longer this time. I spent nearly an hour with Stace. We huddled until the invader tottered up the hall. He checked their ropes. I fed Donald his soup and changed his pee bottle. Terry dragged me back to the couch. be continued...

Famly Ravishment

Chapter 4

Night had fallen. After fucking me twice, He kept me on his dick, until we both fell asleep. Sunday began like the day before. I woke to warm cum filling my cunt. I cleaned him up without being told. We both peed before checking on Stace and Donald. She was still sleeping. He loosened her ropes. Donald looked terrible. He was shivering and sweating. I should have put a blanket over him for the night, but I was stuck on Terry's prick the whole time.

"Shit." Terry swore. "Your man is a natural. Must be all the other drugs he takes."

"If he's sick, he should see a doctor." I hoped.

"He ain't sick." He shut me out of the room. I smelled matches burning.

When Terry emerged from the room, he told me to untie Stace and bring her to the living room. "No, not naked, you dumb cunt. I'm not into kids."

"It'll be all right." I promised my ********. She was grateful for being able to stand up. She wobbled all over her room at first.

"I don't care if he's naked, Mom. He's so ugly! That's worse."

I stood naked beside my ******** in the living room.

"I know you're not a little girl, Brat. But you aren't an adult yet. I may be evil as fuck, but as long as your Mamma keeps me happy, nothing's gonna happen to you."

Stace didn't react. She was seeing this huge naked man, fully for the first time. He lay on the couch like Jabba the Hutt.

"I don't like tying you up either. I'm gonna let you wander around, do what you need to, nothing else. If you pull any kind of shit, you're going to be an orphan so fast, you'll probably wind up on the streets like like me, just not as ugly." He snorted. Had he heard?

When Stace didn't respond, he continued.

"You're old enough to know about sex. Maybe you had some already." He said, grim. "I don't mean fucking, except with your fingers."

"Terry, please." I implored.

"She's heard worse at school." It was certainly true.

"I don't care where you go in the house, except to your parent's room. I'm in charge of your ***. I care even less if you're around when I want to fuck your Mom. Ignore us, or watch, or go hide and play stupid games in your room, whatever. Do not disturb us!

"I won't." Stace almost spit.

"Get on my dick, Cunt." He sneered at me.

"Please. I-I can't."

"Don't make me get up." He growled.

"I'll go, Mom." Stace darted to her room.

Terry fucked me from underneath again, until he came, and I had to clean him with my mouth. I was crying. At times, while his cock pounded up in my pussy, I saw him look past me and grin.

After slurping all the cum off of Terry, I ran to take a shower. I had never felt so dirty. I put on a robe before exiting. He hadn't said I couldn't. I checked on Donald. He was still asleep, looking very much at peace. I almost couldn't enter Stace's room.

"It's okay, Mom. You're protecting me." Stace used my words against me.

"I couldn't stop him from shaming me in front of you." I wept.

"I'd rather see that than still be tied up." The bitterness in her voice bit me.

I left her, to crawl in next to Donald. I hugged his limp body for comfort he couldn't give.

Terry found us together. He untied my husband and shook him awake. "Huh? I'm so sleepy."

"Feeling any pain, Pal?" Terry grinned.

I scooted back and curled into a fetal ball, watching this horrid man destroy my husband.

"I know what this is, you bastard. I tried it in high school."

"Yeah, well this time it's gonna take." He came around to my side of the bed and sank one knee into the mattress. It depressed several inches from his weight. "God, I hate beds." He sank his other knee on the bed and had to use one hand to steady himself. His other hand pulled me pulled me by the leg. "Get on your hands and knees."

"Please, Terry, not in front of him."

Instead of punching me, he walloped Donald's thigh.

My husband yelled, "OWW!"

"That didn't hurt, you pussy, not with that much shit in your veins." He shook me. "I said on your hands and knees, Bitch! Or I'll hit him again."

The dark blue that formed on my husband's thigh terrified me into obedience. I'd never seen a bruise happen so quickly. I scrambled to my hands and knees, facing Terry's fat. His cock jutted a few inches out from it. It wasn't very hard.

"Just seeing your fag husband is making my dick soft. Show him how men are suppose to be pleasured, by a woman!"

I cast a sorrowful glance at Donald. He frowned, but his eyes held a glaze that reduced its effect. Terry slapped me! "I'm your man, right now. A dick is wasted on a piece of dung like him." He jabbed his listing cock at me.

I opened my mouth and let it enter. My tongue and throat muscles immediately went to work. They had been forcibly trained for this over the last few weeks, but I could only suck on the part that stuck out from under his belly. It still tasted like cum and my pussy.

"See here, Faggot. If you treat a woman any better than a bitch, they'll think they can rule a man. She knows I'm in charge, even if I make her choke." He lifted his stomach pile and hunched the full length of his cock into my face! I gagged on it!

"Hold it in, Slut! Keep it all down, and I'll give you a nice reward."

My body shuddered, almost heaved. His black prong would have made me puke if it had been hard. I couldn't breath, though. Then he plopped the mass of fat that was his belly on the back of my skull! It drove my face further down his prick. I began to panic.

He sang, "You can do it. Just keep it down a little longer."

My face must be turning blue. I gripped my fists so tight, my fingernails cut into the palms of my hands.

"Let her breathe, please!" Donald begged.

"Faggots dig their own graves, when they talk like that to real men." Terry grabbed my neck and pressed my face fully into his stinking pubes, not that I could smell anything but the taste of his nasty cock.

A final blackness crowded the edge of my vision, far darker than closed eyes clamped against an inner black roll of fat. I beat on Terry's thighs. I couldn't stop myself. I lost all control.

"Five more seconds." He ignored my ineffective blows, holding my neck fast.

"Four." His dick expanded inside my throat. I flailed and dug my knees into the mattress to pull away. My neck cracked.

"Three." He spoke calmly, while I bucked and heaved, bodily.

"Two." Blackness narrowed the last of my blind sight into pinholes.

"One." I slumped, falling into full darkness.

The eruption tapped my chin. I felt it travel up, over my lower lip and along my tongue. He was cumming, no doubt to drown as well as suffocate me. Then he pushed my head out from under his immense stomach and threw my face off of his dick. It gushed hot spunk across my face and down my chest. He lifted me by my shoulders and flung me onto my back. His cock spewed more disgusting globs, drenching my tits and stomach.

He didn't even wait for his load to empty. He grabbed his prick and stuffed into my shocked cunt. To my shock, I was wet. Terry's black tool speared inside, adding the last of his spunk to my lubrication. He fucked me then, hard and fast.

"This bitch needs rough fucking, Gay-tard. I bet you couldn't even tickle her uvula." His great weight jostled the bed like an earthquake. His prick gouged my cunt like an African spear.

I would have fallen unconscious if his pounding thrusts weren't forcing me to gasp. I entered an ethereal state of mind, between darkness and pain. My body lurched as the knob below my guts sent shockwaves through me. I drooled and grunted. "No. Nooo! Donahhhhhhld!" I shouted when the first of my orgasms flared through my skull."

"Bitch likes a real man's meat. Don't matter how ugly or nasty. Don't even matter what color, white shrimp! Except black is best!" He laughed.

"What do you want from us?" Donald dared to ask.

Terry punched the bruise already spreading on my husband's thigh. "I want you to shut the fuck up while I put a baby in your slut wife!"

"Noooo!" I yelled. Another wave of sheer joy washed over me from the recess pummeled by Terry's dick. I opened my eyes and sucked in another deep breath.

Donald cried out again, covering the damaged area with his hands and curling up.

"Pussy!" Terry shouted and bounced and repeatedly buried hard cock deep into me. He looked down. "I can feel you cumming, Bitch." He grinned and fucked. "You're gonna need Terry in you, from now on."

Heat flushed up from my cunt, reddening my face. "I hate you!"

"I don't give a fuck what you feel, but you ain't gonna get better cock unless I introduce it.

"Go to hell, and never come back!" I screamed as a third, astonishing cum overtook my senses. I didn't catch the full meaning of his words. The room swirled with stars. I moaned and wailed at the joy forced on me.

The prick pulverizing my pleasure center exploded hot goo into me. The melty sperm gunk swirling inside, lubricating thrusting hard flesh, kicked my orgasm up another notch. I shrieked in ecstasy!

"Knocked your wife good, this time." He laughed at my husband and roared his sex delights.

A dozen further, spermy thrusts ended my ordeal and my ******'s laughter. "Clean me up, cum slut."

I groaned and crawled around to suck the cum sticking to his cock, balls, and pubes. I thanked the stars, silently, when my tongue sensed his amazing ability for erections had reached its limit. It soften quickly despite my hungry licks and laps. I hated myself more.

"I-I love you, Honey. I don't car-"

SMACK! Terry's fist knocked Donald's head into the mattress. "I said, shut UP!"

Cleaned to his disgusting standard, Terry climbed off the bed, carefully. His weight was a treacherous thing on an unstable surface. When he stood on firm flooring, he barked. "Get me another candle."

I ran out to fetch it. He shut the door, until I returned and passed it through a crack he opened. There was the sound of a match struck, then a burning smell. A minute later, I heard Terry say, "Pleasent dreams."

Small arms curled around and hugged me fiercely. "I'm afraid, Mamma." Stace had not hugged me since entering puberty. She must have felt the congealing mess that our attacker had spent on me, but she hugged me anyway. I took her to her room, before Terry found us in the hall. He thundered past a few seconds later, heading for the main room.

"What happened to Daddy?" She had been crying, but stopped upon hugging me. We hadn't left it.

All I could tell her was, "Terry made your father's back pain go away."

"It's poison. Isn't it?"

"Yes, Sweetheart. We'll take him to the hospital, as soon as we can."

"Did he really make you pregnant."

"No." I shuddered with conviction. I was on the pill.

"CUNT!" Terry commanded from the main room. I slipped from my ********'s arms and wiped my eyes. The incredible black man's dick had already recovered. I ordered myself not to cum again, but his next lesson confirmed, I was not even my own master.

After two hours of sitting Terry's cock, I was able to suppress my outcry from the black pipe soaking inside my white slit, but I couldn't prevent my body from orgasming.

Donald woke up in time for dinner. I brought him a meaty porridge. He didn't say anything while I spoon fed him on the bed. I didn't either. Old cum was still seeping out of my cunt.

After eating, Terry put him back to sleep. The invader came out of the bedroom holding out Donald's wedding ring. "You don't need yours neither, Cunt."

I cried upon pulling the circle of gold from my finger. I wept downcast, and put it next to it's mate. He told me to shower.

Twilight ushered in the night. Terry reversed his sitting direction on the couch. The one side had collapsed under his weight. He fell asleep with me mounted on his every ready prick.

Stace must have thought I was asleep too. She crept up to the living room and stared, mesmerized by the sight of her mother hugging a giant black man with his hard cock buried to the hilt.

I wept silently when she vanished into her room.

Hot cum filling my loins woke me. It was still dark, or was it early morning? I orgasmed softly from the juice warming me from the inside, praying he didn't notice.

He did rouse. And when his cock finished hosing my pussy with a fresh load of sperm, he pushed me off. I turned and sucked all the cum from his groin.

"Gotta see about a job." He muttered. He wobbled up standing, dressed, and left the apartment. I collapsed on the carpet. be continued...

White Jones, Black Bones

Chapter 5

"Mom. Mom!" Someone was pushing me. I opened my eyes. Stace hung over me. She must have covered me with a throw. I was warm under it. My naked body had been so cold all weekend! "Is he gone?" She looked even more frightened than yesterday. "I-I locked the door. Was that okay?"

"Oh, Sweetheart, it's over." I told her. At least, for now it was. Getting up, I wrapped the throw around me and went to my bedroom. Donald lay still on the bed.

"Honey." I called softly.

"Hnngg?" He grunted and opened one eye.

"We have to get you to a hospital."

"C-can't afford it." He croaked.

"I don't care. There's a reason he did this to you."

"He hates white people."

I didn't think that was it. Honestly, I was surprised he hadn't done something worse to Stace than tie her up and gag her.

"What's this?" I noticed a corner of paper sticking out from under the pillow by Donald's head.

"Nothing." He groaned and tried to cover it with a hand.

I plucked it easily away from his slow attempt. It was a handwritten note. The penmanship was excellent. A knife cut my heart, reading it.

"Three days of shit in your veins means one thing, Fag Wad. You're gonna need more, and I'm gonna give it to you. I don't want your fucking money. I'll dose you for free, any time you want, unless if I think it'll kill you. You ain't getting away that easy. Those joneses you'll have to sweat out. You're mine, Dick Nub. If you call the cops again, you'll suffer so much, a pansy like you would probably slit their throat rather than survive withdrawal."

"I'm calling the Heroin Hotline." Terry had left my phone on the kitchen table.

Donald shook his head and cried.

"Hello, we're poor and my husband is addicted. What can I do to help him?"

The young man on the other end of the line was eager to show his commitment. "There's a public treatment center in Bellevue. I can forward your call."

BELLEVUE! I'm in gods damned Ranier! I wanted to yell. It takes three buses and as many hours to get there. Donald would be puking his guts by the time he got there. "I said so in lesser terms."

"I'm sorry, but the Ranier clinic was closed by a neighborhood association ballot proposal."

"How can I help my husband overcome this?"

"Self treatment is dangerous, Ma-am. If he has any medical issues, they could be exacerbated by the chemical changes that take place, or the violent tremors. He could die."

"FUCK!" I did say and hung up.

Donald tried to sound like a man instead of an addicted, drugged mouse. "I'll get over it. I saw a movie once. Chain me to the bed-"

I ran out of the room, sobbing!

"Why doesn't Daddy want to go to the hospital?"

"The police will find out." I told Stace.

"We should call the cops!"

"It won't do any good." I had lost all confidence in the greater Seattle area's police.

"I'll call them." She reached for my phone. I tucked it away.

"NO. I'm going to use your father's painkillers to get the poison out of his system."

I nearly killed my husband with an overdose of legal opiates, that Wednesday.

Nothing of our situation stopped me from going to work, Monday, if an hour late. I made up for it by working late. Melissa growled at me when I arrived and thanked me when I left.

I used the LINK stop closest my house. Terry couldn't do anything worse to me, as long as I didn't go to the BBQ. I walked past an empty corner of the street, where he previously begged for change.

Wednesday evening, I came home to Donald puking in the toilet. He had eaten every sweet in the house. Stace was locked in her room, which had been her normal, until our home had been invaded.

"Those painkillers hardly take the edge off of my back. They're doing nothing for my aching head!" He almost yelled. He was pale and sweating.

"Then we'll go to the hospital."

"NO!" He shouted. "I'll get through this."

I had to sleep on the broken couch, while he writhed, agonized on our marriage bed. He woke me up at 3am. "Honey, I think I could make it, if I just got one shot. Just a little one, enough to take the edge off."

He didn't stop pestering me, until I left for work an hour early. I came home and found Stace crying on the stairwell. "He hit me, Mommy!" She threw herself on me. I left her outside, while I stormed into our home.

"I didn't mean, Honey. I'm sorry. It was just a slap-"

I slammed the door on my way outside where Stace trembled. "Go to one of your friends, until dinner. Call me then."

I jogged down to the BBQ. I checked from a distance. It was open, and there was no sign of Terry. There was a good chance he was inside. I risked that Angus was a decent sort and entered.

Four older men and women were eating at a table. I went to the counter. "I'm looking for Terry."

"Huh." Angus scratched his head. "He's not here, but he told me you might stop by." The cook pulled an envelope from under the cash register. "It's for you." It was marked with a C. "I thought your name was Ruby."

"It is." I took the envelope. It was heavier than expected. I thanked Angus and left. I opened it carefully. Inside was another paper packet. There was a note too, but daylight was fading. I hurried home.

"I watched him cook it." Donald's hand shook while grabbing matches, a candle, and a big spoon.

"We don't have a syringe."

My husband looked away from me. "He left one in my socks drawer."

Pussy, I mentally shouted at my husband. I hoped his hand shook the foul liquid right off of the spoon.

"It'll be okay. He was shooting me up my veins. But I'll just stick my muscles. Enough to take the edge off." He promised.

I checked in with Donald, half an hour later. He gave me a weak smile. I crushed Terry's note in my hand. Then I forced myself to read it.

"I promised I'd give the shit to your limp dick husband, for free, but I won't deliver, and I've bothered Angus for the last time. You'll find me easy enough, when you need to."

Donald's low doses strategy wasn't terrible, but heroin's ability to enslave the brain is only exceeded by morphine and nicotine. All he did was prolong the inevitable. He stretched out the packet for a week. We tried internet alternatives that we could afford but not get arrested for. Whether they helped, I don't know, but I thought they were a waste of time. Three days after licking the packet clean, Donald dragged himself to me, eyes bloodshot. "I'm a stupid fool."

I was tempted to agree, angry enough to slap him. My temper had been flaring. Work sucked as usual. Stace's rebellion against us threw back all of our neglect and frustration. Donald neglected me too, in our bed. It was understandable, and after my first two rapes I didn't want anyone to touch me. Only after being forced to cling to a warm, naked body for an entire weekend had my aversion to touch relented. My pussy felt empty.

I hated Terry all the more when Donald dropped to his knees and cried from his suffering. I was the worse fool. My husband didn't have to ask. I had just returned home, greeted by his pathetic groveling. I turned around and strode back out the door.

Okay, Terry, if you're so easy to find when my husband needs a fix of your shit, I'll walk randomly around the neighborhood, and you'll magically appear. That's what I was thinking as I padded wet streets. I figured I'd have a long walk to myself without worrying about punching into work in time, or if my ******** was getting fucked after discovering the cock slut that was her mother. I did think about that. It was good for a laugh.

My phone rang. Its tiny LCD screen flashed, "Terry." The fucking fuck must have added a contact during my ******'s ordeal. I assumed he was calling from a local shop that was kind to the homeless. Once again, his abilities didn't add up to being a bum.

Feeling self-conscious, I looked up and down the damp street before answering. I was the most suspicious person about. I ducked under an apartment building's awning and huddled in the least conspicuous corner before answering.

"How did you know?"

"The only thing I'm going to tell you, Cunt, is where to find relief for your dickless, addicted husband."

"You're not giving away free shit out of the kindness of your heart, Terry. What's your game?"

"The same game I've been hunting since you waggled your pert butt past my cup, dipping down to stuff a dollar my way."

"I'd rather lock Donald out of the house until he suffers that shit out of his system, than let you ever touch me again."

"You do that, Cunt." He laughed and hung up.

I screamed at the sky but resisted throwing my phone at the sidewalk. Where was the rain when you needed it to hide your tears? I sobbed until I got that dumbshit out of my system. Which dumbshit? I hated Donald and Terry equally.

Ignoring my husband's resumed groveling, I knocked on Stace's door. "I'm coming in." She didn't respond. I wrenched the door open and flung myself inside. "I don't know what to do." I gushed stupidly.

My ******** looked up from her desk. She had been studying. "You want my advice!" She snorted.

"I want you to care. You can't escape what's happening." I fell to my knees before her and literally cried on her shoulder.

She held my head to her. "Mom." She didn't need to say more.

My anguish softened into self pity. I cried until I babbled. "If I go to him, he'll give your *** a fix."

"If you do, you'll have to do it again next week."

"I know. I'm so stupid."

"You want to go to him." Her voice crackled.

"I don't. I hate him."

"Then don't. Stuff *** in a taxi to the hospital."

"The bills will bankrupt us."

"Call the police."

"I'm already complicit, giving your *** drugs."

"Then go to him." She emptied her hands of me and glared at her text book. What did she care? be continued...