Chapter Two


A month to the day after my 'ordeal' of being gang-banged by a bunch of black guys and, for the first time since I don't know when, my husband, Brad, showed me some real affection when he made a rare visit to my office and gave me a hug. I must admit to being taken aback for it wasn't normal for him to show his emotions so openly but he justified his behaviour by saying, "Yes, I've got it!"

"Ahm, got what?"

"The Air Force contract … just got the call from the Pentagon and, yep, we have finally agreed terms and they are about to place a big order for our safety harnesses."

I returned the embrace and gave him a peck on the cheek as a way of congratulation and thought to myself, "Sheez, is this what it takes to get you excited?"

The brief show of affection passed and he reverted to type and sat down on the opposite side of my desk. He looked around the open office area and once he was sure we were unlikely to be overheard he leaned across and in that annoying conspirital habit he has, said, "They obviously didn't notice the mark-up …!"

I knew instantly what he was talking about for when I had been typing up the figures I noted that he had inflated some of the figures well beyond what was reasonable and thinking it to be a mistake I had previously pointed out to him what I thought was an error, thinking that I misread his scrawl handwriting. Not so, he told me just to get on with it and, yes, that's exactly what he wanted entered in the costs column. I knew it was wrong, he knew it was wrong but, as he said, "It can be our little secret."

Just what I needed, another work-related secret to be added to the one I already had. The one that told of how I had been tied down with these same damned harnesses and been fucked every which way by his black workers who made them! No, I definitely wouldn't be sharing that one with him.

Instead I said, "I guess I need to get some paperwork together then."

He nodded his agreement, "Great, you know what's needed; I'll come by later and pick it up. We can go through it together before we send it off but right now I'm heading over to the workshops to share the good news with those idle bastards that they'll need to get their lazy black ass's in gear …." and with that he left to drive across town to our industrial unit, leaving me wondering how they would react to the news; there was no love lost between him with his 'Boss Attitude' and his employees who I knew had equal contempt for him.

I gathered together what I knew was needed to complete the documentation pack and awaited his return but, come lunchtime, he still hadn't appeared which annoyed me even more than usual. I couldn't believe he had forgotten that I was on a half day and needed to get away to go for my OB/Gynae appointment. (He knew of the visit as I had told him that had been experiencing a bit of discomfort 'down there' and 'I may have some news to tell you' letting him believe that he might have, eventually, impregnated me; he had no idea of the true reason, that I was concerned that the twinges I was feeling may have been related to those black cocks a few weeks before and may have done some permanent damage!)

I gathered the documents into the correct order, put them in an envelope and placed it in what I figured to be a prominent position of leaning the envelope against the computer screen. I then sent him a text telling him I had to leave but where to find his precious paperwork and then, as a final precaution so that I would know that he had done as I advised, I switched on the webcam on my computer so as to record any visits to my desk while I was absent. (It was a clever bit of kit that I had purchased but had told nobody about as I wanted to keep the element of surprise. It only recorded when the webcam detected movement.)

It was later that evening that I next saw him when Brad came home uncharacteristically late from the office and straightaway I noted a change in him from his usual demeanour. Clearly something was bothering him but I knew that it would be a waste of time to enquire what was wrong. Instead I kept my focus on the business in hand and asked if he had got my text and had he collected the envelope from my desk. He kind of answered a yes to both questions and said no more but then had the good grace to ask how my visit to my OB/Gynae had gone; had he confirmed the 'good news' that I had hinted at.

I answered truthfully that there was nothing to get excited about, that my missed period was just a 'blip' caused by some unidentified trauma; no, I wasn't pregnant and, no (but I didn't tell him this part) that the big black cocks had not done any permanent damage but my discomfort was just my body adjusting to having been 'over-exercised'.

The rest of the evening passed by with me going out for my regular run around the park and him, well I guess he managed to find yet another football game to watch on TV. We both went to bed with hardly another word between us being spoken.

The following day started pretty much like any other with us both going our separate ways but this time the day was slightly different with him going off to the airport to take a trip (to the Pentagon with his precious envelope) and for me to go to my office and do the 'same old; same old'.

However, the 'slightly different' was soon to take a swerve from the usual routine when after logging on to my computer I checked the previous day's security footage from the webcam. I didn't really need to do so for I obviously knew that hubby had collected the envelope as instructed but I had my suspicions about the Office Cleaners who tended the building at night as to whether we were getting value for money. That worry soon paled into insignificance and my blood ran cold when instead of seeing Brad just pick up the envelope leaning against the screen I saw him sit down at my desk and instead opened my desk drawer …. the desk drawer that in my haste to leave the office I had forgotten to lock.

It was like watching the beginning of a horror show, you know, the one where you know what is going to happen.

I saw him extract the 'other envelope', the one that held the incriminating photos, the pictures of me being fucked by the very workers who he had just been lording it over at the factory unit.

I watched him open the envelope, pull out the collection of glossy pictures and quickly riffle through them.

I held my breath in expectation of seeing something akin to outrage on his face but it didn't happen, instead he broke into a smile and then settled back into the chair before he went more slowly through these pictures of his wife being fucked by different black cocks. Then the scene that I was watching became even more bizarre when he spread the pictures out on the desktop and then lifting his butt from the chair he unbuckled his pants, pushed them down together with his boxers and straightaway grabbed his cock and began to stroke himself!

No, Brad was far from outraged, I could tell that he was actually getting off on looking at these pictures.

I slumped back in the same seat and let the surveillance video run, dazed to think that my up-tight husband could do such a thing. I must admit to having a sneaky admiration and sense of relief for his attitude and although I couldn't see on the computer screen exactly what he was looking at I knew damn fine that the pictures left nothing to the imagination. Clearly his imagination needed little prompting for it was only a few moments of him picking up the pictures one after the other in one hand that I heard a kind of strangled grunt as his spunk spurted and splashed over his other hand that was holding his cock.

As he began to clean himself up the screen suddenly went blank as if it had been switched off. I panicked as I thought that he maybe had noticed that he was being recorded and had turned the computer off but then I was relieved when a message popped up on the screen to say something about insufficient disk space, blah, blah. Whatever, it didn't tell me what happened next and I was fearful that he may have thrown the pictures away or something but I took a quick look and was reassured to see that he obviously had the good grace after his wank to put the envelope back in the drawer! (I also noticed a glob of Brad's cum on the carpet, the sight of which perversely justified my suspicions about the late night cleaners and their failure to do a good job!)

I was unsure what to do next. Clearly, the silent treatment from the previous evening was related to his discovery and I was puzzled why he had made no mention, not even a hint; was he still in shock at seeing what his wife got up to when he was absent or was he so traumatised that he couldn't bear to think about it, let alone have a discussion?! It would be an interesting reunion when he returned from the capitol, I was thinking.

I didn't have too long to think about it for my 'investigations' were interrupted when the phone rang and I picked up to hear the familiar jokey voice of the leader of the gang who had ***** me. (Well, I say **** but that is too strong a word because although they weren't fully aware of it at the time, I did quite enjoy the experience!)

"Yo, Bitch. Had your ol' man here yesterday telling us we've got work to do. Tol' us dat we need to up our game and that kinda shit …"

"Oh, Hello Leon," I said with as much dignity as I could muster, "what can I do for you?"

"Hey, hey, no, what can I do for you?"

I was confused and told him so, "Leon, I don't have time for games. I did what you asked; got you the raise you asked for as my part of the agreement and now I think that we are done and, if I'm not mistaken we both have work to do so, tell me, what did you call about?"

His tone turned from jokey to serious, "We ain't done Bitch. I figured that you being so nice and telling me how much yo wuz liking having a real dick in the white pussy of yours that maybe you might be wanting more so I figured you might wanna come by and …..," his voice trailed off.

I made a noise that I hoped conveyed my contempt for his perverted idea although I had to admit inside that what he was suggesting had merit. The experience of last week and all those black cocks remained foremost in my mind and my pussy tingled pleasurably each time I thought about being so effectively filled … but I didn't tell him that.

My snort of disdain didn't have what I had hoped would be his reaction, rather he continued, "… or maybe you wanna let me send those pictures to your ol' man … I really need to take another look at that white pussy of yours! I know, why don't you git yourself over here, I've got something to tell you.."

Ah, so now I got it, he wanted to keep this blackmail thing going despite me having carried out what we had agreed would be my side of the bargain, giving him his salary hike.

I listened to his heavy breathing wondering if I should tell him that his threat was now an empty one, that my husband, his boss, had already seen the pictures and far from being outraged, hubby seemed to be rather pleased at what he saw. No, I didn't tell him that, I let him stew a few moments more before I gave my answer and told him that I would try to come over later that day and let him see my 'white pussy' again just as long as he promised not to be telling anyone.

Something else I didn't tell him was I liked the idea of having his black cock filling it again and it was something I was looking forward to.

He replied, "Good, don't be late."

Mid-afternoon arrived and all calls dealt with and nothing more to do in the office I left to drive over to the industrial estate and our factory unit. My final act when I cleared my desk was, as ever, to switch on the computer security camera. I made a quick check once again to confirm I had saved the footage of my husband wanking over those pictures. For sure, I didn't want to lose that video as I figured it might come in useful in the future!

I parked up and let myself into the complex and everything looked normal with a few guys in the company coveralls being busy and going about their tasks and nobody really paying too much mind to me, a smartly dressed woman in a business suit suddenly appearing in their midst. As I looked around I figured that they knew I was the Boss's wife but I was also aware that Leon was very much the 'leader of the pack' so maybe they were more respectful of him than of me to be taking too much obvious interest.

Seeing no sight of him I reluctantly asked a creepy, weasily-looking guy at the packing table where I might find him. I tried to make it sound as if it was a 'normal' enquiry but I was aware that my flushed face and shallow breathing might have belied that impression.

He looked up and gave me the impression that he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer when did that thing that guys often do when I speak to them; looking at my boobs instead of my eyes! He sniggered something like, "I dunno, maybe taking a comfort break or a smoke outside … maybe I can help you, you know, will I do instead?"

I declined the offer, thanked him and aware that he was watching after me I took the route between the packing tables which would take me down toward the loading bay and went in search.

I never made it as far as the bay. As I passed by the door to the men's restroom Leon stepped out and startled me when he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

I was too surprised to say anything other than, "Hey, quit it with the rough-stuff … I'm not going to run away."

He laughed and said, "Yeah, know you ain't. I saw you parking up and figured you have to come looking for me so I jus' waited till ya come this way." He lessened his grip and I followed him inside. Yuck, a men's toilet, it was just like I imagined and smelly with it!

"So, what was so important that I had to chase across town?" It really was a rhetorical question; I knew damn fine what he wanted!

He answered by pulling open the snaps on his overall and revealing that he wore no underwear and that his cock, the fat black cock that I had already 'enjoyed', was already in an aroused condition (or maybe it was always like that, I was thinking). "Come on Bitch, you knows what I wanted you to chase across town for, get on your knees and suck it .."

The bastard, he obviously already knew me too well and without appearing to be too keen I found a relatively clean space on the floor and with as much dignity as I could muster lowered myself to my knees. He obliged me by leaning back against the washbasin counter and with no ceremony I took his stiffening cock in my hands and opened my mouth. Unsurprisingly it took but a few moments of my sucking and swirling my tongue around that fat cockhead before he was as stiff and as hard as I remembered from the night when he and all those other guys had fucked me in the packing room. As my head bobbed back and forth and he began that familiar face-fucking of that night I felt myself becoming quite wet between my thighs, visions of cum-spurting cocks assisted me in my efforts of sucking on Leon's magnificent dick and any thoughts that I was being coerced in being humiliated in this way were soon forgotten. No, despite the circumstances, I couldn't have been more thrilled … but I wasn't going to let Leon know that!

Then, just like that night before, I felt the cock I was sucking begin to pulse and I swear I sensed it throb beneath my grip. Leon felt it too and without warning he pushed my head away, grab my arm and pulled me to my feet. I knew what he wanted and I turned, pulled up my skirt and spreading my legs, leaned over the counter. He didn't bother with the niceties of pulling down my panties, his hand pulled them to one side and with one shove I felt that fat cockhead part my sopping pussy lips and I was once again filled by his wonderful dick. It felt marvellous … but I didn't tell him that, I think he already got the message from my moaned approval as he began to fuck me.

"Like that, huh, ….. Bitch? Like dat …. black cock, huh?" I looked up and in a small cracked mirror fixed to the wall above the washbasin I could see his reflection as he rhythmically thrust into me but didn't catch his eye. He was too busy looking down, concentrating his watching his fat cock.

What did catch my eye was to see the door open behind Leon and for the weasel guy to slip inside the restroom. He smirked when he saw what was going on although I'm guessing it was no surprise, maybe my body language when I spoke to him had given a clue as to my interest in finding Leon. He crept past his boss fucking 'his boss' and unseen by Leon in the small mirror he went over to the urinal and undid his overall but I had a perfect view as he pulled out his penis and with that same creepy smirk on his face he began to piss.

I found it very difficult knowing on which to concentrate, the cock I could feel which was giving me so much satisfaction or the one that weasel guy was holding as he directed that Golden stream into the bowl on the wall! Soon, I didn't have to make the decision for as Leon quickened his pace I sensed that welcome feeling building deep within my pussy that told me my orgasm was about to hit. Leon must have felt something like it too for he dropped all pretence of being the tough guy and announced with a whimper, "Oh shit, I'm cumming …..!" and with a final shove he buried himself deep inside and I swear I felt a blast of cum hit the back wall of my womb! It felt glorious and in so many words I told him so as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through me making me forget that this situation was so wrong on every level.

Leon grunted with a final thrust and then he slowly withdrew that marvellous stiff weapon from the sheath of my cunt and although I couldn't see, I could feel his hot cum dribble and trickle down the inside of my leg. God, he must have been storing that up, was my thought.

He seemed to be taking great satisfaction from having me still had me pinned down against the counter and was in no hurry to be releasing me from his hold. His still rigid dick was sliding up and down between the cheeks of my butt spreading his cum and my juices and I began to worry that he was making a mess on my skirt. He bent down and murmured in my ear, "Liked that, didn't you, Bitch … better than your limp-dicked ol' man, Huh?"

I was in no position to disagree, my reactions as he fucked me from behind made it very clear that I was a willing party, but I figured it was best to say nothing other than make a non-committal, satisfied kind of 'Mmm'. In point of fact I wasn't so much listening to what he was saying too much, for in the mirror I was reminded that weasel-guy was still present and with that same stupid leer on his face he was coming to the end of his piss. He caught my eye then took great delight in making sure I could see him shaking off the final drops from his dick. He then made the fatal error of making some comment to show just how much he was enjoying what he was seeing.

Leon was not amused. His head spun around and he yelled, "What the fuck are you doing here? I tol' you to keep watch and not let anyone come by!"

Weasel hastily tucked his dick into his pants and mumbled, "Sorry, Boss, I needed to take a leak .. I didn't know .. I, ah …."

"Get the fuck back to work and keep your mouth shut. I'll deal with ya later."

Talk about spoiling a good time! Leon released his hold on me and as he somehow managed to stow his cock within the confines of his overalls I reached out and found some toilet tissue and under his glowering gaze tried to find a little dignity as I cleaned up his mess. Thankfully my skirt seemed to have survived.

"Erm, so what was all that about then?" I asked.

"Don't ask, ain't nothing that I can't deal with."

"Ah, yeah, but isn't he gonna be telling?"

"I said, don't worry about it; I'll deal with it. What you need to be worrying about is whether your ol' man is going to be seeing those pictures I sent you last week."

I feigned concern, "Why would you do that, I got you your raise, didn't I? I thought that was the agreement .." I didn't let on that the pictures had already been seen.

"Yeah, well I figure them pictures are worth a little bit more. I figure that you need to be paying me regular visits jus' so I can keep tabs on you. Ain't gonna cost you much to keep our secret. Sho' nuff, your ol' man ain't gonna be amused to see them harnesses with his name all over them holding you down while you is being fucked by his workers' black dicks, is he?"

Poor old Leon, he was under the illusion that he was blackmailing me into doing something against my will but I didn't tell him that. I decided to let him believe that I was caught in his trap, "I don't understand, what are you suggesting?"

"Well, I figure I can keep my mouth shut jus' as long as you come by when I call and you can use your pretty mouth and your white pussy jus' like you know how. It's that simple, your ol' man need never know."

Oh dear, simple Leon was under the impression that he had some hold over me. Best I don't tell him that the idea of being fucked with his black cock was something that I dreamed of and that the thought of doing so was something to which I would look forward. No, I didn't say that, instead I said, "OK, you win but can we be a bit more discrete. In future can we go somewhere else. This so tacky and I certainly didn't appreciate having an audience, if you know what I mean."

A smile replaced his scowl, "Yeah, we can do that. I'll give you a call."

And with that I gave my skirt final smoothing, checked my make-up and left him there in the restroom and made my escape back to the parking lot.


Brad returned the following day from his trip to Washington and, unsurprisingly, he was not in a good mood. He came through the door, tossed his case to one side and went through to the lounge and slumped down on the couch. My first thought when I saw the 'body language' was that he must be building up to some kind of confrontation with me after having discovered the pictures that told of what his demure wife got up to when he wasn't around but, no, it turned out that his foul mood wasn't related to that at all. Indeed, it turned out he was acting just like his 'normal' self.

I went and poured us each a glass of wine and then I tentatively asked, ".. how was your trip?"

He took a sip from his glass and answered curtly, "Not good, … those damn smart-arsed Air Force people ….!"

"Oh, why so?"

"Yeah, one of them took another look at the contract and even though we've agreed and signed he started to question the costs and whether the Air Force was getting a good deal."

I didn't think it wise to remind him that I had told him that the mark-up did appear to be a bit suspicious but instead said, "Oh dear, so what's going happen, are they still going ahead with the order?"

"Oh yeah, for the moment we are still going ahead but they told me that if we are going to continue with the deal we are going to be subject to having an independent audit."

I was genuinely confused and said, "What does that mean?"

"It means that apparently they have some smart-arsed finance company who is going to be sending one of their smart-arsed lawyers to come and look at our books and if they aren't satisfied with what they find then it's goodbye to the contract, that's what that means!"

So clearly my fears of his foul mood being caused by my little 'indiscretion' had nothing to do with his discovery of the photos and it was with relief that I leant across and gave him a peck on the cheek telling him, "Don't worry, I'm sure we can figure something out."

That show of affection seemed to lighten his mood and he put down his wineglass and said, "Yeah, sure, there's nothing I can do about it now but be prepared to get a call from whoever it is that they are appointing to do the damn audit and then we'll figure something out from there …. but, for the moment, never mind about all that, first there's something on my mind that I wanted to talk to you about."

My blood ran cold, "Damn, here we go. It's confession time!" I thought.

He leaned across and put his arm around my shoulder and said, "I want to apologise to you. I've been neglecting you and I haven't been giving you the attention I should have been showing."

What?!!!! This was so unlike my Brad and this was not what the confession I was expecting to hear.

He went on, "I guess that all this business with work and everything has been getting on top of me and, well, I just want you to know that I'm going to change and once we get this bit of bother out of the way I'll be giving you a bit more quality time."

Phew, relief.

"What are you saying, Honey, we're good, aren't we?" I lied.

"No, we're not good; haven't been for a long time .. and it's all my fault .. I've been neglecting you ... "

Wow, this was odd; didn't sound like the Brad I thought I knew.

"… I've been thinking that we ought get back to how it was before all this other stuff got in the way; you know, like it was when we were first married .." and as he said that I felt his hand rest on my thigh and begin to work its way up toward my pussy.

I showed my relief by spreading my legs to allow him free access and at the same time I reciprocated and let my hand rest on his thigh only it wasn't his thigh that I felt but rather I discovered he was obviously sporting a boner beneath his pants.

"Wow, Brad, what has got into you?!"

"Never mind what's got into me, you've got your hand on something that's wants to get into you!" he sniggered.

I decided to seize the moment and with all thoughts of the situation of 'those pictures' put to one side I unzipped his pants, helped him released his stiffening cock and encouraged him to likewise think of something else by saying, " …hmm, that looks nice."

"Yeah, and I bet it tastes nice too .. why don't you suck it .. I know that you like to do that …"

What an odd thing to say, was my thought, for Brad had never been a fan of oral sex, or rather, it had never featured before whenever we had made love but, hey, whatever the man says just as long as he stays in this mood. I bent down and complied and stuck out my tongue and licked off the dribble of pre-cum that was already beginning to show. I was surprised to see it and once again in as many words told him so, "Why Brad, you horny old dog. Whatever has got into you?"

I open my mouth and once my mouth was filled making me incapable of speech I heard him say, "I figured you might like to try a different flavour!"

That was an odd thing to say, I thought but it didn't give me cause to pause, I doubled down and sucked even harder.

"Yeah, that's nice baby … just like that … do it just like you were sucking a black cock …!"

Uh, oh, did I hear him right?

As I continued giving my hubby pleasure I sensed him lifting his butt and then for him to be dragging down his pants and underwear. 'Hmm, that's a lot better, now I can see a lot better what I am dealing with here,' was my thought … swiftly followed by another thought which was how I had learned from Leon that a guy just loves to have his balls caressed when he is being given a blowjob.

"Oh yeah, baby just like that ..!"

This was quite bizarre; where had 'this Brad' been all the while? He never in my wildest dreams had reacted like this whenever we had been making out in the past and I liked it. I lifted my head and as diplomatically as possible I told him so, "Brad honey, what in the world has happened with you? You never let me do this before; I didn't think that you approved …. is there something I should know about?"

He smiled at hearing the question and said, "Bri, or maybe I should call you 'Bitch', let's just say over the past few days I've learned and heard a few things what people in the workshop have been saying about you and what I now know is that someone who I had always thought was an uptight prude is actually far from being uptight at all. Let's just say, I like what I hear you've been doing and now I want a piece of what I hear those black guys have been getting!"

Oh my God, my face fell; so he was confessing that he knew all the while.

The shocked expression on my face was ignored and with no ceremony whatever he pulled up my skirt, shoved me onto my back and pushed his stiff cock that was dripping with my saliva into my bare wet pussy and began to fuck like a man possessed. I've never known him to be so animated!

"Yeah, like that, do you, Bitch?" he hissed.

"Whaaa ..?"

"I said, like it like that, do you ? … isn't that what that black fucker says to you ?" he grunted with each thrust.

I had a little difficulty in answering coherently, I was too much concentrating on the enjoyment I was feeling from the pounding he was giving me.

"Does my white cock feel as good as his, Bitch?" he had gone back to hissing again.

I still didn't say anything, I hoped that my moaning and sighs might convey the answer; oh my God, he felt so good and was managing to hit all the right spots as he pistoned in and out. Heaven knows what we looked like, him laying on top of my prone body with his pants caught around his ankles; me with my skirt pulled up around my waist and his bare butt thrusting in and out as he carried on with his obscene questioning.

No, this was not the Brad that I thought I was married to but he was now definitely someone that I wished I had met before. Someone who I literally had 'cum' to appreciate as I felt him with a final grunt ejaculate deep into my womb. I joined him in moaning out my orgasm and added a squirt of juices to mingle with his.

Spent, we both seemed to freeze for an eternity until I managed to gasp out, "Jeez, Brad. What the fuck was all that about?"

He pushed himself up and his cock slipped out trailing a ribbon of his sperm that momentarily connected us both before he flopped over and lay back on the couch alongside me. He looked over and took a moment to catch his breath and said, "Bri, I had always believed that you were some kind of frigid, uh, bitch; not interested in sex and had no interest in me. You would not believe how hurt I have been by your disinterest over the years, you've always pushed me away whenever I've tried to get close to you and, well, after a while, I figured it wasn't worth the effort so I kinda lost interest myself …" He looked at me with what I thought looked like puppy hangdog eyes and then taking a breath he continued, " .. then I found some pictures of you that told a different story …"

I did the only thing that I could do, I laughed and said, "What pictures and what story was that then?"

"Well, you know what I'm talking about, those pictures that you had in your desk. It didn't take much working out that whatever or wherever they were taken that you were enjoying yourself. When did that happen?"

I looked at him to see if he was making some kind of sick joke with me and whether he was leading me into a trap but, no, he seemed to be quite genuine with no sign of his usual off-hand demeanour or indifference toward me.

"Brad, you really are crazy. I've never been the frigid one; it's you who has been that way and, frankly, ever since you started up this business you never seem to have any interest in doing anything else. If ever I've made a move you've always made some excuse not to .. "

He looked at me sheepishly, "I guess we both had it wrong then; I'm sorry, I never realised, why have you never said anything?"

"Said anything? I got tired of being brushed off and then when we occasionally did have sex you were so, like, uh, your mind was elsewhere, well it became too much like hard work to get you interested so after the first few times whenever I mentioned it, I didn't bother. Anyway, that doesn't explain why you have turned back into some kind of sex fiend. Jeez, you pretty much ***** me just now ….!"

He looked hurt and stung by the remark so I quickly added, " … and I liked it."

A weak smile returned to his face, "Bri, I don't really understand myself what happened there but let me just say that when I found those pictures I thought it was some kind of Porn Stash you had hidden away. They were great pictures and I found it both funny and exciting that there were our straps being used as props … then I had a 'light-bulb' moment when I realised the person being fucked in the pictures was you that from the expression on your face that my wife was far from being frigid! By the time I realised that I already had my cock in my hand and, forgive me when I say, that you were acting out the fantasies that I have often had about you. You have no idea how often when I've gone away that I have been jerking off in my hotel room thinking about you doing exactly that!"

It was my turn to smile although mine was one of relief. All these years and the two of us have been under the impression that it was the other who had no interest in sex and had buried ourselves in doing other things rather than say what we really both wanted but that still didn't explain some things.

"But, wait a minute. Those pictures showed me having sex with someone else and proved that I was cheating on you. Not only that but it was with more than one guy and that they were all black. Aren't you just a little bit mad about that?"

"Bri, I said that I have fantasies and the best one of all has been to think of you, see you, being fucked by a black man. And I mean, 'see you'. In my mind I've often had this image of being in the room and watching you doing just that. I'm really sorry that I went through your things in your desk but when I saw those pictures it was just like a dream had come true and I got so horny sitting in your office chair to think that you had done just that."

I had to accept that he was telling me the truth for as he related this pathetic excuse I could see that his cock was once again becoming erect. Clearly, my 'up-tight hubby' was quite relaxed about what he had discovered and that he had no qualms that his wife had been gang-banged by a bunch of black guys.

I showed him that I understood and forgave him for his display of bad manners in my office and, once again, I leaned over and took his lovely stiffening cock in my hand and whispered in his ear, "Shush, we'll talk about this more some other time. Now, let us pretend that I'm stroking a black cock and it's going to be fucking me for the second time, you black stud!"


The following morning I turned into work a little late and, I have to admit, a little sore from the night of sex with my lovely Brad. God, he was like some animal the whole evening long and couldn't get enough of me as we acted out some of the other fantasies he shared. He even fucked me in the bathroom when all I wanted to do was brush my teeth and that had nothing to do with any fantasy!

I switched on my computer; checked the security footage and once again noted that the cleaners had just skimmed through the office and not touched the mess I had deliberately left as a trap. (Note to self: Must confront them with the evidence.) I then did as I always did as I sipped my first coffee of the day, checked through my emails.

Uh, oh, there was one in the in-box that stood out from amongst the usual crap. It was headed as being from some company in New York that I didn't recognise, the Subject line stated 'Audit'. I opened it and read,

"To 'Brianna Holdings Inc'.

With reference to the recent contract made between yourselves and the Air Force Department, in accordance with DoD procedures we have been authorised to carry out a financial audit of the said agreement.

We advise that we are an accredited ISO-organisation and request that you kindly respond at your earliest convenience when an appointment can be arranged for one of auditors to carry out the required financial checks.

Best wishes …"

This message represented an escalation in our relationship with the Air Force but more importantly, it marked the beginning of another relationship, a personal one that had nothing to do with business. It was the introduction to new friends, Whitney and Andrew ….

… I'll tell you about that later.


To be continued …