Our next stop was Echo Bay another marine park. After we got under way Lil disappeared for a few minutes. I was driving from the command bridge on top of the boat when she reappeared on the bow. I first thought that she was naked but on close inspection I saw that she had on what had to be the worlds smallest bikini. There were two patches covering her nipples held on by thin cords. The bottom was a triangle shaped piece of cloth which would barely cover my hand. It barely cover her pussy and was tied in place by cords around her waist, with one running between her cheeks leaving her ass completely naked. She held up her arms and slowly turn around for me to see it and then asked if I liked it. I gave the fog horn three blasts in response. She rubbed sun protection all over her body (that was something to see) and settled down on the bow to read a book. Several boats in our area slowed down and I watched the guys on them check out my wife with binoculars. A couple of them gave her a blast on their horns. She would stand and slowly turn around for them, then give them a wave before sitting back down.

Arriving at Echo Bay we discovered all the buoys taken. As we cruised around looking for a place to drop anchor, two small boats on a float left. The spot they vacated fit us perfectly. The float was about thirty feet long held in place with pilings. A float does not connect to the shore and is about six feet wide. This bay had two floats, ten buoys and the dock which connect to the island. Tied to the other side of the float we were going to tie to was a forty-five foot cruiser. I could see a woman sunning her self on the bow. She was wearing a bikini only slightly larger that Lil's. As we neared the float Lil put on one of my v-neck tee shirts. She was getting ready to jump on the float to tie us up. But before she jumped, a guy appeared to help us. He was wearing a Speedo type suit on his trim and muscular body. Lil threw him the line and we got tied up. After I got the engines shut down and the boat properly tied to the float. I walked up the float to say thank you to the guy. Lil was still on the bow and was leaning over the rail talking to him when I got there.

"Hi I'm Wil. Thanks for the help." I said.

"No problem I'm Clark and that's my wife Lois." he said pointing at the woman on his boat.

She waved and I walked over to her to say hi. Up close she was very attractive with long blond hair, a slender proportioned body with B cup breasts. Lois and Clark, I know it sounds like superman but that was their names. They were in their mid forties like us.

"It's nice to share the float with someone similar to ourselves." Lois said.

"I'll say! Now I have two beautiful bikini clad women to stare at." I replied.

"Why thank you, you sliver tongued devil. You're not so bad your self. But I only see one bikini?" She remarked.

"Lil covered hers up when we came in, she was a little im-bare-ass-ed if you know what I mean?" I questioned.

"Well it couldn't be much smaller than mine." she said as she turned around allowing me to see it and her.

"It's not a lot smaller but it is smaller." I admitted.

"If I know my Clark he will have her showing it to him as soon as possible." she replied nodding in their direction.

When I looked at Clark and my wife, they were looking at us, they had seen Lois showing me her suit. Lil smiled at me and pulled off my tee shirt. She did a slow turn for Clark just like Lois had. Clark was smiling and nodding his head as Lil turned.

"It's is a little smaller but it looks good on her and I can tell Clark likes it a lot." she said.

Then turning to them she called, "why don't you two meet us in the salon for a cold drink?"

They both nodded and Clark helped my wife off the boat as I climbed up with Lois.

"What a great ass." I though as I followed Lois into the salon.

Clark made us a pitcher of strawberry margarita's. As we sipped our drinks we got to know each other. We found out we had a lot in common. Three mostly grown children, similar backgrounds and educations plus we were all taking our first vacation in many years away from the kids. We realized that there is a certain liberating feeling attached to the freedom. Lois mentioned that for some reason she was extremely horny this trip than any of the others.

Lil agreed by saying, "I know what you mean. A week ago I would not have dared wear this bikini in public, but here I am essentially naked with two people whom I have only know for a few hours and I'm totally comfortable."

"I don't know how comfortable I would be if I was you. I have noticed that Clark is a lot more sexually aggressive than normal." Lois commented.

Clark was facing us while he made a second pitcher for us. The two Lil had on her empty stomach must have been affecting her. Eying Clark up and down then focusing on his speedo's which outlined his expressive looking cock.

"he doesn't look so dangerous to me as long as he keeps 'that' under control."

I was a little shocked but excited by her comment.

"Control is my middle name." Clark replied with a lecherous grin while boldly stroking his cock and pointedly looking between my wife's legs.

"See what I mean? Give him an opening and he will fill it. Oops I mean take it." Lois warned.

"You better watch your opening's my dear." I laughingly suggested to my wife.

"Oh I will." she said.

"Bummer!" Clark muttered.

After our third pitcher we were feeling no pain. The sexual tempo was sky rocketing when Lil said she was hungry.

Clark quickly looked at her, "for?" he asked.

"Food" she quickly replied realizing the opening she had given him.

"Bummer!" he replied as he moved to fire up the barbeque.

We had some great steaks and a bottle of wine. "Watch out!" I thought when my wife asked for a third glass. Wine makes her horny, three glasses on top of four or five margarita's would make her orgasmic. By the time we were finished with dinner the sun was almost down. Lil asked to use the head.

Clark grabbed her hand saying, "come on I'll show you where it is and when you're finished I'll give you a tour of the boat."

As he led her forward out of the salon I saw his hand stray to her ass for a quick feel. I realized that we still had on our suits and that my wife was naked except for a couple of small patches of cloth.

"This could be interesting" I thought.

Lois asked me if I wanted a tour? I told her sure, let's go. We went out the other end of the salon and my hand caressed Lois's ass on the way out.

She turned with a smile and asked, "do you like the view?"

"Very much" I replied.

As she moved around showing me the boat her top kept shifting uncovering her breasts. After the third time she just took it off.

"It is a little hot in here." I commented.

"And getting hotter!" she replied looking at my hardening cock.

"is that an opening?" I asked.

"If you want to 'take it' that way!" she murmured.

Stepping close to her I kissed her willing lips and caressed her breasts. Her nipples hardened under my touch. As my lips left her's, I nibbling down her neck toward her breasts, my hand moved down her belly toward her pussy, she sighed, "God I've been waiting hours for this."

My hand slipped under her bikini bottoms and my fingers found her clit as my lips closed over one of her nipples. Lois's hand crept into my suit and began to fondle my hardening cock. My finger slid over her clit and into her warm wet pussy. She moaned as she untied the g-string and told me to stroke her faster. Her legs spread apart and I crouched in front of her. Using two fingers and my thumb I began to masturbate her. Rubbing my thumb on her clit and sliding my fingers in and out of her pussy. She began to hump her hips toward me and bite her lower lip as her orgasm built. Spreading her legs and holding her pussy open towards me, she began to tense up. Suddenly she grabbed my hand and pushed my fingers in as far as possible.

"Now! Now! Now! Ohhhhh!"

With each now she would fuck my fingers into her. When she came she held them deep inside her quivering pussy. Once she calmed down she smiled.

"That was nice, thank you."

"Your welcome. There is nothing I like better than to see a beautiful woman orgasm because of me." I told her.

She smiled and said, "it's your turn now."

Just as she was wrapping she lips around my cock we heard Clark call, "come out, come out, where ever you are."

"Damn!!! Hold that thought." I said.

"Count on it." she replied.

I was ahead of Lois entering the salon and saw my wife had also lost her top and was looking a little flushed.

As Lois entered I remarked, "you couldn't keep your top on either huh?"

She smiled and Clark grinned as she said, "It came undone all by it's self."

"I see and since it was so hot there was no reason to put it back on, right?" I replied.

"She couldn't." Clark replied, "it got lost in my speedo's."

"And that was an opening I was not ready to look in." Lil replied.

"Bummer!" Clark remarked.

Pulling the ties of her g-string and pulling it off, Lois walked past us toward their stateroom saying, "I'm tired of this thing in my crack any way, so I'm going to change."

Not to be out done Lil whipped hers off and headed for the door saying, "me too."

Clark called out to Lil, "it's only ten o'clock you are coming back aren't you."

"You have some more of that delicious wine?" she asked.

"You bet." he replied.

"I'll be back" she called.

Clark and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and followed our wives.

Back in our boat, I slipped into a pair of loose fitting shorts and sat down to smoke a joint. Lil was cleaning the sun screen of her body with a warm wash cloth. She was having a little trouble standing and told me to quit rocking the boat. I just smiled and offered her a hit.

She smiled saying, "the boat is rocking enough with out that."

"And you want more wine?" I asked.

"Do you think I've had enough?" she asked.

"For what?" I replied.

She looked at me and said, "I have no intention of fucking Clark."

"Ok!" I replied.

"I noticed that you were kind of flushed when I saw you back in the salon. What happened on your tour and how did you loose your top?" I continued.

She told me that when she felt his warm hand on her ass, she knew she would have to be careful about her opening. While she was using the bathroom he had put on some kind of after shave which smelled great. Noticing it I told him so. Pulling me into his hairy chest he told me to smell it. You know how I always wondered what a hairy chest felt like? I nodded my head. Well it tickles and I laughed. When I told him why, he laughed and pulled me close again for a better feel. At the same time he undid my top and pulled it off. When I asked him why, he said so I could get a good feel. Then he tucked it inside his speedo's saying I could get it any time I wanted. I guess he decided that he had pushed me far enough and backed off. I was getting a little angry which sobered me up a little. Anyway we went out on deck and saw you and Lois kissing. I could see that she was being very aggressive. As I watched her get more and more turned on so did I. Clark must have noticed my condition because he started rubbing my back and shoulders. It really felt good. Pretty soon he was playing with my breasts as well. And that felt really, really good. Lois changed positions and I had to bend over a little to see her. Clark took advantage of the opening by gently placing his groin next to my thigh where I could feel it growing. At the same time he put his other hand on my bottom and began to gentle caress it. I could feel myself getting excited from watching Lois and his touch. His hand slid from my bottom, between my legs and caressed my pussy through my bikini. My pussy responded by pushing my hips back bumping into his now very hard cock. I felt his hand slide over my pussy putting a little pressure on it as he passed and then caressing my ass. Just then Lois let out a loud moan and she regained my attention. I seem to remember a slight tug on my g-string. His hand began to travel back over my ass and between my legs. I was anticipating his touch like before but his fingers slid into my naked pussy. I involuntarily jumped back resulting in pushing two of his fingers into me. I started to move forward but he held me and began to fuck me with his finger and stroke my clit at the same time. It felt very good and I thought, "oh well he is in now might as well enjoy it." I spread my legs and arched my pussy back at him so he could do it right. I could see that Lois was about ready to cum and realized that I was going to cum first. As soon as I thought about it, my orgasm came. Clark continued to stroke in and out of me after my orgasm and I was enjoying it. When Lois drew my attention, that was the opening Clark was waiting for. I felt him remove his hand and reposition his body. I remember thinking why? Then his finger returned but it felt different. As it slid into my pussy I suddenly realized why. He was fucking me with his cock. I tried to pull away but he misunderstood and grabbed my hips pulling me back onto his cock. He stroked me several times before I told him to stop. When he realized I genuinely was upset, he immediately stopped. I could tell that he was genuinely sorry, at having upset me. I realized it was my fault more than it was his. I told him that I was sorry but his cock surprised me and I had not consciously given him my permission. He understood and suggested next time he would knock before entering. His little joke broke the tension and we laughed together.

"How do you feel about it now?" I asked.

"No problem. He said he would knock first and I believe him." she replied.

"Cool!!" I replied.

The boat rocked and we heard Clark call out, "permission to come aboard?"

Lil slid one of her sun dressed over her body as I called back, "granted"

"Smells like the old days, can I have a hit?" he asked.

I handed him my joint and he handed me a bottle of wine. Winking at Lil he said, "Lois is getting freshened up and told me to come and bring you back, so I brought a gift. That's good grass?"

"You guys go ahead I'll be along in a minute." Lil said.

As soon as we were alone, Clark told me that he was very sorry about the misunderstanding. I told him that everything was fine as long as he remembers to knock. He laughed and said that Lois told him to tell me that I did not need to knock. After the orgasm I gave her she would be ready any time I was.

"I just may take her up on that." I said.

"If you don't she will be very upset." he replied. "can I try to seduce your wife again?" he continued.

"Give it your best shot, but if she does succumb, make sure she has a good time." I told him.

"It would be my pleasure." he replied.

"And mine too." I thought.

Once the four of us were back in the salon, Lois asked if we played pinochle. Jill laughed. "What is so funny?" Lois wanted to know.

"It is funny that it reminds me of Jo and Bill." She replied.

I explained, "When we were first married we wife-swapped with a couple who played. We would meet at each other's houses and get *****, stoned or both, while playing pinochle and then fuck each other. That was during the before children experiment stage of our marriage."

Lois suggested, " that the loser's of each hand had to take a drink or a hit and the winner's got to decide which loser kissed which winner."

I looked at Lil, she smiled adding, "I'm game."