Chapter 4


Vanessa got the call via text from Goddess and Daddy to return to Chevy Chase the weekend following her visit to the Capitol but, despite having fallen under their spell and being introduced to Black cock in such a satisfactory fashion, she had to decline the offer; she had just too many other commitments already and there was no way she could accept the invite (which actually was more of a command).

Goddess and Daddy were not pleased to be rebuffed and made their displeasure and disappointment in her known to the extent that Vanessa became a little apprehensive of what the consequences might be for having shown defiance toward her new friends so early in their relationship.

Vanessa didn't handle conflict easily. She had always led an uncomplicated life and normally steered clear of situations where differences of opinion might occur. Her attitudes had resulted in her normally being cautious and compliant when dealing with strangers and that was why her behaviour at the weekend was so out of character and gave her cause to be feeling so confused.

She was also nervous about how her 'confession' would be received by her only other true friend, Gina. For so long now it had been Gina who had been the one enthralling her with tales of infidelities and now it was her turn to have something to tell. She just didn't know if she had the courage to call her and confess that she had, at last, taken the plunge and experienced Black cock. She was mulling over how she could approach the topic when her dilemma was taken out of her hands.

The phone rang, it was Gina, "Hi, how did your weekend go .. meet anyone nice .. did you get to date any Black guys?"

It was just like Gina to be so direct, there was no beating about the bush with her, which made Vanessa even more nervous about telling her exactly what had happened at the protest rally.

"Ah, um no, I mean yes, it was nice and no, I didn't!" she said untruthfully.

Gina giggled, "Yeah, I bet; you mean all those black men around and you couldn't pull even one of them? I don't believe you."

Vanessa became more flustered thinking she had been caught out in a lie and tried to steer the conversation away from her visions of having been fucked many times by such a black cock. She just didn't feel right about admitting that Gina had been right all along about the joy that could be had from 8 inches of a lovely ebony shaft. Even more so, she wasn't sure how she could tell that her own ******** had been present at the time and that far from being her usual quiet self that the pair of them had almost acted as a team enjoying a weekend of pleasure. It was too much information to share. Instead she asked, "And how was your time in Florida?"

Gina took the bait , "Oh yeah, we had a great time, there's so much to tell.

"I got to meet with Cathy, Dan's mother's neighbour, you know, the one who he's been fucking every time he goes down there. She's such a laugh and we bonded really well.

"I met up with her husband, Norman, a truck driver who is out on the road all week and only gets back at the weekends. Let me tell you, he's a story all on his own and to give you a clue what he's like, Cathy has him dressed in women's panties, gets him to cage his little cock and now she calls him 'Norma'!"

Vanessa joined in the laughter of Gina's exuberance.

"Oh yeah, and then there's her lawn guy. A black guy, Ben. I called him 'Big Ben' for obvious reasons. I think Dan was a little jealous …" She left the reason for her husband's jealously unsaid.

Vanessa found it difficult to be anything but amused and entertained by listening to her friend's account of what she had been doing. Gina had no qualms or embarrassments when relating her encounters and Vanessa felt that she really ought respond in kind albeit that she wasn't sure how she could allow her natural reservations slip and enter into sharing such intimate details.

She took an oblique approach and responded by saying, "That sounds as if you had a lot of fun. I must admit hearing you tell it like that it sometimes makes me wish I could get involved." She felt herself welling up inside when she added, "Since being left on my own I really do miss physical contact and all that. It must be lovely to have someone like Dan. From the sound of his voice when I've heard him speak I get the impression that he must be so attentive and understanding." Vanessa, who had never actually met Dan face-to-face, only heard his voice when he had occasionally answered the phone, let her voice trail off as she gave a sniff and dabbed her nose with a tissue.

Gina heard the tremble in Vanessa's voice and realised that perhaps she had been a little unkind in telling her widowed friend so much detail of her adventures, of all the times she had enjoyed having so many different cocks when her friend, although she hadn't admitted it in so many words, had not. She had long been aware of her frailties and she knew that it couldn't be easy for her to be on her own after having been happily married. She decided to make amends for her inconsideration and made Vanessa an offer.

"Tell you what, leave your back door unlocked and I'll ask Dan to sneak over to your house and bedroom and take care of your womanly needs!"

Vanessa reaction was both shock and excitement and without thinking said, "God no, I couldn't do such a thing. What would people think if they found out?""

"Aw, come on it'll be fun and who exactly would have to know about it? It'll only be us who would be involved .."

Vanessa couldn't refute the logic of that statement but found another excuse, ".. but what about Lauren, she's just down the hall; she would know!"

Gina laughed, "Oh, come on Girl, I'm sure you could encourage one of Lauren's girlfriend's mothers to arrange a sleepover to get Lauren out of the house. Don't be such a pussy .. think about it, I'm sure we can arrange something."

Despite the topic of conversation being about fucking with strangers Vanessa still didn't feel confident enough to tell her about her own adventures and what had happened. It would have been a good time to tell her that 'her womanly needs' had been taken care of but she didn't, she gave a non-committal 'hmm' and said she'd 'think about it' and changed the subject.

It was three weeks later, and Vanessa had been thinking about it, a lot! She called Gina as normal on the Friday morning and taking great care not to mention the earlier idea casually mentioned, " .. Lauren has a sleepover tonight with a friend, maybe you might like to come over for a bite to eat or, er, something .."

Gina picked up on what she was suggesting and was mildly surprised. She was well aware and sympathetic toward her widowed friend's situation and attitudes and the banter about sex that she had shared over the months had only really been a way to provide her with a bit of entertainment and light relief; she never thought that her straight-laced friend would actually ever take her up on her offers of 'help'. However, neither was she aware that Vanessa had already tasted the forbidden fruit; that would be revealed later.

"Oh, wow, that's a lovely idea. Are you certain that Lauren is going to be away for the night?"

Vanessa nervously assured her that her ******** would indeed be staying out and that it would only be the three of them.

Gina lit up and asked if she was still interested in Dan. Vanessa skirted around what 'interested' implied and said that from she had heard that he sounded a nice guy. "Great, I'll be over about 8:30; not sure about Dan, he works late Fridays and might not make it but, hey, I'll bring the wine and, hey again, I've got a great idea of a game we can play," she said enigmatically. "We are good friends, right?"

Vanessa heart was racing at the prospect of what might be happening that evening. Yes, she was a good friend with Gina but she wasn't so sure about Dan, she hardly knew him, and it was the first time that she had ever contemplated 'doing' what she thought they might be doing later that evening. She ended the call by saying with a nervous laugh that she hoped she would be able to look them both in the eye the next day.

"Don't you worry about a thing, I've got a plan, you won't have to look at anyone in the eye if you do as you are told!"

Lauren left the house and, as instructed, confirmed to her mother that she had arrived at her sleepover date. Vanessa, hearing that, nervously called Gina who came right over carrying the promised bottle of wine in one hand and a mystery package in the other but she was unaccompanied, no Dan. She made no apologies but said that his absence was deliberate, " … all part of 'the plan'; let the game begin!"

Gina waited until the wine bottle was half emptied before she explain what was going to happen. She said that she was aware that her friend had concerns and that she might be too embarrassed to go through with what they both knew she really needed; she said that Dan and her recognised she hadn't done anything like this before (if only she knew the truth!) and they had figured if they employed something they used in their own sex-games when they were swinging with their friends and that Vanessa would have nothing to be worried about.

Vanessa, her anxieties dulled by the wine, was bemused, "What are you suggesting?"

Gina smiled, opened the bag and brought out a leather hood, "Here, try this on for size."

She took the black leather fleece-lined hood which covered the eyes but not the lower part of the face and slipped it over her head. Gina adjusted the fit and gently pulled the laces tighter around her head. It was very comfortable and she found as she moved her head from side to side that it also blocked out ALL light. Gina loosened the laces and she took the hood from her head, Vanessa said, "That was fun .. now what do I do?"

"You don't have to do anything. Let's just finish off our wine and then after I've left just get yourself ready for bed as usual and put the hood on and turn off your lights. You don't have to do anything; it will all be taken care of."

The last dregs from the bottle were drained and Gina kissed and hugged a bemused Vanessa. As she left she gave her final instruction, " .. and don't forget to leave the back door unlocked .. I might be coming back later!"

Vanessa did as she had been instructed and after turning off the downstairs lights went up and enjoyed a long, hot bath before eventually getting into bed where she fitted the leather hood over her freshly-dried hair. She felt a little silly and slipped it off, thought about it for a few seconds, thinking that Gina would be a little cross if she found out that she hadn't done as asked. She put the hood back on again then turned off the light,.

She lay there in her self-imposed darkness and with her senses deprived had no idea how long it was before noises of a muffled conversation from downstairs were heard. The staircase gave a creak and she then became very aware that someone had entered the room. It startled her when she recognised Dan's gentle and familiar voice, the voice she remembered from whenever he had answered the phone. He didn't say much; he told her to just relax and enjoy this evening before he kissed her cheek, her neck, her lips.

Vanessa did as she was told and blindly kissed him back as he climbed onto the bed. She felt his naked skin and then his HARD erection against her thigh.

He was so patient and gentle, yet firm. He pulled off her nightie and told her he adored her breasts. He kissed his way down her tummy until eventually his hot breath was felt just above the clef of her vulva. She moaned out like never before as she felt his strong hand touch her puffy pussy and prise the lips apart. She squealed as his tongue found her labia and then touched the protruding clit. As he slipped his fingers into her wetness and reached inside, she came; she came so hard!

Vanessa calmed down and although she couldn't see, instinctively reached for his penis and then gasped at how LARGE he was. Dan chuckled at her positive reaction, raised himself up and moved to get his penis close to her mouth where she could better focus on just how large. He wasn't to know it but her weekend with Goddess and Daddy had taught her well and she knew just what to do so, she opened her mouth and did her best to suck at the fat knob while he continued to finger her wet cunt.

As he grunted his approval she knew just what was expected of her next (Daddy had told her!) and after a few minutes of gentle sucking his cock and stroking his balls she was pleading with Dan to put it into her. He obliged and pulled out his fingers and gently and patiently replaced them with his throbbing cock, wet with her saliva and his pre-cum, pushing slowly into her hot cleft. She came immediately.

Dan was a skilful lover, he then focused ALL of his efforts on timing, pressure and depth and she came twice more. After her fourth orgasm, he began to pound her harder and with his breath becoming more ragged asked, "Where do you want me to cum?"

Vanessa squealed, "Inside, cum inside .." before she remembered that she was being fucked bareback, that Dan wasn't wearing a condom. She quickly rescinded the request, " … no, not there, over my breasts."

Dan, ever the gentleman, complied; he pulled out and within a moment she felt his hot semen splash and flood over her heaving breasts.

No further words were said and she felt movement of the bed covers as he slipped away to leave her with pools of his spunk cooling between her tits. He leaned down and kissed her for the last time before he climbed off the bed. She heard the rustling of clothes then the room went quiet and the last thing she heard was the creak of the staircase as her visitor exited the house.

She lay there for a long time, panting before slowly lifting the hood tried to focus her eyes in the dark bedroom. She reached for the light and saw Dan's thick semen all over her chest. She smiled, rubbed it in her skin as if it were a lotion, turned off the light and drifted off to sleep.


In the morning, she awoke and wonder if it had just been Dan who had invaded her bedroom or had Gina been there also. After all, she had hinted that she might do something like that.

She slowly got out of bed and saw the mess of bed-linen she had been sleeping on. She blushed at the thought of how they got into that state and gathered the stained sheets to wash. As she turned away from the bed, she saw a pair of panties on the floor. She knew they wasn't hers and that was confirmed when she picked them up along with a note in Gina's writing which said, "These are SOAKED, thanks to you. Hope that you enjoyed last night as much as we did."

Embarrassed, Vanessa washed the sheets and then took a shower. Even though she had taken her time to wash, dry and dress she still felt a sense of shame about what had happened but also knew that she would eventually have to call Gina … if only just to tell her that she had laundered her panties, she laughingly thought to herself.

She dialled Gina's number and when the phone was answered, before she could say a word, Gina said, "you definitely needed that!"

Vanessa couldn't help herself from laughing and in the spirit of the moment said, "Oh my God, you mean that you were really there?!!"

"Of course I was there, wouldn't have missed it for the world .. needed to make sure that the man did a good job!"

"Hmm, yeah, Dan really did … it was Dan, right? Wow, he's such a wonderful man, and BIG ... I figured he must have been about 7"and he sure knows how to use it!"

Gina was taken aback by her friend's sudden change of attitude and candour. "Wow, listen to you girl. Is there anything else you noticed or want to tell me?" she said jokingly.

Vanessa decided the time had come to 'come clean', why should she keep denying to herself what had happened at the black protest weekend, it wasn't as if anyone had come to harm and, anyway, after what Gina had witnessed last night when her feelings and desires had been so openly demonstrated and fulfilled, well, what was the point in suppressing the truth and longer?

"Hmm, well you know the other weekend when I went with Lauren to the Capitol, you know, to the protest march … it wasn't quite that straightforward; we didn't come home after the march was over."

Gina's antennae gave a twitch, "Oh, sounds interesting; what happened?"

Vanessa said, "Too much to tell over the phone. Why don't you come and collect your panties and I'll tell you all about it over a cup of coffee."
