Chapter Three


Vanessa sat on her sofa, with the phone to her ear, open-mouthed, listening to her friend Gina relating the finer details of her vacation in Florida. Gina needed no encouragement to confide in her friend for she knew that, contrary to her outward appearance of being a quiet church-going housewife, Vanessa was receptive to hearing about all of her excursions, especially the sexual ones.

Vanessa was open-mouthed because although she was aware that Gina and her husband, Doc as he was referred to, had no qualms about having other partners from time-to-time and readily admitted to being Swingers, this 'particular excursion' she was being told about had taken their swinging to a whole new level.

She sighed as she listened to the account of how Gina and a friend named Cathy had got to 'know' each other in a way that only girls can do together.

She giggled when Gina related how Cathy's husband Norman had been revealed, shut up in a bedroom closet, and to be wearing ill-fitting women's' underwear and, this she found hard to believe, a chastity device. (Gina had to explain and describe what one of those was).

She shook her head in disbelief when Gina told her how they had dismissed husband Doc from the bedroom because he was not complying with their instructions but had been 'summonsed' to return later that evening once the girls had decided he had been punished long enough.

Vanessa thought hearing that episode must be the final part of the story but no, Gina, as always, saved the best until last and her jaw dropped when she heard that after Doc had been allowed back into the bedroom that a black guy, name of Ben, had turned up and had quickly dominated the scene and had ended up virtually fucking all of them!

Gina didn't spare any details, in fact Vanessa prompted her to provide them, and she squirmed as she heard how for the first time her friend was, as Gina called it, 'blacked'. Gina told her that Ben's cock was magnificent; it was big; it was long and fat; it never went soft on them …, "not like their husband's", she said with a laugh. Gina said that it had opened up a whole new world and that she was now looking forward to the next time she could explore the difference.

"Vanessa, you really should try it sometime. It'll do you the world of good."

And so the conversation ended leaving Vanessa with her usual sense of frustration that life was passing her by and that maybe she really should do something about spicing things up a little before it was too late to do anything about it. She tried to shake those thoughts from her head and told herself she really needed to be concentrating on something less fancible.

She didn't have to try very hard. She glanced at the clock and was reminded that in a couple of hours time she was going on a trip of her own for she had promised that she would accompany her ******** on a civil rights protest march at the Capital. She needed to be getting ready.

She put the phone down and although she was trying to put her mind elsewhere, her pulse was still racing as the images that Gina had planted in her head played through. She was still thinking about the scenes when she went to the bathroom to take a shower. She didn't really need to shower but felt she needed to calm down a little so she held the spray to play on her pussy and masturbated to a very satisfying orgasm.

She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, feeling a lot better about herself. She was still so deep in her dreamy post-orgasmic glow that she hadn't noticed either that the bathroom door was open or that her ******** had been standing there watching her with interest. She was made aware when Lauren asked, "What time do you think we should leave?"


Vanessa took the Interstate route to the capital which was an adventure in itself as she wasn't a very confident driver. If it had been possible she would have preferred to have let Lauren drive but her ******** had only recently received her driver permit and was even less experienced than herself so it had already been decided that rather than drive into the city they would park out of town and ride a bus to take them to the muster point of the protest march.

It was her tech-savvy ******** who had researched where they would stop, park and ride; Lauren was a very confident young lady, very sure of herself, and making decisions such as these was an indication of the contrast between the two women's outlook on life. Vanessa would not have been so forthright whereas Lauren had no hesitation in telling her mother what to do.

That's not to say that Vanessa didn't have a mind of her own, it was just, from her point of view, easier to let others take the lead and so it was that Lauren using the App on her phone directed her mother to park at the Zoo located to the north of the city.

However, whilst they may have been different in temperament they did both share a passionate concern about social injustices. The righting of past wrongs was a belief that the widow Vanessa (and her husband when he was alive) had instilled in her ******** and it was the reason why they were both making this pilgrimage. As far as Vanessa was concerned, the history and the treatment of Black people at every level of society was a scandal that needed to be addressed and confronted. The peaceful march planned for today was intended to do just that and she knew that her husband would have been very proud of their commitment.

The bus set them down close to the Washington Monument and they joined the mass of people listening to speeches of civil rights leaders and, to lighten the mood, musicians. Vanessa felt inspired to be amongst so many people who obviously shared her views but was a little wary of the belligerent attitude of some of those around her. Knowing Lauren's tendency to get herself involved in an argument she kept a close eye on her lest she got herself into trouble.

The march set off for the Lincoln Memorial and Vanessa felt sense of belonging, especially when a very nice, middle-aged Black couple who were walking behind them began making comments, congratulating the two white ladies for their attendance and telling them how it gladdened them to know that they were not alone in their strives for justice. As they walked the couple came alongside so that their comments led to them having a proper conversation which excited Vanessa to be actually talking face-to-face with people who had suffered from the prejudices they were protesting about. For the suburban housewife it was an eye-opening experience as they marched down Independence Avenue and she learned so much about the struggles of Blacks both historical and present day, as well as where they thought this was going. She was also captivated by the deep voice of the distinguished black man that, to her, was almost mesmeric to hear.

The couple introduced themselves and so Vanessa and Lauren made the acquaintance of Charles and Carmen. In between joining in the chants of the crowd, their discussions continued and so Vanessa's thirst for knowledge was satisfied as questions and answers were bantered back and forth. Charles complimented her and told her how impressed he was to find someone with whom he could have such a frank exchange of views without the usual descent into acrimony. Carmen agreed and joined her husband in praising and acknowledging the white women's interest. By the time the march reached the Memorial Vanessa felt she had known these affable black folks all her life and felt very comfortable in their company. Lauren concurred.

The crowded mall came to a halt and everyone settled to listen to more speeches which as time went by caused the crowd to become more passionate as cat-calls and chants directed at the stage began to ring out. Charles recognised that Vanessa was becoming a little distressed by the disturbances and suggested that they might consider leaving and leave the passion to those who were more able. Vanessa gratefully agreed when he offered to escort them away from the mob and so they threaded their way back down the mall and left the shouting and the jostling behind.

As they walked back the way Charles discovered that Vanessa had not, as he assumed, driven into the city but had instead parked out of town and taken a bus. He feigned outrage that they had gone to all this trouble 'in support of the black man' and insisted that he and Carmen would give them a lift back to where they had left their car. Vanessa was flattered by his sincerity and graciously accepted the offer.

They followed the black couple to the Parking Lot a few blocks away and that gave Charles the opportunity to suggest that rather than just say their farewells and part straightaway that they, " .. make a day of it and have a bite to eat and continue our conversations in comfort?"

He said that they lived close by to where Vanessa had parked and it would be no trouble if they agreed to delay their journey home. Vanessa and Lauren exchanged glances and silently agreed as their new friends seemed very nice, "Why not; what's not to like? That sounds a nice idea."

It was a short drive to their home and Vanessa was impressed to find themselves driving into the up-market neighbourhood of Chevy Chase. Clearly, Charles and Carmen were 'people of means' she thought. That impression was strengthened when they were ushered into the house and saw the interior of the nice home where it was obvious no expense had been spared in the furnishing.

They were directed to go and 'make yourself comfortable' in the lounge and Carmen disappeared into the kitchen to emerge a few minutes later carrying a tray with the beginnings of a buffet meal. As she turned to go back for a second load she said, rather forcefully to Lauren, "You can come and help me." There was no 'please', it was said as a command. Vanessa was momentarily taken aback by the change in attitude.

Lauren returned carrying a tray with an opened bottle of wine and glasses and Carmen followed with the rest of the food which was set down on the coffee table between the facing sofas.

They settled down to nibble at the plates of food that they had served themselves, sipped their wine and then their discussions resumed with the topics beginning to move away from the matters relating to the protest march as Carmen began to ask more personal questions.

Charles chuckled when he saw Vanessa's reaction to Carmen's rather forceful way of speaking and whilst he made no apology he did explain away her manner as being due to them both being practicing Psychiatrists who ran a therapy business. He said it was just her way when asking questions. He assured them both that they were so appreciative of their Black perspective that it was just a genuine approach to be asking about their thoughts about things that could be related to the underlying problems of racial prejudice.

Vanessa was reassured that there was no harm in it and now having learned that they were in the company of professional people she decided to adopt the role of being a patient on a psychiatrist's couch and to answer honestly.

She didn't bat an eye when the questioning became more personal and probing.

"Do you smoke weed?"

Vanessa admitted that in her younger college days she had. Carmen nodded sagely, smiled and asked, "… and did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, it was fun; I have to admit it gave me a buzz."

It was Charles's turn to smile. As if by magic, he held out a joint, "Well, seems like it's your lucky day. Here's to college days!" He lit up and passed it over to her; not wishing to offend, she took it and the effect was immediate.

Carmen watched with amusement at the effect the drug had on her 'patient' before asking next question, " are you each sexually active?'

Vanessa giggled and blushed and said, " … well I can only speak for myself but, no, since my husband died I haven't really had, erm, relations with anyone else … " She looked at her ******** and added with another giggle, " .. but I can't speak for Lauren."

Carmen smiled and looked at her husband before asking, "Have either of you ever been with a Black Man?"

Both the white women failed to answer.

"Are either of you Bi-sexual?"

"Have either of you considered or would either of you consider having sex with a Black person?"

"When did either of you have sex last?"

Vanessa, normally a non-drinker, was bemused at both these frank questions and with her own reactions to them. She should have been outraged, but the effect of what she took to be just grass she was tentatively smoking was having a soporific effect on her senses and so the questions didn't seem to be so unreasonable at all. Indeed, after all, she figured, they both had been so open and honest with us, about all the struggles and tribulations that she felt compelled to be equally honest in her answers.

Lauren was following the exchange between her mother and her inquisitors with an equal mix of confused amusement. She had never before seen this side to her mother, although it had only been that morning when she had observed her mother pleasuring herself in the shower that she had ever thought of her in any sexual context at all.

Lauren, although she hadn't shared smoking the joint, felt equally relaxed about the question and answer session. As far as she was concerned, she was her own person and for the past few of years at High School had been finding her own way and really didn't care what her mother might think of her opinions. She had felt flattered when this professional black couple had taken such a close interest in them and now having observed their lifestyle and the sophistication of their home and the area where they lived, well, why wouldn't she, an 18 year-old girl who had ambitions of her own, be impressed?

Carmen noted that she had Lauren's attention and turned to address her asking her in a roundabout way about her 'love life'. Lauren gave an embarrassed giggle and admitted to having had a couple of unpleasant experiences with a boy at school which kind of turned her off being too intimate with the opposite sex. She didn't go into any great detail as to the circumstances but then surprised her mother (but not Carmen) when she candidly said she had more success and satisfaction with girlfriends …. and that's when things got weird.

Carmen then asked Lauren directly, "so, you enjoy licking pussy?"

Lauren turned beet-red but said, "yes".

Carmen nodded her approval of the answer and then her tone changed slightly. She more or less TOLD Lauren and her mother to clear the table of the dirty dishes, take them to the kitchen and to give her and Charles a few minutes.

To be spoken to in that tone, should have been regarded as rude, even offensive, but after all the talk of the history of Black Oppression and how unfair life had been to their host's ancestors, to Vanessa it somehow felt both appropriate and exciting! She stood up and helped Lauren collect the plates and leftovers and took them into the kitchen.

They didn't say a word to each other; they simply cleaned up and put things in the fridge and washed the dishes. Vanessa felt almost like they were being dismissed but being talked to and treated like 'help' or domestic servants was confusingly exciting for her.

Carmen then appeared and suggested that Lauren go back into the other room, "to give Vanessa and I a chance to talk."

Lauren smiled and went and joined Charles in the lounge as Carmen took her place in the kitchen. Vanessa saw that there was a new look in Carmen's eyes, akin to Lust, and suddenly felt like prey. Her fears were confirmed when Carmen moved close to her and touched her hands to both her hips. She held her gaze as Carmen licked her luscious full lips, the kind that only a beautiful Black woman has and as her eyes burrowed into her Vanessa felt paralyzed. Carmen's face got closer and when her lips were an inch away, she stopped, "Kiss Me, NOW", she said softly.

Vanessa hesitated only for a second and then leaned the rest of the way and their lips touched. For her it was magical. She had not kissed anyone on the lips in YEARS and this felt so warm and erotic! Their lips touched and she literally felt sparks fly and felt something inside that she hadn't felt for years!

Carmen pushed her tongue into her mouth.

Vanessa's knees buckled as she thought, "Oh my Lord, I think that I may be very close to an orgasm, just from her kissing me!" She held that thought as she embraced Carmen and they kissed for a very long time, until she broke the kiss to 'come up for air'.

Carmen waited for her eyes to open and then softly said, "I want to enjoy you... ALL of you, before I offer you to my Husband."

Vanessa literally shuddered and she felt a tingling in her pussy. Did she hear right, "....before I offer you to my husband?"

Carmen took things further in her assault and unbuttoned Vanessa's blouse to ****** her breasts. She pulled the blouse apart and smiled to see the heaving white tits prettily held by the half-cup bra, ******** Vanessa's little secret, her passion for 'nice underwear'. Carmen whispered, "very nice" then traced a black finger tip around the stiffening nipple; Vanessa tried to suppress a squeal of delight at the touch, leaned back against the counter and decided to let her assailant explore further.

Lauren was sitting on the couch alongside Charles, who was in the process of lighting up a joint of his own, when she heard the muffled cry. She looked to him hoping he would offer an explanation but he said nothing. He carefully put the smoking joint to one side, stood up and then led her back to the kitchen doorway from where she saw her mother passionately embracing and kissing Carmen.

Carmen had already ******* Vanessa's breasts and was playing as well as sucking on her nipples as her ******** watched. Vanessa never saw Lauren or Charles such was her rapture from Carmen's teasing.

Lauren should have been shocked to see her mother being assaulted so … but she wasn't. She already had her suspicions about her mother's sexuality and 'needs' and to see her being treated in this way only added to the scene she had witnessed earlier that day when she saw her mother masturbate in the shower.

She watched for a little while and then turned her attention back to a smiling Charles who led her back to the living room. He sat down on the sofa and told her to come and sit next to him as he picked up and re-lit the joint which he then offered to her.

Lauren who had never experimented with drugs took a tentative pull and the effect was instant. She passed him back the joint and snuggled up. Through her half-hooded eyes she watched him undo the belt of his pants and soon she was gazing at the bulge his massive black cock was making of his boxer shorts. She didn't need to be invited; she reached out and began to stroke him through the fabric.

Carmen remained in the kitchen where from her viewpoint she could see what was happening and the ******** sitting very close to her husband. She waited until she could see that Lauren was fully engaged and then led Vanessa back to their living room.

Vanessa had no time to think about anything. She was aware that her nipples had hardened. She knew they had because Carmen had already noticed it first, as her thumbs reached up and toyed each of them through her blouse and bra. She had no words as Carmen took her by the hand back into the lounge!

Her next shock of the afternoon was the scene that greeted her back in the other room. Charles and her ******** were both sharing a joint with Lauren sitting very close to a smiling Charles. Vanessa attempted to act being the concerned parent and immediately asked her what she thought that she was doing.

Lauren recognised her mother wasn't serious, that it was an act but nevertheless took her hand away from the gap of Charles' pants, and gesturing with the joint responded, " … it's no big deal. Anyway, you already know that I've done it before!"

Carmen smiled to see that the ********, as far as she was concerned, had the right attitude and she distracted Vanessa by holding up her own joint and patting the sofa. 'Mother' calmed down and took a seat next to Carmen who lit the twisted cigarette and handed it to her. It had been years since she had properly tried pot, but after a few chokes from her and giggles from the three who were watching, she managed to get a few lung-fuls.

Her eyes glazed over as the effect of the drug began to take hold and as Charles and Lauren shared their joint, Carmen encouraged her to keep going. She didn't noticed at the time, but Carmen was not sharing the one she lit up for her. Hindsight, told her that she should have been concerned about that!

The weed definitely had a calming effect on Vanessa and she made no objection when Carmen kissed some more and she felt oblivious to anyone or anything else in the room. She was aware of her ******** sitting very close to Charles and had she looked a little closer she would have seen that by now Lauren had succeeded in pulling out Charles' cock .. or had he made it easier by pulling off his own clothes?!

She was quickly lost in Carmen's advances and she reclined back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of hands exploring her body. Such physical contact which she had not felt in years, was just amazing.

Seems that either she was not used to the pot … or it was something other than regular pot for had she had the presence of mind to open her eyes she would have realised that some of the hands were her ********'s. (It was not until later that she saw a phone video that Charles had recorded.)

Soon, she was totally laying on her back feeling her blouse being removed to be followed her bra. She had no recollection of how it could have happened but she did realise that she was topless. She also remembered how good it felt when Carmen lowered her head and took one of her nipples into her mouth. She moaned at how incredible that felt. In the past, she had always loved her nipples being suckled and toyed with by her husband.

She then felt Carmen move to her other breast but, confusingly, then felt BOTH of her nipples being suckled at the same time! With her eyes still closed she reached down with her left hand and stroked and felt Carmen's beautiful thick and coarse black hair. Her right hand went toward the other side and she didn't need to be told it was Lauren's fine, straight hair she was stroking. (She saw everything later in the phone video).

In a dreamlike haze she felt her jeans being opened and pulled off down her hips. Carmen whispered in her ear, "you are so wet" and for the first time she felt embarrassed. Carmen helped hide her embarrassment by producing a blindfold and after she had tied it around Vanessa's head she then felt helpless as Charles helped her to her feet and half-carried her up the stairs and into a bedroom.

He laid her on the bed and she made no protest as he pulled off her panties. It was only when, once again, her nipples were being sucked that she realised that the other two had followed her but thought was soon dismissed when she felt her pussy being licked - ALL at the same time! Within seconds she had her first orgasm of that early evening.

It was so incredible and as she moaned out her delight she was cheered on by all three of them. As she came down from her high she thought to herself that she'd never before felt so relaxed and uninhibited. She giggled to herself thinking how crazy this was to have every sense so alive, be totally aware of what was going on around her but, at the same time, how she was unable to get up. She was just so happy to be lying there and enjoying the moment.

However, as ecstatic as she felt, she still retained a mother's concern for her child and every once in a while would ask about Lauren, "… is she alright?" Through her foggy haze she would hear her ******** give assurances that she was fine.

The next thing she became of was Charles' long, thick penis and his massive, heavy scrotum over her face. Thought's of Gina's description of her 'black man experience' caused her instinctively lick at the black shaft but Charles naturally wanted more and she felt him move so the tip of his penis pushed into her mouth. She made no protest and tried to give it the attention that he was seeking but lack of experience made her efforts lacklustre. He growled at her to 'suck harder' and, chastened, she made a greater effort and licked and sucked his penis and testicles with greater vigour. She could hear Lauren and Carmen and Charles talking to each other but with her mouth full she was unable to join in their conversation. In any case she was quite content to stay silent and enjoy the touches on her nipples and pussy which were being given attention, both oral and other with other things (fingers and toys?)

Her next memory was when Charles moved away from her face and positioned himself to lift her legs so that her thighs opened wide. She then in her dreamlike state felt a slick solution which she guessed was some kind of lubrication being applied all over her vagina. She was jolted out of her reverie when she felt the tip of Charles' penis slowly teasing into her, then slowly pushing inside; it was both agony and ecstasy all at once!

Several slow pumps and soon Vanessa was panting and mewling. She should have felt, amongst all the other emotions, embarrassment at having intercourse with a very large Black man who she'd had only met hours before (and with her ******** in the same room) but she didn't. It felt so good that she just moaned and smiled from ear to ear.

Lauren leant down very close to her face asking, "Mom, MOM, you're not on birth control, are you?"

She recognised it was her ******** who was asking and tried to say 'no' but ended up only shaking her head. She dismissed the question from her head and gave herself totally to Charles and his continued thrusting as the first of three orgasms washed over her. It may have been more but she was in such bliss that she forgot to count!

Charles pulled out and with a grunt shot his ejaculate all over her tummy and gaping pussy. She squealed with pleasure when she felt the hot streams splash and then felt further pleasure when even before he stopped shooting, she felt a mouth and tongue cleaning her up. (She didn't know it at the time, she assumed it was Carmen, but seeing the video recording later, the tongue turned out to belong to Lauren.)

The effects of the pot began to ease but her sexual arousal didn't and Vanessa descended into becoming a total slut! She just wanted more and more and Charles obliged. He was likewise insatiable and she was grateful he was so obliging and fulfilled her needs.

Eventually, the activity slowed down to a stop and Vanessa covered in his cum and other juices drifted off to sleep. She awoke a little later feeling the need to visit the bathroom and through the fog of her mind noted it was now dark.

She felt someone next to her in the bed and trying not to disturb quietly rolled out from under the covers. Looking back in the gloom she recognised Lauren with her arms around Carmen next to her; they were both still sleeping. There was no sign of Charles as she crept out of the guestroom and she assumed he must be in the Master bedroom at the end of the hallway.

It was very quiet and she found the hallway bathroom, urinated but did not flush thinking in her befuddled mind that she didn't want to awake or irritate anyone with the noise. She quietly washed her hands and turned to creep out of the bathroom when with a yelp of surprise she literally bumped into a very large naked Charles. So much for trying to keep quiet.

When she got over her surprise her next thought was that he was even more impressive naked than he was clothed. She tried not to look at his penis but couldn't help herself. Perversely her thoughts drifted to her recent conversation with Gina; she was right, black men were huge, and this one was not even hard!

Charles looked back at her with concern, "Are you alright?"

She croaked, "Thirsty" in reply.

He took her by the hand and led her to the Master Bedroom and then went into the en-suite to get some water in a cup. He watched her standing there naked as she downed the cup. She kept an eye on him thinking, "How did I take that thing?"

He smiled, as if reading her mind, and when she finished drinking he took the cup, put it down and reached out for her hand. She was confused as to his intention when he led her back out of the Master bedroom and back out into the hall down the hall guiding her past the guestroom where Carmen and Lauren were still sleeping. He pushed her into another bedroom further down the hall telling her ominously that, " the Master bedroom is only for the 'King and Queen'!"

Once inside the room he gently guided her to her knees at the foot of the bed. She now eye, or mouth level, to his penis. He didn't say it but she knew what he wanted. She reached for his huge cock which was at half-mast in front of her face and tried to take it into her mouth. She did her best but it was difficult and he definitely was not satisfied with her attempt and wanted more.

He stepped away and went and lay on his back on the bed. His demeanour changed as he said,"69 me, bitch".

She was a little taken aback by his change in attitude but despite her sheltered upbringing knew what he was asking. She stood, climbed up on the bed, straddled his beautiful Black body and lowered her head. She orally pleasured his black stiff cock and balls whilst he responded in kind and lapped and licked at her white wet pussy. He didn't cum but he made her orgasm at least twice before he was ready for more than just being sucked.

He pushed her off his face and holding his penis all covered in her slobber said, "Get over me, Bitch. Put me way up in there!"

She did as commanded and slowly impaled herself on his incredibly fat penis and did her best at providing what she hoped was what he wanted and rode him up and down. It evidently wasn't good enough and she looked down on him to see his face displaying an expression of boredom.

With a sigh he pushed her off, rolled her over on her tummy and without asking pulled her up to her knees and took her from behind. She should have been shocked but she wasn't, she was just so grateful that contrary to what she thought he was going to do that he positioned that fat cock at her vagina and not her anus. She was fearful of doing that; Gina had told her how much it hurt!

So began the long slow thrusting and each time that he pushed into her with deliberate strokes that she would respond by trying quieten her involuntary moans of pleasure. She had yet another orgasm when she felt his cock begin throb inside her and she sensed he was just about to join her and give her the ultimate gift.

She was to be disappointed for at the last minute he pulled out and shot all over her lower back and butt. Worse, he climbed off and left for the Master bedroom without saying a word.

Vanessa stayed put and tried to calm her beating heart. Her mind was filled with what had transpired over the events of the previous 12, or so, hours and she could hardly believe what she had done or how she had changed. She smiled to herself that she was no longer the quiet little town mouse and how impressed Gina would be when she related what she had been doing since their last telephone conversation.

It was as these thoughts were going through her mind that she was then startled by someone in the doorway of this other guest bedroom. She turned her head and saw it was Carmen who came over and quietly lay on the bed beside her.

No words were spoken when her fingers reached out and began playing with her husband's semen that was all over Vanessa's back and butt. She gently massaged it into her skin and eventually, into the crack of her butt cheeks and then with a gasp from Vanessa into her little anal sphincter. Her husband's semen allowed her finger to easily slipped into her rectum and although she protested a little, not ever being a fan of anal activity, she reacted favourably when Carmen told her, "take it like a good little white slut."

Vanessa bit her lip as the fingers began probing but soon had to confess to herself that it was a little pleasurable and, to prove it, was moaning again with pleasure as she felt another orgasm beginning to build!

She was to be disappointed, the fingers stopped moving just as she got close to another climax, and she was shocked when Carmen's slick, semen-covered fingers that had just invaded her butt, found her mouth.

"Clean it, Bitch," she ordered, "then lick my Black pussy till I tell you to stop."

She did as she was told; she licked her fingers clean and then licked Carmen's incredibly wet pussy until she bought her to a satisfying orgasm.

"Nice one, Bitch," was all she said and Vanessa actually found it stimulating, satisfying and erotic to have been told, by a superior Black woman, what to do to pleasure her. As they both drifted off to sleep, Vanessa wondered if she had found a new purpose in life. She was really enjoying being told what to do.

It was only a short doze before Vanessa felt the bed shift and Carmen climbing up and straddling her face.

"Lick Me, you nasty little white Cunt!"

Trapped, Vanessa had no choice and hearing the aggression in Carmen's voice did her best to lift her face up against her and probe Carmen's still wet pussy with her tongue. The sun was beginning to shine through the drapes as Carmen ground down on her, signalling her first orgasm of the daylight hours.

After Carmen had grunted and moaned through her climax she got off the bed and told Vanessa, "Come, I want you to shower with me."

Vanessa soon learned that was a coded message that was really telling to wash Carmen and then dry her completely. They walked down the hall and Vanessa noticed that the original guest room was empty, meaning that Lauren was not there. She asked Carmen where she might be but was told, ".. just worry about yourself."

That wasn't helpful, she WAS worried about Lauren ... very worried.

After Carmen's shower and the careful drying, she asked about Lauren again.

"She's at the Breeding house," Carmen said with a smile, "By now, her fertile young little womb should be nice and full of Black seed!"

Vanessa was just about to cry out in disbelief when she heard the door into the kitchen open and Lauren gaily yell out, "We have breakfast, sleepyheads. Come and get it."

Carmen laughed to see Vanessa's discomfort and continued, " Just because we didn't breed her THIS time, doesn't mean that we can't or won't …. " She dropped her tone to a whisper, " … but that won't happen for a while" and added one of her beautiful smiles.

Carmen and Vanessa joined Charles and Lauren downstairs and had a wonderful Panera breakfast. They had a nice chit-chat with Charles and Carmen back to their nice, pleasant demeanours, totally unlike the past few hours when there was sex involved.

Vanessa enjoyed everyone's laughter but when the discussion got serious, and once again turned to talk about sex, she felt compelled to ask them about their demeanour change. Carmen smiled and explained that when they are all together like this, "we are ALL equals, to some degree … but when there is sex with any combination of either of us, then you have to understand, WE are Superiors." She went on to add that the whole black lives matter protests was, as far as they were concerned, a sideshow. What was important was that ANY Black person should be considered sexually superior to ANY white person and, in particular, that Lauren and she should appreciate that.

Vanessa was confused by this explanation and wanted to understand more, about all four of them together in a non-sexual vs sexual situation, so she asked her to please explain.

Carmen looked at Vanessa with the hard stare that she had seen last night and went on to say that in the case of Lauren and her, "It's simple, there's nothing you need to know other than if either of you see a Black cock, put it in your mouth; if either of you see a Black pussy, lick it; if you are desired by any Black person, Man or Woman, offer yourself.

"This is how it was last night and early this morning and this is how it will be whenever either of you is in a sexual situation with Charles or I. This is why, when we want either of you sexually, our persona, or demeanour changes into a more dominant role. The sooner that you both accept this, the better and more comfortable it will be for you both. Understand?!" Carmen added her beautiful smile as reinforcement of the new rules.

The talk then went back to the BLM movement and the struggles faced by many, if not all, Black people. Vanessa was impressed by the eloquent manner both Carmen and Charles articulated the arguments and they enjoyed a wonderful discussion with many lessons for the two white women to learn and absorb .... but then, just as before, the conversation and the mood took a turn.

Carmen took over, " Now this might be hard to imagine, but just consider this, moving forward, and see if you think that you can embrace this concept. What do you think about the concept of being Black-Owned?"

She explained that Charles and her had discussed that they wanted to be our OWNERS; that they would answer to them both and be Black-Owned by them together."

Vanessa was taken aback, the suggestion literally took her breath away. She was further stunned when Lauren smiled and said, "I'm good with that."

She found her voice and said, "Honey, not so fast, we need to discuss what this means … maybe, perhaps, at a later time.

"No... let's clarify it NOW," Carmen said.

Vanessa whimpered and asked, "What do mean, 'black-owned'; what is that; what does that entail?"

Carmen replied, "Everything that you have done with us both so far. Just keep doing what you're doing and we'll explain more if we need to. The main thing is that if either of us wants you, you will do your best to be available and, for us, that you will do whatever we ask, without question and you will do so with the best of your ability."

She paused to let that to sink in, then added, "Eventually, you might live with us here and we will micromanage every event in your lives."

Charles then spoke. "You did really well last night. You both did. Did you enjoy yourselves?"

Vanessa looked at Lauren who smiled back at her mother and said, "I sure did!"

Charles chuckled and said, "Then come sit on my lap." Lauren quickly followed his instruction and took her place on his lap. His big Black hand covered her rib-cage, and then it cupped her right breast. Lauren giggled and snuggled up against his neck.

Carmen looked on approvingly and turned to Vanessa, "So, you've noticed a change in my demeanour when it's about sex?"

"Yes," she replied, "it's not that I don't like it, it's just that sometimes, well, you know, it's a bit harsh."

"Really?" Carmen responded and, yes, her demeanour got VERY harsh, "then get your white ass back upstairs and back in the bedroom where you spent the early hours ... you know, where you fucked my husband!"

Vanessa looked at Carmen long enough to know that she wasn't joking, that she was serious and she got up and hurriedly went back upstairs. She wasn't sure what to do once she got there but did the only respectful thing she could and knelt, facing the door.

She knelt for a long time before Carmen joined her. She was wearing a long robe, not the one that she had not worn at breakfast.

So began Vanessa's first day of training.

Carmen nodded her approval when she found Vanessa on her knees and told her that the rest of today was to be spent teaching Lauren how to take her husband's entire cock into her mouth and eventually, into her throat.

"You're going to teach her but first you have to do something for me." She opened her robe and revealed a very large Black dildo jutting out from her crotch, held in place by a harness of some type. Vanessa assumed it to be a strap-on the like of which Gina had described to her one time.

"Suck it, bitch," Carmen barked, "Show me that you're able to teach that little white slut of yours."

Vanessa did her best and after a few attempts, Carmen's phallic device was hitting the back of her throat. She then withdrew and told Vanessa to get on the bed … on all fours … ass in the air … and then for the next 30 minutes, she was impaled through three orgasms while Carmen enjoyed two of her own.

Satisfied with Vanessa's performance they joined Charles and Lauren in the lounge and Vanessa spent the next hour kneeling beside her ******** and passing Charles' massive stiff black penis back and forth between their grateful and open mouths with Charles each time pushing deeper. Eventually, Lauren was able to control her gag reflex and she successfully took a good portion of his length but, try as they might, neither could take him all the way. If he was disappointed, he didn't show it but he eventually seemed satisfied enough to orgasm his ejaculate all over both their faces.

Sunday afternoon turned into Sunday evening and in between them both being sucked, caressed and fucked, more questions were asked more about being Black-Owned. Their queries were answered honestly but the bottom line was they were told that they would have to earn that privilege and to wait for the next summons when they would be told they were 'needed'.

Carmen looked at her watch and said, "I think it's time for our weekend of fun to come to an end. Get dressed and I'll take you to your car." And so Vanessa and her ******** were dismissed.

The past few days had been a complete education for Vanessa. She could hardly wait to speak with her confident Gina and let her know how her weekend had panned out. She was certain that her friend would be most impressed. Having thought that, she was still consumed by all that she had been involved with and, worse of all, that Lauren had not only witnessed what she had done but had been part of it. She was also mulling over that while her ******** had previously confessed that she preferred girls over boys, that it no longer seemed to be accurate.

They got home and even before she had put the key in the front door her cell phone pinged to tell her she had received a text. She looked at the screen and saw it was an instruction for her and Lauren to return the following weekend to Chevy Chase.
