Chapter Two


Gina said her farewells to Vanessa and returned the telephone to the hook. As ever, it had been a lengthy conversation with her wanting to know all about what Gina and Dan (her married friends) had been busy doing since they had last spoke which, as far as Gina could recall, hadn't been so long ago but she knew her friend to be a fragile soul who was always looking to Gina for support so she indulged her and usually let her talk for as long as she wished.

Vanessa, a single Mom who didn't have a lot going on in her life, was endlessly fascinated by Gina's gossip and the tales that she shared; the more graphic the description, the better she liked to hear. However, just for a change, this conversation hadn't all been one-sided as Vanessa had plans of her own that promised to bring her a bit of excitement. Gina was already aware of what her friend had planned but that didn't stop Vanessa from telling her once again about her upcoming trip to the capitol with her ******** and the day of protest they were going to attend.

Gina didn't have the heart to remind her that she already knew about the plan as her opinions and advice had been sought the last couple of times they had spoken but, nonetheless, she listened as if it was the first time she had heard about and eventually was able to terminate the conversation by reminding her that she was likewise going on a trip and would also be out of town for a period.

"You be sure to let me know how the day went, won't you?" said Gina unnecessarily as she was certain that Vanessa would be on the phone the moment she returned home.

"Oh yes, of course I will … and you do the same and tell me all about your vacation when you get back .. so exciting …!" was her response.

Prophetic words indeed for they would both in their own ways have lots to tell.


The vacation to Florida changed everything between Gina and husband Dan. The confirmation that the attraction for his frequent travels to the Sunshine State had nothing to do with his going to help his aged mother but, rather, was all about fucking the neighbour Cathy was no great surprise. Indeed, she had been certain of it for many months prior to actually travelling down with Dan and meeting with Cathy.

There had been many telephone conversations between the two women when Cathy had called asking for Dan to supposedly to be giving updates on his mother's condition. Invariably Dan wasn't around to take the call and once those conversations veered away from the topic of the old lady and, due to establishing that they were kindred spirits, the chatty nature soon provided Gina with all the 'evidence' she needed.

In truth, she was not bothered about her husband's cheating. How could she? They were both very much part of the Swinging scene back home and her only regret was that she hadn't been with him to witness him fucking another willing pussy while at the same time getting something different herself.

That regret was not to last for following that first visit they made together the whole dynamic changed and indeed Gina entered a world that was very different indeed.


Cathy was similarly delighted at the change of circumstances. It had always been pleasure when Dan had come down for his few days to visit his mother mainly because he didn't spend too much time at the old lady's house over the road doing chores, rather, he came down to attend to Cathy's needs instead.

It was a great arrangement as far as she was concerned for her own husband, Norman, a long-distance truck driver, was away on the road throughout the week leaving her 'home alone'. She very much appreciated having Dan come by for company, filling the time, and Dan certainly took care of her needs … the needs that Norman was incapable of fulfilling.

Following a whirlwind marriage, Cathy quickly discovered that truck-driver Norman was not the man she had thought, albeit that she was soon to find he had attributes which were to give her great satisfaction. Norman, despite his appearance of being some kind of macho-man, soon revealed that he had a submissive side to his nature. Indeed, his subservience was so ingrained that he seemed to gain satisfaction in being humiliated by her and early on in the marriage he began to encourage her (or so she believed) to belittle him so that he would not have to embarrass himself with his ineffectual attempts at making love with his small cock.

Cathy, for her part, once she had got over the disappointment of that wedding night, realised that in contrast to Norman's submissive nature that she was the opposite way inclined and (again, so she believed) in some fashion they were the perfect match, as she got her satisfactions from dominating and imposing her will on him … especially once she had begun to take lovers.

Dan's arrival on the scene was just another in a long list and Norman, when he returned home for the weekend for his part, just loved to hear about what his wife had been doing in his absence .

Dan, in all the months he had been paying his visits to see Cathy, had never met her husband. She had told him a lot about him but with Norm being out on the road throughout the week meant that Dan's mid-week visits contrived for their paths never to cross. That was all to change when Gina and Dan elected to come to Florida for an extended vacation as their two week stay gave every opportunity to meet Norm!

It was not Gina's first time of meeting with Cathy for she had previously accompanied Dan on a mid-week visit when the two women met face-to-face following months of just having spoken to each other on the phone. The subsequent get-together quickly developed into a deep friendship and understanding that took them into Cathy's bedroom and a threesome when Dan needed all his stamina to keep both his wife and his lover satisfied. It was during that overnight session that the friendship became even deeper and during that fleeting visit confessions were made to each other they had fantasies that they were willing to act out. Cathy was so pleased that their vacation provided the ideal opportunity for them to do so.

Saturday lunchtime and Gina and Dan arrived at the house to be a little disappointed to find Norman was not at home as expected. It was to have been their first meeting and Cathy was a little vague about the reason for his absence saying that he had been given errands to run and would possibly be joining them later. She was equally vague when she mentioned 'a friend' who also might be coming by later. Reassured and unconcerned they quickly relaxed with drinks being poured, snacks being nibbled and then, just to add to the sensory pleasures, Cathy produced from her purse, joints, which were lit up and passed around. Soon, in a haze of sweet-smelling smoke, all three of them were totally laidback and horny.

Dan sat between them on the sofa and took his turn at dragging on the joint and felt himself slip into that euphoric state where no objections to any suggestions might be made. Cathy, who was feeling the same effect, pulled down his zipper which 'suggested' to Gina to help her drag down his pants and the two woman shared a smile as his familiar erect cock sprung free. Dan added his smile, passed the smoke over to his wife then as Gina took another draw Cathy leant down and took this somewhat different joint into her mouth and gave it a suck of her own. It soon became a little game of the two of them taking turns in sharing the taste of his cock and drawing on the rapidly diminishing spliff.

As pleasurable as it was, they soon tired of that particular game and there was no objection when Cathy made the suggestion that they take themselves off to the bedroom and continue the fun there.

Dan knew the bedroom very well, although he was still not ready to admit it to his wife, but in truth she would not have been surprised if he had told her, for she was well aware of his previous visits to Cathy's house as Cathy had already shared the details with her. It amused her to let him think that this bedroom visit was going to be a new experience. With that thought in mind she followed them up the stairs and, just like them, quickly stripped off the remaining items of her clothes and joined her husband and Cathy who were already naked on the King-size bed.

The sucking game continued and Dan lay back on the bed and allowed himself to be pleasured by first one mouth then the other. Cathy revealed her dominant nature by making a few additional rules which demanded that Dan had to return the compliment by taking turns in licking and kissing their pussies. He made no objection to the demand and complied with enthusiasm. His rigid rock-hard cock throbbed as he first Cathy straddled his face and then for Gina to then do the same. (He was very pleased with himself that he had remembered to take those little blue pills; he knew they were going to be needed!)

It didn't take long for them all to forget the rules of the blowjob game and for Cathy, when it was her turn to suck his cock, instead told Gina in a husky voice, "Let him fuck you, I think he's ready." Gina needed no further encouragement and she straddled her husband and guided his erection into her pussy which he had made so juicy with his mouth. She groaned with pleasure as she felt his length penetrate her.

Cathy slipped off the bed and looked on with satisfaction at the sight of her friends fucking. Although she had previously taken many lovers this was the first time she had been in the company of others like this and she liked what she saw. She knew that for Gina and lazy Dan on his back this was most probably not such a big deal, being experienced 'Swingers' and all, but for her, this was unique and the sight was something she was going to have to share. To the sounds of the married couple pleasuring each other and both just about to reach an orgasmic plateau she padded over to the built-in wardrobe and slid open the slatted door.

"You can come out now …"

… and so the introduction to Norman was made!

Dan turned his attention to the sound of her voice and was so surprised to glimpse this naked guy squatting inside the closet, tied and gagged, that his impending climax was forgotten. Gina, not so, she squealed with pleasure as her orgasm overwhelmed her and it took a few moments to realise that Dan had not accompanied her. She then likewise turned her head and saw what Dan was looking at.

Cathy grabbed Norman's arm, helped him to his feet and pulled him over to the bedside. "Say hello to my husband, this is Norman."

Gina, still straddling Dan, looked on with bemusement at the podgy white guy who not only had a gag over his mouth but also his hands were tied together by straps around his wrists. Around his waist was an ill-fitting garter belt that supported torn nylon stockings on his legs. He held his hands down in an attempt at protecting his modesty but it was a futile gesture for it could not hide the sight of the chrome cage capturing his cock and balls.

Cathy tore the gag from his mouth and pushed toward the bed. She giggled, "Norman, say hello nicely to our guests and then I might let you play with us!"

This was truly bizarre, thought Dan. He knew from experience that Cathy was an adventurous kind of girl but he had no idea she was into this sort of role play with a submissive husband. In all the times he had been to her house she had given no hint that she had this dominant streak to her nature but it was a revelation that appealed to him very much for in his own bizarre fashion he did liked to be bossed around.

Gina was not so surprised for Cathy had already told her of the sort of things that she and Norman did but she was a little taken aback to see that the caged guy was obviously struggling with a swelling cock inside the shiny restraint and that he was already leaking streams of pre-cum over the floor.

Dan thought Norman to be a curious sight, a naked man but for black nylons, hands tied together with a metal device clamped around his genitals standing subserviently at the end of the bed. Norman, apparently, didn't think it to be strange and seemed quite relaxed about his appearance and his attention was all directed toward his wife who had abandoned him to go back to the closet. Dan tore his gaze away from looking at the cock restraint and was rewarded by the even more bizarre sight of Cathy standing by the mirrored closet door adjusting what he initially thought through his drug-filled mind to be a black thong. She turned around, satisfied that the fit of the 'thong' was correct and comfortable, and he realised that the ribbons around her waist were not underwear but rather provided support of a large black strap-on dildo.

"He loves to see me wearing this," she said by way of explanation, talking about her husband as if he wasn't present. "He knows that he is going to be allowed to get in on the action."

Norman confirmed by giving a moan that sounded like approval and even though Cathy hadn't told him to do so he obediently bent over the bed, raised his butt and spread his legs.

"There's good boy," she said as she stepped behind him.

Gina and Dan didn't actually see Cathy penetrate her husband, they were too busy concentrating on their own penetrating but they were aware that something had taken place as the air was soon filled with Norman's grunts of pleasure as the bed shuddered with each thrust from his wife.

Dan had never felt his cock feel as hard as it did at that moment. The combination of the marijuana, the Viagra, his wife's juicy pussy clamped around his throbbing stiffness and now, to be in the centre of this fantastic scene from a porn movie, it was all too much for his self-control. Try as he might to hold back, his orgasm was upon him and his cum spurted and was gratefully received by Gina who joined him in her own show of ecstasy.

She collapsed and slumped onto his prone body before rolling off to lay alongside him on the bed leaving Dan with eyes shut, gasping for breath, his still stiff wet cock dribbling cum pointing obscenely at the ceiling. Cathy who was continuing to slowly fuck her own husband with the strap-on joined in Gina's giggles to see that despite her friend's husband having just had the most intense orgasm that he had not the slightest hint of becoming soft. They both silently thanked the magic of those little blue pills for prolonging what promised to be a fun night.

Norman lifted his head and noticed Dan's erect cock too so Cathy stepped back to allow him to show his appreciation saying, "Go on, you're allowed … you know what to do,"

Free of the rubber cock that had been holding him down he shuffled his way onto the bed and leaned over, licked at the wet shaft before taking Dan's cock in his mouth.

Dan, his eyes still closed as he regained his breath, lay back believing it was his wife who was beginning to give him a blowjob and therefore he made no objection. Indeed, he even thought that the gentle manner in which the mouth was enveloping him that maybe she had at last taken note of his previous instructions of not to be so rough and frantic as was normally the case when she sucked at him.

It was only when he heard her say in a dreamy voice, "Does that feel nice?" that it occurred to him that maybe it was not Gina who was giving him such exquisite pleasure and he had a fleeting thought that maybe Cathy had taken over that duty. The illusion was broken when he felt the stubble of Norman's chin scrape against his thigh! He opened his eyes, glanced down and realised that for the first time in his life he was being sucked off by another man. He liked it!

Cathy still wearing the strap-on turned her attention to Gina who was fascinated at the sight of her husband being fellated by Norman. Gina's attention on ger husband hardly wavered when she felt the hot breath of Cathy between her thighs and she sighed as friend's tongue softly licked at her erect clit. It was only when she felt the dildo begin to part the wet lips of her pussy that she became conscious that she was about to be fucked by another woman and the thought crossed her mind that maybe her husband could now claim to have the same 'Bi' tendencies as herself.

Cathy whispered in her ear, "Like looking at that, do you … like the idea of being fucked by a black cock, do you?"

Gina's response was a satisfied murmured 'Hmm …' as she felt the black rubber knob slide into her wet folds.

"Bet you'd love to feel a proper black cock, wouldn't you?" she added teasingly as she began a slow fucking.

Gina liked this game. She added another 'Hmm ..' as she watched and felt the pseudo cock slide slowly back and forth.

"I've got a little surprise for you then .."

Gina took her attention away from the strap-on and looked up at Cathy thinking she was about to be teased further with another toy. She was but not in the way she suspected; a movement caught her eye and she turned to see a large (and to her mind) handsome black man standing at the bedroom door. She gave an appropriate gasp of surprise.

Cathy pulled out and got off the bed and pulling on Gina's hand said, " … come on, get up, let me to introduce you to Ben."

Ben remained in the doorway surveying the scene and allowed the ladies to come to him. Norman, on the bed with his back toward the door was oblivious to the interruption and continued to suck and play with Dan's erect cock. Dan looked over and gave a nod although he wasn't quite sure what to make of the arrival of this new visitor at this late hour but thought it best to remain where he lay and to see what developed.

Cathy went to the black man's side, giggled and said in a mock formal manner, "Gina, meet Ben, my gardener; Ben, this Gina my friend I was telling you about …"

Ben said nothing but continued to look at the bed where Norman's butt continued to rise and fall as he devoted himself to the task of trying to bring Dan off. His attention was taken away as he felt Cathy's hand pull on the tie of his shorts and then an additional hand (Gina's) stroking his chest beneath the cover of his tee shirt. "Nice to meet you Ben …," she slurred, ".. have you come to see to my garden?"

Dan heard the remark and while he appreciated the joke he thought at the same time that he had never seen or even knew that his wife could be like this, so brazen and being involved in such perverse behaviour. For sure, they had spoken and fantasised about such things in the past, indeed, they had often been in group sex situations so much what they were now doing was not a surprise. But here he was being encouraged by her to indulge in sex with another man (and liking it), her being fucked by another woman wearing that strap-on thing and now for the first time in his experience a black man had been introduced into the mix. As he felt another orgasm begin to stir he wondered where this evening was all going to lead.

Had he stayed focussed on the trio by the doorway he would have seen 'what happened next'. Cathy pulled down Ben's shorts and was not surprised to see that he wore no underwear (he never did); Gina assisted him to pull off the tee shirt and in a trice he was as naked as the rest of the group … other than Norman who as he slurped at Dan's dribbling cock was still clad in his black nylons.

Norman murmured his satisfaction at seeing what he had achieved and then for the first time they heard Ben's voice when he growled, "Now, you faggot, you know what comes next, don't you?"

Dan wasn't sure who the command was being directed to but Norman had no such confusion. He knelt up on the bed and turned to look at Dan's stiff cock and simpered, "Now you've have to fuck and finish inside me!"

Given the circumstances and the fact that Dan's mind had long departed the realms of reality, it sounded to be a reasonable suggestion and within a few moments Dan achieved another first. He slipped off the bed and 'assumed the position' and slid his dribbling erection into Norman's accommodating rectum.

Ben's growl turned to mocking laughter, "Now you've got it, jus' what I likes to see. Two faggots fucking while I takes care of their wives!"

Cathy and Gina joined in the joke by pulling Ben over to lay on the other side of the bed and finally Dan was able to see what they said about black men had some merit. Ben's cock was, to his eyes, abnormally long and fat but he didn't have too much time to make an accurate assessment to its length for Cathy quickly straddled and laid down to give him a warm embrace and within a few seconds the veiny black shaft was hidden from view as she slid back and forth coating him with the juices from her wet pussy.

"Hmm, that's what I've been missing …," she said as she wiggled her way down, " .. where have you been … we've been waiting for you to get the party started …"

Ben paid her no mind, he seemed to be more interested in watching Dan with his cock buried balls-deep in Norman's rear … or was he more interested in looking at the naked Gina who had come to her husband's side and was giggling drunkenly in his ear …

"Look at you, macho man, doing that thing you said you would never do … does that feel nice … I bet it does … here, let me help you cum …" and with that she reached between his legs and gave his balls a soft squeeze. Dan felt his orgasm come on him in an instant and Norman gave a soft sigh as he felt Dan's semen spurt inside him.

Gina's tone turned more serious when she said, "There, that was something different wasn't it? I'm glad you've got that one out of the way … now move over and go sit over there and you can watch me do something for the first time!"

He pulled out and Norman smiled as he watched him stagger on unsteady legs to go and slump on the nearby sofa to regain his breath. Gina watched too as he held his dribbling cock, just showing a sign of going soft but, thanks to the Viagra, not too much she observed. "I'm looking forward to having some of that myself", was her thought as she climbed back onto the bed trying to avoid both Norman and his puddle of cum that he had deposited on the bed-sheet in his excitement of being attended to by her husband. She succeeded and soon she was kneeling along one side of the muscular black man with Cathy adopting a similar position on the other.

Norman slipped off the bed and joined Dan and was likewise pleased to see that his new friend didn't seem to be any the worse for wear from his first experience of anal sex. They both sat back to see their wives giving all their attention to Ben who remained laying on his back with his fat black cock laying menacingly across his thigh. He smirked as he surveyed the scene around him that clearly had him as the central character.

Gina looked at the fat penis admiringly and could not contain her curiosity as to whether it might feel as good as it looked. She reached down and was not surprised that her fingers were unable to fully close around the shaft but she was not distressed for the combination of the damp from her recent masturbation and the pre-cum that was dribbling from the fat knob meant that could slide her hand quite easily and, apparently, to Ben's satisfaction. He growled to feel her touch and told her, "Get me hard, bitch ..," but the growl was soon stifled for at the same time he pulled Cathy toward him and began to kiss and fondle her tits which were being so willingly offered.

Gina did as she had been told and figured she was doing a good job as she felt his cock become even longer and stiffer than she imagined was possible. She looked on at the cock she was grasping and feeling it throb decided to check whether the ripe purple plum tasted as good as it looked. She leaned over him and licked at the clear syrupy juice and was not disappointed but did admit to herself her frustration that she found it a little difficult getting her mouth around the fat dribbling knob. She settled into a rhythm seeking to give Ben her best blowjob effort but her tasting session was abruptly interrupted when Cathy made her own intentions clear and without asking she deliberately pushed Gina away. Gina considerately moved to one side and looked on as Cathy straddled the black man, grabbed the cock that had been so carefully prepared and then impaled herself on Ben to the hilt. To get a better view she went and joined Dan and on the couch taking the place of Norman who had gone to stand by the side of the bed.

Gina whispered in Dan's ear, as she gently stroked his wet and soft cock, "Doesn't that look good … that black cock going into my friend's white pussy … I know you do ... I've seen the stories you read and the stuff you look at on the internet … isn't it nice to see it for real …," and so on. Her words had the required effect and Dan's cock obligingly began to gather strength. He didn't falter when she continued with her sweet nothings and said, "… I'm going to get some of that … just like your first wife …"

Ouch, that hurt a little to be reminded of his first wife and of her preference for black cock over his own as that was the underlying reason for their divorce but the hurt quickly passed and he put that out of his mind as Gina wanked him back to a full erection.

The afternoon passed by in a erotic dream and the girls were each used hard and repeatedly by Ben as the two husbands watched, Dan from his seat on the couch; Norman from his position by the bedside where he would provide a clean-up service each time Ben pulled out. Norman (or 'Norm' as he was now called by everybody) applied himself enthusiastically to the task and he seemed to relish licking every last sign of creamy juice from either a pussy or from Ben's cock.

Dan felt a little uncomfortable when it was Norm's turn to clean-up Gina and even more so when he looked on as Norm paid careful attention to Ben.

Gina was not so dismayed at the sight of the service being provided by the cock-caged sissy and indeed said so … and that's when things became a little uncomfortable.

"Dan, honey, why don't you help Norm out here? I'm sure he and Ben would appreciate you giving a hand …,"

Dan's reaction was not what she expected when he loudly said, "You must be fucking joking, I ain't doing that!"

Gina's tone changed from sweet talk to being more like the commanding way that Cathy spoke, "Uh, uh, Honey. I don't care what you want …. It's one of things that Cathy and me want to see ... you sucking a black cock .. we wanna see that very much!"

Dan sensed the dynamic and the atmosphere had changed somewhat but he still refused to budge from the couch.

"Then I guess you had better leave" were her chilling words.

Dan looked back at his wife and knew from the expression on her face that she wasn't joking and that further discussion would be out of the question. He picked up his scattered clothing and slunked out of the bedroom hearing her say dismissively, ".. and don't come back till I tell you to, understand?!" The last thing he heard as he went down the stairs was a peal of giggles from the two women and then Ben's deep growl that was directed at Norm, " .. get your mouth 'round dat, faggot!"

Dan was furious at being treated so casually by his wife but he knew that when she said something that she meant it and that to have protested would have only made things worse. Not wishing to provoke her any further he decided to go and pay his mother a visit and to reflect on how things could have so rapidly changed from the pally, jolly party they had been having to him being dismissed from the company like some naughty puppy.

His mother was her usual grumpy detached self when she opened the door to him but she didn't query why he was visiting her so late in the day, rather, she thought that he was just being the dutiful son and made no mention that once again he had come by without his wife. She wasn't upset about that for the two women never had gotten along.

Dan had a few hours to reflect on his feelings as he listened to his mother's idle chatter, mostly about her aches and pains, never about anyone but herself. As she droned on he came to the conclusion that whilst Gina's demands had seemed to be at odds to his own that perhaps he might, just might, reconsider if it meant that he could get back in his wife's good books again. Little wonder then that when his phone vibrated and he saw the text 'You can come back now' that he cut his mother off in mid-drone and abruptly said, "Gotta go".

With the afternoon light fading he made his way down the street and let himself into Cathy's house not knowing what to expect. He quietly closed the front door and not hearing anything crept through to listen at the bottom of the stairs. He was startled when Gina's voice called, "I'm in the lounge. Come here, we need to talk!"

He went through and saw her sitting on the couch dressed in a wraparound silk robe. She took a pull on the joint she held between two fingers and as she blew out the sweet-smelling smoke patted the place beside her and commanded, "Come on, sit here. You need to understand a few things .."

This was a very different Gina to the one he had bought from home on vacation was his first thought. How could she have become so dominant in such a short space of time, was it the drugs? Dan was puzzled and felt a little crushed.

She said, "Let's be clear, you got a very nice dick and I've got no complaints with what you do with it, you're a good lover, but you need to understand that sometimes I want more, that I need to be going beyond using your 7" dick.

"Since meeting Cathy it been so fun and she has introduced me to a lot of things and I share the same fantasies as herself. Only thing is, for Cathy it's not just fantasies, she actually does it and I want some of that for myself without you being a party pooper. If I ask you to do something then it's not because I've fallen out of love with you, it's just me asking for you to join in the fun and to be trying something new … like Ben's big black dick," she said with a giggle.

She touched his face and gave him a kiss, "It doesn't mean anything more than that. Come on, let's go back upstairs and join in the fun … I'll still be all yours afterwards …. just as long as you go along with what we girls want."

She handed him the fast diminishing joint and said, "Here, take a pull on this, you know it makes you feel good .." He complied and she was right, suddenly all seemed right in his world again and he followed her up the stairs and undressed.

Cathy, so it seemed to him, was still in the same position as when he had left, lying on her back with her legs spread with a pool of cum on her tummy. He knew in truth that she had most probably moved in the interim and that the cum was a fresh deposit that attested to Ben's virility. As for Ben, he was standing looking down approvingly at Norm who was on his knees enthusiastically sucking on his erect dick. The other change that Dan noticed as Gina led him into the bedroom was that Norm's cock cage had been removed and that the pudgy white guy's stubby dick had been freed to allow his full 4" to be displayed.

Cathy smiled to see him being led into the room and she nodded when Gina said, "OK, for starters, that's what Cathy and me want to see you doing, don't we Cathy?"

Dan whined, "But Honey, you know I'm not that way inclined … I'm not gay.."

Gina hissed, "What did I just tell you downstairs? Just do it, you'll enjoy it .."

He saw the look on her face and knew that she wasn't joking. He moved over to where Ben was standing and Norm obligingly released his hold on the black cock and shuffled to one side to allow Dan to take up his position.

Gina was correct, it wasn't so difficult after all. Everyone around seemed so relaxed at the sight of him holding the black shaft and he had to admit to himself that it was thrilling to be actually doing this thing of holding another man's cock. He let his inhibitions go and marvelled at the feel of the hard veiny pole in his hand. He looked at the shiny wet knob and wondered if the juice that coated it was from Cathy or his wife's pussy and then he remembered that it had just been in Norm's mouth so perhaps that was the answer.

Ben shoved his monstrous cock toward his face and growled, "Come on, suck it faggot …!"

A murmur from the bed, "Yeah, suck it Dan. That's what we want to see." … and soon Dan was tasting his first cock … a black cock at that.

Dan was surprised at himself and how easily he had crossed the line. Gina was right, it was fun and he felt himself get quite excited as he sucked and slurped on the black man's cock. He even found the time to check if the hanging balls that were swinging in time to the face-fucking he was receiving were as heavy as they looked. They were.

His fun came to an end when he heard a laugh and a shout from behind him, "Hey, that's enough; it's my turn."

Ben joined in the chuckles and pushed him away, his cock fresh with saliva coating his cock. He climbed onto the bed and knelt between Gina's spread legs and looked back at Dan who was still on his knees.

Gina looked too and with a smile said, "Come on Honey, get up here and give Ben a hand. We want to see you help him give me my first black cock. Come on, it's just like I said; it's only us having fun..!"

Defeated, Dan clambered to his feet and came over to kneel on the bed beside them both. Without a word he took hold of the pulsing black member and held it down and positioned the bulbous knob at the entrance to his wife's wet cunt. Ben gave him no thanks as he shoved forward and Dan pulled his hand away and to the sounds of encouragement from Cathy he watched with fascination as, how do you say it, his wife was 'blacked'!


The vacation was a voyage of discovery for Dan. He had found out that his wife was a 'closet Dom' what with her demanding ways that went far beyond what he had known before; he discovered that he had bi-tendencies, at least that was his conclusion for he had certainly, as Gina had predicted, enjoyed that aspect of their time together with Norm and Ben; he had been fucked in the arse for the first time by another man and once he had got over the size of Ben's cock had enjoyed it immensely. He in turn at the girl's commands had fucked both Ben and Norm and at the end of it all he realised that this didn't mean he was Gay, rather that he consoled himself that he was now just a well-rounded individual.

Yes, Gina had been quite correct it had all been a lot of fun and the fact that he wanted to do it all again confirmed in his mind that not only was he now recognisably 'Bi' but that he now also had the accolade of being a Black Cuckold. In a perverse kind of way he felt quite proud.


They returned home feeling quite invigorated. Cathy was sorry to see them go but knew that it would not be too long before they would return for another visit. She and Ben (and Norm, when he was allowed to speak) were very clear about that as they said their goodbyes.

Once they had unpacked it was time to get back into the normal working routine and soon Dan was immersed in his consultancy work leaving Gina to deal with the laundry and then to pick up the pieces of her life from where she left them. One of those pieces was to move onto that other thing that she always had to do post-vacation, that is, give her old school-friend Vanessa a call and tell her all about the wonderful time that she had. As she hit the speed dial she thought how bizarre it was that she would be sharing the most intimate details of her sex-life with a person who she hadn't actually met face-to-face since they were at high school together all those years ago. She listened to the ringtone playing in her ear and concluded that it must be a mark of true friendship.

Vanessa picked up and after the perfunctionary greetings and enquiring as to each other's health listened with fascination to the glossed-over version of events that Gina admitted to. Gina didn't confess to all the gory details, rather she just let her friend's imagination lead to where she wanted to go. She did admit that she had been fucked by a black cock for the first time, the confession which led Vanessa to give a gasp and a giggle and say, "Oh my God, what a thing to happen!"

They both laughed as she shared visions of the situations that Gina described which in turn led to Vanessa squeezing her thighs and squirming in her seat as she envisaged the scenes.

Once again, time slipped by as the two friends shared their thoughts and it was Vanessa who noticed the time on her kitchen clock and she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, is that the time. I'm supposed to be getting things together for our trip to the capital tomorrow. I'm going to have to cut this short."

"Trip, what trip?"

"You remember, I told you I'm going with Lauren to the protest rally. It's going to be quite the adventure."

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot … well, you have a good time and stay safe. I don't know about adventure, you know what these things can be like," said Gina.

"Don't worry. I'll have my little girl to keep an eye on me …" she joked back, " .. and certainly I don't expect to get into anything the like of what you've been up to."

Prophetic words. If she only had known what she was letting herself in for, would she have left home that following day?
