

Vanessa shuddered through yet another orgasm as the busy tongue lapped at her soaking pussy and the black fingers of her tormentor toyed with her aroused clit. She wailed and sobbed with pleasure as the sensations washed over her and had she had the presence of mind to have opened her eyes and turned her head she might have caught sight of her naked ********, Lauren, being led from the room by a similarly naked black man, the husband of the woman who was sucking at her cunt.

She neither opened her eyes or turned her head, she was much too immersed in doing what she had been told to do by her black Goddess whose head was so busy between her legs; the smoke that she had enjoyed earlier had already fogged her mind and seen to her forgetting any parental duties. Anyway, what concern was it to a Mother and ******** who each in their own way were both doing what was expected of them.

Even had she been capable of coherent thoughts she would have recognised the futility of making any protest which was amusing because it was a protest that had bought her to this situation in the first place.

Vanessa would never had admitted that she was one who could be manipulated or made to do things that she didn't want to do but then that was her mindset before she got herself involved with 'these people'. It had never been her intention to become a compliant submissive when she had set out that fateful day, much less to have involved her ******** but, there it was, if you make a commitment to a cause you must expect and learn to take the consequences.

Still, no matter what the circumstances, it had been a complicated path to have gone from her previous quiet domestic life to where she now lay, involving interaction with people, some of whom she had actually not met face-to-face but had taught her so much.

Yes, she had learned a lot about herself along the way. It had been, and still was, an education and she knew there were many other lessons to come.


Chapter One


Dan looked at his seated wife talking on the phone and gestured to her by tapping his watch.

Gina caught the look and said, "Uh, gotta run … we'll speak later .. bye, bye … have a good day" and reluctantly replaced the phone on the hook at the end of having another long chatty conversation with her old school friend Vanessa. Dan was constantly amused how the two of them found so much to talk about, it wasn't as if they didn't see each other frequently or that Vanessa had a lot going on in her life to share but, he surmised, that's women for you, 'they both loved to talk' .. but he didn't say that!

"Honey, need to get going or I'll miss my flight".

She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and realised that she had indeed let time slide by and hoped that traffic on the short run to the airport was going to be light. Gina, forever busy, had already packed and made everything ready for the trip Dan the dutiful son was making to go visit his mother who lived in Florida. All that remained was to drive him to the domestic terminal at Dulles and to wave him goodbye.

The Florida trip had become a regular thing and was mainly undertaken so that Dan could check on his mother who had moved into a retirement community down in the Sunshine state a few years ago. Gina had no intention of going with him, she hardly ever did. The journey was a tedious two hour flight; she didn't particularly get on well with her mother-in-law (never had). The old lady had some very puritan ideas; didn't even have a radio or TV in the house and thought music to be the work of the devil. Then there was always the frustration that went with him being away from home restricted her from being in the circle of their 'swinging' friends.

Then there was the other 'thing', an added suspicion that she didn't entirely trust Dan to behave himself when he was out of her sight as he had a certain 'reputation'. Dan was a qualified doctor and, knowing him as she did and his familiarity with female anatomy, wouldn't put it past him to be taking advantage of the situation of being away from home. Her reasons for thinking along those lines was based on more than just a mistrust, she was certain that he had been fucking about with one of his mother's neighbours and the crazy thing was that she didn't mind for over the past year she had come to know Cathy the neighbour very well and she sounded to be a nice lady.

Cathy lived across the street from his mother and since the day 'Mom' had moved in had kept a friendly good neighbourly interest. Indeed, Dan was grateful when on his first visit that Cathy came over, introduced herself and took it upon herself to act as a kind of go-between and had volunteered to keep Dan up-to-date with news of the old lady's welfare between his visits. He was correct in his judgement that she wasn't just interested in her neighbour's well-being and he repaid her kindness by seducing her and thenceforth she looked forward to his subsequent visits.

Gina made her acquaintance as invariably Dan was never around to take the message when Cathy called. Gina didn't mind taking the calls, she had been both intrigued and suspicious of Dan's mentions of this friendly lady and soon found herself in some kind of long distance relationship with another lady who, like her, loved to chat. However, it was from the tone and the content of these conversations when Cathy frequently referred to Dan rather than his mother that it gave Gina cause to think that maybe the attraction of the Sunshine State wasn't so much his mother's address but rather this neighbour across the street!

Soon Gina felt she was acting out the part of being a kind of 'agony aunt' to two telephone friends. On the one hand she had Vanessa, a single Mom struggling with her relationship with a teenage ********; who led a sheltered life but was clearly frustrated with her humdrum existence but, curiously was at the same time passionate about political social issues of the day which, frankly Gina thought, ought be left alone for others to sort out.

On the other hand she now had Cathy to talk to whom she soon discovered was equally passionate in social affairs of a different kind and had hinted about her interest in all matters sexual. Gina felt that in Cathy she had found a kindred spirit.

To the widow Vanessa she dispensed advice as to how she might become more out-going; of how she might connect more with her ******** Lauren; of how, well, get more fun out of life.

To the married Cathy she had no need to dispense anything (Cathy was a Pharmacist!) but between them they became very aware of each other's interest of the more unusual and unconventional ways to enjoy sex.


She returned from her trip to the airport relieved that the traffic hadn't been as bad as the forecast and that Dan had made his flight. Now perhaps she could have a few days peace and quiet and not have to be constantly telling her dysfunctional husband how to organise his life. In truth, it wasn't so much that Dan was inefficient, he was just a laid-back person who needed a wifely prod from time-to-time to do her bidding and, although she wouldn't like to admit it to him, she could come over as being a little bit domineering especially when it came to matters like sex. Thankfully, as a virile man, he was happy to go along with most of her suggestions … which is why they got into swinging.

The phone was ringing when she entered the house and the caller ID told her straightaway who was on the other end of the line.

"Hi Vanessa, what's up?"

A worried voice replied, "Oh Gina, sorry to bother you again so soon but I forgot to mention that Lauren is planning to go to that black protest rally in the city next week. Well, actually not so much planning but she did ask me if she could go and I don't know whether to allow it. I mean I think it's a worthy cause and I fully support what they are trying to achieve but, you know, these things can get out of hand and a young girl like that could get herself into all sorts of trouble that she couldn't handle. I'm not sure what to think, what to say. You know how headstrong she can be …"

Gina smiled as she listened to yet another cause for anxiety from her friend, if it wasn't one thing, it was another, she thought.

"Vanessa, you worry too much and stopping her going is only going to make things worse between you. Tell you what, why don't you take this as an opportunity to get closer to your ********; why don't you tell her that you share her concerns about the treatment of black people and that you would love it if you could go with her. That way you can keep an eye on her and at the same time show your solidarity with whatever cause they are going to be shouting about."

Vanessa pondered the suggestion for a few moments, it hadn't occurred to her to take that tack and, yes, the forecast for the next few weeks was for fine weather …

"Oh, I don't know if she'd go for that, you know what these young kids are like …"

"Well, you'll never know if you don't ask and make the suggestion. But, I'm sorry, I'm going to have to cut you short, I've gotta run, I've got a date with my hairdresser and I daren't be late. Ask Lauren and call me later and let me know how you got on. Bye."

Later that day when Lauren got home after school, Vanessa did just as Gina suggested. She was mildly surprised when her ******** said without hesitation, "Hey, Mom, yeah, that'll be great. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me but I had figured that you would say no. No, that's fine, we're gonna have a good day out together!"

Later that evening Gina's phone rang again. She picked up, "Hi sweetie, how's it going; was the flight on time?"

"Yeah, all's good. Mom sends her love and we're doing fine," said a slightly out of breath Dan.

Gina wasn't fooled by the gift of Mother's love, their loathing was mutual, but she was intrigued by his panting and also the sound of music playing in the background, "So, what are you up to. Are you still working?"

"Nah, just finishing up a couple of chores and then I'll be getting to bed. Just thought I'd call to let you know I arrived safe."

They chit-chatted about nothing in particular for a few minutes more and then with topics of conversation running out both said their goodbyes, sleep-tights and made kissy noises.

Gina put the phone back on the hook.

Dan pulled his stiff cock out of Cathy's pussy and shot his spunk over her tummy.


His few days away was fast running out and Dan was sorely tempted to make excuses about his mother's needs so that he could stay longer and continue enjoy the nightly delights of his mother's neighbour. However he fretted that Gina might 'smell a rat' if he made such a suggestion for the old lady had already answered the phone to Gina when she had called to speak to Dan. She was suspicious that he hadn't been there to take the call but she was also annoyed that she found herself making 'polite conversation' and be told, " … anyway, God willing, I'm 'as fit as a fiddle' and I'm not sure why my son keeps coming down here and bothering me!"

Gina was certain she knew but she wasn't likely to share the reason with her cantankerous Mother-in-law but she did have an idea that might just bring her suspicions to a head. She would suggest to Dan that they take a vacation close by to his mother.

On his last day he called and once again she listened to his daily report with the soft sound of music in the background.

"Just need to clear up a few things and I'll be good to go in the morning," he lied.

She lied back, "Pity you can't stay longer but, don't fret, we're both due some time off from work and a couple of weeks at the beach sounds to be just the thing …. but don't you dare say a word about it to anyone, especially your mother. I need to clear it with work and then I need to check availability at hotels and stuff .. there's no way we can stay with your Mom …"

By coincidence (or was it some divine plan?!) Cathy called later that evening and with no hesitation said, "What great news, Dan tells me you're going to take a holiday down here ….!"

('Good old Dan, just couldn't keep your mouth shut could you?' Gina thought.)

"… we'll finally get to meet. He's told me so much about you when he's been over to have his dinner … he did tell you that he sometimes eats here, didn't he?"


They picked up a rental and made the short drive and checked into the motel which was situated halfway between a short drive to where the old lady lived and an even shorter drive in the opposite direction to a shopping mall. No contest knowing which held more interest for Gina and it was on their first day that Dan went on one route and, no surprise, late in the morning she called a cab to take her the other way to the mall where she had a mission in mind.

It had been in her haste to get packed up for the trip she had discovered that she had forgotten to bring along their medications. It was not a great tragedy, more of an inconvenience but, nevertheless, she figured she had plenty of time in hand to track down a pharmacy where she could present Dan's prescription for those little blue pills; the ones which kept him in top condition whenever they spent time with their friends back home. He had no problem with procuring them for as a doctor he could write a script anytime, his only problem was he was always short on time which is why it had often become a Gina-task to pay a trip to a pharmacy. She had no expectations that he would be needing them while they were in Florida but it would be nice to have something to do. The cab dropped her off at the kerbside of the shopping complex and as by magic she found herself outside the doorway of the store she needed.

Cathy was daydreaming as she tidied the shelves behind the CVS counter when Gina's polite cough reminded her that she was the duty pharmacist and was there to serve. She turned and was pleasantly surprised to see an attractive looking lady (much like herself, she thought) rather than the usual blue-rinsed senior that the mall usually catered for. She was even more amused when she read the script and saw that it was for a month's supply of Viagra. For sure, it was not such an unusual request but it usually was made by old men who populated this part of the state who she suspected needed them to assist them to masturbate. Still, it was not her role to enquire; her job was to make sure that the prescription was valid and once proven to supply whatever the piece of paper stated, all the while to be pleasant about it as part of a good customer service ethic. Had she been more attentive she might have noticed that the patient's name on the head of the prescription was the same as the signature that signed it. Nonetheless, she still couldn't suppress a knowing smile when she handed over the package. Gina caught the look and as she took her purchase she gave a wink and smiled back.

The Pharmacy visit was one of two things that Gina had to do, the other was to find a food outlet where she could get something to eat; she had skipped breakfast that morning and her gnawing stomach was letting her know. The weather was fine and she exited the mall and found a street side café with tables set on the broad sidewalk. "This'll do nicely," she thought as she settled herself at a table with the intention of wiling away a couple of hours over lunch.

The server bought her the ordered glass of Merlot and as she sipped she studied the menu. Hungry as she was, she was in no hurry, she had plenty of time in hand and, anyway, the thought of passing time 'people-watching' while she ate was an attractive one. There was nothing she liked better than to watch the world drift by and to speculate on the lives of these anonymous passers-by. Usually there would be no eye contact or recognition and she would be left to her uninformed speculation, especially when she was in this situation of being far from home and in a relatively strange place. It was therefore a bit of a shock when her studying of the menu was interrupted.

"Hello, taking advantage of the sunshine, I see," said a friendly voice.

Gina looked up. "Oh hello, sorry, I didn't see you .. yes, it's lovely, isn't it?" she stammered as she struggled to remember where she had seen that face then realised it was the attractive lady from behind the pharmacy counter.

"Are you on your lunch-break? Must be nice to get out into the fresh air."

Cathy smiled and said, "No, I'm finished for the day. Just on my way home. What about you, are you on vacation?"

Gina smiled, "Not exactly a vacation. It's kinda complicated .."

"Hmm, I like 'complicated' … do you mind if I join you, I'm in no rush to get home .." She didn't wait for an answer, she sat down opposite and extended a hand, "Hi, I'm Cathy."

That's when the penny dropped, not only was this a familiar face, this lady before her was the familiar voice of her telephone calls!

"Oh my God, you're Cathy from across the street from my mother-in-law!" She reached across the table and took hold of the offered hand, gave a squeeze and a friendship was instantly sealed.

"Oh, this is so crazy, what are the odds that we should finally meet like this? Dan said that you might be coming on vacation but didn't say when .. and, Wow, here you are! Where are you staying, what are you going to be doing down here?"

Gina laughed at her lack of candour, "Well, it's my husband. As you are well aware, his mother lives here and he comes down from time-to-time to check on her … this time I thought I would come down so Dan could spend a little more time and not have to be rushing back home …"

"Ah, it's always the husband, isn't it? "

"Yep, you've got it," she bantered back, "As you know, I don't get along with the old girl, never have, he goes and takes care of her for a couple of days and I spend the time at home doing whatever takes my fancy while he's away doing it."

Cathy tried to keep up the impression of not knowing too much about the sleeping arrangements of her lover and asked, "So what, does he stay with her all the time?"

"Oh no, she hasn't got room so he stays at a Motel and he comes back in the evening and finds something to entertain himself for the rest of the evening … " she said enigmatically knowing full well the shape of his nightly entertainment. "We're staying at the same Motel and I figure that we'll follow the same pattern."

"Hmm, good luck with that, there's not a lot around here for the likes of you and I … unless you like playing Bingo or watching re-runs of 'Jeopardy'."

Gina laughed, "No, we'll do alright. The old girl likes to get to bed early and it gives us plenty of time to spend together once he gets back."

Cathy gave a knowing smile, "Ah, I get it. That's why you needed the prescription … Oops, shouldn't have said that … patient confidentiality and all that … sorry, my bad .."

"No, that's funny, don't worry, I'm not offended but, no, that's not the reason for the Viagra .. at least, not here anyway!"

"Now you've got me interested. What do you mean by 'not here'?"

Gina drained her second glass, shook her head, "Like I said, it's complicated; maybe I'll tell you some other time but never mind that, what about you? Your turn, tell me something about you. Have you got a husband?"

"Oh Yes, I've got a husband, best kind of husband you can have," she said with a laugh.

Gina cocked an eyebrow, "What, one that gives you all his money and does all the chores; that sort of husband?"

"You've got it … " Cathy bantered back, "… but Norman's better than that, he's a long-haul truck driver so he's always away leaving me alone to spend his money and even better I get him to do the housework and laundry before he goes away for the week!"

"Wow, sounds just the kind of man I could do with but, wait a minute, you didn't mention the garden; you must have a garden. When does he get that done?" said Gina, continuing the joke.

"Oh yeah, we've got a garden but no, that's not his area of 'expertise', I've got other arrangements in place for that .."

… and so their friendly back and forth continued as they picked at their plates until the waiter interrupted their banter and presented the bill for their meal and the bottle of wine that they had steadily worked their way through. Cathy grabbed it before Gina could see the amount and said, "Let me get this. This has been such fun ….."

She handed over her card to the server and without pause continued, "… tell you what, I was intending just to lie out by my pool this afternoon. I'm guessing from what you say that you don't have plans, why don't you come and join me? It's a lovely day …"

She was right, Gina didn't have any plans or any other excuses so the pair of them left the café to find Cathy's car in the nearby lot.

It was just a short ride away to Cathy's home which was just as well given that the wine she had ***** most probably would have been enough to take her over the limit but she was a careful driver and the trip was made without incident. They parked up on the drive alongside a neat ranch-style house and as Gina got out of the car she noted the small apartment block just down the street where her mother-in-law lived. She had no intention of going in that direction but rather followed Cathy across the neat lawn and through the tidy house to a back garden enclosed by a high wooden fence with just grass surrounding a swimming pool.

"Make yourself comfortable on a lounger, I'll go open a bottle of wine."

Left alone, Gina mused as she viewed the swimming pool that she was hardly equipped to be sunbathing. Her thoughts were interrupted when Cathy returned, naked, except for a thin gold pendant necklace around her neck, sandals on her feet and holding a bottle and wineglasses in hand. She smiled to see Gina's reaction but sensed her dilemma, "Oh don't worry about not having a bathing suit. Nobody can see us here, take off your dress and go topless .. I always do," she said reassuringly.

Gina looked at her new friend and needed no further encouragement. She already had a nice glow about her from the drink she had had; she was in nice company and, anyway, as the lady said, it was clear that nobody could overlook so, what the heck, she pulled off her dress, loosely folded it and placed it on the floor, kicked off her shoes and sat down on the lounger clad in only her bra and panties. With a glass of wine in hand she lay back and gave a contented sigh as with eyes shut she felt the warmth of the sun begin to work its magic.

"It's just us girls together so why don't you lose the underwear?" Gina opened her eyes and looked across to the other lounger and saw a naked Cathy sitting rubbing lotion on her legs. "I hate having tan-lines … " she said by way of explanation, adding with a laugh, " …. and I'm guessing you don't have much chance up north to be getting naked and sunbathing in company like this!"

Gina returned the laugh and said, "Well, you could be right about the lack of sunshine back home but not so sure about the naked in company part."

"Oh, that sounds interesting, go on, tell me more."

Gina bit her tongue as she realised that she might have hinted too much and to a relative stranger at that, "Ah, that would be telling. I hardly know you."

Cathy snorted, "What do mean, hardly know me? We've spoken for hours on the phone; I've just shared a bottle of wine with you, told you my life story and I feel like you are a soul sister to me," she teased. "Anyway, it's not as if I have anyone to spread gossip with around here so your secrets will be safe with me. So what is it you do with nekid company?"

Gina sat up and reached behind and unclipped her bra which she then dropped onto the folded dress beside the lounger. She didn't feel quite ready to take off her panties but had to admit to herself that the sun caressing her bare tits did feel rather nice. She cleared her throat, "Um, well it ain't done in sunshine, that's for sure. Let's just say we have a nice group of friends who we share our special interest with and that they often invite us over to socialise …"

Cathy snorted again, "Whaat, don't be shy girl. You mean you are swingers, no need to be coy with me. Wow, wish I could get into something like that down here, might break up the boredom of being around wrinkly old folks all the time."

Gina laughed and recognised that the wine they had consumed had loosened their tongues and their inhibitions. She smiled in Cathy's direction and thought just how much she resembled one of her swinging friends, the one that she had watched Dan fucking the night before they came down to have this vacation.

She focussed on Cathy's breasts as they subtly swayed in pace with her smoothing the lotion on her legs and she felt herself get wetter between her thighs as she gazed on her new best friend's stiffening nipples. She articulated her thoughts, "Well, you wouldn't get bored if I lived down here … would you like me to rub some of that on your back?"

Cathy glanced up and instantly caught the lustful look in Gina's eyes, "Yes, I would like that. Come over here and tell me more while you are doing it, won't you," and held out the bottle.

Gina put down her wineglass, stood up and before making a move in Cathy's direction pushed down her panties so that they joined the neat pile of her clothes on the floor.

Cathy smiled as the attractive blonde took the few steps to come and join her on the sun-bed and laid on her tummy saying with a giggle, "So, tell me, do you get together very often, how does it work, do you make appointments?"

Gina squirted a glob of lotion on her palm and began to rub and smooth it onto Cathy's already nicely tanned back. She returned the laugh and said, "No, it's not as organised as that. Usually a few of us will have a dinner party … we call them 'gourmet evenings' …. and it sort of happens afterwards. I guess we all know what the party is all about and it kinda happens naturally afterwards when we've done eating. The drink and the smokes help things along nicely and everyone just sort of accepts that we are all going to end up the evening fucking. There's nothing organised about it; it just kinda happens."

"Hmm, must be nice to have a bit of variety. Do you all pair off and go to separate bedrooms or something like that?"

"Sometimes. Other times if we've had a bit too much to drink nobody seems to be concerned where we do it and I have to admit it is nice watching other people." She paused in her massaging and let the vision of that last night when Dan had been fucking the Cathy lookalike drift through her mind. She shuddered at the memory and resumed her rubbing and moved her way down and worked the sun lotion onto the smooth swells of Cathy's butt. They both gave a sigh of contentment.

"Roll over, let me do your front."

Cathy complied and Gina eyes widened as she gave an obvious sign of approval at what she saw for already Cathy's nipples had stiffened into hard little buttons and her face was definitely flushed. Gina squirted some cream on her friend's tummy and began to spread it firstly with one hand upwards onto the perky tits which caused moans of approval and then the other hand slid down so that her fingers rested between the legs which had obliging spread open.

"Hmm, that's nice. Do you have girl-on-girl action at your gourmet evenings as well?" she enquired with a giggle.

"Oh yeah, you bet. We always have a few dinner guests who are that way inclined and some of the husbands think it's neat and like to watch me do …" Her voice trailed off, she leant down, gave a kiss to the offered breast and at the same time slid a finger into Cathy's wet vagina, "…. just like that."

Cathy made no objection or protest at this brazen behaviour by her new best friend. Indeed, she would have been disappointed had this not progressed to this point in their conversation. From the moment she had spied her approaching the pharmacy counter, through to the purchase of the Viagra she had recognised that Gina was a kindred spirit with a passion for sex (Cathy was a very perceptive person when it came to 'reading' people) and then to share lunch when her suspicions were confirmed, no, this was all going to plan and to have another person's fingers stroking at her cunt was just where she wanted to be. She wriggled under the touch and lifted up her arms to give her 'masseuse' an embrace.

The next couple of hours were spent in the most pleasant fashion with no Viagra necessary as the two friends explored each other's bodies in the way that only girls-together can do. Gina was more practised than Cathy but endeavoured to teach all the tricks that she knew to bring her to frequent orgasms. Cathy was quick learner and reciprocated and for the first time in her life tasted from the source another woman's juices. As she licked her fingers she decided that the taste was much like her own.

The sun began to cast its shadows and reluctantly the girls vacated the patio and, making her excuses, Gina said that she had to be getting back to the Motel as Dan would be returning from his maternal chores and he would be concerned if she wasn't there as they had planned to go out to dinner that evening. Cathy's response was, "You don't have to do that. Give him a call and tell him to come here and eat. I've plenty in the larder and I'm told I'm a great cook so I'm sure I can rustle up something that we'll all enjoy!"

The invite was ingenuous for Cathy's mind had been working overtime throughout the afternoon. In between licking and lapping and stroking at each other's pussies Gina had been telling of the various comings-together at her gourmet evenings and how relaxed it all was and how Dan was even more relaxed about seeing his wife being fucked by other men and she reciprocated by 'allowing' him to have his way with other women. No, it wasn't dinner that Cathy had in mind and she knew that Gina had that pack of Viagra in her purse.

Gina made the call and Dan needed no encouragement to accept. She said, "I don't think I need to give you directions; if I'm not mistaken, you know where to find us!"

Dan's enthusiasm was palpable and he said, "Hey, that sounds like a great idea. I'll come over right away."

Gina's response was less enthusiastic, "Slow down Cowboy, no, you won't come over straight away. You'll come when we're good and ready. Cathy and me have a few things we need to talk about. I'll call you later .." She put the phone down leaving Dan to ponder exactly what she meant by that; had he been found out?!

The delay was designed to give Gina time to properly understand Cathy's attitude to fucking another woman's husband although she already had her answer for their intimacy through the afternoon had already confirmed what Gina had suspected. Indeed, Cathy, once she had got to know her new friend better, had no hesitation in admitting that she had 'accommodated' Dan on his previous visits to Florida.

Having established that, she transferred her interest to other matters and to delve a little more into Cathy's own marital situation. She had already discovered that her hostess had an equally insatiable need for sexual pleasures, and she was curious how she coped with her husband going away for the majority of the week. Obviously she was well attended to whenever Dan was visiting but , how could she put it, ".. what about the rest of the time?"

Cathy smiled at the tortuous manner in which Gina skirted around asking the obvious questions like, "How do you cope; have you got a toy-boy or someone hidden away? … and what about your hubby, aren't you concerned that he may be whoring around when he's away?"

"Oh don't you worry, there's a lot you've got to learn about me .... all in good time … I'll let you into a few secrets and then you'll understand how I cope! And, no, it's not a toy-boy, let's just say I have a very helpful gardener."

Gina arched an eyebrow, "Gardener? I don't see much garden out there needing attention …. " she said knowingly looking out of the wide patio windows, " … and does hubby have any idea that you might be getting 'help' while he's away?"

"Oh yes, Norman is not that stupid and he's well aware. Indeed, he can't wait to get back at the weekends and for me to tell him all about what I've been doing in his absence. He loves to hear … and I know that he's gonna love hearing all about you!"

"Wow, you mean he doesn't mind if you play around? But what about him, does he get some, you know, when he's away, doesn't that bother you?"

Cathy gave a laugh and then said, "No, it doesn't bother me at all. There's a lot you don't know about me and let's just say that I am certain that Norman doesn't get up to anything at all while he's on the road. I mean, how can he when we've taken certain precautions …" and with that she lifted the thin gold chain away from her neck and Gina recognised that the gold pendent hanging on it was a small gold key.

"Ah, I get it .. you've actually got him caged up. Oh my God, what the heck is that all about?" she said, intrigued by the thought of actually meeting someone who had her husband in chastity. It was something she'd heard about, knew about, but thought it must be some kind of joke-thing. Indeed, it was just one of the many things she had gossiped about with her frustrated friend Vanessa back home but, up until that moment, she had thought it to be the stuff of fantasy. Just wait till she told her that she had actually met someone who did it!

The sun began to dip toward the horizon and the girls decided that maybe they had left Dan in suspense and waiting long enough. Gina made the call, "Hi Honey, I think we are ready for you now …," adding sarcastically, " … If you can tear yourself away, give my love to your mother and come on over."

Dan put down the phone and having sensed the tone in his wife's voice felt total confusion, "What the heck was going on; what is she up to; does she know?" He said goodbye to his mother (but didn't bother passing on Gina's sentiment) and drove the short distance to Cathy's house, a route he was very familiar with. He parked up and rang the doorbell.

Naked Cathy opened the door, "Hi, Dan … " She extended her hand, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said ".. come on in Gina's told me a lot more about you; pleased you could make it, we're going to have such fun."

Dan stepped into the house, bemused at being welcomed by the lady he knew so well in such a fashion and then saw his wife sitting in the lounge … also naked. He didn't say anything as he felt his cock begin to twitch, as it always did whenever he was around naked women, but that's all his cock did for he was also feeling nervous. "This was not normal," he thought. However, as best as he could muster, he got over his surprise and remembered his manners and returned Cathy's greeting thinking to himself that had he known that this was how his day was going to end then he wouldn't have expended as much energy on doing chores for his mother but he didn't share that thought, he just agreed with Cathy as he took in the sight of the two naked women, he said weakly, "Yes, looks as if it promises to be a fun evening."

Cathy sensed his awkwardness and set about getting Dan to relax, "Let me fix you a drink. What'll you have?"

Gina looked at her husband and likewise saw that the cool approach and her previous instructions had put him where she wanted him to be. As Cathy disappeared into the kitchen she said, "Honey, everything OK. You look tired."

"Yeah, it's been a tough day. You know what she's like, she's been giving me the run-around doing chores and fixing stuff. Can you believe that she even had me taking stuff down to Goodwill? No wonder I'm running a little late!"

Gina was not convinced, but she didn't say so, she was enjoying watching him squirm and figured she had plenty of time to get him to confess and get his version of how he ended up fucking her friend. She noted that his dick which usually would have been nicely stiffening and tenting his pants by this point in proceedings was still stubbornly at half-mast, "He must be really worried," she thought. "Good, let's just to go along with making him suffer and concentrate more on what Cathy had planned for the evening.

"Honey, don't you think you are inappropriately dressed? I mean, Cathy and I have gone to all this trouble and there's you, all buttoned up," she teased, "come on get yourself sorted out.

Dan gave a weak smile as if he was concerned at this provocative suggestion that he should get undressed. He wasn't worried about being naked in front of a so-called relative stranger, heaven knows, it wouldn't be the first time. No, he was just a bunch of nerves and his limp dick was evidence that he hadn't been quite as clever as he thought in visiting Cathy; the message from his brain through to his dick just wasn't getting through!

"Aw, honey, you know I'm really feeling kinda bushed .. I dunno if I can do this, er, thing …" he said limply hoping that his act of fatigue might sway her request.

Gina was having none of it. She knew damn fine that he was hiding something from her. She picked up her purse and out of earshot of Cathy hissed at him, "I know what you've been up to here, take one of these .. no, take two .. No excuses, I need you to perform!"

Dan looked down and recognizing that he had been found out took the packet of Viagra from her outstretched hand.
