Resized_20230104_143141_32780203152076.jpegBear with me this story is long in detail but it gets good and it's hot as hell for me because it is my life. I'm 37 white male, I was married for 9 years before leaving my wife and very shortly afterward getting with my current girlfriend. For as long as I can remember I felt submissive sexually to women. I have a small cock (3 1/2 in. Hard) and I was always insecure about it. I avoided sex, I'd actively avoid putting myself in a situation where a girl would want to because I knew I'd have to pull out my dick and I couldn't imagine any woman wanting it.

In school, I always got excited when I would get a glimpse of a girl's panties and would think about sniffing their socks or feet. I spent my teenage years beating off to porn or the girls I couldn't have. Needless to say, I had no girlfriends and didn't lose my virginity until I met my ex-wife at almost 20 it was a horrible experience as I honestly never loved her and she was a horrid person but I was young and dumb. Fast forward 9 years and I have left her, my house, and everything I'd worked for because I didn't want to wake up anymore.

I am not in any way, shape, or form, not a confident man despite feeling submissive, having a small dick, enjoying chastity, and being a sissy. I have a very physical job and make good money easily breaking 6 figures yearly. Even though I am 5 ft 6 in and 145 pounds I am quite strong and capable, a force to be reckoned with if necessary. I hold myself to a standard at work and home as a leader and am well-respected by my peers and ******, I am very much a traditional guy but I also feel inadequate sexually and have the desire to submit to women, these two sides of me have caused me to have great internal struggles.

My current girlfriend is a beautiful and amazing woman who's very open sexually. We have tried a Female Lead Relationship but it always ended up not working because she liked me being her man sometimes and then sometimes she wanted me to be her submissive sissy, dress me up, and dominate me. I was never sure what she wanted from me so I convinced myself I needed to kill the submissive part of me so I could be the man she wanted.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, we were lying in bed looking through her phone, when stumbled across an old video from a few years back of her being dominated and fucked by another guy with a big cock. He treated her like a slut and she loved it, he was spitting on her and using her how he wanted. The video was from about 3 years ago when we were in one of our FLR phases. To put things into perspective, every time we went through a FLR phase it would typically end because she would give in to my begging to be released and cum or for her not to see her bull. Watching the video got me so fucking turned on, for her, it was like something clicked in her head, a light bulb went off and something changed. She said that she wanted to lock me up and meet him again because she was craving a big dick and being dominated by him in a way I couldn't. I agreed, dusted off my favorite steel chastity device got locked up, and slapped on a pair of panties.

The day she was going to meet him I worked till 4 and when I got off work I went home, showered, and discovered my sissy maid outfit laid out with an extensive list of chores. I dressed, slipped my black high heels on, and got to work. I knew what she was doing giving me a long list of things to occupy my time meaning that she did not want to be disturbed but I had set it up for her to call me at 7 and 10 pm so I knew that she was safe. I had begged her not to go earlier via text because I love her and the idea of her being with him was killing me. She told me she needed this and reassured me that I'd be fine and that I needed this too. I received her call at 7, answered I knew she was currently sucking his cock, I could tell it was literally in her mouth while she was talking. she told me she was OK, she called me a pathetic loser and I could hear them both giggling in the background as she hung up the phone as I was telling her how much I loved her.

I'd never felt so embarrassed and emasculated, 'How could she treat me like that?' I thought. It was so authentic that she was enjoying cuckolding me and embarrassing me. I spent the rest of my night cleaning and crying until she got home around 10. I didn't know how to feel, all I knew was I loved this woman and promptly knelt before her in my maid's outfit and gave her flowers then asked her to marry me! After over 8 years together I couldn't wait one more day. She was shocked and said yes, it was the happiest moment of my life.

Locked up, sissified I told her the emotions I'd been going through all night as I cleaned while crying knowing what she was doing. I told her I loved her and was jealous, I said my night was an indescribable emotional rollercoaster. She busted out laughing right in my face. I couldn't believe it she was laughing hysterically. She composed herself and kissed me, "Good, I like knowing you're here crying like a little bitch while he dominates me and fucks my brains out like you never could."

I was in utter shock and disbelief because this was no game she was being completely authentic. She spent the next 2 hours teasing me and using me as her sex toy before locking me back up and refusing to allow me to cum. She told me she loved me and that I had made her happy as we went to bed and I went to work the next day as usual.

Over the next few days, I started to become increasingly frustrated that I hadn't gotten to cum and was still locked up. She teased me daily and made me dress up and do whatever she wanted. I enjoyed it and yes, I asked for her to do it but I wanted her so bad and she wouldn't allow me to have her. It came to the point that I was done when I got home I told her I wanted out and I wanted her, I demanded it! She very calmly looked at me and said "No."

I couldn't believe it, how could she say that I was pissed off, "I swear to God, I'll drag that dude you fucked out of your hotel room and beat him to death, this is bullshit I'll rip this house apart, I'm not to be treated this way!'

She looked at me dead straight face, "I have no doubt you could babe, but we will not be choosing aggression today."

I was dumbfounded as she sat there looking at me so calmly. I told her that although I was infuriated, I was not mad at her and would never lay a finger on her as it was unthinkable.

She kissed me, "Babe, I know you wouldn't and I'm not frightened in the least I love knowing what a strong, hard-working, well-respected, and capable man you are, of course, you are angry I expected this response from you. In the past week, a lot has happened to you. I have fucked someone else and kept you locked up, denied, and humiliated you many times. The difference is that this time it's not because you want me to, I mean, you do but you've always gotten to return to how things are normally once the game ended. While I know being a owned sissy cuck has been a fantasy of yours it's been exactly that, a fantasy. You have control of when it starts and stops and you feel safe because it's not out of your hands. The difference now is I know what I want and need." She sat me on the bed, "Sweetie, I don't want to fuck you ever again. Honestly, Even, if I wanted you to you can't fuck me the way I want to be fucked. You have a tiny dick and you don't have the personality to treat me like a dirty slut like I enjoy. I don't see you that way at all you are my sissy cuck-in-training and I am well aware this is going to be a process. It'll be hard for you but you'll eventually get used to it because you don't have a choice."

"I'm resisting because the masculine part of me is fighting back and you enjoy the challenge?"

"I'm going to kill that part of you when it comes to me. Eventually, you will learn to accept your position and won't fight back although I know you will always resist a little but what fun would it be if you didn't"

I didn't know what to do or say, I started crying, "I don't want to be a sissy cuck I want to fuck you and this is not possible!"

She started laughing hysterically again as I sat there crying, and begging her not to do this to me. She couldn't stop laughing, she was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. She eventually composed herself, "I'm sorry," but she kept giggling, "Excuse me, my bad, I'm sorry but it's funny and pathetic to watch you sit there crying and begging as you throw your little tantrums." I'd never heard her talk to me this way, so authentically it wasn't play. She kissed me, "It will be OK, I am happy to be your wife in time everything will be OK. I want this, I need this, and this is what's best for us. I know this because I know you, I love you so much it makes it easy and enjoyable. I feel proud to be the person who has the strength to make this happen for us."

She had found herself and couldn't wait to break me until I knelt in front of her a quivering sissy cuck. She added that I will forever be locked in chastity only being allowed out to clean myself or be teased with 98% of the time being denied. I will wear panties and anytime we are home alone I will be fully sissified at all times. I will be completely obedient to her, although she still wants us as equals in life decisions and wants me to lead the ****** as I'm a great decision-maker and she trusts me, she said she enjoys that bit of the traditional man-and-woman dynamic and that she expects that anytime we are doing things that would require me to not serve in this capacity, she expects me to continue to be myself and be confident and the protector, "You will however, live your life as my sissy cuck at home. This means you will watch other men use me and you will suffer extreme humiliation because I want you to suck their cocks or lick my bull's ass while I suck his cock or whatever else I want."

Yesterday when I went to shower she demanded I start training my ass with a dildo to prepare for my new sex life as her bitch and that I must learn to cum in chastity like a little sissy slut. She told me I would be fucking her dirty sneakers occasionally while her bull fucks her, and at times while in chastity humping away her bull will stop so she can watch me cum in her shoe like a little bitch! She then handed me a big pink dildo with a suction cup end and a bottle of lube, "Get to work, sweetie," She kissed my cheek and told me how happy I was making her, that she loved me and was going to cook dinner but she would check in on me.

So there it is my story. I'm getting married to the most beautiful and amazing woman ever. She is 5' 5" a thick, full-bodied woman with blond hair and 36 DDD tits and she's so incredibly hot it's stupid. I wonder how many women are this way and I'd guess very few, not many women could do this to their husband and treat him in a way and see it as loving him and being a good wife. She's right, I have always wanted this and thought there was no chance it would happen and there is a comfortable, safe feeling in that. I still can't believe it's happening I can't believe my wife is such a badass woman. I mean, I always knew she was the coolest but damn she is 1-of-a-kind. I want to make her happy, so I try hard to be obedient and accept my new position as her sissy cuck. It's not easy, honestly, I couldn't imagine the emotions that go into living this way. I'm also the luckiest guy in the world it's truly unbelievable, this is no fantasy. I will get what I dreamed of and more than I could've imagined. I have no idea what is going to happen, I'm terrified of what my wife has planned for me but I trust her and want nothing more than to make her happy. She is proud that I have submitted to her and learned to accept all of this. I know I will suffer for her and part of me will enjoy it, while a part will hate it and she will love it.

I hope anyone who reads this enjoys the story. There is nothing fake, made up, or exaggerated in this it's exactly how it went down. After 37 years of life of fantasy play in this lifestyle, it has become my reality. I had lost hope honestly that it was even a real thing. You can never prepare for the difference between fantasy role-playing and living as a sissy cuck to your wife. The fantasy is fun, hot, and safe but believe me, while the real thing is incredible, it's unbelievable, insane, and everything I ever wanted. When it's also your wife's desire it is taken out of your control to stop it and that is the horrifying part that comes with its difficulties. It's not all sunshine and roses in the life of a sissy cuck. It is beautiful and yet terrifying! If you want it remain hopeful that you'll get what you deserve and be able to give someone else what they want.

Enjoy your life, everyone. I hope you all get what you deserve, and that it's beautiful and healthy. I will post updates that are shorter and hot as hell, I promise!