Chapter 2 - In Praise of Older Men


By my early teens I was already well into doing myself and mutually masturbating with my best girlfriend who lived close by. Annabel 'knew' everything and taught me a lot and we had a lot of fun together in our bedrooms when our parents thought we were being dutiful students and concentrating on our schoolwork. It was also around that time that my mother got me my first bra, an A-cup trainer, with slots for padded inserts, which I used right away so that I appeared to have bigger tits than was the case.

My father, who was very uptight about a lot of things but especially anything appertaining to sex, was not at all happy to see me, his little girl, displaying the first signs of becoming a woman and would make remarks to my mother about me 'poking' through my school blouses. He would often inspect me before I left the house to make sure I wasn't ******** anything at all suggestive like a bra-strap or that my blouse was buttoned up to hide my yet-to-develop cleavage!

He would have blown a fuse had he known that as soon as I left the house that I would be unbuttoning the blouse so that when I got school or the mall, or just passing through the neighbourhood, that I could do just that, wishing to get the attention from older men, teachers, neighbours, strangers in malls by showing off my budding tits.

My mother was a lot more understanding and her only admonishments to me throughout my developing years was never than, "just be careful". Indeed, she was complicit with my curiosity about sex inasmuch as before I reached the age of 16 she got me going on oral contraceptives. She explained the prescription to my father that it was required because my periods were 'irregular' and needed help to become normal. He, who never wanted to talk about anything remotely related to sex and struggled with the thought of 'period' and his little girl in the same sentence, just accepted that as a reason and no more was said.

I had to smile to myself at his 'holier-than-thou' attitude because although sex was a subject of which he strenuously avoided making any mention, I knew otherwise for my straight-laced daddy didn't realise that once he had been my mentor when I had 'observed' him giving me a lesson in what older men like women to do them!

It was sports afternoon at school and I was competing in a swim-meet. My parents obviously had expected me to be away for the afternoon as indeed was the original plan but I lost the first round of the event I was competing in and then I got bored and cold so figured going home might be a better option.

I let myself in the back door and was surprised not to see anyone around as Mom was 'always there' but I soon found out the reason why. I could hear low murmuring coming from the direction of their bedroom and as I crept past their bedroom door I glimpsed my *** with his pants down round his ankles and Mom on her knees in front of him with a mouth full of his stiff cock. They were so involved with what they were doing that they had no idea they were giving their 'little girl' a demonstration of a perfect blowjob.

I stood transfixed peeking through the half-open door as I watched my Mom bob her head in and out and suck with slurping noises on his slimy cock. He was thrusting in time with her efforts and he kind of squirmed his hips which caused the head of his cock to bulge out her cheeks. My oh-so-angelic mom looked to be acting just like some of the pictures of slutty women that I had seen in Annabel's magazines and the illusion was completed when I saw her take one hand and begin to caress his swinging balls while at the same time she used her other hand to wank his shaft but making sure that she still had her mouth clamped around his fat knob. They gave me the impression that this was not the first time they had shared this moment and I was enthralled to see him give a final thrust together with a grunt and for him to ejaculate into her mouth. At least that's what I had to assume he was doing as mom didn't let go, she just kept sucking and presumably was swallowing his stuff.

For sure I was no stranger to this whole blowjob thing as I had been initiated into the act by my boyfriend Sandy but with him it had almost been by accident, not a pre-determined act, when I had been looking at his cock head just a little too close and he had shoved my head down onto him; for sure, he had held my head down and I had sucked and swallowed his stuff but that really was only to make sure that he didn't stain his parent's furniture when he cum … at least that was my excuse. Then there were Annabel's magazines that had plenty of pictures of couples doing the same so, for sure, I was no stranger to the practise. But, heck, to see your parents doing it and obviously enjoying it immensely was something else.

My father pulled his cock out of her mouth and she looked up at him with a grin as she licked her lips and wiped her hand across her mouth. He pulled her to her feet and helped her out of her dress and then I saw no more for she began to turn toward the bed which was in my direction and line of sight, I was scared that she might see me standing there so I got the hell out of there and made my way back down the hall before my presence was discovered.

What I had seen made me hot and as horny as hell and I knew that I just had to get some of that action for myself … and I knew where to get it, or so I thought. I left the house as quietly as I could and made my way up toward Sandy's house and, as I had so often done before, let myself in to their basement where they had their ****** games room. I don't know what the heck I was thinking or indeed if I was thinking straight at all for I was disappointed that Sandy wasn't anywhere in sight as I had naively expected him to be. Dammit, he was always there when I visited before.

I called up the stairs and instantly Sandy's *** poked his head around the door and I think he was as surprised as myself to see an unexpected face. He quickly hid his surprise and said, "Sandy's out playing sports at school …," and added quickly, " .. and his mom is out at the grocery".

Stupid me, of course he would be playing sports, that's what he did when he wasn't playing with me. Indeed, he was such a Jock I think sometimes he would prefer to be playing sports with his mates rather being with me. And, for crying out loud, it was sports period at school; where else would he be?

I hid my disappointment and thanked him for the information but then, stroke of genius, here was an opportunity for me to fulfil the wish of 'having' an older man. I knew that he would be up for it; we were alone in the house and seeing that he was wearing those same old sweat pants with that same old bulge poking through, I asked if I could use the bathroom as I needed to pee. He nodded and said, "You know where to find it."

I went up the stairs and as always whenever he saw me he had put his hand in the pocket and made it clear he was holding on to that sizeable bulge. I pressed by him, gave him a knowing smile and went to the bathroom, pulled down my shorts and sat on the toilet. I didn't have to wait long before he pushed open the unlocked door and came in and joined me.

"I don't want you to be disappointed that Sandy's not here," he said with a smirk as he pulled down his sweats, "I know what you come over here for and it wouldn't be right for you to be denied."

Oh my, he was so perceptive! He didn't wait for my response but came over and stood in front of me as I sat still tinkling away into the bowl.

His cock seemed to be massive in comparison to his son's but I had already dismissed any thoughts of Sandy as his father held that big old thing in front of my face. Indeed, I was having many thoughts and the only one that vaguely concerned Sandy was that I was about to taste the cock that spawned him. Another thought was that this was a cock of a man who was the same age as my own father and how cool was it to imagine that it was my own straight-laced father that was standing in front of me. (I told you I was an imaginative child!)

I finished my pissing and gave my pussy a wipe before doing anything else but remained seated; I was at the perfect height. I licked my lips and looking up at him I opened my mouth and he correctly read that as the signal to push himself forward so that I could take that fat purple knob of his cock into my wet, willing mouth. I licked the dribble of sticky juice that had already began to show and remembering what I had just witnessed in my own house I attempted to emulate my mother and I began to bob my head back and forth on a mature cock. He was fatter than his son and definitely longer and there was no way I was going to be able to take him all in as I had once done with Sandy but, that was OK, I was content that I was able to take him in at all without gagging.

He murmured stuff to me that I was being a 'good girl' and how I was 'doing it right' as I continued to suck him. I closed my eyes and pictured my mother and how she moved her head from side to side so that the cock she was blowing would push against the inside of her cheeks; I did the same.

I recalled how she took one hand and caressed my father's balls; I did the same and fondled his hairy sack.

I had the vision of her using her other hand to wrap around and wank the base of the shaft that she was unable to get into her mouth; I did the same and grasped what I could of his fat slimy erection.

Sandy's *** reacted to my treatment by starting to involuntarily face fucking me and I recalled that this was the point when shortly after my father had shot his load down my mother's throat; with a grunt, Sandy's *** did the same.

Oh my, what a difference to the time that Sandy had shot off into my mouth. Then, he had instantly pulled out, almost in shock at what he had done; now, the mature cock in my mouth just stayed there and I felt pulse after pulse of hot creamy salty-tasting spunk flooding the back of my throat and coating my tongue. It stayed there because his daddy had put his hand on the back of my head and wouldn't let go until he felt that he had shot the last of his load!

After what seemed like an age of me continuing to suck and swallow, not wishing to disappoint him, he did eventually release his hold and stepped back. I still had hold of his lovely cock but with it being all slimy from my spit and beginning to go soft it slipped from my grasp and, unseen by me, a last dribble of his cum dripped onto my tee shirt.

I was unsure of what the next move would be and was hoping that whatever he had in mind might involve getting his cock stiff again and putting it up close and personal to my pussy which would have made no objection had he chosen to do so. However, any such ideas were soon forgotten as we both heard the sound of a car pulling onto the drive; his wife had returned from the grocery! He quickly pulled up his sweats and scooted out of the door and went downstairs so that he would be in the kitchen when his wife came through the door. I gave him a couple of minutes before I followed. When I padded through to the kitchen it was to hear, " … she came over to see Sandy and then asked if she could use the bathroom."

I gave Sandy's mom a smile, thanked them both and said that I would come by some other time to see their son. I'm not sure what might have been going through her head as I left the house but mine was on fire and as I wandered back to my house all I could think of was how was I going to get some more of that 'old man cock' in preference to the boys that I had been playing with.

Mom was in her usual place, the kitchen, when I came through the back door with my father nowhere in sight. "Hi Honey, good day at school; how did the swim-meet go?"

I gave a non-committal answer and certainly made no mention of coming home early and just responded with, "Fine, thank you. How was your day?"

"Oh, nothing special. Your *** and I have been taking time out to do a few chores that needed attending. Stuff that we should have taken care of long before today," she said with a trace of a smile.

She thought that I had no idea what the heck she was referring to! I inwardly smiled but then was almost caught out myself when she said, "Whatever have you spilled on your tee-shirt? You need to get changed and put that in the laundry."


Sandy's *** was my first taste (innuendo intended) of an older man and I liked it. If nothing else it only served my desire to stop playing with immature boys and to devote my efforts to attracting the attention of more sophisticated and experienced men. I didn't have to look far to find my next 'conquest'.

I loved my years at High School. Teen girls and boys spending all day together, horny all the time, being with hot-looking teachers of both genders who were so obviously sexually experienced. I'm not sure how we managed to get any schoolwork done, all we seemed to spend time doing was to talk about who of the teachers we'd like to fuck with or about ones we knew for sure were doing students and each other.

It was so natural for girls to flirt with the male teachers with very predictable arousal consequences and I'm sure the boys were so overtly turned on by the female teachers that they were forever excusing themselves to go off to the washrooms to have a wank to relieve themselves; I know us girls did!

There was one teacher that I set my sights on. He appeared to be everything I thought a sophisticated mature man should be. He taught French; he had a great name, Mr. Breton (or should that have been Monsieur Breton?!); he was in his mid-30s, married with a couple of kids, and had that kind of dark colour, not black, that suggested he was Moroccan or Algerian; very attractive. It was an open-secret between us girl students in his class that he was fucking one of the young single female teachers, who was only 5 years older than us. That was so cool and they weren't even trying to hide it. She was so hot that I knew if he had her, he must be really special and I just had to have some of that for myself.

So began my game-plan which started with me teasing him for awhile. I started adding very suggestive notes at the bottom of submitted essays which he had set for homework and I knew he'd have to read. He responded to each one, carefully but with similar suggestive comments which were in the same vein. Once I knew that I had his attention and that we were on the same page, so to speak, I drew 2 pictures of a pussy, one bald, one hairy, asking what the French translation was for vaginas in this condition. His answer was a simple drawing of a big hard dripping cock. Risky for him to do, but I knew then that I had him.

Within a week we had our first date. A nice restaurant, French of course, with a lot of dirty talk, then we went parking for some very serious kissy feely, including him fingering me to an orgasm before he dropped me off a block from home.

The next date dispensed with any preamble of taking me out for a nice evening, we went straight to a motel on the other side of town. I was so excited that my wish to have an older man fuck me was about to come true I think I was dripping as we went through and closed the door behind us. It was even more exciting that it was going to be a teacher from school who my girlfriends would be seeing afterwards. It took no time at all for us to strip off our clothes and to tumble on to the bed where he proved himself to be a teacher of more than just French.

I held my breath as I felt his hands all over me, feeling; fondling; caressing; squeezing; probing and touching every sensitive place I had (and there's a lot of those!) before he pushed me onto my back and made me spread my legs so he could kneel between. I didn't need any encouragement and I gasped when I felt, not his hand, but the hard gristle of his stiff cock press against my pussy mound. He kinda slid down and the sensation of feeling that thing rub against my prominent clit just drove me wild with a longing to feel it inside me. I didn't have to wait long, he slowly moved downward and I guess all those hours playing with my hairbrush and various vegetables paid off for I was wide open and suddenly his fat cock slid inside my wet pussy. Oh God, the feeling as he pushed inside was divine.

Over the course of the next couple of hours he taught me so much more than his core subject. He seemed to know everything (even more than Annabel) and I was his willing pupil. I told him that I felt I was acting out scenes from Annabel's magazines, which amused him greatly, and he asked me to describe some in greater detail which led to him trying to give me my first anal (that hurt a little that first time). He seemed to know exactly how to please a girl (especially this girl!) and after I told him about one particular magazine he encouraged me to piss with him in the shower before giving me my first tit-fuck which resulted in a cumshot right into my mouth.

He loved to hear me talk about the other girls in class that he taught and, when referring to the drawings that I had made, as to whether they were smooth or hairy, his big beautiful cock twitched and I swear got even harder. I described as much details as I could from what I saw in the showers and changing rooms at the school gym and that sent him wild at the thought that maybe he might be able to give more of his pupils these 'private lessons'.

The exchange of information wasn't all one-way and I asked him about that other girl teacher and whether the rumours were true and he didn't deny it. (Later we had a threesome with her, her first time with a girl she said, but I doubt it. However, that's a complete other story).

Being with Monsieur Breton firmed up my opinions that older men were much more interesting than schoolboys (especially if the schoolboys were Jocks!) and from those days on I focused my energies on the older generation. As far as Sandy was concerned, it wasn't an issue for he graduated at the end of the school year and that coincided with his ****** moving away so I didn't have to find excuses for not visiting him in his basement 'playroom'. (Pity about not getting to get closer with his *** though).

As for Monsieur Breton, he wasn't quite as smart as I gave him credit for; amidst a swirl of rumour he was dismissed from the school and the buzz was that he had been caught with 'someone'. Whether or not it was his wife who had found out or maybe one of the 'someone's' boyfriends was never established, I was just happy that the finger wasn't being pointed at me … or at least I don't think I was suspected as being the guilty party. No matter, by the time he disappeared I had already attracted the attention of other school staff including one of the male swimming coaches but that, as I say, is quite another story.
